Harold Pegram
ID# 15451, b. 1897

Harold Pegram was born in 1897 at Hackney, London, England,
Harold Pegram was the son of William Pegram and Emma Darnley.
Ivy Pegram
ID# 15452, b. July 1900

Ivy Pegram was born in July 1900 at Hackney, London, England,
Ivy Pegram was the daughter of William Pegram and Emma Darnley.
William Hithersay
ID# 15453, b. between 1816 and 1821
- Charts
- Roger Dernelly (c.1659-)

William Hithersay was born between 1816 and 1821 at Nottinghamshire, England,

William Hithersay married Sarah Dernely, daughter of Thomas Derneley and Mary Hoffen, about May 1840 at Radford, Nottinghamshire, England,
Child of William Hithersay and Sarah Dernely
- Elizabeth Hithersay b. Jan 1841
Elizabeth Hithersay
ID# 15454, b. January 1841
- Charts
- Roger Dernelly (c.1659-)

Elizabeth Hithersay was born in January 1841 at Nottinghamshire, England,
Elizabeth Hithersay was the daughter of William Hithersay and Sarah Dernely.
John Slater
ID# 15455, b. 1829

John Slater was born in 1829 at Cheshire, England,
John Slater was the son of Samuel Slater and Catherine Bradley.
Elizabeth Slater
ID# 15456, b. 1832

Elizabeth Slater was born in 1832 at Cheshire, England,
Elizabeth Slater was the daughter of Samuel Slater and Catherine Bradley.
John Goddard
ID# 15457, b. about 1527

John Goddard was born about 1527
John Goddard was the son of John Godart and Unknown (?)

John Goddard married Margaret (?) about 1548

From John Godart Sr's 1559 will we surmise that his children's situations are as follows:
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.

John Goddard left a will on 10 July 1590.
Will of John Goddert 1590
In the name of god ame(n) the xth daye of Julie in the
xxxiith yeare of the raygne of o(ur) sovraygne ladie
Elizabethe by the grace of god Queene of England France
and Ireland etc I John Goddert of Padfielde in
the p(a)r(i)she of Glassoppe and countie of Derbie benige
sicke in bodie but of p(er)fecte remembrance thanks be
to god having a full purpose to dispose of my
wordlie substance leaving my bodie to the earthe from
whence it came and comittinge my soule to the hande
of my Lord and onlie savior Christ Jesus in whom
I looke foer remission of my sinnes do dispose in
man(ne)r (and) forme followinge Imprimis I geve and be
queathe unto Margaret my wife my messuage or farme
for and duringe her life naturall kepinge her in
my name and unmarried and after the decease or marriadge
of the sayd Margaret I geve and bequeathe unto
John Dernely the sonne of Willia(m) Dernely the
sayd messuage farme or tenement w(it)h the licence of
the lande and the sayd John to remayne and be
upon the the sayd farme w(i)th the sayd Margaret
duringe her life natural Item my will is that when
the sayd John dothe enter have and occupie (and) enioye
the sayd farme then he to pay unto the fowre
daughters of me the sayd John Goddert endye one
of them vjti xiijs iiijd Item I geve and bequeath
unto my daughter Anne Goddert lti Item I make
executors of this my will Margaret my wiffe and
John Dernaly these beinge witnesses Nicholas
Bramall John Whitall James Chalsworthe William
Dernely w(i)th others
No signatures.
The following page is in Latin, and is longer than the normal notice of probate.
Inventory not yet transcribed.
JAD 2017.
In the name of god ame(n) the xth daye of Julie in the
xxxiith yeare of the raygne of o(ur) sovraygne ladie
Elizabethe by the grace of god Queene of England France
and Ireland etc I John Goddert of Padfielde in
the p(a)r(i)she of Glassoppe and countie of Derbie benige
sicke in bodie but of p(er)fecte remembrance thanks be
to god having a full purpose to dispose of my
wordlie substance leaving my bodie to the earthe from
whence it came and comittinge my soule to the hande
of my Lord and onlie savior Christ Jesus in whom
I looke foer remission of my sinnes do dispose in
man(ne)r (and) forme followinge Imprimis I geve and be
queathe unto Margaret my wife my messuage or farme
for and duringe her life naturall kepinge her in
my name and unmarried and after the decease or marriadge
of the sayd Margaret I geve and bequeathe unto
John Dernely the sonne of Willia(m) Dernely the
sayd messuage farme or tenement w(it)h the licence of
the lande and the sayd John to remayne and be
upon the the sayd farme w(i)th the sayd Margaret
duringe her life natural Item my will is that when
the sayd John dothe enter have and occupie (and) enioye
the sayd farme then he to pay unto the fowre
daughters of me the sayd John Goddert endye one
of them vjti xiijs iiijd Item I geve and bequeath
unto my daughter Anne Goddert lti Item I make
executors of this my will Margaret my wiffe and
John Dernaly these beinge witnesses Nicholas
Bramall John Whitall James Chalsworthe William
Dernely w(i)th others
No signatures.
The following page is in Latin, and is longer than the normal notice of probate.
Inventory not yet transcribed.
JAD 2017.
Children of John Goddard and Margaret (?)
- Elyn Godart b. abt 1550
- Elsbeth Goddard+ b. abt 1554, d. Feb 1634
- Dorothe Godart b. abt 1556
- Ann Goddert b. abt 1560
John Sykes
ID# 15459, b. about 1735

John Sykes was born about 1735

in 1763 at Sturley Hill, Yorkshire, England, John Sykes was a Carpenter.
Child of John Sykes
- Sarah Sykes+ b. Jul 1763, d. Mar 1844
Unnamed Dearnally
ID# 15460, b. June 1696, d. June 1696

Unnamed Dearnally was born in June 1696 at Yorkshire, England,
A "crisom child"
"Chrisom, Chrism or Chrysome signifies properly "the white cloth set by the minister at baptism on the head of the newly anointed with chrism" - i.e. a composition of oil & balm. In the Form of Private Baptism is this direction: "Then the minister shall put the white vesture, commonly called the chrisome, upon the child."
The child thus baptised is called a chrisom or chrisom child. If it dies within a month, it is shrouded in the vesture; and hence, in the bills of mortality, even to the year 1726, infants that died within the month were called chrisoms. (The cloth is so called because it was anointed. Greek chrisma, verb chrio, to anoint."
"Chrisom, Chrism or Chrysome signifies properly "the white cloth set by the minister at baptism on the head of the newly anointed with chrism" - i.e. a composition of oil & balm. In the Form of Private Baptism is this direction: "Then the minister shall put the white vesture, commonly called the chrisome, upon the child."
The child thus baptised is called a chrisom or chrisom child. If it dies within a month, it is shrouded in the vesture; and hence, in the bills of mortality, even to the year 1726, infants that died within the month were called chrisoms. (The cloth is so called because it was anointed. Greek chrisma, verb chrio, to anoint."
Unnamed Dearnally was the child of Edward Dearnaley and Ann Batty.

Unnamed Dearnally died in June 1696