Elizabeth Darnelly
ID# 12831, b. 28 July 1676

Elizabeth Darnelly was born on 28 July 1676 at London, England,
Elizabeth Darnelly was the daughter of Anthony Darnelly and Margaret (?)

Elizabeth Darnelly was baptised on 30 July 1676 at St. Martin In The Fields, Westminster, London, England,
Jonathan Heaton
ID# 12833, b. about 1729

Jonathan Heaton was born about 1729

Jonathan Heaton married Betty Hague on 28 July 1757 at Cathedral Church of St Peter & St Paul, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England,
'Jonathan Heaton of this parish Cutler and Elizabeth Dernaly of this parish Widow
Married in this Church by Banns'
Both made their mark
Witnesses: Hannah Jowett (her mark) & John Broadbent
Another web source shows place of marriage as Attercliffe.
Maria Marshall
ID# 12834, b. about 1647, d. August 1710

Next to the Bradwells, the Marshalls are the oldest family in the locality, and they can beast an unbroken descent of at least 600 years. They were among the first Foresters; they rebelled against the bad old forest laws, cleared the first patches of land, built some of the first houses; for several centuries ranked amongst the principal families of the Peak ; and they were often involved in litigation with people of greater power than themselves, who were attempting to take the common lands to which the people were entitled. The principal seat of this distinguished family was at "The Butts," between the Bagshawe Cavern and Outland Head. Here they had a large hall, not a vestige of which now remains, but there are traces on every hand of the former splendour of the home of the family. The houses close by are known as "Hall Barn," indeed the lands were in the hands of Elias Marshall when he died in 1768, and left an enclosure, the rent of which was to pay for the education of poor children. The family were very numerous, and had several residences. One of these was at the foot of Smithy Hill. It was in their occupation 200 years ago, but was soon afterwards converted into farm buildings, and about ten years ago these were, demolished and a new house, "North View," built on the site. To mention the various members of this distinguished family through six hundred years would be impossible, but in the fifteenth or sixteenth centuries, they ranked among the principal families of the Peak, and their daughters married into other famous families of the Peak. Their armoury is among that of the High Peak gentry, and their crest was a man in armour proper holding in his hand a truncheon.
page 66
Bradwell Ancient and Modern by Seth Evans, 1912.
Next to the Bradwells, the Marshalls are the oldest family in the locality, and they can beast an unbroken descent of at least 600 years. They were among the first Foresters; they rebelled against the bad old forest laws, cleared the first patches of land, built some of the first houses; for several centuries ranked amongst the principal families of the Peak ; and they were often involved in litigation with people of greater power than themselves, who were attempting to take the common lands to which the people were entitled. The principal seat of this distinguished family was at "The Butts," between the Bagshawe Cavern and Outland Head. Here they had a large hall, not a vestige of which now remains, but there are traces on every hand of the former splendour of the home of the family. The houses close by are known as "Hall Barn," indeed the lands were in the hands of Elias Marshall when he died in 1768, and left an enclosure, the rent of which was to pay for the education of poor children. The family were very numerous, and had several residences. One of these was at the foot of Smithy Hill. It was in their occupation 200 years ago, but was soon afterwards converted into farm buildings, and about ten years ago these were, demolished and a new house, "North View," built on the site. To mention the various members of this distinguished family through six hundred years would be impossible, but in the fifteenth or sixteenth centuries, they ranked among the principal families of the Peak, and their daughters married into other famous families of the Peak. Their armoury is among that of the High Peak gentry, and their crest was a man in armour proper holding in his hand a truncheon.
page 66
Bradwell Ancient and Modern by Seth Evans, 1912.

Maria Marshall was born about 1647

Maria Marshall was born about 1662

Maria Marshall married Edward Dernely, son of William Dernilye and Joane (?), on 28 April 1670 at Hope, Derbyshire, England,

Maria Marshall married Edward Dernely, son of William Dernilye and Joane (?), about 1683

Maria Marshall died in August 1710 at Bradwell, Derbyshire, England,

Maria Marshall was buried on 25 August 1710 at St. Peter's Church, Hope, Derbyshire, England,
Children of Maria Marshall and Edward Dernely
- Elizabeth Dernely b. May 1671, d. Sep 1671
- Henry Dernely b. Jul 1672
- Mary Dernely+ b. Feb 1675
- Martha Dearneley b. Jun 1677
- John Derneley b. Dec 1681, d. Dec 1715
- Edward Derneley+ b. Jan 1685, d. Feb 1724
- Anna Derneley b. Sep 1687, d. Feb 1709
- Margareta Derneley+ b. May 1690
Edward Dernely
ID# 12835, b. about 1648, d. June 1715

The transcription of daughter Margaret shows her father as 'David'.
We are currently assuming that David is a transcription error for Edward, which fits much better!
See Edward Dernely
The name 'Margaret' is also continued in the family of Edward D. & Maria.
See Margaret Dearnaley
Another option is that this could be David Durnally, the son of Adam & Mary (christened in Derby). See David Durnally.
We are currently assuming that David is a transcription error for Edward, which fits much better!
See Edward Dernely
The name 'Margaret' is also continued in the family of Edward D. & Maria.
See Margaret Dearnaley
Another option is that this could be David Durnally, the son of Adam & Mary (christened in Derby). See David Durnally.

Edward Dernely of Bradwall must belong to this household (ie son of William and Joane) if he is a Bradwall child as there is no other family of this name in the Hope Valley at this time. Edward paid Hearth Tax in Bradwall in the period 1662-1670, the only Dernely to do so. - Janet A Davies
Bradwell Hearth Tax.
Bradwell Hearth Tax.

Edward Dernely was born about 1648
Edward Dernely was the son of William Dernilye and Joane (?)

Edward Dernely married Maria Marshall on 28 April 1670 at Hope, Derbyshire, England,

Edward Dernely married Maria Marshall about 1683

Darnley “A very old family, who still retain one of their old homesteads at Dale End, and properties in other parts of the village. They have always been a family of education and refinement, and repute. Edward Derneley was a churchwarden of Hope, in 1693, but no other member of the family ever held that office, as they were prominently connected with Nonconformity, but their old burial place is still at Hope Church. John Darnley was a famous schoolmaster nearly a century ago.”
page 65
Bradwell Ancient and Modern by Seth Evans, 1912
page 65
Bradwell Ancient and Modern by Seth Evans, 1912

Edward Dernely left a will on 13 February 1712.
Thought to be the Edward D. of the following document. However, it is somewhat unusual for no other child to be mentioned. The elder son John was alive in 1712.
Will (?) of Edward Dernely (indexed as 1715)
1 Know all men by these presents that whereas I Edward Dernely
2 of Bradwall in the parish of Hope and county of Derby yeom[an] as well for &
3 in considerac[i]on of the naturall love and affection which I have and doe beare
4 unto my son Edward Dernely of Bradwall aforesaid yeom[an] as also for divers
5 other good causes and considerations me hereunto mooveing have given
6 and granted and by these presents doe give and grant unto the said Edward
7 Dernely my son all my goods chattles leases debts reall and personall
8 moveable and immoveable quick and dead of what kind nature quality
9 or condic[i]on soever the same are or bee, in whatsoever place or places the
10 same be, shall or may be found, as well in my own custody or possession
11 as in the possession, hands, power and custody of any other person or
12 persons whatsoever to have and to hold all and singular
13 the said goods chattles and all and singular other the premisses unto the said
14 Edward Dernely my son his executors administrators and assignes to
15 his and their own proper use and uses for ever quietly without any matter
16 of challenge claime or demand of me the said Edward Dernely or of
17 any other person or persons whatsoever, for me, in my name, meanes
18 or procurement and without any money or other thing therefore
19 yeilded and payd or done unto me the said Edward Dernely my exec[utor]s
20 adm[inistrator]s or assignes. And I the said Edward Dernely all & singular
21 the aforesaid goods chattles and premisses to the said Edward Dernely
22 my son his exec[utor]s adm[inistrator]s to the use aforesaid against all
23 persons doe warrant and for ever defend by these presents and
24 further Know ye that I the said Edward Dernely have putt my
25 said son Edward Dernely in peaceable and quiet possession of all and
26 singular the said premisses by the delivery unto him at then then
27 sealeing and delivery here of one peice of silver coin only called six
28 pence. In witnesse whereof I the said Edward Dernely have
29 hereunto putt my hand and seale the thirteenth day of February in
30 the tenth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Anne over
31 Great Britaine etc Annoque Do[mi]ni 1711/12
32 Edwd Dernely per signum
33 sealed & delivered
34 in the presence of
35 Abraham Bagshaw per signum
36 Robt Thompson
1 Noverint universi presentes nos Ed[ward]um Dernely de
2 Bradwell in parochia Hope in cond. Derby husbandman et Joh[ann]em
3 Hodgkins de clauso ecclesiae cathedrae Lich[field] husbandman teneri et firmiter obligari veneralibus viris
4 dioceso ecclesia cathedra Lich[field] ???
5 libris bonae et legalis monetae magnae Britanniae solvere
6 eisdem diocese et capitula aut eorum certus attornatus ex[ecutor]es adm[inistrator]es
7 vel assignati vel suis e[xecu]toribus ad quam quid solutionem bene et fideli
8 faciend ob[ligami]nis nos et utrum unum prestato et in solido
9 heredes exec[utor]es et adm[inistrator]es nostros et utriusque nostri firmiter per
10 presentes sigillis nostris sigillat ?? octavo die mensis
11 Octobris Anno D[omi]ni 1715
12 The condition of this obligac[i]on is such that if the
13 abovebounden Edward Darnely
14 adm[inistrat]or of all and singular the goods rights & credits cattle and chattles of
15 Edward Darnely late of Bradwell in the parish of Hope deceased
16 to his ?? of administration annexed do make or cause to be made a true &
17 p[er]fect inventory of all & singular the goods & chattles & credits of the s[ai]d deceased
18 w[hi]ch have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of him the s[ai]d
19 Edward Dernely or into the hands or possession of any p[er]son or p[er]sons
20 for him and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into
21 the registry of this court at or before the first day of November
22 next ensueing and the same goods chattles & creditts & all other the goods
23 chattles & credits of the s[ai]d dec[eas]ed at the time of his death w[hi]ch at any time
24 after shall come to the hands or possession of any p[er]son or p[er]sons for him
25 do well and truely adm[inist]er according to the tenor & effect of a deed or
26 instrument
27 of the s[ai]d Edward Dernely deceased and further doe make
28 or cause to be made a true & just account of his ad[ministrat]ion at or before the
29 8th day of October 1716 and all the rest and residue of the goods
30 chattles & credits w[hi]ch shall be found remaineing upon you the s[ai]d administrator account
31 the same being first examined & allowed by the judge or judges for the time
32 being of the s[ai]d court shall deliver & pay unto such p[er]son or p[er]sons as the
33 s[ai]d judge or judges by his or their decree or sentence pursuant to the
34 true intent & the tenor of the s[ai]d deed or instrument
35 of the s[ai]d deceased remaining in the registry of the s[ai]d court shall limitt
36 & appoint then this bond to be void or else to remaine in full force
37 the marke of Ed Dernley
38 sealed delivered in the presence of
39 Ala. Hinckes N.P.
40 John Hodgkins
Apud Bakewell 8 octobris 1715 fiat ad[ministrat]io bonorum Edwardi Dernely nuper p[arochi]ae Hope def[uncti] secundum tenorem doni sive instrumenti dicti def[uncti] Edwa[rdo] Dernely filio dicti def[uncti]. infra £20. Jurat predicto Ed. Dernely coram me Go?,ark surrogate
translation: At Bakewell, 8 October 1715 was made the administration of the goods of Edward Dernely of the parish of Hope, recently deceased, after the fashion of a gift or instrument of the said deceased to Edward Dernely the son of the said deceased. Within £20. Ed Dernely took the oath before me Go?mark surrogate
transcribed by Marie Ball
April 2012.
Will (?) of Edward Dernely (indexed as 1715)
1 Know all men by these presents that whereas I Edward Dernely
2 of Bradwall in the parish of Hope and county of Derby yeom[an] as well for &
3 in considerac[i]on of the naturall love and affection which I have and doe beare
4 unto my son Edward Dernely of Bradwall aforesaid yeom[an] as also for divers
5 other good causes and considerations me hereunto mooveing have given
6 and granted and by these presents doe give and grant unto the said Edward
7 Dernely my son all my goods chattles leases debts reall and personall
8 moveable and immoveable quick and dead of what kind nature quality
9 or condic[i]on soever the same are or bee, in whatsoever place or places the
10 same be, shall or may be found, as well in my own custody or possession
11 as in the possession, hands, power and custody of any other person or
12 persons whatsoever to have and to hold all and singular
13 the said goods chattles and all and singular other the premisses unto the said
14 Edward Dernely my son his executors administrators and assignes to
15 his and their own proper use and uses for ever quietly without any matter
16 of challenge claime or demand of me the said Edward Dernely or of
17 any other person or persons whatsoever, for me, in my name, meanes
18 or procurement and without any money or other thing therefore
19 yeilded and payd or done unto me the said Edward Dernely my exec[utor]s
20 adm[inistrator]s or assignes. And I the said Edward Dernely all & singular
21 the aforesaid goods chattles and premisses to the said Edward Dernely
22 my son his exec[utor]s adm[inistrator]s to the use aforesaid against all
23 persons doe warrant and for ever defend by these presents and
24 further Know ye that I the said Edward Dernely have putt my
25 said son Edward Dernely in peaceable and quiet possession of all and
26 singular the said premisses by the delivery unto him at then then
27 sealeing and delivery here of one peice of silver coin only called six
28 pence. In witnesse whereof I the said Edward Dernely have
29 hereunto putt my hand and seale the thirteenth day of February in
30 the tenth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Anne over
31 Great Britaine etc Annoque Do[mi]ni 1711/12
32 Edwd Dernely per signum
33 sealed & delivered
34 in the presence of
35 Abraham Bagshaw per signum
36 Robt Thompson
1 Noverint universi presentes nos Ed[ward]um Dernely de
2 Bradwell in parochia Hope in cond. Derby husbandman et Joh[ann]em
3 Hodgkins de clauso ecclesiae cathedrae Lich[field] husbandman teneri et firmiter obligari veneralibus viris
4 dioceso ecclesia cathedra Lich[field] ???
5 libris bonae et legalis monetae magnae Britanniae solvere
6 eisdem diocese et capitula aut eorum certus attornatus ex[ecutor]es adm[inistrator]es
7 vel assignati vel suis e[xecu]toribus ad quam quid solutionem bene et fideli
8 faciend ob[ligami]nis nos et utrum unum prestato et in solido
9 heredes exec[utor]es et adm[inistrator]es nostros et utriusque nostri firmiter per
10 presentes sigillis nostris sigillat ?? octavo die mensis
11 Octobris Anno D[omi]ni 1715
12 The condition of this obligac[i]on is such that if the
13 abovebounden Edward Darnely
14 adm[inistrat]or of all and singular the goods rights & credits cattle and chattles of
15 Edward Darnely late of Bradwell in the parish of Hope deceased
16 to his ?? of administration annexed do make or cause to be made a true &
17 p[er]fect inventory of all & singular the goods & chattles & credits of the s[ai]d deceased
18 w[hi]ch have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of him the s[ai]d
19 Edward Dernely or into the hands or possession of any p[er]son or p[er]sons
20 for him and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into
21 the registry of this court at or before the first day of November
22 next ensueing and the same goods chattles & creditts & all other the goods
23 chattles & credits of the s[ai]d dec[eas]ed at the time of his death w[hi]ch at any time
24 after shall come to the hands or possession of any p[er]son or p[er]sons for him
25 do well and truely adm[inist]er according to the tenor & effect of a deed or
26 instrument
27 of the s[ai]d Edward Dernely deceased and further doe make
28 or cause to be made a true & just account of his ad[ministrat]ion at or before the
29 8th day of October 1716 and all the rest and residue of the goods
30 chattles & credits w[hi]ch shall be found remaineing upon you the s[ai]d administrator account
31 the same being first examined & allowed by the judge or judges for the time
32 being of the s[ai]d court shall deliver & pay unto such p[er]son or p[er]sons as the
33 s[ai]d judge or judges by his or their decree or sentence pursuant to the
34 true intent & the tenor of the s[ai]d deed or instrument
35 of the s[ai]d deceased remaining in the registry of the s[ai]d court shall limitt
36 & appoint then this bond to be void or else to remaine in full force
37 the marke of Ed Dernley
38 sealed delivered in the presence of
39 Ala. Hinckes N.P.
40 John Hodgkins
Apud Bakewell 8 octobris 1715 fiat ad[ministrat]io bonorum Edwardi Dernely nuper p[arochi]ae Hope def[uncti] secundum tenorem doni sive instrumenti dicti def[uncti] Edwa[rdo] Dernely filio dicti def[uncti]. infra £20. Jurat predicto Ed. Dernely coram me Go?,ark surrogate
translation: At Bakewell, 8 October 1715 was made the administration of the goods of Edward Dernely of the parish of Hope, recently deceased, after the fashion of a gift or instrument of the said deceased to Edward Dernely the son of the said deceased. Within £20. Ed Dernely took the oath before me Go?mark surrogate
transcribed by Marie Ball
April 2012.

Edward Dernely died in June 1715 at Derbyshire, England,

Edward Dernely was buried on 5 June 1715 at Hope, Derbyshire, England,
Children of Edward Dernely and Maria Marshall
- Elizabeth Dernely b. May 1671, d. Sep 1671
- Henry Dernely b. Jul 1672
- Mary Dernely+ b. Feb 1675
- Martha Dearneley b. Jun 1677
- John Derneley b. Dec 1681, d. Dec 1715
- Edward Derneley+ b. Jan 1685, d. Feb 1724
- Anna Derneley b. Sep 1687, d. Feb 1709
- Margareta Derneley+ b. May 1690
Elizabeth Dernely
ID# 12836, b. May 1671, d. September 1671

Elizabeth Dernely was born in May 1671 at Bradwall, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Elizabeth Dernely was the daughter of Edward Dernely and Maria Marshall.

Elizabeth Dernely was baptised on 18 June 1671 at St. Peter's Church, Hope, Derbyshire, England,
Elizabeth's parents are shown as "Edmund & Mary" on the St. Peter's Baptisms transcription.

Elizabeth Dernely died in September 1671 at Bradwall, Hope, Derbyshire, England, at age 4 months

Elizabeth Dernely was buried on 12 September 1671 at Hope, Derbyshire, England,
Thomas Harbottell
ID# 12840, b. about 1464
- Charts
- John Dernelly (c.1451-)

Thomas Harbottell was born about 1464 at Dernelly, Derbyshire, England,

Thomas Harbottell married Elizabeth Dernelly, daughter of John Dernelly and (?) (?), about 1497
Thomas Harbottell, gent., discended of a yonger Sone of Sr Thomas Harbottell of Harbottell Castell in .... Knight.
Harbottell his Armes are, Az., 3 Clubbes wayvy in bend Or.
= Elizabeth Dernelley, daughter and heyr of John Dernelly of Dernelly in Darbysher, gentelm.
Miscellanea Genealogica Et Heraldica p. 10
Edited by Joseph Jackson Howard, LL.D., F.S.A.
Volume I. Second Series published 1886
Available from Google Books
see bottom right of page 10
note: Harbottle Castle is in Northumberland. It was taken over by Henry VIII in 1546.
Built by the Umfraville family to assist in securing the border against Scottish expansionism, the castle was attacked on numerous occasions prompting regular upgrades which converted it into a substantial fortress. During the reign of Henry VIII it became the residence of Margaret Tudor, dowager Queen of Scotland, during the troubled minority of James V.
"Sr Thomas Harbottell of Harbottell Castell" may refer to Sir Thomas de Umfreville (c.1329-1387) Harbottle Castle, Northumberland.
Harbottle Castle
- MED.
Child of Thomas Harbottell and Elizabeth Dernelly
- Elizabeth Harbottell+ b. abt 1501