Edward Gatward
ID# 1481, b. August 1641
- Charts
- Edward Gatward (c.1613-)

Therfield, Reed, Dane End, Buckland & Kelshall are all in the same area
A 1.5 mile radius circle would include them all.
A 1.5 mile radius circle would include them all.

Edward Gatward was born in August 1641 at Therfield, Hertfordshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Some Ancestry trees show Edward as the son of John Gattward & Lettice (with no sources given).
We are going with the FamilySearch transcription until other evidence shows up.
Some Ancestry trees show Edward as the son of John Gattward & Lettice (with no sources given).
We are going with the FamilySearch transcription until other evidence shows up.
Edward Gatward was the son of Edward Gatward and Lettice (?)

Edward Gatward was baptised on 19 September 1641 at Therfield, Hertfordshire, England,
Transcribed as: Edward son of Edward & Lettice Gateward.

Edward Gatward married Barbary Wattson, daughter of E Watson, on 1 January 1678 at Reed, Hertfordshire, England,
Edward Gattward & Barbary Wattson.
from transcription only (FamilySearch)
Note: Date as transcribed, but may be 1 Jan 1677/8 or 1678/9.

A beneficiary in his father-in-law's will.
Year Testator Testator's location Beneficiary Rel. to Testator
1681 WATSON, E Buckland GATWARD, Barbary daughter BR11 250
1681 WATSON, E Buckland GATWARD, Edw son-in-law BR11 250
1681 WATSON, E Buckland GATWARD, Edw grandson BR11 250
1684 DAY, W East Reed GATTWARD, Edw occupier BR11 367
1731 CROWCH, C Royston GATWARD, Jn beneficiary BR21 12
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Mary sister BR22 179
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Sam brother-in-law BR22 179
1748 BROUGHTON, S Steeple Morden Cambs. Royston GATWARD, Henry occupier BR23 363
Essex Wills Beneficiaries Index, 1675-1858.
Children of Edward Gatward and Barbary Wattson
- Edward Gatward+ b. Jan 1679
- James Gatward b. Nov 1681, d. abt Dec 1764
- Lettice Gatward+ b. Aug 1684
- Barbara Gatward b. Jun 1689
- John Gatward+ b. Oct 1691
- Judeth Gatward b. Jan 1694
- Sarah Gatward b. Apr 1697
- Mary Gatward b. Apr 1699
- William Gatward b. Feb 1701
- Elizabeth Gatward b. Feb 1701
Barbary Wattson
ID# 1482, b. about 1659, d. about 1712
- Charts
- Edward Gatward (c.1613-)

Barbary Wattson was born about 1659 at Hertfordshire, England,
Barbary Wattson was the daughter of E Watson.

Barbary Wattson married Edward Gatward, son of Edward Gatward and Lettice (?), on 1 January 1678 at Reed, Hertfordshire, England,
Edward Gattward & Barbary Wattson.
from transcription only (FamilySearch)
Note: Date as transcribed, but may be 1 Jan 1677/8 or 1678/9.

A beneficiary in her father's will.
Year Testator Testator's location Beneficiary Rel. to Testator
1681 WATSON, E Buckland GATWARD, Barbary daughter BR11 250
1681 WATSON, E Buckland GATWARD, Edw son-in-law BR11 250
1681 WATSON, E Buckland GATWARD, Edw grandson BR11 250
1684 DAY, W East Reed GATTWARD, Edw occupier BR11 367
1731 CROWCH, C Royston GATWARD, Jn beneficiary BR21 12
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Mary sister BR22 179
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Sam brother-in-law BR22 179
1748 BROUGHTON, S Steeple Morden Cambs. Royston GATWARD, Henry occupier BR23 363
Essex Wills Beneficiaries Index, 1675-1858.

Barbary Wattson died about 1712
Perhaps the Barbara Gatward whose burial was recorded 9 Nov 1712 in Kennett Parish, Cambridgeshire.
Children of Barbary Wattson and Edward Gatward
- Edward Gatward+ b. Jan 1679
- James Gatward b. Nov 1681, d. abt Dec 1764
- Lettice Gatward+ b. Aug 1684
- Barbara Gatward b. Jun 1689
- John Gatward+ b. Oct 1691
- Judeth Gatward b. Jan 1694
- Sarah Gatward b. Apr 1697
- Mary Gatward b. Apr 1699
- William Gatward b. Feb 1701
- Elizabeth Gatward b. Feb 1701
Edward Gatward
ID# 1483, b. January 1679
- Charts
- Edward Gatward (c.1613-)

Therfield, Reed, Dane End, Buckland & Kelshall are all in the same area
A 1.5 mile radius circle would include them all.
A 1.5 mile radius circle would include them all.

Edward Gatward was born in January 1679 at Reed, Hertfordshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Edward Gatward was the son of Edward Gatward and Barbary Wattson.

Edward Gatward was baptised on 19 February 1678/79 at Reed, Hertfordshire, England,
Edward son of Edward & Barbara Gatward.
from transcription only.
from transcription only.

A beneficiary of his grandfather's will.
Year Testator Testator's location Beneficiary Rel. to Testator
1681 WATSON, E Buckland GATWARD, Barbary daughter BR11 250
1681 WATSON, E Buckland GATWARD, Edw son-in-law BR11 250
1681 WATSON, E Buckland GATWARD, Edw grandson BR11 250
1684 DAY, W East Reed GATTWARD, Edw occupier BR11 367
1731 CROWCH, C Royston GATWARD, Jn beneficiary BR21 12
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Mary sister BR22 179
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Sam brother-in-law BR22 179
1748 BROUGHTON, S Steeple Morden Cambs. Royston GATWARD, Henry occupier BR23 363
Essex Wills Beneficiaries Index, 1675-1858.

Edward Gatward married Alice (?) about 1708
Perhaps the 1704 marriage of Edward Gatward to Alce Needles at St George's, Botolph Lane, London.
Boyd's Marriage Index.
Children of Edward Gatward and Alice (?)
- James Gatward+ b. May 1710, d. 1759
- Edward Gatward b. Apr 1712, d. 1783
- Alice Gatward+ b. Dec 1719
- Judith Gatward b. abt 1724, d. abt Sep 1757
Alice (?)
ID# 1484, b. about 1679
- Charts
- Edward Gatward (c.1613-)

Alice (?) was born about 1679

Alice (?) married Edward Gatward, son of Edward Gatward and Barbary Wattson, about 1708
Perhaps the 1704 marriage of Edward Gatward to Alce Needles at St George's, Botolph Lane, London.
Boyd's Marriage Index.
Children of Alice (?) and Edward Gatward
- James Gatward+ b. May 1710, d. 1759
- Edward Gatward b. Apr 1712, d. 1783
- Alice Gatward+ b. Dec 1719
- Judith Gatward b. abt 1724, d. abt Sep 1757
James Gatward
ID# 1485, b. May 1710, d. 1759
- Charts
- Edward Gatward (c.1613-)

This family is placed here based on James' 1753 will & those of his siblings.
James' locations & occupations are unusual, but unless there is another set of siblings whose parents were Edward & Alice this seems like the correct placement.
James' locations & occupations are unusual, but unless there is another set of siblings whose parents were Edward & Alice this seems like the correct placement.

James Gatward was born in May 1710 at Kelshall, Hertfordshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
James Gatward was the son of Edward Gatward and Alice (?)

James Gatward was baptised on 27 June 1710 at Kelshall, Hertfordshire, England,
James son of Edward & Alice Gatward; baptized 27 Jun 1710; Kelshall, Hertfordshire.
from transcription only (FamilySearch.)
from transcription only (FamilySearch.)

in 1734 James Gatward was a Wheelwright.

in 1734 James Gatward lived at Barkway, Hertfordshire, England,

James Gatward married Sarah George on 11 March 1734 at Layston, Hertfordshire, England,
'James Gatward, Wheelwright and Sarah George, both of Barkway, were married March 11th
Layston Parish Records 1733/34
Recorded as 11 March 1733 (from 1155 to 1752, the civil or legal year in England began on 25 March.)

James Gatward married Ann Herbert on 13 September 1744 at St Luke's Parish, Islington, Middlesex, England,
James Gatward m. Ann Herbert
by Licence.

James Gatward left a will on 29 March 1753.
Will of James Gatward
Proved 17 June 1759
1. In the Name of God Amen
2. I James Gatward of the parish of St Luke in the County of Middlesex
3. Being in Good Health of Body and of Sound and Disposing mind
4. Memory and Understanding but Mindful of the Uncertainty of life
5. and it its Countenance do make this my last will and testament
6. in manner following that is to say Imprimis Where as I am entitled
7. to a [??????] freehold Estate at Hinxworth within County of Hertford
8. which I purchased of Mr George Herbert with the appurtenances
9. I do hereby give Devise and bequeath the same unto my Dear
10. And loving wife Ann Gatward and her assigns for and during the
11. Term of their natural life in case she shall survive me and from
12. and immediately after her Decease I give Devise and Bequeath
13. The same unto the eldest son by me on the body of the said Ann
14. Lawfully begotton that shall be living at the time of the decease
15. of the said Ann his Heirs and Assigns for ever and in default of such
16. issue then I give and Devise the same to all and every the
17. Daughters if more than one by me on the body of the said Ann
18. lawfully begotten that shall be living at the time of the Decease
19. of the said Ann to be Equally Divided between them share and
20. share alike to take as tenants in common and not as joint tenants
21. and to the Several and respective Heirs of the bodys of such
22. daughters lawfully issuing and in case one or more of my said
23. daughters shall happen to dye without issue then I give and
24. Devise the share or shares of her or them so dying unto their
25. Survivors or survivor of such Daughters to be equally divided
26. between them share and share alike to take as tenants in common
27. and not as joint tenants and to that Several and respective
28. Heirs of the Bodys or Body of such surviving Daughters
29. Daughter lawfully issuing and in case all such daughters but
30. One happen to dye without issue or if there shall be but one such
31. Daughter then I give and Devise the same to such only daughters
32. and the Sons of her body lawfully issuing for ever and in default
33. of all such issue then I give and Devise the said premises to my
34. said wife Ann Gatward her sons and assigns for ever subject
35. Nevertheless that the annuity that is now payable [thereout] to
36. Margaret Hill Item I Give and bequeath to my sister Alice
37. Humaston Wife of William Humaston of Chippenham in the
38. County of Hertford husbandman in case I shall Dye without
39. Issue and not otherwise the Sum of Eighty pounds of lawfull
40. Money of Great Britain to be paid to him out of the residue of
41. my personal estate after the decease of my said wife Ann Item
42. I Give and bequeath unto James Humaston Son of the said William
43. Humaston the sum of Twenty Pounds of the lawfull Money of
44. Great Britain Item I give and bequeath to my brother Edward
45. Gatward of Swine Street London yeoman my sister Judith White
46. of White Cross Street Widow the said William Humaston and
47. Mr George Herbert of Saint Giles Cripplegate Without and
48. his wife Catherine Herbert and to each of them respectively a
49. Mourning Ring of One Guinea value All the Rest Residue
50. and remainder of my Real and personal estate whatsoever
51. and wheresoever or of what kind nature or quality soever I Give
52. Divest and bequeath after payment of my just debts Legacys and
53. Funeral expenses unto my said wife Ann Gatward whom I do
54. Hereby nominate constitute and appoint my Sole executrix
55. hereof and revoking and making void all former and other
56. Wills by me at any time have to be made & publish and
57. Declare this only to be my last will and testament In Witness
58. Where of the said James Gatward have to this my will
59. [contained?] in one sheet of paper. Set my hand and seal this
60. Twenty ninth day of march in the year of our lord One
61. Thousand Seven hundred and fifty three, James Gatward
62. Signed Sealed and published and declared by the said Testator James
63. Gatward as and for his last will and testament in the presence
64. of us who in his presence and at his request have hereunto set
65. our hand’s as witnesses hereunto ( the words – after the decease
66. of my said wife Ann – between the eighteen and nineteenth lines
67. Being first interlined* – John Budger Peter Roberts [L S]
68. House – Joshua Edmonson
69. This Will was proved at London the Twenty Seventh
70. Day of June in the year of our lord One thousand Seven hundred
71. and fifty nine before the Worshipful James Marrott Doctor.
72. of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Edward Simpson
73. also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the
74. Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the
75. Oath of Ann Gatward widow of the Relict of the deceased and
76. Sole Executrix named in the said Will to whom Administration
77. was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and credits
78. of the said deceased having been first sworn duly to Administer
* Believed to refer to a line inserted in the original document
Transcribed by Terry Gatward. 2020
Proved 17 June 1759
1. In the Name of God Amen
2. I James Gatward of the parish of St Luke in the County of Middlesex
3. Being in Good Health of Body and of Sound and Disposing mind
4. Memory and Understanding but Mindful of the Uncertainty of life
5. and it its Countenance do make this my last will and testament
6. in manner following that is to say Imprimis Where as I am entitled
7. to a [??????] freehold Estate at Hinxworth within County of Hertford
8. which I purchased of Mr George Herbert with the appurtenances
9. I do hereby give Devise and bequeath the same unto my Dear
10. And loving wife Ann Gatward and her assigns for and during the
11. Term of their natural life in case she shall survive me and from
12. and immediately after her Decease I give Devise and Bequeath
13. The same unto the eldest son by me on the body of the said Ann
14. Lawfully begotton that shall be living at the time of the decease
15. of the said Ann his Heirs and Assigns for ever and in default of such
16. issue then I give and Devise the same to all and every the
17. Daughters if more than one by me on the body of the said Ann
18. lawfully begotten that shall be living at the time of the Decease
19. of the said Ann to be Equally Divided between them share and
20. share alike to take as tenants in common and not as joint tenants
21. and to the Several and respective Heirs of the bodys of such
22. daughters lawfully issuing and in case one or more of my said
23. daughters shall happen to dye without issue then I give and
24. Devise the share or shares of her or them so dying unto their
25. Survivors or survivor of such Daughters to be equally divided
26. between them share and share alike to take as tenants in common
27. and not as joint tenants and to that Several and respective
28. Heirs of the Bodys or Body of such surviving Daughters
29. Daughter lawfully issuing and in case all such daughters but
30. One happen to dye without issue or if there shall be but one such
31. Daughter then I give and Devise the same to such only daughters
32. and the Sons of her body lawfully issuing for ever and in default
33. of all such issue then I give and Devise the said premises to my
34. said wife Ann Gatward her sons and assigns for ever subject
35. Nevertheless that the annuity that is now payable [thereout] to
36. Margaret Hill Item I Give and bequeath to my sister Alice
37. Humaston Wife of William Humaston of Chippenham in the
38. County of Hertford husbandman in case I shall Dye without
39. Issue and not otherwise the Sum of Eighty pounds of lawfull
40. Money of Great Britain to be paid to him out of the residue of
41. my personal estate after the decease of my said wife Ann Item
42. I Give and bequeath unto James Humaston Son of the said William
43. Humaston the sum of Twenty Pounds of the lawfull Money of
44. Great Britain Item I give and bequeath to my brother Edward
45. Gatward of Swine Street London yeoman my sister Judith White
46. of White Cross Street Widow the said William Humaston and
47. Mr George Herbert of Saint Giles Cripplegate Without and
48. his wife Catherine Herbert and to each of them respectively a
49. Mourning Ring of One Guinea value All the Rest Residue
50. and remainder of my Real and personal estate whatsoever
51. and wheresoever or of what kind nature or quality soever I Give
52. Divest and bequeath after payment of my just debts Legacys and
53. Funeral expenses unto my said wife Ann Gatward whom I do
54. Hereby nominate constitute and appoint my Sole executrix
55. hereof and revoking and making void all former and other
56. Wills by me at any time have to be made & publish and
57. Declare this only to be my last will and testament In Witness
58. Where of the said James Gatward have to this my will
59. [contained?] in one sheet of paper. Set my hand and seal this
60. Twenty ninth day of march in the year of our lord One
61. Thousand Seven hundred and fifty three, James Gatward
62. Signed Sealed and published and declared by the said Testator James
63. Gatward as and for his last will and testament in the presence
64. of us who in his presence and at his request have hereunto set
65. our hand’s as witnesses hereunto ( the words – after the decease
66. of my said wife Ann – between the eighteen and nineteenth lines
67. Being first interlined* – John Budger Peter Roberts [L S]
68. House – Joshua Edmonson
69. This Will was proved at London the Twenty Seventh
70. Day of June in the year of our lord One thousand Seven hundred
71. and fifty nine before the Worshipful James Marrott Doctor.
72. of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Edward Simpson
73. also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the
74. Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the
75. Oath of Ann Gatward widow of the Relict of the deceased and
76. Sole Executrix named in the said Will to whom Administration
77. was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and credits
78. of the said deceased having been first sworn duly to Administer
* Believed to refer to a line inserted in the original document
Transcribed by Terry Gatward. 2020
1753 James Gatward Will Proved 27 Jun 1759
Wife Ann Gatward
Sons Unnamed "eldest son"
Daughters Unnamed
Sister Alice Humaston Wife of William Humaston of Chippenham in the County of Hertford husbandman
Brother Edward Gatward of Swine Street London yeoman
Sister Judith White of White Cross Street Widow
Nephew James Humaston son of the said William Humaston
Others Mr George Herbert of Saint Giles Cripplegate Without and his wife Catherine Herbert
George Herbert - Probable brother-in-law or father-in-law.
James Gatward of St Luke's Parish, Middlesex (Islington, London)
A freehold Estate at Hinxworth, Hertfordshire.

in 1758 James Gatward was a Distiller.

James Gatward died in 1759 at White Cross Street, St Lukes Parish, Islington, Middlesex, England, at age 48 years

Probate was granted on his estate on 28 August 1759
'To:403; Memorandm; that James Gatward late of White Cross
Street Distiller died possessed of One Hundred Pounds
£3 [p?] Cent Annuity Stock Anno 1726, and by his last Will
& Testament dated 29th March 1753 he Constituted & appointed
his Wife Ann Gatward (now his Widow & Relict) his sole
Executrix in which having made no mention of this £100
Stock, it is become at her disposal ------
Probate dated at Drs. Commons 27th June 1759
Regd. 28th August 1759
R Payne
Bank Of England Wills Extracts 1717-1845.
Street Distiller died possessed of One Hundred Pounds
£3 [p?] Cent Annuity Stock Anno 1726, and by his last Will
& Testament dated 29th March 1753 he Constituted & appointed
his Wife Ann Gatward (now his Widow & Relict) his sole
Executrix in which having made no mention of this £100
Stock, it is become at her disposal ------
Probate dated at Drs. Commons 27th June 1759
Regd. 28th August 1759
R Payne
Bank Of England Wills Extracts 1717-1845.
Child of James Gatward and Sarah George
- Sarah Gatward b. Dec 1734
Sarah George
ID# 1486, b. about 1710, d. before 1744
- Charts
- Edward Gatward (c.1613-)

Sarah George was born about 1710 at Hertfordshire, England,

in 1734 Sarah George lived at Barkway, Hertfordshire, England,

Sarah George married James Gatward, son of Edward Gatward and Alice (?), on 11 March 1734 at Layston, Hertfordshire, England,
'James Gatward, Wheelwright and Sarah George, both of Barkway, were married March 11th
Layston Parish Records 1733/34
Recorded as 11 March 1733 (from 1155 to 1752, the civil or legal year in England began on 25 March.)

Sarah George died before 1744
Child of Sarah George and James Gatward
- Sarah Gatward b. Dec 1734
Sarah Gatward
ID# 1487, b. December 1734
- Charts
- Edward Gatward (c.1613-)

Sarah Gatward was born in December 1734 at Barkway, Hertfordshire, England,
Barkway is 4 miles S.S.E. of Royston.
Birth date is an estimate.
Birth date is an estimate.
Sarah Gatward was the daughter of James Gatward and Sarah George.

Sarah Gatward was baptised on 5 January 1735 at Anstey, Hertfordshire, England,
'Sarah Daughter of James Gatward of Barkway.'
Anstey Parish Baptisms 1734/5
Recorded as 5 Jan 1734 (from 1155 to 1752, the civil or legal year in England began on 25 March).
Anstey Parish Baptisms 1734/5
Recorded as 5 Jan 1734 (from 1155 to 1752, the civil or legal year in England began on 25 March).
Elizabeth Ellis
ID# 1488, b. about 1724, d. about 1795
- Charts
- James Gatward (c.1720-)

Elizabeth Ellis was born about 1724 at Hertfordshire, England,

Elizabeth Ellis married James Gatward on 22 September 1744 at Willian, Hertfordshire, England,
James Gatward & Elizabeth Ellis
from transcription only
Willan is 3 miles N.E. of Hitchen.

Elizabeth Ellis died about 1795
Perhaps the 11 Sep 1795 Hitchen Parish Burial of
'Elizabeth Wife of James Gatward Labr'
If so, then husband James is unlikely to be the owner of the watch & jewelry shop.
'Elizabeth Wife of James Gatward Labr'
If so, then husband James is unlikely to be the owner of the watch & jewelry shop.
Children of Elizabeth Ellis and James Gatward
- James Gateward b. Aug 1746, d. abt 1824
- William Gateward b. Sep 1748
- John Gateward b. May 1751
- Samuel Gatward b. Nov 1753
- Sarah Gatward b. May 1762
- Mary Gatward b. Apr 1765
- Benjamin Gatward+ b. Sep 1767, d. Jul 1837
Benjamin Gatward
ID# 1489, b. September 1767, d. July 1837
- Charts
- James Gatward (c.1720-)

Benjamin Gatward was the first member of the family to serve a formal apprenticeship, probably in London, before returning to Hitchin to take over from his father. A strict Baptist, he was the 1st Minister of the Bethel chapel in Hitchin Hill and the family still have the chalice and goblet presented and inscribed to his memory.
"From his watchmaker's shop came Benjamin Gatward, a short, thick-set man, rather knock kneed, with very large calves and a round bald head. He was of a very grave countenance, as befitted a Baptist lay-preacher and the father of seventeen children."
Source: The Best of Hitchen - Gatwards Beginnings in Hitchin.
Also - Gatwards 250th Aniverssary Book.
"From his watchmaker's shop came Benjamin Gatward, a short, thick-set man, rather knock kneed, with very large calves and a round bald head. He was of a very grave countenance, as befitted a Baptist lay-preacher and the father of seventeen children."
Source: The Best of Hitchen - Gatwards Beginnings in Hitchin.
Also - Gatwards 250th Aniverssary Book.

Benjamin Gatward was born in September 1767 at Offley, Hertfordshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Benjamin Gatward was the son of James Gatward and Elizabeth Ellis.

Benjamin Gatward was baptised on 1 October 1767 at Offley, Hertfordshire, England,
'Benjamin son of James & Elizabeth Gatward'
Offley Parish Registers; Hertfordshire Baptisms.
Offley Parish Registers; Hertfordshire Baptisms.

Benjamin Gatward married Katherine Yates on 6 May 1792 at St. Botolph without Aldersgate, London, England,
from an unverified web source.

Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World
by G. H. Baillie Fellow of the Institute of Physics
First Edition 1929; Second Edition 1947
List of Watch and Clockmakers p.120
Thomas London. apprenticed 1693
Samuel London. apprenticed 1751
Joshua Sevenoaks. apprenticed 1784 Clockmakers Company Watchmaker
Joseph Bristol. 1785 Watchmaker
Joseph London. 1790
Benjamin Hitchen. 1795 Watchmaker
J. Hitchen. ca.1800 from London.
Joseph Tonbridge. Early 19c. Watch.
Thomas Saffron Walden. b.1802 d.1863.

Benjamin Gatward married Elizabeth Cherry on 26 March 1806
from an unverified web source.

Benjamin Gatward married Frances Reynolds on 23 December 1833 at St. Mary's Church, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England,
from an unverified web source.

Benjamin Gatward died in July 1837 at Sun Street, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England, at age 69 years and 10 months

Benjamin Gatward was buried on 3 July 1837 at Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England,
'No.548; Benjamin Gatward; abode Sun St; aged 69'
Hitchen Parish Burials 1837 p. 71.
Hitchen Parish Burials 1837 p. 71.
Children of Benjamin Gatward and Katherine Yates
- Mary Gatward b. 2 Mar 1793
- Elizabeth Gatward b. 10 Jul 1794
- John Gatward b. 14 Apr 1796
- Benjamin Gatward b. 23 Sep 1797
- Samuel Gatward b. 25 Feb 1799
- Sarah Gatward b. 26 Aug 1800
- Thomas Gatward+ b. 14 Apr 1802, d. 18 Jan 1863
Children of Benjamin Gatward and Elizabeth Cherry
- Jabez Gatward b. Jul 1807
- Amos Gatward b. Nov 1807
- Benjamin Gatward b. 14 Feb 1810
- Daniel Gatward b. 6 Jan 1812
- Joseph Gatward b. 3 Oct 1814
- George Gatward b. 19 Jun 1816
- Catherine Gatward b. 20 Feb 1818
- Hannah Cherry Gatward b. 23 Jun 1820
- William Gatward b. 14 Sep 1822
- Reuben Gatward b. 31 May 1826
Katherine Yates
ID# 1490, b. 1776, d. 18 July 1803
- Charts
- James Gatward (c.1720-)

Katherine Yates was born in 1776

Katherine Yates married Benjamin Gatward, son of James Gatward and Elizabeth Ellis, on 6 May 1792 at St. Botolph without Aldersgate, London, England,
from an unverified web source.

Katherine Yates died on 18 July 1803 at Hertfordshire, England, at age 27 years
Children of Katherine Yates and Benjamin Gatward
- Mary Gatward b. 2 Mar 1793
- Elizabeth Gatward b. 10 Jul 1794
- John Gatward b. 14 Apr 1796
- Benjamin Gatward b. 23 Sep 1797
- Samuel Gatward b. 25 Feb 1799
- Sarah Gatward b. 26 Aug 1800
- Thomas Gatward+ b. 14 Apr 1802, d. 18 Jan 1863