Lawrence Dernlove
ID# 18981, b. about 1525

The surname "Dearnlove" is not found anywhere other than in FamilySearch/IGI.
There is a Wm. Dearnele/Dernelinge in the same area at this time.
see William Dearnele
see Hamnet Dernelove
see Ric Dearnelove.
There is a Wm. Dearnele/Dernelinge in the same area at this time.
see William Dearnele
see Hamnet Dernelove
see Ric Dearnelove.

Lawrence Dernlove was born about 1525
Child of Lawrence Dernlove
- Grace Dernlove b. Mar 1553
Frances Hoskins
ID# 18986, b. about 1640, d. March 1699

I suspect that Frances was married to one of Daniel D's grand-children.
see Daniel Darneley.
see Daniel Darneley.

Frances Hoskins was born about 1640
Frances Hoskins was the daughter of (?) Hoskins.

Frances Hoskins married (?) Darnelly about 1665

in November 1698 Frances Hoskins lived at Clare Court, St Clements, London, England,

Frances Hoskins left a will on 17 November 1698.
Will of Frances Darnelly 1698
Abbreviations are expanded thus: Dan(ie)l. Guesses are in italics.
In the name of God Amen this seventeenth day of November in the fourth year
of King Williams reign anno dom 1698 I Frances Darnelly
of Clare Court in (the) Parish of St Clements being of perfect mind (and) memory praysed
be God doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner (and) forme following
Imprimis I give and bequeath my body to the earth from which it came
to be decently buried in St James church yard according to the discretion
of my Executor hereafter named and my Soul into the hands of my saviour
Jesus who died for me and by whose merits I hope to have eternal life
and for that temporall Goods (and) (chat)tals wh(ich) hath pleased God to bestow upon me
I give and bequeath viz
Item I give and bequeath to my very good friend Arabella Chadwick my
wrought Peticoat and my Pictures and my Earthen ware Item I give
unto Mrs Elizabeth Bell five holland shifts and six Holland aprons
Item I give to Eliz Darnelly daughter of my Executor my two Earings
Item I give unto my Brother John Hoskins five pounds to be paid
unto him three months after my decease Item I give unto Mrs Eliza
Williams twenty shillings to buy her a ring Item I give unto my very
loveing friend Hannah Coker all my wearing Cloths and twenty
shillings to buy her a ring Item I give to Margret Pirns
twenty shillings to buy her a ring and all the rest and residue of
my mony Goods (and) chattels I give and bequeath to my loveing
friend Dan(ie)l Darnelly after my Debts Legacies (and) funerall Expenses
are paid and make him my full and whole Executor Item I
give and bequeath to my good friend Eliz Thompson my Catt
and half a Guinea to buy liver for her and make this my last
and will and testament revoking all other wills In witness
whereof I have hereunto put my hand (and) seall the day and year
first above written
Frances Darnelly
Sealed Published (and) declared this
to be my last will (and) testament
the double six penney stamps
being first affixed in the presence of
William Dawson
Hm Fountain
Transcribed by Janet Davies
November 2012.
Abbreviations are expanded thus: Dan(ie)l. Guesses are in italics.
In the name of God Amen this seventeenth day of November in the fourth year
of King Williams reign anno dom 1698 I Frances Darnelly
of Clare Court in (the) Parish of St Clements being of perfect mind (and) memory praysed
be God doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner (and) forme following
Imprimis I give and bequeath my body to the earth from which it came
to be decently buried in St James church yard according to the discretion
of my Executor hereafter named and my Soul into the hands of my saviour
Jesus who died for me and by whose merits I hope to have eternal life
and for that temporall Goods (and) (chat)tals wh(ich) hath pleased God to bestow upon me
I give and bequeath viz
Item I give and bequeath to my very good friend Arabella Chadwick my
wrought Peticoat and my Pictures and my Earthen ware Item I give
unto Mrs Elizabeth Bell five holland shifts and six Holland aprons
Item I give to Eliz Darnelly daughter of my Executor my two Earings
Item I give unto my Brother John Hoskins five pounds to be paid
unto him three months after my decease Item I give unto Mrs Eliza
Williams twenty shillings to buy her a ring Item I give unto my very
loveing friend Hannah Coker all my wearing Cloths and twenty
shillings to buy her a ring Item I give to Margret Pirns
twenty shillings to buy her a ring and all the rest and residue of
my mony Goods (and) chattels I give and bequeath to my loveing
friend Dan(ie)l Darnelly after my Debts Legacies (and) funerall Expenses
are paid and make him my full and whole Executor Item I
give and bequeath to my good friend Eliz Thompson my Catt
and half a Guinea to buy liver for her and make this my last
and will and testament revoking all other wills In witness
whereof I have hereunto put my hand (and) seall the day and year
first above written
Frances Darnelly
Sealed Published (and) declared this
to be my last will (and) testament
the double six penney stamps
being first affixed in the presence of
William Dawson
Hm Fountain
Transcribed by Janet Davies
November 2012.

Frances Hoskins died in March 1699 at London, England,

Frances Hoskins was buried on 12 March 1699 at St. Pancras Old Church, London, England

(?) Darnelly
ID# 18987, b. about 1640, d. before 1698

(?) Darnelly was born about 1640

(?) Darnelly married Frances Hoskins, daughter of (?) Hoskins, about 1665

(?) Darnelly died before 1698
(?) Hoskins
ID# 18988, b. about 1612

(?) Hoskins was born about 1612
Children of (?) Hoskins
- Frances Hoskins b. abt 1640, d. Mar 1699
- John Hoskins b. abt 1640
John Hoskins
ID# 18989, b. about 1640
John Nicholls
ID# 18990, b. about 1620

John Nicholls was born about 1620
John Nicholls was the son of John Nichols and Blanche (?)

John Nicholls married Unknown (?) about 1641

Mentioned in brother-in-law Richard's 1667 will.
Children of John Nicholls and Unknown (?)
- Mary Nicholls b. abt 1642
- John Nicholls b. abt 1644
- Sarah Nicholls b. abt 1646