James Gatward
ID# 32591, b. November 1681, d. about December 1764
- Charts
- Edward Gatward (c.1613-)

James Gatward was born in November 1681 at Reed, Hertfordshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
James Gatward was the son of Edward Gatward and Barbary Wattson.

James Gatward was baptised on 1 December 1681 at Reed, Hertfordshire, England,
Name: James son of Edward & Barbary Gattward.
from transcription only.
from transcription only.

James Gatward left a will on 21 November 1764.
Will of James Gatward of Puckeridge in the Parish of Braughing and County of Hertford Gentleman.
James' nephews & nieces are mentioned in James' will.
Edward Gatward, Alice Humpfries, Joseph Reynolds, Edward Reynolds, James Reynolds, George Reynolds, James Gatward and Barbara Lewinton .
It seems likely that James out-lived his siblings.
James' nephews & nieces are mentioned in James' will.
Edward Gatward, Alice Humpfries, Joseph Reynolds, Edward Reynolds, James Reynolds, George Reynolds, James Gatward and Barbara Lewinton .
It seems likely that James out-lived his siblings.

James Gatward died about December 1764

James Gatward, Gentleman of Braughing Hertfordshire. Will was probated 1 June 1765.
Reference: PROB 11/909/80.
Reference: PROB 11/909/80.
Edward Gatward
ID# 32592, b. April 1712, d. 1783
- Charts
- Edward Gatward (c.1613-)

Edward Gatward was a a sawmaker in Red Lion Market, just off White Cross Street (London).
from "White Saws: Probably the Best in the World" by Barley, Simon.

Edward Gatward was born in April 1712 at Kelshall, Hertfordshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Edward Gatward was the son of Edward Gatward and Alice (?)

Edward Gatward was baptised on 15 May 1712
Edward son of Edward & Alice Gatward; baptized 15 May 1712; Kelshall, Hertfordshire.
from transcription only (FamilySearch.)
from transcription only (FamilySearch.)

Edward Gatward married Margaret Carell on 15 May 1743 at St Mary's, Whitechapel, London, Middlesex, England,
'Edward Gatward & Margaret Carell, both of this Parish, by Banns'
St Mary's Whitechapel Marriages 1743.

in 1753 Edward Gatward was a yeoman.
As recorded in his brother James' will.

in March 1753 Edward Gatward lived at Swine Street, London, England,

Edward Gatward left a will on 9 July 1780.
Edward Gatward, Sawmaker
Last Will and Testament - Written 9 July 1780 – Probate 16 Aug 1783
1 In the Name of God Amen
2 I Edwd Gatward of Red Lion Market. In the parish of Saint
3 Luke in the County of Middlesex Sawmaker being of sound
4 mind memory understanding do make publish and declare this
5 my last Will and Testament in matter and form following
6 that is to say I give and bequest to my Sister Alice
7 Humberston the Sum of two hundred pounds which Sum I
8 have a Bond from Mr William [Meau?] at Potton in the
9 County of Bedfordshire the said bond and what interest is
10 due revision in our 2 months after my decease I desire it may
11 be given to my sister Alice Humberston Also to give to
12 my nephew William Humberston four hundred three per
13 cent stock I also give unto Mary Humberston Widow of
14 my nephew James Humberston twenty pounds I also give
15 unto Alce the daughter of my nephew James Humberston
16 two hundred three per cent stock and likewise my
17 best Tea chest and 6 spoons I also give to Mary daughter
18 of my nephew James Humberston two hundred three per
19 Cent and if either of them should Die before they turn
20 to the age of eighteen years then the Survivor is to
21 receive her legacy and if it should please God to take
22 the said Alice and Mary Humberston both then to go
23 to Edward Gatward Humberston their brother and if Edward
24 Gatward Humberston should depart this life shall go to his
25 two sisters Alice and Mary Humberston all that [he?] shall
26 be possessed on in my Will and it is my will that
27 Edward Gatward Humberston shall pay unto his sister
28 Alice and his sister Mary Humberston when they are at
29 the age of twenty one years one hundred pounds to
30 each of them and it is my will that my Executor
31 should at their discretion provide and do as they think
32 proper with Alice and Mary Humberston out of the
33 remainder of my monies and Estate I [u---] with the
34 Interest only and ^the rents^ of all that I am possessed of when
35 my Legacies is paid which it is my desire to do paid
36 in six months after my decease I also give unto Dorothy
37 Bibbon late wife of Henry [Miron?] in Red Lion market
38 fifty pounds to be paid in six months after my death
39 I also give to [Ozell?] Pitts Whitecross Street Twenty pounds
40 to be paid when he settles with my executors as I have
41 a note of hand from him for one hundred pounds
42 and some interest thereon I also give unto Ann
43 Perry wife of W. Perrey late of Spellbrock in Hertfordshire
44 one Guinea for a Ring I also give unto Edward Reynold
45 of Little Hadham in Hertfordshire one Guinea for a
46 Ring When all my Legacies are paid out funeral
47 charges which I desire but in a devout way to be buried
48 I care not where Then the residue of all my effects
49 wheresoever I give to Edward Gatward Humberston and in
50 Trust to my two executors Mr George Reynolds at Brill ?
51 and Mr Charles Hundley Red Lion Market London and for
52 their troubles I give to both of ^ them ^ Twenty Pounds each This
53 is my last Will and Testament In Witness I have set
54 my Hand this ninth day of July 1780 Edward Gatward
55 [Intero] Prerogative Court of Canterbury August 16th 1783
56 Appeared Personally Thomas Parker of the
57 parish of Saint Luke in the County of Middlesex Jeweller
58 and George Fowler of the same parish Sawmaker and
59 [orally] made Oath that they knew and were intimately
60 acquainted with Edward Gatward late of the said Parish of
61 Saint Luke in the County of Middlesex for some
62 time before and to the time of his death and also with
63 his manner and character of handwriting and Subscription
64 having often seen him write and also with and Subscribe
65 his name and having now with care and attention
66 viewed and perused the paper writing hereto annexed
67 purporting to be and contain the last Will and Testament
68 of the said deceased beginning this “in the Name of
69 God Amen I Edwd Gatward of Red Lion Market in the
70 parish of Saint Luke in the County of Middlesex Sawmaker
71 ending thus “in witness I have set my Hand this [nith]
72 Day of July 1780” and thus subscribed “Edward Gatward”
73 and also the “Words“ twenty pounds” written in the margin
74 of the first side of the said Will they these Deponents
75 severally say they verify and in their consciences believe
76 The whole series and contents of the said Will and the
77 Subscription there to and the said words Twenty Pounds to
78 be of the proper handwriting and subscription of the
79 said Edward Gatward deceased. Thos Parker, George Fowler.
80 Same day the said Thomas Parker and George Fowler
81 Were duly sworn to the truth of this affidavit Before
82 me George Harris Surrogate [prest Math Gostling No.? Publ. ?]
83 This Will was proved at London the twentieth
84 Day of August in the year of Our Lord one thousand
85 seven hundred and eighty three before the worshipful George
86 Harris Gorton of Laws Surrogate of the Right and worshipful
87 Peter Calvert also Gorton of Laws Master Keeper of Commissary
88 of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the
89 Oaths of George Reynolds and Charles Hundley the Executors
90 Named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted
91 of all and singular the goods and chattels and credits of the
92 deceased having been first sworn Duly to administer.
Transcribed by Terry Gatward.
Mentioned in will:-
Alice Humberston Sister
William Humberston Nephew
Mary Humberston Widow of nephew James Humberston
Alice Daughter of nephew James Humberston
Mary Daughter of nephew James Humberston
Edward Gatward Humberston Brother of Alice and Mary Humberston
Dorothy Bibbon
Ann Perry wife of W. Perrey late of Spellbrock in Hertfordshire
Edward Reynold of Little Hadham
George Reynolds Executor
Charles Hundley Executor
Thomas Parker Jeweler & witness to verification of Edward Gatward's handwriting.
George Fowler Sawmaker & witness to verification of Edward Gatward's handwriting.

Edward Gatward died in 1783 at St Lukes Parish, Middlesex, England, at age 70 years

There was a caution published in the Hampshire Chronicle dated 22 June 1789 regarding "GATWARD and HUNDLEY's best Cast Steel Pit, Frame, and Cross-Cut SAWS" and the warning that their name had been stamped on inferior products resulting in much injury.
Hundley was Edward Gatward’s apprentice and is presumed to have taken over the business and used his mentor’s name after Edward died (probably the Charles Hundley who was an executor of Edward's will).
Hundley was Edward Gatward’s apprentice and is presumed to have taken over the business and used his mentor’s name after Edward died (probably the Charles Hundley who was an executor of Edward's will).
Alice Gatward
ID# 32593, b. December 1719
- Charts
- Edward Gatward (c.1613-)

Alice Gatward was born in December 1719 at Buckland, Hertfordshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Alice Gatward was the daughter of Edward Gatward and Alice (?)

Alice Gatward was baptised on 27 January 1720 at Buckland, Hertfordshire, England,
Alice daughter of Edward & Alice Gatward; baptized 27 Jan 1720; Buckland, Hertfordshire.
from transcription only (FamilySearch.)
from transcription only (FamilySearch.)

Alice Gatward married William Hummerston on 1 October 1744 at Buckland, Hertfordshire, England,

Mentioned in brother James' will.

Mentioned in brother Edward's will.
Children of Alice Gatward and William Hummerston
- Judith Hummerston b. Jul 1745
- Alice Hummerston b. Mar 1747
- James Hummerston b. Feb 1749
- Edward Hummerston b. May 1752
- William Hummerston b. Sep 1753
E Watson
ID# 32594, b. about 1635, d. 1681

E Watson was born about 1635

E Watson died in 1681
Year Testator Testator's location Beneficiary Rel. to Testator
1681 WATSON, E Buckland GATWARD, Barbary daughter BR11 250
1681 WATSON, E Buckland GATWARD, Edw son-in-law BR11 250
1681 WATSON, E Buckland GATWARD, Edw grandson BR11 250
1684 DAY, W East Reed GATTWARD, Edw occupier BR11 367
1731 CROWCH, C Royston GATWARD, Jn beneficiary BR21 12
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Mary sister BR22 179
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Sam brother-in-law BR22 179
1748 BROUGHTON, S Steeple Morden Cambs. Royston GATWARD, Henry occupier BR23 363
Essex Wills Beneficiaries Index, 1675-1858.
Child of E Watson
- Barbary Wattson+ b. abt 1659, d. abt 1712
Samuel Gatward
ID# 32595, b. about 1708

Samuel Gatward was born about 1708

Samuel Gatward married Mary Parker, daughter of Unknown Parker, on 1 April 1731 at Letchworth, Hertfordshire, England,

A beneficiary in his brother-in-law's will.
Year Testator Testator's location Beneficiary Rel. to Testator
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Mary sister BR22 179
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Sam brother-in-law BR22 179
Essex Wills Beneficiaries Index, 1675-1858.
Mary Parker
ID# 32596, b. about 1708

Mary Parker was born about 1708
Mary Parker was the daughter of Unknown Parker.

Mary Parker married Samuel Gatward on 1 April 1731 at Letchworth, Hertfordshire, England,

A beneficiary in her brother's will.
Year Testator Testator's location Beneficiary Rel. to Testator
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Mary sister BR22 179
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Sam brother-in-law BR22 179
Essex Wills Beneficiaries Index, 1675-1858.
Unknown Parker
ID# 32597, b. about 1680

Unknown Parker was born about 1680
Children of Unknown Parker
- J Parker b. abt 1685, d. 1738
- Mary Parker b. abt 1708
J Parker
ID# 32598, b. about 1685, d. 1738

J Parker was born about 1685
J Parker was the son of Unknown Parker.

J Parker died in 1738 at Stanstead Abbotts, Hertfordshire, England,
Year Testator Testator's location Beneficiary Rel. to Testator
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Mary sister BR22 179
1738 PARKER, J Stanstead Abbotts GATWARD, Sam brother-in-law BR22 179
Essex Wills Beneficiaries Index, 1675-1858.
Lettice Gatward
ID# 32599, b. August 1684
- Charts
- Edward Gatward (c.1613-)

Lettice Gatward was born in August 1684 at Reed, Hertfordshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Lettice Gatward was the daughter of Edward Gatward and Barbary Wattson.

Lettice Gatward was baptised on 28 September 1684 at Reed, Hertfordshire, England,
Lettice daughter of Edwd & Barbary Gatward. Baptized 28 Sep 1684; Reed, Hertfordshire
from transcription only (FamilySearch.)
from transcription only (FamilySearch.)

Lettice Gatward married Joseph Reynolds about 1710
Children of Lettice Gatward and Joseph Reynolds
- Joseph Reynolds b. Feb 1714
- James Reynolds b. Sep 1718
- George Reynolds b. Jan 1720
Barbara Gatward
ID# 32600, b. June 1689
- Charts
- Edward Gatward (c.1613-)

Barbara Gatward was born in June 1689 at Reed, Hertfordshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Barbara Gatward was the daughter of Edward Gatward and Barbary Wattson.

Barbara Gatward was baptised on 21 July 1689 at Reed, Hertfordshire, England,
Barbara daughter of Edward & Barbara Gatward. Baptized 21 Jul 1689; Reed, Hertfordshire
from transcription only (FamilySearch.)
from transcription only (FamilySearch.)