Joseph Moran
ID# 15271, b. 16 September 1911
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Joseph Moran was born on 16 September 1911

Joseph Moran married Elsie Dearnley, daughter of Alfred Dearnley and Mary Ann Hariss, about November 1935 at Leeds, Yorkshire, England,
John Oswald Darwell
ID# 15272, b. about 1914
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

John Oswald Darwell was born about 1914

John Oswald Darwell married Hilda Dearnley, daughter of Alfred Dearnley and Mary Ann Hariss, about November 1937 at Leeds, Yorkshire, England,
Robert Batey Darnley
ID# 15274, b. September 1783

Robert Batey Darnley was born in September 1783 at Cumberland, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Robert Batey Darnley was the son of Edmund Dearnaly and Jane Baty.

Robert Batey Darnley was baptised on 21 October 1783 at Arthuret, Cumberland, England,

Robert Batey Darnley married Mary Hill in 1805 at St. Antholin's Church, Budge Row, London, England,
St Antholin, Budge Row, or St Antholin, Watling Street, was a church in the City of London. Of medieval origin, it was rebuilt to the designs of Sir Christopher Wren, following its destruction in the Great Fire of London in 1666.
The church, which is first recorded in 1119, was on the north side of Budge Row (which no longer exists), at the corner of Sise Lane in Cordwainer Ward. It was originally known as St Anthony's, or St Anthonine's
The church was demolished in 1875 under the Union of Benefices Act to make way for the development of Queen Victoria Street. At this time many bodies were disinterred from the crypt and reburied at Brookwood Cemetery.

in 1810 Robert Batey Darnley lived at Fullgate Street, London, England,

in 1814 Robert Batey Darnley was a Merchant.

in 1814 Robert Batey Darnley lived at Meadow Row, London, England,
Children of Robert Batey Darnley and Mary Hill
- Emma Mary Darnley b. Mar 1806, d. b 1810
- Robert Campbell Darnley b. Jan 1809
- Emma Jane Darnley b. Nov 1810
- Elizabeth Darnley b. 23 Jul 1814
Richard Darnelly
ID# 15277, b. 22 March 1615, d. July 1667
- Charts
- John Dernelly (c.1451-)

This is the Richard Darnelly referred to in these extracts from The Making of the English Middle Class Business, Society and Family Life in London, 1660–1730
Peter Earle
A frequent theme in wills is the mention of duty and obedience that the children either have not observed towards their father or should observe towards their mother in the future. Three fathers in our sample disinherited their eldest son and all mentioned disobedience, unfaithfulness and lack of duty as a reason for this, Daniel Darnelly, for instance, being described as 'a very undutifull and disobedient sonne unto mee and his mother'.
51. Disinherited—S. 12 (PROB 11/324 fo. 91), Richard Darnelly; S.116 continue
The collection of postmortem debts was never an easy task and several testators made arrangements to assist the widow in this respect, such as Richard Darnelly, who appointed Mr Reynolds, a merchant, as debt-collector at £10 a quarter, 'hee being a fitt man to that purpose',
Attempts were also made to control the children through threats or promises in a will. In three cases, as has been mentioned earlier, this went as far as disinheriting the eldest son, a very sad breakdown in family relations, as can be seen from the words of Richard Darnelly whose son Daniel 'doth still continue his exorbitant and evil courses and wicked company . . . with griefe of heart I speake it and I beseech the Lord to forgive him'.
34. S. 191 (Dubois); S.289 (Mackley); cf. S.12, Richard Darnelly, who willed that 'four ministers of God's word' should be at his funeral.
Peter Earle implies that Richard Darnelly disinherited his eldest son. This is not so. Richard shared his estate according to “the Laudable Custome of the City of London” and his will clearly stated that a one third share was to be divided between all his children including Daniel. Daniel was then deliberately omitted from any part of the discretionary third share. - Janet Davies.
Peter Earle
A frequent theme in wills is the mention of duty and obedience that the children either have not observed towards their father or should observe towards their mother in the future. Three fathers in our sample disinherited their eldest son and all mentioned disobedience, unfaithfulness and lack of duty as a reason for this, Daniel Darnelly, for instance, being described as 'a very undutifull and disobedient sonne unto mee and his mother'.
51. Disinherited—S. 12 (PROB 11/324 fo. 91), Richard Darnelly; S.116 continue
The collection of postmortem debts was never an easy task and several testators made arrangements to assist the widow in this respect, such as Richard Darnelly, who appointed Mr Reynolds, a merchant, as debt-collector at £10 a quarter, 'hee being a fitt man to that purpose',
Attempts were also made to control the children through threats or promises in a will. In three cases, as has been mentioned earlier, this went as far as disinheriting the eldest son, a very sad breakdown in family relations, as can be seen from the words of Richard Darnelly whose son Daniel 'doth still continue his exorbitant and evil courses and wicked company . . . with griefe of heart I speake it and I beseech the Lord to forgive him'.
34. S. 191 (Dubois); S.289 (Mackley); cf. S.12, Richard Darnelly, who willed that 'four ministers of God's word' should be at his funeral.
Peter Earle implies that Richard Darnelly disinherited his eldest son. This is not so. Richard shared his estate according to “the Laudable Custome of the City of London” and his will clearly stated that a one third share was to be divided between all his children including Daniel. Daniel was then deliberately omitted from any part of the discretionary third share. - Janet Davies.

Richard Darnelly was born on 22 March 1615 at England
suspect this should be 1616 - the ecclesiastical year vs the historical year thing.
Richard Darnelly was the son of Daniel Darneley and Cicily Sutton.

Richard Darnelly was baptised on 2 April 1616 at St. Mary's Church, Colechurch, London, Middlesex, England,

Richard Darnelly married Sarah Nicols, daughter of John Nichols and Blanche (?), on 23 September 1640 at St. Helen's Church, Bishopgate, London, England,
Boyd's 'Citizens of London' questions this date.
Parish Register - Marriage, City of London: St Helen Bishopgate, 1640.
"Richard Darnelly haberdasher and Sara Nicholls maiden were married by licence the xxiii'th day of September 1640."
Profession: citizen haberdasher oilman
Boyd's Inhabitants Of London/Boyd's Family Units
DARNELLY, Richard.

Mentioned in father-in-law John Nicoll's will:
Last Will and Testament of John NICOLL, dated Sep 20, 1641. Proved Dec 03, 1646. PRO Catalogue Ref: Prob 11/198, Image Ref: 399.
In the name of God Amen The Twentieth day of September 1641 in the ___ yeare of the Raigne of y'e soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Irelande Kinge Defender of the faith &c I John Nicholl of Dole Street in the p'ish of Hendon in the County of Midd'x yeoman findinge and consideringe the frailty of man but of p'fect mind and memory I thanke God doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testam't in manner and forme followinge.
Imprimis. I commende my soule into the hand of Almighty God who created me, redeemed me and who is my faithfull Preserver and Protector, And my body to the Earth to be buried in such decent and comely manner as shal be thought fitt by my Executrix whom hereafter I shall name.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Blanch my beloved wife all that my Tenement or Cottage and Orchard with the appurtenances and profitts that shall arise of it duringe her naturall life, the such Cottage lyeth at Dole Street and now in the occupation of John Street. Alsoe I give more and bequeath unto Blanch my wife for the terme of xii yeares the Rents issues & Profitts of the lands Tenements and hereditaments lyinge at or neare Dollis in the p'ish of Hendon aforesaid heretofore devised or granted unto me by lease by my nephew John Nicholl The said Blanch duringe the said terme payinge to my sonne John Nicoll his heires or Assignes owners of the inheritance of the premisses yearely and every yeare xv £ of lawfull English money at the feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin and St Michaell the Archangell by even and equall percent.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my eldest sonne Randall Nicholl xx £ And I give more and appoint and my Will is that the Table formes and 3 joynt[?] stooles in the hall shall stand & remaine to him and my heires.
Item. I give will and bequeath unto the said John Nicholl my second sonne his heires and Assignes all my estate right Title Interest yeares Clayme and demand whatsoever of and in the said Lands[?] devised to me by the said John Nicholl my nephew to have and to hold the same to the [said] John my sonne his heires and Assignes from the end of the said terme of twelve yeares or from such time as the said Blanch shall make default in paym't of the said somme of xv £ yearely to my said sonne John Nicholl his heires and assigns w'ch shall first and next happen.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Richard Darnelley xl £ and unto his wife my daughter Sarah Darnelley xx £ to be paid them by my Executrix within one month after my decease.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my eldest Alice Nicholl all those my freehold lande lyinge and beinge at or neare to the upper hale and now in the occupation of the widow Lyon the one feild commonly called or knowen by the name of the Nether Tenelande conteyninge by estimation five Acres, and Two other feilds the one commonly called Goldhill with the hedgrowe to it, and the other called Goldhill meade conteyninge by estimation together Eight acres with the appurtenances to her, her heires and Assignes for ever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Third daughter Elizabeth Nicholl fifty pounds to be paid her by my Executrix when shee shall come to the age of Twenty and one yeares unto her, her heires and Assignes.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my fourth daughter Mary Nicholl fifty pounds to be paid to her by my Executrix when shee shall come to the age of Eighteen yeares to her, her heires and Assignes.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my fifth daughter Judith Nicholl fifty pounds to be paid her by my Executrix when shee shall come to the age of Eighteen yeares unto her, her heires and Assignes.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my sixth daughter Martha Nicholl all those my two Closes of freehold land the one commonly called and known by the name of Bitters feild conteyninge by estimation three acres with the appurtenances and the other commonly called and known by the name of Meadeshott by estimation five acres and a halfe with the Appurtenances to her, her heires and Assignes upon condition notwithstandinge that if the heires executrixes administrators or Assignes of me the said John Nicholl doe well and truely pay or issue to be paid to the said Martha Nicholl or her Assignes the some of seavenscore and Tenne pounds of lawfull English money doe at her age of one and twenty yeares at or in the now dwellinge of me the said John Nicholl in Hendon aforesaid that then this gift and conveyance of lande to my daughter Martha and her heires and Assignes shall be void and of none effect.
Item. I give and bequeath more unto my daughter Martha Nicholl seavenscore and tenne pounds to be paid to her by my Executrix upon she shall come to the full age of eighteene to her, her heires and Assignes for ever.
Item. My will is and [I] doe bequeath and appoint that if any of my three youngest daughters that is Mary Judith and Martha Nicholl decease or die before they come to the age of eighteene yeares that is appointed them to receive their percen's in money to be paid them by my Executrix as at their time or times bequeathed and appointed them to receive their percen's in money to be paid by my Executrix to them to be equally divided between them.
Item. I give and bequeath unto the poore of Hendon fowre pounds to be given them by my Executrix.
All the rest of my goods and Chattell unbequeathed I give and leave unto Blanch my beloved wife whom I make and ordaine my sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament, And I doe intreat my two brothers M'r Robert Nicholl & John Nicholl of Cookes[?] to be Overseers of this my last will and Testament to whom I bequeath to them xx £ a piece.
In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and seale the day and yeare above written.
John Nicholl. /
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
John Nicholl
Tho. Nicoll. /
Probatum fuit Testamentum Suprascriptum apud London Coram dilecto subdito uiro Magistro Kingsted Artae Bacitio surrogato dilecti subditi uiri Nathanielis Brent militis Legum Doctoris Curiae Praerogativae Magistri sive Custodis constitui Tertio die Mensis Decembris Anno Domini Millesimo Sexcentesimo Quadragesimo Sexto [03 December 1646] Jurament Blanch Nicholl relictae et executoris dicti defuncti in Testamento nominat Cui commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum jurium et creditorum dicti defuncti De bene et fideliter Administrando eadem Ad sancta Dei Evangelia Jurat. / Ex'e
Last Will and Testament of John NICOLL, dated Sep 20, 1641. Proved Dec 03, 1646. PRO Catalogue Ref: Prob 11/198, Image Ref: 399.
In the name of God Amen The Twentieth day of September 1641 in the ___ yeare of the Raigne of y'e soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Irelande Kinge Defender of the faith &c I John Nicholl of Dole Street in the p'ish of Hendon in the County of Midd'x yeoman findinge and consideringe the frailty of man but of p'fect mind and memory I thanke God doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testam't in manner and forme followinge.
Imprimis. I commende my soule into the hand of Almighty God who created me, redeemed me and who is my faithfull Preserver and Protector, And my body to the Earth to be buried in such decent and comely manner as shal be thought fitt by my Executrix whom hereafter I shall name.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Blanch my beloved wife all that my Tenement or Cottage and Orchard with the appurtenances and profitts that shall arise of it duringe her naturall life, the such Cottage lyeth at Dole Street and now in the occupation of John Street. Alsoe I give more and bequeath unto Blanch my wife for the terme of xii yeares the Rents issues & Profitts of the lands Tenements and hereditaments lyinge at or neare Dollis in the p'ish of Hendon aforesaid heretofore devised or granted unto me by lease by my nephew John Nicholl The said Blanch duringe the said terme payinge to my sonne John Nicoll his heires or Assignes owners of the inheritance of the premisses yearely and every yeare xv £ of lawfull English money at the feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin and St Michaell the Archangell by even and equall percent.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my eldest sonne Randall Nicholl xx £ And I give more and appoint and my Will is that the Table formes and 3 joynt[?] stooles in the hall shall stand & remaine to him and my heires.
Item. I give will and bequeath unto the said John Nicholl my second sonne his heires and Assignes all my estate right Title Interest yeares Clayme and demand whatsoever of and in the said Lands[?] devised to me by the said John Nicholl my nephew to have and to hold the same to the [said] John my sonne his heires and Assignes from the end of the said terme of twelve yeares or from such time as the said Blanch shall make default in paym't of the said somme of xv £ yearely to my said sonne John Nicholl his heires and assigns w'ch shall first and next happen.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Richard Darnelley xl £ and unto his wife my daughter Sarah Darnelley xx £ to be paid them by my Executrix within one month after my decease.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my eldest Alice Nicholl all those my freehold lande lyinge and beinge at or neare to the upper hale and now in the occupation of the widow Lyon the one feild commonly called or knowen by the name of the Nether Tenelande conteyninge by estimation five Acres, and Two other feilds the one commonly called Goldhill with the hedgrowe to it, and the other called Goldhill meade conteyninge by estimation together Eight acres with the appurtenances to her, her heires and Assignes for ever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Third daughter Elizabeth Nicholl fifty pounds to be paid her by my Executrix when shee shall come to the age of Twenty and one yeares unto her, her heires and Assignes.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my fourth daughter Mary Nicholl fifty pounds to be paid to her by my Executrix when shee shall come to the age of Eighteen yeares to her, her heires and Assignes.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my fifth daughter Judith Nicholl fifty pounds to be paid her by my Executrix when shee shall come to the age of Eighteen yeares unto her, her heires and Assignes.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my sixth daughter Martha Nicholl all those my two Closes of freehold land the one commonly called and known by the name of Bitters feild conteyninge by estimation three acres with the appurtenances and the other commonly called and known by the name of Meadeshott by estimation five acres and a halfe with the Appurtenances to her, her heires and Assignes upon condition notwithstandinge that if the heires executrixes administrators or Assignes of me the said John Nicholl doe well and truely pay or issue to be paid to the said Martha Nicholl or her Assignes the some of seavenscore and Tenne pounds of lawfull English money doe at her age of one and twenty yeares at or in the now dwellinge of me the said John Nicholl in Hendon aforesaid that then this gift and conveyance of lande to my daughter Martha and her heires and Assignes shall be void and of none effect.
Item. I give and bequeath more unto my daughter Martha Nicholl seavenscore and tenne pounds to be paid to her by my Executrix upon she shall come to the full age of eighteene to her, her heires and Assignes for ever.
Item. My will is and [I] doe bequeath and appoint that if any of my three youngest daughters that is Mary Judith and Martha Nicholl decease or die before they come to the age of eighteene yeares that is appointed them to receive their percen's in money to be paid them by my Executrix as at their time or times bequeathed and appointed them to receive their percen's in money to be paid by my Executrix to them to be equally divided between them.
Item. I give and bequeath unto the poore of Hendon fowre pounds to be given them by my Executrix.
All the rest of my goods and Chattell unbequeathed I give and leave unto Blanch my beloved wife whom I make and ordaine my sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament, And I doe intreat my two brothers M'r Robert Nicholl & John Nicholl of Cookes[?] to be Overseers of this my last will and Testament to whom I bequeath to them xx £ a piece.
In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and seale the day and yeare above written.
John Nicholl. /
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
John Nicholl
Tho. Nicoll. /
Probatum fuit Testamentum Suprascriptum apud London Coram dilecto subdito uiro Magistro Kingsted Artae Bacitio surrogato dilecti subditi uiri Nathanielis Brent militis Legum Doctoris Curiae Praerogativae Magistri sive Custodis constitui Tertio die Mensis Decembris Anno Domini Millesimo Sexcentesimo Quadragesimo Sexto [03 December 1646] Jurament Blanch Nicholl relictae et executoris dicti defuncti in Testamento nominat Cui commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum jurium et creditorum dicti defuncti De bene et fideliter Administrando eadem Ad sancta Dei Evangelia Jurat. / Ex'e

Mentioned in the 1654 will of Cicely (Sutton) (Crossley) Darnelly.
see Cicily Sutton.
see Cicily Sutton.

Known to have lived in Thames Street from son Richard's Cambridge record. There is a trade token held in the Museum of London: "Richard Dernelly issued this trade token, worth a farthing, for his business in Steelyard Hall". Steelyard was in Thames Street. -JAD
see Museum of London

Richard Dernelly trade token.
see Museum of London

Richard Darnelly left a will on 30 June 1667.
Will of Richard Darnelly 1667
Words in italics are guesses. Abbreviations have been expanded thus: p(res)ent
In the name of God Amen The
Thirtieth day of June Anno D(omi)ni 1667 And in the Nineteenthe yeare of
the reigne of ur Sovereigne Lord King Charles of England I Richard
Darnelly citizen and haberdasher of London being at p(res)ent weak in body
but of sound and perfect minde and Memory praised be God therefore
calling to minde the certainty of death and the uncertain houre thereof
And being desirious to settle and dispose of such temporall Substance
wherewith it hath pleased God in this world to make me Steward Doe make
publish and declare this my only and last Will and Testament in manner and
forme following this is to say First and principally above all other thinge I
commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator assuredly
believing in and through the only Merrits Death and passion of my Saviour
and Redeemer Jesus Christ to have remission of all my Sinnes and to see the
Lord in the Kingdome of Heaven And my Body I remitt to the Earth to be
decently buried in Christian Buriall at the discretion of my Executor hereafter
named Willing and desireing that Doctor Horton Minister of Great St Hellens
in Bishopsgate Streete Mr John Spreston and Mr Richard Martin Minister
of Gods word doe attend and give at my ffunerall and come every one of them Ringe
given unto them of tenn shillings a piece valew And I likewise desire
that Rings of that vallew bee given to other of my special friends and the
rest to have Rings given short of seaven shillings a piece vallew And my
will is that the said Richard Martin doe preach my ffunerall sermon and I
give unto him Three pounds for his paines therein to be taken in the next place
I will and appoint that my Debts and ffuneralls being first paid and satisfied
All and singular of my Goods Leases Chattells and all other my personall Effects
What soever shalbe devided into three equall parts or shares according to the
Laudable Custome of the City of London the equall third parts therefof I give
and leave to my deare and loveing wife Sarah for and in full satisfaction of
her customary part of my personall estate to her belonging according to the said
customs The other third part thereof I give and leave unto my three children
Danyell Richard and Mary equally to be divided amongst them share and
share alike to be paid unto them respectively according to the said custom
in such cases usuall the deceaseds part to goe and come unto the Survivor
or Survivors of them And the other third part thereof which by the said custom
is left at my owne disposal I give and dispose the same as followeth First I
give and bequeath unto my loveing Sister Elizabeth Davis wife of Edward
Davis the sume of Tenn pounds and I also give unto her ffive pounds for Mourning
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Edward Davis her husband Twenty
shillings to buy him a Ring in remembrance of mee Item I give and bequeath unto
every one of my said Sisters owne children Twenty chillings a piece Item I
give and bequeath unto my loveing Brother Edward Darnelly citizen and
Apothecary of London ffive pounds And I likewise give unto my said Brother
Edward Darnelly five pounds for Mourning item I give and bequeath unto
every one of the children of my said Brother Edward Twenty shillings a piece
Item I give and bequeath unto my cosen James Wharton his Sonne in Lawe
Twenty shillings Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne in lawe Thomas
Fermin ffive pounds And I also give unto him the said Thomas Fermin ffive pounds
for Mourning Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandchild Thomas Fermin
sonne of the said Thomas Fermin ffive pounds for Mourneing Item I give and
bequeath unto my loveing friend Richard Carter of Cobham in Surey and to Mrs
Carter his wife Twenty shillings a piece Item I give and bequeath to the poore
of the Parish of Cobham aforesaid Twenty shillings item I give and bequeath
to the poore of the Parish of Tottenham in the County of Midd(lesex) the like some of
Twenty shillings Item the rest and residue of my said owne third part and
the Remainder of my whole Estate my Debts and ffunerall being paid and
satisfied I give devise and bequeath unto my said loveing wife Sara and my
said two children Richard Darnelly and Mary Darnelly equally amongst them
share and share like To be paid unto them as aforesaid And as touching and
concerning All that Messuage or tenem(en)t with the orchard garden Lands and
Appurtenances thereunto belonging situate in Tottenham aforesaid in the County
of Midd(lesex) which I bought and purchased to mee and my heires of Mrs June Shambrook
and Samuell Shambrooke her sonne I give and devise and bequeath the said Messuage or
Tenement Orchard Garden Lands and other the appurtenance to the same belonging
unto my said wife Sarah for and during the terme of her naturall life And from and
immediately after her Decease I give Devise and bequeath the said Messuage or Tenem(en)t
and p(rem)isses unto my said sonne Richard Darnelly and to the heires of his body lawfully
to be begotten And for lack of such issue I give Devise and bequeath the said Messuage
or Tenement and p(re)misses unto my said daughter Mary Darnelly and to her issue
and assignes for ever charged inventtietisse and linked so and with the payment of
the sume of ffifty pounds of lawful English money unto my Grandchild Thomas
Fermin at his Age of one and Twenty years And I doe make constitute and
appoint my loveing Brother in Law John Nicholls (owne Brother of my said
wife) full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament desiring him to
see the same performed with such Evidences of Law care and confidents as he would
others should doe for him in the like kind And I give unto him for his love and care
wisdom the sume of Tenn pounds And I also give unto him the summe of Tenn pounds
for Mourning And I name and entrust my loveing friends John Scott Soape Boyler
and Mr Reynold Merchant Overseers of this my last Will and Testament
And I give unto them my Overseers Twenty shillings a piece And my Will and
desire is that the said Mr Reynold may bee used and employed in the Recovery
and getting in my Profits and Estate hee being a fitt person for that purpose And
that hee may have and allowed in his care and paines therein Tenn pounds
a quarter for the tyme hee shalbe employed And lastly whereas I have
by my will given and left unto my two children Richard and Mary a larger
and greater portion of my Estate then I have given to my said sonne Danyell
I have thought it convenient to publish and declare my reasons thereof because
my said Sonne Danyell hath been and demeaned himself a very undutiful and Disobedient
Sonne unto mee and his Mother and doth still continue his exorbitant and bad
courses and wicked company and not only by himself but also hath drivene on
others to purloyne wast and carry away my goods money and estate to a very
great value with griefe of heart I speake it And I beseech the Lord to forgive
him and my heartie priere unto Almighty god is that hee would be pleased
to grant him his grace which is necessaried not only for his Reformation in this
world but for his Salvation in the world to come And I doe Revoake disanull
and make void all former Wills by mee at any time heretofore
made And doe make publish and declare this to bee myne onely last will and
testament In witness whereof I the said Richard Darnelly my hand to this
my last Will and Testament put my hand and Seale Delivered and published
by the said Richard Darnelly for and as his last Will and Testament in the
p(re)sense of us Ephraim Carpenter John Hole Thos Soane Geo Tennison
Not(ar)y publique
Probatum fuit … … John Nicholls … …
Transcribed by Janet Davies
November 2012
Named in the will of Richard Darnelly 1669
Sarah/Sara Darnelly his wife
Danyell Darnelly his son
Richard Darnelly his son
Mary Darnelly his daughter
Thomas Fermin his son-in-law (assumed to be husband of daughter Sarah)
Thomas Fermin his grandson
Elizabeth Davis his sister
Edward Davis his brother-in-law
Edward Darnelly his brother
James Wharton his ‘cosen’ and his brother’s son-in-law (see James Warton)
John Nicholls his brother-in-law (his wife’s brother)
Words in italics are guesses. Abbreviations have been expanded thus: p(res)ent
In the name of God Amen The
Thirtieth day of June Anno D(omi)ni 1667 And in the Nineteenthe yeare of
the reigne of ur Sovereigne Lord King Charles of England I Richard
Darnelly citizen and haberdasher of London being at p(res)ent weak in body
but of sound and perfect minde and Memory praised be God therefore
calling to minde the certainty of death and the uncertain houre thereof
And being desirious to settle and dispose of such temporall Substance
wherewith it hath pleased God in this world to make me Steward Doe make
publish and declare this my only and last Will and Testament in manner and
forme following this is to say First and principally above all other thinge I
commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator assuredly
believing in and through the only Merrits Death and passion of my Saviour
and Redeemer Jesus Christ to have remission of all my Sinnes and to see the
Lord in the Kingdome of Heaven And my Body I remitt to the Earth to be
decently buried in Christian Buriall at the discretion of my Executor hereafter
named Willing and desireing that Doctor Horton Minister of Great St Hellens
in Bishopsgate Streete Mr John Spreston and Mr Richard Martin Minister
of Gods word doe attend and give at my ffunerall and come every one of them Ringe
given unto them of tenn shillings a piece valew And I likewise desire
that Rings of that vallew bee given to other of my special friends and the
rest to have Rings given short of seaven shillings a piece vallew And my
will is that the said Richard Martin doe preach my ffunerall sermon and I
give unto him Three pounds for his paines therein to be taken in the next place
I will and appoint that my Debts and ffuneralls being first paid and satisfied
All and singular of my Goods Leases Chattells and all other my personall Effects
What soever shalbe devided into three equall parts or shares according to the
Laudable Custome of the City of London the equall third parts therefof I give
and leave to my deare and loveing wife Sarah for and in full satisfaction of
her customary part of my personall estate to her belonging according to the said
customs The other third part thereof I give and leave unto my three children
Danyell Richard and Mary equally to be divided amongst them share and
share alike to be paid unto them respectively according to the said custom
in such cases usuall the deceaseds part to goe and come unto the Survivor
or Survivors of them And the other third part thereof which by the said custom
is left at my owne disposal I give and dispose the same as followeth First I
give and bequeath unto my loveing Sister Elizabeth Davis wife of Edward
Davis the sume of Tenn pounds and I also give unto her ffive pounds for Mourning
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Edward Davis her husband Twenty
shillings to buy him a Ring in remembrance of mee Item I give and bequeath unto
every one of my said Sisters owne children Twenty chillings a piece Item I
give and bequeath unto my loveing Brother Edward Darnelly citizen and
Apothecary of London ffive pounds And I likewise give unto my said Brother
Edward Darnelly five pounds for Mourning item I give and bequeath unto
every one of the children of my said Brother Edward Twenty shillings a piece
Item I give and bequeath unto my cosen James Wharton his Sonne in Lawe
Twenty shillings Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne in lawe Thomas
Fermin ffive pounds And I also give unto him the said Thomas Fermin ffive pounds
for Mourning Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandchild Thomas Fermin
sonne of the said Thomas Fermin ffive pounds for Mourneing Item I give and
bequeath unto my loveing friend Richard Carter of Cobham in Surey and to Mrs
Carter his wife Twenty shillings a piece Item I give and bequeath to the poore
of the Parish of Cobham aforesaid Twenty shillings item I give and bequeath
to the poore of the Parish of Tottenham in the County of Midd(lesex) the like some of
Twenty shillings Item the rest and residue of my said owne third part and
the Remainder of my whole Estate my Debts and ffunerall being paid and
satisfied I give devise and bequeath unto my said loveing wife Sara and my
said two children Richard Darnelly and Mary Darnelly equally amongst them
share and share like To be paid unto them as aforesaid And as touching and
concerning All that Messuage or tenem(en)t with the orchard garden Lands and
Appurtenances thereunto belonging situate in Tottenham aforesaid in the County
of Midd(lesex) which I bought and purchased to mee and my heires of Mrs June Shambrook
and Samuell Shambrooke her sonne I give and devise and bequeath the said Messuage or
Tenement Orchard Garden Lands and other the appurtenance to the same belonging
unto my said wife Sarah for and during the terme of her naturall life And from and
immediately after her Decease I give Devise and bequeath the said Messuage or Tenem(en)t
and p(rem)isses unto my said sonne Richard Darnelly and to the heires of his body lawfully
to be begotten And for lack of such issue I give Devise and bequeath the said Messuage
or Tenement and p(re)misses unto my said daughter Mary Darnelly and to her issue
and assignes for ever charged inventtietisse and linked so and with the payment of
the sume of ffifty pounds of lawful English money unto my Grandchild Thomas
Fermin at his Age of one and Twenty years And I doe make constitute and
appoint my loveing Brother in Law John Nicholls (owne Brother of my said
wife) full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament desiring him to
see the same performed with such Evidences of Law care and confidents as he would
others should doe for him in the like kind And I give unto him for his love and care
wisdom the sume of Tenn pounds And I also give unto him the summe of Tenn pounds
for Mourning And I name and entrust my loveing friends John Scott Soape Boyler
and Mr Reynold Merchant Overseers of this my last Will and Testament
And I give unto them my Overseers Twenty shillings a piece And my Will and
desire is that the said Mr Reynold may bee used and employed in the Recovery
and getting in my Profits and Estate hee being a fitt person for that purpose And
that hee may have and allowed in his care and paines therein Tenn pounds
a quarter for the tyme hee shalbe employed And lastly whereas I have
by my will given and left unto my two children Richard and Mary a larger
and greater portion of my Estate then I have given to my said sonne Danyell
I have thought it convenient to publish and declare my reasons thereof because
my said Sonne Danyell hath been and demeaned himself a very undutiful and Disobedient
Sonne unto mee and his Mother and doth still continue his exorbitant and bad
courses and wicked company and not only by himself but also hath drivene on
others to purloyne wast and carry away my goods money and estate to a very
great value with griefe of heart I speake it And I beseech the Lord to forgive
him and my heartie priere unto Almighty god is that hee would be pleased
to grant him his grace which is necessaried not only for his Reformation in this
world but for his Salvation in the world to come And I doe Revoake disanull
and make void all former Wills by mee at any time heretofore
made And doe make publish and declare this to bee myne onely last will and
testament In witness whereof I the said Richard Darnelly my hand to this
my last Will and Testament put my hand and Seale Delivered and published
by the said Richard Darnelly for and as his last Will and Testament in the
p(re)sense of us Ephraim Carpenter John Hole Thos Soane Geo Tennison
Not(ar)y publique
Probatum fuit … … John Nicholls … …
Transcribed by Janet Davies
November 2012
Named in the will of Richard Darnelly 1669
Sarah/Sara Darnelly his wife
Danyell Darnelly his son
Richard Darnelly his son
Mary Darnelly his daughter
Thomas Fermin his son-in-law (assumed to be husband of daughter Sarah)
Thomas Fermin his grandson
Elizabeth Davis his sister
Edward Davis his brother-in-law
Edward Darnelly his brother
James Wharton his ‘cosen’ and his brother’s son-in-law (see James Warton)
John Nicholls his brother-in-law (his wife’s brother)

Richard Darnelly died in July 1667 at Thames street, London, Middlesex, England, at age 52 years and 3 months

Richard Darnelly was buried on 5 July 1667 at St. Helen's Church, Bishopgate, London, Middlesex, England,
Children of Richard Darnelly and Sarah Nicols
- Sara Darnley+ b. abt 1642, d. 1662
- Richard Dornelly b. Dec 1645, d. Dec 1645
- Mary Darnelly+ b. abt 1646
- Richard Dornelly b. Jun 1647, d. abt 19 Jun 1647
- Daniel Darnelly+ b. 1649, d. Jul 1709
- Richard Darnelly+ b. 1653, d. 11 Jan 1733
Sarah Nicols
ID# 15278, b. about 1615, d. September 1679
- Charts
- John Dernelly (c.1451-)

Sarah Nicols was born about 1615
Sarah Nicols was the daughter of John Nichols and Blanche (?)

Sarah Nicols married Richard Darnelly, son of Daniel Darneley and Cicily Sutton, on 23 September 1640 at St. Helen's Church, Bishopgate, London, England,
Boyd's 'Citizens of London' questions this date.
Parish Register - Marriage, City of London: St Helen Bishopgate, 1640.
"Richard Darnelly haberdasher and Sara Nicholls maiden were married by licence the xxiii'th day of September 1640."
Profession: citizen haberdasher oilman
Boyd's Inhabitants Of London/Boyd's Family Units
DARNELLY, Richard.

in 1677 Sarah Nicols lived at Tottenham, Middlesex, England,

Sarah Nicols left a will on 6 July 1677.
Will of Sarah Darnelly
In the name of God Amen This Sixth day
of July Anno Domini One thousand Six hundred Seventy Seaven And in the nine and
twentieth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of
God King of England Scotland Ffrance and Ireland Defender of the faith etc I Sarah
Darnelly of Tottenham in the County of Middlesex widow being at present in health of body
and of sound and perfect mind and memory (praised bee God) both mindfull of my mortality
and desirous to make my last Will and Testament and to settle and dispose of such
Temporall Substance and Estate as God of his goodnesse hath lent mee in this World
(Revoakeing and makeing void all former and other Wills and Codicills whatsoever by
mee att any time heretofore made) doe make declare and publish this my only last Will
and Testament in manner and forme following ffirst and Principally above all other things
I Commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator assuredly beleiving
by and through the only merritts of my Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to have
remission of all my sinns and to enjoy Eternall life And my Body I Committ to the earth
from where it came decently to bee buried in the Parish Church of Great St Hellens
within Bishopsgate London as neare unto the Body of my late deare and loveing husband
Richard Darnelly as conveniently may bee And my Will and desire is that Doctor Richard
Martin Minister of Gods word doe preach my funeral sermon and that hee shall have
forty shillings for his paines therein to bee taken and that those who doe attend att my ffunerall
shall have rings given unto every one of them of seaven shillings value (excepting such unto
whom I have in this my Will given Rings of a greater value And as Touching the disposition
of all my Worldly substance and estate I give and devise and dispose of the same as followeth
ffirst I give and bequeath to the Poore of the Parish of London in the County of Middx
twenty shillings Item I give and bequeath to the poore of the Parish of Tottenham where I
now dwell five pounds to bee distributed amongst them att the direction of my Executors hereafter
named Item I give and bequeath the summe of fifteene pounds of lawfull money of England
to bee distributed to and amongst such poore Unconformist Ministers and to their Widdowes whome my
my Executors hereafter named shall deeme fitting to partake thereof Item I give and
bequeath to and amongst the poore of and belonging to Mr Abrahms Church att Chester
in the County of Hertford the summe of forty shillings to bee distributed amongst the same
poore as Mr Abraham in his discretion shall seeme fitting Item I give and bequeath unto my
loveing Brother John Nicholls the summe of forty pounds and tenn pounds to buy him mourning
and also a Ring of twenty shillings value And I give to his wife the summe of tenn pounds
to buy her mourning And I give unto Mary Nicholls John Nicholls and Sarah Nicholls
children of my said brother John Nicholls to each one of them forty shillings a peece to buy
each of them a peece of plate in Remembrance of mee Item I give and bequeath to my
loveing sister Elizabeth Davis a ring of twenty shillings value for a Remembrance Item
I give and bequeath to my loveing sonne in law Thomas Fermin and to his wife five pounds
a peece to buy them mourning And I give to Giles sonne of the said Thomas Fermin a Ring
of tenn shillings value Item I give and bequeath to my loveing brother Randolph Nicholls a ring
of twenty shillings value and to every one of his six children twenty shillings apiece Item I
give and bequeath unto my Grandchild Edward Bringhurst sonne of Edward Bringhurst
deceased the summe of two hundred pounds to bee paid unto him att his age of one and twenty
yeares And I give and bequeath unto Sarah Bringhurst one other of the Children of the
said Edward Bringhurst deceased the like summe of two hundred pounds to bee paid unto
her att her age of one and twenty yeares or day of her marriage which first shall happen
Item I give and bequeath unto my loveing sister Elizabeth Booth twenty shillings for a
Ring and I give to her five daughters viz Elizabeth Mary Sarah Hannah and
Judith to each one of them twenty shillings apiece Item I give and bequesth to my loveing
Brother John Baker a Ring of tenn shillings value and to my sister Mary his Wife
a Ring of twenty shillings value Item I give and bequeath unto my loveing Sister
Martha Nicholls a Ring of twenty shillings value Item I give and bequeath unto my
Loveing Brother Ffrances Warham (?) a Ring of twenty shillings value Item I give and
Bequeath unto Deborah Rutton wife of Isaac Rutton a ring of tenn shillings value
Item I give to Elizabeth Vaughan daughter of Edward Vaughan twenty shillings
for a Ring Item I give and bequeath unto my loveing friend Mr Bragg
tenn shillings and I give to Mr Yates tenn shillings for a Remembrance Item I
give to Mr Jackson Minister of Tottenham aforesaid a Ring of twenty shillings
value and to his Wife a ring of tenn shillings value Item I give to Mr Edmund
Calamy a Ring of tenn shillings value I give unto Robert Reynolds a ring of tenne
shillings value And I give to Sarah King of Tottenham aforesaid tenn shillings And I doe
by this my last Will and Testament pardon forgive and release unto my sonne Daniel
Darnelly the summe or debt of One thousand pounds which hee oweth unto mee upon a Judgmt
Recovered against him att my Write in his Majesties Court of Kings Bench att
Westminster and all and every other Judgement and Judgements entered into by my said
sonne unto mee for any other summe or summes of money in any other Court or Courts
whatsoever and all other debts dues and demands whatsoever which hee oweth unto mee And
I will order and appoint that satisfaction upon Record bee acknowledged for the said
Judgement and Judgements according to law Item I give and bequeath unto my said
sonne Daniel Darnelly (over and besides the said debt and money to him Released
and forgiven and as aforesaid) the summe of One hundred pounds of lawfull money of
England To bee paid unto him within six months after my death (if my said sonne Daniel
Shall bee then living) And that if my said sonne Daniel shall happen to die before such time
Then I will and appointe that the said summe or legacy of One hundred and twenty
pounds shall fall and come and arrive unto my Grandchild Sarah Darnelly daughter of
my said sonne Daniel Darnelly to bee paid unto her att her age of one and twenty
yeares or day of her marriage which first shall happen And I give and bequeath unto
my said sonne Daniel and to Elizabeth his wife five pounds apiece for mourning
Item I further give and devise unto my said sonne Daniel Darnelly for and dureing the terme
Terme of his naturall life one Annuity or yearly summe of twenty pounds of lawfull money
of England to bee issueing and goeing our of my houses and Tenements in White Chapell
in the County of Middlesex And to bee paid to my said sonne Daniel quarterly by even
and equall portions for his better livelihood and maintenance the first quarterly payment
to beginne and to bee made att such quarterly ffeast day as shall happen next after my
death Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandchild Sarah Darnelly daughter of my
said sonne Daniel Darnelly the summe of one hundred pounds of lawfully money of
England to bee paid unto her att her age of one and twenty yeares or day of her
marriage which first shall happen And in Case shee shall happen to die before
such her age or marriage Then I will and appointe the said summe or legacy of one
hundred pounds shall fall and come to and amongst my owne Children and the rest of
my Grandchildren and the Survivors and Survivor of them equally. Item all the rest
residue and whole Remainder of all my goods househould stuffe plate moneys debts and
all other my personall Estate whatsoever the debts to mee oweing funeral expenses and
legacyes being paid and discharged I give devise and bequeath in this manner that is to say
one equall third parte thereof (the whole in three parts to bee divided) I give and bequeath
unto my daughter Mary Bringhurst of London widow and to such Child and Children
of my said daughter as shee shall have att the time of my death equally between them
and the Survivors and Survivor of them one other equall third parte thereof I give and
leave unto my sonne Richard Darnelly his Executors Administrators and Assignes
to his and their owne use and benefit And the other Remaining third parte of the
said Remainder of my whole Estate I give and leave unto my Grandchild Thomas
Firmin sonne of the said Thomas Firmin to his owne proper use and benefit to
bee paid and delivered unto my said Grandchild att his age of one and twenty yeares
And if my said Grandchild shall happen to die in his minority Then I will and appointe
the parte and portion of my said Grandchild shall come and arrive unto and amongst all
my owne Children equally betweene them share and share like And I doe make ordaine
and constitute my said sonne Richard Darnelly and my said brother John Nicholls full
and joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament intreating them to see the
same performed according to my true meaning herein before declared And overseer of
this my Will I name and intreat my loveing brother Peter Gelsthropp intreating
him to bee aiding and assisting unto my said Executors in the Execution and performance
of this my Will And I give unto my said Overseer the summe of five pounds for
mourning and alsoe a Ring of twenty shillings value And my Will and desire is that
my said Executors doe putt forth and employ the Portions of my said Grandchildren for
their most and best advantage And that in the disposing and putting our of the same portions
the whole losse charge and advantage thereof shall bee borne and undergone by my said
Grandchildren respectively according to their respective Interests and not by my Executors
in any wise And my Will and desire is that my said Executors shall out of the profits
of my said Grandchild Thomas Firmins Portion yearly pay and allowe for his education
and maintenance dureing his minority (if need shall require) the summe of twenty pounds
per Annum In Witness whereof I the said Sarah Darnelly have to this my last
Will and Testament conteined in theise five sheets of paper and this peece of a sheet
to every sheete thereof subscribed my name and put my seale Dated the day and
yeare first above Written Item I give to my cosen Mary Nichols now living with mee
the summe of five pounds and I give to my servant Mary Ffarrell fifty shillings for
mourning Sarah Darnelly Signed Sealed Published and Delivered by the
said Sarah Darnelly the day of the Date hereof in the presence of us Godfrey
Shuttlewood Sarah Townrow Thomas Hawkins Geo Townrowe Notary
Memorandum That theise severall words and severall interlineings vize five pounds
and fifteen pounds and theise words viz forty shillings apiece to buy each of them a peece
of plate in Remembrance of mee and these words two and two in the second sheete and theise
theise words vize Twenty and these words vize one hundred and one hundred in the fourth
sheete of this my Will and severall other interlineings were soe done and interlined by the
Order and appointment of the said Sarah Darnelly and before the ensealling delivering and
publishing thereof Sarah Darnelly Witnesse Geo Townrow Not. pred.
In the name of God Amen This Sixth day
of July Anno Domini One thousand Six hundred Seventy Seaven And in the nine and
twentieth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of
God King of England Scotland Ffrance and Ireland Defender of the faith etc I Sarah
Darnelly of Tottenham in the County of Middlesex widow being at present in health of body
and of sound and perfect mind and memory (praised bee God) both mindfull of my mortality
and desirous to make my last Will and Testament and to settle and dispose of such
Temporall Substance and Estate as God of his goodnesse hath lent mee in this World
(Revoakeing and makeing void all former and other Wills and Codicills whatsoever by
mee att any time heretofore made) doe make declare and publish this my only last Will
and Testament in manner and forme following ffirst and Principally above all other things
I Commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator assuredly beleiving
by and through the only merritts of my Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to have
remission of all my sinns and to enjoy Eternall life And my Body I Committ to the earth
from where it came decently to bee buried in the Parish Church of Great St Hellens
within Bishopsgate London as neare unto the Body of my late deare and loveing husband
Richard Darnelly as conveniently may bee And my Will and desire is that Doctor Richard
Martin Minister of Gods word doe preach my funeral sermon and that hee shall have
forty shillings for his paines therein to bee taken and that those who doe attend att my ffunerall
shall have rings given unto every one of them of seaven shillings value (excepting such unto
whom I have in this my Will given Rings of a greater value And as Touching the disposition
of all my Worldly substance and estate I give and devise and dispose of the same as followeth
ffirst I give and bequeath to the Poore of the Parish of London in the County of Middx
twenty shillings Item I give and bequeath to the poore of the Parish of Tottenham where I
now dwell five pounds to bee distributed amongst them att the direction of my Executors hereafter
named Item I give and bequeath the summe of fifteene pounds of lawfull money of England
to bee distributed to and amongst such poore Unconformist Ministers and to their Widdowes whome my
my Executors hereafter named shall deeme fitting to partake thereof Item I give and
bequeath to and amongst the poore of and belonging to Mr Abrahms Church att Chester
in the County of Hertford the summe of forty shillings to bee distributed amongst the same
poore as Mr Abraham in his discretion shall seeme fitting Item I give and bequeath unto my
loveing Brother John Nicholls the summe of forty pounds and tenn pounds to buy him mourning
and also a Ring of twenty shillings value And I give to his wife the summe of tenn pounds
to buy her mourning And I give unto Mary Nicholls John Nicholls and Sarah Nicholls
children of my said brother John Nicholls to each one of them forty shillings a peece to buy
each of them a peece of plate in Remembrance of mee Item I give and bequeath to my
loveing sister Elizabeth Davis a ring of twenty shillings value for a Remembrance Item
I give and bequeath to my loveing sonne in law Thomas Fermin and to his wife five pounds
a peece to buy them mourning And I give to Giles sonne of the said Thomas Fermin a Ring
of tenn shillings value Item I give and bequeath to my loveing brother Randolph Nicholls a ring
of twenty shillings value and to every one of his six children twenty shillings apiece Item I
give and bequeath unto my Grandchild Edward Bringhurst sonne of Edward Bringhurst
deceased the summe of two hundred pounds to bee paid unto him att his age of one and twenty
yeares And I give and bequeath unto Sarah Bringhurst one other of the Children of the
said Edward Bringhurst deceased the like summe of two hundred pounds to bee paid unto
her att her age of one and twenty yeares or day of her marriage which first shall happen
Item I give and bequeath unto my loveing sister Elizabeth Booth twenty shillings for a
Ring and I give to her five daughters viz Elizabeth Mary Sarah Hannah and
Judith to each one of them twenty shillings apiece Item I give and bequesth to my loveing
Brother John Baker a Ring of tenn shillings value and to my sister Mary his Wife
a Ring of twenty shillings value Item I give and bequeath unto my loveing Sister
Martha Nicholls a Ring of twenty shillings value Item I give and bequeath unto my
Loveing Brother Ffrances Warham (?) a Ring of twenty shillings value Item I give and
Bequeath unto Deborah Rutton wife of Isaac Rutton a ring of tenn shillings value
Item I give to Elizabeth Vaughan daughter of Edward Vaughan twenty shillings
for a Ring Item I give and bequeath unto my loveing friend Mr Bragg
tenn shillings and I give to Mr Yates tenn shillings for a Remembrance Item I
give to Mr Jackson Minister of Tottenham aforesaid a Ring of twenty shillings
value and to his Wife a ring of tenn shillings value Item I give to Mr Edmund
Calamy a Ring of tenn shillings value I give unto Robert Reynolds a ring of tenne
shillings value And I give to Sarah King of Tottenham aforesaid tenn shillings And I doe
by this my last Will and Testament pardon forgive and release unto my sonne Daniel
Darnelly the summe or debt of One thousand pounds which hee oweth unto mee upon a Judgmt
Recovered against him att my Write in his Majesties Court of Kings Bench att
Westminster and all and every other Judgement and Judgements entered into by my said
sonne unto mee for any other summe or summes of money in any other Court or Courts
whatsoever and all other debts dues and demands whatsoever which hee oweth unto mee And
I will order and appoint that satisfaction upon Record bee acknowledged for the said
Judgement and Judgements according to law Item I give and bequeath unto my said
sonne Daniel Darnelly (over and besides the said debt and money to him Released
and forgiven and as aforesaid) the summe of One hundred pounds of lawfull money of
England To bee paid unto him within six months after my death (if my said sonne Daniel
Shall bee then living) And that if my said sonne Daniel shall happen to die before such time
Then I will and appointe that the said summe or legacy of One hundred and twenty
pounds shall fall and come and arrive unto my Grandchild Sarah Darnelly daughter of
my said sonne Daniel Darnelly to bee paid unto her att her age of one and twenty
yeares or day of her marriage which first shall happen And I give and bequeath unto
my said sonne Daniel and to Elizabeth his wife five pounds apiece for mourning
Item I further give and devise unto my said sonne Daniel Darnelly for and dureing the terme
Terme of his naturall life one Annuity or yearly summe of twenty pounds of lawfull money
of England to bee issueing and goeing our of my houses and Tenements in White Chapell
in the County of Middlesex And to bee paid to my said sonne Daniel quarterly by even
and equall portions for his better livelihood and maintenance the first quarterly payment
to beginne and to bee made att such quarterly ffeast day as shall happen next after my
death Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandchild Sarah Darnelly daughter of my
said sonne Daniel Darnelly the summe of one hundred pounds of lawfully money of
England to bee paid unto her att her age of one and twenty yeares or day of her
marriage which first shall happen And in Case shee shall happen to die before
such her age or marriage Then I will and appointe the said summe or legacy of one
hundred pounds shall fall and come to and amongst my owne Children and the rest of
my Grandchildren and the Survivors and Survivor of them equally. Item all the rest
residue and whole Remainder of all my goods househould stuffe plate moneys debts and
all other my personall Estate whatsoever the debts to mee oweing funeral expenses and
legacyes being paid and discharged I give devise and bequeath in this manner that is to say
one equall third parte thereof (the whole in three parts to bee divided) I give and bequeath
unto my daughter Mary Bringhurst of London widow and to such Child and Children
of my said daughter as shee shall have att the time of my death equally between them
and the Survivors and Survivor of them one other equall third parte thereof I give and
leave unto my sonne Richard Darnelly his Executors Administrators and Assignes
to his and their owne use and benefit And the other Remaining third parte of the
said Remainder of my whole Estate I give and leave unto my Grandchild Thomas
Firmin sonne of the said Thomas Firmin to his owne proper use and benefit to
bee paid and delivered unto my said Grandchild att his age of one and twenty yeares
And if my said Grandchild shall happen to die in his minority Then I will and appointe
the parte and portion of my said Grandchild shall come and arrive unto and amongst all
my owne Children equally betweene them share and share like And I doe make ordaine
and constitute my said sonne Richard Darnelly and my said brother John Nicholls full
and joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament intreating them to see the
same performed according to my true meaning herein before declared And overseer of
this my Will I name and intreat my loveing brother Peter Gelsthropp intreating
him to bee aiding and assisting unto my said Executors in the Execution and performance
of this my Will And I give unto my said Overseer the summe of five pounds for
mourning and alsoe a Ring of twenty shillings value And my Will and desire is that
my said Executors doe putt forth and employ the Portions of my said Grandchildren for
their most and best advantage And that in the disposing and putting our of the same portions
the whole losse charge and advantage thereof shall bee borne and undergone by my said
Grandchildren respectively according to their respective Interests and not by my Executors
in any wise And my Will and desire is that my said Executors shall out of the profits
of my said Grandchild Thomas Firmins Portion yearly pay and allowe for his education
and maintenance dureing his minority (if need shall require) the summe of twenty pounds
per Annum In Witness whereof I the said Sarah Darnelly have to this my last
Will and Testament conteined in theise five sheets of paper and this peece of a sheet
to every sheete thereof subscribed my name and put my seale Dated the day and
yeare first above Written Item I give to my cosen Mary Nichols now living with mee
the summe of five pounds and I give to my servant Mary Ffarrell fifty shillings for
mourning Sarah Darnelly Signed Sealed Published and Delivered by the
said Sarah Darnelly the day of the Date hereof in the presence of us Godfrey
Shuttlewood Sarah Townrow Thomas Hawkins Geo Townrowe Notary
Memorandum That theise severall words and severall interlineings vize five pounds
and fifteen pounds and theise words viz forty shillings apiece to buy each of them a peece
of plate in Remembrance of mee and these words two and two in the second sheete and theise
theise words vize Twenty and these words vize one hundred and one hundred in the fourth
sheete of this my Will and severall other interlineings were soe done and interlined by the
Order and appointment of the said Sarah Darnelly and before the ensealling delivering and
publishing thereof Sarah Darnelly Witnesse Geo Townrow Not. pred.
Relatives of Sarah named in the will
Note that references to siblings are sometimes to siblings-in-law; correct relationships are given where known.
Late husband: Richard Darnelly
Brothers: John Nicholls, with children Mary, John and Sarah
Randolph Nicholls
Sisters: Elizabeth Booth, with children Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Hannah and Judith
Martha Nicholls
Mary Baker, wife of John Baker
Brother-in-law: Peter Gelsthropp (Gelsthorpe) (wife may have been Judith Nicholls)
Frances Warham (wife unknown)
Sister-in-law: Elizabeth Davis, nee Darnelly
Children: Daniel, with wife Elizabeth and daughter Sarah
Mary, widow of Edward Bringhurst, with children Edward and Sarah
Sarah, late wife of Thomas Firmin, with child Thomas Firmin
(Thomas Firmin remarried and had child Giles)
Sarah also left a number of small bequests to various churches, friends and preachers. The names include Edmund Calamy a well-known non-conformist.
More on Sarah?s son-in-law Thomas Firmin (1632-1697): "In 1660 Mr Firmin married a citizen?s daughter with five hundred pounds as a portion...." from The Life of Thomas Firmin Citizen of London by Joseph Cornish published 1780 and available online at
July 2015.

Sarah Nicols died in September 1679 at London, Middlesex, England,

Sarah Nicols was buried on 21 September 1679 at St. Helen's Church, Bishopgate, London, Middlesex, England,
Children of Sarah Nicols and Richard Darnelly
- Sara Darnley+ b. abt 1642, d. 1662
- Richard Dornelly b. Dec 1645, d. Dec 1645
- Mary Darnelly+ b. abt 1646
- Richard Dornelly b. Jun 1647, d. abt 19 Jun 1647
- Daniel Darnelly+ b. 1649, d. Jul 1709
- Richard Darnelly+ b. 1653, d. 11 Jan 1733
John Nichols
ID# 15279, b. about 1591, d. before 3 December 1646

John Nichols was born about 1591

John Nichols married Blanche (?) about 1612

in 1641 John Nichols lived at Hendon, Middlesex, England,

John Nichols left a will on 20 September 1641.
Last Will and Testament of John NICOLL, dated Sep 20, 1641. Proved Dec 03, 1646. PRO Catalogue Ref: Prob 11/198, Image Ref: 399.
In the name of God Amen The Twentieth day of September 1641 in the ___ yeare of the Raigne of y'e soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Irelande Kinge Defender of the faith &c I John Nicholl of Dole Street in the p'ish of Hendon in the County of Midd'x yeoman findinge and consideringe the frailty of man but of p'fect mind and memory I thanke God doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testam't in manner and forme followinge.
Imprimis. I commende my soule into the hand of Almighty God who created me, redeemed me and who is my faithfull Preserver and Protector, And my body to the Earth to be buried in such decent and comely manner as shal be thought fitt by my Executrix whom hereafter I shall name.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Blanch my beloved wife all that my Tenement or Cottage and Orchard with the appurtenances and profitts that shall arise of it duringe her naturall life, the such Cottage lyeth at Dole Street and now in the occupation of John Street. Alsoe I give more and bequeath unto Blanch my wife for the terme of xii yeares the Rents issues & Profitts of the lands Tenements and hereditaments lyinge at or neare Dollis in the p'ish of Hendon aforesaid heretofore devised or granted unto me by lease by my nephew John Nicholl The said Blanch duringe the said terme payinge to my sonne John Nicoll his heires or Assignes owners of the inheritance of the premisses yearely and every yeare xv £ of lawfull English money at the feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin and St Michaell the Archangell by even and equall percent.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my eldest sonne Randall Nicholl xx £ And I give more and appoint and my Will is that the Table formes and 3 joynt/[?/] stooles in the hall shall stand & remaine to him and my heires.
Item. I give will and bequeath unto the said John Nicholl my second sonne his heires and Assignes all my estate right Title Interest yeares Clayme and demand whatsoever of and in the said Lands/[?/] devised to me by the said John Nicholl my nephew to have and to hold the same to the /[said/] John my sonne his heires and Assignes from the end of the said terme of twelve yeares or from such time as the said Blanch shall make default in paym't of the said somme of xv £ yearely to my said sonne John Nicholl his heires and assigns w'ch shall first and next happen.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Richard Darnelley xl £ and unto his wife my daughter Sarah Darnelley xx £ to be paid them by my Executrix within one month after my decease.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my eldest Alice Nicholl all those my freehold lande lyinge and beinge at or neare to the upper hale and now in the occupation of the widow Lyon the one feild commonly called or knowen by the name of the Nether Tenelande conteyninge by estimation five Acres, and Two other feilds the one commonly called Goldhill with the hedgrowe to it, and the other called Goldhill meade conteyninge by estimation together Eight acres with the appurtenances to her, her heires and Assignes for ever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Third daughter Elizabeth Nicholl fifty pounds to be paid her by my Executrix when shee shall come to the age of Twenty and one yeares unto her, her heires and Assignes.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my fourth daughter Mary Nicholl fifty pounds to be paid to her by my Executrix when shee shall come to the age of Eighteen yeares to her, her heires and Assignes.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my fifth daughter Judith Nicholl fifty pounds to be paid her by my Executrix when shee shall come to the age of Eighteen yeares unto her, her heires and Assignes.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my sixth daughter Martha Nicholl all those my two Closes of freehold land the one commonly called and known by the name of Bitters feild conteyninge by estimation three acres with the appurtenances and the other commonly called and known by the name of Meadeshott by estimation five acres and a halfe with the Appurtenances to her, her heires and Assignes upon condition notwithstandinge that if the heires executrixes administrators or Assignes of me the said John Nicholl doe well and truely pay or issue to be paid to the said Martha Nicholl or her Assignes the some of seavenscore and Tenne pounds of lawfull English money doe at her age of one and twenty yeares at or in the now dwellinge of me the said John Nicholl in Hendon aforesaid that then this gift and conveyance of lande to my daughter Martha and her heires and Assignes shall be void and of none effect.
Item. I give and bequeath more unto my daughter Martha Nicholl seavenscore and tenne pounds to be paid to her by my Executrix upon she shall come to the full age of eighteene to her, her heires and Assignes for ever.
Item. My will is and /[I/] doe bequeath and appoint that if any of my three youngest daughters that is Mary Judith and Martha Nicholl decease or die before they come to the age of eighteene yeares that is appointed them to receive their percen's in money to be paid them by my Executrix as at their time or times bequeathed and appointed them to receive their percen's in money to be paid by my Executrix to them to be equally divided between them.
Item. I give and bequeath unto the poore of Hendon fowre pounds to be given them by my Executrix.
All the rest of my goods and Chattell unbequeathed I give and leave unto Blanch my beloved wife whom I make and ordaine my sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament, And I doe intreat my two brothers M'r Robert Nicholl & John Nicholl of Cookes/[?/] to be Overseers of this my last will and Testament to whom I bequeath to them xx £ a piece.
In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and seale the day and yeare above written.
John Nicholl. /
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
John Nicholl
Tho. Nicoll. /
Probatum fuit Testamentum Suprascriptum apud London Coram dilecto subdito uiro Magistro Kingsted Artae Bacitio surrogato dilecti subditi uiri Nathanielis Brent militis Legum Doctoris Curiae Praerogativae Magistri sive Custodis constitui Tertio die Mensis Decembris Anno Domini Millesimo Sexcentesimo Quadragesimo Sexto /[03 December 1646/] Jurament Blanch Nicholl relictae et executoris dicti defuncti in Testamento nominat Cui commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum jurium et creditorum dicti defuncti De bene et fideliter Administrando eadem Ad sancta Dei Evangelia Jurat. / Ex'e
In the name of God Amen The Twentieth day of September 1641 in the ___ yeare of the Raigne of y'e soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Irelande Kinge Defender of the faith &c I John Nicholl of Dole Street in the p'ish of Hendon in the County of Midd'x yeoman findinge and consideringe the frailty of man but of p'fect mind and memory I thanke God doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testam't in manner and forme followinge.
Imprimis. I commende my soule into the hand of Almighty God who created me, redeemed me and who is my faithfull Preserver and Protector, And my body to the Earth to be buried in such decent and comely manner as shal be thought fitt by my Executrix whom hereafter I shall name.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Blanch my beloved wife all that my Tenement or Cottage and Orchard with the appurtenances and profitts that shall arise of it duringe her naturall life, the such Cottage lyeth at Dole Street and now in the occupation of John Street. Alsoe I give more and bequeath unto Blanch my wife for the terme of xii yeares the Rents issues & Profitts of the lands Tenements and hereditaments lyinge at or neare Dollis in the p'ish of Hendon aforesaid heretofore devised or granted unto me by lease by my nephew John Nicholl The said Blanch duringe the said terme payinge to my sonne John Nicoll his heires or Assignes owners of the inheritance of the premisses yearely and every yeare xv £ of lawfull English money at the feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin and St Michaell the Archangell by even and equall percent.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my eldest sonne Randall Nicholl xx £ And I give more and appoint and my Will is that the Table formes and 3 joynt/[?/] stooles in the hall shall stand & remaine to him and my heires.
Item. I give will and bequeath unto the said John Nicholl my second sonne his heires and Assignes all my estate right Title Interest yeares Clayme and demand whatsoever of and in the said Lands/[?/] devised to me by the said John Nicholl my nephew to have and to hold the same to the /[said/] John my sonne his heires and Assignes from the end of the said terme of twelve yeares or from such time as the said Blanch shall make default in paym't of the said somme of xv £ yearely to my said sonne John Nicholl his heires and assigns w'ch shall first and next happen.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Richard Darnelley xl £ and unto his wife my daughter Sarah Darnelley xx £ to be paid them by my Executrix within one month after my decease.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my eldest Alice Nicholl all those my freehold lande lyinge and beinge at or neare to the upper hale and now in the occupation of the widow Lyon the one feild commonly called or knowen by the name of the Nether Tenelande conteyninge by estimation five Acres, and Two other feilds the one commonly called Goldhill with the hedgrowe to it, and the other called Goldhill meade conteyninge by estimation together Eight acres with the appurtenances to her, her heires and Assignes for ever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Third daughter Elizabeth Nicholl fifty pounds to be paid her by my Executrix when shee shall come to the age of Twenty and one yeares unto her, her heires and Assignes.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my fourth daughter Mary Nicholl fifty pounds to be paid to her by my Executrix when shee shall come to the age of Eighteen yeares to her, her heires and Assignes.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my fifth daughter Judith Nicholl fifty pounds to be paid her by my Executrix when shee shall come to the age of Eighteen yeares unto her, her heires and Assignes.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my sixth daughter Martha Nicholl all those my two Closes of freehold land the one commonly called and known by the name of Bitters feild conteyninge by estimation three acres with the appurtenances and the other commonly called and known by the name of Meadeshott by estimation five acres and a halfe with the Appurtenances to her, her heires and Assignes upon condition notwithstandinge that if the heires executrixes administrators or Assignes of me the said John Nicholl doe well and truely pay or issue to be paid to the said Martha Nicholl or her Assignes the some of seavenscore and Tenne pounds of lawfull English money doe at her age of one and twenty yeares at or in the now dwellinge of me the said John Nicholl in Hendon aforesaid that then this gift and conveyance of lande to my daughter Martha and her heires and Assignes shall be void and of none effect.
Item. I give and bequeath more unto my daughter Martha Nicholl seavenscore and tenne pounds to be paid to her by my Executrix upon she shall come to the full age of eighteene to her, her heires and Assignes for ever.
Item. My will is and /[I/] doe bequeath and appoint that if any of my three youngest daughters that is Mary Judith and Martha Nicholl decease or die before they come to the age of eighteene yeares that is appointed them to receive their percen's in money to be paid them by my Executrix as at their time or times bequeathed and appointed them to receive their percen's in money to be paid by my Executrix to them to be equally divided between them.
Item. I give and bequeath unto the poore of Hendon fowre pounds to be given them by my Executrix.
All the rest of my goods and Chattell unbequeathed I give and leave unto Blanch my beloved wife whom I make and ordaine my sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament, And I doe intreat my two brothers M'r Robert Nicholl & John Nicholl of Cookes/[?/] to be Overseers of this my last will and Testament to whom I bequeath to them xx £ a piece.
In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and seale the day and yeare above written.
John Nicholl. /
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
John Nicholl
Tho. Nicoll. /
Probatum fuit Testamentum Suprascriptum apud London Coram dilecto subdito uiro Magistro Kingsted Artae Bacitio surrogato dilecti subditi uiri Nathanielis Brent militis Legum Doctoris Curiae Praerogativae Magistri sive Custodis constitui Tertio die Mensis Decembris Anno Domini Millesimo Sexcentesimo Quadragesimo Sexto /[03 December 1646/] Jurament Blanch Nicholl relictae et executoris dicti defuncti in Testamento nominat Cui commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum jurium et creditorum dicti defuncti De bene et fideliter Administrando eadem Ad sancta Dei Evangelia Jurat. / Ex'e

John Nichols died before 3 December 1646
Children of John Nichols and Blanche (?)
- Sarah Nicols+ b. abt 1615, d. Sep 1679
- Unknown Nichols b. abt 1617, d. b 1641
- Randall Nicholl b. abt 1618
- John Nicholls+ b. abt 1620
- Elizabeth Nichols+ b. abt 1622
- Mary Nicholls b. abt 1624
- Judith Nicholl b. abt 1626
- Martha Nicholls b. abt 1628
Blanche (?)
ID# 15280, b. about 1591

Blanche (?) was born about 1591

Blanche (?) married John Nichols about 1612
Children of Blanche (?) and John Nichols
- Sarah Nicols+ b. abt 1615, d. Sep 1679
- Unknown Nichols b. abt 1617, d. b 1641
- Randall Nicholl b. abt 1618
- John Nicholls+ b. abt 1620
- Elizabeth Nichols+ b. abt 1622
- Mary Nicholls b. abt 1624
- Judith Nicholl b. abt 1626
- Martha Nicholls b. abt 1628