Unknown (?)
ID# 17831, b. about 1550

Unknown (?) was born about 1550

Unknown (?) married Unknown Hyde about 1571
Children of Unknown (?) and Unknown Hyde
- Margaret Hyde b. abt 1573, d. Dec 1625
- Alice Hyde b. abt 1575
- Robert Hyde b. abt 1577, d. abt 1612
- Ellen Hyde b. abt 1579
- Randulphe Hyde b. abt 1581
- Elizabeth Hyde b. abt 1585
Robert Hyde
ID# 17832, b. about 1577, d. about 1612

The only date reference we have is Robert's will of 1612 & the fact that his sister Alice Cleatonn had 5 surviving children, at that time, and was therefore probably over 31 years old.

Robert Hyde was born about 1577
Robert Hyde was the son of Unknown Hyde and Unknown (?)

Robert Hyde left a will on 3 February 1612.
Will of Robert HYDE of Hanging Gate 1612
In the name of God: Amen the third day of Februarie in the yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lorde James by the grace of God of England France & Ireland Kinge defender of the faith the Tenth and of Scotland the five and fortieth Anno Domm 1612 I Robert HYDE of the Whyte Hanging Gate in the parish of Chapel le Frith in the Countie of Darbie Skinner being in good and perfect memorie praysed be God, and yet dreadinge the tyme of death which is uncertane And being willinge to dispose of those thinges which god hath lente me in manner and forme as followeth I doe therefore constitute ordaine and make this my present Testament contayneing herein my last Will in this manner that is to witt: First and principallie I give bequeath and betake my soule into the handes of Almighty god my Creator and Maker trustinge onlie by the merritts of Christ his death and passion to be one of the number of his elect and chosen children And my bodie to the earth from whence it came to be buried within the parish church of Chappel le Frith aforesaid Alsoe it is my will that my funerall expences and legacies be discharged of my whole goods Item it is my will that Alice CLEATONN my sister shall have Five poundes Item I give and bequeath to her five children fifteene poundes equallie to be devided amongst them Item I give and bequeath to my sister Ellen HOLLINWORTH three poundes fower shillings Item I give and bequeath to Margrett DEARNELEE fower shillings Item I give and bequeath to my sister Margarett all my parte of pewter and brasse and beddinge Item I give and bequeath unto my two sisters Elizabeth and Margrett after my funerall expences and legacies be discharged all such debts as are conteyned in my will Item I ordaine constitute and make Randulph HYDE my brother and Raphe HYDE my Executors to discharge this my will as my trust is in them And I do give my good friend John WRIGHT of the Meadowe and my nephewe Robert HYDE to be ....ters of this my will to see my Executors doe their dutie herein These beinge wittnesses viz Robert HOLLINWORTH, William HOLLINWORTH, Adam WYLDE / Debts owinge to me Roberte HYDE / Imprimis Raphe WYNTERBOTHAM Eleven shillings/ Item William BRAMALL twentie shillings/ Item Thomas DOWNES twelve shillings/ Item Humfreye his sonne fower poundes fifteene shillings/ Item Roger BENNETT two pounds eight shillings/ Item William SILVESTER twentie two shillings/ Item William HYDE two pounds eight shillings/ Item Thomas BEARDE two poundes three shillings/ Item Ottiwell CLEATONN two pounds eleven shillings/ Item Richard WYLDE three pounds five shillings/ Item William OLIVER twelve poundes/ Item his wife tenn shillings/ Item Robert OLIVER Willms sonne two poundes/ Item George YEAVLEY twentie shillings/ Item Christopher BENNETT twelve shillings/ Item Henry KIRKE thirtie five shillings/ Item John HURDSFEELD two pounds eight shillings Item Henry SLACK twentie shillings/ Item Widowe LOWE eight shillings/ Item Robert CARRINGETONN Junior twentie one pounds/ Item John WRIGHT twentie shillinges/ Item Joane MARSHALL fowerteene shillings fower pence/ Item Robert HALL nyne shillings five pence/ Item Reignold KYRKE de Chappel 7o / Item Thomas MOULT three shillings fower pence/ Item Thomas BUXSTONE three pounds one shillinge fower pence/ Item Thomas MELLOR twelve shillings fower pence/ Item Robert HOLLINWORTH five pounds one shilling eight pence/ Item the same man 4s 3d Sum total est £76 17s? 1d.
see The Rootsweb Hyde Family Wills
mentioned in the will:
Robert Hyde has 4 sisters
Alice Cleatonn with 5 children - therefore aged over 35 & born before 1576
Ellen Hollingworth
Margarett Dearnelee
I am assuming that Margrett Dearnelee and sister Margrett are one and the same - MED
brother: Randulphe Hyde
mentioned: Raphe Hyde - unknown relationship
nephew: Robert Hyde
Ottiwell Cleatonn owes Robert money – maybe the husband of sister Alice
Robert Hollinworth owes Robert money – maybe the husband of sister Ellen.
In the name of God: Amen the third day of Februarie in the yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lorde James by the grace of God of England France & Ireland Kinge defender of the faith the Tenth and of Scotland the five and fortieth Anno Domm 1612 I Robert HYDE of the Whyte Hanging Gate in the parish of Chapel le Frith in the Countie of Darbie Skinner being in good and perfect memorie praysed be God, and yet dreadinge the tyme of death which is uncertane And being willinge to dispose of those thinges which god hath lente me in manner and forme as followeth I doe therefore constitute ordaine and make this my present Testament contayneing herein my last Will in this manner that is to witt: First and principallie I give bequeath and betake my soule into the handes of Almighty god my Creator and Maker trustinge onlie by the merritts of Christ his death and passion to be one of the number of his elect and chosen children And my bodie to the earth from whence it came to be buried within the parish church of Chappel le Frith aforesaid Alsoe it is my will that my funerall expences and legacies be discharged of my whole goods Item it is my will that Alice CLEATONN my sister shall have Five poundes Item I give and bequeath to her five children fifteene poundes equallie to be devided amongst them Item I give and bequeath to my sister Ellen HOLLINWORTH three poundes fower shillings Item I give and bequeath to Margrett DEARNELEE fower shillings Item I give and bequeath to my sister Margarett all my parte of pewter and brasse and beddinge Item I give and bequeath unto my two sisters Elizabeth and Margrett after my funerall expences and legacies be discharged all such debts as are conteyned in my will Item I ordaine constitute and make Randulph HYDE my brother and Raphe HYDE my Executors to discharge this my will as my trust is in them And I do give my good friend John WRIGHT of the Meadowe and my nephewe Robert HYDE to be ....ters of this my will to see my Executors doe their dutie herein These beinge wittnesses viz Robert HOLLINWORTH, William HOLLINWORTH, Adam WYLDE / Debts owinge to me Roberte HYDE / Imprimis Raphe WYNTERBOTHAM Eleven shillings/ Item William BRAMALL twentie shillings/ Item Thomas DOWNES twelve shillings/ Item Humfreye his sonne fower poundes fifteene shillings/ Item Roger BENNETT two pounds eight shillings/ Item William SILVESTER twentie two shillings/ Item William HYDE two pounds eight shillings/ Item Thomas BEARDE two poundes three shillings/ Item Ottiwell CLEATONN two pounds eleven shillings/ Item Richard WYLDE three pounds five shillings/ Item William OLIVER twelve poundes/ Item his wife tenn shillings/ Item Robert OLIVER Willms sonne two poundes/ Item George YEAVLEY twentie shillings/ Item Christopher BENNETT twelve shillings/ Item Henry KIRKE thirtie five shillings/ Item John HURDSFEELD two pounds eight shillings Item Henry SLACK twentie shillings/ Item Widowe LOWE eight shillings/ Item Robert CARRINGETONN Junior twentie one pounds/ Item John WRIGHT twentie shillinges/ Item Joane MARSHALL fowerteene shillings fower pence/ Item Robert HALL nyne shillings five pence/ Item Reignold KYRKE de Chappel 7o / Item Thomas MOULT three shillings fower pence/ Item Thomas BUXSTONE three pounds one shillinge fower pence/ Item Thomas MELLOR twelve shillings fower pence/ Item Robert HOLLINWORTH five pounds one shilling eight pence/ Item the same man 4s 3d Sum total est £76 17s? 1d.
see The Rootsweb Hyde Family Wills
mentioned in the will:
Robert Hyde has 4 sisters
Alice Cleatonn with 5 children - therefore aged over 35 & born before 1576
Ellen Hollingworth
Margarett Dearnelee
I am assuming that Margrett Dearnelee and sister Margrett are one and the same - MED
brother: Randulphe Hyde
mentioned: Raphe Hyde - unknown relationship
nephew: Robert Hyde
Ottiwell Cleatonn owes Robert money – maybe the husband of sister Alice
Robert Hollinworth owes Robert money – maybe the husband of sister Ellen.

Robert Hyde died about 1612 at Whyte Hanging Gate, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire, England,
Alice Hyde
ID# 17833, b. about 1575

The only date reference we have is Robert's will of 1612 & the fact that his sister Alice Cleatonn had 5 surviving children and was therefore probably over 31 years old.

Alice Hyde was born about 1575
Alice Hyde was the daughter of Unknown Hyde and Unknown (?)

Alice Hyde married (?) Cleatonn about 1596
Possibly Ottiwell Cleatonn who is mentioned in Robert Hyde's 1612 will.
see Robert Hyde.

Mentioned in brother Robert's will of 1612 with 5 surviving children.
see Robert Hyde.
see Robert Hyde.
(?) Cleatonn
ID# 17834, b. about 1574

(?) Cleatonn was born about 1574

(?) Cleatonn married Alice Hyde, daughter of Unknown Hyde and Unknown (?), about 1596
Possibly Ottiwell Cleatonn who is mentioned in Robert Hyde's 1612 will.
see Robert Hyde.
Ellen Hyde
ID# 17835, b. about 1579

Ellen Hyde was born about 1579
Ellen Hyde was the daughter of Unknown Hyde and Unknown (?)

Ellen Hyde married (?) Hollinworth about 1601
(?) Hollinworth
ID# 17836, b. about 1578

(?) Hollinworth was born about 1578

(?) Hollinworth married Ellen Hyde, daughter of Unknown Hyde and Unknown (?), about 1601
Elizabeth Hyde
ID# 17837, b. about 1585

Elizabeth Hyde was born about 1585
Elizabeth Hyde was the daughter of Unknown Hyde and Unknown (?)
Randulphe Hyde
ID# 17838, b. about 1581

Randulphe Hyde was born about 1581
Randulphe Hyde was the son of Unknown Hyde and Unknown (?)