Thomas Darnelye
ID# 17371, b. about 1581

It is possible that the children: Alice, Ann & Thomas are not of Thomas & Lucy. but of Thomas D & Joan.
see Thomas Darnaley.
see Thomas Darnaley.

Thomas Darnelye was born about 1581
Thomas Darnelye was the son of John Darnaley and Elizabeth Hall.

Thomas Darnelye married Lucy Peake on 16 January 1603 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Children of Thomas Darnelye and Lucy Peake
- Alice Darnelleye b. Jun 1604, d. Jul 1604
- Anne Darnaly b. 10 Nov 1605, d. Dec 1605
- Thomas Darneli b. abt 1609, d. Dec 1609
Margaret Darnelye
ID# 17372, b. about 1574, d. March 1639

Margaret Darnelye was born about 1574
Margaret Darnelye was the daughter of John Darnaley and Elizabeth Hall.

Margaret Darnelye married Richard Mallary on 20 July 1590 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Margaret Darnelye left a will on 6 March 1638.
Will of Margaret Mallery
In the name of God Amen the x6th day or March in Anno Domi 1638 I Margeret Mallery of Rushden in
the Count. of Northton Widdow being Syck in Body yet in perfect memory laud & praise y be given to
almightie god do ordaine and make this my testament Conteynenig hearein my last will in manner &
forme followeing first I Bequeath my Soule in to the hands of almightie God my Creatour and to Jesus
Christ my Saviour & redeemer & my body to bee buryed in the pish Church of Rushden and my goods to
the world as followeth Imprimis I bequeath to the poore of Rushden 3s 4d to bee payed them Imediately
after my decease Item I bequeath unto my Son Thomas Peyne his children vj£ equally to bee distributed
amongst them and the Same to bee payed them wthin on moneth after my decease Item I bequeath to
my Sonne William Mallery Children iiij£ xs and the Same to be distributed equally amongst them and to
bee payed them wthin on moneth after my decease Item I bequeath to my Sonne Richarde Mallery two
daughters iij£ & the Same to bee payed them wthin on moneth after my decease Item I bequeath to
Henry Barnards two daughters my daughter Jane Childrens iij£ to bee payed them wthin on moneth
after my decease Item I bequeath to Elizabeth Barnard the daughter of Henry Barnard 6s to bee
payed her wthin on moneth after my decease Item I bequeath to Susan BURKE my servant xijd to bee
payed her in like manner as aForesaide Item I nequeath to my daughter Mary Peyne xijd Item I bequeath
to my Son Willam Mallery xijd Item I bequeath to my Son Richard Mallery xijd all these to bee payed
them Imediately after my decease Item I bequeath all the grayne that I shall have groweing in the feilds
boath Wheat Barley and Peyse to my Childrens Children equally to bee parted and Distributed amongst
them before harvest Item my will ys that all my Lynnon shalbee distributed among my Childrens
daughters All the rest of my goods household stuffe bond & money moveable and moveable Chattels
within dores and without dores unbequeathed I give and bequeath to my daughter Jane Barnard Whom
I make my Sole Executrixe of this my Last will to see legassies discharged and my debts payed and my
body to bee decently brought to the ground and all other expences discharged And my will ys this shall
stand & no other In witnesse wheareof I have heareunto Set my Hand the day & yeare above wrytten
Witnesses to this will The mark of Margeret “X” Mallery
William Darnelley
William Gurry
Probate granted 1639
Transcribed by Megan Butler, 2008
see The Rushden Heritage
Transcribed by Megan Butler, 2008
see The Rushden Heritage.
In the name of God Amen the x6th day or March in Anno Domi 1638 I Margeret Mallery of Rushden in
the Count. of Northton Widdow being Syck in Body yet in perfect memory laud & praise y be given to
almightie god do ordaine and make this my testament Conteynenig hearein my last will in manner &
forme followeing first I Bequeath my Soule in to the hands of almightie God my Creatour and to Jesus
Christ my Saviour & redeemer & my body to bee buryed in the pish Church of Rushden and my goods to
the world as followeth Imprimis I bequeath to the poore of Rushden 3s 4d to bee payed them Imediately
after my decease Item I bequeath unto my Son Thomas Peyne his children vj£ equally to bee distributed
amongst them and the Same to bee payed them wthin on moneth after my decease Item I bequeath to
my Sonne William Mallery Children iiij£ xs and the Same to be distributed equally amongst them and to
bee payed them wthin on moneth after my decease Item I bequeath to my Sonne Richarde Mallery two
daughters iij£ & the Same to bee payed them wthin on moneth after my decease Item I bequeath to
Henry Barnards two daughters my daughter Jane Childrens iij£ to bee payed them wthin on moneth
after my decease Item I bequeath to Elizabeth Barnard the daughter of Henry Barnard 6s to bee
payed her wthin on moneth after my decease Item I bequeath to Susan BURKE my servant xijd to bee
payed her in like manner as aForesaide Item I nequeath to my daughter Mary Peyne xijd Item I bequeath
to my Son Willam Mallery xijd Item I bequeath to my Son Richard Mallery xijd all these to bee payed
them Imediately after my decease Item I bequeath all the grayne that I shall have groweing in the feilds
boath Wheat Barley and Peyse to my Childrens Children equally to bee parted and Distributed amongst
them before harvest Item my will ys that all my Lynnon shalbee distributed among my Childrens
daughters All the rest of my goods household stuffe bond & money moveable and moveable Chattels
within dores and without dores unbequeathed I give and bequeath to my daughter Jane Barnard Whom
I make my Sole Executrixe of this my Last will to see legassies discharged and my debts payed and my
body to bee decently brought to the ground and all other expences discharged And my will ys this shall
stand & no other In witnesse wheareof I have heareunto Set my Hand the day & yeare above wrytten
Witnesses to this will The mark of Margeret “X” Mallery
William Darnelley
William Gurry
Probate granted 1639
Transcribed by Megan Butler, 2008
see The Rushden Heritage
A true and perfect Inventorie of all the goods and Chattels moveable and [un]moveable made vallued & priesed by us whose names are Under writtenthe xx5th daie of March in Anno Domi 1639 of Margeret Mallery widdow deceased as followeth | |||
Imprimis in the Hall on Cubbard one table Three buffet Stooles wth other implements And the seyleing in the Same |
Itim one brasse potte on pan two Kettels two pewter Dishes on Salt seller |
Item two beedsteeds and the furniture belonging to them priced |
Item the Linnon two paire of flaxson sheetes two paire of pillowbeares one paire of Hardon sheetes with other Linnon price |
Item two tubes on barrell with other wooden vessells valued & pric |
Item two hookes on Bar of In the chimney on great Iron |
Item for the Corne in the barne price |
Item for the peyse threshed & unthreshed |
Item for the hay and wood in the yard |
Item one Cowe valued ~~~price |
Item on shippe |
Item for 4 hens and on cocke |
Item for bonds and money |
Item for on swath of lease meadow |
Item for the testators Apparell |
Item all other goods forgotten & unprized |
Item for all the graine that is sowen in the feilds |
Item for all other goods unpreised & valued |
Summe Total
William Palmer | |||
William Gurry | |||
William Darnelley | |||
Note: the sum is actually £39.0.0. |
Transcribed by Megan Butler, 2008
see The Rushden Heritage.

Margaret Darnelye died in March 1639 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Margaret Darnelye was buried on 18 March 1639 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Children of Margaret Darnelye and Richard Mallary
- Jane Mallory b. abt 1592
- William Mallary b. abt 1594
- Mary Mallary b. abt 1596
- Richard Mallary b. abt 1598
Elizabeth Darnelye
ID# 17373, b. about 1576

Elizabeth Darnelye was born about 1576
Elizabeth Darnelye was the daughter of John Darnaley and Elizabeth Hall.

Elizabeth Darnelye married John Darlinge on 11 January 1601 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Mary Darnelye
ID# 17374, b. about 1580

Mary Darnelye was born about 1580
Mary Darnelye was the daughter of John Darnaley and Elizabeth Hall.

Mary Darnelye married John Fisher about 1602
Gilbert Darnaley
ID# 17375, b. December 1683

Gilbert Darnaley was born in December 1683 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Gilbert Darnaley was the son of John Darneley and Alice Wiles.

Gilbert Darnaley was baptised on 27 January 1684 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Gilbert Darnaley married Ann Pharoah on 14 June 1708 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Gilbert Darnaley married Ann Steaf on 2 May 1725 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Children of Gilbert Darnaley and Ann Pharoah
- John Darnelly+ b. Nov 1709
- Gilbert Darnelly b. Sep 1710, d. Aug 1725
- William Darnelly b. Aug 1712
- Anne Darnelly b. May 1715
- Mary Darnelly b. Dec 1723, d. May 1726
Children of Gilbert Darnaley and Ann Steaf
- Elizabeth Darnelly b. Apr 1726, d. Aug 1727
- Gilbert Darnelly b. Oct 1727
Anna Darnally
ID# 17376, b. February 1628

Anna Darnally was born in February 1628 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Anna Darnally was the daughter of Geoffrey Darniley and Alice Saunderson.

Anna Darnally was baptised on 9 March 1628 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Elizabeth Darnally
ID# 17377, b. August 1630

Elizabeth Darnally was born in August 1630 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Elizabeth Darnally was the daughter of Francis Darnally and Elizabeth Maning.

Elizabeth Darnally was baptised on 29 August 1630 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Frances Darnally
ID# 17378, b. June 1628

Frances Darnally was born in June 1628 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Frances Darnally was the daughter of Francis Darnally and Elizabeth Maning.

Frances Darnally was baptised on 20 July 1628 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Joseph Darnally
ID# 17379, b. May 1632, d. August 1635

Joseph Darnally was born in May 1632 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Joseph Darnally was the son of Geoffrey Darniley and Alice Saunderson.

Joseph Darnally was baptised on 23 June 1632 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Joseph Darnally died in August 1635 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England, at age 3 years and 3 months

Joseph Darnally was buried on 15 August 1635 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Mary Darnally
ID# 17380, b. December 1632

Mary Darnally was born in December 1632 at Northanptonshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Mary Darnally was the daughter of Thomas Darnally.

Mary Darnally was baptised on 6 January 1633 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
"d of Tho."