John Owen
ID# 13421, b. about 1715
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

John Owen was born about 1715 at Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire, England,

John Owen married Sarah Dearnaly, daughter of Joseph Dearnaly and Sarah (?), on 12 February 1737 at Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire, England,
another source has 12 Feb 173I (sic.)
Child of John Owen and Sarah Dearnaly
- John Ervin b. abt 1740
Hannah Derniley
ID# 13422, b. November 1754, d. February 1786
- Charts
- John Derneley (c.1699-)

Hannah Derniley was born in November 1754 at Woodley, Cheshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Hannah Derniley was the daughter of John Dernally and Mary Somaster.

Hannah Derniley was baptised on 22 November 1754 at Marple, Cheshire, England,
'Hannah daughter of John Derneloe of Woodley in Bradbury '.

Hannah Derniley died in February 1786 at Bredbury, Cheshire, England, at age 31 years and 3 months

Hannah Derniley was buried on 6 February 1786 at St. Mary, Stockport, Cheshire, England,
'Hannah Dernally of Bradbury Spinstr was burd...'
St Mary Stockport Burials.
St Mary Stockport Burials.
Arthur Derniley
ID# 13423, b. about 1640

Arthur Derniley was born about 1640

Wee the Jury of this present Leete Doe p'sent the seuall psons hereafter herein nominated for makeinge and sellinge of Spiced bread and not keepeinge the Assize of Bread. ..
Arthur Derniley vjd
Therefore each of them is in mercy to the Lords of this manno' as it appeares vpon their heads
see The Google Books
The Court Leet records of many of our old English towns include items of interest bearing
on this subject. At Manchester, at the Court Leet held October 1, 1561, it was resolved that
no person or persons be permitted to make for sale any kind of bread in which butter is mixed,
under a fine of 10s. Later, the use of suet was forbidden. In 1595, we are told that " the Court
Leet Jury of Manchester ordered that no person was to be allowed to use butter or suet in cakes
or bread ; fine, 20s. No baker or other person to be allowed to bake said cakes, &c; fine, 20s. No person to be allowed to sell the same ; fine, 20s."
Next year, on September 30, we gather from the records that " eight officers were appointed to
see that no flesh meat was eaten on Fridays and Saturdays, and twelve for the overseeing of them
that put butter, cream, or suet in their cakes."
We learn from the history of Worcester that an order was made in 1641 that the bakers were not
to make spice bread or short cakes, "inasmuch as it enhaunced the price of butter."
Arthur Derniley vjd
Therefore each of them is in mercy to the Lords of this manno' as it appeares vpon their heads
see The Google Books
The Court Leet records of many of our old English towns include items of interest bearing
on this subject. At Manchester, at the Court Leet held October 1, 1561, it was resolved that
no person or persons be permitted to make for sale any kind of bread in which butter is mixed,
under a fine of 10s. Later, the use of suet was forbidden. In 1595, we are told that " the Court
Leet Jury of Manchester ordered that no person was to be allowed to use butter or suet in cakes
or bread ; fine, 20s. No baker or other person to be allowed to bake said cakes, &c; fine, 20s. No person to be allowed to sell the same ; fine, 20s."
Next year, on September 30, we gather from the records that " eight officers were appointed to
see that no flesh meat was eaten on Fridays and Saturdays, and twelve for the overseeing of them
that put butter, cream, or suet in their cakes."
We learn from the history of Worcester that an order was made in 1641 that the bakers were not
to make spice bread or short cakes, "inasmuch as it enhaunced the price of butter."
Nicholas Dearneley
ID# 13424, b. August 1627, d. 26 December 1677

William D connection?
A book available on, 'The older nonconformity in Kendal' by Francis Nicholson and Ernest Axon, published in 1915, has a chapter entitled Mr Dearneley to Mr Thorneley 1690-1700 (pages 231-237) which contains the suggestion that 'he was perhaps a son or near relation of Nicholas Dernely of Manchester'. see William Dearneley.
A book available on, 'The older nonconformity in Kendal' by Francis Nicholson and Ernest Axon, published in 1915, has a chapter entitled Mr Dearneley to Mr Thorneley 1690-1700 (pages 231-237) which contains the suggestion that 'he was perhaps a son or near relation of Nicholas Dernely of Manchester'. see William Dearneley.

Nicholas Dearneley was born in August 1627 at Dinting, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Nicholas Dearneley was the son of Roger Dernellee (X) and Helena (?)

Nicholas Dearneley was baptised on 23 September 1627 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
another source has Sudbury, Derbyshire
record title: England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
name: Nichol Dearnelle
gender: Male
baptism/christening date: 23 Sep 1627
baptism/christening place: Parish Church of Sudbury, Derbyshire, England
father's name: Roger Dearnelle
mother's name: Hellen Dearnelle
indexing project (batch) number: C03688-3
system origin: England-EASy
source film number: 1785840.
record title: England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
name: Nichol Dearnelle
gender: Male
baptism/christening date: 23 Sep 1627
baptism/christening place: Parish Church of Sudbury, Derbyshire, England
father's name: Roger Dearnelle
mother's name: Hellen Dearnelle
indexing project (batch) number: C03688-3
system origin: England-EASy
source film number: 1785840.

Nicholas Dearneley married Mary Jackson, daughter of Unknown Jackson and Unknown (?), on 23 February 1656 at Manchester, Lancashire, England,
We are assuming that the 'Nicholaas Divrnall' (as indexed by Ancestry) is our Nicholas D. The same marriage is shown as 'Nicholas Diurnall' by FindMyPast.
Nicholas Di[vr?]nall of Manchester [cloath worker?] son of Roger Di[vr?]nall late of Glossop in the County of Derby ??? And Mary Jackson of Manchester Daughtr of John Jackson late of Ouldham [???] were married at Manchester.

Scavingers for the Markettstead lane - Robert Hilton & Thomas Barlow
The like for Milnegate - John Hinde & Nicholas Dearnely
p.270 The Court leet records of the manor of Manchester; 9 October 1660.
The like for Milnegate - John Hinde & Nicholas Dearnely
p.270 The Court leet records of the manor of Manchester; 9 October 1660.

The Jury of this p'sent Court Leet doe Amerce theise psons followinge beinge ellected & sworne officers, for not bringing in p'sentmts
John Hind & Nicholas Darneley - scavengrs Amrcd in xijd apeece
p.288 The Court leet of the manor of Manchester; 30 April 1661.
John Hind & Nicholas Darneley - scavengrs Amrcd in xijd apeece
p.288 The Court leet of the manor of Manchester; 30 April 1661.

The diary of the Rev. Henry Newcome from September 30, 1661, to September 29th, 1663
p.37 [Mon Dec 23rd 1661]
"I went to visit Nich: Derneley and Abigail ye evening who are both very ill."
There does not seem to be any connection between Nich D & Abigail. Abigail is referred to a number of times in the diary e.g. V'isited after dinner Ellin Jones and Abigail, both sickc & weake.'
p.37 [Mon Dec 23rd 1661]
"I went to visit Nich: Derneley and Abigail ye evening who are both very ill."
There does not seem to be any connection between Nich D & Abigail. Abigail is referred to a number of times in the diary e.g. V'isited after dinner Ellin Jones and Abigail, both sickc & weake.'

List of the Inhabitants of Manchester:
Nicho: Durnally
assessment levied 1s 0d.
Nicho: Durnally
assessment levied 1s 0d.

Officers for muzleinge Mastive Dogges & Bitches for the Millne Gate - John Pendlebury, Nicholas Durneley.

Nichus Darnelly.
Nichus Darnelly.

Nicholas Dearneley married Elizabeth Scholes on 31 May 1672 at Cheshire, England,
Nicholas Dearniley of Manchester and Elizabeth Rootes of same, widow, at Thornton or Runcorne, May 31 1672
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire Vol 69
FamilySearch shows:
Nicholas Durniley & Elizabeth Roote, 3 Jun 1672 Cathedral, Manchester
Nichm Dearniley & Elizam Royles
31 May 1672 Cheshire
At present, we are assuming these are all the same people.

Byelaw man for the Millgate and Toadelane.

Marketlookers for whitemeats for the Milnegate
Mr Nicholas Dearnallye.
Mr Nicholas Dearnallye.

Wee theJury of this p'sent Leete Doe p'sent and Amerce theis psonshereafter [named]for not taking their Oaths to pforme the several offices wherevnto they were Elected and chosen the Last Courte Leete in 5 shillings apeece.
.... Nicholas Dearnally ...
affaired to 3s 4d apeece.
.... Nicholas Dearnally ...
affaired to 3s 4d apeece.

Nichus Dearnally.
Nichus Dearnally.

Bylawman for milnegate & Toadelane
mr Nicholas Dearnally.
mr Nicholas Dearnally.

in 1677 Nicholas Dearneley was a Clothier.

Nicholas Dearneley died on 26 December 1677 at Manchester, Lancashire, England, at age 50 years and 4 months
from: The autobiography of Henry Newcome, M.A.
By Henry Newcome, Thomas Newcome
p.224 [A.D. 1677
"Nicholas Dernely, a considerable bearer of my maintenance, he dies about this time, December 26th."
"Wednesday, December 26th. Nic. Dernely died."
By Henry Newcome, Thomas Newcome
p.224 [A.D. 1677
"Nicholas Dernely, a considerable bearer of my maintenance, he dies about this time, December 26th."
"Wednesday, December 26th. Nic. Dernely died."

Nicholas Dearneley left a will on 26 December 1677.
Will of Nicholas Dearnelly of Manchester
Notes: Initial capitals have been removed except for names and the obvious start of a sentence. Punctuation has been removed as it is inconsistent. Layout of lines of text as in the original.
In the name of God Amen the twenty sixth day of December in the
yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred seventy seven I Nicholas Dearnelly
of Manchester in the County of Lancaster Cloath-maker beinge weake in body
but of sould and perfect memory praysed be God for the same considering the fryltye
of nature and certainty of death and the uncertayntye of the time and to prevent
all contentions amongst relations and other persons that may be concerned about
my worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me doe make constitute
and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following
that is to say
I comitt my soule into the hands of Almighty God trusting in the alone merits
of Jesus Christ my saviour to have admission into the kingdom of heaven And my body
to be Christian burial in such decent manner as shall seeme good to my executor
hereafter named.
And touching my worldly goods after debts and ffunerall expenses discharged I
dispose of give and bequeath them as followoweth
Impris I give and bequeath unto my lovinge & deare wife the
sum of ffourty pounds over and above the two hundred and
threescore pounds contracted to be given at marriage which is in lieu
of all thirds and joyntures and in full of all that can or might
accrue unto her upon any account whatsoever
Item I give unto my esteemed friend Mr Henry Newcome of Manchester
the summe of five pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto my loveinge friend Mr Henry Finch of
Manchester the summe of five pounds
Item I give and bequeath to my good friend Mr Robt Eaton of Manchester
the summe of five pounds
Item I give and bequeathUnto my loving friend Mr Robt Constantine
of Oldham the summe of five pounds
Item I give and bequeath to my loving friend Mr Henry Pendlebury
of Houlcome the summe of five pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto Mr Jeremy Scholes of Salford the summe
of five pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto Mr Edward Richardson of Manchester the
summe of five pounds
Item I give unto Samuel Dearnelly five pounds p(er) annum duringe his life
to be payd out of a hundred pounds w(hi)ch hundred pounds I order and impower
my executor to lay out or dispose of to that end And if the sayd Samuel
dye before the hundred pounds be payd and leave noe children I give the
sayd hundred pounds to pious and religious poore according to the discretion
of my executor
Item I give unto the other three children of my brother William Dearnelly
the sum of ten pounds apiece or soe many of them as shall be livinge
after my decease
Item I give unto my brother Roger Dearnelly the summe of ten pounds And to
Joshua Dearnelly son of my brother Edward Dearnelly ten pounds And to
the other three children of my brother Edward Dearnelly ten pounds apiece
or so many of them as shall be alive after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto John Ffinch son of Henry Ffinch the summe
of twenty pounds And unto my brotherinlaw Samuel Jackson of Oldham
ten pounds And to my cosen Martha Tetlow that sometimes lived with me
ten pounds
Item I give to the ffree schole of Glossop in Derbishyre the sum
of thirty pounds to be disposed by the churchwardens of that parish from time
to time for the sayd use And to the use of the free schole of Motterham
in Cheshyre the sum of thirty pounds to be disposed by (the) church wardens
of that parish from time to time to the sayd use
Item it is my will and I doe hereby constitute ordayne and appoint my
loveinge friend Mr Henry Ffinch of Manchester Clearke executor of this
my last will and testament unto whom I give and bequeath the
remainder of my estate to be at his dispose excepting ten pounds to
the poore of Manchester and five pounds to the poore of Salford In
testimony whereof I hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare
above written
Nicholas Dearnely
his ND marke
Sealed signed and declared
to be the last will and
testament of Nicholas
Dearnelly in p(re)sence of
Jonathan Bridoake
John Jackson
John Andrew
Inventory not yet transcribed (total of more than £900 pounds).
Relatives named in the will
My lovinge & deare wife known to be Elizabeth Scholes/Scoales born Salford
Samuel Dearnelly son of brother William, with three unnamed siblings
Roger Dearnelly brother
Joshua Dearnelly son of brother Edward, with three unnamed siblings
Samuel Jackson brother-in-law, brother of Nicholas' first wife Mary Jackson.
Martha Tetlow cousin
Other beneficiaries, principally dissenting ministers (and some ejected in The Great Ejection 1662)
Henry Newcome is probably Henry Newcome 1627-1695
Henry Finch is probably Henry Finch 1633-1704, ‘ejected minister’.
John Finch son of Henry above.
Robert Eaton
Robert Constantine was a minister in Oldham, ejected 1662.
Henry Pendlebury (1626-1695)
Jeremy Scholes of Salford brother of Nicholas’s wife Elizabeth. Jeremy’s son Nathaniel was a dissenter.
Edward Richardson 1617 – 1677, ‘ejected minister’
JAD 2019.
Notes: Initial capitals have been removed except for names and the obvious start of a sentence. Punctuation has been removed as it is inconsistent. Layout of lines of text as in the original.
In the name of God Amen the twenty sixth day of December in the
yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred seventy seven I Nicholas Dearnelly
of Manchester in the County of Lancaster Cloath-maker beinge weake in body
but of sould and perfect memory praysed be God for the same considering the fryltye
of nature and certainty of death and the uncertayntye of the time and to prevent
all contentions amongst relations and other persons that may be concerned about
my worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me doe make constitute
and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following
that is to say
I comitt my soule into the hands of Almighty God trusting in the alone merits
of Jesus Christ my saviour to have admission into the kingdom of heaven And my body
to be Christian burial in such decent manner as shall seeme good to my executor
hereafter named.
And touching my worldly goods after debts and ffunerall expenses discharged I
dispose of give and bequeath them as followoweth
Impris I give and bequeath unto my lovinge & deare wife the
sum of ffourty pounds over and above the two hundred and
threescore pounds contracted to be given at marriage which is in lieu
of all thirds and joyntures and in full of all that can or might
accrue unto her upon any account whatsoever
Item I give unto my esteemed friend Mr Henry Newcome of Manchester
the summe of five pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto my loveinge friend Mr Henry Finch of
Manchester the summe of five pounds
Item I give and bequeath to my good friend Mr Robt Eaton of Manchester
the summe of five pounds
Item I give and bequeathUnto my loving friend Mr Robt Constantine
of Oldham the summe of five pounds
Item I give and bequeath to my loving friend Mr Henry Pendlebury
of Houlcome the summe of five pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto Mr Jeremy Scholes of Salford the summe
of five pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto Mr Edward Richardson of Manchester the
summe of five pounds
Item I give unto Samuel Dearnelly five pounds p(er) annum duringe his life
to be payd out of a hundred pounds w(hi)ch hundred pounds I order and impower
my executor to lay out or dispose of to that end And if the sayd Samuel
dye before the hundred pounds be payd and leave noe children I give the
sayd hundred pounds to pious and religious poore according to the discretion
of my executor
Item I give unto the other three children of my brother William Dearnelly
the sum of ten pounds apiece or soe many of them as shall be livinge
after my decease
Item I give unto my brother Roger Dearnelly the summe of ten pounds And to
Joshua Dearnelly son of my brother Edward Dearnelly ten pounds And to
the other three children of my brother Edward Dearnelly ten pounds apiece
or so many of them as shall be alive after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto John Ffinch son of Henry Ffinch the summe
of twenty pounds And unto my brotherinlaw Samuel Jackson of Oldham
ten pounds And to my cosen Martha Tetlow that sometimes lived with me
ten pounds
Item I give to the ffree schole of Glossop in Derbishyre the sum
of thirty pounds to be disposed by the churchwardens of that parish from time
to time for the sayd use And to the use of the free schole of Motterham
in Cheshyre the sum of thirty pounds to be disposed by (the) church wardens
of that parish from time to time to the sayd use
Item it is my will and I doe hereby constitute ordayne and appoint my
loveinge friend Mr Henry Ffinch of Manchester Clearke executor of this
my last will and testament unto whom I give and bequeath the
remainder of my estate to be at his dispose excepting ten pounds to
the poore of Manchester and five pounds to the poore of Salford In
testimony whereof I hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare
above written
Nicholas Dearnely
his ND marke
Sealed signed and declared
to be the last will and
testament of Nicholas
Dearnelly in p(re)sence of
Jonathan Bridoake
John Jackson
John Andrew
Inventory not yet transcribed (total of more than £900 pounds).
Relatives named in the will
My lovinge & deare wife known to be Elizabeth Scholes/Scoales born Salford
Samuel Dearnelly son of brother William, with three unnamed siblings
Roger Dearnelly brother
Joshua Dearnelly son of brother Edward, with three unnamed siblings
Samuel Jackson brother-in-law, brother of Nicholas' first wife Mary Jackson.
Martha Tetlow cousin
Other beneficiaries, principally dissenting ministers (and some ejected in The Great Ejection 1662)
Henry Newcome is probably Henry Newcome 1627-1695
Henry Finch is probably Henry Finch 1633-1704, ‘ejected minister’.
John Finch son of Henry above.
Robert Eaton
Robert Constantine was a minister in Oldham, ejected 1662.
Henry Pendlebury (1626-1695)
Jeremy Scholes of Salford brother of Nicholas’s wife Elizabeth. Jeremy’s son Nathaniel was a dissenter.
Edward Richardson 1617 – 1677, ‘ejected minister’
JAD 2019.

Nicholas Dearneley was buried on 28 December 1677 at Manchester Collegiate Church, Manchester, Lancashire, England,
Moses Darnelly
ID# 13425, b. about 1852

Moses Darnelly was born about 1852

Moses Darnelly married Mary Trail on 15 February 1873 at Baldwin, Banks or Habersham county, Georgia, USA,
Mary Trail
ID# 13426, b. about 1852

Mary Trail was born about 1852

Mary Trail married Moses Darnelly on 15 February 1873 at Baldwin, Banks or Habersham county, Georgia, USA,
John Dernely
ID# 13427, b. about 1657, d. January 1689

John Dernely was born about 1657 at Derbyshire, England,
John Dernely was the son of John Dearnely (IV) and Mary (?)

in 1688 John Dernely lived at Padfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

The 24 Jul 1688 marriage of John Dernely to Sarah Fearnes is very similar to the 3 Jan 1687 marriage of John Derneley to Sarah Fern in Great Longstone, Derbyshire.
see Sarah Fern.
see Sarah Fern.

John Dernely married Sarah Fearnes, daughter of George Fernes, on 24 July 1688 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
'Jo. Dernely Jun of Padfield & Sarah ffearnes in [prh]? :Hope'
I am not certain that this is a marriage entry. All other marriage entries are ended in ":Mar".

John Dernely left a will on 25 December 1688 at Little Padfield, Derbyshire, England.
Will of John Dearnely Jun of Padfield 1688/89
Names in bold. Guesses in italics. Abbreviations expanded thus: (and), or(dai)ne, rem(ain)es.
In the name of God Amen the 25th D(ay) of December in the yeare of our Lord god one
thousand Six hundred Eighty (and) Eight I John Dearnely of Little Padfeild in the County of Derby
yeoman the unprofitable Servant of God b(ein)g weake in body but of strong (and) perfect memory
praysed be god for the same doe make (and) or(dai)ne this my last will (and) testament in manner and
forme following ffirst of all I give (and) beq(uea)th my spirit into the hands of God my ffather who
first framed (and) ffashoned me in my moth(ers) wombe makeing me a liveing (and) a reasonable creature
hopeing through the meritts of Jesus Christ onely saviour (and) redeemer that he will receive my
soule (and) place it amongst his blessed son (and) Angells next of all I give (and) bequeath my body to
the earth of which it was made nothing dou(bt)ing but att the greate and Generall day of Judgment
it shall againe be joyned unto my spirit my corruptible (and) mortall body as now it is but an
incorruptible (and) immortalll body which sha(ll)live (and) raigne with my Lord (and) Saviour Jesus Christ
world without end Now concerneing my w(or)ldly goods which god hath given me my mynde and
will is that my Harriotts debts (and) ffunerall expenses be paid out of my personall estate (then there is a crossed out section) (and) what rem(ain)es I leave towarde bringing up of my child Item my
will (and) mynd is if my child dye before hee attaines to the age of one and twenty years
or comes to preferment (another crossed out section) my will (and) mynd is that my ffather John Dearnely
his Assigne or Assignes shall have hold enjoy all my Lands (and) Tenements goods (and) chattels
Lastly my mynd (and) will is (and) I make and apointe my ffather John Dearnely And my ffather
in law George Ffearnes execut(or)s of this last will (and) testament In witness whereof I have
hereunto sett my hand and seale the day (and) yeare above written
John Dearnely
Sealed (and) delivered in
the presence of viz
Antho. Reddish
Tho. Hadfeild
Probate granted Chesterfield 15 October 1689
A true (and) p(er)fect Inventory of all (and) singular the Goodes
Creditts Chattells (and) Cattells of John Derneley the younger
late of Little Padfield w(ith)in the p(ar)ish of Glossopp in the
County of Derby yeom(an) Dev(ise)d (and) prized by us whose names
are subscribed the 17th day of Jan(uar)y Ano Dom 1688
(note: this is the ecclesiastical year 1688 ie January 1689)
Transcribed by Janet A Davies
February 2012.
Names in bold. Guesses in italics. Abbreviations expanded thus: (and), or(dai)ne, rem(ain)es.
In the name of God Amen the 25th D(ay) of December in the yeare of our Lord god one
thousand Six hundred Eighty (and) Eight I John Dearnely of Little Padfeild in the County of Derby
yeoman the unprofitable Servant of God b(ein)g weake in body but of strong (and) perfect memory
praysed be god for the same doe make (and) or(dai)ne this my last will (and) testament in manner and
forme following ffirst of all I give (and) beq(uea)th my spirit into the hands of God my ffather who
first framed (and) ffashoned me in my moth(ers) wombe makeing me a liveing (and) a reasonable creature
hopeing through the meritts of Jesus Christ onely saviour (and) redeemer that he will receive my
soule (and) place it amongst his blessed son (and) Angells next of all I give (and) bequeath my body to
the earth of which it was made nothing dou(bt)ing but att the greate and Generall day of Judgment
it shall againe be joyned unto my spirit my corruptible (and) mortall body as now it is but an
incorruptible (and) immortalll body which sha(ll)live (and) raigne with my Lord (and) Saviour Jesus Christ
world without end Now concerneing my w(or)ldly goods which god hath given me my mynde and
will is that my Harriotts debts (and) ffunerall expenses be paid out of my personall estate (then there is a crossed out section) (and) what rem(ain)es I leave towarde bringing up of my child Item my
will (and) mynd is if my child dye before hee attaines to the age of one and twenty years
or comes to preferment (another crossed out section) my will (and) mynd is that my ffather John Dearnely
his Assigne or Assignes shall have hold enjoy all my Lands (and) Tenements goods (and) chattels
Lastly my mynd (and) will is (and) I make and apointe my ffather John Dearnely And my ffather
in law George Ffearnes execut(or)s of this last will (and) testament In witness whereof I have
hereunto sett my hand and seale the day (and) yeare above written
John Dearnely
Sealed (and) delivered in
the presence of viz
Antho. Reddish
Tho. Hadfeild
Probate granted Chesterfield 15 October 1689
A true (and) p(er)fect Inventory of all (and) singular the Goodes
Creditts Chattells (and) Cattells of John Derneley the younger
late of Little Padfield w(ith)in the p(ar)ish of Glossopp in the
County of Derby yeom(an) Dev(ise)d (and) prized by us whose names
are subscribed the 17th day of Jan(uar)y Ano Dom 1688
(note: this is the ecclesiastical year 1688 ie January 1689)
Imp[rimis] | ti | s | d | |
In money in his purse [and] his apparel | 05 | 00 | 00 | |
Item | One Table six Chaires 2 Buffetts one } | |||
little Table [and] Twelve quishonse in the } | ||||
mansion or dwellinge house } | 01 | 14 | 00 | |
One bed [and] 3 chaires | 3 | 00 | 00 | |
It[em] | One Bed w[i]th ffurniture [and] drape in [the] p[ar]lour chaires | 04 | 00 | 00 |
It[em] | One Chest or Coffer | 00 | 10 | 00 |
It[em] | Twelve stones of Wool [and] One stone } | |||
Weight of Yarne } | 05 | 00 | 00 | |
It[em] | One pair of Bedstockes [and] ffurniture for } | |||
a Bed in the Chamber ov[er] [the] house } | 02 | 00 | 00 | |
Item | One p[ar] cell of Malt [and] a little Barley | 01 | 11 | 00 |
Item | Two Arkes | 00 | 13 | 00 |
It[em] | Two P[ai]re of Bedstockes in the chamb[er] ov[er] } | |||
It[em] | the little p[ar)]lor } | 00 | 10 | 00 |
Item | sev[er]all Dishes [and] of Pewter [and] Brasse | 02 | 10 | 00 |
Item | Certainie beffells of wood | 00 | 13 | 04 |
It[em] | Certainie Instruments of Iron | 01 | 05 | 00 |
It[em] | Two pair of sheetes Three Pillow } | |||
beers [and] Three Table Napkins } | 00 | 16 | 00 | |
It[em] | Two Ould Table Clothes | 00 | 01 | 00 |
It[em] | Salt Beefe Butter [and] Cheese | 00 | 10 | 00 |
It[em] | Twenty six Bookes | 00 | 06 | 08 |
It[em] | Two Oxen | 07 | 00 | 00 |
It[em] | Ffive Twinters | 08 | 06 | 08 |
It[em] | One Little Heifer | 02 | 00 | 00 |
It[em] | Ffour Cowes [and] One Bullock | 14 | 00 | 00 |
It[em] | Ffour Calves | 04 | 00 | 00 |
It[em] | Sixty prime sheep | 16 | 00 | 00 |
It[em] | One Horsy | 17 | 00 | 00 |
It[em] | One Ganye of ffollyes [and] some Arkes sills [and] bord | 00 | 05 | 00 |
It[em] | One Little Coffer [and] One Iron Cott | 00 | 15 | 00 |
It[em] | In Lime [and] manure | 00 | 10 | 00 |
It[em] | One Hackney sadle [and] One Pack sadle [and] Bridle | 00 | 10 | 00 |
It[em] | Certene Little Spining Wheeles [and] One chest | 00 | 03 | 04 |
It[em] | Some Husbandry Ware [and] all other Huslem[en]ts | 00 | 08 | 00 |
____________ | ||||
John Waterhouse | 102 | 06 | 00 | |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
Transcribed by Janet A Davies
February 2012.

John Dernely died in January 1689 at Little Padfield, Derbyshire, England,
Child of John Dernely and Sarah Fearnes
- Child Dernely b. abt May 1689, d. Dec 1689
Sarah Fearnes
ID# 13428, b. about 1667

Sarah Fearnes was born about 1667
Sarah Fearnes was the daughter of George Fernes.

in 1688 Sarah Fearnes lived at Hope, Derbyshire, England,

Sarah Fearnes married John Dernely, son of John Dearnely (IV) and Mary (?), on 24 July 1688 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
'Jo. Dernely Jun of Padfield & Sarah ffearnes in [prh]? :Hope'
I am not certain that this is a marriage entry. All other marriage entries are ended in ":Mar".
Child of Sarah Fearnes and John Dernely
- Child Dernely b. abt May 1689, d. Dec 1689
Hannah Walker
ID# 13430, b. 1843, d. September 1888
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Hannah Walker was born in 1843 at Cheshire, England,
Hannah Walker was the daughter of John Walker and Harriet (?)

Hannah Walker married Robert Dearneley, son of William Dearneley and Mary Haigh, on 21 December 1867 at Parish Church, Stalybridge, Castle Hall Parish, Cheshire, England,
Robert Dearneley 25 Bachelor, Mechanic res: Stalybridge fa: William Dearneley, Engineer
Hannah Walker 24 Spinster, --- res: Stalybridge fa: John Walker, Weaver
Both signed
Witnesses: Thomas Dearneley & Alfred Walker.

Hannah Walker died in September 1888 at Dukinfield, Ashton-under-Lyne R.D., Lancashire, England, at age 45 years
Indexed as Hannah Dearneley.

Hannah Walker was buried on 27 September 1888 at Stayley, Cheshire, England,
'No.1833; Hannah Dearneley; Dukinfield; aged 45 yrs'
Stayley Parish Burials.
Stayley Parish Burials.
Children of Hannah Walker and Robert Dearneley
- William Dearneley b. abt Aug 1868, d. abt May 1870
- Alfred Dearneley b. abt Nov 1869, d. abt Aug 1872
- Harriet Ann Dearneley b. 20 Aug 1871, d. 9 Dec 1948