John Dearneley
ID# 15972, b. December 1665, d. January 1748

John Dearneley was born in December 1665 at Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
John Dearneley was the son of Joseph Dearneley and Elizabeth Smith.

John Dearneley was baptised on 28 January 1666 at Mellor, Derbyshire, England,
recorded as 'Johanis Dearnely''
- FamilySearch, Mellor baptisms transcriptions.
- FamilySearch, Mellor baptisms transcriptions.
He was living on 13 March 1701; Mentioned in uncle William's will.
see William Dearneley.

in 1747 John Dearneley lived at Smithy Lane, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

John Dearneley left a will on 5 October 1747 at Smithy Lane, Glossop, Derbyshire, England.
Will of John Dearnily of Smithy Lane in the Parish of Glossop
1 In the name of God amen I John Dearnily of Smithy Lane in the Parish of Glossop and County
2 of Darby and Dioesess of Litchfield yeoman being in health of body and of perfect mind and memory praised be God
3 therefore yett considering my self far advanced in years and the frailty and unconstanty of human life have thought fitt
4 to dispose of all such temporall estate as it hath pleased Allmighty God (far above my deserts) to bestow upon me
5 and therefore I do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manor and form following first I will that all my
6 just debts funerall expences and charges of probat hereof and allso such heriott or heriots as shall become due by
7 my decese be fully paide and discharged. Allso as for that my estate within the manor of Wakefield att Callwell
8 in Ostenlee (Austonley) in the gravesenship of Holm copy hold and in the county of York and which I hold by coppy of court
9 roule under the Honorable Duke of Leeds I give and bequeath and devise the same and all the apurtenances
10 and privilidges thereunto belonging to my well beloved brother Joseph Dearnily and to his heirs ansd asignes for ever
11 to be held by rents and services according to the custom of the said mannor [Allso I will that the five
12 pounds James Broadhead gave me a bill for shall be j?? to pay to my executors att my deceace shall
13 be j?? towards defraying the charges of my funerall ] words within square brackets have been crossed through twice
14 Allso my freehold estate lying and being in the Coumbs Edg in the parish of Chappel le frith and County of Darby called and known
15 by the name of the Greane house I give and bequeath the same to four of my nieces the daughters of my
16 sister Ann Shaw to witt to Mary Sara Ann and Susanna the rents and profits arising thereof to be equally devied
17 amongst them for ever provided that the said four sisters Mary Sara Ann and Susanna above said shall pay unto
18 their mother Ann Shaw my sister out of the profits arising from the said freehold the sum of five pounds
19 yearly and every year during the term and time of her naturall life Allso I will that if it so hapen that aney
20 of the four sisters die without children then her part shall be equally devided amongst her three sisters that remaine
21 and if two of them die without children then their parts shall be devided betweene the other two sisters that remaine
22 and if three of them die without children then it shall goe to the last but if aney of the said sisters die
23 leaving child or children lawfully begotten then such child or children shall injoy their mothers part
24 Allso I give and bequeath to the above said Mary my niece my clock and my bed with all that belongs to them
25 Lastly I do hereby constitute and apoint my well beloved friends Ann Shaw my sister and James Shaw of Hague in the
26 parish of Mottram and County of Chester to be the sole executors of this my last will and testament and
27 I do hereby frustrate and make void all other bequests will or wills formerly made by me ratifieing confirming
28 and declaring this and none other to be my last will and testament as wittnes my hand and seale this fifth
29 day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred fourty and seven
30 signed sealed published and declared as and for the last will and
31 testament of John Dearnily in oresence of us
32 who subscribed our names in his presence
John Dearnily seale
33 John Beard
34 James Beard
35 Charles Garside
36 Lichfield 12th february 1747
37 when probat of this will be granted to Ann
38 Shaw widow & James Shaw the executors
39 named therein, they being sworn before me Tho[mas] White surrogate
next page
1 Memorandum this may satisfie aney
2 whom it may concern that John Dearnily
3 the testator ordered these lines to be written
4 befor the signeing and sealing of his will as a
5 part of his will and mind, first the charges
6 of his funerall expences his will and mind was
7 should be taken out of his whole estate
8 Allso the five pounds to be paid to his
9 executors att his decease by James Broadhead shall go towards
10 paying such heriot or heriots as shall be
11 com due by his decese
transcribed by Marie Ball
Oct 2011.
1 In the name of God amen I John Dearnily of Smithy Lane in the Parish of Glossop and County
2 of Darby and Dioesess of Litchfield yeoman being in health of body and of perfect mind and memory praised be God
3 therefore yett considering my self far advanced in years and the frailty and unconstanty of human life have thought fitt
4 to dispose of all such temporall estate as it hath pleased Allmighty God (far above my deserts) to bestow upon me
5 and therefore I do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manor and form following first I will that all my
6 just debts funerall expences and charges of probat hereof and allso such heriott or heriots as shall become due by
7 my decese be fully paide and discharged. Allso as for that my estate within the manor of Wakefield att Callwell
8 in Ostenlee (Austonley) in the gravesenship of Holm copy hold and in the county of York and which I hold by coppy of court
9 roule under the Honorable Duke of Leeds I give and bequeath and devise the same and all the apurtenances
10 and privilidges thereunto belonging to my well beloved brother Joseph Dearnily and to his heirs ansd asignes for ever
11 to be held by rents and services according to the custom of the said mannor [Allso I will that the five
12 pounds James Broadhead gave me a bill for shall be j?? to pay to my executors att my deceace shall
13 be j?? towards defraying the charges of my funerall ] words within square brackets have been crossed through twice
14 Allso my freehold estate lying and being in the Coumbs Edg in the parish of Chappel le frith and County of Darby called and known
15 by the name of the Greane house I give and bequeath the same to four of my nieces the daughters of my
16 sister Ann Shaw to witt to Mary Sara Ann and Susanna the rents and profits arising thereof to be equally devied
17 amongst them for ever provided that the said four sisters Mary Sara Ann and Susanna above said shall pay unto
18 their mother Ann Shaw my sister out of the profits arising from the said freehold the sum of five pounds
19 yearly and every year during the term and time of her naturall life Allso I will that if it so hapen that aney
20 of the four sisters die without children then her part shall be equally devided amongst her three sisters that remaine
21 and if two of them die without children then their parts shall be devided betweene the other two sisters that remaine
22 and if three of them die without children then it shall goe to the last but if aney of the said sisters die
23 leaving child or children lawfully begotten then such child or children shall injoy their mothers part
24 Allso I give and bequeath to the above said Mary my niece my clock and my bed with all that belongs to them
25 Lastly I do hereby constitute and apoint my well beloved friends Ann Shaw my sister and James Shaw of Hague in the
26 parish of Mottram and County of Chester to be the sole executors of this my last will and testament and
27 I do hereby frustrate and make void all other bequests will or wills formerly made by me ratifieing confirming
28 and declaring this and none other to be my last will and testament as wittnes my hand and seale this fifth
29 day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred fourty and seven
30 signed sealed published and declared as and for the last will and
31 testament of John Dearnily in oresence of us
32 who subscribed our names in his presence
John Dearnily seale
33 John Beard
34 James Beard
35 Charles Garside
36 Lichfield 12th february 1747
37 when probat of this will be granted to Ann
38 Shaw widow & James Shaw the executors
39 named therein, they being sworn before me Tho[mas] White surrogate
next page
1 Memorandum this may satisfie aney
2 whom it may concern that John Dearnily
3 the testator ordered these lines to be written
4 befor the signeing and sealing of his will as a
5 part of his will and mind, first the charges
6 of his funerall expences his will and mind was
7 should be taken out of his whole estate
8 Allso the five pounds to be paid to his
9 executors att his decease by James Broadhead shall go towards
10 paying such heriot or heriots as shall be
11 com due by his decese
1 | A true & perfect inventory of all & singular the goods | ||
2 | chatteles and credits of John Dearnly of Ludworth in the | ||
3 | parish of Glossop & County of Derby late deceased taken | ||
4 | valued & appraised by us this 23d day of january 174? | ||
5 | as followeth | £ s d | |
6 | Item In purse & apparrele ------ | 15=0=0 | |
7 | Item In one bed & beding ------ | 1=15=0 | |
8 | Item In one large cofer ------ | 0=6=0 | |
9 | Item In one lesser cofer & bed ------ | 0=2=6 | |
10 | Item In one clock & case ------ | 1=5=0 | |
11 | Item In all other things not named or forgotten and } | ||
12 | Husslements }--- | 0=1=6 | |
13 | summa ---- | 18=9=0 | |
14 | witness hereof | ||
15 | John Beard | ||
16 | Wm Chatterton |
transcribed by Marie Ball
Oct 2011.

John Dearneley died in January 1748 at Derbyshire, England, at age 82 years and 1 month

John Dearneley was buried on 18 January 1748 at Mellor, Derbyshire, England,
Burial recorded as John Dearneley, buried 18 Jan 1747.
Anglican Burial.
from transcription only.
Anglican Burial.
from transcription only.

Probate was granted on his estate on 12 February 1748
Granted to Ann Shaw widow & James Shaw at Lichfield.
see Ann Dearneley.
see Ann Dearneley.
Sarah Dearneley
ID# 15973, b. about 1663, d. March 1710

Sarah Dearneley was born about 1663
Sarah is assumed to be the eldest daughter due to the wording in both her father Joseph's will & her uncle John's will.
see John Dearnely (IV).
see John Dearnely (IV).
Sarah Dearneley was the daughter of Joseph Dearneley and Elizabeth Smith.

Sarah Dearneley married Unknown Swindells about 1688
Assumed from the Will of uncle John.
see John Dearnely (IV).
Sarah Dearneley was living in February 1705; Mentioned in her uncle John's will.
see John Dearnely (IV).

Sarah Dearneley died in March 1710 at Derbyshire, England,

Sarah Dearneley was buried on 29 March 1710 at Mellor, Derbyshire, England,
Child of Sarah Dearneley and Unknown Swindells
- John Swindells b. abt 1690
Unknown Swindells
ID# 15974, b. about 1667

Unknown Swindells was born about 1667

Unknown Swindells married Sarah Dearneley, daughter of Joseph Dearneley and Elizabeth Smith, about 1688
Assumed from the Will of uncle John.
see John Dearnely (IV).
Unknown Swindells was living on 13 March 1701.
Child of Unknown Swindells and Sarah Dearneley
- John Swindells b. abt 1690
Mary Dearneley
ID# 15978, b. April 1665

Mary Dearneley was born in April 1665 at Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Mary Dearneley was the daughter of Joseph Dearneley and Elizabeth Smith.

Mary Dearneley was baptised on 25 May 1665 at Mellor, Derbyshire, England,
recorded as 'Maria Dearnely''
- FamilySearch, Mellor baptisms transcriptions.
- FamilySearch, Mellor baptisms transcriptions.

Mary Dearneley married John Brocklehirst on 28 September 1693 at St. Mary's Church, Stockport, Cheshire, England,
both 'of this parish.'
Mary Dearneley was living on 13 March 1701.
Elizabeth Dearneley
ID# 15979, b. about 1667, d. before 1718

Elizabeth Dearneley was born about 1667
Elizabeth's baptism has not yet been found. She is assumed to be older than sister Ann from the wording in both her father Joseph's will & uncle John's will.
Elizabeth Dearneley was the daughter of Joseph Dearneley and Elizabeth Smith.

Elizabeth Dearneley married Joseph Sidebotham on 21 December 1700 at St. Marys, Stockport, Cheshire, England,
'Joseph Sidebotham of Marple & Elizabeth Dernely were Married the 21 day'
(FMP - date & Mary's surname are mis-transcribed.)
Marriage confirmed by the Will of uncle John.
see John Dearnely (IV).
Elizabeth Dearneley was living in 1705; Mentioned in her uncle John's will.
see John Dearnely (IV).

Elizabeth Dearneley died before 1718
Children of Elizabeth Dearneley and Joseph Sidebotham
- John Sidebotham b. Jan 1701
- Mary Sidebotham b. Sep 1707
- Male Sydebotham b. Feb 1710
- Elizabeth Sidebotham b. Dec 1710
Ann Dearneley
ID# 15980, b. September 1682

Ann Dearneley was born in September 1682 at Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Ann Dearneley was the daughter of Joseph Dearneley and Elizabeth Smith.

Ann Dearneley was baptised on 21 October 1682 at Mellor, Derbyshire, England,
recorded as 'Ann Dearneley''
- FamilySearch, Mellor baptisms transcriptions.
- FamilySearch, Mellor baptisms transcriptions.
She was living on 13 March 1701; Mentioned in the will of William Dearneley (1701.)

Ann Dearneley married Jacob Shaw on 20 April 1703 at Mellor, Derbyshire, England,

in 1747 Ann Dearneley lived at Hague, Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,
Children of Ann Dearneley and Jacob Shaw
- Mary Shaw b. abt 1706
- Sara Shaw b. abt 1708
- Ann Shaw b. abt 1710
- Susana Shaw b. abt 1712