Thomas Matterson
ID# 17711, b. 1839

Thomas Matterson was born in 1839 at Yorkshire, England,
Thomas Matterson was the son of John Mottisher and Hannah Hall.
Mary Ann Whalley
ID# 17712, b. 1870
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Mary Ann Whalley was born in 1870 at Hadfield, Derbyshire, England,
Mary Ann Whalley was the daughter of John Whalley and Emma Dearnaley.
Eliza Ellen Whalley
ID# 17713, b. about November 1867
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Eliza Ellen Whalley was born about November 1867 at Oswaldtwisle, Lancashire, England,
Eliza Ellen Whalley was the daughter of John Whalley and Emma Dearnaley.
Rycharde Deneley younger
ID# 17714, b. about 1520

This family is probably from the Audley area in Staffordshire.
The Lichfield index of Richard's will shows 'Audley'.
There is no mention of Audley that I can see in the will, but there is a mention of Cheston, indicated to be an abbreviation, so I take this to be Chesterton which is indeed near Audley in Staffordshire. -JAD.
The Lichfield index of Richard's will shows 'Audley'.
There is no mention of Audley that I can see in the will, but there is a mention of Cheston, indicated to be an abbreviation, so I take this to be Chesterton which is indeed near Audley in Staffordshire. -JAD.

Rycharde Deneley younger was born about 1520
Richard's father was alive at the time of his 1551 will. (an executor.)
Rycharde Deneley younger was the son of Rycharde Deneley and (?) (?)

Rycharde Deneley younger married Moyde (?) about 1541

Rycharde Deneley younger left a will on 3 July 1551.
Will of Rycharde Deneley 1551
Hieroglyphics and abbreviations for words have been expanded thus: (and), w(ith), sist(er).
Indecipherable characters are indicated with a dash. Indecipherable words are indicated by … .
Guesses are in italics.
In the name of god ame(n) (the) thyrde day of July (the) year owr lorde god (one thousand)
five hu(n)dred and fifty I Rycharde Deneley young(e)r sycke in body and wholl in
sowle good (and) stedfast of mynde make my wyll (and) testame(n)t in forme folloyng fryst
I bequeathe my soule to allmyghty god (and) in to dwell w(ith) hym in (the) Regyon of light
et … And I beq(u)este my buryed as my frendes thynke best Also I wyll that
viijs be devyded unto (the) poore there at most nedy ys by (the) handes of
Rycharde abowt as he wyll Also I gyve to Elsabet Deneley my kynsswom(a)n
xijd Also I gyve Thom(a)s my brother (the) paidy or anvell w(ith) the bellyes in (the) next
smythy w(ith) half of all (the) lomes in both symthes for the whyche (the) sayd Thomas is
so(me)time to gyve to Margery (and) Marget my chylldren in (the) day of marriage and
to either of them vjs viijd Also I gyve to my father my best dublet Also I gyve
Thom(a)s Deneley my sarbut my kendolle cote and my old(est) ford(er)more I gyve to my
sist(er) Marget a blacke twynt heffer Also to my father in lawe my soft
hosyn and to Thom(a)s my brother (the) other hossyn ford(er)more I have
takyn a pastur called lylkooks hey of Thom(a)s Auwen and have payd all
Rent a fore hande for (the) space of five yeres next ensuynge (the) dat
here of (the) time begynayng at saynt mary day in Marche last past and (the)
Thom(a)s to discharge me (and) mine assygnes ageynst kyng and lorde duringe
yhe sayd time whyche time I assygne to Moyde my wyff and
fordermore (the) landes that have taken of John Borne of Ches(ter)ton I assygne
lykewyse also I assygne to my wyff and children (the) tusted w(ith) rounde
Moyde th-s two -rappes and (the) Reversyon of koyst ley untyll saynt
mar(i)e day come twel(ve)mont(h) Also I have takyn of Will(ia)m Byrts all (the) wholl byre
for iij yeres (the) time begynnyng at saynt Elyn day last past ford(er)more
the resydu of all my goodes and tacke ast … I am broght home and my debtes
and bequests payd I gyve the one half to Moyde my wyff and the other
halff to my chylldren be equall por(t)yons and there I make Rycharde
my father and Moyde my wyff my lafall execouters to excout and
fulfyll thys my last will in helth of my sowle ford(er)more I make Roger
Hydyn Rycharde Olowt Rycharde Hydyn ov(er)syers to p(er)forme (the) same
In wytenes here of Jeffrey Hets chaplayne w(ith) thes aforesaid and others
… …
Rycharde Deneley the young(e)r
Transcribed by Janet Davies
December 2011
The will is followed by a list of debts owing and owed and an inventory.
Family of Rycharde Deneley named in his 1550 will
Hieroglyphics and abbreviations for words have been expanded thus: (and), w(ith), sist(er).
Indecipherable characters are indicated with a dash. Indecipherable words are indicated by … .
Guesses are in italics.
In the name of god ame(n) (the) thyrde day of July (the) year owr lorde god (one thousand)
five hu(n)dred and fifty I Rycharde Deneley young(e)r sycke in body and wholl in
sowle good (and) stedfast of mynde make my wyll (and) testame(n)t in forme folloyng fryst
I bequeathe my soule to allmyghty god (and) in to dwell w(ith) hym in (the) Regyon of light
et … And I beq(u)este my buryed as my frendes thynke best Also I wyll that
viijs be devyded unto (the) poore there at most nedy ys by (the) handes of
Rycharde abowt as he wyll Also I gyve to Elsabet Deneley my kynsswom(a)n
xijd Also I gyve Thom(a)s my brother (the) paidy or anvell w(ith) the bellyes in (the) next
smythy w(ith) half of all (the) lomes in both symthes for the whyche (the) sayd Thomas is
so(me)time to gyve to Margery (and) Marget my chylldren in (the) day of marriage and
to either of them vjs viijd Also I gyve to my father my best dublet Also I gyve
Thom(a)s Deneley my sarbut my kendolle cote and my old(est) ford(er)more I gyve to my
sist(er) Marget a blacke twynt heffer Also to my father in lawe my soft
hosyn and to Thom(a)s my brother (the) other hossyn ford(er)more I have
takyn a pastur called lylkooks hey of Thom(a)s Auwen and have payd all
Rent a fore hande for (the) space of five yeres next ensuynge (the) dat
here of (the) time begynayng at saynt mary day in Marche last past and (the)
Thom(a)s to discharge me (and) mine assygnes ageynst kyng and lorde duringe
yhe sayd time whyche time I assygne to Moyde my wyff and
fordermore (the) landes that have taken of John Borne of Ches(ter)ton I assygne
lykewyse also I assygne to my wyff and children (the) tusted w(ith) rounde
Moyde th-s two -rappes and (the) Reversyon of koyst ley untyll saynt
mar(i)e day come twel(ve)mont(h) Also I have takyn of Will(ia)m Byrts all (the) wholl byre
for iij yeres (the) time begynnyng at saynt Elyn day last past ford(er)more
the resydu of all my goodes and tacke ast … I am broght home and my debtes
and bequests payd I gyve the one half to Moyde my wyff and the other
halff to my chylldren be equall por(t)yons and there I make Rycharde
my father and Moyde my wyff my lafall execouters to excout and
fulfyll thys my last will in helth of my sowle ford(er)more I make Roger
Hydyn Rycharde Olowt Rycharde Hydyn ov(er)syers to p(er)forme (the) same
In wytenes here of Jeffrey Hets chaplayne w(ith) thes aforesaid and others
… …
Rycharde Deneley the young(e)r
Transcribed by Janet Davies
December 2011
The will is followed by a list of debts owing and owed and an inventory.
Family of Rycharde Deneley named in his 1550 will
His wife: | Moyde |
His father: | Rycharde |
His brother: | Thomas |
His sister: | Marget |
His daughters: | Margery and Marget |
His kinswoman: | Elsabet (see Elsabet Deneley.) |
Children of Rycharde Deneley younger and Moyde (?)
- Margery Deneley b. abt 1542
- Margret Deneley b. abt 1544
Rycharde Deneley
ID# 17715, b. about 1492, d. after August 1551

This family is probably from the Audley area in Staffordshire.
The Lichfield index of his son Richard's will shows 'Audley'.
There is no mention of Audley that I can see in the will, but there is a mention of Cheston, indicated to be an abbreviation, so I take this to be Chesterton which is indeed near Audley in Staffordshire. -JAD.
The Lichfield index of his son Richard's will shows 'Audley'.
There is no mention of Audley that I can see in the will, but there is a mention of Cheston, indicated to be an abbreviation, so I take this to be Chesterton which is indeed near Audley in Staffordshire. -JAD.

Rycharde Deneley was born about 1492

Rycharde Deneley married (?) (?) about 1513

Rycharde Deneley died after August 1551
An executor of his son Rycharde's will of 1551.
Children of Rycharde Deneley and (?) (?)
- Rycharde Deneley younger+ b. abt 1520
- Thomas Deneley b. abt 1522
- Margret Deneley b. abt 1524
(?) (?)
ID# 17716, b. about 1492

(?) (?) was born about 1492

(?) (?) married Rycharde Deneley about 1513
Children of (?) (?) and Rycharde Deneley
- Rycharde Deneley younger+ b. abt 1520
- Thomas Deneley b. abt 1522
- Margret Deneley b. abt 1524
Thomas Deneley
ID# 17717, b. about 1522

Dates are unknown but Thomas is mentioned in his brother Rychard's will of 1551.

Thomas Deneley was born about 1522
Thomas Deneley was the son of Rycharde Deneley and (?) (?)
Moyde (?)
ID# 17718, b. about 1520

Moyde (?) was born about 1520

Moyde (?) married Rycharde Deneley younger, son of Rycharde Deneley and (?) (?), about 1541
Children of Moyde (?) and Rycharde Deneley younger
- Margery Deneley b. abt 1542
- Margret Deneley b. abt 1544
Margery Deneley
ID# 17719, b. about 1542

Dates are unknown but Margery and Margret are unmarried at the time of their father Rychard's will of 1551.

Margery Deneley was born about 1542
Margery Deneley was the daughter of Rycharde Deneley younger and Moyde (?)
Margret Deneley
ID# 17720, b. about 1544

Dates are unknown but Margery and Margret are unmarried at the time of their father Rychard's will of 1551.

Margret Deneley was born about 1544
Margret Deneley was the daughter of Rycharde Deneley younger and Moyde (?)