William Seylyard
ID# 19011, b. about 1526, d. about 1569
- Charts
- John Dernelly (c.1451-)

William Seylyard was born about 1526 at Delaware, Brasted, Kent, England,

about 1546 William Seylyard lived at London, England,

William Seylyard married Joan Todd, daughter of Sylvester Todd and Elizabeth Harbottell, about 1548
William Seylyard of London, Marchan Taylor. After of Stanford le hope in Essex, gentelman.
= .... daughter and heyr of Sylvester Todd of Tynwell in the Countye of Rutland, gentelman
Miscellanea Genealogica Et Heraldica p. 10
Edited by Joseph Jackson Howard, LL.D., F.S.A.
Volume I. Second Series published 1886
Available from Google Books
see excerpt.

William Seylyard died about 1569

Probate was granted on his estate on 4 January 1570 at Thames Ditton, London, Middlesex, England,
William's estate was probated on 4 January 1570 at Thames Ditton, London, Middlesex, England; Will Proved.
Child of William Seylyard and Joan Todd
- John Seylyard b. abt 1551
John Seylyard
ID# 19012, b. about 1551
- Charts
- John Dernelly (c.1451-)

John Seylyard was born about 1551
John Seylyard was the son of William Seylyard and Joan Todd.

about 1571 John Seylyard lived at Bynefeld, Berkshire, England,

John Seylyard married Elizabeth Kelton about 1572
John Seylyard was living in 1591; Jhon Seylyard of Bynefeld in the Countye of Berks, gentelman. Now lyvynge in Ao D'ni 1591.
= Elizabethe Kelton, daughter of Thomas Kelton of Shrewsbury in the Countye of [Salop]. gentelman.
Miscellanea Genealogica Et Heraldica p. 10
Edited by Joseph Jackson Howard, LL.D., F.S.A.
Volume I. Second Series published 1886
Available from Google Books
see excerpt.
Elizabeth Kelton
ID# 19013, b. about 1551
- Charts
- John Dernelly (c.1451-)

Elizabeth Kelton was born about 1551

Elizabeth Kelton married John Seylyard, son of William Seylyard and Joan Todd, about 1572
Thomas Derneley
ID# 19020, b. about 1490

Thomas Derneley was born about 1490

about 1528 Thomas Derneley was a Rector of Edmondthorp.

about 1528 Thomas Derneley lived at Edmondthorpe, Leicestershire, England,
Edmondthorpe is a small village in Leicestershire, close to the border with Rutland.

Enforcement Suits under the Statutes of 1529: Leaseholding Actions, 1532
Suits that began Trinity term, 1532 (about mid April to about the end of June)
Common Pleas
Richard Sherrard v. Thomas Derneley, rector of Edmondthorp, Leicestershire
1 Thomas Derneley nup[er] de Edmondthorp in com[itatu] predicto aliomnus alias dono[r] Thomas Derneley
2 Rector eccl[es]ie parochialis de Edmondthorp sum[ma] fuit ad respondend[um] Ric[ar]d[um] Sherard quem tam
3 pro d[omi]no Rege quem pro secr[et]o sequnta de p[ar]li[amen]to quod reddit ei quadraginto libras quas
4 eidem d[omi]no Rege debet & iniuste detinet r[ati]one omnisdam attemptat
5 contra formam statuti in presente parliamento d[omi]no Regis immo contra personas satisfatas
6 de firma non onfodiendi sive occupandi nup[er] edit & primo post et unde idem Richard
7 quem tam pro d[omi]no Rege quam pro secr[et]o sequnta ll Edm[und] Warde attorn[atus] sum[mo] die
8 quod omni in statuto in parliamento d[omi]no Regis immo apud Westm[inster] ?primo die Novembris
9 anno regni sum[ma] vicessimo primo tenet edit auctoritate eiusdem parliamenti
10 inactitat sic quod omnes & sing[u]le persone sp[irit]uales quo tent querunt sive
11 occupaverunt in firma pro secr[et]os seu aliquem aliu[m] ad eorum usum aliqua ?attingit
12 ?as ten[ementa] vel hereditamenta ex dimissione sive concessate d[omi]no Regis aut
13 alie persone seu alias personas pro tenendo vite vel dim[issi]one sive ad voluntatem
14 aliquod scriptum vel alie vel quem tenunt querunt aliquem animalem redditum aut
15 aliud animalis advantagium sive profitum seu colore aliomnis talis dimissione
16 vel firma ante fefom[entu]m sui ajugis arch?i tunc proxima sequnt dare barganizarent
17 venderent darent vel concederent alienu tali laite persone vel personarum sicut ipsi
18 ad eorum propria ??acones & appunctuamentum vellent omnem talem dimissionem
19 ?? int[er]esse vel profitum qualem aliqua talis sp[irit]ualis persona aut aliquis ad
20 eius usum tempore statuti predicto edit quem occ[upati]one aliomnis talis firma ??
21 quod malo modo aliqua talis sp[irit]ualis persona vel persone ad aliquod tempus post
22 idem fefom[entum] per secr[et]os aut aliquem aliud ad eorum usum aliquib[us] mediis fraude vel malo
23 ingenio ?ret usus foret vel occuparet in firma aliqua ?? talas ten[ementa] vel
24 hereditamenta ex dimissione vel concessione aliomnis persone vel aliquar[um] personar[um] ante
25 tunc fact sive frend? secr[et]o vel aliom[nis] alii ad eorum usus nec ab eodem ferto
26 ?oaperent aliquem animalem redditum sive aliquod animale advantagium vel profitum
27 occ[upati]one seu colore aliomnis talis dimissione vel firme aliquib[us] mediis sub pena
28 forisfaciendi pro ?quolt agense sic occupando aliquem talem firmam ad aliquod tempus
29 post dom[um] fefom[entum] incintram eiusdem att[or]n[at]o decem libras et sub pene forisfaciendi
30 decies tantum quantum aliqua talis sp[iritu]alis persona aut aliquis ad omnem usum
31 ??et in aliquo animali redditu advantagio vel profituo occ[upati]one seu colore aliomnis
32 talis dimissionis ad aliquod tempus post dom[um] fefom[entum] una medietas quas quidem
33 forisfactas esset d[omi]no Regi & alia medietas illud quam sequnt volint per eisdem pro billo
34 originale billam querelam de deb[it]o aut pro informationem in aliqua ?? d[omi]ni Regis
35 in quibus actione secta nulla legis vadiaco admittet pro defendente nec aliquod
36 ess?? sive protecto allocaret prout in eodem statuto ??alia ??
37 continet pardone tamen Thomas statutum predictum minime ponderans pro quatuor
38 menses proximas post predictum fef[oment]um sui ajugis arch? anno regni d[omi]ni Regis immo
lines at bottom of page not on film
Thomas Derneley recently of Edmundthorp in the aforesaid county, aliomnis (?nourisher, almsgiver) alias donor, Thomas Derneley Rector of the parish church of Edmundthorp, in sum, was answerable to Richard Sherard who represented both the King and the separate (law) suit of parliament, to render him (Richard) £40 which he (Thomas) owes and is unlawfully retaining, using the reason that he is attacking the terms of the statute in the present parliament whereas he is really attacking the persons to be satisfied from the fine (farm is farm or fine or rent) for not enfeoffing or occupying, recently ordained, and first, after and from then on this means Richard, representing both the King and the separate suit of parliament.
Edmund Warde, attorney on the last day in every statute in the King's parliament, that is, at Westminster, on the first day of November in the 21st year of the King's reign, holds and orders by the authority of the same parliament, enacts thus. Each and every ecclesiastic when they hold, seek to hold or have occupied a farm through separate people or through some other to their use, have tenements or hereditaments obtained from a demise or grant of the King or other person or persons through life tenancy or demise or at a will through something written or otherwise hold or seek to hold some livestock for rent or other advantage or profit of keeping livestock, or their cultivation of food, by such demise or farm before enfeoffed of (?his ancient yoke) then at the next suit they would bargain to give, would sell, would give or would yield to another such layperson or persons as if they themselves wanted for their own use and appointment, all such demise to be of interest or such profit of such ecclesiastic for his use at the time of the aforesaid statute.[All the above incur a penalty, also] the occupation of the nourishment of such farm by evil method of such ecclesiastic or ecclesiastics at some time after the said enfeoffment through separate people or someone else to their use by fraudulent methods or evil design so that they would have the use or occupy the farm or tenements or hereditaments from demise or grant by person or persons before then made or of other nourishment to their uses. Again, if they have any livestock for rent or take advantage or profit from owning the animal or the cultivation of food from the demise or farm or from some other means they are under penalty of forfeiting through an agent by occupying some such farm at some time after the feoffment of the house, in opposition to the same attorney, they owe £10 and under penalty of forfeiting ten times as much, that is, the ecclesiastic or some other to his use, and again the same applies to use of livestock, one half being forfeit to the King and the other half (?those who pursued the original complaint and gave information to the King) ???
yet Thomas lightly weighing the aforesaid statute for four months after the aforesaid feoffment (?of his ancient yoke) in the year of the reign of the King .........
There are missing lines at the bottom of the page. Essentially it covers the problem of priests having multiple livings and tries to force the priests to have one living. Or you could say Henry was trying to squeeze money out of the church before the famous dissolution of the monasteries.
“first day of November in the 21st year of the reign” = ?1530
Transcribed & translated by Marie Ball, December 2012
The references we have for this Thomas are:
1. Selling the Church: The English Parish in Law, Commerce, and Religion, 1350-1550 By Robert C. Palmer
Appendix 4 [p. 281]
"*L125 Leics. Richard Richard Sherrard gen vs. Thomas Derneley of Edmondthorpe cl r of Edmondthorpe. £40. CP40/ 1074, m. 198; CP40/ 1076, m. 357; CP40/ 1077, m. 157; CP40/ 1078, m. 483d. Lease: messuage. Issue: holding against the statute. E1534: Jury acquits."
2. Enforcement Suits under the Statutes of 1529: Leaseholding Actions, 1532
Suits that began Trinity term, 1532
Common Pleas
L125. Richard Sherrard v. Thomas Derneley, rector of Edmondthorp, Leicestershire, capias pleaded, b, c, d, jury summons
see Enforcement Suits under the Statutes of 1529: Leaseholding Actions, 1532.
Suits that began Trinity term, 1532 (about mid April to about the end of June)
Common Pleas
Richard Sherrard v. Thomas Derneley, rector of Edmondthorp, Leicestershire
1 Thomas Derneley nup[er] de Edmondthorp in com[itatu] predicto aliomnus alias dono[r] Thomas Derneley
2 Rector eccl[es]ie parochialis de Edmondthorp sum[ma] fuit ad respondend[um] Ric[ar]d[um] Sherard quem tam
3 pro d[omi]no Rege quem pro secr[et]o sequnta de p[ar]li[amen]to quod reddit ei quadraginto libras quas
4 eidem d[omi]no Rege debet & iniuste detinet r[ati]one omnisdam attemptat
5 contra formam statuti in presente parliamento d[omi]no Regis immo contra personas satisfatas
6 de firma non onfodiendi sive occupandi nup[er] edit & primo post et unde idem Richard
7 quem tam pro d[omi]no Rege quam pro secr[et]o sequnta ll Edm[und] Warde attorn[atus] sum[mo] die
8 quod omni in statuto in parliamento d[omi]no Regis immo apud Westm[inster] ?primo die Novembris
9 anno regni sum[ma] vicessimo primo tenet edit auctoritate eiusdem parliamenti
10 inactitat sic quod omnes & sing[u]le persone sp[irit]uales quo tent querunt sive
11 occupaverunt in firma pro secr[et]os seu aliquem aliu[m] ad eorum usum aliqua ?attingit
12 ?as ten[ementa] vel hereditamenta ex dimissione sive concessate d[omi]no Regis aut
13 alie persone seu alias personas pro tenendo vite vel dim[issi]one sive ad voluntatem
14 aliquod scriptum vel alie vel quem tenunt querunt aliquem animalem redditum aut
15 aliud animalis advantagium sive profitum seu colore aliomnis talis dimissione
16 vel firma ante fefom[entu]m sui ajugis arch?i tunc proxima sequnt dare barganizarent
17 venderent darent vel concederent alienu tali laite persone vel personarum sicut ipsi
18 ad eorum propria ??acones & appunctuamentum vellent omnem talem dimissionem
19 ?? int[er]esse vel profitum qualem aliqua talis sp[irit]ualis persona aut aliquis ad
20 eius usum tempore statuti predicto edit quem occ[upati]one aliomnis talis firma ??
21 quod malo modo aliqua talis sp[irit]ualis persona vel persone ad aliquod tempus post
22 idem fefom[entum] per secr[et]os aut aliquem aliud ad eorum usum aliquib[us] mediis fraude vel malo
23 ingenio ?ret usus foret vel occuparet in firma aliqua ?? talas ten[ementa] vel
24 hereditamenta ex dimissione vel concessione aliomnis persone vel aliquar[um] personar[um] ante
25 tunc fact sive frend? secr[et]o vel aliom[nis] alii ad eorum usus nec ab eodem ferto
26 ?oaperent aliquem animalem redditum sive aliquod animale advantagium vel profitum
27 occ[upati]one seu colore aliomnis talis dimissione vel firme aliquib[us] mediis sub pena
28 forisfaciendi pro ?quolt agense sic occupando aliquem talem firmam ad aliquod tempus
29 post dom[um] fefom[entum] incintram eiusdem att[or]n[at]o decem libras et sub pene forisfaciendi
30 decies tantum quantum aliqua talis sp[iritu]alis persona aut aliquis ad omnem usum
31 ??et in aliquo animali redditu advantagio vel profituo occ[upati]one seu colore aliomnis
32 talis dimissionis ad aliquod tempus post dom[um] fefom[entum] una medietas quas quidem
33 forisfactas esset d[omi]no Regi & alia medietas illud quam sequnt volint per eisdem pro billo
34 originale billam querelam de deb[it]o aut pro informationem in aliqua ?? d[omi]ni Regis
35 in quibus actione secta nulla legis vadiaco admittet pro defendente nec aliquod
36 ess?? sive protecto allocaret prout in eodem statuto ??alia ??
37 continet pardone tamen Thomas statutum predictum minime ponderans pro quatuor
38 menses proximas post predictum fef[oment]um sui ajugis arch? anno regni d[omi]ni Regis immo
lines at bottom of page not on film
Thomas Derneley recently of Edmundthorp in the aforesaid county, aliomnis (?nourisher, almsgiver) alias donor, Thomas Derneley Rector of the parish church of Edmundthorp, in sum, was answerable to Richard Sherard who represented both the King and the separate (law) suit of parliament, to render him (Richard) £40 which he (Thomas) owes and is unlawfully retaining, using the reason that he is attacking the terms of the statute in the present parliament whereas he is really attacking the persons to be satisfied from the fine (farm is farm or fine or rent) for not enfeoffing or occupying, recently ordained, and first, after and from then on this means Richard, representing both the King and the separate suit of parliament.
Edmund Warde, attorney on the last day in every statute in the King's parliament, that is, at Westminster, on the first day of November in the 21st year of the King's reign, holds and orders by the authority of the same parliament, enacts thus. Each and every ecclesiastic when they hold, seek to hold or have occupied a farm through separate people or through some other to their use, have tenements or hereditaments obtained from a demise or grant of the King or other person or persons through life tenancy or demise or at a will through something written or otherwise hold or seek to hold some livestock for rent or other advantage or profit of keeping livestock, or their cultivation of food, by such demise or farm before enfeoffed of (?his ancient yoke) then at the next suit they would bargain to give, would sell, would give or would yield to another such layperson or persons as if they themselves wanted for their own use and appointment, all such demise to be of interest or such profit of such ecclesiastic for his use at the time of the aforesaid statute.[All the above incur a penalty, also] the occupation of the nourishment of such farm by evil method of such ecclesiastic or ecclesiastics at some time after the said enfeoffment through separate people or someone else to their use by fraudulent methods or evil design so that they would have the use or occupy the farm or tenements or hereditaments from demise or grant by person or persons before then made or of other nourishment to their uses. Again, if they have any livestock for rent or take advantage or profit from owning the animal or the cultivation of food from the demise or farm or from some other means they are under penalty of forfeiting through an agent by occupying some such farm at some time after the feoffment of the house, in opposition to the same attorney, they owe £10 and under penalty of forfeiting ten times as much, that is, the ecclesiastic or some other to his use, and again the same applies to use of livestock, one half being forfeit to the King and the other half (?those who pursued the original complaint and gave information to the King) ???
yet Thomas lightly weighing the aforesaid statute for four months after the aforesaid feoffment (?of his ancient yoke) in the year of the reign of the King .........
There are missing lines at the bottom of the page. Essentially it covers the problem of priests having multiple livings and tries to force the priests to have one living. Or you could say Henry was trying to squeeze money out of the church before the famous dissolution of the monasteries.
“first day of November in the 21st year of the reign” = ?1530
Transcribed & translated by Marie Ball, December 2012
The references we have for this Thomas are:
1. Selling the Church: The English Parish in Law, Commerce, and Religion, 1350-1550 By Robert C. Palmer
Appendix 4 [p. 281]
"*L125 Leics. Richard Richard Sherrard gen vs. Thomas Derneley of Edmondthorpe cl r of Edmondthorpe. £40. CP40/ 1074, m. 198; CP40/ 1076, m. 357; CP40/ 1077, m. 157; CP40/ 1078, m. 483d. Lease: messuage. Issue: holding against the statute. E1534: Jury acquits."
2. Enforcement Suits under the Statutes of 1529: Leaseholding Actions, 1532
Suits that began Trinity term, 1532
Common Pleas
L125. Richard Sherrard v. Thomas Derneley, rector of Edmondthorp, Leicestershire, capias pleaded, b, c, d, jury summons
see Enforcement Suits under the Statutes of 1529: Leaseholding Actions, 1532.