Ann Donnelly
ID# 18682, b. August 1814

Ann Donnelly was born in August 1814 at Werneth, Cheshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Ann Donnelly was the daughter of John Donnelly and Lenora (?)

Ann Donnelly was baptised on 9 October 1814 at Chadkirk, Cheshire, England,
Baptisms in the Chapelry of Chadkirk 1814
1814 Oct 9th No 33 Ann Daugtr of John & Lenora Donnelly, abode: Werneth, trade or profession: Cotton Spinner.
1814 Oct 9th No 33 Ann Daugtr of John & Lenora Donnelly, abode: Werneth, trade or profession: Cotton Spinner.
John Donnelly
ID# 18683, b. about 1786

John Donnelly was born about 1786

John Donnelly married Lenora (?) about 1807
Child of John Donnelly and Lenora (?)
- Ann Donnelly b. Aug 1814
Lenora (?)
ID# 18684, b. about 1786

Lenora (?) was born about 1786

Lenora (?) married John Donnelly about 1807
Child of Lenora (?) and John Donnelly
- Ann Donnelly b. Aug 1814
Thomas Hadfield
ID# 18685, b. 1653, d. 1743

The Hadfield family papers are archived at John Rylands Library, University of Manchester. One of the appraisers for the inventory for Thomas's will was William Deernley. - JAD.

Thomas Hadfield was born in 1653

Thomas Hadfield married Unknown (?) about 1674

in 1688 Thomas Hadfield lived at Hadfield, Derbyshire, England,

Thomas Hadfield died in 1743 at age 90 years
Children of Thomas Hadfield and Unknown (?)
- George Hadfield b. abt 1683
- Anna Hadfield+ b. 1688
Elizabeth Creswick
ID# 18686, b. December 1711

Elizabeth Creswick was born in December 1711 at Little Padfield, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Elizabeth Creswick was the daughter of John Creswick and Anna Hadfield.

Elizabeth Creswick was baptised on 5 January 1712 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Elizabeth Creswick married John Booth on 8 August 1738 at Peak Forest, Derbyshire, England,

Named in grand-father Thomas Hadfield's will of 1743, with husband John Booth of Charlesworth.
Willliam Creswick
ID# 18687, b. May 1717, d. 6 April 1784

William Creswick of Padfield appears in a document on "Access to Archives" in relation to property in Netherthong and elsewhere.
see The National Archives.
see The National Archives.

Willliam Creswick was born in May 1717 at Little Padfield, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Willliam Creswick was the son of John Creswick and Anna Hadfield.

Willliam Creswick was baptised on 2 July 1717 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Willliam Creswick married Betty Hadfield, daughter of John Hadfield and Mary (?), about 1740

In 1753, William Creswick, tanner of Padfield, is listed in the Register of Duties Paid for Apprentices' Indentures (Ancestry.)

in 1758 Willliam Creswick lived at Padfield, Derbyshire, England,

William Creswick and his daughters are mentioned in the 1761 will of his father-in-law, John Hadfield. See Wills of Derbyshirel for summary or full will on findmypast. - JAD.

Daughter Anna died in 1772 and administration was granted to her father, described at the time as ‘of Macclesfield’.

Willliam Creswick left a will on 17 September 1779.
Transcription of Will of William Creswick written 1779, probate 1784
Available document is a copy of the original will.
Spacing inserted for readability. Missing and unreadable words inserted thus:.
Names are in bold.
In the Name of God Amen I William Creswick of Lane in the Parish of Almondbury in the County of York Gentleman being in good Health and of sound and disposing Mind Memory and Understanding (praised be God for the same) but considering the uncertainty of this transitory Life and the certainty of Death and being mindfull to dispose of the Estate and Effects which it hath pleased God to bestow on me in this Life in such manner that after my Decease there may be no disputes or differences concerning the same Do this seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our One thousand seven hundred and seventy nine make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following
Whereas I have duly surrendered all my Copyhold or Customary Estates within or parcell of the Manor of Wakefield in the said County of York into the Hands of the Lord of the said Manor according to the Custom thereof to and for such uses and purposes as I should declare in and by my last Will and Testament Now I do declare such uses and purposes concerning the same to be as hereafter is mentioned First I do Will and Order that all my Just Debts Funeral Expenses and the Probate of this my Will shall be fully paid discharged and satisfield by my Executrixes herein named
I give and devise to Jane my loving Wife and her Assigns All that Messuage Dwellinghouse or Tenement at Lane aforesaid wherein I now dwell with the Appurtenances to the same belonging To hold to the said Jane my Wife and her Assigns for and during the Term of her natural Life in Case she shall so long continue my Widow and not otherwise for in Case she shall marry again I will that she shall Immediately on such Marriage quit and deliver up the same to my Daughter Elizabeth Wife of Mr John Wyld of Macclesfield in the County of Chester to whom I give and devise the same To hold from and after the Death or Marriage again of my said Wife (which shall first happen) to my said Daughter Elizabeth Wyld and to her Heirs forever
I also give to my said Wife all the Houshold Goods and Furniture within my now Dwellinghouse at Lane aforesaid (Except Silver Plate) for her own use absolutely and these provisions for my Wife over and besides the third part of the profits of my Real Estate which she will (in Case she survive me) be entitled to for Life will I hope be a comfortable Subsistence for her
I give and devise to my said Daughter Elizabeth Wyld and to her Heirs for ever All that Messuage Farm or Tenement with the Lands Grounds and all the Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the same belonging in Upperthongue within the Parish of Almondbury aforesaid now in the possession of Abraham Turner his undertenants or Assigns and those two Woods and the Ground and Soil thereof called Markbottom Wood and Royd Wood in Upperthongue aforesaid now in my own possession Also all those two Closes of Land called upper Binnfield and lower Binnfield in Upperthongue aforesaid now in the possession of Joshua Wimpenny or his Assigns Also all that Messuage Farm or Tenement with the Lands and Ground Woods and Woody Ground to the same belonging lying and being in the Hamlet of Cartworth in the Parish of Kirkburton in the said County of York called Whitegate in the possession of George Kaye or his Assigns To hold all the said Messuages Lands and Hereditaments before mentioned to be devised to my said Daughter Elizabeth With the Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the same respectively belonging to her my said Daughter Elizabeth Wyld her Heirs and Assigns for ever
Subject and chargeable nevertheless with the payment of the Sum of One hundred Pounds to my Daughter Mary Wife of Mr Peter Lomas of Bollington in the said County of Chester within twelve Months next after my Decease with the payment whereof I hereby charge the Estate so above given to my said Daughter Wyld
I give and devise to my said Daughter Mary Wife of said Mr Lomas and her Heirs All that Messuage Farm or Tenement standing and being in the Township of Upperthongue aforesaid with the Land and Ground to the same belonging now in the possession of Joshua Wimpenny or his Assigns (Except the two Binnfields in the possession of Joshua Wimpenny and the Dwelling house standing in the lower Binnfield now in my own possession above given to my said Daughter Wyld) Also all that Messuage Farm or Tenement with the Lands and Ground to the same belonging standing and being in Upperthongue aforesaid in the possession of Samuel Wimpenny or his Assigns And all that Wood and Woody Ground in Upperthongue aforesaid called Binns Wood Also all that Messuage Farm or Tenement with the Land and Ground to the same belonging in Upperthongue aforesaid now in the possession of David Hampshire Matthew Hampshire and John Hampshire or some of them Also all that Messuage Farm or Tenement standing and being at Woodhouse in the Hamlett of Cartworth aforesaid with the Land and Ground to the same belonging and three Cottages how in the possession of James Hinchcliff or his Undertenants or Assigns To hold all the said Messuages or Tenements Cottages Lands and Hereditaments last above mentioned to be devised to my said Daughter Lomas with the Appurtenances to the same respectively belonging to her my said Daughter Lomas and to her Heirs and Assigns for ever
Yet nevertheless Subject and chargeable with the payment of the Sum of fforty Shillings a Year to my said Daughter Wyld or her Assigns Yearly and every Year from the time of my Death for so long Time as my said Wife shall occupy the Dwellinghouse in which I now live with the payment of which Annuity of fforty shillings I do hereby charge the said Estate so above given to my said Daughter Lomas
and in default of payment of which said Annuity for the space of fforty Days next after the end
of every Year respectively I do will and order that it shall and may be lawfull to and for my said Daughter Wyld or her Assigns or Agents to enter into and upon the Messuage Farm or Tenement now in the possession of said Joshua Wimpenny or any part thereof and the Goods Chattells or Effects from Time to Time then and there found to take seize impound appraise sell and dispose of in such manner as is by Law provided for Recovery of Rents reserved upon Leases or in Case there shall be no Effects whereon such Distress can be made it shall and may be lawfull to and for my said Daughter Wyld or her Assigns into the said Lands and Hereditaments so charged with the payment of the said Annuity or any part thereof to enter and the Rents Issues and Profits thereof from Time to Time to receive and take until the said Annuity of fforty Shillings together with all arrears and all Costs and Expenses attending the same be fully paid discharged and satisfied
All the rest residue and remainder of my Real Estate whatsoever not before by me disposed of I give and devise to my said two Daughters to hold to them and their several Heirs and Assigns as Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants
All the rest and residue of my Goods Chattells and Personal Estate whatsoever I give and bequeath to my said two Daughters to be equally divided between them and their respective legal Representatives Share and Share alike And I do nominate constitute and appoint my said two Daughters Elizabeth and Mary joint Executrixes of this my last Will and Testament and I recommend it to my said Daughters and their respective Husbands to be content and satisfied with the Disposition I have above made I having done the same upon due Consideration in the most equal manner I can and I do express it to be my Desire that they may live upon good Terms hereafter as becomes so near Relations and good Christians and that they may set good Examples to their Posterity to do the same
And I do hereby revoke all former Wills by me made In Witness whereof I the said William Creswick the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in two sheets of Paper to the first of which I have sett my Hand and to the latter my Hand and Seal the Day and Year first above written Wm Creswick
Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his Request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses
Mary Wimpenny Samuel Wimpenny Jas Crosland Passd June 1784
Transcribed by Janet Davies
August 2012
People named in the will of William Creswick 1784
Note: William’s widow Jane married John Marshall in 1785.
Properties referred to in the will of William Creswick 1784
(MFT = ‘messuage farm or tenement’)
Available document is a copy of the original will.
Spacing inserted for readability. Missing and unreadable words inserted thus:
Names are in bold.
In the Name of God Amen I William Creswick of Lane in the Parish of Almondbury in the County of York Gentleman being in good Health and of sound and disposing Mind Memory and Understanding (praised be God for the same) but considering the uncertainty of this transitory Life and the certainty of Death and being mindfull to dispose of the Estate and Effects which it hath pleased God to bestow on me in this Life in such manner that after my Decease there may be no disputes or differences concerning the same Do this seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our
Whereas I have duly surrendered all my Copyhold or Customary Estates within or parcell of the Manor of Wakefield in the said County of York into the Hands of the Lord of the said Manor according to the Custom thereof to and for such uses and purposes as I should declare in and by my last Will and Testament Now I do declare such uses and purposes concerning the same to be as hereafter is mentioned First I do Will and Order that all my Just Debts Funeral Expenses and the Probate of this my Will shall be fully paid discharged and satisfield by my Executrixes herein
I give and devise to Jane my loving Wife and her Assigns All that Messuage Dwellinghouse or Tenement at Lane aforesaid wherein I now dwell with the Appurtenances to the same belonging To hold to the said Jane my Wife and her Assigns for and during the Term of her natural Life in Case she shall so long continue my Widow and not otherwise for in Case she shall marry again I will that she shall Immediately on such Marriage quit and deliver up the same to my Daughter Elizabeth Wife of Mr John Wyld of Macclesfield in the County of Chester to whom I give and devise the same To hold from and after the Death or Marriage again of my said Wife (which shall first happen) to my said Daughter Elizabeth Wyld and to her Heirs forever
I also give to my said Wife all the Houshold Goods and Furniture within my now Dwellinghouse at Lane aforesaid (Except Silver Plate) for her own use absolutely and these provisions for my Wife over and besides the third part of the profits of my Real Estate which she will (in Case she survive me) be entitled to for Life will I hope be a comfortable Subsistence for her
I give and devise to my said Daughter Elizabeth Wyld and to her Heirs for ever All that Messuage Farm or Tenement with the Lands Grounds and all the Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the same belonging in Upperthongue within the Parish of Almondbury aforesaid now in the possession of Abraham Turner his undertenants or Assigns and those two Woods and the Ground and Soil thereof called Markbottom Wood and Royd Wood in Upperthongue aforesaid now in my own possession Also all those two Closes of Land called upper Binnfield and lower Binnfield in Upperthongue aforesaid now in the possession of Joshua Wimpenny or his Assigns Also all that Messuage Farm or Tenement with the Lands and Ground Woods and Woody Ground to the same belonging lying and being in the Hamlet of Cartworth in the Parish of Kirkburton in the said County of York called Whitegate in the possession of George Kaye or his Assigns To hold all the said Messuages Lands and Hereditaments before mentioned to be devised to my said Daughter Elizabeth With the Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the same respectively belonging to her my said Daughter Elizabeth Wyld her Heirs and Assigns for ever
Subject and chargeable nevertheless with the payment of the Sum of One hundred Pounds to my Daughter Mary Wife of Mr Peter Lomas of Bollington in the said County of Chester within twelve Months next after my Decease with the payment whereof I hereby charge the Estate so above given to my said Daughter Wyld
I give and devise to my said Daughter Mary Wife of said Mr Lomas and her Heirs All that Messuage Farm or Tenement standing and being in the Township of Upperthongue aforesaid with the Land and Ground to the same belonging now in the possession of Joshua Wimpenny or his Assigns (Except the two Binnfields in the possession of Joshua Wimpenny and the Dwelling house standing in the lower Binnfield now in my own possession above given to my said Daughter Wyld) Also all that Messuage Farm or Tenement with the Lands and Ground to the same belonging standing and being in Upperthongue aforesaid in the possession of Samuel Wimpenny or his Assigns And all that Wood and Woody Ground in Upperthongue aforesaid called Binns Wood Also all that Messuage Farm or Tenement with the Land and Ground to the same belonging in Upperthongue aforesaid now in the possession of David Hampshire Matthew Hampshire and John Hampshire or some of them Also all that Messuage Farm or Tenement standing and being at Woodhouse in the Hamlett of Cartworth aforesaid with the Land and Ground to the same belonging and three Cottages how in the possession of James Hinchcliff or his Undertenants or Assigns To hold all the said Messuages or Tenements Cottages Lands and Hereditaments last above mentioned to be devised to my said Daughter Lomas with the Appurtenances to the same respectively belonging to her my said Daughter Lomas and to her Heirs and Assigns for ever
Yet nevertheless Subject and chargeable with the payment of the Sum of fforty Shillings a Year to my said Daughter Wyld or her Assigns Yearly and every Year from the time of my Death for so long Time as my said Wife shall occupy the Dwellinghouse in which I now live with the payment of which Annuity of fforty shillings I do hereby charge the said Estate so above given to my said Daughter Lomas
and in default of payment of which said Annuity for the space of fforty Days next after the end
of every Year respectively I do will and order that it shall and may be lawfull to and for my said Daughter Wyld or her Assigns or Agents to enter into and upon the Messuage Farm or Tenement now in the possession of said Joshua Wimpenny or any part thereof and the Goods Chattells or Effects from Time to Time then and there found to take seize impound appraise sell and dispose of in such manner as is by Law provided for Recovery of Rents reserved upon Leases or in Case there shall be no Effects whereon such Distress can be made it shall and may be lawfull to and for my said Daughter Wyld or her Assigns into the said Lands and Hereditaments so charged with the payment of the said Annuity or any part thereof to enter and the Rents Issues and Profits thereof from Time to Time to receive and take until the said Annuity of fforty Shillings together with all arrears and all Costs and Expenses attending the same be fully paid discharged and satisfied
All the rest residue and remainder of my Real Estate whatsoever not before by me disposed of I give and devise to my said two Daughters to hold to them and their several Heirs and Assigns as Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants
All the rest and residue of my Goods Chattells and Personal Estate whatsoever I give and bequeath to my said two Daughters to be equally divided between them and their respective legal Representatives Share and Share alike And I do nominate constitute and appoint my said two Daughters Elizabeth and Mary joint Executrixes of this my last Will and Testament and I recommend it to my said Daughters and their respective Husbands to be content and satisfied with the Disposition I have above made I having done the same upon due Consideration in the most equal manner I can and I do express it to be my Desire that they may live upon good Terms hereafter as becomes so near Relations and good Christians and that they may set good Examples to their Posterity to do the same
And I do hereby revoke all former Wills by me made In Witness whereof I the said William Creswick the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in two sheets of Paper to the first of which I have sett my Hand and to the latter my Hand and Seal the Day and Year first above written Wm Creswick
Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his Request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses
Mary Wimpenny Samuel Wimpenny Jas Crosland Passd June 1784
Transcribed by Janet Davies
August 2012
People named in the will of William Creswick 1784
His (second) wife: | Jane |
His daughters: | Elizabeth, wife of John Wyld of Macclesfield |
Mary, wife of Peter Lomas of Bollington | |
His tenants: | Abraham Turner |
Joshua Wimpenny | |
George Kaye | |
Samuel Wimpenny | |
David, Matthew and John Hampshire | |
James Hinchcliff | |
Witnesses: | |
Mary Wimpenny | |
Samuel Wimpenny | |
Ja(me)s Crosland |
Note: William’s widow Jane married John Marshall in 1785.
Properties referred to in the will of William Creswick 1784
(MFT = ‘messuage farm or tenement’)
description | ownership or tenant | guess at abode of tenant from burial records |
to daughter Elizabeth Wyld | ||
MFT, Lane, Almondbury | Self | |
MFT, Upperthongue | Abraham Turner | "of Upperthong" (1789) |
Markbottom Wood, Upperthongue | Self | |
Royd Wood, Upperthongue | Self | |
Closes of land called Upper and Lower Binnfield, Upperthongue |
Joshua Wimpenny | Hill |
MFT, Whitegate, Cartworth | George Kaye | |
to daughter Mary Lomas | ||
MFT, Upperthongue | Joshua Wimpenny | Hill |
MFT, Upperthongue | Samuel Wimpenny | Hill |
Binns Wood, Upperthongue | ||
MFT, Upperthongue | David, Matthew and John Hampshire |
Matthew "of Upperthong" (1801) John "of Broad Lane in Thong" (1799) |
MFT, Woodhouse, Cartworth | James Hinchcliff |  . |

Willliam Creswick died on 6 April 1784 at Lane, Almondbury, Yorkshire, England, at age 66 years and 11 months

Willliam Creswick was buried on 9 April 1784 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
occupation tanner, age 67 years
William's address given as Lane, Almondbury.
note: Lane is ambiguous. Could be between Holme & Ings; Upperthong Lane; Mellor Lane, Austonley or Kaye Lane, Almondbury to name but a few. If it's just Almondbury then Kaye Lane seems the most likely. - IG.
William's address given as Lane, Almondbury.
note: Lane is ambiguous. Could be between Holme & Ings; Upperthong Lane; Mellor Lane, Austonley or Kaye Lane, Almondbury to name but a few. If it's just Almondbury then Kaye Lane seems the most likely. - IG.
Children of Willliam Creswick and Betty Hadfield
- Elizabeth Creswick b. 1748
- Anna Creswick b. 1751, d. 1772
- Mary Creswick+ b. 1754, d. Jun 1808
Jane Jackson
ID# 18688, b. about 1682

Jane Jackson was born about 1682

Jane Jackson married William Creswick, son of William Creswick and Sarah Dearneley, on 20 May 1708 at Bakewell, Derbyshire, England,
Child of Jane Jackson and William Creswick
- Mary Creswick+ b. abt 1710, d. b 1770
Betty Hadfield
ID# 18689, b. July 1725, d. November 1758

Betty Hadfield was born in July 1725 at Crodenbrook, Cheshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Betty Hadfield was the daughter of John Hadfield and Mary (?)

Betty Hadfield was baptised on 25 August 1725 at Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,

Betty Hadfield married Willliam Creswick, son of John Creswick and Anna Hadfield, about 1740

Betty Hadfield died in November 1758 at Padfield, Derbyshire, England, at age 33 years and 4 months

Betty Hadfield was buried on 22 November 1758 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Children of Betty Hadfield and Willliam Creswick
- Elizabeth Creswick b. 1748
- Anna Creswick b. 1751, d. 1772
- Mary Creswick+ b. 1754, d. Jun 1808
John Hadfield
ID# 18690, b. about 1696, d. 1760

John Hadfield was born about 1696

John Hadfield married Mary (?) about 1718

in 1725 John Hadfield lived at Crowdenbrook, Cheshire, England,

John Hadfield of Crowdenbrook and Mary his wife to William Creswick of Padfield, parish of Glossop and Thomas Hadfield of Hadfield parish of Glossop. 2 messuages called Greave House and Oldam house in Carlcoates and various closes [named in CM/973-974]; a messuage, barn, and garden in Nether Thong and several closes called the 2 Town cliffs, the Whinney Reaps, Wells Green, Pedder Royd, the 2 farr Ings, the Hey, in consideration of a marriage arranged between Thomas Hadfield, son of said John Hadfield and Mary Hadfield, daughter of Thomas Hadfield of Westwood and of £400 received as a marriage portion, in trust to stated uses.
Former reference: B6 b30.
AtoA: Settlement (lease and release) CM/997-998 8-9 Oct 1755
These documents are held at Sheffield Archives.
Former reference: B6 b30.
AtoA: Settlement (lease and release) CM/997-998 8-9 Oct 1755
These documents are held at Sheffield Archives.

John Hadfield died in 1760
John's will (probate 1761) is on findmypast. He names his Creswick granddaughters, the children of William Creswick 1717-.
Children of John Hadfield and Mary (?)
- Betty Hadfield+ b. Jul 1725, d. Nov 1758
- Thomas Hadfield b. abt 1733, d. 1804