Imma (?) of Allemania
ID# 1131
Child of Imma (?) of Allemania and Gerald I (?) of Savoy
- Hildegard (?) of Vinzgau+ b. abt 758, d. 783
Amaltrud (?) of Vienne
ID# 1132, b. about 775

Amaltrud (?) of Vienne was born about 775

Amaltrud (?) of Vienne married Charlemagne (?), son of Pippin (?) the Younger and Bertrada (?) of Laon, about 795
Child of Amaltrud (?) of Vienne and Charlemagne (?)
- Alpaide (?) b. abt 780
Alpaide (?)
ID# 1133, b. about 780

Alpaide (?) was born about 780
Alpaide (?) was the daughter of Charlemagne (?) and Amaltrud (?) of Vienne.
Arnoldus (?) of Saxony
ID# 1134, b. about 562, d. 601

Arnoldus (?) of Saxony married Dode (Oda) (?) of Heristal

Arnoldus (?) of Saxony was born about 562 at Old Saxony, Germany,
Arnoldus (?) of Saxony was the son of Ausbert (?) of Moselle and Berthe Kent Queen of Kent.

Arnoldus (?) of Saxony died in 601
Child of Arnoldus (?) of Saxony and Dode (Oda) (?) of Heristal
- Arnulf (?) of Metz+ b. 13 Aug 582, d. abt 640
Dode (Oda) (?) of Heristal
ID# 1135, b. about 556, d. after 611

Dode (Oda) (?) of Heristal married Arnoldus (?) of Saxony, son of Ausbert (?) of Moselle and Berthe Kent Queen of Kent,

Dode (Oda) (?) of Heristal was born about 556 at Heristal, Liege, Belgium,

Dode (Oda) (?) of Heristal died after 611
Child of Dode (Oda) (?) of Heristal and Arnoldus (?) of Saxony
- Arnulf (?) of Metz+ b. 13 Aug 582, d. abt 640
Ausbert (?) of Moselle
ID# 1136, b. about 536, d. about 570

Ausbert (?) of Moselle was born about 536 at Old Saxony, Germany,
Ausbert (?) of Moselle was the son of Ferreolus (?) Duke of Moselle and Outeria (?) Duchess of Moselle.

Ausbert (?) of Moselle married Berthe Kent Queen of Kent, daughter of Charibert I (?) King of Paris and Ingoberge (?) Queen of Paris, about 561

Ausbert (?) of Moselle died about 570
Child of Ausbert (?) of Moselle and Berthe Kent Queen of Kent
- Arnoldus (?) of Saxony+ b. abt 562, d. 601
Berthe Kent Queen of Kent
ID# 1137, b. about 541, d. 580

Berthe (Aldeberge, Blithildis) KENT Queen of Kent
aka:Aldeberge, Blithildis.
aka:Aldeberge, Blithildis.

Berthe Kent Queen of Kent was born about 541 at Paris, Seine, France,
Berthe Kent Queen of Kent was the daughter of Charibert I (?) King of Paris and Ingoberge (?) Queen of Paris.

Berthe Kent Queen of Kent married Ausbert (?) of Moselle, son of Ferreolus (?) Duke of Moselle and Outeria (?) Duchess of Moselle, about 561

Berthe Kent Queen of Kent died in 580
Child of Berthe Kent Queen of Kent and Ausbert (?) of Moselle
- Arnoldus (?) of Saxony+ b. abt 562, d. 601
Charibert I (?) King of Paris
ID# 1138, b. 520, d. 7 May 570

Charibert I (?) King of Paris was buried at Abbaye de St Vincent, Paris, France,

Charibert I (?) King of Paris married Ingoberge (?) Queen of Paris

Charibert I (?) King of Paris was born in 520 at Paris, Île-de-France, France,

Charibert I (?) King of Paris died on 7 May 570 at age 50 years
Child of Charibert I (?) King of Paris and Ingoberge (?) Queen of Paris
- Berthe Kent Queen of Kent+ b. abt 541, d. 580
Ingoberge (?) Queen of Paris
ID# 1139, b. about 520, d. 589

Ingoberge (?) Queen of Paris married Charibert I (?) King of Paris

Ingoberge (?) Queen of Paris was born about 520 at Paris, Seine, France,

Ingoberge (?) Queen of Paris died in 589
Child of Ingoberge (?) Queen of Paris and Charibert I (?) King of Paris
- Berthe Kent Queen of Kent+ b. abt 541, d. 580
Ferreolus (?) Duke of Moselle
ID# 1140, b. about 465

Ferreolus (?) Duke of Moselle was born about 465 at Moselle, Austrasia, France,
Ferreolus (?) Duke of Moselle was the son of Sigimberus I (?) Bishop of Auvergne and Miss Tonantius.

Ferreolus (?) Duke of Moselle married Outeria (?) Duchess of Moselle about 524
Child of Ferreolus (?) Duke of Moselle and Outeria (?) Duchess of Moselle
- Ausbert (?) of Moselle+ b. abt 536, d. abt 570