Emma Mellor
ID# 22701, b. December 1870

Emma Mellor was born in December 1870 at Meltham, Yorkshire, England,
Emma Mellor was the daughter of Richard Mellor and Mary Taylor.
Wallace R Mellor
ID# 22702, b. 1876

Wallace R Mellor was born in 1876 at Maine, USA,
Wallace R Mellor was the son of Richard Mellor and Mary Taylor.
John Newton
ID# 22703, b. March 1720, d. April 1796

The existence of John's children is known from his 1796 will. Other than George Newton, the children's birth dates have been elusive.

John Newton was born in March 1720 at Edenbooth, Cheshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
John Newton was the son of George Newton.

John Newton was baptised on 12 April 1720 at Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,
'son of George Newton of Edenbooth.'

John Newton married Ellen Kelsall, daughter of William Kelsall and Unknown (?), about 1749
John Newton witnessed the Marriage of Mary Newton and Samuel Dearnaley on 3 March 1776 at Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,
Samuel Dernally of this Parish
Mary Newton of this Parish Spinster
witnesses: Joseph Tinker & John Newton
Samuel Dearnaley 1745 and his brother Joseph 1750 married Mary Newton and Sarah Newton respectively.
Mary's wedding was witnessed by John Newton in 1776 and George Newton was a co-signatory on the licence
(father & brother). Sarah's wedding was witnessed by George Newton in 1778.
The Joseph Tinker who witnessed Samuel's marriage licence was also witness to a large number of weddings
in Mottram. The 1785 will of one Betty Hadfield indicates that Joseph Tinker was parish clerk at that time. -JAD.

John Newton died in April 1796 at Woodhead, Cheshire, England, at age 76 years and 1 month

John Newton left a will on 18 April 1796.
Will of John Newton of Woodhead 1798
In the Name of God Amen I John Newton of
Woodhead in the Parish of Mottram Longdendale and County
Palatine of Chester being weak in body but of sound and disposing
mind and Memory (praised be God for the same) Do make and ordain
this my last Will and Testament in manner following First I give
and bequeath to my Son George all that my Messuage or Dwelling
House situate at Tintwhistle in the Parish of Mottram aforesaid
together with the Appurtenances and Outhousing thereunto belong
ing which is Freehold to him his Heirs or Assigns for ever and
also an Orchard which is Leasehold now occupied with the
abovementioned Dwelling house and in the tenure or Occupation
of Joseph Dearneley his assigns or undertenants and whereupon
I am now erecting two Messuages or Dwelling houses and if I
should die before I have compleated the same it is my Will
and mind that the said Houses be finished up and made tenan
able according to the Custom of the County out of my personal
Estate by my Executor herein aftermentioned all which
said Premises with the Privileges and Appurtenances there
unto belonging I give unto my said son George to enter to the
same at my Decease Also I give unto Nelly my loving
Wife the Rents and Profits of all those my six Messuages
or Dwelling Houses situate at Wedneshough in the parish
of Mottram aforesaid during the Term of her natural Life if
she so long continue my Widow in lieu of her Dower or third
which said Houses are in the several Tenures or Occupation
or were of late of Thomas Heathhead Nicholas Booth
Thomas Bradbury Robert Hayward Thomas Harrap and
John Cooper and within twelve Months next after the
Decease of my Wife my Will and Mind is that my Executors
hereinafter named shall sell all the aforesaid six Dwelling
houses for the best price they can get and divide the Money
in Manner following viz To my Daughter Mary the
Wife of Samuel Dearneley of Woodhead the Sum of
Forty Pounds of lawful Money To my Daughter Ann the
Wife of John Bower of Woodhead the Sum of Sixty Pounds
to my Daughter Sarah the Wife of Joseph Dearneley of
Tintwhistle the Sum of Forty Pounds and to my Daughter
Lydia the Wife of Joseph Hollingworth of Tintwhistle the
Sum of Sixty Pounds of like lawful Money and what further
Sum of Money the aforesaid Houses shall be sold for more
after making up the afore mentioned several sums for each
of my Daughters and defraying the necessary Expenses
attending this sale of the same my Will and mind is that the
remaining Money if any there be shall be equally divided
amongst my said four Daughters and my son George Share
and Share alike Also I give and bequeath my said four
Daughters the Sum of One hundred and Sixty Pounds
secured upon the Turnpike Road leading from Hudders-
field to Enterclough Bridge to enter the same at my Death
and to be divided equally amongst them share and share
alike Also I give and bequeath unto my son John all that my
Freehold Messuage or Tenement situate at Tintwhistle late the
Property of James Cocker consisting of an House Garden and
Croft with all the Priveleges and appurtenances there unto
belonging to him and his heirs for ever Also I give unto my
said son John the Tenant Right of those two farms which I
now enjoy at Woodhead aforesaid with all my Stock of Sheep
and Cattle Household Goods Husbandry Gear and Personal
Estate whatsoever and wheresoever note herebefore in this my
Will disposed of to enter to the same at my Death subject
nevertheless to the Conditions following That is to say That
my said son John shall pay to my son Joseph the Sum of
One hundred and Eighty Pounds of lawful Money provided
so much Money shall then be wanting to make up my son
Joseph’s Fortune two hundred and fifty Pounds he having
Already received of me the sum of Twenty Pounds Fifty
Pounds whereof to be paid at the End of twelve months next
after my Death and the remaining Sum of One hundred
and thirty Pounds at the End of three years next after my
Death and my Will and mind is that my Wife if she chooses
shall live with my son John if both be agreeable and if not
that she shall have the Chamber over the Kitchen adjoining
the House where in I now dwell for to live in with decent
furniture such as she chooses so long as she continues my
Widow and also that she shall have free liberty to wash bake
and brew and do other necessary Business in the Kitchen
And whereas I am in expectation of some Money to be left me
by the last Will of my Father in Law William Kelsall my Will
and mind is that what money shall be so left to me shall
be equally divided amongst all my Children share and share
alike And I also hereby charge my son John with the Payment
of all my just Debts and Funeral Expenses and the Expense of the
probate of this my Will and I do appoint my son John my son in
law Samuel Dearneley and my friend Joseph Hyde of Tintwhistle
joint Executors of this my Will declaring it to be my last Will
and revoking all former Wills by me heretofore made. In witness
whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this eighteenth Day of
April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six
Signed sealed published and declared by the said
Testator as and for his last will and testament in John Newton
the presence of us who in his presence and assignes
have subscribed our Names as witness
Joseph Broadbent James Sykes David Whitehead
The Ninth day of April 1798 Joseph Hyde
John Newton & Samuel Dearneley the Executors
within named were sworn in common form
Value of the Effects before me
Above 300£ & under 600£ James Turner Surrogate
Probate dated 9 April 1798
Note: Regarding the turnpike road mentioned above, Enterclough Bridge crossed the River Etherow (then known as the River Mersey) at the foot of Hey Clough, just west of Woodhead and now under the Woodhead Reservoir. (The modern accepted start of the River Mersey is in Stockport, after the River Etherow has joined the River Goyt and River Tame.)
Trancription by Janet Davies, 2014
People named in the above will of John Newton
Wife: Nelly (Ellen)
Sons: George, John and Joseph
Daughters: Mary, wife of Samuel Dearneley of Woodhead
Ann, wife of John Bower of Woodhead
Sarah, wife of Joseph Dearneley of Tintwhistle
Lydia, wife of John Hollingworth of Tintwhistle
Father-in-law: William Kelsall
Tenants: Thomas Heathhead, Nicholas Booth, Thomas Bradbury
Robert Hayward, Thomas Harrap, John Cooper
Executors: John Newton, his son
Samuel Dearneley, his son-in-law
Joseph Hyde, his friend (brother-in-law of Samuel Dearneley)
Witnesses: Joseph Broadbent, James Sykes, David Whitehead
The Newton farm was probably located on Heyden Brook, north of Woodhead. It would have been the last farm before the road went over the moors to the Holme Valley. A Thomas Newton is named as obtaining a lease from Sir Thomas Wilbraham for Edenbooth in Longdendale in 1684 (A2A). In 1797 John Newton, brother-in-law to Samuel Dearnaley of Woodhead, paid land tax of £6 6s at Eyden Booth (tamesidefamilyhistory.co.uk). And in the 1871 census a John Newton had renamed the property The Tollemache Arms and was listed as licensed victualler and farmer of 152 acres.
In the Name of God Amen I John Newton of
Woodhead in the Parish of Mottram Longdendale and County
Palatine of Chester being weak in body but of sound and disposing
mind and Memory (praised be God for the same) Do make and ordain
this my last Will and Testament in manner following First I give
and bequeath to my Son George all that my Messuage or Dwelling
House situate at Tintwhistle in the Parish of Mottram aforesaid
together with the Appurtenances and Outhousing thereunto belong
ing which is Freehold to him his Heirs or Assigns for ever and
also an Orchard which is Leasehold now occupied with the
abovementioned Dwelling house and in the tenure or Occupation
of Joseph Dearneley his assigns or undertenants and whereupon
I am now erecting two Messuages or Dwelling houses and if I
should die before I have compleated the same it is my Will
and mind that the said Houses be finished up and made tenan
able according to the Custom of the County out of my personal
Estate by my Executor herein aftermentioned all which
said Premises with the Privileges and Appurtenances there
unto belonging I give unto my said son George to enter to the
same at my Decease Also I give unto Nelly my loving
Wife the Rents and Profits of all those my six Messuages
or Dwelling Houses situate at Wedneshough in the parish
of Mottram aforesaid during the Term of her natural Life if
she so long continue my Widow in lieu of her Dower or third
which said Houses are in the several Tenures or Occupation
or were of late of Thomas Heathhead Nicholas Booth
Thomas Bradbury Robert Hayward Thomas Harrap and
John Cooper and within twelve Months next after the
Decease of my Wife my Will and Mind is that my Executors
hereinafter named shall sell all the aforesaid six Dwelling
houses for the best price they can get and divide the Money
in Manner following viz To my Daughter Mary the
Wife of Samuel Dearneley of Woodhead the Sum of
Forty Pounds of lawful Money To my Daughter Ann the
Wife of John Bower of Woodhead the Sum of Sixty Pounds
to my Daughter Sarah the Wife of Joseph Dearneley of
Tintwhistle the Sum of Forty Pounds and to my Daughter
Lydia the Wife of Joseph Hollingworth of Tintwhistle the
Sum of Sixty Pounds of like lawful Money and what further
Sum of Money the aforesaid Houses shall be sold for more
after making up the afore mentioned several sums for each
of my Daughters and defraying the necessary Expenses
attending this sale of the same my Will and mind is that the
remaining Money if any there be shall be equally divided
amongst my said four Daughters and my son George Share
and Share alike Also I give and bequeath my said four
Daughters the Sum of One hundred and Sixty Pounds
secured upon the Turnpike Road leading from Hudders-
field to Enterclough Bridge to enter the same at my Death
and to be divided equally amongst them share and share
alike Also I give and bequeath unto my son John all that my
Freehold Messuage or Tenement situate at Tintwhistle late the
Property of James Cocker consisting of an House Garden and
Croft with all the Priveleges and appurtenances there unto
belonging to him and his heirs for ever Also I give unto my
said son John the Tenant Right of those two farms which I
now enjoy at Woodhead aforesaid with all my Stock of Sheep
and Cattle Household Goods Husbandry Gear and Personal
Estate whatsoever and wheresoever note herebefore in this my
Will disposed of to enter to the same at my Death subject
nevertheless to the Conditions following That is to say That
my said son John shall pay to my son Joseph the Sum of
One hundred and Eighty Pounds of lawful Money provided
so much Money shall then be wanting to make up my son
Joseph’s Fortune two hundred and fifty Pounds he having
Already received of me the sum of Twenty Pounds Fifty
Pounds whereof to be paid at the End of twelve months next
after my Death and the remaining Sum of One hundred
and thirty Pounds at the End of three years next after my
Death and my Will and mind is that my Wife if she chooses
shall live with my son John if both be agreeable and if not
that she shall have the Chamber over the Kitchen adjoining
the House where in I now dwell for to live in with decent
furniture such as she chooses so long as she continues my
Widow and also that she shall have free liberty to wash bake
and brew and do other necessary Business in the Kitchen
And whereas I am in expectation of some Money to be left me
by the last Will of my Father in Law William Kelsall my Will
and mind is that what money shall be so left to me shall
be equally divided amongst all my Children share and share
alike And I also hereby charge my son John with the Payment
of all my just Debts and Funeral Expenses and the Expense of the
probate of this my Will and I do appoint my son John my son in
law Samuel Dearneley and my friend Joseph Hyde of Tintwhistle
joint Executors of this my Will declaring it to be my last Will
and revoking all former Wills by me heretofore made. In witness
whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this eighteenth Day of
April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six
Signed sealed published and declared by the said
Testator as and for his last will and testament in John Newton
the presence of us who in his presence and assignes
have subscribed our Names as witness
Joseph Broadbent James Sykes David Whitehead
The Ninth day of April 1798 Joseph Hyde
John Newton & Samuel Dearneley the Executors
within named were sworn in common form
Value of the Effects before me
Above 300£ & under 600£ James Turner Surrogate
Probate dated 9 April 1798
Note: Regarding the turnpike road mentioned above, Enterclough Bridge crossed the River Etherow (then known as the River Mersey) at the foot of Hey Clough, just west of Woodhead and now under the Woodhead Reservoir. (The modern accepted start of the River Mersey is in Stockport, after the River Etherow has joined the River Goyt and River Tame.)
Trancription by Janet Davies, 2014
People named in the above will of John Newton
Wife: Nelly (Ellen)
Sons: George, John and Joseph
Daughters: Mary, wife of Samuel Dearneley of Woodhead
Ann, wife of John Bower of Woodhead
Sarah, wife of Joseph Dearneley of Tintwhistle
Lydia, wife of John Hollingworth of Tintwhistle
Father-in-law: William Kelsall
Tenants: Thomas Heathhead, Nicholas Booth, Thomas Bradbury
Robert Hayward, Thomas Harrap, John Cooper
Executors: John Newton, his son
Samuel Dearneley, his son-in-law
Joseph Hyde, his friend (brother-in-law of Samuel Dearneley)
Witnesses: Joseph Broadbent, James Sykes, David Whitehead
The Newton farm was probably located on Heyden Brook, north of Woodhead. It would have been the last farm before the road went over the moors to the Holme Valley. A Thomas Newton is named as obtaining a lease from Sir Thomas Wilbraham for Edenbooth in Longdendale in 1684 (A2A). In 1797 John Newton, brother-in-law to Samuel Dearnaley of Woodhead, paid land tax of £6 6s at Eyden Booth (tamesidefamilyhistory.co.uk). And in the 1871 census a John Newton had renamed the property The Tollemache Arms and was listed as licensed victualler and farmer of 152 acres.

John Newton was buried on 28 April 1796 at Woodhead, Cheshire, England,

Probate was granted on his estate on 9 April 1798
Children of John Newton and Ellen Kelsall
- George Newton b. Oct 1750, d. Nov 1832
- Mary Newton+ b. abt 1752, d. 28 Nov 1825
- John Newton b. abt 1754
- Ann Newton+ b. abt 1756
- Joseph Newton b. abt 1757
- Sarah Newton+ b. abt 1758
- Lydia Newton b. abt 1760
Ellen Kelsall
ID# 22704, b. April 1729, d. April 1802

Ellen Kelsall was born in April 1729 at Cheshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Ellen Kelsall was the daughter of William Kelsall and Unknown (?)

Ellen Kelsall was baptised on 11 May 1729 at Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,

Ellen Kelsall married John Newton, son of George Newton, about 1749

Ellen Kelsall died in April 1802 at Woodhead, Cheshire, England, at age 73 years

Ellen Kelsall was buried on 18 April 1802 at Woodhead, Cheshire, England,
Children of Ellen Kelsall and John Newton
- George Newton b. Oct 1750, d. Nov 1832
- Mary Newton+ b. abt 1752, d. 28 Nov 1825
- John Newton b. abt 1754
- Ann Newton+ b. abt 1756
- Joseph Newton b. abt 1757
- Sarah Newton+ b. abt 1758
- Lydia Newton b. abt 1760
George Newton
ID# 22705, b. October 1750, d. November 1832

George Newton was born in October 1750 at Woodhead, Cheshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
George Newton was the son of John Newton and Ellen Kelsall.

George Newton was baptised on 18 November 1750 at Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,
Recorded as the son of John and Ellen Newton of Woodhead (findmypast).
George Newton witnessed the Marriage of Sarah Newton and Joseph Dearnaley on 9 August 1778 at Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,
'Joseph Dearnley & Sarah Newton by Licence' - Mottram Parish
Both 'of this parish'
Witnesses: George Newton & James Sidebottom
Samuel Dearnaley 1745 and his brother Joseph 1750 married Mary Newton and Sarah Newton respectively. Mary's wedding was witnessed by John Newton in 1776 and George Newton was a co-signatory on the licence (father & brother). Sarah's wedding was witnessed by George Newton in 1778.
The Joseph Tinker who witnessed Samuel's marriage licence was also witness to a large number of weddings in Mottram. The 1785 will of one Betty Hadfield indicates that Joseph Tinker was parish clerk at that time. -JAD.

George Newton died in November 1832 at Cheshire, England, at age 82 years and 1 month
George's burial is on the same page as Samuel Dearnaley's - Samuel's age is given as 67 in one version but correctly given as 87 in another.
see Samuel Dearnaley.
see Samuel Dearnaley.

George Newton was buried on 30 November 1832 at St. James' Church, Woodhead, Cheshire, England,
'No.92; Samuel Dearnaley; abode Woodhead; buried August 14; aged 87' see Samuel Dearnaley
'No.85; George Newton; abode Tintwistle ?? of Woodhead; buried November 30; aged 82' see George Newton
Mottram & Chapelry of Woodhead Burials 1832 p.12.
'No.85; George Newton; abode Tintwistle ?? of Woodhead; buried November 30; aged 82' see George Newton
Mottram & Chapelry of Woodhead Burials 1832 p.12.