John Godart
ID# 28051, b. about 1500, d. between April 1559 and January 1560

Charles Godard tree from the Heraldic Visitations of Wales and Part of the Marches: Between the Years 1586 and 1613
p, 179

Charles Godard tree, Heraldic Visitation 1591
source: #2105 Heraldic Visitations of Wales and Part of the Marches Between the Years 1586 and 1613 by Lewys Dwnn (1846), Dwnn, Lewys; t
ranscribed and edited with notes by Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, (2 volumes. Llandovery: William Rees, 1846),
FHL book 942.9 D23d; FHL microfilm 176,668., vol. 1 p. 179.
p, 179

source: #2105 Heraldic Visitations of Wales and Part of the Marches Between the Years 1586 and 1613 by Lewys Dwnn (1846), Dwnn, Lewys; t
ranscribed and edited with notes by Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, (2 volumes. Llandovery: William Rees, 1846),
FHL book 942.9 D23d; FHL microfilm 176,668., vol. 1 p. 179.

John Godart was born about 1500

John Godart married Unknown (?) about 1524

in 1559 John Godart lived at Padfield, Derbyshire, England,

John Godart left a will on 6 March 1559.
Will of John Godart 1559
Dated 6 March 1558/9 Probate 8 Feb 1559/60
Expanded abbreviations indicated by brackets.
In the name off god Amen the vjth daye off marche yn the yere off aure lorde god jajth iiiii(c)th lviijth I Jhon Godart off
Padffeld w(ith)yn the p(ar)ysshe off glossoppe sycke yn bodye whole off mynde and p(o)ssyte off reme(m)brance do make
my last wyll (and) testament yn man(ner) (and) fforme hereaft(e)r ffoloyng ffyrst I bequeath my soule to god almyghtye
my maker savyour (and) redeemer and my bodye to be buryed yn the qwere off o(ur) ladye w(ith)yn my pyrshe churche off gloss(op)
p(arish) afforsayde And I gyff (and) bequeath the terms off my tenement w(ith) all my int(er)est theryn by the lysnce
off my lorde to my sonne Jhon Godart And I wyll that he gyff to Roger his brother ten pounds at suche
tyme as he entreth apon ye same tenement or w(i)t(h)yn on(e) yere then next ffolaying except they an other
wyse agree by the advyse and g(ood)w(i)ll off my sonne (and) heure Henre (and) (senior) ffrends It(em) hyt ys my wyll that my thre chyl-
dren Roger Edwarde (and) Elzabeth occupye my sayde tenement ffor ye space off ten yere aft(er) my decesse to the
moost advantage Andd yff any of theym dep(ar)ts or be maryed w(ith)yn the sayde space off ten yeres then hyt
is my wyll that ye sayde tenement remayne to ye other (that) lyff and be unmaryed And yff all they
ayther dep(ar)t or els be maryed wythyn ye same space then hyt is my wyll that my son Jhon ent(reth) apon
occupy and enjoye the sayde tenement w(i)thot any delaye And yff my son Edwarde be not able to
gett hs lyffyng I wyll (that) he have meyte (and) drynke during his lyff att the howse Item hyt ys my wyll (and) myndye
eas my son have apon ye charge off (the) house meyte drynke (and) lodging duryng the sayde ten yere att all
tymes awen hyt shall pleas hym to tarye or dwell here Also hyt ys my wyll that yff Jhon my son
dep(ar)t w(i)thot yssue male that (then) Roger my son to have my sayde tenement repaying to (any) doghter
off hys brother Jhon the sayde ten pounds and fory rewardyng theym at ye dycressyon off my son hys
heire (and) other ffrends It(em) yff Roger dep(ar)t wythowt yssue male I wyll yt Nycholas my son have the sayde tenement
It(em) hyt ys my wyll yt Elyn Godard doght(er) off my son Jhon be broght uppe (and) kept upon my sayde tenement
the space off ten yers And at ye ends thereof she to have iij ti vjs viijd And yff she dep(ar)t w(ith)yn the syde space
that (then) the sayde ffyve marks to be dyvydst bmongsst ye children off ye sayde Jhon my son It(em) I gyff to my son
Henre Godart vjti xiijs iiijd that was left hym by Henre Charllysworth hys godfather It(em) I gyff (and) bequeath
to my sones Roger (and) Edward (and) to Elzabeth my doggt(her) xx ti vi delvert to ev(er)y on off theym vjti xiijs iiijd
It(em) I gyff to Alyce my doght(er) an old bevall and iiij great platers and to John Heywarde her son a heffer
and also to Wyllm Heywarde his ffaure children vjs viijd a peece It(em) to my son Jhon hys ij doght(her)s Elizabeth
(and) Dorothe vjs viijd a peece It(em) I gyff (and) bequeath to my son Jhon ij great panes to reymayne at (the) house
and ij payrs off sheayres except (that) Roger occupye (the) craft off clothworkyng the(n) he to have (the) on(e) payre
It I gyff to Jhon (and) Roger my sonnes all my husbandry stuff (and) arks betweme theym It I wyll (that) yff Jhon have
no succoure off grownds at the lese then he to have so muche money as wyll paye ffor a cows gresse ffor the
space off ye sayde ten yere It(em) I gyff to Elyn Godart my s(er)vannte xxs And to Robert Bramall vjs viijd Item
hyt ys my wyll that after my ffunerall costs detts (and) bequests be dyschargyd (and) payd that ye resydewe off all
my goods moveable or ummoveable or (that) maye be recan-ed yn my name shalbe dyvydet equallye betwixt
all ffaure children Roger Nycholas Edwarde (and) Elzabeth Item I order (and) make Jhon (and) Roger my sones
my treu (and) leyffull executours off thys my p(re)sent testament that enstande to p(er)fforme all thyngs
heryn gteynyd as they wyll also sware to god ffor my discharge yn ye p--myss It(em) I ordeyne and
make (the) ov(er)seers hereof my son () Henre Godard (and) Wyllm Heywarde my son yn lawe whose advyse
(and) go(od)w(i)ll I wyll that all my children shall ffolowe and be ordred (and) governed at at theyre dyscressyon
These being wyttenez Raphe Collier clerke vyar off Glossoppe Wyllm Heywarde (and) Robert Bramall (senior)
These be the detts yt es oyhyng unto me at (the) p(re)sent
(There is a list of 45 debtors including: William Dernele and Roger Dernele)
The inventory off all (and) syngler goods (and) c(h)atells moveable (and)
unmoveable off Jhon Godart off Padffyeld wythyn (the) p(ar)ysshe
of Glossoppe decessyd made (the xth daye off maye ano dim
1559 vewed (and) praysyd by Reynold Godart Oly(ve)r Dernele
Nycholas Bramall and Thomas Godart
(List of inventory items not yet transcribed.)
John Godard’s children in order named:
John , Roger, Henre (the eldest), Edwarde , Elzabeth, Nycholas, Alyce
John junior’s children: Elyn, Elizabeth and Dorothe. (Daughter Ann born after 1559.)
Alyce’s son: John Heywarde.
i. This John Godart is the grandfather of Elsbeth (Elizabeth in this will) who married William (III).
ii. This John Godart’s daughter Elzabeth is missing from the pedigree from the 1591 Visitation.
iii. Debtor William Dernele is William (II) Debtor Roger Dernele could be either Roger D (VII) or Roger D (VIII)
iv. Olyver Dernele is Oliver of the Blackshawe, son of John II.
Dated 6 March 1558/9 Probate 8 Feb 1559/60
Expanded abbreviations indicated by brackets.
In the name off god Amen the vjth daye off marche yn the yere off aure lorde god jajth iiiii(c)th lviijth I Jhon Godart off
Padffeld w(ith)yn the p(ar)ysshe off glossoppe sycke yn bodye whole off mynde and p(o)ssyte off reme(m)brance do make
my last wyll (and) testament yn man(ner) (and) fforme hereaft(e)r ffoloyng ffyrst I bequeath my soule to god almyghtye
my maker savyour (and) redeemer and my bodye to be buryed yn the qwere off o(ur) ladye w(ith)yn my pyrshe churche off gloss(op)
p(arish) afforsayde And I gyff (and) bequeath the terms off my tenement w(ith) all my int(er)est theryn by the lysnce
off my lorde to my sonne Jhon Godart And I wyll that he gyff to Roger his brother ten pounds at suche
tyme as he entreth apon ye same tenement or w(i)t(h)yn on(e) yere then next ffolaying except they an other
wyse agree by the advyse and g(ood)w(i)ll off my sonne (and) heure Henre (and) (senior) ffrends It(em) hyt ys my wyll that my thre chyl-
dren Roger Edwarde (and) Elzabeth occupye my sayde tenement ffor ye space off ten yere aft(er) my decesse to the
moost advantage Andd yff any of theym dep(ar)ts or be maryed w(ith)yn the sayde space off ten yeres then hyt
is my wyll that ye sayde tenement remayne to ye other (that) lyff and be unmaryed And yff all they
ayther dep(ar)t or els be maryed wythyn ye same space then hyt is my wyll that my son Jhon ent(reth) apon
occupy and enjoye the sayde tenement w(i)thot any delaye And yff my son Edwarde be not able to
gett hs lyffyng I wyll (that) he have meyte (and) drynke during his lyff att the howse Item hyt ys my wyll (and) myndye
eas my son have apon ye charge off (the) house meyte drynke (and) lodging duryng the sayde ten yere att all
tymes awen hyt shall pleas hym to tarye or dwell here Also hyt ys my wyll that yff Jhon my son
dep(ar)t w(i)thot yssue male that (then) Roger my son to have my sayde tenement repaying to (any) doghter
off hys brother Jhon the sayde ten pounds and fory rewardyng theym at ye dycressyon off my son hys
heire (and) other ffrends It(em) yff Roger dep(ar)t wythowt yssue male I wyll yt Nycholas my son have the sayde tenement
It(em) hyt ys my wyll yt Elyn Godard doght(er) off my son Jhon be broght uppe (and) kept upon my sayde tenement
the space off ten yers And at ye ends thereof she to have iij ti vjs viijd And yff she dep(ar)t w(ith)yn the syde space
that (then) the sayde ffyve marks to be dyvydst bmongsst ye children off ye sayde Jhon my son It(em) I gyff to my son
Henre Godart vjti xiijs iiijd that was left hym by Henre Charllysworth hys godfather It(em) I gyff (and) bequeath
to my sones Roger (and) Edward (and) to Elzabeth my doggt(her) xx ti vi delvert to ev(er)y on off theym vjti xiijs iiijd
It(em) I gyff to Alyce my doght(er) an old bevall and iiij great platers and to John Heywarde her son a heffer
and also to Wyllm Heywarde his ffaure children vjs viijd a peece It(em) to my son Jhon hys ij doght(her)s Elizabeth
(and) Dorothe vjs viijd a peece It(em) I gyff (and) bequeath to my son Jhon ij great panes to reymayne at (the) house
and ij payrs off sheayres except (that) Roger occupye (the) craft off clothworkyng the(n) he to have (the) on(e) payre
It I gyff to Jhon (and) Roger my sonnes all my husbandry stuff (and) arks betweme theym It I wyll (that) yff Jhon have
no succoure off grownds at the lese then he to have so muche money as wyll paye ffor a cows gresse ffor the
space off ye sayde ten yere It(em) I gyff to Elyn Godart my s(er)vannte xxs And to Robert Bramall vjs viijd Item
hyt ys my wyll that after my ffunerall costs detts (and) bequests be dyschargyd (and) payd that ye resydewe off all
my goods moveable or ummoveable or (that) maye be recan-ed yn my name shalbe dyvydet equallye betwixt
all ffaure children Roger Nycholas Edwarde (and) Elzabeth Item I order (and) make Jhon (and) Roger my sones
my treu (and) leyffull executours off thys my p(re)sent testament that enstande to p(er)fforme all thyngs
heryn gteynyd as they wyll also sware to god ffor my discharge yn ye p--myss It(em) I ordeyne and
make (the) ov(er)seers hereof my son () Henre Godard (and) Wyllm Heywarde my son yn lawe whose advyse
(and) go(od)w(i)ll I wyll that all my children shall ffolowe and be ordred (and) governed at at theyre dyscressyon
These being wyttenez Raphe Collier clerke vyar off Glossoppe Wyllm Heywarde (and) Robert Bramall (senior)
These be the detts yt es oyhyng unto me at (the) p(re)sent
(There is a list of 45 debtors including: William Dernele and Roger Dernele)
The inventory off all (and) syngler goods (and) c(h)atells moveable (and)
unmoveable off Jhon Godart off Padffyeld wythyn (the) p(ar)ysshe
of Glossoppe decessyd made (the xth daye off maye ano dim
1559 vewed (and) praysyd by Reynold Godart Oly(ve)r Dernele
Nycholas Bramall and Thomas Godart
(List of inventory items not yet transcribed.)
John Godard’s children in order named:
John , Roger, Henre (the eldest), Edwarde , Elzabeth, Nycholas, Alyce
John junior’s children: Elyn, Elizabeth and Dorothe. (Daughter Ann born after 1559.)
Alyce’s son: John Heywarde.
i. This John Godart is the grandfather of Elsbeth (Elizabeth in this will) who married William (III).
ii. This John Godart’s daughter Elzabeth is missing from the pedigree from the 1591 Visitation.
iii. Debtor William Dernele is William (II) Debtor Roger Dernele could be either Roger D (VII) or Roger D (VIII)
iv. Olyver Dernele is Oliver of the Blackshawe, son of John II.

John Godart died between April 1559 and January 1560
Children of John Godart and Unknown (?)
- Henry Godart b. abt 1525, d. b 1591
- John Goddard+ b. abt 1527
- Charles Godart b. abt 1529, d. b 1591
- Alice Godart+ b. abt 1531
- Roger Godart b. abt 1533
- Edward Godart b. abt 1535
- Elzabeth Godart b. abt 1537
- Nicholas Godart b. abt 1539
Elyn Godart
ID# 28052, b. about 1550

Elyn Godart was born about 1550
Elyn Godart was the daughter of John Goddard and Margaret (?)

Dorothe Godart
ID# 28053, b. about 1556

Dorothe Godart was born about 1556
Dorothe Godart was the daughter of John Goddard and Margaret (?)

Ann Goddert
ID# 28054, b. about 1560

Mentioned in the 1590 Will of father John Goddert.
see John Goddard.
see John Goddard.

Ann Goddert was born about 1560
Ann Goddert was the daughter of John Goddard and Margaret (?)
Roger Godart
ID# 28055, b. about 1533

Roger Godart was born about 1533
Roger Godart was the son of John Godart and Unknown (?)

From John Godart Sr's 1559 will we surmise that his children's situations are as follows:
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.
Henry Godart
ID# 28056, b. about 1525, d. before 1591

Henry Godart was born about 1525
Henry Godart was the son of John Godart and Unknown (?)

From John Godart Sr's 1559 will we surmise that his children's situations are as follows:
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.

Henry Godart died before 1591
Edward Godart
ID# 28057, b. about 1535

Edward Godart was born about 1535
Edward Godart was the son of John Godart and Unknown (?)

From John Godart Sr's 1559 will we surmise that his children's situations are as follows:
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.
Elzabeth Godart
ID# 28058, b. about 1537

Elzabeth Godart was born about 1537
Elzabeth Godart was the son of John Godart and Unknown (?)

From John Godart Sr's 1559 will we surmise that his children's situations are as follows:
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.

John Godart's daughter Elzabeth is missing from the pedigree from the 1591 Visitation.
Nicholas Godart
ID# 28059, b. about 1539

Nicholas Godart was born about 1539
Nicholas Godart was the son of John Godart and Unknown (?)

From John Godart Sr's 1559 will we surmise that his children's situations are as follows:
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.
Alice Godart
ID# 28060, b. about 1531

Alice Godart was born about 1531
Alice Godart was the daughter of John Godart and Unknown (?)

Alice Godart married William Heywarde about 1553

From John Godart Sr's 1559 will we surmise that his children's situations are as follows:
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.
Henry - in the church with a living
John - married, 3 children
Charles, not mentioned in the will, dead at the time of the visitation. Also at the time of the will? 3rd son in visitation & put 3rd here but sequence in regard to Alice not known and in any case the visitation isn't necessarily in sequence (see numbers against John's daughters).
Alice - married, 1 children, probably younger than John so 3rd or 4th child.
Roger - living at home
Edward - studying or already in Holy Orders but without a living.
Elizabeth - living at home (not in visitation)
Nicholas - little provision in the will so probably under age
- I.G.
Child of Alice Godart and William Heywarde
- John Heywarde b. abt 1554