Edward Dernellee
ID# 3041, b. September 1632, d. September 1642
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Edward Dernellee was born in September 1632 at Padfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Edward Dernellee was the son of Nicholas Dernely and Ann (?)

Edward Dernellee was baptised on 7 October 1632 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Edward Dernellee died in September 1642 at Padfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England, at age 10 years

Edward Dernellee was buried on 11 September 1642 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Ann Dernely
ID# 3042, b. about 1624
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Could this be the Ann who married John Hollinworth of Tintwistle around 1640?
See notes on the 1651 will of William D. William Dearneley (IV).
See notes on the 1651 will of William D. William Dearneley (IV).

Ann Dernely was born about 1624
Ann Dernely was the daughter of Nicholas Dernely and Ann (?)
Elizabeth Dernely
ID# 3043, b. about 1618
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Elizabeth Dernely was born about 1618
Elizabeth Dernely was the daughter of Nicholas Dernely and Ann (?)
John Dernely
ID# 3044, b. about 1622, d. March 1652
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Originally thought to perhaps be the John who married Margaret Smith. However, the 1652 burial seems to rule this out.
John Dernely.
John Dernely.

John Dernely was born about 1622
John Dernely was the son of Nicholas Dernely and Ann (?)

John Dernely died in March 1652 at Padfield, Derbyshire, England,

John Dernely was buried on 15 March 1652 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
'John Dernele de Padfield buried the 15th'
March 1651/2.
March 1651/2.
Nicholas Dernely
ID# 3045, b. about 1626
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

There is a 1666 burial that could be this Nicholas.
see Nicholas Dernily
or it could be Nicholas Derniley.
see Nicholas Dernily
or it could be Nicholas Derniley.

Nicholas Dernely was born about 1626
Nicholas Dernely was the son of Nicholas Dernely and Ann (?)
Nicholas Dernely
ID# 3046, b. about 1590, d. April 1636
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

William & Elizabeth's children's birth order & dates are speculative from William's 1613 will.
Ann was referred to as 'Ann my now wife" in Nicholas' will. Does this suggest she may have been a second wife? & therefore not the mother of all the children.
Daughter Alycia's burial record (1621) shows parents as "Nicholai & Annae"
There is also a Nicholas D & Margaret (died 1626). (see Nicolas Dernelie.)
Ann was referred to as 'Ann my now wife" in Nicholas' will. Does this suggest she may have been a second wife? & therefore not the mother of all the children.
Daughter Alycia's burial record (1621) shows parents as "Nicholai & Annae"
There is also a Nicholas D & Margaret (died 1626). (see Nicolas Dernelie.)

Nicholas Dernely was born about 1590
Nicholas Dernely was the son of William Dearnley (III) and Elsbeth Goddard.

Nicholas Dernely married Ann (?) about 1614

on 4 January 1635 Nicholas Dernely lived at Padfield, Derbyshire, England,

Nicholas Dernely left a will on 4 January 1635 at Padfield, Derbyshire, England.
Will of Nicholas Dernely of Padfield,
1 In the name of God Amen: I Nicholas Dernely of Padfield
2 in the Countie of Derby, sicke in body, but in sound, & perfect
3 memory, doe ordaine & make this my last will, & testament in manner
4 & forme following. First I give and bequeath my soule into the
5 hands of Allmighty god my Creator hopeinge by the meritts of
6 Jesus Xt my Redeemer to have the free pardon of all my sinns
7 & everlastinge life. And my body to the earth to be buried
8 in Xtian manner. And as concerninge my temporall goods, my minde
9 & will is that they bee disposed as followeth First my minde &
10 will is that Ann my now wife shall have the messuage and tenement which
11 I hold for a certaine tearme of yeares yett in beeinge in Pad-
12 field from the Right Honourable the Earle of Arrundell & Sur-
13 rey & the Countess Alathea his wife for the space of twenty
14 yeares next after my decease, shee the said Ann payinge all
15 my debts & keepinge my three yongest children with all necessaries
16 dureinge the said twentie yeares. And after the said twenty yeares
17 soe to be expired, my mind & will is that my sonne William shall have
18 & injoy the moity & one halfe part of my said messuage and tenement
19 dureing the life of my said wife & she the other moity or halfe
20 part thereof, dureing her naturall life if the tearme abovesaid
21 soe long endure. Item my mind and will is that my said sonn William
22 Dernely shall pay the some of xij li by forty shillings an yeare unto
23 my six children in manner & forme followinge.
24 vid[elicet] forty shillings the first yeare after his entrance into the said
25 moity or halfe part of my messuage & tenament unto my daughter
26 Elizabeth Dernely and forty shillings to my sonne John the
27 next yeare after & forty shillings to my daughter Ann (sonne John crossed out) the next year
28 after & forty shillings to my sonn Nicholas the next yeare after
29 & forty shillings to my sonne Olyver the next yeare after & forty
30 shillings to my sonn Edward the next yeare after. Provided that if
31 any of the above named children doe dye before the said lega-
32 cies be due, that then the said forty shillings intended to any one soe
33 deceasinge shall be devided amongst the rest survivieinge
34 Item my mind & will is that my said sonn William Dernely shall have
35 & injoy the rest and residue of my said messuage & tenement after
36 the deceasse of my said wife, he the said Wm in payinge such debts
37 as may happen to be unpayed at her decease & allsoe payinge the
38 said some of xij li to my other children as is above specified. And
39 allsoe keepinge and mayntaininge my three yongest children for this
40 tearme aforesaid. Item my minde & will is that my said sonne William shall
41 have one long table, one cupbord, one meale Arke, one garner & one
42 brasse pott after the decease of my said wife to remaine as heireloomes
43 to him & his successors. Item the rest of all my goods, not hereby for-
44 merly bequeathed I give and bequeath unto my said wife towards the
45 paiment of my debts & bringeinge up of my children. Item I ordaine
46 my said wife, and my said sonne William joynt heires of this my last
47 will & testament, whereunto I put my hand, & seale Jan: 4th 1635
48 Sealed & signed in the presence of
49 John Dernely, Edward Dernely
50 Nicholas Hadfield, Rob: Cryer
The word pullenne, line 17 has various possible meanings in the OED but the likeliest seems to be a sort of material. The word is on a crease in the paper, so I may have misread it. There is no year date on the inventory.
Transcribed by Marie Ball.
1 In the name of God Amen: I Nicholas Dernely of Padfield
2 in the Countie of Derby, sicke in body, but in sound, & perfect
3 memory, doe ordaine & make this my last will, & testament in manner
4 & forme following. First I give and bequeath my soule into the
5 hands of Allmighty god my Creator hopeinge by the meritts of
6 Jesus Xt my Redeemer to have the free pardon of all my sinns
7 & everlastinge life. And my body to the earth to be buried
8 in Xtian manner. And as concerninge my temporall goods, my minde
9 & will is that they bee disposed as followeth First my minde &
10 will is that Ann my now wife shall have the messuage and tenement which
11 I hold for a certaine tearme of yeares yett in beeinge in Pad-
12 field from the Right Honourable the Earle of Arrundell & Sur-
13 rey & the Countess Alathea his wife for the space of twenty
14 yeares next after my decease, shee the said Ann payinge all
15 my debts & keepinge my three yongest children with all necessaries
16 dureinge the said twentie yeares. And after the said twenty yeares
17 soe to be expired, my mind & will is that my sonne William shall have
18 & injoy the moity & one halfe part of my said messuage and tenement
19 dureing the life of my said wife & she the other moity or halfe
20 part thereof, dureing her naturall life if the tearme abovesaid
21 soe long endure. Item my mind and will is that my said sonn William
22 Dernely shall pay the some of xij li by forty shillings an yeare unto
23 my six children in manner & forme followinge.
24 vid[elicet] forty shillings the first yeare after his entrance into the said
25 moity or halfe part of my messuage & tenament unto my daughter
26 Elizabeth Dernely and forty shillings to my sonne John the
27 next yeare after & forty shillings to my daughter Ann (sonne John crossed out) the next year
28 after & forty shillings to my sonn Nicholas the next yeare after
29 & forty shillings to my sonne Olyver the next yeare after & forty
30 shillings to my sonn Edward the next yeare after. Provided that if
31 any of the above named children doe dye before the said lega-
32 cies be due, that then the said forty shillings intended to any one soe
33 deceasinge shall be devided amongst the rest survivieinge
34 Item my mind & will is that my said sonn William Dernely shall have
35 & injoy the rest and residue of my said messuage & tenement after
36 the deceasse of my said wife, he the said Wm in payinge such debts
37 as may happen to be unpayed at her decease & allsoe payinge the
38 said some of xij li to my other children as is above specified. And
39 allsoe keepinge and mayntaininge my three yongest children for this
40 tearme aforesaid. Item my minde & will is that my said sonne William shall
41 have one long table, one cupbord, one meale Arke, one garner & one
42 brasse pott after the decease of my said wife to remaine as heireloomes
43 to him & his successors. Item the rest of all my goods, not hereby for-
44 merly bequeathed I give and bequeath unto my said wife towards the
45 paiment of my debts & bringeinge up of my children. Item I ordaine
46 my said wife, and my said sonne William joynt heires of this my last
47 will & testament, whereunto I put my hand, & seale Jan: 4th 1635
48 Sealed & signed in the presence of
49 John Dernely, Edward Dernely
50 Nicholas Hadfield, Rob: Cryer
1 | A true Inventorie of Nicholas Dearnilie prysed the fouretinth | ||
2 | of maye bye Nicholas Hadfeild James Marshall John Hadfeild and | ||
3 | William Dearnilie | li------s-----d | |
4 | Imprimis his parse and his girdle and aparell--------- | ij------0-----0 | |
5 | item one mare and one stearke--------------------------- | ij------0-----0 | |
6 | Item three chistes prysed to------------------- | 0-----xv-----0 | |
7 | Item one cubord and garnar and foure arkes---------- | i-----xij-----0 | |
8 | Item one table and loose boordes------------------------- | 0---xiiij-----0 | |
9 | Item for twoo cheares twoo tresles one forme and stooles-- | 0-----iiij-----0 | |
10 | Item for three payre on bedstockes----------------------- | 0-----xi-----8 | |
11 | Item for husbandrie wares---------------------- | i------iij-----0 | |
12 | Item for brasse and pewtor--------------------- | 0------x-----0 | |
13 | Item for wooden wares--------------------------- | i------0-----0 | |
14 | Item for hyron wares------------------------------ | 0-----xv-----0 | |
15 | Item for bedding------------------------ | ij------0-----0 | |
16 | Item for slate---------------------------- | 0------v-----0 | |
17 | Item for pullenne------------------------------------ | 0------0-----6 | |
18 | Item one moity messuage or tenement held under }------- | ||
19 | the Right Honourable Thos Earle of Arrundell }------------ | ||
20 | and Surrey & the Countess Alathea his wife }------------- | 40-----0-----0 | |
21 | The some is----------------------------- | 43-----4-----6 | |
(There is a very strange squiggle through the 4 of 43) | |||
22 | The debts of Nicholas Dernely of | ||
23 | Padfield deceased | ||
24 | Imprimis Thomas Sheply------------------------ | 11-----0-----0 | |
25 | Item Hen: Booth------------------------------- | 9-----0-----0 | |
26 | Item Edw: Dernely------------------------------- | 9-----0-----0 | |
27 | Nicholas Dernely-------------------------------- | 3-----10-----0 | |
28 | Tho: Downes------------------------------ | 2-----10-----0 | |
29 | Wm Dernely------------------------------- | 1-----18-----0 | |
30 | John Bramall----------------------------- | 0-----10-----0 | |
31 | M Morehouse----------------------------- | 4-----0-----0 | |
32 | The some is--------------------------------- | 41-----8-----0 |
The word pullenne, line 17 has various possible meanings in the OED but the likeliest seems to be a sort of material. The word is on a crease in the paper, so I may have misread it. There is no year date on the inventory.
Transcribed by Marie Ball.

Nicholas Dernely died in April 1636 at Derbyshire, England,

Nicholas Dernely was buried on 21 April 1636 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Nicholas was buried 21 April 1636 at Glossop as son of William and Elizabeth of Padfield. He left a will Jan 4 1635/6 in which he left the messuage rented from the Earl of Arundel to his son William, the eldest.

Probate was granted on his estate in 1646
Probate does not seem to have been granted until 1646.
The will is to be found in the 1646 Chesterfield records.
The will is to be found in the 1646 Chesterfield records.
Children of Nicholas Dernely and Ann (?)
- William Dernely+ b. abt 1615
- Elizabeth Dernely b. abt 1618
- Alice Dernellee b. Dec 1620, d. May 1621
- John Dernely b. abt 1622, d. Mar 1652
- Ann Dernely b. abt 1624
- Nicholas Dernely b. abt 1626
- Oliver Dearnelley+ b. Aug 1628
- Edward Dernellee b. Sep 1632, d. Sep 1642
William Dernely
ID# 3047, b. about 1615
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

William Dernely was born about 1615 at England
William Dernely was the son of Nicholas Dernely and Ann (?)

William inherited the old Dearnaley property in Padfield from his father.

in 1647 William Dernely lived at Padfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

William Dernely married Elizabeth Haigh on 28 January 1647 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
shown as 1646/7
William is of Padfield and Elizabeth is of Whitfield.

in 1657 William Dernely lived at Padfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

William Dernely married Ann Andrew on 17 December 1657 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

This could be the Wm Dornaly named in the Derbyshire Hearth Tax Assessments of 1662-70 (Rootsweb). Alternatively his wife could be the Widow Dornaly named in the same assessments (with the William record belonging to William Dearneley 1632 at Deepclough). -JAD.
Child of William Dernely and Elizabeth Haigh
- Ann Dernley b. Oct 1649
Alicia Dearnelie
ID# 3048, b. September 1628, d. 24 March 1658

Alicia Dearnelie was born in September 1628 at Blackshaw, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Alicia Dearnelie was the daughter of Oliver Dernelee and Elizabeth Timplee.

Alicia Dearnelie was baptised on 1 October 1628 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

in 1654 Alicia Dearnelie lived at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Alicia Dearnelie married John Didsbury on 26 December 1654 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Banns: pub. Nov 26; Dec 3; 10
IGI has Robti Didsbury (m. Sudbury.)

Alicia Dearnelie died on 24 March 1658 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England, at age 29 years and 6 months
and Allis Didsbury of John of Blackshaw was bur 24 Mar 1658/9 at Glossop.
German Dernelee
ID# 3049, b. about 1624, d. October 1627

German Dernelee was born about 1624
German Dernelee was the son of Oliver Dernelee and Elizabeth Timplee.

German Dernelee died in October 1627 at Derbyshire, England,
Helen Dernelee
ID# 3050, b. November 1633

Helen Dernelee was born in November 1633 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Helen Dernelee was the daughter of Oliver Dernelee and Elizabeth Timplee.

Helen Dernelee was baptised on 25 December 1633 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

in 1659 Helen Dernelee lived at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Helen Dernelee married Robert Hall on 14 June 1659 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Banns: pub. Jun 12; 19; 26.

Elinn Hall is mentioned in uncle William of Padfield's 1667 will.
see William Dearnilee als Newton.
see William Dearnilee als Newton.
Child of Helen Dernelee and Robert Hall
- William Hall b. Jun 1661