Susan Walters
ID# 17341, b. about 1565

Susan Walters was born about 1565
Susan Walters was the daughter of Henry Walters and Alice (?)

Susan Walters married Raphael Darnaley, son of Geoffrey Darnaley and Unknown (?), on 3 November 1586 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Brothers Raphael & Thomas appear to have had very late marriages.

Susan Walters married Thomas Coe on 11 June 1608 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Children of Susan Walters and Raphael Darnaley
- Thomas Darnely b. abt 1598, d. Jul 1598
- Susan Darnalye b. abt 1600
- Francis Darnally+ b. Mar 1601
Susan Quicke
ID# 17343, b. about 1624

Susan Quicke was born about 1624

Susan Quicke married John Darneley, son of William Darnelly and Ellen Clever, on 16 April 1645 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Children of Susan Quicke and John Darneley
- Susan Darnellie b. Oct 1646, d. b 1648
- John Darneley+ b. Sep 1647
- Susan Darnelly b. Sep 1648
- William Darnelley b. May 1654, d. Mar 1655
- William Darnelye b. Apr 1655
Susan Darnelly
ID# 17344, b. September 1648

Susan Darnelly was born in September 1648 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Susan Darnelly was the daughter of John Darneley and Susan Quicke.

Susan Darnelly was baptised on 15 October 1648 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Thomas Darnaley
ID# 17347, b. about 1546, d. August 1616

Dates of birth for Thomas' family are mostly estimates from his will with William coming before Richard.

Thomas Darnaley was born about 1546
Thomas Darnaley was the son of Geoffrey Darnaley and Unknown (?)

Thomas Darnaley married Joan (?) about 1592
Brothers Raphael & Thomas appear to have had very late marriages.

Thomas Darnaley left a will on 2 August 1616 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England.
Thomas Darnelly 1616
In the name of God Amen the second daye of August in the yeare of our Lord God, 1616 I Thomas Darniley of
Rushden in the county of Northampt husbandman being sick in bodie, but whole in minde and of a good and perfect memorie
laud and praise be unto God therefore: doe ordaine and make my testament containinge heare in my last Will, in
forme and manner followinge. First I bequeath my soule to Allmightie God, my creator and redeemer, and my body
to be buried in the parish churchyard of Rushden afforesayd.
Item I give unto Johann my daughter xx£ to be payd unto her at the daye of her marriage or at one and
twenty yeare of her age. Item I give unto Willyam my sonne xx£ to be payd unto him at the daye of
his marriage or at the on and twenty yeare of his age. Item I give unto Richard my sonne xx£ to be
payd unto him at the daye of his marriage or at the one and twenty yeare of his age. Item I give unto
Elizabeth my daughter xx£ to be payd unto her at the daye of her marriage or at the on and twenty
yeare of her age. Item my will is, that if any of my sayd children dye before the time above sayd that
they should receive there portions that there sayd portions shall be indifferentlie be devided amongst the
rest of my children. Item I give unto Robert Saunderson John Tapp and Robert Maye to eyther
of them vjd whom I make my supervisors. Item all the rest of my goods I give unto Johann my wife
and Gefferie my sonne whom I make my whole Executores. In witness wheareof I have sette
my hand.
The marke of {
Thomas Darniley { the testatour
Witnes to the same Suma Totalis £84 18s 2d
Robert Saunderson
Robert May
Transcribed by Jacky Lawrence
NRO Ref: N Wills 2nd Series Book P 22
In the name of God Amen the second daye of August in the yeare of our Lord God, 1616 I Thomas Darniley of
Rushden in the county of Northampt husbandman being sick in bodie, but whole in minde and of a good and perfect memorie
laud and praise be unto God therefore: doe ordaine and make my testament containinge heare in my last Will, in
forme and manner followinge. First I bequeath my soule to Allmightie God, my creator and redeemer, and my body
to be buried in the parish churchyard of Rushden afforesayd.
Item I give unto Johann my daughter xx£ to be payd unto her at the daye of her marriage or at one and
twenty yeare of her age. Item I give unto Willyam my sonne xx£ to be payd unto him at the daye of
his marriage or at the on and twenty yeare of his age. Item I give unto Richard my sonne xx£ to be
payd unto him at the daye of his marriage or at the one and twenty yeare of his age. Item I give unto
Elizabeth my daughter xx£ to be payd unto her at the daye of her marriage or at the on and twenty
yeare of her age. Item my will is, that if any of my sayd children dye before the time above sayd that
they should receive there portions that there sayd portions shall be indifferentlie be devided amongst the
rest of my children. Item I give unto Robert Saunderson John Tapp and Robert Maye to eyther
of them vjd whom I make my supervisors. Item all the rest of my goods I give unto Johann my wife
and Gefferie my sonne whom I make my whole Executores. In witness wheareof I have sette
my hand.
The marke of {
Thomas Darniley { the testatour
Witnes to the same Suma Totalis £84 18s 2d
Robert Saunderson
Robert May
Transcribed by Jacky Lawrence
NRO Ref: N Wills 2nd Series Book P 22

Thomas Darnaley died in August 1616 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Thomas Darnaley was buried on 10 August 1616 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Children of Thomas Darnaley and Joan (?)
- Geoffrey Darniley+ b. abt 1595
- Johann Darniley b. abt 1596
- William Darnely b. Jan 1601
- Richard Darniley b. abt 1603
- Elizabeth Darniley b. abt 1607
Joan (?)
ID# 17348, b. about 1570, d. November 1622

Joan (?) was born about 1570

Joan (?) married Thomas Darnaley, son of Geoffrey Darnaley and Unknown (?), about 1592
Brothers Raphael & Thomas appear to have had very late marriages.

Joan (?) died in November 1622 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Joan (?) was buried on 9 November 1622 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Joan Darnally widow.
Children of Joan (?) and Thomas Darnaley
- Geoffrey Darniley+ b. abt 1595
- Johann Darniley b. abt 1596
- William Darnely b. Jan 1601
- Richard Darniley b. abt 1603
- Elizabeth Darniley b. abt 1607
Geoffrey Darniley
ID# 17349, b. about 1595

Geoffrey Darniley was born about 1595
Geoffrey Darniley was the son of Thomas Darnaley and Joan (?)

Geoffrey Darniley married Alice Saunderson on 14 November 1619 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Geffrey Darniley & Alice Saunderson
Northamptonshire Parish Registers
source: Rushden Heritage - A History of Rushden.

A Jeffery Darnally is churchwarden of St. Mary's Church, Rushden in 1623 & 1633.

Geoffrey paid Hearth Tax in 1662.
Children of Geoffrey Darniley and Alice Saunderson
- Thomas Darnaly b. Jul 1620
- Mary Darnally b. May 1623, d. 26 May 1623
- Anna Darnally b. Feb 1628
- Jeffery Darnally b. Dec 1630, d. bt 15 Jan 1631 - 20 Jan 1631
- Joseph Darnally b. May 1632, d. Aug 1635
- Samuel Darnelly b. Sep 1636
Johann Darniley
ID# 17350, b. about 1596

Johann Darniley was born about 1596
Johann Darniley was the daughter of Thomas Darnaley and Joan (?)