Richard Dornelly
ID# 15283, b. December 1645, d. December 1645
- Charts
- John Dernelly (c.1451-)

Richard Dornelly was born in December 1645
Birth date is an estimate.
Richard Dornelly was the son of Richard Darnelly and Sarah Nicols.

Richard Dornelly was baptised on 14 December 1645 at St. Stephen, Walbrook, London, Middlesex, England,
Location is from an old FamilySearch "London community tree".
A number of these trees are now known to be incorrect and this information must be regarded with suspicion.
A number of these trees are now known to be incorrect and this information must be regarded with suspicion.

Richard Dornelly died in December 1645 at London, Middlesex, England,
Daniel Darnelly
ID# 15284, b. 1649, d. July 1709
- Charts
- John Dernelly (c.1451-)

The 20 year gap between daughters Sarah & Elizabeth is very unusual.
Are we missing a second marriage or a bunch of children?
Are we missing a second marriage or a bunch of children?

Daniel Darnelly was born in 1649 at England
Birth date is an estimate.
Daniel Darnelly was the son of Richard Darnelly and Sarah Nicols.

Daniel Darnelly was baptised about 1649 at St. Mary's Church, Abchurch, London, Middlesex, England,
Location is from an old FamilySearch "London community tree".
A number of these trees are now known to be incorrect and this information must be regarded with suspicion.
A number of these trees are now known to be incorrect and this information must be regarded with suspicion.

Mentioned in the 1654 will of Cicely (Sutton) (Crossley) Darnelly.
see Cicily Sutton.
see Cicily Sutton.

Mentioned rather unflatteringly in his father Richard's 1667 will.
' said Sonne Danyell hath been and demeaned himself a very undutiful and Disobedient
Sonne unto mee and his Mother and doth still continue his exorbitant and bad
courses and wicked company and not only by himself but also hath drivene on
others to purloyne wast and carry away my goods money and estate to a very
great value with griefe of heart I speake it ...'
' said Sonne Danyell hath been and demeaned himself a very undutiful and Disobedient
Sonne unto mee and his Mother and doth still continue his exorbitant and bad
courses and wicked company and not only by himself but also hath drivene on
others to purloyne wast and carry away my goods money and estate to a very
great value with griefe of heart I speake it ...'

Daniel Darnelly married Elizabeth (?) about 1670

Forgiven a debt of £1000 to his mother Sarah in her 1677 will.
see Sarah Nicols
One online source estimates that in 1660 £1 was worth about £800 at 2003 rates. This translates to a debt of some £800,000.
see Sarah Nicols
One online source estimates that in 1660 £1 was worth about £800 at 2003 rates. This translates to a debt of some £800,000.

in 1694 Daniel Darnelly lived at Wilcot, Wiltshire, England,

in 1695 Daniel Darnelly lived at City of London, London, England,
"Dan and Eliz Darnelly, London within the Walls 1695". I haven't worked out the significance of the reference '31.5' after their names. (British History Online - JAD.

I suspect this is also 'friend' Daniel Darnelly named by Frances Hoskins in her 1698 will. This will also named Daniel's daughter Elizabeth (but no mention of daughter Sarah). - JAD.

in 1706 Daniel Darnelly lived at Bishopsgate, London, England,
Daniell Darnell, Bishopsgate Without,1706 (London Tax Records, Ancestry).

Daniel Darnelly died in July 1709 at London, England, at age 60 years

Daniel Darnelly was buried on 2 August 1709 at St Botolph without, Bishopsgate, London, England,
Recorded as Daniell Darnello Aged.
Children of Daniel Darnelly and Elizabeth (?)
- Sarah Darnelly b. Sep 1674
- Elizabeth Darnelly b. May 1694
Richard Dornelly
ID# 15285, b. June 1647, d. about 19 June 1647
- Charts
- John Dernelly (c.1451-)

Another FamilySearch source has birth/death 1648 (same days).
Alt. christening: St. Mary, Abchurch, London, Middlesex, England (same day 1648).
Another FamilySearch source this Richard marrying Anne Randall.
Alt. christening: St. Mary, Abchurch, London, Middlesex, England (same day 1648).
Another FamilySearch source this Richard marrying Anne Randall.

Richard Dornelly was born in June 1647 at England
Birth date is an estimate.
Richard Dornelly was the son of Richard Darnelly and Sarah Nicols.

Richard Dornelly was baptised on 14 June 1647 at St. Stephen, Walbrook, London, Middlesex, England,
Location is from an old FamilySearch "London community tree".
A number of these trees are now known to be incorrect and this information must be regarded with suspicion.
A number of these trees are now known to be incorrect and this information must be regarded with suspicion.

Richard Dornelly died about 19 June 1647 at London, Middlesex, England,

Richard Dornelly was buried on 21 June 1647 at St. Stephen, Walbrook, London, Middlesex, England,
Matthew Dearnley
ID# 15287, b. 1661, d. 29 September 1731

Matthew Dearnley was born in 1661
Matthew Dearnley was the son of William Dernelie and Elizabeth Taylor.

in 1686 Matthew Dearnley lived at Emley, Yorkshire, England,

Matthew Dearnley married Mary Booth on 9 November 1686 at Kirkburton Parish, Yorkshire, England,
'Mathew Dearnally of the Parish of Emley & Mary Booth of this Parish."

Matthew Dearnley left a will on 17 December 1729 at Skelmanthorp, High Hoyland, Yorkshire, England.
Will of Mathew Dearnaly of Skelmanthorp 17 December 1729
In the name of god Amen I Mathew Dearnaly of Skelmanthorp in the parish of Hoyland & County of York
Yeoman being but of indifferent health of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory praised bt Almighty God for the
same doo make ordain constitute and appoint this my ?present last will and testament in manner and form following first and
principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it hoping through the ?Moritts death & ?? of my
Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ it inheritt everlasting life and my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor
hereafter named And as touching all such temporall Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I gaive and dispose of these as followeth
First my will and mind is that all my just Debts and funerall Expenses shall be paid and discharged out of my personall Estate
I do give unto my sister ?Margrit Carcroft wife of Thomas Carcroft one Close called Northroyd & ?Also I give unto Hannah Booth two Closes
called Langhope formerly calle Stonepit Langhope wh??l Lang??. I give unto Jane Dransfoot wife of William Dransfoot and her sister
?Sonoh Booth one Close Called ?Lithe (?Little) field equally to be divided betwine them two. I give unto Martha Hague wife of Thomas hague
five pounds I give unto Mary and Sarah sisters to Thomas Hague wife ?other of them twenty shillings I give unto Jonas
Jubb my Brother in Law twenty shillings and all my Apparel both Woln and Linnin All those closes of Land above mentioned
I give to my wife during her Naturall Life All the rest of my goods parsonall Estate and Chattels whatsoever I doo give
to Mary(“jurat” written above) my loving wife making her sole executor [scrawl presumed to be executor!] of this my ?present Last will and Testament and herby revoking
and making void all former wills by me formerly made have to this My Last >preent Last will and Testament
sett my hand and seal -||-||-|| this ?seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord god one thousand seven hundred twenty nine
Sealed signed and
delivered in the presence
Robert Lockwood Mathew
Joseph Senior "M" his mark
John ?Green jurat Dearnaley
transcribed by Ian Goddard
October 2011.
In the name of god Amen I Mathew Dearnaly of Skelmanthorp in the parish of Hoyland & County of York
Yeoman being but of indifferent health of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory praised bt Almighty God for the
same doo make ordain constitute and appoint this my ?present last will and testament in manner and form following first and
principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it hoping through the ?Moritts death & ?? of my
Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ it inheritt everlasting life and my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor
hereafter named And as touching all such temporall Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I gaive and dispose of these as followeth
First my will and mind is that all my just Debts and funerall Expenses shall be paid and discharged out of my personall Estate
I do give unto my sister ?Margrit Carcroft wife of Thomas Carcroft one Close called Northroyd & ?Also I give unto Hannah Booth two Closes
called Langhope formerly calle Stonepit Langhope wh??l Lang??. I give unto Jane Dransfoot wife of William Dransfoot and her sister
?Sonoh Booth one Close Called ?Lithe (?Little) field equally to be divided betwine them two. I give unto Martha Hague wife of Thomas hague
five pounds I give unto Mary and Sarah sisters to Thomas Hague wife ?other of them twenty shillings I give unto Jonas
Jubb my Brother in Law twenty shillings and all my Apparel both Woln and Linnin All those closes of Land above mentioned
I give to my wife during her Naturall Life All the rest of my goods parsonall Estate and Chattels whatsoever I doo give
to Mary(“jurat” written above) my loving wife making her sole executor [scrawl presumed to be executor!] of this my ?present Last will and Testament and herby revoking
and making void all former wills by me formerly made have to this My Last >preent Last will and Testament
sett my hand and seal -||-||-|| this ?seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord god one thousand seven hundred twenty nine
Sealed signed and
delivered in the presence
Robert Lockwood Mathew
Joseph Senior "M" his mark
John ?Green jurat Dearnaley
transcribed by Ian Goddard
October 2011.

Matthew Dearnley died on 29 September 1731 at High Hoyland, Yorkshire, England, at age 70 years
aged 70.

Matthew Dearnley was buried on 2 October 1731 at All Saints, High Hoyland, Yorkshire, England,
All Saints Church High Hoyland graveyard
Here/Lyeth ye body of/Matthew DEARNLEY/of Skelmanthorpe/Who departed this/life Sept. ye 29th in the/70th year of his age./An Dom. 1731./Also the/body of Mary his/wife who departed this life October/ye 8th. 1739 and in/the 81st year of her Age./Table tomb with broad border of scrolls and fronds. Beautifully written in 18thC handwriting.
note: A year later after the churchyard and church had been taken over by a charity in Wakefield and used as a recreation for deprived boys I found this stone broken and along with other good stones used as a pavement from the road into the North-East of the churchyard
- Alan Reardon.
Here/Lyeth ye body of/Matthew DEARNLEY/of Skelmanthorpe/Who departed this/life Sept. ye 29th in the/70th year of his age./An Dom. 1731./Also the/body of Mary his/wife who departed this life October/ye 8th. 1739 and in/the 81st year of her Age./Table tomb with broad border of scrolls and fronds. Beautifully written in 18thC handwriting.
note: A year later after the churchyard and church had been taken over by a charity in Wakefield and used as a recreation for deprived boys I found this stone broken and along with other good stones used as a pavement from the road into the North-East of the churchyard
- Alan Reardon.

Probate was granted on his estate on 15 December 1731
John Dearnally
ID# 15289, b. between 1734 and 1794

Currently, the only evidence for this John D is his wife Mary's burial record.

John Dearnally was born between 1734 and 1794

John Dearnally married Mary (?) before 1814
Mary (?)
ID# 15290, b. between 1734 and 1794, d. August 1814

Mary (?) was born between 1734 and 1794

Mary (?) married John Dearnally before 1814

Mary (?) died in August 1814 at Honley, Yorkshire, England,

Mary (?) was buried on 7 August 1814 at Honley, Yorkshire, England,