George Stringer
ID# 4251, b. 1744, d. 1826

George Stringer was born in 1744 at Emley, Yorkshire, England,
George Stringer was the son of George Stringer and Elizabeth (?)

in 1826 George Stringer lived at Emley Woodhouse, Yorkshire, England,

George Stringer was buried in 1826 at Wooley, Yorkshire, England,

George Stringer died in 1826 at Emley Woodhouse, Yorkshire, England, at age 82 years
(?) Stringer
ID# 4252, b. about 1810

(?) Stringer was born about 1810
(?) Stringer was the son of Charles Stringer and Elizabeth (?)
John Dearnalley
ID# 4253, b. 1719, d. March 1795

John Dearnalley was born in 1719 at Birstall, Yorkshire, England,
John Dearnalley was the son of Edward Dearnley and Sarah Healey.

in 1743 John Dearnalley lived at Birstall, Yorkshire, England,

John Dearnalley married Hannah Allen, daughter of John Allen, on 23 October 1743 at Woolley Parish Church, Woolley, Yorkshire, England,
Birstall Parish Register:
"23/10/1743 John Dearnalley, Birstall Parish, Age 24, Father Edward of Robertown married Hannah Allen (27) of Thornhill parish, Father john of Thornhill".
Another FamilySearch entry shows 15 Aug 1743.

in 1746 John Dearnalley lived at Hightown, Yorkshire, England,
West Riding BMDs (Ancestry) has christenings at Cleckheaton Chapel, in the parish of Birstall, St Peters:
13 Aug 1749 John son of Jno Dernally of Hightown
26 --- 1746 --- daughter of John Dearningley of Hightown (the month and name are unreadable)
13 Aug 1758 William son of John Dernally of Hightown.
13 Aug 1749 John son of Jno Dernally of Hightown
26 --- 1746 --- daughter of John Dearningley of Hightown (the month and name are unreadable)
13 Aug 1758 William son of John Dernally of Hightown.

in 1748 John Dearnalley was a Carrier.

Possibly a son Joshua in the gap 1750-1757.
The signature of Dan Halmshaw, a witness at the marriage of Joshua D & Mary Long, is similar to the signature of the Dan Halmshaw who married John's daughter Hannah in 1788 also at St. Peter's, Leeds.
see Dan Halmshaw
see Hannah Dernally
- JAD.
The signature of Dan Halmshaw, a witness at the marriage of Joshua D & Mary Long, is similar to the signature of the Dan Halmshaw who married John's daughter Hannah in 1788 also at St. Peter's, Leeds.
see Dan Halmshaw
see Hannah Dernally
- JAD.

in 1758 John Dearnalley lived at Hightown, Yorkshire, England,

Administration Sarah Dearnaly & sons John Dearnaly & Samuel Dearnaly
re: Edward Dearnaly of Robertown
1 Know all men by these presents that we Sarah Dearnaly of
2 Robert Town in ye parish of Birstal and county of York
3 widow John Dearnaly of High Town in ye parish of Birstal
4 and county of York carrier and Samuel Dearnaly of
5 the same place saddler
6 do stand and are firmly bounden and obliged unto the worshipful Francis
7 ?Jophain doctor of laws commissary of
8 the exchequer court of the most reverend father in
9 God Robert by divine providence Lord Arch-Bishop of York primate
10 of England and metropolitan lawfully constituted in the sum of four
11 hundred pounds of good and
12 lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to the said commissary or his true
13 and lawful attorney, executors, administrators or assigns; to the which pay
14 ment well and truly to be made we bind us and every of us, jointly and seve
15 rally for and in the whole, our and every of our heirs, executors and admini
16 strators and every of them firmly by these presents sealed with our seals. Dated
17 the eight day of the month of March in the
18 year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty five
19 The condition of this obligation is such, that if the above bounden
20 Sarah Dearnaly widow relict and sole
21 administratrix of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of Edward
22 Dearnaly late of Robert Town afores[ai]d
23 and diocese of York, farmer, deceased
24 do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods
25 chattles and credits, of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands
26 possession or knowledge of her the said Sarah Dearnaly
27 or into the hands and possession of any other person or
28 persons for her and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited
29 into the registry of the exchequer court in York at or before the
30 eight day of september next ensuing and the same goods
31 chattles and credits and all other the goods, chattles and credits, of the said decea
32 sed at the tinme of his death, which at any time after shall come to the hands
33 or possession of the said Sarah Dearnaly or into
34 the hands and possession of any other person or persons for her do well and truly
35 administer according to the law and further do make or cause to be made a true
36 and just acount of her said administration at or before the eight
37 day of March next ensuing and all the rest and residue of the
38 said goods, chattles and credits which shall be found remaining upon the said
39 administratrixs accompt the same being first examined and allowed of by the judge
40 or judges for the time being of the said court, shall deliver and pay unto such person
41 or persons respectively, as the said judge or judges by his or their decree or sentence
42 pursuant to the true intent and meaning of the act of parliament in that behalf made
43 shall limit and appoint. And if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and testament
44 was made by the said deceased and the executor or executors therein named, do exhibit
45 the same into the said court making request to have it allowed and approved accordingly
46 if the said Sarah Dearnaly above bounden being
47 thereunto required do render and deliver the said letters of administration (approba
48 tion of such testament being first had and made) in the said court, then this obligation
49 to be void and of none effect or else to remain in full force and virtue
50 sealed and delivered in the presence of J Whitworth
51 the mark of Sarah Dearnaly John Dearnaly Samuel Dearnaly
Transcribed by Marie Ball
April 2012.
re: Edward Dearnaly of Robertown
1 Know all men by these presents that we Sarah Dearnaly of
2 Robert Town in ye parish of Birstal and county of York
3 widow John Dearnaly of High Town in ye parish of Birstal
4 and county of York carrier and Samuel Dearnaly of
5 the same place saddler
6 do stand and are firmly bounden and obliged unto the worshipful Francis
7 ?Jophain doctor of laws commissary of
8 the exchequer court of the most reverend father in
9 God Robert by divine providence Lord Arch-Bishop of York primate
10 of England and metropolitan lawfully constituted in the sum of four
11 hundred pounds of good and
12 lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to the said commissary or his true
13 and lawful attorney, executors, administrators or assigns; to the which pay
14 ment well and truly to be made we bind us and every of us, jointly and seve
15 rally for and in the whole, our and every of our heirs, executors and admini
16 strators and every of them firmly by these presents sealed with our seals. Dated
17 the eight day of the month of March in the
18 year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty five
19 The condition of this obligation is such, that if the above bounden
20 Sarah Dearnaly widow relict and sole
21 administratrix of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of Edward
22 Dearnaly late of Robert Town afores[ai]d
23 and diocese of York, farmer, deceased
24 do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods
25 chattles and credits, of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands
26 possession or knowledge of her the said Sarah Dearnaly
27 or into the hands and possession of any other person or
28 persons for her and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited
29 into the registry of the exchequer court in York at or before the
30 eight day of september next ensuing and the same goods
31 chattles and credits and all other the goods, chattles and credits, of the said decea
32 sed at the tinme of his death, which at any time after shall come to the hands
33 or possession of the said Sarah Dearnaly or into
34 the hands and possession of any other person or persons for her do well and truly
35 administer according to the law and further do make or cause to be made a true
36 and just acount of her said administration at or before the eight
37 day of March next ensuing and all the rest and residue of the
38 said goods, chattles and credits which shall be found remaining upon the said
39 administratrixs accompt the same being first examined and allowed of by the judge
40 or judges for the time being of the said court, shall deliver and pay unto such person
41 or persons respectively, as the said judge or judges by his or their decree or sentence
42 pursuant to the true intent and meaning of the act of parliament in that behalf made
43 shall limit and appoint. And if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and testament
44 was made by the said deceased and the executor or executors therein named, do exhibit
45 the same into the said court making request to have it allowed and approved accordingly
46 if the said Sarah Dearnaly above bounden being
47 thereunto required do render and deliver the said letters of administration (approba
48 tion of such testament being first had and made) in the said court, then this obligation
49 to be void and of none effect or else to remain in full force and virtue
50 sealed and delivered in the presence of J Whitworth
51 the mark of Sarah Dearnaly John Dearnaly Samuel Dearnaly
Transcribed by Marie Ball
April 2012.

about 1790 John Dearnalley was a Farmer.

John Dearnalley died in March 1795 at Hightown, Yorkshire, England, at age 76 years

John Dearnalley was buried on 27 March 1795 at St. Peters, Birstall, Yorkshire, England,
recorded as 'John Dearnally of Hightown farmer aged 76. '
Children of John Dearnalley and Hannah Allen
- Hannah Dernally+ b. Jul 1744
- Sarah Derneley b. Sep 1746, d. Nov 1747
- Alice Dearnley b. Mar 1747
- John Dearnaley+ b. Jul 1749
- William Dearnley+ b. Jul 1758, d. Oct 1841
Hannah Allen
ID# 4254, b. August 1716

Hannah Allen was born in August 1716 at Thornhill, Yorkshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Hannah Allen was the daughter of John Allen.

Hannah Allen was baptised on 12 September 1716 at Thornhill, Yorkshire, England,

Hannah Allen married John Dearnalley, son of Edward Dearnley and Sarah Healey, on 23 October 1743 at Woolley Parish Church, Woolley, Yorkshire, England,
Birstall Parish Register:
"23/10/1743 John Dearnalley, Birstall Parish, Age 24, Father Edward of Robertown married Hannah Allen (27) of Thornhill parish, Father john of Thornhill".
Another FamilySearch entry shows 15 Aug 1743.
Children of Hannah Allen and John Dearnalley
- Hannah Dernally+ b. Jul 1744
- Sarah Derneley b. Sep 1746, d. Nov 1747
- Alice Dearnley b. Mar 1747
- John Dearnaley+ b. Jul 1749
- William Dearnley+ b. Jul 1758, d. Oct 1841
John Allen
ID# 4255, b. about 1688

John Allen was born about 1688
Child of John Allen
- Hannah Allen+ b. Aug 1716
Florence Wilson
ID# 4256, b. 1870

Florence Wilson was born in 1870 at Wragby, Lincolnshire, England,

Florence Wilson was born in 1870 at Wintersett, Wakefield, Yorkshire, England,
Florence Wilson was the daughter of Jeremiah Wilson and Margaret Morgan.

in 1871 Florence Wilson lived at West Hardwick, Yorkshire, England,

Florence Wilson was born in 1871 at Wakefield, Yorkshire, England,

in 1881 Florence Wilson lived at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, England,

in 1891 Florence Wilson was a Dressmaker.

in 1891 Florence Wilson lived at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, England,

in 1901 Florence Wilson lived at 3 Holgate Terrace, Middlesborough, Yorkshire, England,
Mary Wilson
ID# 4257, b. 1871

Mary Wilson was born in 1871 at Wragby, Lincolnshire, England,

in 1871 Mary Wilson lived at West Hardwick, Yorkshire, England,

Mary Wilson was born in 1871 at West Hardwick, Yorkshire, England,
Mary Wilson was the daughter of Jeremiah Wilson and Margaret Morgan.

in 1881 Mary Wilson lived at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, England,

in 1891 Mary Wilson lived at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, England,
Sarah Wilson
ID# 4258, b. 1873

Sarah Wilson was born in 1873 at Wintersett, Wakefield, Yorkshire, England,
Sarah Wilson was the daughter of Jeremiah Wilson and Margaret Morgan.

in 1881 Sarah Wilson lived at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, England,

in 1891 Sarah Wilson was a Assistant in Shoe Shop.

in 1891 Sarah Wilson lived at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, England,
Charles Wilson
ID# 4259, b. 1875

He was born in Wintersett in 1875. Wintersett is a small hamlet s.e. of Wakefield in Wragby Parish, Yorkshire.
By the time he was 6 he was living in Providence Terrace, Stockton on Tees (, 100 miles from Wintersett with his mother and siblings but not his father (Jeremiah).
Jeremiah was living in the Anglers Arms, Wintersett with his own father (George Wilson, Charles' Grandfather).
In 1886 his father (Jeremiah) died in Hemsworth, probably Wintersett.
In 1888 his Grandfather (George Wilson) died. George was a relatively wealthy man, farmer of 90 acres and owner of the Anglers Retreat Inn in Wintersett (photo).
In 1891 he was living in Parliament Street, Stockton on Tees.
In 1901 he was a Trooper at Regent's Park Barracks, London.

Charles Wilson was born in 1875 at Wragby, Lincolnshire, England,

Charles Wilson was born in 1875 at Wintersett, Wakefield, Yorkshire, England,
Charles Wilson was the son of Jeremiah Wilson and Margaret Morgan.

in 1881 Charles Wilson lived at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, England,

in 1891 Charles Wilson was a Assistant in Sawmill.

in 1891 Charles Wilson lived at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, England,
Lawrence Wilson
ID# 4260, b. 1879

Lawrence Wilson was born in 1879 at Wakefield, Yorkshire, England,

Lawrence Wilson was born in 1879 at Crofton, Wakefield, Yorkshire, England,
Lawrence Wilson was the son of Jeremiah Wilson and Margaret Morgan.

in 1881 Lawrence Wilson lived at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, England,

in 1891 Lawrence Wilson lived at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, England,

in 1901 Lawrence Wilson was a Shop assistant.

in 1901 Lawrence Wilson lived at 3 Holgate Terrace, Middlesborough, Yorkshire, England,