Rachel Grace Darnley
ID# 15611, b. 13 November 1874

Rachel Grace Darnley was born on 13 November 1874 at Brantford, Brant, Ontario, Canada,
Rachel Grace Darnley was the daughter of James Wilson Dearnley and Sarah Ann Bailey.
Mary Elizabeth Darnley
ID# 15612, b. 20 June 1871

Mary Elizabeth Darnley was born on 20 June 1871 at Brantford, Brant, Ontario, Canada,
Mary Elizabeth Darnley was the daughter of James Wilson Dearnley and Sarah Ann Bailey.
Edith May Wilson Darnley
ID# 15613, b. 27 May 1878

Edith May Wilson Darnley was born on 27 May 1878 at Brantford township, Brant county, Ontario, Canada,
Father's Name: Frank W Darnley
Mother's Name: Margaret E Leeming.
Mother's Name: Margaret E Leeming.
Edith May Wilson Darnley was the daughter of Frank Wilson Darnley and Margaret Leeming.
Oliver Dernelie
ID# 15614, b. about 1535, d. about 1587

For further information see Early Dearnaleys in Dinting and Padfield.

All birth dates, birth order & marriage are guesswork from Oliver's 1586 will.

Oliver Dernelie was born about 1535 at England
Oliver Dernelie was the son of John Dernylye (II) and Helen (?)

Oliver Dernelie married Unknown (?) about 1560

in 1586 Oliver Dernelie lived at Blackshawe, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Oliver Dernelie left a will on 7 June 1586 at Blackshawe, Glossop, Derbyshire, England.
Will of Oliver Dernelie of the Blackshaw
1 In ye name of god amen. In the yeare of our Lorde god 1586 the vijth day of Jun I oliver dernelie
2 of the Blackshawe in the parishe of Glossoppe & countie of derbie husbandman beynge in
3 good & perfecte memorie dreadyng naturall death do ordaine & make this my testament & last
4 will in maner & forme folowyng : first I bequeathe & com(m)yt my soul into the hands of all
5 mightie god my creator saviewer & redeemer & my bodie to be buried in the parishe churche of ?all saints
6 in glossoppe. 1st I geeve my tenement or farme unto Jhon (Johannes) Dernelie my sonne w(i)th the lyveinge of the
7 food. Item yt (it) ys my wyll (that) my sayd son(n)e Jhon shall fynd my son(n)e Will(ia)m dernelie his brother after
8 my decease honestlie w(i)t(h) meat drynke and lodgyng so long as the said Will(ia)m doth live yf the said Will(ia)m
9 do keepe him unmarried. Item yt ys my wyll (that) yf yt fortune my said sonne Jhon to have no man
10 chyld lawfullie begott of his bodie then my said tenement (of crossed out) or ferme to resigne uppon Will(ia)m
11 my sonne or his heirs male lawfullie of his bodie begott, paying unto the daughter or daughters
12 of the sayd Jhon as he the sayd Jhon by this my last will & testament hath done, and for lacke
13 of heirs male lawfullie begott of my sayd son(n)e Will(ia)m, then yt ys my will (that) my sayd tenement
14 shall resigne uppon Oliver and for lacke of heirs of the sayd Oliver to Edward and from Edward
15 to Nicolas accordinge to the true meaneyng of this my testament and last will and paying as
16 ys afore rehearsed. Item yt ys my will yf yt fortune my said son(n)e Jhon to dye before his wife
17 w(i)t(h)out issewe (that) then his sayd wife to occupie accordinge to ye custome of the countrie so longe
18 as she doth keepe her on his name and yf yt fortune hys sayd wyfe to marie then quytt to avoid
19 the possession and occupation of my sayd tenement and to have not part then parcell thereof. Item yt ys
20 my will that my sayd son(n)e Jhon shall geeve unto Elyn my daughter -- x li and to be payde
21 as folowethe that ys to saye -- v li at iij yeares ende next after my decease and thother -- v li
22 at (that) tyme iij yeares ende next and immediatlie folowyng after. Item yt ys my wyll that my sayd son(n)e
23 Jhon shall geeve unto Alice my daughter -- x li and to be payd as foloweth that ys to say
24 -- v li at iij yeares end next after my decease and thother -- v li as (that) tyme iij yeares ende next
25 and immediatlie folowynge after. Item yt ys my wyll (that) my sayd son(n)e Jhon shall geeve unto my
26 foure son(n)es -- vj li xiij s iiij d equallie to be devyded amongest them and to be payd as foloweth
27 that ys to say when my sayd son(n)e Jhon or hys assygnes hathe occupyed my sayd tenement one
28 yeare. Item I geve unto Alice my daughter my best pan(n)e. Item I geve un to Elyne my daughter
29 my other pan(n). Item when my bodie ys honestlie buried all funerall costs discharged & all my
30 debts payd I wyll (that) ye rest of all my goods moveable and unmoveable shall equallie be devyded
31 amongste my syxe chyldren. Item I make myne executors Jhon dernelie my son(n) and Oliver
32 dernelie my son(n) to see (that) (this) my p(re)sent testament & last will be p(er)formed accordynge to ye
33 true meanyng of the same. Item I make my supervisours Renould goddard & Will(ia)m dernelie
34 these beyng wytnes Rodgger dernelie Jhon Leeche oliver goddard w(i)th others
N.B. I found it confusing that yt represented both "it" and "that" so from line 7 I have used (that) instead of yt for the second meaning.
lines 13 and 16 Stuart A. Raymond "Words from wills and other probate records", defines looms as:- 1 an open vessel such as a bucket, 2 a machine for weaving, 3 an implement of any kind.
line 18 He defines a layerstone as a headstone specifically in the North but perhaps it is too early for a headstone. Perhaps it just means flagstones on the floor.
Transcribed by Marie Ball, 31 July, 2011
Rodgger Dernelie, a witness to the above will, could be the Rodger Dearnilie, (father of Oliver D of Dinting) who we know to be alive in 1591.
see Rodger Dearnilie (VIII).
1 In ye name of god amen. In the yeare of our Lorde god 1586 the vijth day of Jun I oliver dernelie
2 of the Blackshawe in the parishe of Glossoppe & countie of derbie husbandman beynge in
3 good & perfecte memorie dreadyng naturall death do ordaine & make this my testament & last
4 will in maner & forme folowyng : first I bequeathe & com(m)yt my soul into the hands of all
5 mightie god my creator saviewer & redeemer & my bodie to be buried in the parishe churche of ?all saints
6 in glossoppe. 1st I geeve my tenement or farme unto Jhon (Johannes) Dernelie my sonne w(i)th the lyveinge of the
7 food. Item yt (it) ys my wyll (that) my sayd son(n)e Jhon shall fynd my son(n)e Will(ia)m dernelie his brother after
8 my decease honestlie w(i)t(h) meat drynke and lodgyng so long as the said Will(ia)m doth live yf the said Will(ia)m
9 do keepe him unmarried. Item yt ys my wyll (that) yf yt fortune my said sonne Jhon to have no man
10 chyld lawfullie begott of his bodie then my said tenement (of crossed out) or ferme to resigne uppon Will(ia)m
11 my sonne or his heirs male lawfullie of his bodie begott, paying unto the daughter or daughters
12 of the sayd Jhon as he the sayd Jhon by this my last will & testament hath done, and for lacke
13 of heirs male lawfullie begott of my sayd son(n)e Will(ia)m, then yt ys my will (that) my sayd tenement
14 shall resigne uppon Oliver and for lacke of heirs of the sayd Oliver to Edward and from Edward
15 to Nicolas accordinge to the true meaneyng of this my testament and last will and paying as
16 ys afore rehearsed. Item yt ys my will yf yt fortune my said son(n)e Jhon to dye before his wife
17 w(i)t(h)out issewe (that) then his sayd wife to occupie accordinge to ye custome of the countrie so longe
18 as she doth keepe her on his name and yf yt fortune hys sayd wyfe to marie then quytt to avoid
19 the possession and occupation of my sayd tenement and to have not part then parcell thereof. Item yt ys
20 my will that my sayd son(n)e Jhon shall geeve unto Elyn my daughter -- x li and to be payde
21 as folowethe that ys to saye -- v li at iij yeares ende next after my decease and thother -- v li
22 at (that) tyme iij yeares ende next and immediatlie folowyng after. Item yt ys my wyll that my sayd son(n)e
23 Jhon shall geeve unto Alice my daughter -- x li and to be payd as foloweth that ys to say
24 -- v li at iij yeares end next after my decease and thother -- v li as (that) tyme iij yeares ende next
25 and immediatlie folowynge after. Item yt ys my wyll (that) my sayd son(n)e Jhon shall geeve unto my
26 foure son(n)es -- vj li xiij s iiij d equallie to be devyded amongest them and to be payd as foloweth
27 that ys to say when my sayd son(n)e Jhon or hys assygnes hathe occupyed my sayd tenement one
28 yeare. Item I geve unto Alice my daughter my best pan(n)e. Item I geve un to Elyne my daughter
29 my other pan(n). Item when my bodie ys honestlie buried all funerall costs discharged & all my
30 debts payd I wyll (that) ye rest of all my goods moveable and unmoveable shall equallie be devyded
31 amongste my syxe chyldren. Item I make myne executors Jhon dernelie my son(n) and Oliver
32 dernelie my son(n) to see (that) (this) my p(re)sent testament & last will be p(er)formed accordynge to ye
33 true meanyng of the same. Item I make my supervisours Renould goddard & Will(ia)m dernelie
34 these beyng wytnes Rodgger dernelie Jhon Leeche oliver goddard w(i)th others
N.B. I found it confusing that yt represented both "it" and "that" so from line 7 I have used (that) instead of yt for the second meaning.
1 | A true Inventorye of all and singular goods and cattells moveable | ||
2 | and unmoveable of Oliver dernelie late of Blackshawe | ||
3 | deceased praised by Will(ia)m dernelie Renould goddard | ||
4 | Jhon Leeche and Oliver goddard | ||
5 | Imprimis In kine---------------------------------------- | v li xiij s iiij d | |
6 | Item one mare----------------------------------------- | xx s | |
7 | Item In calfes------------------------------------------ | xl s | |
8 | Item In sheepe young and ould------------------------- | iiij li | |
9 | Item In arks-------------------------------------------- | xiij s iiij d | |
10 | Item In Bedding--------------------------------------- | xxxj s | |
11 | Item In yearne----------------------------------------- | x s | |
12 | Item In pewter and Brasse----------------------------- | xlv s | |
13 | Item In tree lombs w(i)t(h) all other litle implyments belongyng | ||
14 | to househould----------------------------------------- | viij s iiij d | |
15 | Item In husbandrie ?gaire------------------------------ | xxv s viij d | |
16 | Item In webster lombs w(i)t(h) other implyments therto belong | ||
17 | yng w(i)t(h) Bedstocks-------------------------------- | x s | |
18 | Item in ?lainnestone----------------------------------- | xx s | |
19 | Item his apperrell-------------------------------------- | xiij s iiij d | |
20 | Sum(ma) is | xxj li xvj s |
lines 13 and 16 Stuart A. Raymond "Words from wills and other probate records", defines looms as:- 1 an open vessel such as a bucket, 2 a machine for weaving, 3 an implement of any kind.
line 18 He defines a layerstone as a headstone specifically in the North but perhaps it is too early for a headstone. Perhaps it just means flagstones on the floor.
Transcribed by Marie Ball, 31 July, 2011
Rodgger Dernelie, a witness to the above will, could be the Rodger Dearnilie, (father of Oliver D of Dinting) who we know to be alive in 1591.
see Rodger Dearnilie (VIII).

Oliver Dernelie died about 1587
Children of Oliver Dernelie and Unknown (?)
- John Dernilee+ b. abt 1562
- William Dernelie b. abt 1565
- Oliver Dernelie b. abt 1567
- Edward Dernelie b. abt 1569
- Nicolas Dernelie b. abt 1571
- Elyn Dernelie b. abt 1573
- Alice Dernelie b. abt 1575
Unknown (?)
ID# 15615, b. about 1525, d. before 1586

Unknown (?) was born about 1525

Unknown (?) married Oliver Dernelie, son of John Dernylye (II) and Helen (?), about 1560

Unknown (?) died before 1586
Date assumed as she is not mentioned in Oliver's will.
Children of Unknown (?) and Oliver Dernelie
- John Dernilee+ b. abt 1562
- William Dernelie b. abt 1565
- Oliver Dernelie b. abt 1567
- Edward Dernelie b. abt 1569
- Nicolas Dernelie b. abt 1571
- Elyn Dernelie b. abt 1573
- Alice Dernelie b. abt 1575
Oliver Dernelie
ID# 15618, b. about 1567

Oliver Dernelie was born about 1567 at Derbyshire, England,
Oliver Dernelie was the son of Oliver Dernelie and Unknown (?)
Edward Dernelie
ID# 15619, b. about 1569

Edward Dernelie was born about 1569 at Derbyshire, England,
Edward Dernelie was the son of Oliver Dernelie and Unknown (?)
Nicolas Dernelie
ID# 15620, b. about 1571

There is also a Nicholas D & Ann
see Nicholas Dernely.
see Nicholas Dernely.

There are several entries related to a Nicholas D and wife who were alive around 1600 in Glossop.
We have combined the following entries as one - with the warning that they may belong to more than one Nicholas D.
1) Nicholas Dernelie son of Oliver of the Blackshaw
2) Nicholas D. - only known from his wife's Margaret's burial in Glossop in 1626, abode 'de Glossop'.
3) Margrett Hyde known to be married to a Dearnelee in 1612.
This Margrett's brother (Robert) left money to his sister Ellen's children but there is no mention of Margrett having children.
4) Nicholas Dernelly in the list of debts owed (2s) in the will of John Leeche of Charlesworth 1589.

Nicolas Dernelie was born about 1571 at Derbyshire, England,
Nicolas Dernelie was the son of Oliver Dernelie and Unknown (?)

A Nicholas Dernelly is in the list of debts owed (2s) in the will of John Leeche of Charlesworth 1589.

Nicolas Dernelie married Margaret Hyde, daughter of Unknown Hyde and Unknown (?), about 1604
