Peter Durnley
ID# 14881, b. about 1770

Is this the Peter D, son of Peter D & Jemimah Etchells. see Peter Dernally.

Peter Durnley was born about 1770

Peter Durnley emigrated on 26 June 1802 to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia,
Convict Arrivals in New South Wales
Ship: Hercules
Master: Luckyn Betts
The vessel Hercules I sailed from Ireland on 29 Nov 1801. 140 men and 25 women convicts were on board for the 209 day voyage to Sydney, Australia.
Ship: Hercules
Master: Luckyn Betts
The vessel Hercules I sailed from Ireland on 29 Nov 1801. 140 men and 25 women convicts were on board for the 209 day voyage to Sydney, Australia.
Agnes Darnaley
ID# 14882, b. about 1500, d. June 1549

Agnes Darnaley was born about 1500
Birth date could be anything from 1480-1549.

Agnes Darnaley died in June 1549 at Swineshead, Bedfordshire, England,

Agnes Darnaley was buried on 20 June 1549 at St. Nicholas' Church, Swineshead, Bedfordshire, England,
Edward Darnely
ID# 14883, b. about 1500, d. October 1558

Edward Darnely was born about 1500
Birth date could be anything from 1480-1558.

Edward Darnely died in October 1558 at Rotherham, Yorkshire, England,

Edward Darnely was buried on 26 October 1558 at All Saints, Rotherham, Yorkshire, England,
Wyllm Darnelye
ID# 14884, b. about 1500, d. June 1559

Wyllm Darnelye was born about 1500
Birth date could be anything from 1480-1559.

Wyllm Darnelye died in June 1559 at Rotherham, Yorkshire, England,

Wyllm Darnelye was buried on 3 July 1559 at All Saints, Rotherham, Yorkshire, England,
Raphe Dearnlay
ID# 14885, b. October 1599, d. February 1600

Treat this family grouping with caution. Of the six siblings, only Anne has her father named at baptism.

Raphe Dearnlay was born in October 1599 at Rotherham, Yorkshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Likely to be the Raphe Dearnlaye baptized at Rotherham Minster 25 Nov 1599. (no parents shown).
Although birth date could be anything from 1520-1600.
Likely to be the Raphe Dearnlaye baptized at Rotherham Minster 25 Nov 1599. (no parents shown).
Although birth date could be anything from 1520-1600.
Raphe Dearnlay was the son of Roger Dearnlay and Unknown (?)

Raphe Dearnlay was baptised on 25 November 1599 at Rotherham, Yorkshire, England,

Raphe Dearnlay died in February 1600 at Rotherham, Yorkshire, England, at age 4 months

Raphe Dearnlay was buried on 21 February 1600 at All Saints, Rotherham, Yorkshire, England,
Recorded as RapheDearnlay, bur. 21 Feb 1599.
(Liturgical year assumed).
(Liturgical year assumed).
Agnes Darnelley
ID# 14887, b. March 1612, d. February 1615
- Charts
- John Dernelly (c.1451-)

Agnes Darnelley was born in March 1612 at London, Middlesex, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Agnes Darnelley was the daughter of Daniel Darneley and Cicily Sutton.

Agnes Darnelley was baptised on 5 April 1612 at St. Mary's Church, Woolchurch Haw, London, England,

Agnes Darnelley died in February 1615 at Cobham, Surrey, England, at age 2 years and 11 months
Edward Darneley
ID# 14890, b. about 1589, d. January 1625

Edward Darneley was born about 1589
Birth date could be anything from 1545-1591.

Edward Darneley married Margaret Burne on 16 May 1611 at St. Michael's Church, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham, England,
Recorded as Edward Dearnley & Margreat Burne
from transcription only.

Edward Darneley left a will on 11 September 1623.
The Durham University archives show a will written by Edward:
"Edward DEARNLEY, yeoman, of Sunderland by (neere) the Sea in the countie of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Darneley, Dearnlye"
see The Durham University Library Special Collections Catalogue
It is currently unknown whether this will still exists.
see The North East Inheritance database (pre-1858 Durham Probate Records).
"Edward DEARNLEY, yeoman, of Sunderland by (neere) the Sea in the countie of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Darneley, Dearnlye"
see The Durham University Library Special Collections Catalogue
It is currently unknown whether this will still exists.
see The North East Inheritance database (pre-1858 Durham Probate Records).

Edward Darneley died in January 1625 at Sunderland, County Durham, England,

Edward Darneley was buried on 21 January 1625 at St. Michael & All Angels, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham, England,

Edward Dearnlye of Sunderland, 1624/25
Januarye the
24th, 1624
A true and p[er]fecte inventorye of the goods
And cattells of Edward Dearnlye of Sunderland
neere the sea, deceased, valued and p[r]aised
by John Shepherdson, W[illia]m Hardcastle,
Thomas Tesdale and Henry Gibson, vizt.,
In the hall house
Inprimis, two cubbords & xviij peecs of pewter, ij quart
potts, ij chamber potts, ix sawcers, a pinte pott & a fill
pott, iij salte sellers & ij candlesticks 3 8s 11d
Item, iiij brasse potts & iij ould dublers, all some of 1 0s 0d
Item, one iron chimney & ij racking crooks, ij iron racks,
a porr and a payre tongs 18s 0d
Item, iij spytts, a paire grid irons, a paire tongs, an
ould ffryinge pan, a dreeping pan, ij paire of pott kelps 9s 6d
Item, one itron pott, one fishe pan and a little pan, a little
ould kettle, all 9s 2d
Item, one free table w[i]th a frame, two formes, ij cheares
all some of 11s 2d
Item, one buffett stoole, a paire plaing tables 1s 8d
Item, ij washing tubbes, an owlde sea & three milke
bowles & ij water sceeles 2s 10d
Item, a spence w[i]th a p[ar]ticion, some 4s 0d
In the great chamber
Inprimis, one fir table w[i]th a frame, two formes, all
some of 8s 0d
Item, three bed steads, some of 15s 0d
Item, on feather bed, iij mattresses, iij boulsters and
five cods, all is 1 6s 8d
Item, vij happings & iij ould coverletts, all 16s 0d
Item, five ould firr chests, some of 10s 0d
Item, iij payre lynen sheets and five payre streakinge
& hearme sheets, all 1 2s 0d
Item, one dozen table napkins, some 3s 0d
Item, one presser & an old countter 6s 8d
Item, a paire ganntrees, a kerne, iij drincking canns,
a baskett, a spining whele, a small ale stand &
ij ould tubbs, all 4s 2d
Item, ij ould carpet clothes, some is 2s 0d
Item, his wearinge app[ar]ell, some 1 10s 0d
Item, a brew lead, a masking fatt, a tapp stone, a
great arcke, ij leven tubbs and ij ould barrells 1 17s 0d
In the little p[ar]ler
Item, one ffir table w[i]th a frame and ij formes, some of 7s 6d
Item, iiij kyne and a quantytye hay 9 0s 0d
Item, ij bakon fficks, some of 13s 4d
Item, ij henns and a cocke, some of 2s 4d
Item, a deskte, some of 3s 6d
Debts owing to the deceassed
Item, owinge by Tymothy Comen of Durham 10 0s 0d
Item, by Thomas Tesdale, some of 1 0s 0d
Some £36 6s 10d
Debts dew by the deceassed
Inprimis, to Edward Lee for iiij barrells & a halfe of
beefe, some of 2 14s 0d
Item, to Robart Scurfeildf of Grynden, som[e] 3 5s 0d
Item, to John ffell of Ryope, some of 14s 0d
Item, to George Thompson, butcher, som[e] 17s 0d
Item, to W[illia]m Wilson of the Panns, som[e] 19s 8d
Item, to Roger Curye, some of 30 0s 0d
Some indebted £38 9s 8d.