John Dernelee
ID# 3051, b. November 1632, d. December 1632

John Dernelee was born in November 1632 at Blackshaw, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
John Dernelee was the son of Oliver Dernelee and Elizabeth Timplee.

John Dernelee was baptised on 18 November 1632 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

John Dernelee died in December 1632 at Blackshawe, Glossop, Derbyshire, England, at age 1 month

John Dernelee was buried on 2 December 1632 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Oliver Dernelee
ID# 3052, b. about 1587, d. June 1638

Oliver Dernelee was born about 1587
Oliver Dernelee was the son of John Dernilee and Elizabeth (?)

In his 1599 will, Nicholas Bramhall of Deepclough, mentions Elizabeth Dernelye sister of Agnes & Alicia Bramhall, also Oliver Dernelye who may or may not be Elizabeth's natural son.

Oliver Dernelee married Elizabeth Timplee in January 1623 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Oliver Dearnlie of the Blackshaw is mentioned in William Robinson's will.
There is also a John Dearnlie - brother/father (?)
There is also a John Dearnlie - brother/father (?)

An Oliver Dearnely of Blackshawe was churchwarden 3 Jan 1629 and church reeve 14 May 1637.
Marie Ball.
Marie Ball.

in 1638 Oliver Dernelee was a Clothier.

Oliver Dernelee left a will on 6 June 1638.
Will of Oliver Dearnilie of the Blackshawe, Glossop, 1638
1 In the name of God Amen the sixth day of June in the Fourteenth yeare of the Reigne
2 of our Sovereign Lord Kinge Charles, by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France
3 and Ireland defender of the Faithe 1638 I Olliver Dearnilie of the Blackshawe
4 within Glossop in the Countie of Derby clothier beinge sick in bodie but in good and
5 perfect memorie the Lord I do give him humble and heartie thanks for it I ordeine and
6 make this my last will and testament, in manner and forme followinge first I do give
7 and bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God my onlie maker Saviour and
8 Redeemer by whose precious bloodsheddinge I do trust to be one of the number of them
9 whom shalbe Saved and my bodie to be buried within the parishe of Glossopp and for
10 my temporall goods my will and [?mind] is that (about three words heavily crossed out) my debts be payed my funerall
11 expenses discharged, my will proved and my harriot payed forth of my whole goods
12 and my will and minde is that Ellen Dearnilie my natureall sister shall have the
13 occupation of my houseing and grounds which I have now in occupation and the use of
14 all my goods for and towards the education and bringing upp of my children, untill
15 that Ellen Dearnilie my daughter do accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeares
16 and also if it shall please Almightie God to take to his mercie Ann Robinson of the
17 same Blackshawe widowe, before that my said daughter Ellen shall come to the age
18 of one and twentie yeares, then my will and mynde is that Ellen my sister shall
19 pay to whomsoever the said Ann Robinson shall bequeath it unto, so much money as shalbe
20 assessed for her to pay according to the tenure and true meaninge of one indenture (crossed out by a line)
21 of one indenture of assignement sealed and delivered by me the above named Olliver
22 Dearnilie to the said Ann Robinson for the houseing and grounds which the said Ann now
23 hathe in her occupation which heretofore did belong to the messuage and farme of
24 me the said Olliver untill that Ellen my said daughter do come to accomplishe
25 the age of one and twentie yeares, the said Ellen my sister payinge and discharging
26 all such rents duties and seisines as shalbe due to be payed for the above named
27 houseing and grounds untill that Ellen my said daughter do come to the age of one
28 and twentie yeares. Also my will and mynd is that when Ellen Dearnilie my daughter
29 do come to the age of one and twentie, that then Olliver Dearnilie my son
30 shall have and enioye the houseing and grounds which now I have in my occupation
31 and also the houseing and grounds which Ann Robinson widow now hath which
32 heretofore did belonge to me the said Olliver dureinge the ?Reversion of the tearme
33 then in beinge when my said daughter Ellen shall come to the age of one and
34 twentie yeares and the said Ann Robinson beinge then departed forth of this
35 world, also my will and mynd is that Olliver Dearnilie my said sonn shall pay to Ellen
36 Dearnilie my sister the sum of tenn pounds within three yeares after the said Ellen
37 my daughter shall come to the age of one and twentie yeares by three
38 pounds six shillings eight pence a yeare yf the the (sic) said Ellen my sister do continue
39 and stay with my said children untill that Ellen my said daughter do come to the
40 age of one and twentie yeares and the said Ellen my sister be then liveinge
41 and also my will and mynd is that Olliver Dearnilie my said sonn shall pay to Alice
42 Dearnilie and Ellen Dearnilie my two daughters either of them five pounds by
43 fiftie shillings a year the first payment to begin to be payed by the said
44 Olliver the first year next after that Ellen my daughter shall come to the age
45 of one and twentie yeares, and if it please God to take to his mercie my
46 said sonn Olliver before that Ellen my daughter do accomplishe the age of
47 of one and twentie yeares, then my will and mynd is that Alice
48 my daughter shall have the within named houseing and grounds after
49 that my said daughter Ellen shall come to the age of one and twentie
50 yeares payeing Ellen my sister and Ellen my daughter the sums of
51 money within named dureinge the remainder of the tearme then to
52 come and if it do please Almightie God to take to his mercie my said
53 children Olliver and Alice before that my said daughter Ellen do come to
54 accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeares then my will
55 and mynd is that all the houseing and grounds now belonging or
56 to be belonging to me the said Olliver shalbe and remaine to
57 my said daughter Ellen dureing the remainder of the tearme
58 to come when as she my said daughter Ellen shall come to the
59 age of one and twentie yeares, payeing to my sister Ellen the
60 sum within named as it ?sayes to be payed by this my last will
61 and testament Also my will and mynd is that Ellen my sister if
62 she be liveinge when my daughter Ellen doth come to the age
63 of one and twentie yeares and do continue with my children as
64 aforesaid and be unmarried shall have one bay of houseing dureing
65 her single lyfe to be sett forth for her at the discretion of two honest men
66 Also I do desire William Dearnilie als Newton and William Syke to be
67 Trustees of this my last will and testament desireing them to see this
68 my last will performed as my trust is in them the (?they) will so
69 Also I do ordeine and make Ellen Dearnilie my sister Executrix of this my last will and testament
70 In witness thereof I the said Olliver Dearnilie to this my last will
71 and testament have hereunto sett to my hand and seale the day
72 and yeare above written xxxx Oliver Dearnilie marke (like an unclosed O)
73 witnesses
74 Thomas Newton
75 Lawrance Hinchcliff clotr (clothiers?)
probate granted to the said Executrix
Transcribed by Marie Ball.
1 In the name of God Amen the sixth day of June in the Fourteenth yeare of the Reigne
2 of our Sovereign Lord Kinge Charles, by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France
3 and Ireland defender of the Faithe 1638 I Olliver Dearnilie of the Blackshawe
4 within Glossop in the Countie of Derby clothier beinge sick in bodie but in good and
5 perfect memorie the Lord I do give him humble and heartie thanks for it I ordeine and
6 make this my last will and testament, in manner and forme followinge first I do give
7 and bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God my onlie maker Saviour and
8 Redeemer by whose precious bloodsheddinge I do trust to be one of the number of them
9 whom shalbe Saved and my bodie to be buried within the parishe of Glossopp and for
10 my temporall goods my will and [?mind] is that (about three words heavily crossed out) my debts be payed my funerall
11 expenses discharged, my will proved and my harriot payed forth of my whole goods
12 and my will and minde is that Ellen Dearnilie my natureall sister shall have the
13 occupation of my houseing and grounds which I have now in occupation and the use of
14 all my goods for and towards the education and bringing upp of my children, untill
15 that Ellen Dearnilie my daughter do accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeares
16 and also if it shall please Almightie God to take to his mercie Ann Robinson of the
17 same Blackshawe widowe, before that my said daughter Ellen shall come to the age
18 of one and twentie yeares, then my will and mynde is that Ellen my sister shall
19 pay to whomsoever the said Ann Robinson shall bequeath it unto, so much money as shalbe
20 assessed for her to pay according to the tenure and true meaninge of one indenture (crossed out by a line)
21 of one indenture of assignement sealed and delivered by me the above named Olliver
22 Dearnilie to the said Ann Robinson for the houseing and grounds which the said Ann now
23 hathe in her occupation which heretofore did belong to the messuage and farme of
24 me the said Olliver untill that Ellen my said daughter do come to accomplishe
25 the age of one and twentie yeares, the said Ellen my sister payinge and discharging
26 all such rents duties and seisines as shalbe due to be payed for the above named
27 houseing and grounds untill that Ellen my said daughter do come to the age of one
28 and twentie yeares. Also my will and mynd is that when Ellen Dearnilie my daughter
29 do come to the age of one and twentie, that then Olliver Dearnilie my son
30 shall have and enioye the houseing and grounds which now I have in my occupation
31 and also the houseing and grounds which Ann Robinson widow now hath which
32 heretofore did belonge to me the said Olliver dureinge the ?Reversion of the tearme
33 then in beinge when my said daughter Ellen shall come to the age of one and
34 twentie yeares and the said Ann Robinson beinge then departed forth of this
35 world, also my will and mynd is that Olliver Dearnilie my said sonn shall pay to Ellen
36 Dearnilie my sister the sum of tenn pounds within three yeares after the said Ellen
37 my daughter shall come to the age of one and twentie yeares by three
38 pounds six shillings eight pence a yeare yf the the (sic) said Ellen my sister do continue
39 and stay with my said children untill that Ellen my said daughter do come to the
40 age of one and twentie yeares and the said Ellen my sister be then liveinge
41 and also my will and mynd is that Olliver Dearnilie my said sonn shall pay to Alice
42 Dearnilie and Ellen Dearnilie my two daughters either of them five pounds by
43 fiftie shillings a year the first payment to begin to be payed by the said
44 Olliver the first year next after that Ellen my daughter shall come to the age
45 of one and twentie yeares, and if it please God to take to his mercie my
46 said sonn Olliver before that Ellen my daughter do accomplishe the age of
47 of one and twentie yeares, then my will and mynd is that Alice
48 my daughter shall have the within named houseing and grounds after
49 that my said daughter Ellen shall come to the age of one and twentie
50 yeares payeing Ellen my sister and Ellen my daughter the sums of
51 money within named dureinge the remainder of the tearme then to
52 come and if it do please Almightie God to take to his mercie my said
53 children Olliver and Alice before that my said daughter Ellen do come to
54 accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeares then my will
55 and mynd is that all the houseing and grounds now belonging or
56 to be belonging to me the said Olliver shalbe and remaine to
57 my said daughter Ellen dureing the remainder of the tearme
58 to come when as she my said daughter Ellen shall come to the
59 age of one and twentie yeares, payeing to my sister Ellen the
60 sum within named as it ?sayes to be payed by this my last will
61 and testament Also my will and mynd is that Ellen my sister if
62 she be liveinge when my daughter Ellen doth come to the age
63 of one and twentie yeares and do continue with my children as
64 aforesaid and be unmarried shall have one bay of houseing dureing
65 her single lyfe to be sett forth for her at the discretion of two honest men
66 Also I do desire William Dearnilie als Newton and William Syke to be
67 Trustees of this my last will and testament desireing them to see this
68 my last will performed as my trust is in them the (?they) will so
69 Also I do ordeine and make Ellen Dearnilie my sister Executrix of this my last will and testament
70 In witness thereof I the said Olliver Dearnilie to this my last will
71 and testament have hereunto sett to my hand and seale the day
72 and yeare above written xxxx Oliver Dearnilie marke (like an unclosed O)
73 witnesses
74 Thomas Newton
75 Lawrance Hinchcliff clotr (clothiers?)
probate granted to the said Executrix
1 | A true and perfect Inventorie of all the goodes | ||
2 | debtes cattells and chattells of Olyver | ||
3 | Dernilee late of Blackshawe in the | ||
4 | Township and parish of Glossopp in the | ||
5 | Countie of Darbie priced and valued the | ||
6 | xixth day of June 1638 by Thomas Newton | ||
7 | Edward Garlick John Garlick and William Dearnilee | ||
1i s d | |||
8 | Imprimis his Apparell purse and money | 4-15-0 | |
9 | xxvj sheepe and eight lambs | vij-16-0 | |
10 | It. one old horse | 1- 3- 4 | |
11 | It. one stirk | 1-16-8 | |
12 | it. one cowe | 2- 8-0 | |
13 | It. one other cowe for a herriott (no value given) | ||
14 | It. one turfcartwheeles, one harrow | ||
15 | two wheelebarrowes, and one gangge of fellyes | 0-14-0 | |
16 | It. one packsadle, ?wontowed? and by } | ||
17 | It. one ?humberk and harness } | 0- viij-4d | |
18 | It. one hackney sadle bridle garthe } | ||
19 | It. two payre of Loomes 2 payre of } | ||
20 | healdes and Reedes, shearboard pad } | 12s 6d | |
21 | warping woghl shutle and spyn wheele } | ||
22 | It. one payre of sheares | 9s | |
23 | It. one payre of ?eutor? | 0-vi-8d | |
24 | It. pewter and brasse | 1-11-6 | |
25 | It. one litle cupbord one dyshbord | ||
26 | and wodden vessel | 0-12-6 | |
27 | It. two Arkes 2 cofers 3 payre of | ||
28 | bedstockes, one side board, one litle | ||
29 | board 2 cheares and 3 stooles | 1-6- 6 | |
30 | It. bedding and cushones | 2-14- 0 | |
31 | it. one packcloath | 0- 3- 4 | |
32 | It. 2 sacks | 0- 2- 0 | |
33 | It meale, mault butter and cheese | 1- 0- 0 | |
34 | It. 3 hennes | 0- 1- 6 | |
35 | It. in fuell | 0- 6- 0 | |
36 | It. wollen yearne | 3- 5- 4 | |
37 | It. in iron ware | 0- 2- 0 | |
38 | it. one spynning wheele one payre | ||
39 | of wooll cardes and moskette, one | ||
40 | Siffe and one Rydle | 0- 2- 0 | |
41 | It. salt | 0- 0- 8 | |
42 | It. manure and lyme | 0- 4- 0 | |
43 | It. corne sowe | 3-10- 0 | |
44 | It. one tack of ground for | ||
45 | certen yeares yet in beeinge | 23-0- 0 | |
46 | Debtes owing to the decedent | ||
47 | Imprimis Mr Ashton 2 li | ||
48 | It. Wm Yonge 6 li | ||
49 | It. Robt Wood 1 li | ||
In the margin of 46-49 | |||
Summa tota 50 li 20 s 4 d | |||
summa debitorum vel inter 9 li 3s | |||
50 | Debtes owing by the decedent | ||
51 | Imprimis to wydow Dernilee | 5-14-0 | |
52 | it. Wm Hadfield | 3-15-0 | |
53 | it. to Wm Sykes | 3-0-0 | |
54 | it. to Wm Dernilee | 2-2-0 | |
55 | it. to Thos Newton | 0-15-0 | |
56 | It. to Mrs Booth | 0-2-7 | |
Summa deb ad optim 15-8-7 (margin by 57) | |||
57 | Summa tot declaro | 52-5-9 |
Transcribed by Marie Ball.

on 6 June 1638 Oliver Dernelee lived at Blackshawe, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Oliver Dernelee died in June 1638 at Blackshaw, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Oliver Dernelee was buried on 14 June 1638 at Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,
'Oliverus Dernilee; abode Blackshaw; Parents John & Elizabeth'
Glossop Burials transcription.
Glossop Burials transcription.
Children of Oliver Dernelee and Elizabeth Timplee
- German Dernelee b. abt 1624, d. Oct 1627
- Elizabeth Dernellee b. Mar 1625, d. abt Feb 1632
- Joanna Dernelie b. Oct 1627, d. 29 Oct 1627
- Alicia Dearnelie b. Sep 1628, d. 24 Mar 1658
- Oliver Dernelee b. Aug 1630, d. Jan 1657
- John Dernelee b. Nov 1632, d. Dec 1632
- Helen Dernelee+ b. Nov 1633
Oliver Dernelee
ID# 3053, b. August 1630, d. January 1657

Oliver Dernelee was born in August 1630 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Oliver Dernelee was the son of Oliver Dernelee and Elizabeth Timplee.

Oliver Dernelee was baptised on 16 September 1630 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Oliver Dernelee left a will on 4 December 1656 at Blackshaw, Glossop, Derbyshire, England.
Will of Oliver Dernely of Blackshaw, Glossop, written 1656, proved 1657
Words in italics are a guess and a few others have no doubt been misread.
In the Name of God Amen
The Fourth of December in the year of our Lord God
One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Six I Oliver Dernely
of Blackshaw within the parish of Glossop and County of
Derby yeoman sick in Bodie but of sound and perfect memory
prayful to God therefore do Constitute and ordain this my
Last will and Testament in manner and form following.
First and principally I Commend my soul into the Hands
of Almighty God my Creator Jesus Christ my Saviour
and Blessed Redeemer and the Holy ghost my Comforter and
sanctifier nothing doubting but that through the merits and
Blood shed of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Blessed Redeemer
To receive full Remission of all my Sinns. And my Bodie to the
earth from where it was taken to be decently buried in the Church
or Churchyard of the parish of Glossop at the decision of my
Executor hereafter named. And I do by those present utterly
disanull and Revoke all other wills by me formerly made. My goods
and Funeral Expenses being first made out of my whole goods. The
rest of my goods I dispose of as followth. And first of all I give
and bequeath unto Hellen Dernely my Sister nine pounds To be paid
unto her by my Brother in Law John Didsbury at the end of Two years
next after my decease. He the said John occupying All my grounds and
housing which I have in my own possession for the said Two years. He
paying the said Figure to my said Sister before mentioned. And after my
will and mind is that after the said end and expiration of the said Two years
That the said John Didsbury hold and enjoy All that housing of
which he is possessed together with a parcell of ground Dalesly Flatt
Another parcell called the meadow joyning to the Flatt aforesaid another
parcell called the Derne Hey and another called the greene Fould.
Also my will and mind is that the said Hellen Derneley my Sister
at the expiration and end of Two years next after my decease shall
have hold and enjoy the parcells of ground following, to wit, nether
Hey the Lower meadow the Bent Hey and the Hilin Dole north
the Lower end of the garden for and during the Tenure Contiguous in my
Lease with all and every their Appurtenances. Furthermore my will
and mind is that my said Sister shall have the house which Henry Platt
now dwelleth in after the expiration of his Tenure. Together
with a Barn now in the Tenure of the said Henry Platt. Also
it is my will and mind that my brother in law shall have the upper end
of the garden. Moreover it is my will and mind that the Rent shall equally
be payd between my said brother in law and my said Sister. And I
do Constitute and enjoin John Didsbury aforesaid my full lawfull
Executor Hoping steadfastly that he will perform the same according
to the trust reposed in him. In Witnes whereof I have
hereunto put my hand and Seal the day and year above said. Sealed
and Delivered in the presence and witness of Edward Garlick Samuel Burton.
This will was proved in London the six and twentieth day of November in the year One
Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Seven: before the Judges for probate of
wills granting Administrators Lawfully authorised. By the oath
of John Didsbury the sole executor named therein. To whom was granted
administration of all and singular the goods chattels and debts of the said
deceased. He being by commission first sworn well and truly to Administer.
Transcribed by Janet Davies.
Words in italics are a guess and a few others have no doubt been misread.
In the Name of God Amen
The Fourth of December in the year of our Lord God
One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Six I Oliver Dernely
of Blackshaw within the parish of Glossop and County of
Derby yeoman sick in Bodie but of sound and perfect memory
prayful to God therefore do Constitute and ordain this my
Last will and Testament in manner and form following.
First and principally I Commend my soul into the Hands
of Almighty God my Creator Jesus Christ my Saviour
and Blessed Redeemer and the Holy ghost my Comforter and
sanctifier nothing doubting but that through the merits and
Blood shed of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Blessed Redeemer
To receive full Remission of all my Sinns. And my Bodie to the
earth from where it was taken to be decently buried in the Church
or Churchyard of the parish of Glossop at the decision of my
Executor hereafter named. And I do by those present utterly
disanull and Revoke all other wills by me formerly made. My goods
and Funeral Expenses being first made out of my whole goods. The
rest of my goods I dispose of as followth. And first of all I give
and bequeath unto Hellen Dernely my Sister nine pounds To be paid
unto her by my Brother in Law John Didsbury at the end of Two years
next after my decease. He the said John occupying All my grounds and
housing which I have in my own possession for the said Two years. He
paying the said Figure to my said Sister before mentioned. And after my
will and mind is that after the said end and expiration of the said Two years
That the said John Didsbury hold and enjoy All that housing of
which he is possessed together with a parcell of ground Dalesly Flatt
Another parcell called the meadow joyning to the Flatt aforesaid another
parcell called the Derne Hey and another called the greene Fould.
Also my will and mind is that the said Hellen Derneley my Sister
at the expiration and end of Two years next after my decease shall
have hold and enjoy the parcells of ground following, to wit, nether
Hey the Lower meadow the Bent Hey and the Hilin Dole north
the Lower end of the garden for and during the Tenure Contiguous in my
Lease with all and every their Appurtenances. Furthermore my will
and mind is that my said Sister shall have the house which Henry Platt
now dwelleth in after the expiration of his Tenure. Together
with a Barn now in the Tenure of the said Henry Platt. Also
it is my will and mind that my brother in law shall have the upper end
of the garden. Moreover it is my will and mind that the Rent shall equally
be payd between my said brother in law and my said Sister. And I
do Constitute and enjoin John Didsbury aforesaid my full lawfull
Executor Hoping steadfastly that he will perform the same according
to the trust reposed in him. In Witnes whereof I have
hereunto put my hand and Seal the day and year above said. Sealed
and Delivered in the presence and witness of Edward Garlick Samuel Burton.
This will was proved in London the six and twentieth day of November in the year One
Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Seven: before the Judges for probate of
wills granting Administrators Lawfully authorised. By the oath
of John Didsbury the sole executor named therein. To whom was granted
administration of all and singular the goods chattels and debts of the said
deceased. He being by commission first sworn well and truly to Administer.
Transcribed by Janet Davies.

Oliver Dernelee died in January 1657 at Blackshaw, Glossop, Derbyshire, England, at age 26 years and 5 months

Oliver Dernelee was buried on 22 January 1657 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Transcribed as: Olliver Dernely of Blackshawe - 22-Jan 1656/7.

Probate was granted on his estate on 26 November 1657 at London, England,
Joanna Dernelie
ID# 3054, b. October 1627, d. 29 October 1627

Joanna Dernelie was born in October 1627 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Joanna Dernelie was the daughter of Oliver Dernelee and Elizabeth Timplee.

Joanna Dernelie was baptised on 28 October 1627 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Joanna Dernelie died on 29 October 1627

Joanna Dernelie was buried on 30 October 1627 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Elizabeth Dernellee
ID# 3055, b. March 1625, d. about February 1632

Elizabeth Dernellee was born in March 1625 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Elizabeth Dernellee was the daughter of Oliver Dernelee and Elizabeth Timplee.

Elizabeth Dernellee was baptised on 1 May 1625 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Elizabeth Dernellee died about February 1632 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Elizabeth Dernellee was buried on 4 February 1632 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
John Didsbury
ID# 3056, b. about 1630

John Didsbury was born about 1630

in 1654 John Didsbury lived at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

John Didsbury married Alicia Dearnelie, daughter of Oliver Dernelee and Elizabeth Timplee, on 26 December 1654 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Banns: pub. Nov 26; Dec 3; 10
IGI has Robti Didsbury (m. Sudbury.)
Elizabeth Timplee
ID# 3057, b. about 1602, d. November 1634

Elizabeth Timplee was born about 1602

Elizabeth Timplee married Oliver Dernelee, son of John Dernilee and Elizabeth (?), in January 1623 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Elizabeth Timplee died in November 1634 at Blackshaw, Derbyshire, England,

Elizabeth Timplee was buried on 6 November 1634 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Children of Elizabeth Timplee and Oliver Dernelee
- German Dernelee b. abt 1624, d. Oct 1627
- Elizabeth Dernellee b. Mar 1625, d. abt Feb 1632
- Joanna Dernelie b. Oct 1627, d. 29 Oct 1627
- Alicia Dearnelie b. Sep 1628, d. 24 Mar 1658
- Oliver Dernelee b. Aug 1630, d. Jan 1657
- John Dernelee b. Nov 1632, d. Dec 1632
- Helen Dernelee+ b. Nov 1633
Charles Edwin Dearnley Jr
ID# 3060, b. 9 March 1917, d. June 1982
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Family appears to be well-travelled.

Charles Edwin Dearnley Jr was born on 9 March 1917 at Massachusetts, USA,
Second Presbyterian Church, Germantown, Pennsylvania, USA
VII. Roll of Infant Church Members
No Name Parents Birth date
327 Charles Edwin Dearnley Jr Charles E. & Margaret L Dearnley Mar. 9, 1917
328 Marjorie Dearnley Charles E. & Margaret L Dearnley Aug. 28, 1919
329 James Leithiser Dearnley Charles E. & Margaret L Dearnley Apr. 30, 1922
390 Elizabeth Dearnley Charles E. & Margaret L Dearnley July 10, 1926.
Charles Edwin Dearnley Jr was the son of Charles Edwin Dearnley and Margaret Lorena Leithiser.

Charles Edwin Dearnley Jr married Ann MacFarland about 1940
Charles Edwin Dearnley Jr appeared in the 1950 US census at
128 Country Club Road, Upper Moreland, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, USA.
On 7 April 1950:-
DEARNLEY, Charles E Jr Head 32 President, Worsted top mfg. b.Pennsylvania
DEARNLEY, Ann M Wife 27 - b.Pennsylvania
DEARNLEY, Charles E 3rd Son 6 - b.Pennsylvania
DEARNLEY, Richard M Son 4 - b.Pennsylvania
DEARNLEY, Joan Dau 1 - b.Pennsylvania
SOMBOR, Joseph Butler 58 Butler, private estate b.Hungary
SOMBOR, Mrs Joseph Cook 50 Cook b.Hungary
Address: 128 Country Club Road, Upper Moreland, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania
ED: 46-381 (mis-written 64-381) Sheet: 13.

Charles Edwin Dearnley Jr died in June 1982 at Bryn Mawr, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, USA, at age 65 years and 2 months
age: 65.