John Creswick
ID# 17491, b. 1688, d. September 1722

John is mentioned in the Will of John Dearnely of Padfield 1705 (grandfather).
see John Dearnely (IV)
The Executor of that will, Thomas Hadfield of Hadfield (1653-1743) had a daughter Anna born 1688, who married John Creswick in 1711 at Mellor, Derbys (findmypast and Glossop BMDs). The Hadfield family papers are archived at John Rylands Library, University of Manchester. One of the appraisers for the inventory for Thomas's will was William Deernley.
John and Anna Creswick had children Elizabeth 05 Jan 1712, William bpt 17 Apr 1714 and buried 24 Apr 1714, John 15 Jul 1715 and William bpt 02 Jul 1717 (Glossop BMDs, plus familysearch). The address for them is given as Little Padfield. There is a farm called Little Padfield Farm in the Padfield Conservation Area, east of Padfield.
William Creswick of Padfield appears in a document on AtoA in relation to property in Upperthong and elsewhere. He died 06 Apr 1784 and was buried 09 Apr 1784 in Glossop, with his address given as Lane, Almondbury, occupation tanner, age 67 years (Glossop BMDs). (born 1717)
- Janet Davies.
see John Dearnely (IV)
The Executor of that will, Thomas Hadfield of Hadfield (1653-1743) had a daughter Anna born 1688, who married John Creswick in 1711 at Mellor, Derbys (findmypast and Glossop BMDs). The Hadfield family papers are archived at John Rylands Library, University of Manchester. One of the appraisers for the inventory for Thomas's will was William Deernley.
John and Anna Creswick had children Elizabeth 05 Jan 1712, William bpt 17 Apr 1714 and buried 24 Apr 1714, John 15 Jul 1715 and William bpt 02 Jul 1717 (Glossop BMDs, plus familysearch). The address for them is given as Little Padfield. There is a farm called Little Padfield Farm in the Padfield Conservation Area, east of Padfield.
William Creswick of Padfield appears in a document on AtoA in relation to property in Upperthong and elsewhere. He died 06 Apr 1784 and was buried 09 Apr 1784 in Glossop, with his address given as Lane, Almondbury, occupation tanner, age 67 years (Glossop BMDs). (born 1717)
- Janet Davies.

John Creswick was born in 1688
John Creswick was the son of William Creswick and Sarah Dearneley.

John Creswick married Anna Hadfield, daughter of Thomas Hadfield and Unknown (?), in 1711 at Mellor, Derbyshire, England,

John Creswick left a will in 1722.
Extract from Will of John Creswick 1722
John Creswick c1684-1722 was the grandson of John Dearneley 1632-1706, from whom he inherited the Padfield property.
"I give and bequeath unto my Elder sone John Creswicke all my Estate att
Overthong & Whitegate & Woodhouse in Holmfirth to enter upon it at age of one & twenty until
which time for to bring up Younger Children towards raising Two hundred
pounds for my Daughter Elizabeth Creswick to --- at age of one & twenty years
And likewise all my Goods & Chattells
except my Tenement in Little Padfield which I bequeath unto William Cresswick my
younger son to be improved for him by my Executor to End & Expiration of Term
mentioned in Lease and then what property I have then to my Son John Creswick"
The sole executor is George Hadfield c1683, who was brother of John Creswick's wife (Anna). George Hadfield was married to Martha Dearnelie c1683, daughter of Samuel 1643 and granddaughter of William 'IV' i.e. Martha was first cousin once removed to John Creswick c1684 as well as being married to John's brother-in-law.
The leased property of Little Padfield appears in the inventory. It is a long inventory and towards the end it has a line:
It(em) his tenement in Little Padfield 120-00-00
The inventory total is £322-17-01.
Also, there is a final page which is partly in latin that appears to be the official document from the ecclesiastical court of Lichfield giving the executor George Hadfield custody of the 3 children.
- Janet A Davies.
John Creswick c1684-1722 was the grandson of John Dearneley 1632-1706, from whom he inherited the Padfield property.
"I give and bequeath unto my Elder sone John Creswicke all my Estate att
Overthong & Whitegate & Woodhouse in Holmfirth to enter upon it at age of one & twenty until
which time for to bring up
pounds for my Daughter
And likewise all my Goods & Chattells
except my Tenement in Little Padfield which I bequeath unto
younger son to be improved for him by my Executor to
mentioned in
The sole executor is George Hadfield c1683, who was brother of John Creswick's wife (Anna). George Hadfield was married to Martha Dearnelie c1683, daughter of Samuel 1643 and granddaughter of William 'IV' i.e. Martha was first cousin once removed to John Creswick c1684 as well as being married to John's brother-in-law.
The leased property of Little Padfield appears in the inventory. It is a long inventory and towards the end it has a line:
It(em) his tenement in Little Padfield 120-00-00
The inventory total is £322-17-01.
Also, there is a final page which is partly in latin that appears to be the official document from the ecclesiastical court of Lichfield giving the executor George Hadfield custody of the 3 children.
- Janet A Davies.

John Creswick died in September 1722 at Derbyshire, England, at age 34 years

John Creswick was buried on 15 September 1722 at Padfield, Derbyshire, England,
'John Cresswell of Padfield buried 15 Sep 1722, Glossop.'
Memorial Inscription:
Here lyeth in / terred the body / of JOHN DEARN / ELY of Padfield / yeoman who / departed this / present life May /
the 13 1706 / JOHN CRESWICKE / of Little Padfield was in / terred the 15 / day of September / in the 34 ye / are of his age /
and the yeare o / f our Lord 1722.
Memorial Inscription:
Here lyeth in / terred the body / of JOHN DEARN / ELY of Padfield / yeoman who / departed this / present life May /
the 13 1706 / JOHN CRESWICKE / of Little Padfield was in / terred the 15 / day of September / in the 34 ye / are of his age /
and the yeare o / f our Lord 1722.
Children of John Creswick and Anna Hadfield
- Elizabeth Creswick b. Dec 1711
- William Creswick b. Mar 1714, d. Apr 1714
- John Creswick b. Jun 1715, d. b 1770
- Willliam Creswick+ b. May 1717, d. 6 Apr 1784
William Dearneley
ID# 17492, b. about 1663, d. May 1696

William Dearneley was born about 1663

in 1691 William Dearneley lived at Godley, Cheshire, England,

William Dearneley died in May 1696 at Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,

William Dearneley was buried on 14 May 1696 at Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,
'William Dernely de Mottram buried' (FindMyPast)
Can't find anyone else for this burial!
Can't find anyone else for this burial!
Child of William Dearneley
- John Dearneley b. Jul 1691
Joseph Sidebotham
ID# 17493, b. about 1671, d. 1748

Joseph Sidebotham was born about 1671

in 1700 Joseph Sidebotham lived at Marple, Cheshire, England,

Joseph Sidebotham married Elizabeth Dearneley, daughter of Joseph Dearneley and Elizabeth Smith, on 21 December 1700 at St. Marys, Stockport, Cheshire, England,
'Joseph Sidebotham of Marple & Elizabeth Dernely were Married the 21 day'
(FMP - date & Mary's surname are mis-transcribed.)
Marriage confirmed by the Will of uncle John.
see John Dearnely (IV).

Joseph Sidebotham married Anne (?) on 23 April 1718 at Marple, Cheshire, England,
'Jos Sidebottom of Marple & Ann Rhodes of Glossoppe Parish'
Bishops Transcripts.
'Joseph Sidebotham & Anne Rhodes both of Ludwo---
in the Parish of Glossoppe marryed at Marple Chappell
Aprill 23d 1718'
Diocese of Chester parish registers.

Joseph Sidebotham married Sarah Wild on 5 December 1740 at Stockport, Cheshire, England,
'Joseph Sydebotham of Marple & Sarah Wild of Hayfield were Mard by bansthe 5: day.'

Joseph Sidebotham left a will on 6 March 1747.
Will & Inventory available of FindMyPast.

Joseph Sidebotham died in 1748
Children of Joseph Sidebotham and Elizabeth Dearneley
- John Sidebotham b. Jan 1701
- Mary Sidebotham b. Sep 1707
- Male Sydebotham b. Feb 1710
- Elizabeth Sidebotham b. Dec 1710
Children of Joseph Sidebotham
- Samuel Sidebotham b. abt 1705
- Silas Sidebotham b. abt 1713
- Sarah Sidebotham b. abt 1715
John Swindells
ID# 17494, b. about 1690

John Swindells was born about 1690
John Swindells was the son of Unknown Swindells and Sarah Dearneley.
Betty Hallas
ID# 17495, b. 1808

Betty Hallas was born in 1808 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Betty Hallas married Joseph Cooper about February 1853 at All Saints, Glossop, Hatfield R.D., Derbyshire, England,
William Dearneley
ID# 17496, b. February 1662, d. March 1674

William Dearneley was born in February 1662 at Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
William Dearneley was the son of John Dearnely (IV) and Mary (?)

William Dearneley was baptised on 30 March 1662 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
The Rootsweb Glossop baptisms transcription gives this baptism as Wy son of Jo.
The FindMyPast transcription has this baptism as Jos. son of Jo. Dearneley.
The FindMyPast transcription has this baptism as Jos. son of Jo. Dearneley.

William Dearneley died in March 1674 at Padfield, Derbyshire, England, at age 12 years and 1 month

William Dearneley was buried on 7 March 1674 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Sarah (?)
ID# 17497, b. about 1644, d. March 1736

Samuel D. was left property in Romiley -from his father's will (William D, 1651)
see Samuel Dearneley
Is this Sarah the unknown wife of Samuel?
- IG
If so Sarah's birth date is probably nearer to 1650 and daughter Mary's nearer to 1675.
see Samuel Dearneley
Is this Sarah the unknown wife of Samuel?
- IG
If so Sarah's birth date is probably nearer to 1650 and daughter Mary's nearer to 1675.

Sarah (?) was born about 1644

Sarah (?) married Samuel Dearneley, son of William Dearneley (IV) and Marie Redditch, about 1665

in 1726 Sarah (?) lived at Raynor, Prestbury Parish, Cheshire, England,

"Know all men by these presents, that I, John Swindells, of Raynor, in the Parrish of Prestbury, and County of Chester, gent, have, in consideration of the sume of sixty-live pounds of lawful money of Great Brittaine, to me in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, by my Mother-in-law, Sarah Dearneley, now of, or in Raynor, in the parrish and county aforesaid, widow, the receipt whereof I do fully acknowledge, and myself fully therewith satisfied, have bargained, sold, and by these presents doo bargain and sell unto the said Sarah Dearneley, six cowes, four year old calves, two mares, one cart and wheels, one plow, and all other husbandry geire implements; and all the goods, household stuff, implements of household, and all other goods whatsoever, mentioned or intended to be mentioned, of what nature, kind, or property the same may be, remaining or being in the custody and possession of me the said John Swindells, or elsewhere can be found within the realme of Great Brittaine. To have and to hold, all and singular the said goods and premises, and every part and parcell of them, by these presents bargained and sould unto the said Sarah Dearneley, her executors, administrators, and assigns for ever. And I, the said John Swindells, for myselfe, my executors, and administrators, all and singular the a id goods, chatties, household stuffe and implements, unto the said Sarah Dearneley, her executors, administrators, and assignes, against me the said John Swindells, my executors, administrators, and assignes, and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever, shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these presents, of which Goods, I, the said John Swindells, have put the said Sarah Dearneley in full possession, by delivering her one pewter dish, in full of all the said premises, at the sealing hereof. In witness whereof, I, the said John Swindells, have hereunto put my hand and seale, this third day of March, in the twelfth year of the reigne of our Soveraigne King George, in the yeare 1745.
sealed, signed, and delivered
in the presence of uss,
Joshua Burdhurst,
Josiah Broadhurst"
from: The history of Macclesfield
By John Corry
page 61 (Google Books)
note: The year "1745" is incorrect. the 3rd March in 12th year of George is 1725/6.
sealed, signed, and delivered
in the presence of uss,
Joshua Burdhurst,
Josiah Broadhurst"
from: The history of Macclesfield
By John Corry
page 61 (Google Books)
note: The year "1745" is incorrect. the 3rd March in 12th year of George is 1725/6.

in 1736 Sarah (?) lived at Romiley, Stockport, Cheshire, England,
Administration 4 December 1736
Sarah Dearnley late of Ramiley in Parish of Stockport widow
signed by:
Mary Swindells of Ramiley, Parish of Stockport
John Swindells of Prestbury, Parish of Stockport
George Hadfield of Clayton, Parish of Manchester.
Sarah Dearnley late of Ramiley in Parish of Stockport widow
signed by:
Mary Swindells of Ramiley, Parish of Stockport
John Swindells of Prestbury, Parish of Stockport
George Hadfield of Clayton, Parish of Manchester.

Sarah (?) died in March 1736 at Romiley, Stockport, Cheshire, England,

Sarah (?) was buried on 17 March 1736 at Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,

Probate was granted on her estate on 14 December 1736
Sarah Dearnley of Romiley, Administration 1736
Administration of Sarah Dearnley late of Romiley in ye parish of Stockport widow
dec[eas]ed granted to Mary Swindells wife of (space left blank) Swindels, daughter
& first sworn & before ye Revd Mr Banks surr[oga]te 14 Dec 1736
Know all men by these presents that we Mary Swindals of Romiley
in the parish of Stockport in the county and diocese of Chester
and John Swindels of Bredbury in the parish of Stockport
aforesaid, school master and George Hadfield of Clayton in the parish of
Manchester in the county of Lancaster and diocese aforesaid yeoman
are holden and firmly bound unto the right reverend father in God Samuel
by divine permission Lord Bishop of Chester in the sum of one hundred and twenty
pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain to be paid unto the said right
reverend father his lawful attorney, executors, administrators or assignes
to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each
of us severally for and in the whole our heirs executors, and administrators
and the heirs executors and administrators of each of us firmly by
these presents sealed with our seals and dated the fourth day of
December in the tenth year of the reign of our
sovereign Lord George the second by the grace of God of Great Britain
France and Ireland King defender of the faith and so forth and in the
year of our Lord God, one thousand seven hundred thirty and six
The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Mary
Swindals natural and lawfull daughter administratrix
of all and singular the goods chattels and credirs of Sarah Dearneley late of
Romiley aforesaid widow deceased
do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods
chattels and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands
possession or knowledge of her the said Mary Swindals
or into the hands and
possession of any other person or persons for her use and the same so made
do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the registry of the consistory court of
Chester at or before the fourth day of March
next ensuing and the same goods chattels and credits and
all other the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased at the time of her
death which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the said Mary
or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for
her use do well and truly administer according unto law and further do make
or cause to be made a true and just account of her said administration at or be
fore the fourth day of March which shall be
in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred thirty and six and all the
rest and residue of the said goods chattels and credits which shall be found remain
ing upon the said administratrix's account the same being first
examined and allowed of by the judge or judges for the time being of the said court
shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons respectively as the said judge or
judges by his or their decree or sentance (pursuant to the true intent and meaning
of an Act of Parliament made in the two and twentieth and three and twentieth years
of the reign of his late Majesty King Charles the second entituled an act for the
better setting intestates estates) shall limit and appoint. And it shall hereafter ap
pear that any last will and testament was made by the said deceased and the exe
cutor or executors therein named do exhibit the same into the said court making
request to have it allowed and approved accordingly if the said Mary Swindals
above bounden being thereunto required do render and deliver the said letters of
administration (approbation of such testament being first had and made in the said
court) then this obligation to be void and of none effect or else to remain in full
force and virtue
sealed and delivered in the presence of Alice Dickenson Adam Bankes
Mary Swindells John Swindells George Hadfield (all signed)
Transcribed by Marie Ball
Apr 2012
Witness John Thornley his mark
George Hadfield
transcribed by Ian Goddard
December 2011.
Administration of Sarah Dearnley late of Romiley in ye parish of Stockport widow
dec[eas]ed granted to Mary Swindells wife of (space left blank) Swindels, daughter
& first sworn & before ye Revd Mr Banks surr[oga]te 14 Dec 1736
Know all men by these presents that we Mary Swindals of Romiley
in the parish of Stockport in the county and diocese of Chester
and John Swindels of Bredbury in the parish of Stockport
aforesaid, school master and George Hadfield of Clayton in the parish of
Manchester in the county of Lancaster and diocese aforesaid yeoman
are holden and firmly bound unto the right reverend father in God Samuel
by divine permission Lord Bishop of Chester in the sum of one hundred and twenty
pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain to be paid unto the said right
reverend father his lawful attorney, executors, administrators or assignes
to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each
of us severally for and in the whole our heirs executors, and administrators
and the heirs executors and administrators of each of us firmly by
these presents sealed with our seals and dated the fourth day of
December in the tenth year of the reign of our
sovereign Lord George the second by the grace of God of Great Britain
France and Ireland King defender of the faith and so forth and in the
year of our Lord God, one thousand seven hundred thirty and six
The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Mary
Swindals natural and lawfull daughter administratrix
of all and singular the goods chattels and credirs of Sarah Dearneley late of
Romiley aforesaid widow deceased
do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods
chattels and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands
possession or knowledge of her the said Mary Swindals
or into the hands and
possession of any other person or persons for her use and the same so made
do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the registry of the consistory court of
Chester at or before the fourth day of March
next ensuing and the same goods chattels and credits and
all other the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased at the time of her
death which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the said Mary
or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for
her use do well and truly administer according unto law and further do make
or cause to be made a true and just account of her said administration at or be
fore the fourth day of March which shall be
in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred thirty and six and all the
rest and residue of the said goods chattels and credits which shall be found remain
ing upon the said administratrix's account the same being first
examined and allowed of by the judge or judges for the time being of the said court
shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons respectively as the said judge or
judges by his or their decree or sentance (pursuant to the true intent and meaning
of an Act of Parliament made in the two and twentieth and three and twentieth years
of the reign of his late Majesty King Charles the second entituled an act for the
better setting intestates estates) shall limit and appoint. And it shall hereafter ap
pear that any last will and testament was made by the said deceased and the exe
cutor or executors therein named do exhibit the same into the said court making
request to have it allowed and approved accordingly if the said Mary Swindals
above bounden being thereunto required do render and deliver the said letters of
administration (approbation of such testament being first had and made in the said
court) then this obligation to be void and of none effect or else to remain in full
force and virtue
sealed and delivered in the presence of Alice Dickenson Adam Bankes
Mary Swindells John Swindells George Hadfield (all signed)
Transcribed by Marie Ball
Apr 2012
October ye 25.1736 A true and perfect Inventory of ye Goods Cattels and Chattels of Sarah Dearneley late Widow in Romiley in ye parish of Stockport and County of Chester |
£. s. d | |
Impis. In her purse and apparell | 31. 05. 06 |
Goods in } One Chist, one Cupboard, one little Cupboard one Coach Chair ye House} |
1. 04. 06 |
Item Three back stools two chairs and quishion, one little table, one}
fire Iron, one Iron pot and ?Brigg} |
0. 6. 06 |
Item 1 Spit, 1 Dripping pan 1 Cleever, 1 Shovel tongs bread Iron and Backstone | 0. 5. 06 |
Item 2 Kettles 2 Saucepans, 1 Chafing Dish, 1 Dripping pan 2 Smoothing Irons | 0. 9. 06 |
In ye Parlor. One bed with bedding, one Chest, one Coffer, one little box | 2. 1. 6 |
In ye further } two Beds, one Press Chamber} |
1. 18. 0 |
Nearer Chamber 3 Beds one Coffer one little Table | 1. 15. 00 |
In ye Buttery one Table, one little form, 8 pewter Dishes, 1 Dozn of plates, 2 Churns, 2 Stands | 1. 7. 06 |
In ye Kitchen. 2 piggins, 2 Barrells, 3 little piggins, 2 Little Tables one pillion | 0. 9. 06 |
Item four wheels 2 tubbs ?five barrells 3 ?pann Muggs 6 trenchers | 0. 8. 00 |
Item four Cows and one Sterk | 10. 0. 0 |
Item In Corn and Hay | 6. 10. 0 |
Implements in and about the house | 0 . 10. 0 |
One Swine | 0. 18. 00 |
Tot. | 59. 19. 00 |
Witness John Thornley his mark
George Hadfield
transcribed by Ian Goddard
December 2011.
Children of Sarah (?) and Samuel Dearneley
- Mary Dernaley+ b. abt 1681, d. abt 1769
- Martha Dearnelie b. abt 1683
Mary Dernaley
ID# 17498, b. about 1681, d. about 1769

John and Mary Swindells lived at or near Mary's family home at Cross Cliffe, Glossop, until some time between 1715 and 1720, with children being baptised in Glossop pre-1715. After 1720, children were baptised at Pott Shrigley, Cheshire
Some of John & Mary's children are known from Mary's 1768 will.
Some of John & Mary's children are known from Mary's 1768 will.

Mary Dernaley was born about 1681 at Derbyshire, England,
Mary Dernaley was the daughter of Samuel Dearneley and Sarah (?)

Mary was under 21 at the time of her father's will in 1700.
Also mentioned in uncle John D's 1705 will.
see John Dearnely (IV).
Also mentioned in uncle John D's 1705 will.
see John Dearnely (IV).

in 1707 Mary Dernaley lived at Whitfield, Glossop Parish, Cheshire, England,

Mary Dernaley married John Swindells on 27 May 1707 at Cheshire, England,
John Swindells of Ranow Gent.
Mary Dernaley of Whitfield Spinster
Entry is for "Intended Marriage", so the actual date may be later.

in 1768 Mary Dernaley lived at Romeley, Stockport Parish, Cheshire, England,

Mary Dernaley left a will on 19 March 1768.
Mary Swindells Will written 1768, probate 1769
This is the last Will and Testament of me Mary Swindells of Romeley in the parish
of Stockport in the County of Chester Widow, who being in reasonable health of Body and of sound and
disposing Mind and Memory praised be Almighty God for the same do make publish and Ordain
this my said last Will and Testament in manner and form following (That is to say) First it is my
Will and Mind and I do hereby Order and Direct that all my just due and honest Debts together
with my Funeral Expenses and the Charges of proveing this my last Will and Testament be all
paid and Discharged out of the Yearly Rents issues and profits ariseing from my Freehold Mes-
suage Lands and Tenement lying and being in Romeley in the parish of Stockport in the County of
Chester aforesaid and also out of the Yearly Rents issues and profits ariseing from my Copyhold
Lands or premisses lying and being in the parish of Ambery in the mannor of Wakefield in the
County of York and now in the possession of Mary Wimpenny Widow, so long and until such
time as all just due and honest Debts shall be all paid and discharged. And then it is
my Will and Mind and I do hereby Order Direct and Appoint my Executors hereafter named to receive
the yearly Rents issues and profits ariseing from that my said Copyhold Lands premisses or Apurt-
enances lying and being in the parish of Ambery in the County of York aforesaid for and until such
time as my Grandaughter Sally Swindells shall attain to the age of Twenty one Years or until
She might attain to that Age if She live so long. And it is my Will and Mind and I do hereby Order
Direct and Appoint my Executors hereafter named to Divide the said Yearly Rents or profits arise
-ing from that my said Copyhold Lands into Three equal parts or shares and to distribute the
same as follows (that is) It is my Will and Mind and I do hereby Direct and Appoint my Executors
to pay and give every Year Yearly dureing the Time aforesaid one Third part or Share of the said
yearly Rents or profits to my daughter Mary the Wife of Charles Lowe another Third part or
Share thereof to my Grandaughter Penelope Swindells the Daughter of Jasper Swindells, ano-
-ther Third part or Share thereof to my Grandaughter Sally Swindells the Daughter of Davis
Swindells equal amongst them Three Share and Share alike. And Then I hereby Give Devise and
bequeath those my said Copyhold Lands and premisses Buildings and Outbuildings thereon erected with
all my right Title property and interest therein of what nature or kind soever lying and being in the
County of York aforesaid with their and every of their Apurtenances as follows (That is) One Fifth
part of Share of the Said Copyhold Lands or premisses with their Appurtenances I Give Devise and
bequeath to my daughter Mary the Wife of Charles Lowe and her Heirs for ever. Another Fifth part
or Share of the Said Copyhold Lands and premisses I Give and bequeath to my Grandaughter Penelope
Swindells the Daughter of Jasper Swindells. Another Fifth part or Share of the said Copyhold Lands
and premisses I Give and bequeath to my Grandaughter Sally Swindells the Daughter of Davis Swin
-dells, Another Fifth part or Share of my said Copyhold Lands and premisses I give and bequeath to
my Grandson William Swindells, Another Fifth part of Share of those my Said Copyhold Lands and pre
-misses I Give and bequeath to my Grandson William Swindells the son of Samuel Swindells equal
amongst them Five Share and Share alike. It is my Will and Mind and I do hereby Order Direct and
Appoint That if any of my said Grandchildren happen to Die without Children before they receive their
Said Legacy or Legacys then their part or Share shall return and be paid and given to my Own Children
that are then living equally amongst them. And as to my Messuage, houses, buildings Lands Tenements
and Hereditaments whatsoever with their and every of their Appurtenances of Freehold Estate lying and
being in Romeley in the parish of Stockport in the County of Chester aforesaid (so soon as all my just Debts
shall be all paid and discharged) Then I give Devise and bequeath the same as follows (That is to
say) I hereby Give Devise and bequeath One Fifth part or Share of these my said Lands Houses and
premises of Freehold with all my right Title property and interest therein to my Son William if then
Living at my decease and to his Heirs for ever. Another Fifth part or Share of the said Lands Houses
and premisses I hereby Give Devise and bequeath to my Son Humfrey and his Heirs for ever. An-
other Fifth part or Share of the said Lands Houses and premisses I hereby Give Devise and bequeath
to my son Thomas and his Heirs for ever. Another Fifth part or Share of these my said Lands Houses
and premisses I hereby Give Devise and bequeath to my Son Jasper and his Heirs forever. Ano-
-ther Fifth part or Share of these my Said Lands Houses and premisses I Give Devise and bequeath
to my Son Benjamin and his Heirs forever equally amongst them five Share and Share alike. And
as to my Personal Estate which it hath pleased Almighty God to bstow upon me I Give and bequeath the same
as follows (That is) To my granddaughter Penelope Swindells the Daughter of Jasper Swindells I Give
Devise and bequeath the half of my wearing Apparel both Linnens and Woolens, One Oak Chest stand-
-ing in the little parlor, One pair of Bed stocks standing in the Chamber over the House and one half
of my Spinning wheels and Reels. To my Grandaughter Sally Swindells the Daughter of Davis Swin-
-dells I Give and bequeath One Seeled pair of Bedstocks standing in the Parlor, One large Box stand-
-ing in the same room, Three rush botham’d Chairs standing in the House also One half of my Spinning
wheels and reels together with One half of my wearing Apparel both Linnens and woollens. Also I Give
and bequeath to my Said Grandaughters Penelope Swindells and Sally Swindells Two iron pots all
my Ticknalware together with all my Beding and Bedclothes equally betwixt them two Share and
Share alike. Item I Give Devise and bequeath to my Granddaughter Sarah Swindells the Daughter of
Benjamin Swindells The great Cupboard standing in the House and One pair of Bedstocks not standing up
It is my Will and Mind and I do hereby Order Direct and Appoint my Executors hereafter Named to Bury
me in a Coffin all made of English Oak both the Top, bottom and the sides and to put on or wrap up my Body
in a Suit or Shroud made of fine Linnen. And lastley I do hereby Nominate Constitute and appoint
my Son Humfrey, my Son Thomas, my Son Jasper and my Son Benjamin joint Executors of this my last
Will and Testament, hopeing my Executors will perform and fulfil the same as my Trust is in them
reposed. In Witness whereof I the said Mary Swindells the Testator to this my last Will and Testament
have set my Hand and Seal the Nineteenth Day of March in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven
hundred and Sixty eight.
Signed Sealed published and Declared
by the Said Mary Swindells the Te- Mary Swindells
stator as and for her last Will and
Testament in the presence of us who
in her presence and at her request
and in the Sight and presence of each
other have Subscribed our Names
as Witnesses hereto
William Bancroft
Benjamin Brereton
John Lees
Footnote: Ticknalware refers to pottery made in Ticknall, Derbyshire
Summary of names from the above will
Mary’s children and grandchildren:
Mary, married to Charles Lowe
Jasper with daughter Penelope
Benjamin with daughter Sarah
Davis with daughter Sally
Samuel with son William
and another grandson William of unknown parentage
Mary’s tenant in Ambery (Almondbury)
Mary Wimpenny
March 2014.
This is the last Will and Testament of me Mary Swindells of Romeley in the parish
of Stockport in the County of Chester Widow, who being in reasonable health of Body and of sound and
disposing Mind and Memory praised be Almighty God for the same do make publish and Ordain
this my said last Will and Testament in manner and form following (That is to say) First it is my
Will and Mind and I do hereby Order and Direct that all my just due and honest Debts together
with my Funeral Expenses and the Charges of proveing this my last Will and Testament be all
paid and Discharged out of the Yearly Rents issues and profits ariseing from my Freehold Mes-
suage Lands and Tenement lying and being in Romeley in the parish of Stockport in the County of
Chester aforesaid and also out of the Yearly Rents issues and profits ariseing from my Copyhold
Lands or premisses lying and being in the parish of Ambery in the mannor of Wakefield in the
County of York and now in the possession of Mary Wimpenny Widow, so long and until such
time as all just due and honest Debts shall be all paid and discharged. And then it is
my Will and Mind and I do hereby Order Direct and Appoint my Executors hereafter named to receive
the yearly Rents issues and profits ariseing from that my said Copyhold Lands premisses or Apurt-
enances lying and being in the parish of Ambery in the County of York aforesaid for and until such
time as my Grandaughter Sally Swindells shall attain to the age of Twenty one Years or until
She might attain to that Age if She live so long. And it is my Will and Mind and I do hereby Order
Direct and Appoint my Executors hereafter named to Divide the said Yearly Rents or profits arise
-ing from that my said Copyhold Lands into Three equal parts or shares and to distribute the
same as follows (that is) It is my Will and Mind and I do hereby Direct and Appoint my Executors
to pay and give every Year Yearly dureing the Time aforesaid one Third part or Share of the said
yearly Rents or profits to my daughter Mary the Wife of Charles Lowe another Third part or
Share thereof to my Grandaughter Penelope Swindells the Daughter of Jasper Swindells, ano-
-ther Third part or Share thereof to my Grandaughter Sally Swindells the Daughter of Davis
Swindells equal amongst them Three Share and Share alike. And Then I hereby Give Devise and
bequeath those my said Copyhold Lands and premisses Buildings and Outbuildings thereon erected with
all my right Title property and interest therein of what nature or kind soever lying and being in the
County of York aforesaid with their and every of their Apurtenances as follows (That is) One Fifth
part of Share of the Said Copyhold Lands or premisses with their Appurtenances I Give Devise and
bequeath to my daughter Mary the Wife of Charles Lowe and her Heirs for ever. Another Fifth part
or Share of the Said Copyhold Lands and premisses I Give and bequeath to my Grandaughter Penelope
Swindells the Daughter of Jasper Swindells. Another Fifth part or Share of the said Copyhold Lands
and premisses I Give and bequeath to my Grandaughter Sally Swindells the Daughter of Davis Swin
-dells, Another Fifth part or Share of my said Copyhold Lands and premisses I give and bequeath to
my Grandson William Swindells, Another Fifth part of Share of those my Said Copyhold Lands and pre
-misses I Give and bequeath to my Grandson William Swindells the son of Samuel Swindells equal
amongst them Five Share and Share alike. It is my Will and Mind and I do hereby Order Direct and
Appoint That if any of my said Grandchildren happen to Die without Children before they receive their
Said Legacy or Legacys then their part or Share shall return and be paid and given to my Own Children
that are then living equally amongst them. And as to my Messuage, houses, buildings Lands Tenements
and Hereditaments whatsoever with their and every of their Appurtenances of Freehold Estate lying and
being in Romeley in the parish of Stockport in the County of Chester aforesaid (so soon as all my just Debts
shall be all paid and discharged) Then I give Devise and bequeath the same as follows (That is to
say) I hereby Give Devise and bequeath One Fifth part or Share of these my said Lands Houses and
premises of Freehold with all my right Title property and interest therein to my Son William if then
Living at my decease and to his Heirs for ever. Another Fifth part or Share of the said Lands Houses
and premisses I hereby Give Devise and bequeath to my Son Humfrey and his Heirs for ever. An-
other Fifth part or Share of the said Lands Houses and premisses I hereby Give Devise and bequeath
to my son Thomas and his Heirs for ever. Another Fifth part or Share of these my said Lands Houses
and premisses I hereby Give Devise and bequeath to my Son Jasper and his Heirs forever. Ano-
-ther Fifth part or Share of these my Said Lands Houses and premisses I Give Devise and bequeath
to my Son Benjamin and his Heirs forever equally amongst them five Share and Share alike. And
as to my Personal Estate which it hath pleased Almighty God to bstow upon me I Give and bequeath the same
as follows (That is) To my granddaughter Penelope Swindells the Daughter of Jasper Swindells I Give
Devise and bequeath the half of my wearing Apparel both Linnens and Woolens, One Oak Chest stand-
-ing in the little parlor, One pair of Bed stocks standing in the Chamber over the House and one half
of my Spinning wheels and Reels. To my Grandaughter Sally Swindells the Daughter of Davis Swin-
-dells I Give and bequeath One Seeled pair of Bedstocks standing in the Parlor, One large Box stand-
-ing in the same room, Three rush botham’d Chairs standing in the House also One half of my Spinning
wheels and reels together with One half of my wearing Apparel both Linnens and woollens. Also I Give
and bequeath to my Said Grandaughters Penelope Swindells and Sally Swindells Two iron pots all
my Ticknalware together with all my Beding and Bedclothes equally betwixt them two Share and
Share alike. Item I Give Devise and bequeath to my Granddaughter Sarah Swindells the Daughter of
Benjamin Swindells The great Cupboard standing in the House and One pair of Bedstocks not standing up
It is my Will and Mind and I do hereby Order Direct and Appoint my Executors hereafter Named to Bury
me in a Coffin all made of English Oak both the Top, bottom and the sides and to put on or wrap up my Body
in a Suit or Shroud made of fine Linnen. And lastley I do hereby Nominate Constitute and appoint
my Son Humfrey, my Son Thomas, my Son Jasper and my Son Benjamin joint Executors of this my last
Will and Testament, hopeing my Executors will perform and fulfil the same as my Trust is in them
reposed. In Witness whereof I the said Mary Swindells the Testator to this my last Will and Testament
have set my Hand and Seal the Nineteenth Day of March in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven
hundred and Sixty eight.
Signed Sealed published and Declared
by the Said Mary Swindells the Te- Mary Swindells
stator as and for her last Will and
Testament in the presence of us who
in her presence and at her request
and in the Sight and presence of each
other have Subscribed our Names
as Witnesses hereto
William Bancroft
Benjamin Brereton
John Lees
Footnote: Ticknalware refers to pottery made in Ticknall, Derbyshire
Summary of names from the above will
Mary’s children and grandchildren:
Mary, married to Charles Lowe
Jasper with daughter Penelope
Benjamin with daughter Sarah
Davis with daughter Sally
Samuel with son William
and another grandson William of unknown parentage
Mary’s tenant in Ambery (Almondbury)
Mary Wimpenny
March 2014.

Mary Dernaley died about 1769
Children of Mary Dernaley and John Swindells
- Mary Swindells b. abt 1709
- William Swindells b. Dec 1711
- John Swindells b. Mar 1714, d. Feb 1721
- Unknown Swindells+ b. abt 1715
- Samuel Swindells+ b. Nov 1715
- Sarah Swindells b. Apr 1720
- Humphrey Swindels b. Feb 1722
- Thomas Swindells b. Jun 1723
- Jasper Swindells+ b. May 1725
- Benjamin Swindells+ b. Jul 1727
- Penelope Swindells b. Dec 1728, d. Feb 1729
- Davies Swindells+ b. Dec 1729
- Martha Swindels b. Jan 1732, d. Oct 1738
Martha Dearnelie
ID# 17499, b. about 1683

Martha Dearnelie was born about 1683 at Derbyshire, England,
Martha Dearnelie was the daughter of Samuel Dearneley and Sarah (?)

Martha was under 21 at the time of her father's will in 1700.
Also mentioned in uncle John D's 1705 will.
see John Dearnely (IV).
Also mentioned in uncle John D's 1705 will.
see John Dearnely (IV).

Martha Dearnelie married George Hadfield, son of Thomas Hadfield and Unknown (?), on 17 May 1715 at Cheshire, England,
George Hadfield of Hadfield & Martha Dearnelly of Whitfield Spinster
Entry is for "Intended Marriage", so the actual date may be later.

Perhaps Martha's husband was the George Hadfield of Hilend in the Parish of Mottram who wrote a will on 10 Apr 1759.
Wife: Martha
Daughters: Sarah, Zipporah, Rebekha, Martha, Hannah & Mary the wife of John Wood.
Sons: Samuel, Thomas & Moses
Sons-in-law: Samuel Goodyear & Samuel Wagstaff.
Wife: Martha
Daughters: Sarah, Zipporah, Rebekha, Martha, Hannah & Mary the wife of John Wood.
Sons: Samuel, Thomas & Moses
Sons-in-law: Samuel Goodyear & Samuel Wagstaff.
daughter Derneli
ID# 17500, b. 6 July 1659

daughter Derneli was born on 6 July 1659 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Daughter Derneli was the daughter of John Dearnely (IV) and Mary (?)