Maria Dearneley
ID# 14995, b. about 1652, d. April 1652

Maria Dearneley was born about 1652
Maria Dearneley was the daughter of John Dearnely (IV) and Mary (?)

Maria Dearneley died in April 1652 at Padfield, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.

Maria Dearneley was buried on 3 June 1652 at All Saints, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
The RootsWeb transcription has 03 Jun 1653 for this burial.
see RootsWeb Glossop Burials 1620 - 1696
FamilySearch has 03 Jun 1652.
see RootsWeb Glossop Burials 1620 - 1696
FamilySearch has 03 Jun 1652.