Nicholas Hadfield
ID# 30941, b. about 1530, d. after March 1599

Nicholas Hadfield was born about 1530

in 1599 Nicholas Hadfield lived at Hadfield, Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,

Nicholas Hadfield left a will on 4 March 1599.
Will of Nicholas Hadfielde 1599
In the name of god Amen the iiijth daye of marche in the yeare of our lord god
a thousand five hundrethe neentye (and) neene I Nicholas Hadfield of Hadfield
in the p(ar)ishe of Glossope within the countye of Darbye husbandman
sicke in bodye but in good (and) perfect memorye p(rai)sed be god forit
dreedinge the … houre of natural deathe doe constitute
ordayne (and) make this my p(re)sent testament containing (and) bearin
my last will in manner (and) forme following that is to saye
firste (and) pryncypally I offer (and) bequeathe my soule unto almighty
god my onlye maker redeemer (and) Sanctifyer (and) for my bodye I bequeathe it
to be buryed in the parishechurchyarde of Glossope It(em) I geve (and) bequeathe unto
John Battye my sonne in law threeteene shillings .. peure of good englishe
money to be p(ai)d by my executor here after named Item I geve (and) bequeathe
unto the children of Nicholas Hadfielde my sonne six lambes or else twelve shillings
of money whether they had leyser to be p(ai)d by my said executor It(em) I geve to my
two daughters to either of them xijd and to tow of theyre sonnes whiche I am
godfather unto to weither of them xijd It(em) I geve (and) bequeathe unto
Richard Battye my sonne in law twelve shillings whiche Nicholas Howarde
of Foxton dothe owe unto me It(em) I geve (and) bequeather unto Elizabethe
Barkeheade my goddaughter xijd It(em) I geve (and) bequeathe all the rest of
my goodes after my for the buryng (and) funeral expenses … and
debtes discharged unto Raphe Hadfield my sonne in whose hands (and) in
whatsoever debtes or … they be whom I make my full
and lawfull executor to see this my will trulye performed executed
(and) done according to my mynd herebefore expressed
Thes beinge witnesses (and) records John Birkehead (and) Thomas Bowe of Hadfielde
and Edward Hadfielde of Padfielde
Debtes owinge to me Goodes remaynynge in other mens hands …
first Willyam Dernelye of Padfield of lent first one … of bedstorkes one old brasse panne
moneye w(hich) I lent hym xxxviijs and a pole w(it)h an iron ganelorke these house things
It(em) ould Willyam Dernely father of aforesaid remayne in the keeping of Edward Swallow
Wm Dernelye of lent money w(hich) I lent hym xs It(em) one dke rem in the keeping of Richard
at another tyme Hinchcliff
It(em) Edward Wagstaffe of Glossope xvs
It(em) Nycholas Howard of Foxtone xijs
Relatives named in the will
Nicholas Hadfielde son
Raphe Hadfield son
John Battye son-in-law
Richard Battye son-in-law
Transcribed by JAD 2019
The will is dated 4 March 1599. The calendar year began March 25th, Under the Gregorian calendar this would have been 4 March 1600.
In the name of god Amen the iiijth daye of marche in the yeare of our lord god
a thousand five hundrethe neentye (and) neene I Nicholas Hadfield of Hadfield
in the p(ar)ishe of Glossope within the countye of Darbye husbandman
sicke in bodye but in good (and) perfect memorye p(rai)sed be god forit
dreedinge the … houre of natural deathe doe constitute
ordayne (and) make this my p(re)sent testament containing (and) bearin
my last will in manner (and) forme following that is to saye
firste (and) pryncypally I offer (and) bequeathe my soule unto almighty
god my onlye maker redeemer (and) Sanctifyer (and) for my bodye I bequeathe it
to be buryed in the parishechurchyarde of Glossope It(em) I geve (and) bequeathe unto
John Battye my sonne in law threeteene shillings .. peure of good englishe
money to be p(ai)d by my executor here after named Item I geve (and) bequeathe
unto the children of Nicholas Hadfielde my sonne six lambes or else twelve shillings
of money whether they had leyser to be p(ai)d by my said executor It(em) I geve to my
two daughters to either of them xijd and to tow of theyre sonnes whiche I am
godfather unto to weither of them xijd It(em) I geve (and) bequeathe unto
Richard Battye my sonne in law twelve shillings whiche Nicholas Howarde
of Foxton dothe owe unto me It(em) I geve (and) bequeather unto Elizabethe
Barkeheade my goddaughter xijd It(em) I geve (and) bequeathe all the rest of
my goodes after my for the buryng (and) funeral expenses … and
debtes discharged unto Raphe Hadfield my sonne in whose hands (and) in
whatsoever debtes or … they be whom I make my full
and lawfull executor to see this my will trulye performed executed
(and) done according to my mynd herebefore expressed
Thes beinge witnesses (and) records John Birkehead (and) Thomas Bowe of Hadfielde
and Edward Hadfielde of Padfielde
Debtes owinge to me Goodes remaynynge in other mens hands …
first Willyam Dernelye of Padfield of lent first one … of bedstorkes one old brasse panne
moneye w(hich) I lent hym xxxviijs and a pole w(it)h an iron ganelorke these house things
It(em) ould Willyam Dernely father of aforesaid remayne in the keeping of Edward Swallow
Wm Dernelye of lent money w(hich) I lent hym xs It(em) one dke rem in the keeping of Richard
at another tyme Hinchcliff
It(em) Edward Wagstaffe of Glossope xvs
It(em) Nycholas Howard of Foxtone xijs
Relatives named in the will
Nicholas Hadfielde son
Raphe Hadfield son
John Battye son-in-law
Richard Battye son-in-law
Transcribed by JAD 2019
The will is dated 4 March 1599. The calendar year began March 25th, Under the Gregorian calendar this would have been 4 March 1600.

Nicholas Hadfield died after March 1599
John Turver
ID# 30942, b. February 1744

John Turver was born in February 1744 at Killingley, Kellington parish, Yorkshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.

John Turver was baptised on 11 March 1744 at Kellington parish, Yorkshire, England,
Baptismal record is very difficult to read, but it appears to be "John son of James Turver of Killingley"
Baptism is recorded under the old calendar (11 March 1743) and is the last entry for this year.
FamilySearch Film # 004044455; Image 69 of 1020.
Baptism is recorded under the old calendar (11 March 1743) and is the last entry for this year.
FamilySearch Film # 004044455; Image 69 of 1020.

in 1765 John Turver lived at Kellington parish, Yorkshire, England,

John Turver married Mary Sunderland on 4 November 1765 at Kellington parish, Yorkshire, England,
John junior's parents can be identified as John Turver and Mary Sunderland, married by licence at Kellington, 04 Nov 1765.
John of Kellington, aged 22; Mary of Hemsworth, aged 23.
(FMP: Yorkshire, Archbishop Of York Marriage Licences Index, 1613-1839)
- MB.
Children of John Turver and Mary Sunderland
- John Turver+ b. Dec 1766, d. Aug 1843
- James Turver b. Apr 1768
- Timothy Turver b. Mar 1770
- George Turver b. Jan 1775
Mary Sunderland
ID# 30943, b. 1742

Mary Sunderland was born in 1742

in 1765 Mary Sunderland lived at Hemsworth, Yorkshire, England,

Mary Sunderland married John Turver on 4 November 1765 at Kellington parish, Yorkshire, England,
John junior's parents can be identified as John Turver and Mary Sunderland, married by licence at Kellington, 04 Nov 1765.
John of Kellington, aged 22; Mary of Hemsworth, aged 23.
(FMP: Yorkshire, Archbishop Of York Marriage Licences Index, 1613-1839)
- MB.
Children of Mary Sunderland and John Turver
- John Turver+ b. Dec 1766, d. Aug 1843
- James Turver b. Apr 1768
- Timothy Turver b. Mar 1770
- George Turver b. Jan 1775
James Turver
ID# 30944, b. April 1768

James Turver was born in April 1768 at Kelleley, Kellington parish, Yorkshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
James Turver was the son of John Turver and Mary Sunderland.

James Turver was baptised on 23 May 1768 at Kellington parish, Yorkshire, England,
James son of John Turver of Kelleley.
Timothy Turver
ID# 30945, b. March 1770

Timothy Turver was born in March 1770 at Kelleley, Kellington parish, Yorkshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Timothy Turver was the son of John Turver and Mary Sunderland.

Timothy Turver was baptised on 18 April 1770 at Kellington parish, Yorkshire, England,
Timothy son of John Turver of Kelleley.
George Turver
ID# 30946, b. January 1775

George Turver was born in January 1775 at Kellington parish, Yorkshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
George Turver was the son of John Turver and Mary Sunderland.

George Turver was baptised on 5 March 1775 at Kellington parish, Yorkshire, England,
George son of John & Mary.
Bertha Ann Snelson
ID# 30947, b. 5 February 1883, d. about November 1971

Bertha Ann Snelson was born on 5 February 1883 at Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, England,

Bertha Ann Snelson married Walter Behrend, son of George Behrend and Caroline Storr, about August 1910 at Grimsby R.D., Lincolnshire, England,

Bertha Ann Snelson died about November 1971 at Grimsby R.D., Lincolnshire, England,
Indexed as Bertha Annie Behrend, born 5 Feb 1883.
Children of Bertha Ann Snelson and Walter Behrend
- Bertha Olive Behrend b. abt May 1911
- Harold Walter Behrend b. 23 Jan 1914, d. abt Feb 1988
- Ralph Behrend+ b. 12 Sep 1916
Ralph Behrend
ID# 30948, b. 12 September 1916

Ralph Behrend was born on 12 September 1916 at Grimsby R.D., Lincolnshire, England,
Ralph Behrend was the son of Walter Behrend and Bertha Ann Snelson.

Ralph Behrend married Dorothy E Thickett about August 1942 at Grimsby R.D., Lincolnshire, England,
Harold Walter Behrend
ID# 30949, b. 23 January 1914, d. about February 1988

Harold Walter Behrend was born on 23 January 1914 at Grimsby R.D., Lincolnshire, England,
Harold Walter Behrend was the son of Walter Behrend and Bertha Ann Snelson.

Harold Walter Behrend married Edith A Freeman about November 1938 at Cleethorpes R.D., Lincolnshire, England,

Harold Walter Behrend died about February 1988 at Grimsby R.D., Lincolnshire, England,
Bertha Olive Behrend
ID# 30950, b. about May 1911

Bertha Olive Behrend was born about May 1911 at Grimsby R.D., Lincolnshire, England,
Bertha Olive Behrend was the daughter of Walter Behrend and Bertha Ann Snelson.