George Derneley
ID# 14853, b. about 1600, d. about December 1646

The only currently known Derwent residents are this George D & a Roger D (c.1530-).
Possibly grandfather & [gt-] grandson ?
see Roger Darneley.
Possibly grandfather & [gt-] grandson ?
see Roger Darneley.

George Derneley was a Linen Webster.

George Derneley was born about 1600

George Derneley married Alice Chapman on 2 May 1621 at Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire, England,
The Chapel en Le Frith Marriage Transcript shows George as from Darwen.
The National Gazetteer of 1868 described Derwent as "a chapelry in the parish of Hathersage, hundred of High Peak, in the county of Derby, 3¾ miles N.E. of Castleton, and 11 W. of Sheffield". The village disappeared under the Ladybower Reservoir in 1943.
Spellings include Darwen, Darwyn, Darwin, Darwent. -JAD.

in 1646 George Derneley lived at Derwent, Hathersadge, Derbyshire, England,

George Dernilly/Dernelly is named in the March 1646 will of Adam Troute of Darwend, cloathyer, (indexed as Adam Trowt on findmypast).
George was owed 2s6d, and was left half a peck of meal (as were a lot of other people).
George was owed 2s6d, and was left half a peck of meal (as were a lot of other people).

George Derneley left a will on 4 November 1646 at Derwent, Hathersage, Derbyshire, England.
Will of George Derneley of Hathersage
1 In the name of God Amen the fourth day of November in the yeare
2 of our Lord God 1646 I George Dernellie of Derwent in the parish of
3 Hathersadge & countye of Derbie linen webster beinge weak in bodie
4 but perfecte in mynde thankes be given to God therefore doe make ordaine
5 constitute & appoynt this my last will & testament in manner & forme
6 followinge, first & principally I bequeath to Almightie God my soule
7 trustinge through the meritts & mediacon of Christ Jesus to be partak
8 -er of everlastinge life and my bodie to the earth from whence it came
9 to be buried at the discretion of my executor
10 first I give & bequeath to John Morten milner the right & possession of
11 my house & crofte & all thereunto belonginge except a beddroome which I
12 give & leave to Elizabeth Cocke Item I give unto Elizabeth Cocke my bedd
13 & all my beddcloase & one great Potte & one little panne & foure dublers
14 & one coffer in the house & one little Potte and whereas John March
15 -enton (?Marchington) oweth me a certaine summe of money which I have made a letter of
16 atturney of to Joseph Eyre my minde & will is that after my funerall
17 expences debts and legacies be paide & discharged out of itt that Elizabeth
18 Cocke shall have the remainder if anie such bee, Item I give to Thomas
19 Brownhill sixe pence Item I give to John Brownhill sixe pence Item I
20 give & bequeath unto John Morten aforesaid all the rest of my goods
21 not heretofore bequeathed Item I nominate & appoynt the foresaid John
22 Morten sole executor of this my last will & testament hopeing he will
23 performe it accordinge to my minde and I desire & appoint my welbeloved
24 frends Joseph Eyre & Nicholas Troute overseers of this my last will
25 & testament In wittnesse whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale the
26 day & yeare abovesaid
27 sealed & subscribed
28 unto in presence of
29 Nicholas Troute
30 Hen Robinson &
31 Lawrence Greene
The probate appears to spell the executor's name as Johan Martin
line 23 a maund is a wicker or woven basket having a handle according to the OED
line 11 a dublor (doubler), also in body of the will, can have several meanings from the OED. It may be a blanket used in calico
printing, part of a still or almost anything used in a double form.
line 16 and 22 a fitte. I found no useful meaning in the OED
line 22 a doshen. I couldn't find this in the OED
transcribed by Marie Ball
1 In the name of God Amen the fourth day of November in the yeare
2 of our Lord God 1646 I George Dernellie of Derwent in the parish of
3 Hathersadge & countye of Derbie linen webster beinge weak in bodie
4 but perfecte in mynde thankes be given to God therefore doe make ordaine
5 constitute & appoynt this my last will & testament in manner & forme
6 followinge, first & principally I bequeath to Almightie God my soule
7 trustinge through the meritts & mediacon of Christ Jesus to be partak
8 -er of everlastinge life and my bodie to the earth from whence it came
9 to be buried at the discretion of my executor
10 first I give & bequeath to John Morten milner the right & possession of
11 my house & crofte & all thereunto belonginge except a beddroome which I
12 give & leave to Elizabeth Cocke Item I give unto Elizabeth Cocke my bedd
13 & all my beddcloase & one great Potte & one little panne & foure dublers
14 & one coffer in the house & one little Potte and whereas John March
15 -enton (?Marchington) oweth me a certaine summe of money which I have made a letter of
16 atturney of to Joseph Eyre my minde & will is that after my funerall
17 expences debts and legacies be paide & discharged out of itt that Elizabeth
18 Cocke shall have the remainder if anie such bee, Item I give to Thomas
19 Brownhill sixe pence Item I give to John Brownhill sixe pence Item I
20 give & bequeath unto John Morten aforesaid all the rest of my goods
21 not heretofore bequeathed Item I nominate & appoynt the foresaid John
22 Morten sole executor of this my last will & testament hopeing he will
23 performe it accordinge to my minde and I desire & appoint my welbeloved
24 frends Joseph Eyre & Nicholas Troute overseers of this my last will
25 & testament In wittnesse whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale the
26 day & yeare abovesaid
27 sealed & subscribed
28 unto in presence of
29 Nicholas Troute
30 Hen Robinson &
31 Lawrence Greene
The probate appears to spell the executor's name as Johan Martin
Inventory | |
1 A true & perfect inventorie of all the goods of George | |
2 Dernelly deceased vewed & prised the eighteenth day | |
3 of Februarie Anno Domini 1646 by Joseph Eyre gent | |
4 Nicholas Troute John Badgshawe & Lawrence | |
5 Greene as followeth------------------------------ | li----s-----d |
6 Imprimis his purse & apparell---------------------- | 0----1-----0 |
7 Item a peire of blanketts & ij coverletts------------ | 0----3-----0 |
8 Item one featherbedd ij bolsters & one pillow------ | 1----0-----4 |
9 Item one stone trough & ij tubbs------------------- | 0----5-----0 |
10 Item barley--------------------------------------- | 0----0-----6 |
11 Item v dublors one saucer one brass candle } | |
12 sticke & one pewter candlesticke }------- | 0---10-----6 |
13 Item one board cloath---------------------------- | 0----1-----0 |
14 Item ij cheists------------------------------------- | 0---18-----0 |
15 Item ij brasse potts & a little brasse panne-------- | 1----1-----0 |
16 Item one fytte & a loome------------------------- | 0----2-----4 |
17 Item a peire of weighscales with beame and } | |
18 brasse halfe pound }--- | 0--- -1-----8 |
19 Item ij tables & their frames---------------------- | 0-----8-----0 |
20 Item one forme with cheers & stooles------------ | 0-----2-----0 |
21 Item quishens------------------------------------ | 0-----0----10 |
22 Item a boxe a doshen a little tubb & a fitte-------- | 0-----1-----0 |
23 Item a maund a little iron teame old iron night } | |
24 ropes a wascoate & ij pillowbeeres }-- | 0-----5-----0 |
25 Item a peire of clogg wheeles a stone morter } | |
26 a barrell a fanne fish pannes a trecle } | |
27 barrell & iij trenchers }------------- | 0-----5-----0 |
28 Item a salt and a saucer-------------------------- | 0-----0-----4 |
29 Item husslement of house------------------------- | 0-----4-----0 |
30 Debts oweinge to the saide George Dernelly | |
31 Item John Marchenton---------------------------- | 8-----0-----0 |
32 George Yeollotte--------------------------------- | 0-----9-----0 |
33 Henrie Thorpe------------------------------------ | 0-----1-----0 |
34 Summe totalis------------------------------------ | 14----05----06 |
line 23 a maund is a wicker or woven basket having a handle according to the OED
line 11 a dublor (doubler), also in body of the will, can have several meanings from the OED. It may be a blanket used in calico
printing, part of a still or almost anything used in a double form.
line 16 and 22 a fitte. I found no useful meaning in the OED
line 22 a doshen. I couldn't find this in the OED
transcribed by Marie Ball

George Derneley died about December 1646
Alice Chapman
ID# 14854, b. about 1600, d. May 1639

Alice Chapman was born about 1600

Alice Chapman married George Derneley on 2 May 1621 at Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire, England,
The Chapel en Le Frith Marriage Transcript shows George as from Darwen.
The National Gazetteer of 1868 described Derwent as "a chapelry in the parish of Hathersage, hundred of High Peak, in the county of Derby, 3¾ miles N.E. of Castleton, and 11 W. of Sheffield". The village disappeared under the Ladybower Reservoir in 1943.
Spellings include Darwen, Darwyn, Darwin, Darwent. -JAD.

Alice Chapman died in May 1639 at Derbyshire, England,

Alice Chapman was buried on 16 May 1639 at Hathersage, Derbyshire, England,
Recorded as 'Alicia uxor Georgii Dearnly.'
George Dyneley
ID# 14855, b. November 1608, d. 14 July 1611

George Dyneley was born in November 1608 at Swillington, Yorkshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
George Dyneley was the son of John Dyneley and Unknown (?)

George Dyneley was baptised on 11 December 1608 at Swillington, Leeds, Yorkshire, England,

George Dyneley died on 14 July 1611 at Swillington, Leeds, Yorkshire, England, at age 2 years and 8 months
John Dyneley
ID# 14856, b. about 1580

John Dyneley was born about 1580

John Dyneley married Unknown (?) about 1601

in 1608 John Dyneley lived at Swillington, Leeds, Yorkshire, England,
Child of John Dyneley and Unknown (?)
- George Dyneley b. Nov 1608, d. 14 Jul 1611
Unknown (?)
ID# 14857, b. about 1580

Unknown (?) was born about 1580

Unknown (?) married John Dyneley about 1601
Child of Unknown (?) and John Dyneley
- George Dyneley b. Nov 1608, d. 14 Jul 1611
Ann Melloy
ID# 14858, b. 1852
- Charts
- John Dearnelly (1801-)

Ann Melloy was born in 1852 at Manchester, Lancashire, England,
Ann Melloy was the daughter of James Melloy and Mary Ann Dearnley.
Alfred Melloy
ID# 14859, b. 1858
- Charts
- John Dearnelly (1801-)

Alfred Melloy was born in 1858 at Manchester, Lancashire, England,
Alfred Melloy was the son of James Melloy and Mary Ann Dearnley.
Mary Melloy
ID# 14860, b. February 1861
- Charts
- John Dearnelly (1801-)

Mary Melloy was born in February 1861 at Manchester, Lancashire, England,
Mary Melloy was the daughter of James Melloy and Mary Ann Dearnley.