Ruth Slater
ID# 30931, b. 8 February 1914, d. about August 1999

Ruth Slater was born on 8 February 1914 at Huddersfield C.B., Yorkshire, England,
Indexed as Ruth Slater; mother Roscoe.

Ruth Slater married Leslie Pell, son of George Wilfred Pell and Mary A Knowles, about May 1945 at Huddersfield R.D., Yorkshire, England,

Ruth Slater died about August 1999 at Cardiff R.D., Glamorganshire, Wales,
Nicholas Hadfield
ID# 30935, b. about 1550, d. after June 1610

Nicholas Hadfield was born about 1550
Nicholas Hadfield was the son of Unknown Hadfield and Unknown (?)

Nicholas Hadfield married Ellyn (?) about 1571

in 1610 Nicholas Hadfield lived at Padfield, Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,

Nicholas Hadfield left a will on 26 June 1610.
1610 will of Nicholas Hadfield of Padfield
In the name of god amen the xxvjth daye of June in the yeare of (our) lord god one thousand
six hundrethe (and) tenn I Nicholas Hadfield of Padfeld in the parishe of Glossoppe w(i)thin the
countye of Darbye husbandman sicke in body (and) yet in good (and) perfect remembrance god
be thanked for it dreedynge the --- --- of natural deathe doe constitute ordayne
(and) make this my p(re)sent testament conteninge hearin my last will in manor (and) forme following
that is to witt first (and) principally I offer (and) bequeathe my soule unto almighty god my
onely creator redeemer (and) --- trusting by the merits of christs bloode sheedinge to be
one in the number of those whiche shalbe saved (and) my bodye I committee to the earthe to be buryed
in the p(ar)ishechurche yarde of Glossoppe It(em) it is my will (and) mynde after my body is
decently buryed that my fourthbrynginge funeral expenses (and) all my debts shalbe payde
(and) discharged of my whole goodes and lykewyse it is will that whereas I have geven
my worde to Wm Newton (and) have payd to hyme three poundes of good lawfull englishe money
for Lawrance Hadfield my brother (that) if he will paye to the said Wm Newton the rest
that is behynde (and) discharge my word (then) I will forgieve hym that iijti (that) I have payde
for hym (and) if he will nott paye rest I will that the same shalbe discharged by my executrix
heareafter named (and) I freely forgeve hym all and then I geve (and) bequeathe all the rest of my goodes
to Ellyn Hadfield my wife to be distributed (and) –sed at her will (and) pleasure. It(em) I constitute ordayne
(and) make the said Ellyn Hadfield my aforsaid wife my soul (and) lawfull executrix consinge
that she will accomplishe (and) performe this my will as my trust is in her w(i)the the
counsell (and) oversight of Alexander Hadfield my brother (and) Wm Dernely my broth(er)inlaw
whom I make my supervisors or overseers Witnesses hearof Thomas Doxon
Thomas Hadfield (and) Thurston Hadfield
Transcribed by JAD 2019.
In the name of god amen the xxvjth daye of June in the yeare of (our) lord god one thousand
six hundrethe (and) tenn I Nicholas Hadfield of Padfeld in the parishe of Glossoppe w(i)thin the
countye of Darbye husbandman sicke in body (and) yet in good (and) perfect remembrance god
be thanked for it dreedynge the --- --- of natural deathe doe constitute ordayne
(and) make this my p(re)sent testament conteninge hearin my last will in manor (and) forme following
that is to witt first (and) principally I offer (and) bequeathe my soule unto almighty god my
onely creator redeemer (and) --- trusting by the merits of christs bloode sheedinge to be
one in the number of those whiche shalbe saved (and) my bodye I committee to the earthe to be buryed
in the p(ar)ishechurche yarde of Glossoppe It(em) it is my will (and) mynde after my body is
decently buryed that my fourthbrynginge funeral expenses (and) all my debts shalbe payde
(and) discharged of my whole goodes and lykewyse it is will that whereas I have geven
my worde to Wm Newton (and) have payd to hyme three poundes of good lawfull englishe money
for Lawrance Hadfield my brother (that) if he will paye to the said Wm Newton the rest
that is behynde (and) discharge my word (then) I will forgieve hym that iijti (that) I have payde
for hym (and) if he will nott paye rest I will that the same shalbe discharged by my executrix
heareafter named (and) I freely forgeve hym all and then I geve (and) bequeathe all the rest of my goodes
to Ellyn Hadfield my wife to be distributed (and) –sed at her will (and) pleasure. It(em) I constitute ordayne
(and) make the said Ellyn Hadfield my aforsaid wife my soul (and) lawfull executrix consinge
that she will accomplishe (and) performe this my will as my trust is in her w(i)the the
counsell (and) oversight of Alexander Hadfield my brother (and) Wm Dernely my broth(er)inlaw
whom I make my supervisors or overseers Witnesses hearof Thomas Doxon
Thomas Hadfield (and) Thurston Hadfield
Named in the will
Wm Newton relationship (if any) unknown
Lawrence Hadfield brother
Ellyn wife
Alexander Hadfield brother
Wm Dernely brother-in-law (assumed to be wife's brother)
Possibly William Dearnley (III) OR William Dernelie of the Blackshawe family who had a sister Elyn (perhaps Nicholas' wife).
Thomas Doxon
Thomas Hadfield
Thurston Hadfield
Transcribed by JAD 2019.

Nicholas Hadfield died after June 1610 at Padfield, Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,
Ellyn (?)
ID# 30936, b. about 1550, d. after 1610

Ellyn (?) was born about 1550
Possibly a sister of William Dearnley (III) who is referred to as "Wm Dernely my broth(er)inlaw" in Nicholas Hadfield's 1610 will.
Elyn DWilliam.
Elyn DWilliam.

Ellyn (?) married Nicholas Hadfield, son of Unknown Hadfield and Unknown (?), about 1571

Ellyn (?) died after 1610
Unknown Hadfield
ID# 30937, b. about 1522

Unknown Hadfield was born about 1522

Unknown Hadfield married Unknown (?) about 1545
Children of Unknown Hadfield and Unknown (?)
- Nicholas Hadfield b. abt 1550, d. a Jun 1610
- Lawrance Hadfield b. abt 1553
- Alexander Hadfield b. abt 1556
Unknown (?)
ID# 30938, b. about 1522

Unknown (?) was born about 1522

Unknown (?) married Unknown Hadfield about 1545
Children of Unknown (?) and Unknown Hadfield
- Nicholas Hadfield b. abt 1550, d. a Jun 1610
- Lawrance Hadfield b. abt 1553
- Alexander Hadfield b. abt 1556
Lawrance Hadfield
ID# 30939, b. about 1553

Lawrance Hadfield was born about 1553
Lawrance Hadfield was the son of Unknown Hadfield and Unknown (?)
Alexander Hadfield
ID# 30940, b. about 1556

Alexander Hadfield was born about 1556
Alexander Hadfield was the son of Unknown Hadfield and Unknown (?)