Albert Edward Dearnley
ID# 11991, b. 11 July 1903, d. 27 August 1941
- Charts
- John Dearnaly (c.1770-)

Albert Edward Dearnley was born on 11 July 1903 at Spyvee Street, Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, England,
Albert Edward Dearnley was the son of Charles Edward Dearnley and Emily Capes.
Albert Edward Dearnley became the step-son of Agnes Maud Levitt; about August 1915

Albert Edward Dearnley began military service on 15 August 1918
Dearnley, Albert Edward
Rank: Lance Corporal Army Number: 4850091
Unit: 1st Bn
Home address given as Hull. Enlisted 15.8.1918, aged 15 years. Served with Leicestershire Regiment from 1918. Discharged 4.12.1923 with conduct noted as good.
Rank: Lance Corporal Army Number: 4850091
Unit: 1st Bn
Home address given as Hull. Enlisted 15.8.1918, aged 15 years. Served with Leicestershire Regiment from 1918. Discharged 4.12.1923 with conduct noted as good.

Albert was found guilty of murdering James Frederick Ellis on 24 May 1923 and sentenced to death at the end of November 1923. Dearnley appealed the conviction but the appeal failed.
On 7 January 1924 the Home Secretary William Bridgeman announced that he did not intend to intervene and that Dearnley would be executed the following morning.
Just before the execution, the Home Secretary announced a last-minute postponement of the execution due to 'fresh information' concerning the murder.
The 'fresh information' was the contents of a letter, written to Albert's girlfriend Hilda May Storey. This letter was intercepted by the governor of Winchester prison who immediately requested a stay of execution. The contents were such that the Home Secretary immediately commuted the sentence to penal servitude for life.
Albert served 9 years of his sentence. After review, his sentence was commuted and he was released on 11th November 1932 (aged 29).
For more information see: 'Hampshire Murders' By Nicola Sly - Chapter 14 'Let's Play Cowboys & Indians' - Aldershot 1923
see Google Books
Sergeant Harry Ormes.
On 7 January 1924 the Home Secretary William Bridgeman announced that he did not intend to intervene and that Dearnley would be executed the following morning.
Just before the execution, the Home Secretary announced a last-minute postponement of the execution due to 'fresh information' concerning the murder.
The 'fresh information' was the contents of a letter, written to Albert's girlfriend Hilda May Storey. This letter was intercepted by the governor of Winchester prison who immediately requested a stay of execution. The contents were such that the Home Secretary immediately commuted the sentence to penal servitude for life.
Albert served 9 years of his sentence. After review, his sentence was commuted and he was released on 11th November 1932 (aged 29).
For more information see: 'Hampshire Murders' By Nicola Sly - Chapter 14 'Let's Play Cowboys & Indians' - Aldershot 1923
see Google Books
Sergeant Harry Ormes.

Albert Edward Dearnley married Elizabeth May Weekes, daughter of Frederick James Weekes and Grace Sowerby, on 24 December 1936 at St. Peter's Church, Drypool, Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, England,

Albert Edward Dearnley died on 27 August 1941 at Richmond R.D., Yorkshire, England, at age 38 years, 1 month and 16 days
Accidental Death - fell through roof.
source: Ancestry 'public' tree
Indexed as Albert E Dearnley, aged 38.
source: Ancestry 'public' tree
Indexed as Albert E Dearnley, aged 38.
Children of Albert Edward Dearnley and Elizabeth May Weekes
- Keith Dearnley+ b. 14 Jan 1938, d. Dec 1989
- Anthony Dearnley b. abt May 1940, d. 1 Jul 2012
Elizabeth May Weekes
ID# 11992, b. 24 June 1914, d. 26 May 1985
- Charts
- John Dearnaly (c.1770-)

Elizabeth May Weekes was born on 24 June 1914 at Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, England,
Elizabeth May Weekes was the daughter of Frederick James Weekes and Grace Sowerby.

Elizabeth May Weekes married Albert Edward Dearnley, son of Charles Edward Dearnley and Emily Capes, on 24 December 1936 at St. Peter's Church, Drypool, Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, England,

Elizabeth May Weekes married Michael John Murphy about August 1949 at Hull R.D., Yorkshire, England,

Elizabeth May Weekes died on 26 May 1985 at Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, England, at age 70 years, 11 months and 2 days
Another source shows a death date of 30 May 1985 (
Children of Elizabeth May Weekes and Albert Edward Dearnley
- Keith Dearnley+ b. 14 Jan 1938, d. Dec 1989
- Anthony Dearnley b. abt May 1940, d. 1 Jul 2012
Edward Darnelie
ID# 11994, b. June 1606, d. September 1676
- Charts
- John Dernelly (c.1451-)

Edward Darnelie was a 'apotkerey' - on the record of his son Daniel's baptism.
'apothecary in Watling Street"
Boyd's Inhabitants Of London/Boyd's Family Units
DARNLY, Edward.

Mentioned in the 1654 will of Cicely (Sutton) (Crossley) Darnelly.
see Cicily Sutton.
see Cicily Sutton.

Edward Darnelie was born in June 1606 at London, Middlesex, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Edward Darnelie was the son of Daniel Darneley and Mary Stalling.

Edward Darnelie was baptised on 13 July 1606 at St. Mary Woolchurch Haw, London, England

St Mary Woolchurch Haw was a parish church in the City of London, destroyed in the Great Fire of London of 1666 and not rebuilt.
The Mansion House now stands on the site.
The Mansion House now stands on the site.

Edward Darnelie married Hannah Brightwell, daughter of Thomas Brightwell and Mary Tapp, on 2 August 1636 at St Leonard, Bromley by Bow, London, Middlesex, England,
Edward Darnelly; Apothecarie Citizen Of London; & Hannah Brightwell
Married by Licence
Greater London Marriage Index (transcription.)

There is information in a publication of the Banbury Historical Society Summer 1984, Vol 9, No 6 (at that "Mr Edward Durnelly of Darnelly, a London apothecary, bought Banbury Mill in 1648 …" - JAD.

This may be the Edward referred to in Walter Chaucey's will with a humorous (?) gift.
Abstracts of Wills, P.C.C. Wootton p.89
# 575 Walter Chauncy cit. & goldsmith of London [Sepulchres]
6 July 1657 "- To Edw. Durnelly apothecary 40s. to buy him a Whistle -"
Genealogical abstracts of wills, proved in the Prerogative ..., Volumes 1-2 by
Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Prerogative Court, William Brigg.
Abstracts of Wills, P.C.C. Wootton p.89
# 575 Walter Chauncy cit. & goldsmith of London [Sepulchres]
6 July 1657 "- To Edw. Durnelly apothecary 40s. to buy him a Whistle -"
Genealogical abstracts of wills, proved in the Prerogative ..., Volumes 1-2 by
Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Prerogative Court, William Brigg.

from A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc of the East India Company 1660-1663 by Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (1922) available on-line at
"Edward Darnellie and Thomas Hatton are accepted as securities in 1,000l for Thomas Stiles …" 8 Nov 1661.
(Note: Edward mentions his sister-in-law Mary Styles in his will.) -JAD.
"Edward Darnellie and Thomas Hatton are accepted as securities in 1,000l for Thomas Stiles …" 8 Nov 1661.
(Note: Edward mentions his sister-in-law Mary Styles in his will.) -JAD.

Mentioned in brother Richard's 1667 will.
Also mentioned in father-in-law Thomas Brightwell's 1667 will (on Ancestry).
Also mentioned in father-in-law Thomas Brightwell's 1667 will (on Ancestry).

from A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc of the East India Company 1674-1676 by Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (1935) made available on-line by Osmania University:
"Messrs Darnelly and Edwards to be allowed to ship out the particulars mentioned in their notes now read in Court." 19 Feb 1675.
"Messrs Darnelly and Edwards to be allowed to ship out the particulars mentioned in their notes now read in Court." 19 Feb 1675.

from A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc of the East India Company 1674-1676 by Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (1935) made available on-line by Osmania University:
"Edward Darnelly to be permitted to export 100l in dollars for the use and account of his son Samuel Darnelly, a factor at Gombroon, he having lately lost the greatest part of his estate by the Dutch, also a pair of pistols, a sword, and a hat, permission free." 21 Jan 1676.
Gombroon is in Iran. - JAD.
"Edward Darnelly to be permitted to export 100l in dollars for the use and account of his son Samuel Darnelly, a factor at Gombroon, he having lately lost the greatest part of his estate by the Dutch, also a pair of pistols, a sword, and a hat, permission free." 21 Jan 1676.
Gombroon is in Iran. - JAD.

Edward Darnelie left a will on 10 June 1676.
Will of Edward Darnelly 1676
The use of initial capitals is erratic and it is difficult to tell when an initial capital is intended.
2ly etc is used in the will for secondly etc. Westham, Essex, is assumed to refer to West Ham.
‘=’ is used in the will instead of a hyphen, but a hyphen is used below for ease of reading.
Guesses are in italics. Abbreviations are expanded thus: Eliz(abeth).
The names of relatives mentioned in the will are listed at the end.
In the name of God Amen
I Edward Darnelly being in reasonable health and good memory doe
make this my last will in manner and forme following (that is to say) I doe
yield up my soule and spiritt to God that gave it in hope of a en-
joyfull Resurrection through the meritt and sufferings of the
Righteous one the Lord Jesus my Blessed Saviour And Redeemer And in this
ffaith I live and dye As for my Body I desire it may be interred in St
Mildred Bread Streete Church near to the place where my wife Hannah was
buried And this to be done in the evening without Pomp And as for that little
estate which God have lent me I will and bequeath as followeth In primis
I give and bequeath ffour hundred pounds of current money of England
unto my Grandaughter Sarah Wharton to be paid her att the age of one
and twenty yeares or day of marriage which shall ffirst happen And my
will is that she be allowed Interest for the same att ffoure li p centum
p And the same Comence att one yeares End after my decease If the
greatest part of what is oweing mee be paid to my Executor by that time
2ly I give and bequeath unto my said Gran-daughter Sarah Wharton
A Chest with all the Plate and Lynned therein A note of the particulars
thereof is in the said Chest with my own and my sister in laws Mary
Styles names to the same note 3ly I give and bequeath unto my sister in
law Mary Styles widdow twenty pounds of Currant money of England
And all my houshould goods now in her hands att Westham in Essex
4ly I give and bequeath to Mr Hollingworth now Curate of the
Parish of Westham in Essex the sume of ffive pounds Item I give unto the
Poore of Westham ward Six pounds to be distributed among such of them as doe
frequent hearing of divine Service on the Sabbath days But not to the
Comon swearers among them Item I give and bequeath unto Abigal Edwards
Spinster now liveing with my sister in law Mary Styles the sume of
ffive pounds Item I give and bequeath unto Mary-Ann Shipleigh now
liveing with my sister in law Mary Styles the sume of ffive pounds
Item I give unto my sister Eliz(abeth) Davis now in Ireland the sume of
tenn pounds Item I give unto the Company of Apothecaries whereof I am
a member the sume of tenn pounds to buy a piece of Plate in my memory
Item I give unto Ffrancis Coppinger and Mary Coppinger son and daughter
of Ffrancis Coppinger the sume of ffive pounds to each of the Children Item
I give unto Mr Durrham Minister of St Mildred Bread Streete Parish ffive
pounds Item I give unto Mr Rich(ard) Hill Soape boyler att the Red Crosse on
Bread Streete Hill ffive pounds Item I give unto the wife of the said Rich(ard)
Hill ffive pounds Item I give unto Mr J(oh)n Spicer Counsellor att Lawe
ffive pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my two sonnes Edward Darnelly
and Samuell Darnelly All the rest and residue of my Estate not bequeathed
and given away by this my will And because both my said sonns are not
in the Kingdom of England And therefore am uncertain whither they be
alive my will is that if one or either of them be dead att the signeing this
my last will and testament that one hundred pounds of the deceaseds
part shall be paid to my Gran-daughter Sarah Wharton And if it appear
that att my decease Both my said sonnes be dead then my will is that my
said Gran-daughter shall have in the whole one thousand pounds besides
the Chest of Plate and Lynnen but if my said Gran-daughter should dye
before she receive her portion And one or both of my said sonnes be liveing
then my will is that what she should have be divided betwixt them or to
one of them if but one of them liveing Lastly my will is that All my
just debts and ffunerall charges be paid with the ffirst moneys that shall
be received of what is oweing to me And I doe hereby Constitute
nominate and appoint and desire my loveing friend Mr William Pott
Cittizen and Apothecary of London to be my Reall Executor of this my last
will and testament And for his paines for this trouble that I putt upon
him in manageing this Charge I give and bequeath unto him the said
William Pott the sume of fforty pounds Item My will is that what
watch or watches Ring or Rings and Ready money I dye possess and seized
of I leave to be dispose of among my friends att the will of my Executor
before mentioned Moreover my will and desire is that if my debts be duly
paid into my Executor that then the proportion which I have bequeathed to my
sonn Samuell Darnelly be sent to him into the East Indies by the discretion
and Advice of the East India Company Item my will is that if either my
Children or Grandchild or any of the legatees should molest of disturbe my
Executor by any Contentions lawsuits that then their legacies to be void
And to all that is men(t)ioned in these two sheets of Paper I sett my
hand and seale And deliver them forsigned and seald and declare them to be my
last will and testament Dated the tenth day of June Anno D(o)m(ine) 1676
Edward Darnelly / Signed seald and declared as my last will and testament
In the presence of Chr Endlin Mathew Jennett Thomas Hitch
Probatum fuit … … London
… … William Potts … …
Transcribed by JAD
November 2011
The use of initial capitals is erratic and it is difficult to tell when an initial capital is intended.
2ly etc is used in the will for secondly etc. Westham, Essex, is assumed to refer to West Ham.
‘=’ is used in the will instead of a hyphen, but a hyphen is used below for ease of reading.
Guesses are in italics. Abbreviations are expanded thus: Eliz(abeth).
The names of relatives mentioned in the will are listed at the end.
In the name of God Amen
I Edward Darnelly being in reasonable health and good memory doe
make this my last will in manner and forme following (that is to say) I doe
yield up my soule and spiritt to God that gave it in hope of a en-
joyfull Resurrection through the meritt and sufferings of the
Righteous one the Lord Jesus my Blessed Saviour And Redeemer And in this
ffaith I live and dye As for my Body I desire it may be interred in St
Mildred Bread Streete Church near to the place where my wife Hannah was
buried And this to be done in the evening without Pomp And as for that little
estate which God have lent me I will and bequeath as followeth In primis
I give and bequeath ffour hundred pounds of current money of England
unto my Grandaughter Sarah Wharton to be paid her att the age of one
and twenty yeares or day of marriage which shall ffirst happen And my
will is that she be allowed Interest for the same att ffoure li p centum
p And the same Comence att one yeares End after my decease If the
greatest part of what is oweing mee be paid to my Executor by that time
2ly I give and bequeath unto my said Gran-daughter Sarah Wharton
A Chest with all the Plate and Lynned therein A note of the particulars
thereof is in the said Chest with my own and my sister in laws Mary
Styles names to the same note 3ly I give and bequeath unto my sister in
law Mary Styles widdow twenty pounds of Currant money of England
And all my houshould goods now in her hands att Westham in Essex
4ly I give and bequeath to Mr Hollingworth now Curate of the
Parish of Westham in Essex the sume of ffive pounds Item I give unto the
Poore of Westham ward Six pounds to be distributed among such of them as doe
frequent hearing of divine Service on the Sabbath days But not to the
Comon swearers among them Item I give and bequeath unto Abigal Edwards
Spinster now liveing with my sister in law Mary Styles the sume of
ffive pounds Item I give and bequeath unto Mary-Ann Shipleigh now
liveing with my sister in law Mary Styles the sume of ffive pounds
Item I give unto my sister Eliz(abeth) Davis now in Ireland the sume of
tenn pounds Item I give unto the Company of Apothecaries whereof I am
a member the sume of tenn pounds to buy a piece of Plate in my memory
Item I give unto Ffrancis Coppinger and Mary Coppinger son and daughter
of Ffrancis Coppinger the sume of ffive pounds to each of the Children Item
I give unto Mr Durrham Minister of St Mildred Bread Streete Parish ffive
pounds Item I give unto Mr Rich(ard) Hill Soape boyler att the Red Crosse on
Bread Streete Hill ffive pounds Item I give unto the wife of the said Rich(ard)
Hill ffive pounds Item I give unto Mr J(oh)n Spicer Counsellor att Lawe
ffive pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my two sonnes Edward Darnelly
and Samuell Darnelly All the rest and residue of my Estate not bequeathed
and given away by this my will And because both my said sonns are not
in the Kingdom of England And therefore am uncertain whither they be
alive my will is that if one or either of them be dead att the signeing this
my last will and testament that one hundred pounds of the deceaseds
part shall be paid to my Gran-daughter Sarah Wharton And if it appear
that att my decease Both my said sonnes be dead then my will is that my
said Gran-daughter shall have in the whole one thousand pounds besides
the Chest of Plate and Lynnen but if my said Gran-daughter should dye
before she receive her portion And one or both of my said sonnes be liveing
then my will is that what she should have be divided betwixt them or to
one of them if but one of them liveing Lastly my will is that All my
just debts and ffunerall charges be paid with the ffirst moneys that shall
be received of what is oweing to me And I doe hereby Constitute
nominate and appoint and desire my loveing friend Mr William Pott
Cittizen and Apothecary of London to be my Reall Executor of this my last
will and testament And for his paines for this trouble that I putt upon
him in manageing this Charge I give and bequeath unto him the said
William Pott the sume of fforty pounds Item My will is that what
watch or watches Ring or Rings and Ready money I dye possess and seized
of I leave to be dispose of among my friends att the will of my Executor
before mentioned Moreover my will and desire is that if my debts be duly
paid into my Executor that then the proportion which I have bequeathed to my
sonn Samuell Darnelly be sent to him into the East Indies by the discretion
and Advice of the East India Company Item my will is that if either my
Children or Grandchild or any of the legatees should molest of disturbe my
Executor by any Contentions lawsuits that then their legacies to be void
And to all that is men(t)ioned in these two sheets of Paper I sett my
hand and seale And deliver them forsigned and seald and declare them to be my
last will and testament Dated the tenth day of June Anno D(o)m(ine) 1676
Edward Darnelly / Signed seald and declared as my last will and testament
In the presence of Chr Endlin Mathew Jennett Thomas Hitch
Probatum fuit … … London
… … William Potts … …
Transcribed by JAD
November 2011
Relatives of Edward Darnelly named in his will of 1676 (edited 2019) | |
His sons: | Edward Darnelly |
Samuell Darnelly | |
His grandchild | Sarah Wharton (the daughter of James Wharton and Hannah Darnelly) |
His sister: | Elizabeth Davi(e)s, wife of Edward Davies |
His great-nephew: | Ffrancis Coppinger (the son of Francis Coppinger and Mary Darnelly) |
His great-niece: | Mary Coppinger (sister to Ffrancis above) |
His sister-in-law: | Mary Styles (widow, née Brightwell), sister of his wife Hannah |
His niece: | Mary Ann Shipleigh (Shapley), daughter of his wife's sister Elizabeth. |

Edward Darnelie died in September 1676 at London, Middlesex, England, at age 70 years and 3 months

Edward Darnelie was buried on 18 September 1676 at St. Mildred, Bread Street, London, Middlesex, England,
Children of Edward Darnelie and Hannah Brightwell
- Thomas Darnley b. May 1641
- Hannah Darnelly+ b. abt 1643, d. Dec 1667
- Edward Darnelly b. Apr 1643, d. Feb 1678
- William Darnley b. May 1649
- Samuel Darnley b. Sep 1651
- Daniell Darnelly b. Dec 1654
Margaret Burne
ID# 11996, b. about 1590

Margaret Burne was born about 1590

Margaret Burne married Edward Darneley on 16 May 1611 at St. Michael's Church, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham, England,
Recorded as Edward Dearnley & Margreat Burne
from transcription only.
Joane Brammall
ID# 11998, b. about 1605
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Joane Brammall was born about 1605

Joane Brammall married Edward Dearnley, son of William Dearnley (III) and Elsbeth Goddard, on 18 April 1626 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Perhaps the Joane Dearneley, widow of Hilltopp buried 22 Aug 1685 Glossop.
see Joane (?)
see Joane (?)
Children of Joane Brammall and Edward Dearnley
- infant Dernelee b. abt May 1626, d. May 1626
- Elizabeth Dearnelie b. Sep 1627
- Anna Dernelie b. Dec 1629
- William Dearneley+ b. Jul 1632, d. Aug 1696
- Maria Dernelee b. Apr 1635
- Dorothy Dernelee b. Jun 1637
- Edward Dernilee b. Feb 1640
- Helen Dernilee b. Jan 1644, d. Apr 1644
Edward Darnelly
ID# 11999, b. September 1640
- Charts
- John Dernelly (c.1451-)

Edward Darnelly was born in September 1640 at Cambridgeshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Edward Darnelly was the son of Daniel Darnelly and Jane Loning.

Edward Darnelly was baptised on 18 October 1640 at Teversham, Cambridgeshire, England,