William Dernely
ID# 12311, b. May 1751
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

William Dernely was born in May 1751 at Blackley, Lancashire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
William Dernely was the son of William Dearneley and Ellen Stott.

William Dernely was baptised on 23 June 1751 at St. Peter's Church, Blackley, Manchester, Lancashire, England,
William s. of William Dernely of Blackley

Possibly the William D who married Mary Higginson in 1782.
see William Dearneley
Also, the first instance of the D. name in the Blackley parish records, according to lan-opc (and the records go back to 1655). -JAD
The William D who died in Cross Cliffe aged 56.
see [PageLink:22773:PageLink].
see William Dearneley
Also, the first instance of the D. name in the Blackley parish records, according to lan-opc (and the records go back to 1655). -JAD
The William D who died in Cross Cliffe aged 56.
see [PageLink:22773:PageLink].
William Dearnley
ID# 12313, b. February 1730, d. March 1730

William Dearnley was born in February 1730 at Robertown, Yorkshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
William Dearnley was the son of Edward Dearnley and Sarah Healey.

William Dearnley was baptised on 5 March 1730 at Birstall, Yorkshire, England,
1729/30 March
"William son of Edward Dearnley of Roberttown the 5th day."
"William son of Edward Dearnley of Roberttown the 5th day."

William Dearnley died in March 1730 at age 1 month

William Dearnley was buried on 14 March 1730 at St. Peters, Birstall, Yorkshire, England,
William Darnely
ID# 12314, b. December 1773
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

It seems likely that this William is either:
William Dearnley who married Hannah Smith. Hannah's husband died after daughter Hannah was born in 1816.
William Dearneley who died in 1811 *
* William Dearneley died 1811 Prestwich , bleacher, with administration, first grant, 16 Jul 1811, second grant 25 Feb 1812, to brother Joseph 'one of the next of kin' (Ancestry and findmypast.)
William Dearnley who married Hannah Smith. Hannah's husband died after daughter Hannah was born in 1816.
William Dearneley who died in 1811 *
* William Dearneley died 1811 Prestwich , bleacher, with administration, first grant, 16 Jul 1811, second grant 25 Feb 1812, to brother Joseph 'one of the next of kin' (Ancestry and findmypast.)

William Darnely was born in December 1773 at Newton, Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
William Darnely was the son of Joseph Dearnley and Jenny Ogden.

William Darnely was baptised on 26 December 1773 at Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,
December 1773
'26 William S: of Joseph & Jenny Darnely Newton'
Diocese of Chester parish registers of baptisms
FindMyPast & FamilySearch list this as a Burial, but it is clear from the original document that it is a Christening.
'26 William S: of Joseph & Jenny Darnely Newton'
Diocese of Chester parish registers of baptisms
FindMyPast & FamilySearch list this as a Burial, but it is clear from the original document that it is a Christening.
William Dearnely
ID# 12315, b. April 1665, d. about 1728
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

There is possibly another son John in this family. see John Dearneley
The Baptismal record shows father William 'de Godley'.
There would then be a John & a Jonathon in the same family.
There is a 9 May 1710 burial of Johanes son of Willielmi & Hanae Dearnelley of Simondley.
All Saints Church Glossop, Glossop Parish Burials.
The Baptismal record shows father William 'de Godley'.
There would then be a John & a Jonathon in the same family.
There is a 9 May 1710 burial of Johanes son of Willielmi & Hanae Dearnelley of Simondley.
All Saints Church Glossop, Glossop Parish Burials.

William Dearnely was born in April 1665 at Hadfield, Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
William Dearnely was the son of Joseph Dearneley and Elizabeth Hopwood.

William Dearnely was baptised on 30 May 1665 at Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,
'May the 30th William the Sonn of Joseph Derneley of Hadfield'
Diocese of Chester Bishop's Transcripts of Baptisms.
Diocese of Chester Bishop's Transcripts of Baptisms.

William Dearnely married Mary (?) about 1688

in 1689 William Dearnely lived at Hadfield, Derbyshire, England,

in 1696 William Dearnely lived at Hadfield, Derbyshire, England,

William Dearnely married Hannah (?) about September 1703

in 1706 William Dearnely lived at Hadfield, Derbyshire, England,

Hadfield Leases
1. Lease for fifty-four years by Thomas Maxwell, esq., Jane, Duchess Dowager of Norfolk (relict of Henry, late Duke of Norfolk, deceased, and now wife of the said Thomas Maxwell), and Richard Onslow of West Clandon, co. Surrey, bart., to John Dernaly of Hadfield, a yeoman, of a messuage and land in Hadfield RYCH/3520 12 Sept. 1688 (possibly the following William's uncle - MED)
2. Assignment by Edward Moorehouse of Padfield, co. Derby, husbandman, to William Dearnely of Hadfield, yeoman, of the upper meadow and the meadow croft in Hadfield, with appurtenances RYCH/3521 2 Feb. 1713/14
3. Assignment from William Dearnely, sen., of Hadfield, yeoman, to his son William Dearnely, jun., of the same, husbandman, of the messuage and crofts concerned in RYCH/3520 and 3521 above RYCH/3522 5 Sept. 1726
These documents are held at Manchester University, John Rylands Library
see The National Archives.
1. Lease for fifty-four years by Thomas Maxwell, esq., Jane, Duchess Dowager of Norfolk (relict of Henry, late Duke of Norfolk, deceased, and now wife of the said Thomas Maxwell), and Richard Onslow of West Clandon, co. Surrey, bart., to John Dernaly of Hadfield, a yeoman, of a messuage and land in Hadfield RYCH/3520 12 Sept. 1688 (possibly the following William's uncle - MED)
2. Assignment by Edward Moorehouse of Padfield, co. Derby, husbandman, to William Dearnely of Hadfield, yeoman, of the upper meadow and the meadow croft in Hadfield, with appurtenances RYCH/3521 2 Feb. 1713/14
3. Assignment from William Dearnely, sen., of Hadfield, yeoman, to his son William Dearnely, jun., of the same, husbandman, of the messuage and crofts concerned in RYCH/3520 and 3521 above RYCH/3522 5 Sept. 1726
These documents are held at Manchester University, John Rylands Library
see The National Archives.

William Dearnely left a will on 20 April 1728 at Hadfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England.
Will of William Dearnely of Hadfield
1 In the name of God Amen the twentieth day of April Anni R[egn]i R[e]g[i]s Domini: Georgi secundi nunc
2 Magni Brittonie etc primo Anno Domini 1728 : I William Dearnely of Hadfield in the parish
3 of Glossop & County of Derby yeoman being sick & weak but of sound memory & perfect
4 understanding praised be God for the same doe make & ordaine this my last will & testament
5 in manner following and first I resigne my soul to Allmighty God trusting by his mercy
6 & through the alone meritts of Jesus Christ my redeemer to obtaine remission of all my
7 sins & an everlasting inheritance in the Kingdome of heaven & my body I comitt to the earth
8 to be decently intered att the discreshion of my executors hereafter named & as concerning
9 my temporall estate wherewith God above my desert hath blessed me & which is not already
10 settled I dispose thereof as followes---And first it is my desire & I doe direct & appoint
11 that all such debts as I shall owe att my death if any, together with the charge of my funerall
12 & the probate of this my last will be all paid out of my personall estate, alsoe I doe direct and
13 appoint give & bequeath unto my loveing wife Anna Dearnely that house I now live in dureing
14 the remainder of Glossopdale tack if she happen soe long to live and all the household goods
15 standing in the afforesaid house, & in all other rooms belonging to the said house alsoe I further direct
16 & appoint give & bequeath unto my said wife the garden & backside the Ridings the banck, High
17 Croft , the meadow att the springe, the penny croft, & I likewise give & bequeath unto my wife
18 Anna the sum[m]e of four pounds of lawfull Brittish money to be paid unto her & raised out of my
19 personall estate yearly & every year dureing the remainder of Glossopdale tack if she happen to
20 live soe long & to be paid unto her by my executors att two equall payments, to witt, forty shillings
21 upon the eleventh of november comonly called martinmas day & the twenty fifth day of of march
22 called ladyday the first (the first written again and crossed through)
payment of the afforesaid sume of forty shillings is & shall
23 become due & payable att whether of the afforesaid dayes shall happen to be next after my
24 decease and if itt happen that my wife depart this life before the expiration of Glossopdale tack
25 then it is my will & mind that the afforesaid house & houseing, garden & all the land herein before
26 mentioned doe returne att that time unto my sonn Edward Dearnely paying all such legacies
27 gifts & bequeaths as are hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter
28 Mary Lowe tenn shillings to be paid her by her brother Edward Dearnely or his assignes
29 yearly & every year for soe manny years of the tearme as shall happen to be unexpired att
30 the decease of the above named Anna Dearnely her mother, the first payment of tenn shillings
31 is to become payable within twelve months next after her mother decease, when my sonn Edward
32 hath entered upon the afforesaid ground, Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Samuel Dearnely
33 tenn shillings to be paid unto him by his brother Edward or his assignes yearly & every year
34 for soe manny years of the tearme as shall happen to be unexpired att the decease of his mother
35 Anna Dearnely the first tenn shillings that is to become payable unto him is to be paid within
36 twelve months next after his mother decease & soe to be continued paying yearly & every
37 year dureing the terme of the lease of Glossopdale, Item I give and bequeath unto my sonn
38 Jonathan tenn shillings to be paid unto him by his brother Edward or his assigns yearly
39 every year for soe manny years of the tearme as shall happen to be unexpired att the
40 decease of the said Anna Dearnely the first tenn shillings that is to become payable
41 unto him shall be paid within twelve months next after his mother decease and soe to
42 be continued paying yearly dureing the remainder of the tearme that Glossopdale is now
43 taken for, Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anna Dearnely tenn shillings to be
44 paid unto her by her brother Edward or his assignes yearly & every year for soe manny
45 years of the tearme as shall be unexpired att the decease of her mother as above said
46 the first tenn shillings that shall become due unto her is likewise to be paid within
47 twelve months next after her mother decease and soe to be continued paying yearly
48 every year dureing the remainder of the terme of Glossopdale. Item I give & bequeath
49 unto my daughter Martha Dearnely twenty shillings to be paid unto her by her brother
50 Edward Dearnely or his assignes yearly & every year for soe manny years of the tearme
51 as shall be unexpired att the decease of her mother Anna Dearnely the first payment
52 of twenty shillings that shall become due unto her is to be paid within twelve months next
53 after her mother decease and soe to be continued paying yearly & every year dureing
54 the remainder of the said tearme of Glossopdale.--------Item it is my will & mind that if
55 any one or more of these my children that are herein before mentioned happen to depart
56 this life before the expiration of Glossopdale tack that its now taken for, that then
57 and in such case him or her soe dying their legacie gift or bequest shall goe equally
58 amongst those of my children that shall be then liveing Joseph and William my two sons
59 onely excepted. they not to have any share or part in what I have as yet bequeathed
60 Item: It is likewise my will & mind that if itt happen that my sonn Edward Dearnely his heires Exec[uto]rs
61 adm[inistrato]rs or assignes or any of them shall make default paying any of the aforesaid gifts
62 legacies or bequests herein before mentioned att the dayes & times which the are appointed
63 to be paid yearly or within twenty dayes next after any of the said dayes on which the same
64 ought to be paid that then itt shall & may be lawfull for him her or them soe wanting their
65 gift legacie or bequeast to enter upon that houseing and all the ground that I leaft
66 there mother dureing the tearme of Glossopdale tack if she should happen so longe to
67 live and take all the issues & profits thereof untill there gifts legacie or legacies be
68 fully paid with all cost that shall be expended in recovering the same Item I give and
69 bequeath and it is my full will & mind that my executors here after named pay unto my
70 daughter Martha Dearnley the sum[m]e of fourpounds yearly & every year that is to
71 say: the first four poundes that shall become due & payable unto her is to be paid
72 within twelve months next after her mother decease and soe to be continued paying
73 every year four poundes dureing the remainder of Glossopdale tack which said sume of
74 four poundes is to be paid out of the improvements of my bonds and other specialties by
75 my executors , and further alsoe it is my will & mind and I give and bequeath unto my
76 daughter Martha Dearnely the further sum[m]e of forty poundes to be paid unto her by
77 my executors att the end or expiration of Glossopdale tack which is now in being out
78 of my bonds & other specialties Item it is my full will and mind and I give unto my executor
79 full power and authority to enter in to my house which my sonn Samuel Dearnely lives in
80 and into all the houseing feilds closes and parcells of land that are now in his possession
81 or his assignes, that is to say: to enter upon all the houseing closes & parcells of ground
82 there unto belonging imediately after the time of the takeing of this cropp that I
83 lett him have this p[re]sent year , and they then to ether sett or lett the same or make
84 the best bargaines the can for raiseing these severall sums of money hereafter
85 named. Item I give & bequeath unto my two sons Edward Dearnely & Jonathan
86 Dearnely and unto my daughter Anna Dearnely to every one of them forty poundes
87 apeece to be paid unto them in manner & forme following: that is by tenn poundes
88 a year the first payment of tenn poundes is to become due & payable unto my
89 sonn Edward Dearnely on or upon the thirtieth day of march which wiill be in the
90 year of our Lord God 1729 : Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Edward Dearnely
91 the further sume of tenn poundes which will become due unto him upon the
92 the (sic) thirtieth of march in the year of our Lord God 1731 : Item I give & bequeath
93 unto my sonn Jonathan Dearnely the sume of tenn poundes to be paid unto him by
94 my executors upon the thirtieth day of march which will be in the year of our Lord
95 God 1732 : Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Jonathan the further sume of tenn
96 poundes to be paid unto him by my executors on or upon the thirtieth day of march
97 which will be in the year in the yeare (sic)of our Lord God 1732 : item I give & bequeath
98 unto my sonn Edward Dearnely the sum[m]e of tenn poundes which will be payable
99 unto him upon the thirtieth of march (words crossed out) in the year of our lord God 1734
100 Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Edward Dearnely other tenn poundes which
101 will be due and payable unto him on or upon the thirtieth day of march (crossing out)
102 in the year of our Lord God 1735 : Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Jonathan Dearnely
103 the sum[m]e of tenn poundes to be paid unto him by my executors on or upon the thirtieth
104 day of march in the year of our Lord God 1736 : Item I further give
105 and bequeath unto my sonn Jonathan Dearnely other tenn poundes to be paid unto him
106 by my executors on or upon the thirtieth day of march which will be in the year of our
107 lord God 1737 : Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Anna Dearnely the full and
108 just sume of tenn pounds a year to be paid her by my executors four years together
109 that is to say: the first payment of tenn poundes will become due & payable on or
110 upon the thirtieth day of march in the year of our lord God 1738 : Item I give and
111 bequeath unto my daughter Anna tenn poundes a year yearly to be paid unto her by my
112 executors every thirtieth day of march for three yeares next afterwards as they
113 shall become due untill she have received & had the sum[m]e of forty poundes att the
114 dayes and times appointed for payment of the same. And whereas there is a debt of
115 thirty poundes oweing by my sonn Joseph Dearnely which ought to be paid unto his
116 brother Samuel Dearnely if in case my sonn Joseph Dearnely pay & discharge that
117 debt of thirty poundes to his brother Samuel Dearnely or his assigns
118 according as that writeing or instrument directs & appoints for that purpose which my son
119 Samuel Dearnely hath in his own custody then itt is my will & mind & I give and bequeath
120 these severall sumes hereafter mentioned to be paid unto my sonn Joseph Dearnely by my
121 executors, that is to say, tenn poundes to become due upon the thirtieth of march in the
122 year of our Lord God 1742 : Item I give unto my sonn Joseph other tenn poundes to be paid
123 unto him in the year of our Lord God 1743: that is upon the thirtieth of march as afforesaid
124 Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Joseph tenn poundes more to be paid unto him upon the
125 twenty fourth day of June in the year of our Lord 1743: Butt the three last sumes
126 above mentioned in case that Joseph fale his brother Samuel in paying the sum[m]e
127 of thirty poundes as afforesaid then my sonn Samuel shall receive the three last
128 tenn poundes accoring as the ?liminitted to be paid by my executors and my sonn Joseph shall
129 have noe gift nor bequest herein before bequeathed Item I give & bequeath unto my
130 sonn Joseph Dearnely the full and just sume of twenty poundes to be paid unto him
131 by my executors out of my personall estate on or upon the twenty ninth day of september
132 which will be in the year of our Lord God 1743: all which said severall and respective
133 sum[m]es of money within mentioned are & shall be paid by my executors or their assignes
134 Item it is my will that if any child or children of mine here within named happen to depart
135 this life before his or her gift bequest or proportion fall due to be paid at the appointed
136 times all such child parts or part are to be equally divided amongst those children of mine
137 that shall be then liveing excepting Joseph Dearnely & William Dearnely my two
138 sonns who are not to share if any of there brothers or sisters happen to dye before
139 there childs part became due as aforesaid Item I give & bequeath unto my loveing wife
140 one cow & convenient standing in the out houseing for her or what more cattell
141 she shall keep & likewise good roome to lay hay for them and as for my loveing neighbour
142 John Wagstaffe of Dinting I give & bequeath unto him forty shillings All the rest
143 of my personall estate cattell & chattells not before herein bequeathed by me I give
144 & bequeath all the same unto my wife when my funerall expenses & probate of this
145 my will are discharged as afforesaid and what liberty I have given my wife in the out
146 houseing to sett her cattell & for laying of hay I give unto my sonn Edward Dearnely
147 or his assignes the same privileges for setting his cattell & laying his hay in the out
148 houseing after my wife decease dureing the remainder of the terme of Glossopdale
149 and lastly I nominate & appoint my loveing neighbour John Wagstaffe of Dinting and my
150 sonn Edward Dearnely to be sole executors of this my last will and testament
151 and I doe hereby revoke all formar & other will & wills att any time heretofore by me
152 made and declare this to be my last will and testament and no other In witness
153 whereof I the said William Dearnely the testator have hereunto sett my hand & seale
154 and published this as my last will & testament the day & yeare first above written
155 sealed signed and pronounced by the said
156 William Dearnely to be his own last will
157 in the presence and witness of us viz
158 Daniell Heaward ----------------------------------William Dearneley
159 James Massey
160 Henry Booth
Transcribed by Marie Ball
December 2011.
1 In the name of God Amen the twentieth day of April Anni R[egn]i R[e]g[i]s Domini: Georgi secundi nunc
2 Magni Brittonie etc primo Anno Domini 1728 : I William Dearnely of Hadfield in the parish
3 of Glossop & County of Derby yeoman being sick & weak but of sound memory & perfect
4 understanding praised be God for the same doe make & ordaine this my last will & testament
5 in manner following and first I resigne my soul to Allmighty God trusting by his mercy
6 & through the alone meritts of Jesus Christ my redeemer to obtaine remission of all my
7 sins & an everlasting inheritance in the Kingdome of heaven & my body I comitt to the earth
8 to be decently intered att the discreshion of my executors hereafter named & as concerning
9 my temporall estate wherewith God above my desert hath blessed me & which is not already
10 settled I dispose thereof as followes---And first it is my desire & I doe direct & appoint
11 that all such debts as I shall owe att my death if any, together with the charge of my funerall
12 & the probate of this my last will be all paid out of my personall estate, alsoe I doe direct and
13 appoint give & bequeath unto my loveing wife Anna Dearnely that house I now live in dureing
14 the remainder of Glossopdale tack if she happen soe long to live and all the household goods
15 standing in the afforesaid house, & in all other rooms belonging to the said house alsoe I further direct
16 & appoint give & bequeath unto my said wife the garden & backside the Ridings the banck, High
17 Croft , the meadow att the springe, the penny croft, & I likewise give & bequeath unto my wife
18 Anna the sum[m]e of four pounds of lawfull Brittish money to be paid unto her & raised out of my
19 personall estate yearly & every year dureing the remainder of Glossopdale tack if she happen to
20 live soe long & to be paid unto her by my executors att two equall payments, to witt, forty shillings
21 upon the eleventh of november comonly called martinmas day & the twenty fifth day of of march
22 called ladyday the first (the first written again and crossed through)
payment of the afforesaid sume of forty shillings is & shall
23 become due & payable att whether of the afforesaid dayes shall happen to be next after my
24 decease and if itt happen that my wife depart this life before the expiration of Glossopdale tack
25 then it is my will & mind that the afforesaid house & houseing, garden & all the land herein before
26 mentioned doe returne att that time unto my sonn Edward Dearnely paying all such legacies
27 gifts & bequeaths as are hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter
28 Mary Lowe tenn shillings to be paid her by her brother Edward Dearnely or his assignes
29 yearly & every year for soe manny years of the tearme as shall happen to be unexpired att
30 the decease of the above named Anna Dearnely her mother, the first payment of tenn shillings
31 is to become payable within twelve months next after her mother decease, when my sonn Edward
32 hath entered upon the afforesaid ground, Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Samuel Dearnely
33 tenn shillings to be paid unto him by his brother Edward or his assignes yearly & every year
34 for soe manny years of the tearme as shall happen to be unexpired att the decease of his mother
35 Anna Dearnely the first tenn shillings that is to become payable unto him is to be paid within
36 twelve months next after his mother decease & soe to be continued paying yearly & every
37 year dureing the terme of the lease of Glossopdale, Item I give and bequeath unto my sonn
38 Jonathan tenn shillings to be paid unto him by his brother Edward or his assigns yearly
39 every year for soe manny years of the tearme as shall happen to be unexpired att the
40 decease of the said Anna Dearnely the first tenn shillings that is to become payable
41 unto him shall be paid within twelve months next after his mother decease and soe to
42 be continued paying yearly dureing the remainder of the tearme that Glossopdale is now
43 taken for, Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anna Dearnely tenn shillings to be
44 paid unto her by her brother Edward or his assignes yearly & every year for soe manny
45 years of the tearme as shall be unexpired att the decease of her mother as above said
46 the first tenn shillings that shall become due unto her is likewise to be paid within
47 twelve months next after her mother decease and soe to be continued paying yearly
48 every year dureing the remainder of the terme of Glossopdale. Item I give & bequeath
49 unto my daughter Martha Dearnely twenty shillings to be paid unto her by her brother
50 Edward Dearnely or his assignes yearly & every year for soe manny years of the tearme
51 as shall be unexpired att the decease of her mother Anna Dearnely the first payment
52 of twenty shillings that shall become due unto her is to be paid within twelve months next
53 after her mother decease and soe to be continued paying yearly & every year dureing
54 the remainder of the said tearme of Glossopdale.--------Item it is my will & mind that if
55 any one or more of these my children that are herein before mentioned happen to depart
56 this life before the expiration of Glossopdale tack that its now taken for, that then
57 and in such case him or her soe dying their legacie gift or bequest shall goe equally
58 amongst those of my children that shall be then liveing Joseph and William my two sons
59 onely excepted. they not to have any share or part in what I have as yet bequeathed
60 Item: It is likewise my will & mind that if itt happen that my sonn Edward Dearnely his heires Exec[uto]rs
61 adm[inistrato]rs or assignes or any of them shall make default paying any of the aforesaid gifts
62 legacies or bequests herein before mentioned att the dayes & times which the are appointed
63 to be paid yearly or within twenty dayes next after any of the said dayes on which the same
64 ought to be paid that then itt shall & may be lawfull for him her or them soe wanting their
65 gift legacie or bequeast to enter upon that houseing and all the ground that I leaft
66 there mother dureing the tearme of Glossopdale tack if she should happen so longe to
67 live and take all the issues & profits thereof untill there gifts legacie or legacies be
68 fully paid with all cost that shall be expended in recovering the same Item I give and
69 bequeath and it is my full will & mind that my executors here after named pay unto my
70 daughter Martha Dearnley the sum[m]e of fourpounds yearly & every year that is to
71 say: the first four poundes that shall become due & payable unto her is to be paid
72 within twelve months next after her mother decease and soe to be continued paying
73 every year four poundes dureing the remainder of Glossopdale tack which said sume of
74 four poundes is to be paid out of the improvements of my bonds and other specialties by
75 my executors , and further alsoe it is my will & mind and I give and bequeath unto my
76 daughter Martha Dearnely the further sum[m]e of forty poundes to be paid unto her by
77 my executors att the end or expiration of Glossopdale tack which is now in being out
78 of my bonds & other specialties Item it is my full will and mind and I give unto my executor
79 full power and authority to enter in to my house which my sonn Samuel Dearnely lives in
80 and into all the houseing feilds closes and parcells of land that are now in his possession
81 or his assignes, that is to say: to enter upon all the houseing closes & parcells of ground
82 there unto belonging imediately after the time of the takeing of this cropp that I
83 lett him have this p[re]sent year , and they then to ether sett or lett the same or make
84 the best bargaines the can for raiseing these severall sums of money hereafter
85 named. Item I give & bequeath unto my two sons Edward Dearnely & Jonathan
86 Dearnely and unto my daughter Anna Dearnely to every one of them forty poundes
87 apeece to be paid unto them in manner & forme following: that is by tenn poundes
88 a year the first payment of tenn poundes is to become due & payable unto my
89 sonn Edward Dearnely on or upon the thirtieth day of march which wiill be in the
90 year of our Lord God 1729 : Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Edward Dearnely
91 the further sume of tenn poundes which will become due unto him upon the
92 the (sic) thirtieth of march in the year of our Lord God 1731 : Item I give & bequeath
93 unto my sonn Jonathan Dearnely the sume of tenn poundes to be paid unto him by
94 my executors upon the thirtieth day of march which will be in the year of our Lord
95 God 1732 : Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Jonathan the further sume of tenn
96 poundes to be paid unto him by my executors on or upon the thirtieth day of march
97 which will be in the year in the yeare (sic)of our Lord God 1732 : item I give & bequeath
98 unto my sonn Edward Dearnely the sum[m]e of tenn poundes which will be payable
99 unto him upon the thirtieth of march (words crossed out) in the year of our lord God 1734
100 Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Edward Dearnely other tenn poundes which
101 will be due and payable unto him on or upon the thirtieth day of march (crossing out)
102 in the year of our Lord God 1735 : Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Jonathan Dearnely
103 the sum[m]e of tenn poundes to be paid unto him by my executors on or upon the thirtieth
104 day of march in the year of our Lord God 1736 : Item I further give
105 and bequeath unto my sonn Jonathan Dearnely other tenn poundes to be paid unto him
106 by my executors on or upon the thirtieth day of march which will be in the year of our
107 lord God 1737 : Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Anna Dearnely the full and
108 just sume of tenn pounds a year to be paid her by my executors four years together
109 that is to say: the first payment of tenn poundes will become due & payable on or
110 upon the thirtieth day of march in the year of our lord God 1738 : Item I give and
111 bequeath unto my daughter Anna tenn poundes a year yearly to be paid unto her by my
112 executors every thirtieth day of march for three yeares next afterwards as they
113 shall become due untill she have received & had the sum[m]e of forty poundes att the
114 dayes and times appointed for payment of the same. And whereas there is a debt of
115 thirty poundes oweing by my sonn Joseph Dearnely which ought to be paid unto his
116 brother Samuel Dearnely if in case my sonn Joseph Dearnely pay & discharge that
117 debt of thirty poundes to his brother Samuel Dearnely or his assigns
118 according as that writeing or instrument directs & appoints for that purpose which my son
119 Samuel Dearnely hath in his own custody then itt is my will & mind & I give and bequeath
120 these severall sumes hereafter mentioned to be paid unto my sonn Joseph Dearnely by my
121 executors, that is to say, tenn poundes to become due upon the thirtieth of march in the
122 year of our Lord God 1742 : Item I give unto my sonn Joseph other tenn poundes to be paid
123 unto him in the year of our Lord God 1743: that is upon the thirtieth of march as afforesaid
124 Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Joseph tenn poundes more to be paid unto him upon the
125 twenty fourth day of June in the year of our Lord 1743: Butt the three last sumes
126 above mentioned in case that Joseph fale his brother Samuel in paying the sum[m]e
127 of thirty poundes as afforesaid then my sonn Samuel shall receive the three last
128 tenn poundes accoring as the ?liminitted to be paid by my executors and my sonn Joseph shall
129 have noe gift nor bequest herein before bequeathed Item I give & bequeath unto my
130 sonn Joseph Dearnely the full and just sume of twenty poundes to be paid unto him
131 by my executors out of my personall estate on or upon the twenty ninth day of september
132 which will be in the year of our Lord God 1743: all which said severall and respective
133 sum[m]es of money within mentioned are & shall be paid by my executors or their assignes
134 Item it is my will that if any child or children of mine here within named happen to depart
135 this life before his or her gift bequest or proportion fall due to be paid at the appointed
136 times all such child parts or part are to be equally divided amongst those children of mine
137 that shall be then liveing excepting Joseph Dearnely & William Dearnely my two
138 sonns who are not to share if any of there brothers or sisters happen to dye before
139 there childs part became due as aforesaid Item I give & bequeath unto my loveing wife
140 one cow & convenient standing in the out houseing for her or what more cattell
141 she shall keep & likewise good roome to lay hay for them and as for my loveing neighbour
142 John Wagstaffe of Dinting I give & bequeath unto him forty shillings All the rest
143 of my personall estate cattell & chattells not before herein bequeathed by me I give
144 & bequeath all the same unto my wife when my funerall expenses & probate of this
145 my will are discharged as afforesaid and what liberty I have given my wife in the out
146 houseing to sett her cattell & for laying of hay I give unto my sonn Edward Dearnely
147 or his assignes the same privileges for setting his cattell & laying his hay in the out
148 houseing after my wife decease dureing the remainder of the terme of Glossopdale
149 and lastly I nominate & appoint my loveing neighbour John Wagstaffe of Dinting and my
150 sonn Edward Dearnely to be sole executors of this my last will and testament
151 and I doe hereby revoke all formar & other will & wills att any time heretofore by me
152 made and declare this to be my last will and testament and no other In witness
153 whereof I the said William Dearnely the testator have hereunto sett my hand & seale
154 and published this as my last will & testament the day & yeare first above written
155 sealed signed and pronounced by the said
156 William Dearnely to be his own last will
157 in the presence and witness of us viz
158 Daniell Heaward ----------------------------------William Dearneley
159 James Massey
160 Henry Booth
1 | A true inventory of the goods credits cattells & chattells of William Dearnely | ||
2 | late of Hadfield in the parish of Glossop & county of Derby yeoman prized | ||
3 | by us whose names are subscribed the third day of May: 1728 | ||
li s d | |||
4 | Imp[rimi]s money in his purse and apparil ---- | 05 : 00 : 00 | |
5 | It[em] goods in the house two tables, one forme, one dishboard ----- | 00 : 14 : 00 | |
6 | It[em] six chairs with one couch chair ----- | 00 : 15 : 00 | |
7 | It[em] two ponpots, one skellitt, one frying pan ----- | 00 : 12 : 06 | |
8 | It[em] one fire iron tongs & brigs with two bread irons ----- | 00 : 10 : 00 | |
9 | It[em] one pair of shairs one smoothing iron two mugs with other pots ----- | 00 : 04 : 00 | |
10 | It[em] woodin ware in the house ----- | 00 : 04 : 00 | |
11 | It[em] one Bible two sermon books with spectacles ----- | 00 : 09 : 06 | |
12 | It[em] four quoshions three stools one choping knife one brush ----- | 00 : 01 : 00 | |
13 | It[em] one looking glass ----- | 00 : 00 : 06 | |
14 | It[em] goods in the parlor one bedsted with beding ----- | 00 : 18 : 00 | |
15 | It[em] one chest one grate with two cheese boards ----- | 00 : 11 : 00 | |
16 | It[em] goods in the buttery two pewter dishes one tankard ----- | 00 : 05 : 00 | |
17 | Woodin ware with one old cubboard in the buttery ----- | 00 : 15 : 00 | |
18 | mugpots & bottels in the buttery with two shelves & one pair weigh ----- | 00 : 05 : 00 | |
19 | It[em] in the chamber over the house one bedstead with beding ----- | 00 : 18 : 00 | |
20 | It[em] one chest, one coffer two little arks, with three boards ----- | 00 : 16 : 00 | |
21 | It[em] meal and beife ----- | 01 : 08 : 00 | |
22 | It[em] two spinning wheels one ironing tub 3 little skins two chafe fats ----- | 00 : 11 : 00 | |
23 | It[em] goods in the chamber over the parlor one bedstead with beding ----- | 00 : 15 : 00 | |
24 | It[em] one gang of spokes with broken wood ----- | 00 : 10 : 00 | |
25 | It[em] sheets with other linnen and pillion cloath ----- | 00 : 16 : 00 | |
26 | It[em] debts upon specialty to the testator ----- | 64 : 00 : 00 | |
27 | It[em] in tenements ----- | 100 : 00 : 00 | |
28 | It[em] other debts to the testator ----- | 04 : 05 : 00 | |
29 | It[em] huslements in and about the house ----- | 00 : 02 : 06 | |
30 | tot[alis] | 185 : 16 : 06 | |
31 | George Hadfield | ||
32 | John Dearnaley |
Transcribed by Marie Ball
December 2011.

William Dearnely died about 1728
Children of William Dearnely and Mary (?)
- Joseph Dearneley b. Apr 1689
- William Dearneley+ b. Nov 1696, d. Jan 1775
- Mary Dearneley b. abt 1697
- Samuel Dearneley+ b. 10 Mar 1699, d. 28 Jul 1761
- Edward Dearneley+ b. Nov 1701, d. 11 Sep 1776
Children of William Dearnely and Hannah (?)
- Jonathan Dearneley b. Jan 1705, d. abt 22 Jan 1704/5
- Hannah Dearneley b. Mar 1706
- Jonathan Dernely+ b. Apr 1709, d. 30 Mar 1783
- Martha Dernelley b. Jun 1714, d. Nov 1771
Ann Andrew
ID# 12318, b. about 1636
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Ann Andrew was born about 1636

in 1657 Ann Andrew lived at Dokenfield, England


Ann Andrew married William Dernely, son of Nicholas Dernely and Ann (?), on 17 December 1657 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,