Elyn Dernelie
ID# 15621, b. about 1573

Elyn Dernelie was born about 1573 at Derbyshire, England,
Elyn Dernelie was the daughter of Oliver Dernelie and Unknown (?)
Alice Dernelie
ID# 15622, b. about 1575

Alice Dernelie was born about 1575 at Derbyshire, England,
Alice Dernelie was the daughter of Oliver Dernelie and Unknown (?)
Oliver Dearnilie
ID# 15623, b. about 1565, d. July 1591

For further information see Early Dearnaleys in Dinting and Padfield.

All dates are estimates based on the assumption that Oliver died young (see Will).
He also had some unmarried sisters, and perhaps a child born after his death. - MED.
He also had some unmarried sisters, and perhaps a child born after his death. - MED.

Oliver Dearnilie was born about 1565 at England
Oliver Dearnilie was the son of Rodger Dearnilie (VIII) and Unknown (?)

Oliver Dearnilie married Ann (?) about 1586

Oliver Dearnilie left a will on 20 June 1591 at Dinting, Glossop, Derbyshire, England.
Will of Oliver Dearnilie 1591
1 In the name of god amen the xxth of June 1591 I Olliver dearnilie of
2 dynting, (next five words inserted above the line) in the countie of derbie sike in bodye houle in mynde of good & perfect memorye dridyng
3 naturall deathe do ordene my last will & testament in maner and forme foloing
4 fyrst I commit my soule to allmightye god my maker redemer and sanctieyer
5 and my bodye to be buryed in the churche of Glossope my funnriall
6 expenses and all suche dette or detts as of right I owe to anye to bee
7 discharged of my houlle goods after ward all ye rest of my goods to bee devydet
8 to my wyffe chyld or chylderen accordyng to the order of the lordshepe
9 for as muche as Rodger dearnilie my father hathe geven grannted and assygned
10 mee his farme or tenement w[i]t[h] all commodities thereto belonnging w[i]t[h] thes
11 codissions yt [=that] I shuld have the third part of housing & grounds
12 during Rodger my fathers lyffe : saving the newe housse and the fort
13 part of grounds during the tearme of the leasse ye ?which my sisters shuld
14 have if that they nether marye nor be other wayes bee better provydet
15 then abuse themselffes yildyng & paying all rente dewtius to me as to my
16 assynes as so it douthe apertenne or belonng after Rodger my fathers deathe
17 I will if that it pleass god that my wyffe be w[i]t[h] chyld w[i]t[h] a
18 sone then it to have the farme w[i]t[h] the lysance of the lord: & Ann
19 my wyffe living for ?without & unmaried (written over some words scratched out) is w[i]t[h] meate drinke and aparill ????
20 of my supervysers and he to ocupye ye farme at what tyme they
21 shall thinke expedient and if it be so that my wyffe be not w[i]t[h]
22 chyld w[i]t[h] a sonne or he dye: then I will Anne my daughter to have my
23 farme and if my wyffe had a sonne as is afore written at the
24 discretions of the supervysers of this my will and to this my
25 will I ordenne Anne my welbeloved wyffe (several words scratched out)
26 executor trustyng she will
27 accompleshe this my will for my soules healthe at the sight of
28 Edmond Jodrell of Urdesley gentilman & Thomas Doson of the
29 heathe who I make my supervysers and all det yt (that) I owe Anne my wyffe
30 knowthe of & what is to mee owing
31 sining
32 thes witnesses George yeveley dearbie
33 thomas doson James hadfeld w[i]t[h]
34 others
1 A true inventorie of 1591 xth of Julie all & singuler goods cattells
2 chattells movable & unmovable of Olliver dernellie
3 deceased prysed by hus fowre Richerd newton Thomas
4 Doson Willm newton Charles garlick
5 Imprimis one kyne --xx li vj s viij d
6 Item one heffer one calfe -- xxx li iij s iiij d
7 Item one swyne -- vj s
8 Item three hennes --xij d
9 Item corne & hay -- iij li
10 Item fyer booke -- x s
11 Item his apparell -- xxvj s
12 Item pewter & brasse -- vj s viij d
13 item bedding & Insight -- xxv s
14 item arkes & coffers boardes & bedstockes
15 w[i]th all suche implements thereunto belonging -- x s
16 Summ[a] totall ix li (numbers scratched out) xiij s viij d
17 dettes yt (that) Olliver dearnilie owed vij li vij s
18 some of dettes goods
19 is liij s j d
line 10 perhaps a bowk, a bucket?
line 13 insight. The OED gives the meaning as northern English and Scottish "goods, substance, esp. household furniture."
transcribed by Marie Ball, 29 Jul 2011.
1 In the name of god amen the xxth of June 1591 I Olliver dearnilie of
2 dynting, (next five words inserted above the line) in the countie of derbie sike in bodye houle in mynde of good & perfect memorye dridyng
3 naturall deathe do ordene my last will & testament in maner and forme foloing
4 fyrst I commit my soule to allmightye god my maker redemer and sanctieyer
5 and my bodye to be buryed in the churche of Glossope my funnriall
6 expenses and all suche dette or detts as of right I owe to anye to bee
7 discharged of my houlle goods after ward all ye rest of my goods to bee devydet
8 to my wyffe chyld or chylderen accordyng to the order of the lordshepe
9 for as muche as Rodger dearnilie my father hathe geven grannted and assygned
10 mee his farme or tenement w[i]t[h] all commodities thereto belonnging w[i]t[h] thes
11 codissions yt [=that] I shuld have the third part of housing & grounds
12 during Rodger my fathers lyffe : saving the newe housse and the fort
13 part of grounds during the tearme of the leasse ye ?which my sisters shuld
14 have if that they nether marye nor be other wayes bee better provydet
15 then abuse themselffes yildyng & paying all rente dewtius to me as to my
16 assynes as so it douthe apertenne or belonng after Rodger my fathers deathe
17 I will if that it pleass god that my wyffe be w[i]t[h] chyld w[i]t[h] a
18 sone then it to have the farme w[i]t[h] the lysance of the lord: & Ann
19 my wyffe living for ?without & unmaried (written over some words scratched out) is w[i]t[h] meate drinke and aparill ????
20 of my supervysers and he to ocupye ye farme at what tyme they
21 shall thinke expedient and if it be so that my wyffe be not w[i]t[h]
22 chyld w[i]t[h] a sonne or he dye: then I will Anne my daughter to have my
23 farme and if my wyffe had a sonne as is afore written at the
24 discretions of the supervysers of this my will and to this my
25 will I ordenne Anne my welbeloved wyffe (several words scratched out)
26 executor trustyng she will
27 accompleshe this my will for my soules healthe at the sight of
28 Edmond Jodrell of Urdesley gentilman & Thomas Doson of the
29 heathe who I make my supervysers and all det yt (that) I owe Anne my wyffe
30 knowthe of & what is to mee owing
31 sining
32 thes witnesses George yeveley dearbie
33 thomas doson James hadfeld w[i]t[h]
34 others
1 A true inventorie of 1591 xth of Julie all & singuler goods cattells
2 chattells movable & unmovable of Olliver dernellie
3 deceased prysed by hus fowre Richerd newton Thomas
4 Doson Willm newton Charles garlick
5 Imprimis one kyne --xx li vj s viij d
6 Item one heffer one calfe -- xxx li iij s iiij d
7 Item one swyne -- vj s
8 Item three hennes --xij d
9 Item corne & hay -- iij li
10 Item fyer booke -- x s
11 Item his apparell -- xxvj s
12 Item pewter & brasse -- vj s viij d
13 item bedding & Insight -- xxv s
14 item arkes & coffers boardes & bedstockes
15 w[i]th all suche implements thereunto belonging -- x s
16 Summ[a] totall ix li (numbers scratched out) xiij s viij d
17 dettes yt (that) Olliver dearnilie owed vij li vij s
18 some of dettes goods
19 is liij s j d
line 10 perhaps a bowk, a bucket?
line 13 insight. The OED gives the meaning as northern English and Scottish "goods, substance, esp. household furniture."
transcribed by Marie Ball, 29 Jul 2011.

Oliver Dearnilie died in July 1591
Am assuming that Oliver died young.
From his will we know that he had one daughter and that his wife was probably pregnant at the time of his will.
We are assuming that the unborn child mentioned by Oliver in his will is the Roger D. who married Helena in 1616.
see Roger Dernellee (X)
It's also noticeable that there are no other Dearnleys appointed as supervisors or witnesses; it looks as if he had no close family.
From his will we know that he had one daughter and that his wife was probably pregnant at the time of his will.
We are assuming that the unborn child mentioned by Oliver in his will is the Roger D. who married Helena in 1616.
see Roger Dernellee (X)
It's also noticeable that there are no other Dearnleys appointed as supervisors or witnesses; it looks as if he had no close family.

Oliver Dearnilie was buried in July 1591 at Parish Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Children of Oliver Dearnilie and Ann (?)
- Ann Dearnilie b. abt 1587
- Roger Dernellee (X)+ b. abt 1591
Rodger Dearnilie (VIII)
ID# 15624, b. about 1537, d. after June 1591

For further information see Suggested Generations of Roger D
Early Dearnaleys in Dinting and Padfield.
Early Dearnaleys in Dinting and Padfield.

Rodger Dearnilie (VIII) was born about 1537 at England

Rodger Dearnilie (VIII) married Unknown (?) about 1560

Roger had some daughters (number unknown) who were unmarried in Jun 1591.
see son Oliver's will & refernce to his sisters.
see son Oliver's will & refernce to his sisters.

about 1590 Rodger Dearnilie (VIII) lived at Dinting, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Son Oliver died young & it is possible that this Roger was alive at the time of Oliver's will (1591).
Oliver is of "dynting". He tells us that "Rodger dearnilie my father hathe geven grannted and assygned mee his farme or tenement". By implication father Roger is also of Dinting.
See also: The Hamlet of Dinting.
Oliver is of "dynting". He tells us that "Rodger dearnilie my father hathe geven grannted and assygned mee his farme or tenement". By implication father Roger is also of Dinting.
See also: The Hamlet of Dinting.

Rodger Dearnilie (VIII) died after June 1591
Children of Rodger Dearnilie (VIII) and Unknown (?)
- Oliver Dearnilie+ b. abt 1565, d. Jul 1591
- Unknown Dearnilie b. abt 1567
- Unknown Dearnilie b. abt 1569
Ann (?)
ID# 15625, b. about 1565

Ann (?) was born about 1565

Ann (?) married Oliver Dearnilie, son of Rodger Dearnilie (VIII) and Unknown (?), about 1586
Children of Ann (?) and Oliver Dearnilie
- Ann Dearnilie b. abt 1587
- Roger Dernellee (X)+ b. abt 1591
Ann Dearnilie
ID# 15626, b. about 1587

Ann Dearnilie was born about 1587
Ann Dearnilie was the daughter of Oliver Dearnilie and Ann (?)
William Charles Darnley
ID# 15627, b. 1859, d. 14 April 1915

William Charles Darnley was born in 1859 at Ontario, Canada,
William Charles Darnley was the son of Charles Radcliffe Dearnaly and Grace Gordon Scott.

William Charles Darnley married Annie McGlenn on 25 August 1897 at Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Toronto, York County, Ontario, Canada,

in June 1898 William Charles Darnley lived at 31 Wells Street, Toronto, York County, Ontario, Canada,

William Charles Darnley died on 14 April 1915 at 136 Dupont Street, Toronto, York County, Ontario, Canada, at age 56 years

William Charles Darnley was buried in April 1915 at Mt Pleasant Cemetery, Ontario, Canada,
recorded as age 56
Father: Charles Darnley.
Father: Charles Darnley.
Child of William Charles Darnley and Annie McGlenn
- Helen Gordon Darnley b. 17 Jun 1898
Elizabeth Darnley
ID# 15628, b. February 1662

Elizabeth Darnley was born in February 1662 at London, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Elizabeth Darnley was the daughter of Adam Darnley and Anna (?)

Elizabeth Darnley was baptised on 5 April 1662 at St. James' Church, Paddington, London, England,
Anna Darnley
ID# 15629, b. about September 1668

Anna Darnley was born about September 1668 at London, England,
Anna Darnley was the daughter of Adam Darnley and Anna (?)

Anna Darnley married William Holding on 20 January 1690 at St. James, Dukes Place, London, England

William Holding
ID# 15630, b. about 1666

William Holding was born about 1666

William Holding married Anna Darnley, daughter of Adam Darnley and Anna (?), on 20 January 1690 at St. James, Dukes Place, London, England
