Dorothy E Thickett
ID# 30951, b. 5 September 1913

Dorothy E Thickett was born on 5 September 1913

Dorothy E Thickett married Ralph Behrend, son of Walter Behrend and Bertha Ann Snelson, about August 1942 at Grimsby R.D., Lincolnshire, England,
Edith A Freeman
ID# 30955, b. 14 October 1913

Edith A Freeman was born on 14 October 1913

Edith A Freeman married Harold Walter Behrend, son of Walter Behrend and Bertha Ann Snelson, about November 1938 at Cleethorpes R.D., Lincolnshire, England,
Harry Webb
ID# 30956, b. 3 December 1887, d. about August 1968

Harry Webb was born on 3 December 1887

Harry Webb and Selina Cecilia Behrend were in a long-term relationship from about 1923.
source:- family member.

Harry Webb died about August 1968 at Grimsby R.D., Lincolnshire, England,
John Hadfelde
ID# 30957, b. about 1560, d. after 3 January 1593

John Hadfelde was born about 1560
Dates are currently assumed from the facts known below.
John's known children all required guardians at the writing of John's will.
John's wife in 1592 (Dionis/Donis/Dioniciae) was named the guardian of the two youngest children. It may be that the named 'tutors' for the 2 older children are relatives of earlier wives.
John's known children all required guardians at the writing of John's will.
John's wife in 1592 (Dionis/Donis/Dioniciae) was named the guardian of the two youngest children. It may be that the named 'tutors' for the 2 older children are relatives of earlier wives.

John Hadfelde married Agnes (?) about 1582

John Hadfelde married Unknown (?) about 1586

John Hadfelde married Dionis (?) about 1588 at England

John Hadfelde left a will on 3 January 1593.
The Will of John Hadfield
In the name of God Amen. The third day of Januarie 1592. I John Hadfeild of Overthownge in the pish of Almonburie in the Countie of Yorke sicke in bodye, but of good and pfect remembrance praisd be almightie god, do ordeyne and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinf. Ffirst I comend my soule into the hande of almightie god , my maker and redeamer and my bodye to be disposed as shall seme good to myne executors.
Item I will that Dionis my wife shall have the thirde pte of all my goodes moveable and unmoveable in consideration of her pte and porcon of my said goodes.
Item I give and bequeath unto John Hadfeild Elizabeth Alice and Dorothe my children the two ptes of all my said goode equallie to be devided amongst them.
Item I will that Willm Downelle of Padfield shall have the tutor of Elizabeth Hadfeild my daughter and her pte of my said goode during her minortie.
Item I will that Ralph Rydall shall have the tutor of Alice my daughter and her porcon duringr her minoritie.
Item I will that Donis my wife shall have the tutor of John Hadfield my sonne and Dorothea my daughter and their porcons duringe their minoritie wth said Dionis. I make my hand and lawfull executrix to execute this my last will and testament . In the presence of Anthonie Swalowe and John Battie
Transcribed by Barbara Parker, 2020
Mentioned in will
Wife Dionis/Donis/Dioniciae
Children John Hadfeild
Elizabeth Alice
Tutor (Guardian)* of Elizabeth William Downelle
of Alice Ralph Rydall
of John & Dorothea Donis
* The Roman Law of Guardianship in England 1300-1600 by Richard H Helmholz
A. Distinction Between Cura and Tutela
The Roman law of guardianship was neither simple nor free from internal ambiguity, but as understood by medieval jurists, it provided two basic sorts of guardian: The tutor and the curator. The former was given to a child in pupillari aetate, i.e., one who had not yet reached puberty. - The curator, whose selection rested with the minor, represented the child till the age of twenty-five. Of the two, the tutor was the more important. His duties embraced protection of both the child's person and property. The duties of the curator extended only to matters of property and litigation.
From website

John Hadfelde died after 3 January 1593 at Overthownge, Almondbury parish, Derbyshire, England,

John Hadfelde was buried on 12 January 1593 at Almondbury parish, Yorkshire, England,
Johannes Hadfelde of Overthwonge
Almondbury Parish Burials 1592/3.
Almondbury Parish Burials 1592/3.
Child of John Hadfelde and Agnes (?)
- Elizabeth Hadfelde b. Nov 1585
Child of John Hadfelde and Unknown (?)
- Alicia Hadfelde b. Apr 1587
Children of John Hadfelde and Dionis (?)
- Dorothea Hadfelde b. May 1589, d. Mar 1596
- Johannes Hadfelde b. Jan 1592
Agnes (?)
ID# 30958, b. about 1562, d. December 1585

Agnes (?) was born about 1562

Agnes (?) married John Hadfelde about 1582

Agnes (?) died in December 1585 at Overthownge, Almondbury parish, Yorkshire, England,

Agnes (?) was buried on 6 December 1585 at Almondbury parish, Yorkshire, England,
Agnes ux Johannis Hadfelde de Overthwonge in partu moriens.
Child of Agnes (?) and John Hadfelde
- Elizabeth Hadfelde b. Nov 1585
Elizabeth Hadfelde
ID# 30959, b. November 1585

Elizabeth Hadfelde was born in November 1585 at Overthownge, Almondbury parish, Yorkshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Elizabeth Hadfelde was the daughter of John Hadfelde and Agnes (?)

Elizabeth Hadfelde was baptised on 6 December 1585 at Almondbury parish, Yorkshire, England,
Elizabeth f Johannis Hadfelde de Overthwonge
Sus* Willemus Deernlee, Elizabeth Hadfelde & Elizabeth Battie
Almondbury Parish Baptisms
Sus = godparent.
Sus* Willemus Deernlee, Elizabeth Hadfelde & Elizabeth Battie
Almondbury Parish Baptisms
Sus = godparent.
Dionis (?)
ID# 30960, b. about 1565

Dionis (?) was born about 1565

Dionis (?) married John Hadfelde about 1588 at England

Dionis (?) married Edward Swallow on 18 June 1593 at Almondbury, Yorkshire, England,
Dioniciae Hadfelde m Edwardus Swallow.
Edward Swallow was named at the baptism of Alicia Hadfelde 1587. ALSO an Edward Swallow gets a mention in the 1599 will of Nicholas Hadfielde of Hadfield.
Children of Dionis (?) and John Hadfelde
- Dorothea Hadfelde b. May 1589, d. Mar 1596
- Johannes Hadfelde b. Jan 1592