John Dernilee
ID# 2861, b. March 1639, d. before 1647
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

John Dernilee was born in March 1639 at Padfield, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
John Dernilee was the son of Edward Derneley and Elizabeth Hadfield.

John Dernilee was baptised on 5 May 1639 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

John Dernilee died before 1647
Nicholas Derniley
ID# 2863, b. about 1618

Nicholas Derniley was born about 1618
Father John's 1637 will names his three sons William, Edward and Nicholas. The rootsweb Glossop records for Edward's marriage in 1637 and Nicholas's marriage in 1639 name their parents as John and Elizabeth of Padfield.
Nicholas Derniley was the son of John Derneley (III) and Elizabeth (?)

in 1639 Nicholas Derniley lived at Padfield, Derbyshire, England,

Nicholas Derniley married Helena Dernilee, daughter of John Dernilee and Elizabeth Bramhall, on 4 July 1639 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
The rootsweb Glossop records for Nicholas' marriage name his parents as John and Elizabeth of Padfield.
The original Glossop marriage records on Ancestry confirm the details from Edward's and Nicholas's parentage.
- JAD.

Nicholas Dearnley of Glossop is listed in 1646 in the Glossop settlement certificates.

There is a 1666 burial that could be this Nicholas.
see Nicholas Dernily.
see Nicholas Dernily.
Child of Nicholas Derniley and Helena Dernilee
- Elizabeth Dernilee+ b. 28 Aug 1641, d. 1670
Sarah Dernily
ID# 2864, b. September 1667
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Sarah Dernily was born in September 1667 at Hadfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Sarah Dernily was the daughter of Joseph Dearneley and Elizabeth Hopwood.

Sarah Dernily was baptised on 13 October 1667 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
James Garlick
ID# 2865, b. 1843
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

James Garlick was born in 1843 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
James Garlick was the son of Samuel Garlick and Mary Swindells.

James Garlick married Helena Jones about 1864
Samuel Garlick
ID# 2866, b. 4 March 1806, d. 21 May 1886
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Samuel Garlick was born on 4 March 1806 at Hadfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Samuel Garlick was the son of Samuel Garlick and Deborah (?)

Samuel Garlick was baptised on 29 June 1806 at Weslyan Methodist, Hadfield, Derbyshire, England,
'No.40; Samuel, son of Samuel Garlick of Hadfield and Deborah his Wife, late Harrison; birth Mar 4; Bap. June 29'
Register of Births and Baptisms, Parish of Glossop. 1806, p. 40.
Register of Births and Baptisms, Parish of Glossop. 1806, p. 40.

Samuel Garlick married Mary Swindells, daughter of John Swindells and Mary Dearnaley, on 21 April 1829 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
'Samuel Garlick of the Parish of Glossop and Mary Swindells of the Parish of aforesaid were married in this Chirch by Banns...'
Glossop Parish Marriages.

Samuel Garlick died on 21 May 1886 at Stockport R.D., Cheshire, England, at age 80 years, 2 months and 17 days
Date from online family tree.
Children of Samuel Garlick and Mary Swindells
- Thomas Garlick b. 1830
- William Garlick b. 1832
- Harriot Garlick b. 1835
- George Garlick b. 1837
- James Garlick b. 1843
- Ruth Garlick b. 1845
- Zipporah Ann Garlick+ b. 1 Mar 1848, d. abt Nov 1909
- Moses Garlick b. Jul 1850
- John Garlick b. 1853
Zipporah Ann Garlick
ID# 2867, b. 1 March 1848, d. about November 1909
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Zipporah Ann Garlick was born on 1 March 1848 at School, Bugsworth, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire, England,
Zipporah [dau] of Samuel Garlick, Schoolmaster, & Mary Garlick formerly Swindells
Born 1 March 1848 at School
Informant: Samuel Garlick, father, Bugsworth. 17 March 1848.
Born 1 March 1848 at School
Informant: Samuel Garlick, father, Bugsworth. 17 March 1848.
Zipporah Ann Garlick was the daughter of Samuel Garlick and Mary Swindells.

Zipporah Ann Garlick married William Shawcross about November 1864 at Stockport, Cheshire, England,
Indexed as William Shawcross and Zephoriah Garlick.

Zipporah Ann Garlick died about November 1909 at Stockport R.D., Cheshire, England,
Indexed as Zipporah Ann Shawcross, aged 60.
Children of Zipporah Ann Garlick and William Shawcross
- Anne Shawcross b. 1865
- James Shawcross b. 1870
- Alice A Shawcross b. 1872
- William Shawcross b. 1874
- Florence Shawcross+ b. 12 Jun 1885, d. 20 Jul 1966
John Hadfield
ID# 2868, b. about 1636, d. November 1689

John Hadfield was born about 1636

in 1657 John Hadfield lived at Padfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

John Hadfield married Elizabeth Dernilee, daughter of Nicholas Derniley and Helena Dernilee, on 24 December 1657 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
John Hadfield of Padfield & Elizabeth Derneli of Torside, daughter of Nicholas
Banns published Nov 29; Dec 6; 13
see Glossop Marriages 1620 - 1744 transcription
Another source has this as '24 Dec 1657 Robert HADFIELD of Padfield and Elizabeth DERNELI d Nicholas of Torside'
see HADFIELD extracts from Glossop Parish Church, Derbyshire - Marion Wilkinson's Transcripts
Original document has not yet been seen.

Elizabeth Hadfield (née Dernilee) and her daughter Elizabeth Hadfeld (1658-) were both named in the will of William Dearnilee als Newton in 1667. But the principal beneficiary of William DalsN's will was Elizabeth's husband John Hadf(i)eld (possibly indicating a more direct relationship between John H and William DalsN?).
John Hadfield's eventual estate included "Dearnely Barne" and "Dearnely Croft".
John Hadfield's eventual estate included "Dearnely Barne" and "Dearnely Croft".

John Hadfield married Dorothy Unknown about 1676 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Originally assumed to be the 25 Aug 1676 marriage of John Hadfield & Dorothea Aston/Ashton/Achen.
The marriage record is now on Ancestry and clearly says John is from Edale.
Johanes Hadfield of Edall, Castleton parish and Dorothea Ashton of Brownside, Glossop parish.
So unless the scribe muddled the parishes, this is not the right John Hadfield.
John of Padfield's wife is known to have been Dorothea from the death of daughter Maria.

John Hadfield left a will on 27 December 1688.
In the name of God Amen
I John Hadfeild elder of Padfeild in the parish
of Glossop and County of Derby yeoman not being in good health
of body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory praise be therefore
given to Almighty God doe make and ordaine this my present last
Will and Testament in manner and forme following viz ffirst and
principally I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God
hopeing through the merritts death and passion of my Saviour Jesus
Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to
inherite everlasting life And my body I committ to the earth to be
decently buryed at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named And
as touching the disposition of all such temporall estate as it hath pleased Almighty
God to bestow upone me I give and dispose thereof as followeth ffirst I will that
my debts and ffunerall charges shall be paid and discharged Item I give and
bequeath to my sonne Joshua all that messuage and ffarme commonly called the
Broscroft ffarme and one parcel of ground called the Butty Intack all
lying in Badfield (sic) aforesaid with the Count (?) right of the same and all other
appurteures thereunto belonging immediately from and after the eleventh day
of November next ensuing the date hereof for and for and during the residue and
remainder of the terme of ffifty and foure yeares comenceing from the twenty
nineth day of September next after the date of these presents the said
Joshua yielding and paying to my said Executors the sume of fforty pounds of
lawfull money of England at and upon the eleaventh day of November aforesaid
And I alsoe give the said Joshua my sonne two paire of woollen loombes
and all materials which I have belonging to the same as alsoe one dying
leade one oyle lead a blue tub two paire of sheares two paire of wooll combs
and the wool in Dearnely Barne Item I give to my sonne James all that
tenement which I stand possessed of lying in Newton in the parish of
Manchester and County of Lancaster commonly called Barnes Tenement
with the appurtenances thereunto belonging when hee attaines the age of
one and twenty years And I doe order my said Executors to renew the
lease of the said tenement according to custome and maintaine him with
meate drinke cloathing and washing until hee come to age and to provide
him what trade my said Executor thinketh to be most convenient for him
Item I give to my daughter Dorothy the sume of fifty pounds when
shee attaines to the age of one and twenty yeares and to be maintained
with meate drinke washing and cloathing until she some to age by my
said Executors Item it is my will and mind that if either my sonne
James or my daughter Dorothy dye before they attaine to the age of one
and tweny years that then my Executors shall pay in consideration of
their porcon at the expiracon of the said terme unto the survivor if
of them Dorothy my now wife and Joshuah my sonne aforesaid the sume
of tenne pounds to each of them if they be then living if not to those of
them who survive that time Item I give and bequeath to John Hadfield
Samuel Hadfeild Arthur Bostock and Mary Bostock my grandchild-
-ren and to very one of them an ewe lamb at midsummer next after
my decease Item I give and bequeath to Dorothy my wife two cowes
and a cow sterke that was of Storkpord cowes and the halfe of my house-
hold goods to be divided equally betwixt her my said wife and my sonne
James and my daughter Dorothy and twenty shillings per annum to be
paid to Dorothy my wife during her widowhood by my said Executor
but if shee marry againe the same sume of one pound per annum to be become
void and not payable And also I doe give to the said Dorothy my wife the house
which I now live in and a garden and orchard thereunto belongin and a parcel
of ground called the three high fields Dearnely Croft the Croft end and the Croft
at the Barne and Meadow thereunto adjoyning and a parcel of housing
called the Hay Bay and Calfehouse during her life in lieu and full satisfacon
of her jointure and dower according to all intents and purposes as the same
is already settled upon her any thing here contained to the contrary in any
wise notwithstanding Item my will and mind is that the other halfe of
my household goods be equally divided betwixt my sonne Jonathan and
my sonne Joshuah Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Jonathan
two ffarmes lying in Padfield aforesaid commonly called the Priest Pastures
ffarme and the Torsett ffarme and a house called Smith House lying
and being in Chapell a frith in the County of Derby aforesaid with the
severall appurtenances belonging to the same and each of them after my
debts and funeral expenses be paid and discharges And I doe give to my
sonne Jonathan being full and sole Executor of this my last Will and
Testament all the rest and residue of my personal estate goods and chattells
whatsoever And I doe hereby revoke disannul and make void all former
Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made In witnesse whereof I the
said John Hadfeild to this my last Will and Testament have sett my hand
and seale the twenty seventh day of December Anno Reg Jacobi secondi
dei gra(ti)a nunc Augt et Quarto Annoq Dine One thousand six hundred
eighty eight. John Hadfeild Sealed and delivered in the presence of John
Lees Jon Hadfield jun Grace Kinder her marke.
I John Hadfeild elder of Padfeild in the parish
of Glossop and County of Derby yeoman not being in good health
of body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory praise be therefore
given to Almighty God doe make and ordaine this my present last
Will and Testament in manner and forme following viz ffirst and
principally I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God
hopeing through the merritts death and passion of my Saviour Jesus
Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to
inherite everlasting life And my body I committ to the earth to be
decently buryed at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named And
as touching the disposition of all such temporall estate as it hath pleased Almighty
God to bestow upone me I give and dispose thereof as followeth ffirst I will that
my debts and ffunerall charges shall be paid and discharged Item I give and
bequeath to my sonne Joshua all that messuage and ffarme commonly called the
Broscroft ffarme and one parcel of ground called the Butty Intack all
lying in Badfield (sic) aforesaid with the Count (?) right of the same and all other
appurteures thereunto belonging immediately from and after the eleventh day
of November next ensuing the date hereof for and for and during the residue and
remainder of the terme of ffifty and foure yeares comenceing from the twenty
nineth day of September next after the date of these presents the said
Joshua yielding and paying to my said Executors the sume of fforty pounds of
lawfull money of England at and upon the eleaventh day of November aforesaid
And I alsoe give the said Joshua my sonne two paire of woollen loombes
and all materials which I have belonging to the same as alsoe one dying
leade one oyle lead a blue tub two paire of sheares two paire of wooll combs
and the wool in Dearnely Barne Item I give to my sonne James all that
tenement which I stand possessed of lying in Newton in the parish of
Manchester and County of Lancaster commonly called Barnes Tenement
with the appurtenances thereunto belonging when hee attaines the age of
one and twenty years And I doe order my said Executors to renew the
lease of the said tenement according to custome and maintaine him with
meate drinke cloathing and washing until hee come to age and to provide
him what trade my said Executor thinketh to be most convenient for him
Item I give to my daughter Dorothy the sume of fifty pounds when
shee attaines to the age of one and twenty yeares and to be maintained
with meate drinke washing and cloathing until she some to age by my
said Executors Item it is my will and mind that if either my sonne
James or my daughter Dorothy dye before they attaine to the age of one
and tweny years that then my Executors shall pay in consideration of
their porcon at the expiracon of the said terme unto the survivor if
of them Dorothy my now wife and Joshuah my sonne aforesaid the sume
of tenne pounds to each of them if they be then living if not to those of
them who survive that time Item I give and bequeath to John Hadfield
Samuel Hadfeild Arthur Bostock and Mary Bostock my grandchild-
-ren and to very one of them an ewe lamb at midsummer next after
my decease Item I give and bequeath to Dorothy my wife two cowes
and a cow sterke that was of Storkpord cowes and the halfe of my house-
hold goods to be divided equally betwixt her my said wife and my sonne
James and my daughter Dorothy and twenty shillings per annum to be
paid to Dorothy my wife during her widowhood by my said Executor
but if shee marry againe the same sume of one pound per annum to be become
void and not payable And also I doe give to the said Dorothy my wife the house
which I now live in and a garden and orchard thereunto belongin and a parcel
of ground called the three high fields Dearnely Croft the Croft end and the Croft
at the Barne and Meadow thereunto adjoyning and a parcel of housing
called the Hay Bay and Calfehouse during her life in lieu and full satisfacon
of her jointure and dower according to all intents and purposes as the same
is already settled upon her any thing here contained to the contrary in any
wise notwithstanding Item my will and mind is that the other halfe of
my household goods be equally divided betwixt my sonne Jonathan and
my sonne Joshuah Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Jonathan
two ffarmes lying in Padfield aforesaid commonly called the Priest Pastures
ffarme and the Torsett ffarme and a house called Smith House lying
and being in Chapell a frith in the County of Derby aforesaid with the
severall appurtenances belonging to the same and each of them after my
debts and funeral expenses be paid and discharges And I doe give to my
sonne Jonathan being full and sole Executor of this my last Will and
Testament all the rest and residue of my personal estate goods and chattells
whatsoever And I doe hereby revoke disannul and make void all former
Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made In witnesse whereof I the
said John Hadfeild to this my last Will and Testament have sett my hand
and seale the twenty seventh day of December Anno Reg Jacobi secondi
dei gra(ti)a nunc Augt et Quarto Annoq Dine One thousand six hundred
eighty eight. John Hadfeild Sealed and delivered in the presence of John
Lees Jon Hadfield jun Grace Kinder her marke.
Named in the will
Dorothy Hadfield wife (second wife, nee Aston, married 1680)
Jonathan Hadfield son (eldest son)
Joshua Hadfield son
James Hadfield son (under 21 in 1688)
Dorothy Hadfield daughter (under 21 in 1688)
John Hadfield grandson (parentage uncertain – father Jonathan or Joshua)
Samuel Hadfield grandson (ditto)
Arthur Bostock grandson (child of Elizabeth Hadfield and John Bostock)
Mary Bostock granddaughter (ditto)
Broscroft Farm (to son Joshua): modern maps show Brosscoft Village on the Hadfield/Padfield border.
Torsett Farm (to son Jonathan): this may be his mother Elizabeth’s childhood home.
Priest Pastures Farm (to son Jonathan): a couple named John and Anna Hadfield lived at Priest Pastures in the 1640s (Glossop bmds).
Baptisms not found for 2 underage children – James and Dorothy – mother assumed to be Dorothy.
Transcription & notes: Janet Davies (2019).

John Hadfield died in November 1689 at Padfield, Derbyshire, England,

John Hadfield was buried on 30 November 1689 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Children of John Hadfield and Elizabeth Dernilee
- Elizabeth Hadfeld+ b. Nov 1658
- Jonathan Hadfeld b. Oct 1664
- Joshua Hadfeld b. Feb 1666
Children of John Hadfield and Dorothy Unknown
- James Hadfeld b. abt 1678
- Dorothy Hadfeld b. abt 1680
- Maria Hadfield b. abt 1681, d. Sep 1681
Elizabeth Hadfield
ID# 2869, b. about 1615, d. April 1696
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Elizabeth Hadfield was born about 1615
Elizabeth Hadfield was the daughter of John Hadfield and Alice (?)

Elizabeth Hadfield married Edward Derneley, son of John Derneley (III) and Elizabeth (?), on 2 December 1637 at Derbyshire, England,
The rootsweb Glossop records for Edward's marriage name his parents as John and Elizabeth of Padfield.
The original Glossop marriage records on Ancestry confirm the details from Edward's and Nicholas's parentage.
FamilySearch (IGI) shows Sudbury.
Unfortunately, there are a large number of occasions in the above database where Sudbury has been incorrectly substituted for Glossop.
This may be one of them.

It looks as though husband Edward's will was in dispute around this time A2A has a document dated 1680 relating to a dispute between Elizabeth Dearnly of Hadfield, widow of Edward, and Edward Eyre of Alport and Thomas Garlicke, regarding property in Glossop. -JAD see National Archives A2A
Reference: C 6/405/45 Short title: Dearnly v Eyre.
Plaintiffs: Elizabeth Dearnly (alias Elizabeth Dearneley) widow, of Hadfield, Derbyshire.
Defendants: Edward Eyre yeoman, of Alport, Derbyshire and Thomas Garlicke.
Subject: The plaintiff's possession of a leased messuage and land. The defendant Eyre had purchased the lease from Edward Dearnly, the plaintiff's late husband: property in Glossop, Derbyshire.
Document type: copy bill, two answers.
Date: 1680 Held by: The National Archives, Kew Legal status: Public Record
As of August 2015 the above document had not been digitized.
Reference: C 6/405/45 Short title: Dearnly v Eyre.
Plaintiffs: Elizabeth Dearnly (alias Elizabeth Dearneley) widow, of Hadfield, Derbyshire.
Defendants: Edward Eyre yeoman, of Alport, Derbyshire and Thomas Garlicke.
Subject: The plaintiff's possession of a leased messuage and land. The defendant Eyre had purchased the lease from Edward Dearnly, the plaintiff's late husband: property in Glossop, Derbyshire.
Document type: copy bill, two answers.
Date: 1680 Held by: The National Archives, Kew Legal status: Public Record
As of August 2015 the above document had not been digitized.

Elizabeth Hadfield died in April 1696 at Hadfield, Derbyshire, England,

Elizabeth Hadfield was buried on 18 April 1696 at All Saints, Glossop, Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,
Elizabeth Dernely, widow, Hadfield.
Glossop Parish Registers.
Glossop Parish Registers.
Children of Elizabeth Hadfield and Edward Derneley
- Alicia Derneley b. Dec 1637
- John Dernilee b. Mar 1639, d. b 1647
- Joseph Dearneley+ b. May 1642, d. Oct 1714
- Infant Derneley b. 1644, d. Jul 1644
- Mary Dearneley b. Jun 1646, d. Aug 1647
- William Derneley b. Jun 1646, d. Jul 1646
- John Dearneley b. Oct 1647, d. abt Feb 1712
Hannah Hadfield
ID# 2870, b. 7 January 1783
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Hannah Hadfield was born on 7 January 1783 at Padfield, Derbyshire, England,
Hannah Hadfield was the daughter of John Hadfield and Sarah Dearnely.

Hannah Hadfield was baptised on 7 February 1783 at Glossop Parish Church, Hadfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England
