Ilbert I (?) de Lacy
ID# 931, d. about 1093

He is the Domesday lord of Pontefract.

Ilbert I (?) de Lacy married Hadrude (?) about 1085

Ilbert I (?) de Lacy died about 1093 at Pontefract, Yorkshire, England,
Child of Ilbert I (?) de Lacy and Hadrude (?)
- Robert I (?) de Lacy+ b. abt 1090, d. 1130
Hadrude (?)
ID# 932
Child of Hadrude (?) and Ilbert I (?) de Lacy
- Robert I (?) de Lacy+ b. abt 1090, d. 1130
Gilbert (?) Fitz Godfrey
ID# 933, b. about 1010, d. 1040

Gilbert was Count of Brionne.
See also Magna Charta Sureties 157-1.
See also Magna Charta Sureties 157-1.

Gilbert (?) Fitz Godfrey married an unknown person

Gilbert (?) Fitz Godfrey was born about 1010 at Brionne, Normandy, France,
Gilbert (?) Fitz Godfrey was the son of Godfrey (?) Fitz Richard.

Gilbert (?) Fitz Godfrey died in 1040
Child of Gilbert (?) Fitz Godfrey
- Richard (?) Fitz Richard de Clare+ b. abt 1035, d. abt 1090
Walter Giffard
ID# 934, b. about 1045, d. after 1102

Walter was Lord of Longueville, and a companion of William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings.
According to Burke's Dormant, "Walter Giffard, Earl of Longueville, in Normandy, was granted for his galliant services at the battle of Hastings, the title of Earl of Buckingham. At the time of the General Survey, this nobleman was sent with Remigius, bishop of Lincoln, and otehrs, into Worcestershire, and some other counties, to value the lands belonging to the crown, as well as to private individuals in those parts. He himself possessed at that time two lordships in Berkshire; one in Wilts; one in Somersetshire; one in Huntingdon; five in Cambridgeshire; nine in Ofordshire; nine in the co. of Bedford; three in Suffolk; twenty-eight in Norfolk; and forty-eight in Buckinghamshire; in all one hundred and seven. In 1089, his lordship adhering to William Rufus, fortified his mansions in Normandy, for that king and became chief general of his army there; yet in some years afterwards (1102), he sided with Robert Courthose, against King Henry I." p. 230.
According to Burke's Dormant, "Walter Giffard, Earl of Longueville, in Normandy, was granted for his galliant services at the battle of Hastings, the title of Earl of Buckingham. At the time of the General Survey, this nobleman was sent with Remigius, bishop of Lincoln, and otehrs, into Worcestershire, and some other counties, to value the lands belonging to the crown, as well as to private individuals in those parts. He himself possessed at that time two lordships in Berkshire; one in Wilts; one in Somersetshire; one in Huntingdon; five in Cambridgeshire; nine in Ofordshire; nine in the co. of Bedford; three in Suffolk; twenty-eight in Norfolk; and forty-eight in Buckinghamshire; in all one hundred and seven. In 1089, his lordship adhering to William Rufus, fortified his mansions in Normandy, for that king and became chief general of his army there; yet in some years afterwards (1102), he sided with Robert Courthose, against King Henry I." p. 230.

Walter Giffard was born about 1045 at Longueville, Normandy, France,
before __ ___ 1046.
Walter Giffard was the son of Osbern (?) de Bolbec and Duvelina (?) of Arques.

Walter Giffard married Agnes Flaitel, daughter of Gerard Flaitel, about 1055

Walter Giffard died after 1102
Child of Walter Giffard and Agnes Flaitel
- Rohese Giffard+ b. abt 1035, d. a 1113
Agnes Flaitel
ID# 935, b. about 1045

Agnes Flaitel was born about 1045
Agnes Flaitel was the daughter of Gerard Flaitel.

Agnes Flaitel married Walter Giffard, son of Osbern (?) de Bolbec and Duvelina (?) of Arques, about 1055
Child of Agnes Flaitel and Walter Giffard
- Rohese Giffard+ b. abt 1035, d. a 1113
Hildouin (?) de Rameru
ID# 936, b. 1000, d. about 1062
- Charts
- Charlemagne (c.747-)

Hildouin was Count of Montdidier and Roucy.

Hildouin (?) de Rameru was born in 1000 at Montdidier, Somme, France,

Hildouin (?) de Rameru married Alix (?) de Roucy, daughter of Ebles I (?) of Rheims and Beatrix (?) de Hainaut, in 1031 at Montdidier, Somme, France,

Hildouin (?) de Rameru died about 1062 at Montdidier, Somme, France,
Child of Hildouin (?) de Rameru and Alix (?) de Roucy
- Marguerite (?) de Roucy+ b. abt 1035
Alix (?) de Roucy
ID# 937, b. about 1014, d. 1062
- Charts
- Charlemagne (c.747-)

Alix (?) de Roucy was born about 1014 at Roucy, Aisne, France,
Alix (?) de Roucy was the daughter of Ebles I (?) of Rheims and Beatrix (?) de Hainaut.

Alix (?) de Roucy married Hildouin (?) de Rameru in 1031 at Montdidier, Somme, France,

Alix (?) de Roucy died in 1062 at Montdidier, Somme, France,
Child of Alix (?) de Roucy and Hildouin (?) de Rameru
- Marguerite (?) de Roucy+ b. abt 1035
John (?) de Burgh
ID# 938

John de Burgo was a feudal lord of Tourborough or Tonsburgh in Normandy and was commanding general in the Norman army of William the Conqueror, and for his services he was appointed govenor of the chief burghs or towns in Normandy, and was also titula Earl of Comyn.

John (?) de Burgh died at Normandy, France,

John (?) de Burgh was born at Normandy, France,
Child of John (?) de Burgh
Godfrey (?) Fitz Richard
ID# 939, b. about 985, d. after 1011

Godfrey was an illegitimate son of Richard, Duke of Normandy. He was made Count of Brionne. CP III 242
See also Magna Charta Sureties 157-1.
See also Magna Charta Sureties 157-1.

Godfrey (?) Fitz Richard was born about 985 at Normandy, France,

Godfrey (?) Fitz Richard died after 1011 at Brionne, Normandy, France,
Child of Godfrey (?) Fitz Richard
- Gilbert (?) Fitz Godfrey+ b. abt 1010, d. 1040
Osbern (?) de Bolbec
ID# 940, d. 1035

Osbern was seigneur of Longueville-sur-Scie from 1028-1035.
In Burke's Dormant ... he is listed as "Osborne de Bolebec, a noble Norman, living temp. Richard sans peur [= w/o fear] Duke of Normandy." p. 230.
In Burke's Dormant ... he is listed as "Osborne de Bolebec, a noble Norman, living temp. Richard sans peur [= w/o fear] Duke of Normandy." p. 230.

Osbern (?) de Bolbec married Duvelina (?) of Arques, daughter of Forester (?) von Arques,

Osbern (?) de Bolbec died in 1035 at Longueville, Normandy, France,
Child of Osbern (?) de Bolbec and Duvelina (?) of Arques
- Walter Giffard+ b. abt 1045, d. a 1102