Magdalen (?)
ID# 921

Magdalen (?) married John (?) de Burgo, son of Eustace (?) de Burgh,

She is said to be an aunt of King Stephen of England.

Magdalen (?) died at Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, England,
Child of Magdalen (?) and John (?) de Burgo
- Eustace (?) Fitz John+ d. 3 Jul 1157
William (?) Fitz Nigel
ID# 922

He was Baron of Halton and Constable of Chester. Also known as William Fitz Neil.

William (?) Fitz Nigel married an unknown person
Child of William (?) Fitz Nigel
Fulk (?) de Lisours
ID# 923, b. about 1087

Fulk appears in the Domesday Survey as a tenant under Roger de Bush of Sprotborough in 1086.

Fulk (?) de Lisours died at Sprotborough, Yorkshire, England,

Fulk (?) de Lisours was born about 1087

Fulk (?) de Lisours married an unknown person about 1110
Child of Fulk (?) de Lisours
- Robert (?) de Lizours+ b. abt 1111, d. a 1132
Robert I (?) de Lacy
ID# 924, b. about 1090, d. 1130

Robert I (?) de Lacy was born about 1090
Robert I (?) de Lacy was the son of Ilbert I (?) de Lacy and Hadrude (?)

Robert I (?) de Lacy married Matilda (?) about 1110

Robert I (?) de Lacy died in 1130
Child of Robert I (?) de Lacy and Matilda (?)
- Aubrey (?) de Lacy+ b. 1113, d. a 1132
Matilda (?)
ID# 925, b. about 1090, d. 1160

Matilda (?) was born about 1090

Matilda (?) married Robert I (?) de Lacy, son of Ilbert I (?) de Lacy and Hadrude (?), about 1110

Matilda (?) died in 1160
Child of Matilda (?) and Robert I (?) de Lacy
- Aubrey (?) de Lacy+ b. 1113, d. a 1132
Richard (?) Fitz Richard de Clare
ID# 926, b. about 1035, d. about 1090

Richard was seigneur of Bienfaite and Orbec, Normandy and Lord of Clare and Tonbridge, Suffolk.
According to Burke's Complete Peerage, "Richard Fitz Gilbert, styled (from his possessions) "de bienfaite," "de Clare," and "de Tonbridge," was s. of Gilbert, Count of Brionne in Normandy . . .He was b. before 1035, was Lord of Bienfaite and Orbec in Normandy, accompanied his kinsman, William the Conqueror, into England, and was rewarded by him with no less than 176 Lordships, of which 95 were in Suffolk, attahced to the Honour of Clare, which honour, with the Castle of Clare, as also the Castle of Tonbridge in Kent, he obtained, becoming thus Lord of Clare and of Tonbridge. During the King's absence he was Joint Chief Judiciar, and, as such, suppressed the revolt of 1075. . . .He was living in 1081, but appears to have d. about 1090, being bur. at St. Neots, co. Huntingdon." CP III 242.
"Richard de Tonebruge, or de Clare, who is said to have fallen in a skirmish with the Welsh, was s. by his eldest son." Burke, Dormant 119.
See also Magna Charta Sureties 157-1.
According to Burke's Complete Peerage, "Richard Fitz Gilbert, styled (from his possessions) "de bienfaite," "de Clare," and "de Tonbridge," was s. of Gilbert, Count of Brionne in Normandy . . .He was b. before 1035, was Lord of Bienfaite and Orbec in Normandy, accompanied his kinsman, William the Conqueror, into England, and was rewarded by him with no less than 176 Lordships, of which 95 were in Suffolk, attahced to the Honour of Clare, which honour, with the Castle of Clare, as also the Castle of Tonbridge in Kent, he obtained, becoming thus Lord of Clare and of Tonbridge. During the King's absence he was Joint Chief Judiciar, and, as such, suppressed the revolt of 1075. . . .He was living in 1081, but appears to have d. about 1090, being bur. at St. Neots, co. Huntingdon." CP III 242.
"Richard de Tonebruge, or de Clare, who is said to have fallen in a skirmish with the Welsh, was s. by his eldest son." Burke, Dormant 119.
See also Magna Charta Sureties 157-1.

Richard (?) Fitz Richard de Clare was born about 1035 at Brionne, Normandy, France,
before __ ___ 1035.
Richard (?) Fitz Richard de Clare was the son of Gilbert (?) Fitz Godfrey.

Richard (?) Fitz Richard de Clare married Rohese Giffard, daughter of Walter Giffard and Agnes Flaitel, about 1054

Richard (?) Fitz Richard de Clare died about 1090 at Wales
Children of Richard (?) Fitz Richard de Clare and Rohese Giffard
- Roger (?) fitz Richard b. abt 1055
- Walter (?) fitz Richard b. abt 1055, d. 1138
- Richard (?) fitz Richard b. abt 1055
- Robert (?) fitz Richard b. abt 1055, d. bt 1134 - 1136
- Daughter A (?) fitz Richard b. abt 1055
- Daughter B (?) fitz Richard b. abt 1055
- Gilbert (?) Fitz Richard de Clare+ b. abt 1066, d. abt 1114
Rohese Giffard
ID# 927, b. about 1035, d. after 1113

According to Burke, CP III, 242 Rohese was still alive in 1113.

Rohese Giffard was born about 1035
Rohese Giffard was the daughter of Walter Giffard and Agnes Flaitel.

Rohese Giffard married Richard (?) Fitz Richard de Clare, son of Gilbert (?) Fitz Godfrey, about 1054

Rohese Giffard died after 1113
Children of Rohese Giffard and Richard (?) Fitz Richard de Clare
- Roger (?) fitz Richard b. abt 1055
- Walter (?) fitz Richard b. abt 1055, d. 1138
- Richard (?) fitz Richard b. abt 1055
- Robert (?) fitz Richard b. abt 1055, d. bt 1134 - 1136
- Daughter A (?) fitz Richard b. abt 1055
- Daughter B (?) fitz Richard b. abt 1055
- Gilbert (?) Fitz Richard de Clare+ b. abt 1066, d. abt 1114
Hugh (?) de Creil
ID# 928, d. 1101
- Charts
- Charlemagne (c.747-)

Hugh was Count of Clermont.

Hugh (?) de Creil married Marguerite (?) de Roucy, daughter of Hildouin (?) de Rameru and Alix (?) de Roucy, about 1080

Hugh (?) de Creil died in 1101 at Clermont, Beauvais, France,
Children of Hugh (?) de Creil and Marguerite (?) de Roucy
- Renaud II (?) de Clermont d. abt 1162
- Adeliza (?) de Claremont+ b. abt 1065, d. abt 1163
Marguerite (?) de Roucy
ID# 929, b. about 1035
- Charts
- Charlemagne (c.747-)

Marguerite (?) de Roucy was born about 1035 at Roucy, Aisne, France,
After 1031.
Marguerite (?) de Roucy was the daughter of Hildouin (?) de Rameru and Alix (?) de Roucy.

Marguerite (?) de Roucy married Hugh (?) de Creil about 1080
Children of Marguerite (?) de Roucy and Hugh (?) de Creil
- Renaud II (?) de Clermont d. abt 1162
- Adeliza (?) de Claremont+ b. abt 1065, d. abt 1163
Eustace (?) de Burgh
ID# 930

Eustace (?) de Burgh married an unknown person

He was Baron of Tonsburgh in Normandy.
Eustace (?) de Burgh was the son of John (?) de Burgh.

Eustace (?) de Burgh was born at Normandy, France,