Joseph Dearnelly
ID# 11772, b. June 1680, d. March 1681

Joseph Dearnelly was born in June 1680 at Grange, Yorkshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Joseph Dearnelly was the son of Roger Dearnelly and Sarah Owen.

Joseph Dearnelly was baptised on 31 July 1680 at Kirkburton, Yorkshire, England,
July 1680
'Joseph and Mary twins of Roger Dearnelly bapt the 31th day.'
from Collins Kirkburton registers.
'Joseph and Mary twins of Roger Dearnelly bapt the 31th day.'
from Collins Kirkburton registers.

Joseph Dearnelly died in March 1681 at age 9 months

Joseph Dearnelly was buried on 22 March 1681
This entry is assumed to be Joseph, although it could be the burial of another son Joshua.
Joseph Dearnely
ID# 11774, b. about 1664, d. March 1736
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

No baptism has been found for Joseph.
He is placed as son of William and Mary based on Deepclough connection.
He is placed as son of William and Mary based on Deepclough connection.

Joseph Dearnely was born about 1664 at Derbyshire, England,
Joseph Dearnely was the son of William Dearneley and Mary Garlick.

Joseph Dearnely married Mary Earnshaw on 4 August 1687 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

in 1698 Joseph Dearnely lived at Deepclough, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Uncertain but seems the most likely from baptismal entry of son John: "Deep-."

in 1702 Joseph Dearnely lived at Deepclough, Padfield, Derbyshire, England,

Joseph Dearnely left a will on 12 February 1730 at Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England.
Will of Joseph Dearneley Deepclough 1736
Abbreviations for ‘and’, ‘the’ and ‘item’ have been expanded and are given in brackets.
In the name of God Amen, I Joseph Dearnely of Deepcloug(h) in the parrish of Glossop
and County of Derby Linen weaver Being in Good Health of Body and of sound and perfect
mind and memory praise be therefore given to Almighty God doe make and ordaine this
my present Last Will and Testament In Mannor and form following (That is to say)
ffirst and principally I comit and commend my soul into the Hands of Almighty God
my Creatour Hopeing through the Merits death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ
to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to inherit everlasting
Life, And my Body I Commit to the earth to be decently Burried At the discretion of my
Executor Hearafter named, And as touching the dispossion of All my temporall Estate
which it Hath pleased Almighty God to Bestow upon me I Give and dispose thereof as
followeth, ffirst I will that my debts and funeral Expenses shall be paid and discharged
out of my whole Estate, It(em) I give and bequeath unto my Loving and Lawfull Wife
Mary Dearnely three pounds a year of Lawfull Brittish mony yearly and every year
dureing the time of her natureall Life to be paid out of my tenement at Deepclough
and Alsoe the dweling House and the Bed with Beding which wee now lye in the three
pounds a year before mentioned to be paid by my Executor hearafter named And for
the nonpayment of the before mentioned three pounds A year and every year dureing
the time of naturall Life it shall and may be Lawfull for her my said Wife to
reenter upon the one halfe of my before mentioned tenement att Deepclough without
the lett Hinderance of Molestation of my Executor or of any other person or persons
by his asent consent or procurement and to enjoy the same peaceably and quietly dureing
her natureall Life, Item I Give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Dearnely my tenement
att Deepclough him paying the before mentioned three pounds a year as is before
specefied and set down And it is my full mind and Will that my son Joseph Dearnely
shall have all my sheep paying unto my son John Dearnely and to my daughter Mary
Cook wife of Edward Cook and to my daughter Dorothy Bennet Wife of John Bennet five
shillings a sheep for every sheep one with another and not more, Item I Give and
Bequeath unto my son Joseph Dearnely one great chest standing in the dwelling house Item I
Give and Bequeath unto my Granson Joseph Dearnely my son Joseph Dearnely son my Looms
and it is my full mind and will that my son Joseph Dearnely (and) my son John Dearnely shall
devid my reeds and healds equally betwixt them, All the rest and residue of my Goods
Cattels and Chattels whatsoever I Give and Bequeath unto my son John Dearnely
and my daughter Mary Cook wife of Edward Cook and to my daughter daughter Dorothy
Bennet Wife of John Bennet to be equally divided amongst them noe one having any
more then another, And I doe Hereby Constitue and ordaine my Loving son Joseph
Dearnely full whole and sole Executor of this my present Last Will and Testament
And I doe hereby revoke disanull (and) make void all former Wills (and) Testaments by me
Heretofore made In Witnesse whereunto this my present Last Will (and) Testament I have
hereunto sett my hand and seal this twelft day of ffebruary in (the) year of our Lord
God one Thousand seven Hundred (and) Thirty
Sealed and signed in the
sight (and) presence of us
John Bramhall his Mark & Seall
William Bramhall Joseph Dearnely
James Hadfield
Chesterfield 21 Apr 1736
Let Probat of this will be made to Joseph Dearnely the sonn and only Executor
therein named Being fist sworne before me
J Stephenson Sur
Named in the will
Mary Dearnely his wife
Joseph Dearnely his eldest son
John Dearnely his son
Mary Cook his daughter, wife of Edward Cook
Dorothy Bennet his daughter, wife of John Bennet
Joseph Dearnely his grandson, the son of his eldest son Joseph
John Bramhall witness
William Bramhall witness
James Hadfield witness
J Stephenson legal guy
Note: ‘reeds and healds’ are textile weaving accessories.
Inventory also available but not yet transcribed.
Transcribed by Janet A Davies, October 2016.
Abbreviations for ‘and’, ‘the’ and ‘item’ have been expanded and are given in brackets.
In the name of God Amen, I Joseph Dearnely of Deepcloug(h) in the parrish of Glossop
and County of Derby Linen weaver Being in Good Health of Body and of sound and perfect
mind and memory praise be therefore given to Almighty God doe make and ordaine this
my present Last Will and Testament In Mannor and form following (That is to say)
ffirst and principally I comit and commend my soul into the Hands of Almighty God
my Creatour Hopeing through the Merits death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ
to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to inherit everlasting
Life, And my Body I Commit to the earth to be decently Burried At the discretion of my
Executor Hearafter named, And as touching the dispossion of All my temporall Estate
which it Hath pleased Almighty God to Bestow upon me I Give and dispose thereof as
followeth, ffirst I will that my debts and funeral Expenses shall be paid and discharged
out of my whole Estate, It(em) I give and bequeath unto my Loving and Lawfull Wife
Mary Dearnely three pounds a year of Lawfull Brittish mony yearly and every year
dureing the time of her natureall Life to be paid out of my tenement at Deepclough
and Alsoe the dweling House and the Bed with Beding which wee now lye in the three
pounds a year before mentioned to be paid by my Executor hearafter named And for
the nonpayment of the before mentioned three pounds A year and every year dureing
the time of naturall Life it shall and may be Lawfull for her my said Wife to
reenter upon the one halfe of my before mentioned tenement att Deepclough without
the lett Hinderance of Molestation of my Executor or of any other person or persons
by his asent consent or procurement and to enjoy the same peaceably and quietly dureing
her natureall Life, Item I Give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Dearnely my tenement
att Deepclough him paying the before mentioned three pounds a year as is before
specefied and set down And it is my full mind and Will that my son Joseph Dearnely
shall have all my sheep paying unto my son John Dearnely and to my daughter Mary
Cook wife of Edward Cook and to my daughter Dorothy Bennet Wife of John Bennet five
shillings a sheep for every sheep one with another and not more, Item I Give and
Bequeath unto my son Joseph Dearnely one great chest standing in the dwelling house Item I
Give and Bequeath unto my Granson Joseph Dearnely my son Joseph Dearnely son my Looms
and it is my full mind and will that my son Joseph Dearnely (and) my son John Dearnely shall
devid my reeds and healds equally betwixt them, All the rest and residue of my Goods
Cattels and Chattels whatsoever I Give and Bequeath unto my son John Dearnely
and my daughter Mary Cook wife of Edward Cook and to my daughter daughter Dorothy
Bennet Wife of John Bennet to be equally divided amongst them noe one having any
more then another, And I doe Hereby Constitue and ordaine my Loving son Joseph
Dearnely full whole and sole Executor of this my present Last Will and Testament
And I doe hereby revoke disanull (and) make void all former Wills (and) Testaments by me
Heretofore made In Witnesse whereunto this my present Last Will (and) Testament I have
hereunto sett my hand and seal this twelft day of ffebruary in (the) year of our Lord
God one Thousand seven Hundred (and) Thirty
Sealed and signed in the
sight (and) presence of us
John Bramhall his Mark & Seall
William Bramhall Joseph Dearnely
James Hadfield
Chesterfield 21 Apr 1736
Let Probat of this will be made to Joseph Dearnely the sonn and only Executor
therein named Being fist sworne before me
J Stephenson Sur
Named in the will
Mary Dearnely his wife
Joseph Dearnely his eldest son
John Dearnely his son
Mary Cook his daughter, wife of Edward Cook
Dorothy Bennet his daughter, wife of John Bennet
Joseph Dearnely his grandson, the son of his eldest son Joseph
John Bramhall witness
William Bramhall witness
James Hadfield witness
J Stephenson legal guy
Note: ‘reeds and healds’ are textile weaving accessories.
Inventory also available but not yet transcribed.
Transcribed by Janet A Davies, October 2016.

Joseph Dearnely died in March 1736 at Deepclough, Padfield, Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,

Joseph Dearnely was buried on 13 March 1736
Glossop Burials
13 Mar 1736 Joseph Dernely of Deepclough the elder.
25 Jul 1736 Widow Dernely of Deepclough.
13 Mar 1736 Joseph Dernely of Deepclough the elder.
25 Jul 1736 Widow Dernely of Deepclough.
Children of Joseph Dearnely and Mary Earnshaw
- Joseph Dearnaly+ b. abt 1687, d. abt May 1766
- Mary Dearnely+ b. abt 1689
- Dorothy Dearnelley b. abt 1697
- John Dearneley+ b. 1698
- James Dearnaley b. 13 Jul 1702, d. Nov 1720
Mary Earnshaw
ID# 11775, b. about 1666, d. July 1736
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Mary Earnshaw was born about 1666

in 1687 Mary Earnshaw lived at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Mary Earnshaw married Joseph Dearnely, son of William Dearneley and Mary Garlick, on 4 August 1687 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Mary Earnshaw died in July 1736 at Deepclough, Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,

Mary Earnshaw was buried on 25 July 1736
Glossop Burials
13 Mar 1736 Joseph Dernely of Deepclough the elder.
25 Jul 1736 Widow Dernely of Deepclough.
13 Mar 1736 Joseph Dernely of Deepclough the elder.
25 Jul 1736 Widow Dernely of Deepclough.
Children of Mary Earnshaw and Joseph Dearnely
- Joseph Dearnaly+ b. abt 1687, d. abt May 1766
- Mary Dearnely+ b. abt 1689
- Dorothy Dearnelley b. abt 1697
- John Dearneley+ b. 1698
- James Dearnaley b. 13 Jul 1702, d. Nov 1720
Joseph Dearnelley
ID# 11778, b. about 1700

This family group is uncertain. It has been placed together solely on the basis of dates & the fact that the children were baptized at St. Peter's Huddersfield.

Joseph Dearnelley was born about 1700

Joseph Dearnelley married Margaret Brooke on 27 November 1722 at Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England,

between 1723 and 1727 Joseph Dearnelley lived at Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England,
Children of Joseph Dearnelley and Margaret Brooke
- Hannah Dearnelley b. Feb 1723
- Mary Dearnelley b. May 1724
- Joseph Dearnelley b. Feb 1725
- William Dearnelley b. Oct 1727
Margaret Brooke
ID# 11779, b. about 1700

This family group is uncertain. It has been placed together solely on the basis of dates & the fact that the children were baptized at St. Peter's Huddersfield.

Margaret Brooke was born about 1700

Margaret Brooke married Joseph Dearnelley on 27 November 1722 at Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England,
Children of Margaret Brooke and Joseph Dearnelley
- Hannah Dearnelley b. Feb 1723
- Mary Dearnelley b. May 1724
- Joseph Dearnelley b. Feb 1725
- William Dearnelley b. Oct 1727
Joseph Dearnelley
ID# 11780, b. February 1725

This family group is uncertain. It has been placed together solely on the basis of dates & the fact that the children were baptized at St. Peter's Huddersfield.

Joseph Dearnelley was born in February 1725 at Yorkshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Joseph Dearnelley was the son of Joseph Dearnelley and Margaret Brooke.

Joseph Dearnelley was baptised on 18 March 1725 at St. Peter's Church, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England,