infant Dernelee
ID# 14451, b. about May 1626, d. May 1626
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

infant Dernelee was born about May 1626 at Padfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

infant Dernelee died in May 1626 at Padfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Infant Dernelee was the child of Edward Dearnley and Joane Brammall.

infant Dernelee was buried on 25 May 1626 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Helen Dernilee
ID# 14452, b. January 1644, d. April 1644
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Helen Dernilee was born in January 1644 at Padfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Helen Dernilee was the daughter of Edward Dearnley and Joane Brammall.

Helen Dernilee was baptised on 4 February 1644 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Transcribed as:
Helena Dernilee daughter of Edvardi & Joa: of Padfield
Helena Dernilee daughter of Edvardi & Joa: of Padfield

Helen Dernilee died in April 1644 at Padfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England, at age 3 months

Helen Dernilee was buried on 26 April 1644 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
William Dearnilee als Newton
ID# 14453, b. about 1588, d. about September 1668

Referred to as 'William Dearnilee als Newton' in Oliver D.'s 1638 will. (see Oliver Dernelee)
Note on Use of Aliases
Aliases were used in the 17th century in a variety of circumstances including:
(i) for illegitimate children - this usage appears in the Glossop parish registers;
(ii) when a child was raised by a step-father from a young age;
(iii) to distinguish someone from others of the same name living in the same locality.
When the above Oliver of the Blackshaw wrote his will in 1638, he named one of his trustees as William Dearnely als Newton. We initially thought this might be an example of usage (ii) above, but now consider it more likely to have been an instance of usage (iii). The 'Newton' reference was obviously considered sufficient to distinguish him from the other Williams of Padfield alive in 1638 (of which there were several) but the Newton reference is proving difficult to explain in 2017.
Another possibility is that one of the 4 paternal uncles of Oliver of the Blackshaw 1588-1638 had married a Newton, and had a son William (i.e. a cousin to this Oliver). This interpretation would mean that 'William Dearnely als Newton' was shorthand for 'William Dearnely whose mother was a Newton'.
JAD 2017.
Note on Use of Aliases
Aliases were used in the 17th century in a variety of circumstances including:
(i) for illegitimate children - this usage appears in the Glossop parish registers;
(ii) when a child was raised by a step-father from a young age;
(iii) to distinguish someone from others of the same name living in the same locality.
When the above Oliver of the Blackshaw wrote his will in 1638, he named one of his trustees as William Dearnely als Newton. We initially thought this might be an example of usage (ii) above, but now consider it more likely to have been an instance of usage (iii). The 'Newton' reference was obviously considered sufficient to distinguish him from the other Williams of Padfield alive in 1638 (of which there were several) but the Newton reference is proving difficult to explain in 2017.
Another possibility is that one of the 4 paternal uncles of Oliver of the Blackshaw 1588-1638 had married a Newton, and had a son William (i.e. a cousin to this Oliver). This interpretation would mean that 'William Dearnely als Newton' was shorthand for 'William Dearnely whose mother was a Newton'.
JAD 2017.

A potential wrinkle for descendants of Amos Dearnaley (c.1756-1803):
(& perhaps his siblings)
DNA tests on a DEARNLEY descendant of Amos and some current NEWTONs (USA) suggest a common ancestor after 1645 (with a 90% Confidence level).
If you are a member of FTDNA, more details can be found in the R-Z56 and Subclades project ( )
The Newton descendant (above) shows his earliest known ancestor as Roger Newton (1620-1683)
There are various Ancestry trees that claim (Rev) Roger Newton as an ancestor. Some show his birthplace as Bourne, Lincolnshire, England, others as Milford New Haven Connecticut USA. shows the Rev Roger Newton as 1607-1683
None fit well with the Ds known locations.
It feels like William Dearnilee als Newton should be involved in this somehow (?)
(& perhaps his siblings)
DNA tests on a DEARNLEY descendant of Amos and some current NEWTONs (USA) suggest a common ancestor after 1645 (with a 90% Confidence level).
If you are a member of FTDNA, more details can be found in the R-Z56 and Subclades project ( )
The Newton descendant (above) shows his earliest known ancestor as Roger Newton (1620-1683)
There are various Ancestry trees that claim (Rev) Roger Newton as an ancestor. Some show his birthplace as Bourne, Lincolnshire, England, others as Milford New Haven Connecticut USA. shows the Rev Roger Newton as 1607-1683
None fit well with the Ds known locations.
It feels like William Dearnilee als Newton should be involved in this somehow (?)
Some NEWTONS in the area
Children of Robert Newton
Robert Bapt: 4 Apr 1600 Rostherne, Cheshire
Richard Bapt: 17 Apr 1603 Rostherne, Cheshire
Joane Bapt: 24 Oct 1602 Mottram in Longdendale
Mary Bapt: 19 Dec 1606 Mottram in Longdendale
Joane Bapt: 17 Sep 1616 Mottram in Longdendale
Thomas Bapt: 16 Jan 1619 Mottram in Longdendale
George Bapt: 11 Apr 1619 Mottram in Longdendale
Robert Bapt: 10 Dec 1620 Mottram in Longdendale
Robert Bapt: 14 Mar 1612 Mottram in Longdendale Mother: Ann Colyer
Children of Thomas Newton
Elizabeth Bapt: 21 May 1620 Mottram in Longdendale
Ann Bapt: 5 Jun 1620 Mottram in Longdendale
Children of Richard Newton
Ann Bapt: 3 Feb 1608 Mottram in Longdendale Mother: Eliz. Hollynworth
John Bapt: 6 Nov 1608 Mottram in Longdendale Mother: Elizabeth Borne
Marie Bapt: 16 Jan 1610 Mottram in Longdendale.

William Dearnilee als Newton was born about 1588
N.B. William's parentage is a weak connection.
Currently we are assuming that William is a son of John Dernilee.
1. In his will Wlliam D (asl Newton)'s legatees were mostly descendants of John of Blackshaw.
2. It would mean that Oliver of Blackshaw was naming his half-brother William DaslN as overseer in 1636, with their half-sister Helena looking after Oliver's young children,
Relevant ?
FTDNA tests on a DEARNLEY descendant of the above Amos D and a current NEWTON (USA) suggest a common ancestor after 1645 (with a 90% Confidence level).
The Newton descendant shows his earliest known ancestor as Roger Newton 1620-1683 (died in the Americas).
Currently we are assuming that William is a son of John Dernilee.
1. In his will Wlliam D (asl Newton)'s legatees were mostly descendants of John of Blackshaw.
2. It would mean that Oliver of Blackshaw was naming his half-brother William DaslN as overseer in 1636, with their half-sister Helena looking after Oliver's young children,
Relevant ?
FTDNA tests on a DEARNLEY descendant of the above Amos D and a current NEWTON (USA) suggest a common ancestor after 1645 (with a 90% Confidence level).
The Newton descendant shows his earliest known ancestor as Roger Newton 1620-1683 (died in the Americas).
William Dearnilee als Newton was the son of John Dernilee and Unknown Newton.

William Dearnilee als Newton married Joane Goddard, daughter of (?) Goddard and Unknown (?), on 23 November 1623 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Transcribed as William Dernelle & Joane Goddard; abode Riddings, Derbyshire.
More evidence of this connection:
Elenn Whitell witnessed William's will in 1667 and received £10. I think this is Helena Whitle.
There is a marriage of an Elizabeth Goddard, who I assume to be Joane's sister, to William Whitle on 20 Jan 1624, Glossop.
Helena Whitle was baptised 17 Apr 1636, Glossop, parents William and Elizabeth of Whitfield. - JAD.

Mentioned in Oliver D's will.
"Also I do desire William Dearnilie als Newton and William Syke to be Trustees of this my last will and testament ..."
see Oliver Dernelee.
"Also I do desire William Dearnilie als Newton and William Syke to be Trustees of this my last will and testament ..."
see Oliver Dernelee.

in July 1667 William Dearnilee als Newton lived at Padfield, Derbyshire, England,

William Dearnilee als Newton left a will on 14 July 1667.
Will of William Derneley of Padfield
1 In the name of good amen the fortinth daie of July in the eghtenth yeare
2 of the reain of our souferengh lord Charles the second by the grase of good of
3 England Scotland France and Ireland kinge defender of the feath anno dom[ini] 1667
4 I William Dearnely of Padfeild in the countey of Darbey wolen wever beinge aged
5 and wecke of bodey, but of good and perfect memorey presed be good for the same
6 doe ordaine constetute and make this teastement of writing, here in my last
7 will and teastement, in manner and forme foliuing ferst I give and bequeth my
8 soule in to the hands of Allmightey good my hevenley father creator and maker
9 trastinge onley in and thorough the mercies of Jesus Crist his death and pascon
10 to bee one of the number of (the crossed through) his elect & chosen peepell, my bodey to the erth
11 from whence it came to bee buried in due and desent maner att the discresion of my
12 execotor here after named and for such temporall goodes as good of his mersey
13 hath endued mee with all my mind and will is as here after foloueth
14 Ferst my mind and will is thatt my debtes and funerall expences and all other
15 debtes shall be paied out of my wholl estate
16 Ferst I give unto Elenn Whitell my bed and best cofer and tenn poundes in
17 money to bee paied within one whole yeare after my desece
18 It[em] I give unto Elizebath Hadfeild the wife of John Hadfeild one pound
19 It[em] I give unto William Sikes my best shut of close and one pound
20 It[em] I give unto Rebeco Sikes wife of Wiliam Sikes whether of my brase potes shee pleseth
21 It[em] I give unto John Dearnely my second shut of close and one pound
22 It[em] I give unto Elinn Hall the wife of Robert Hall my chare and one pound
23 It[em] I give unto William Dearnely of Whitfield one pound and Marey Dearnely daughter
24 of William Dearnely 5s and a litell cofer and Saran Dearneli his second daughter
25 5s and a litell arke
26 It[em] I give unto Elien Sickes of Thorsed one pound
27 It[em] I give unto Ann Sickes of Thorsed tenn shillinges
28 It[em] I give and Elizebath Hadfeild daughter of John Hadfeild my second brasse pott
29 It[em] I give all the rest of my goods unto John Hadfeild and I doe apoint him my
30 sole and whole executore to execeute and performe this my last will and testement
31 acording to the trast I repose in him, in witenes where of to this my will
32 revocing all other willes I have set to my hand and seale the daie and
33 yeare ferst above writen
34 Will Dearnely his mark and seale
35 witenes Will Sikes his mark
36 Elen Whitell her mark
Transcribed by Marie Ball
February 2012
People named in William's 1667 will
Unfortunately, William declined to explain his relationship to any of the people named in his will.
Notes on the above table
(i) We currently have four known Blackshaw children born 1588-1608. The children of 3 of these (Helena,
Elizabeth, Oliver) are included above. No children have been found for Alice.
(ii) It is unclear why John Hadfield received the residue of William’s estate, and not Elizabeth (née Dernilee)
his wife, or their daughter Elizabeth, both of whom we believe were kinswomen of William’s.
Perhaps John Hadfield had some other, closer, relationship to William via his parents?
(iii) William left 5s to the two sisters Marey and Sarah, children of William Dearnely of Whitfield, but there is no mention of their
two brothers John and Anthony (who may have died before the will was written).
- JAD 2017.
1 In the name of good amen the fortinth daie of July in the eghtenth yeare
2 of the reain of our souferengh lord Charles the second by the grase of good of
3 England Scotland France and Ireland kinge defender of the feath anno dom[ini] 1667
4 I William Dearnely of Padfeild in the countey of Darbey wolen wever beinge aged
5 and wecke of bodey, but of good and perfect memorey presed be good for the same
6 doe ordaine constetute and make this teastement of writing, here in my last
7 will and teastement, in manner and forme foliuing ferst I give and bequeth my
8 soule in to the hands of Allmightey good my hevenley father creator and maker
9 trastinge onley in and thorough the mercies of Jesus Crist his death and pascon
10 to bee one of the number of (the crossed through) his elect & chosen peepell, my bodey to the erth
11 from whence it came to bee buried in due and desent maner att the discresion of my
12 execotor here after named and for such temporall goodes as good of his mersey
13 hath endued mee with all my mind and will is as here after foloueth
14 Ferst my mind and will is thatt my debtes and funerall expences and all other
15 debtes shall be paied out of my wholl estate
16 Ferst I give unto Elenn Whitell my bed and best cofer and tenn poundes in
17 money to bee paied within one whole yeare after my desece
18 It[em] I give unto Elizebath Hadfeild the wife of John Hadfeild one pound
19 It[em] I give unto William Sikes my best shut of close and one pound
20 It[em] I give unto Rebeco Sikes wife of Wiliam Sikes whether of my brase potes shee pleseth
21 It[em] I give unto John Dearnely my second shut of close and one pound
22 It[em] I give unto Elinn Hall the wife of Robert Hall my chare and one pound
23 It[em] I give unto William Dearnely of Whitfield one pound and Marey Dearnely daughter
24 of William Dearnely 5s and a litell cofer and Saran Dearneli his second daughter
25 5s and a litell arke
26 It[em] I give unto Elien Sickes of Thorsed one pound
27 It[em] I give unto Ann Sickes of Thorsed tenn shillinges
28 It[em] I give and Elizebath Hadfeild daughter of John Hadfeild my second brasse pott
29 It[em] I give all the rest of my goods unto John Hadfeild and I doe apoint him my
30 sole and whole executore to execeute and performe this my last will and testement
31 acording to the trast I repose in him, in witenes where of to this my will
32 revocing all other willes I have set to my hand and seale the daie and
33 yeare ferst above writen
34 Will Dearnely his mark and seale
35 witenes Will Sikes his mark
36 Elen Whitell her mark
1 | The true and lawfull inventary of all the goods and chatteles | ||
2 | of William Dearnely of Padfeild in the p[ar]ish of Glossop and | ||
3 | countey of Derbie clothier deceased praised by Thomas | ||
4 | Hadfeild George Doxson Thomas Garlick William Hadfeild | ||
5 | in the same p[ar]ish and county aforesaid yeamen the eighteeneth | ||
6 | day of November in the twenteeth yeare of the raigne of | ||
7 | our suforaigne Lord King Charles the seacond by the grace | ||
8 | of God of England Schotland France and Ireland King defender | ||
9 | of the faith etc Anno Domini 1668 | li---s--d | |
10 | Imprimis his purse and aparill ------ | 1---0--0 | |
11 | Item one cow ------ | 4---0--0 | |
12 | Item in lyny (?linen) ------ | 0--15--0 | |
13 | Item in beding and bedsteeds ------ | 1--10--0 | |
14 | Item in meale ------ | 1---0--0 | |
15 | Item in one arke and two cofores ------ | 0--14--0 | |
16 | Item in butter and cheese ------ | 0--11--0 | |
17 | Item in bras and one leade ------ | 0---8--0 | |
18 | Item in iron ware ------ | 0---2--0 | |
19 | Item in asack and cushons ------ | 0---1--0 | |
20 | Item in pullen ------ | 0---0--8 | |
21 | Item in turves ------ | 0---2--0 | |
22 | Item in wooden ware and husslement ------ | 0---5--0 | |
23 | Item owing to the testator ------ | 10---8--8 | |
24 | Debts oweing to the testator ------ | li---s--d | |
25 | Imp[rimis] John Hadfield ------ | 18---8--8 | |
26 | Ite[m] Regnald Goddard ------ | 0--12--0 | |
27 | Ite[m] Robert Mosse ------ | 0---2--11 | |
28 | Ite[m] Tho: Barbar & Robert Boyer upon bond ------ | 5---0--0 | |
29 | sum[m]a totalis | 34-11--7 | |
30 | William Hadfield | ||
31 | Geo: Doxon | ||
32 | Thomas Hadfeild | ||
33 | Thomas Garlick |
Transcribed by Marie Ball
February 2012
People named in William's 1667 will
Unfortunately, William declined to explain his relationship to any of the people named in his will.
Elenn Whitell | Daughter of William’s assumed sister-in-law Elizabeth (née Goddard) |
£10 |
Elizebath Hadfeild | Daughter of Helena (née Dernilee) from Blackshaw | £1 |
William Sikes | Son of Elizabeth (née Dernelee) from Blackshaw | £1 |
Rebeco Sikes | Wife of the above William Sikes | |
John Dearnely | Received second-best suit of clothes as well as £1. Possibly an unknown son of (1562-) of Blackshaw: two candidates are John Dernelee (1592-) of Hadfield and John Dernelee (1596-) of Glossop. |
£1 |
Elinn Hall | Daughter of Oliver Dernelee of the Blackshaw | £1 |
William Dearnely | Lived Glossop then Whitfield - relationship to the testator currently unknown |
£1 |
Marey Dearnely | Daughter of William above | 5s |
Sarah Dearnely | Daughter of William of Whitfield above | 5s |
Elien Sickes | Daughter of Elizabeth (nee Dernelee) from Blackshaw | £1 |
Ann Sickes | ? | 10s |
John Hadfield | Husband of the above Elizabeth Hadfeild daughter of Helena. Received ‘best shut of close’ and the residue of the estate |
Notes on the above table
(i) We currently have four known Blackshaw children born 1588-1608. The children of 3 of these (Helena,
Elizabeth, Oliver) are included above. No children have been found for Alice.
(ii) It is unclear why John Hadfield received the residue of William’s estate, and not Elizabeth (née Dernilee)
his wife, or their daughter Elizabeth, both of whom we believe were kinswomen of William’s.
Perhaps John Hadfield had some other, closer, relationship to William via his parents?
(iii) William left 5s to the two sisters Marey and Sarah, children of William Dearnely of Whitfield, but there is no mention of their
two brothers John and Anthony (who may have died before the will was written).
- JAD 2017.

William Dearnilee als Newton died about September 1668 at Padfield, Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,
Joane Goddard
ID# 14454, b. about 1602, d. August 1657

Joane might be the Jane/Janne Goddart named in as a granddaughter in the 1611 will of Thomas Goddard/Goddart of Padfield, with father Raphe of Little Padfield, who died in 1631.
- JAD.
- JAD.

Joane Goddard was born about 1602
Joane Goddard was the daughter of (?) Goddard and Unknown (?)

Joane Goddard married William Dearnilee als Newton, son of John Dernilee and Unknown Newton, on 23 November 1623 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Transcribed as William Dernelle & Joane Goddard; abode Riddings, Derbyshire.
More evidence of this connection:
Elenn Whitell witnessed William's will in 1667 and received £10. I think this is Helena Whitle.
There is a marriage of an Elizabeth Goddard, who I assume to be Joane's sister, to William Whitle on 20 Jan 1624, Glossop.
Helena Whitle was baptised 17 Apr 1636, Glossop, parents William and Elizabeth of Whitfield. - JAD.

Joane Goddard died in August 1657 at Derbyshire, England,

Joane Goddard was buried on 2 September 1657 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
as 'Joane Dernely, spouse William.'
George Garlicke
ID# 14455, b. about 1577

George Garlicke was born about 1577

George Garlicke married Ann (?) about 1598
Child of George Garlicke and Ann (?)
- Elena Garlicke b. abt 1605, d. Jan 1629
Ann (?)
ID# 14456, b. about 1577

Ann (?) was born about 1577

Ann (?) married George Garlicke about 1598
Child of Ann (?) and George Garlicke
- Elena Garlicke b. abt 1605, d. Jan 1629