Unknown (?)
ID# 14912, b. about 1710
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Unknown (?) was born about 1710

Unknown (?) married Peter Dearneley, son of John Dearnaley and Hanna (?), about 1731
Peter could also be the Peter D who married Ellen.
see Peter Dearnely.
Children of Unknown (?) and Peter Dearneley
- Hannah Dernely b. 29 Sep 1735
- Mary Dernely b. 20 Mar 1738, d. Mar 1740
- Samuel Derneley b. 5 Jul 1740, d. Jul 1740
William Dernelee (II)
ID# 14913, b. about 1515

William Dernelee (II) was born about 1515
Before 1518
William is assumed to be over 21 in 1537 (father's will).
William is assumed to be over 21 in 1537 (father's will).
William Dernelee (II) was the son of John Dernylye (II) and Helen (?)

On 12 Oct 1537 William attended Wakefield manorial court and paid 16s 8d as fine to inherit one messuage and 29 acres of land and meadow in (Upper)Thong and 3 acres and one rood in Mark Bottoms and "one rood of land parcel of one acre" called Binns1 after the death of John Dernelee his father.
If his father was the son of William D. (son of John & Alice), then he would have been young when he inherited. He could have been as young as 14 to attend court in his own right and unlikely to have been much older.
See William Dernelegh (I)
1 "Binns" : There is more than one Binns & in this context Binns is actually Upperthong.
see this streetmap.co.uk map
Mark Bottoms on this map is the valley of the stream just to the north running from Wolfstones to New Rd. The stream is the boundary between Upper-and Nether-thong and hence of Wakefield manor (Mark in this context must mean boundary, cf the Welsh Marches). - IG.
If his father was the son of William D. (son of John & Alice), then he would have been young when he inherited. He could have been as young as 14 to attend court in his own right and unlikely to have been much older.
See William Dernelegh (I)
1 "Binns" : There is more than one Binns & in this context Binns is actually Upperthong.
see this streetmap.co.uk map
Mark Bottoms on this map is the valley of the stream just to the north running from Wolfstones to New Rd. The stream is the boundary between Upper-and Nether-thong and hence of Wakefield manor (Mark in this context must mean boundary, cf the Welsh Marches). - IG.

In the 1599 will of Nicholas Hadfielde of Hadfield (Findmypast) his list of debtors starts thus:
The impression given is that William (III) is now running the Padfield establishment and so is given the label of 'William Dernelye of Padfield', implying that his father had, at some point, made over the property to him. Maybe this Derbyshire handover was at the same time as the 1585 transactions on the Yorkshire property?
William (III) is currently listed as c.1560- but could be a little earlier. The gap from William (II) to William (III) could be explained by a late marriage, lots of daughters, and maybe an older son who died young.
All in all, my feeling is that 'Ould William' is this William (II). -JAD.
Debtes Owinge to me
first Willyam Dernelye of Padfield of lent money
w(hich) I lent hym xxxviijs
It(em) Ould Willym Dernely father of … aforesaid
Wm Dernelye of lent money, w(hich) I lent hym
at another tyme xs
The impression given is that William (III) is now running the Padfield establishment and so is given the label of 'William Dernelye of Padfield', implying that his father had, at some point, made over the property to him. Maybe this Derbyshire handover was at the same time as the 1585 transactions on the Yorkshire property?
William (III) is currently listed as c.1560- but could be a little earlier. The gap from William (II) to William (III) could be explained by a late marriage, lots of daughters, and maybe an older son who died young.
All in all, my feeling is that 'Ould William' is this William (II). -JAD.
John Dernylye (II)
ID# 14914, b. about 1495, d. 1537

John Dernylye (II) was born about 1495
John Dernylye (II) was the son of William Dernelegh (I) and Unknown (?)

John Dernylye (II) married Helen (?) about 1517

Holme. John Derneles pays heriot on death of his father William.

'Holme. William Dernelee pays 16s. 8d. heriot on death of his father John. '
In 1537 William Dernelee paid 16s 8d as fine to inherit one messuage and 29 acres of land and meadow in (Upper) Thong and 3 acres and one rood in Mark Bottoms and "one rood of land parcel of one acre" at Binns1 after the death of John Dernelee his father.
1 "Binns" : There is more than one Binns & in this context Binns is actually Upperthong.
see this streetmap.co.uk map
Mark Bottoms on this map is the valley of the stream just to the north running from Wolfstones to New Rd. The stream is the boundary between Upper-and Nether-thong and hence of Wakefield manor (Mark in this context must mean boundary, cf the Welsh Marches). - IG.
In 1537 William Dernelee paid 16s 8d as fine to inherit one messuage and 29 acres of land and meadow in (Upper) Thong and 3 acres and one rood in Mark Bottoms and "one rood of land parcel of one acre" at Binns1 after the death of John Dernelee his father.
1 "Binns" : There is more than one Binns & in this context Binns is actually Upperthong.
see this streetmap.co.uk map
Mark Bottoms on this map is the valley of the stream just to the north running from Wolfstones to New Rd. The stream is the boundary between Upper-and Nether-thong and hence of Wakefield manor (Mark in this context must mean boundary, cf the Welsh Marches). - IG.

John Dernylye (II) died in 1537 at Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,

John Dernylye (II) left a will in July 1537.
Will of John Dernylye 1537 Glossop
Abbreviations have been expanded and are indicated by brackets.
‘pte’ could be expanded as either ‘portione’ or as ‘parte’ – ‘portione’ is used below.
In the name off god Amen In the yer off our lorde god M V hundrethe xxxvij (and) the (… day)
Jule(y) (that) I Jhon Dernylye w(i)t(h)yn the parishe off Glossoppe off good & hol remembrance dothe order
mak my last wyll aft(er) this man(ne)r form folowyng the first I bequeathe my soul to almyghte god
ladye (and) al the santes hevyng my body to buryd w(i)t(h)in the churche off all haloos in Glossopp I wy(ll)
(that) my wyff Helyn shalt haff my teniment with hyr children duryng hyre lyffe my eldeste
Will(ia)m to occupye the halff off this teniment in Padfeld aft(er) iiij yeres be spent aft(er) the
makyngs heroff (and) the holle aft(er) the decease off hys mother he doing hyre hufsbandryse al(..)
I wyll (that) Oliv(er) my son shalt haff my tenement at Blackshaw w(h)e(n) he conmythe to the age
xxvj yeres (and) yff yt fortayn (that) either off my sonnes do selt I wylt (that) (each) on(e) shalt sell to (the)
other taking therfor xx markes (and) that neither off theyme neither in p(ar)t no(r) in hole to selt
bot to hys brother aft(er) the man(ner) heroff (and) yff yt portayne (that) either off my sones do dye w(i)t(h)out
ysscheu I wyllt hys tenement shalt reymayne to hyss brother also I wylt (that) Will(ia)m my
son shalt gyff to my doegtheres iiij markes enyon off thaym a mark iiij nobles wh(en)
he entherythe off the halff (and) iiij nobles w(h)e(n) he entherythe of the hole I wyll
that my ploughes yokes with all other thynges appertenynes to husbandrye shalbe
devydyd equallye be twixt Will(ia)m and Oliver (and) further I wyll be brogthe furthe off
mynown p(or)t(ion)e acordynes to the custom off (the) co(u)ntrey (and) af(er) my bryngyng furthe I
wyll Jenet my doeghter shalt haff a mark off my p(or)t(ion)e then the resydell off my
goodes to be devyded amongst my children eneon a p(or)t(ion)e except Oliv(er). Also I wyll
yff ytt pertayn my wyff to dye before my son Oliv(er) be off xxvj yeres off age my doegtheres to
occupeye hys t(ene)m(en)t to the sayd terme for ther p(ro)fett and aft(er) the yeres be spent they to tak
away all suche goodes as shalbe there at that tyme and putt theyme to there best use and
my son Oliv(er) to be ordered in al manner off counsyl at the syg(es)the (and) ordre off Roger
Dernylye Jon Garlyke Thomas Poghson and Jhon Goddard (and) yff ytt fortayn (my)
doeghtores to marrye w(ith)in the yeres thay to aboyd a way w(i)t(h) there p(or)t(ion)es I mak
exsegtores Helyn my wyff and Will(ia)m my son the recorders off this testament
Jhon Harropp Raphe Bothe Jhon Garlyke Thomas Poghson Raynald Goddard
Jhon Goddard (and) Roger Dernylye
I do give to Raphe Bothe v markes to Matt(hew) Baylye xxxs
Inventory available – transcription not yet attempted.
Named people in the will of John Dernylye 1537 Glossop
Wife Helyn
Sons William – to inherit half of Padfield tenement (after 4 years) and reminder on mother’s death
Oliver – to inherit Blackshaw temement (at age of 26)
Daughters Jenet (unmarried)
Jenet and her sister(s) referred to as ‘my doegtheres’ with no other names given
‘To counsyl’ Roger Dernylye – relationship not given
John Garlyke
Thomas Poghson
Jhon Goddard
Recorders Jhon Harropp
Raphe Bothe
Jhon Garlyke
Thomas Poghson
Raynald Goddard
Transcribed by Janet Davies June 2016
A couple of thoughts. If Oliver is to inherit at 26, and William in 4 years, does this make William 22?. If the daughters are to live at Blackshaw after Helyn's death, until Oliver is 26, does this imply that Oliver is one of the youngest in the family?
Oliver is under-age so this could be Oliver of the Blackshaw. -JAD
see Oliver Dernelie.
Abbreviations have been expanded and are indicated by brackets.
‘pte’ could be expanded as either ‘portione’ or as ‘parte’ – ‘portione’ is used below.
In the name off god Amen In the yer off our lorde god M V hundrethe xxxvij (and) the (… day)
Jule(y) (that) I Jhon Dernylye w(i)t(h)yn the parishe off Glossoppe off good & hol remembrance dothe order
mak my last wyll aft(er) this man(ne)r form folowyng the first I bequeathe my soul to almyghte god
ladye (and) al the santes hevyng my body to buryd w(i)t(h)in the churche off all haloos in Glossopp I wy(ll)
(that) my wyff Helyn shalt haff my teniment with hyr children duryng hyre lyffe my eldeste
Will(ia)m to occupye the halff off this teniment in Padfeld aft(er) iiij yeres be spent aft(er) the
makyngs heroff (and) the holle aft(er) the decease off hys mother he doing hyre hufsbandryse al(..)
I wyll (that) Oliv(er) my son shalt haff my tenement at Blackshaw w(h)e(n) he conmythe to the age
xxvj yeres (and) yff yt fortayn (that) either off my sonnes do selt I wylt (that) (each) on(e) shalt sell to (the)
other taking therfor xx markes (and) that neither off theyme neither in p(ar)t no(r) in hole to selt
bot to hys brother aft(er) the man(ner) heroff (and) yff yt portayne (that) either off my sones do dye w(i)t(h)out
ysscheu I wyllt hys tenement shalt reymayne to hyss brother also I wylt (that) Will(ia)m my
son shalt gyff to my doegtheres iiij markes enyon off thaym a mark iiij nobles wh(en)
he entherythe off the halff (and) iiij nobles w(h)e(n) he entherythe of the hole I wyll
that my ploughes yokes with all other thynges appertenynes to husbandrye shalbe
devydyd equallye be twixt Will(ia)m and Oliver (and) further I wyll be brogthe furthe off
mynown p(or)t(ion)e acordynes to the custom off (the) co(u)ntrey (and) af(er) my bryngyng furthe I
wyll Jenet my doeghter shalt haff a mark off my p(or)t(ion)e then the resydell off my
goodes to be devyded amongst my children eneon a p(or)t(ion)e except Oliv(er). Also I wyll
yff ytt pertayn my wyff to dye before my son Oliv(er) be off xxvj yeres off age my doegtheres to
occupeye hys t(ene)m(en)t to the sayd terme for ther p(ro)fett and aft(er) the yeres be spent they to tak
away all suche goodes as shalbe there at that tyme and putt theyme to there best use and
my son Oliv(er) to be ordered in al manner off counsyl at the syg(es)the (and) ordre off Roger
Dernylye Jon Garlyke Thomas Poghson and Jhon Goddard (and) yff ytt fortayn (my)
doeghtores to marrye w(ith)in the yeres thay to aboyd a way w(i)t(h) there p(or)t(ion)es I mak
exsegtores Helyn my wyff and Will(ia)m my son the recorders off this testament
Jhon Harropp Raphe Bothe Jhon Garlyke Thomas Poghson Raynald Goddard
Jhon Goddard (and) Roger Dernylye
I do give to Raphe Bothe v markes to Matt(hew) Baylye xxxs
Inventory available – transcription not yet attempted.
Named people in the will of John Dernylye 1537 Glossop
Wife Helyn
Sons William – to inherit half of Padfield tenement (after 4 years) and reminder on mother’s death
Oliver – to inherit Blackshaw temement (at age of 26)
Daughters Jenet (unmarried)
Jenet and her sister(s) referred to as ‘my doegtheres’ with no other names given
‘To counsyl’ Roger Dernylye – relationship not given
John Garlyke
Thomas Poghson
Jhon Goddard
Recorders Jhon Harropp
Raphe Bothe
Jhon Garlyke
Thomas Poghson
Raynald Goddard
Transcribed by Janet Davies June 2016
A couple of thoughts. If Oliver is to inherit at 26, and William in 4 years, does this make William 22?. If the daughters are to live at Blackshaw after Helyn's death, until Oliver is 26, does this imply that Oliver is one of the youngest in the family?
Oliver is under-age so this could be Oliver of the Blackshaw. -JAD
see Oliver Dernelie.

John Dernylye (II) was buried in 1537 at All Hallows, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Requested in his will.
Children of John Dernylye (II) and Helen (?)
- William Dernelee (II) b. abt 1515
- Jenet Dernylye b. abt 1520
- Oliver Dernelie+ b. abt 1535, d. abt 1587
Thomas Dernelly
ID# 14915, b. about 1500, d. about 1542

Thomas is perhaps a brother of Oliver Derneley of St Werburghs, Derby.
St Werburghs and Marton, now called Markeaton, are 5 or 6 miles apart, on either side of Derby city centre. -JAD.
St Werburghs and Marton, now called Markeaton, are 5 or 6 miles apart, on either side of Derby city centre. -JAD.

Thomas Dernelly was born about 1500
Thomas Dernelly was the son of (?) Dernelly and (?) (?)

Thomas Dernelly married Elizabeth Bancroft, daughter of William Bancroft and (?) (?), about 1522

Thomas Dernelly left a will on 1 March 1540 at St Werburghs Parish, Derby, Derbyshire, England.
Will of Thomas Dernelly of St. Werburghs, Derby
The lines have been numbered to assist comparison with the original. The colons in the text below are in the original.
Square brackets are used where an abbreviation has been expanded.
The abbreviation y+ (in the will, a y with a plus sign above) has been left, as it seems to have more than one meaning.
Italics are used for guesses. Dashes are used for single characters that cannot be read.
Numbers in the text are in a version of Roman numerals eg Xij = 12, XL = 40.
Money is given in £sd: ti = li with a stroke through it = libre (pound); s = solidus (shilling); d = denarius (penny).
See page 4 for a list of people in the will and for notes on some of the words/items.
1 In the name of god amen the year of our lorde god MDXL the ffyrst day of marche I Thomas Dernelly of the paryche off
2 Saynt Werburs in Derby syke in body of whole mynde and good memorye make my last wyll [and] testament as ffoloeth ffyrst
3 I comend my soul to almyghty god my maker and saviour the gloryous virgyn [and] mother Mary and to all Sayntes in
4 heyvon and my bodye to be buryed in my paryche churche of Saynt Werburs aforesaid in the myddest of the sayd churche be
5 ffore the Rode : also I wyll the prestes and mynisters off my paryche churche [and] the two p[rie]sts off Saint Jamys Chapel wyth other
6 two p[rie]sts shall say or syng placebo dyrig and masse of Requiem on the day off my buryall for my soule and faythfull crysten
7 soules and I wyll on [the] day of my buryall a Trentall off masses to be said for my soule and all goode crysten soules and the
8 resyde to be said [the] day of my buriall to be said on my vijth day : and I wyll have ffyve tapers to burne aboute my bodye and all
9 thyngs done lyke wyse on my vijth day the value [and] cost off iiijti on boothe [the] forsaid days : and I wyll y+ XXs be dystributed
10 and bestowed ffor my soule [and] all crysten soules on my yers day : also I wyll that assone as my bodye ys broughte to [the] grounde and
11 all funeral costes and charges dyscharged y+ then my debtys ffyrst to be payd : and I gyve and bequeth to John Dernelly my
12 sonne XXti sterlyng and a dosen of [the] besste sylver spones wyth lyons on the ends off them and goddes blessing and
13 myne also I gyve and bequeth to [the] sayd John Dernelly my sonne a gobblett off sylv[er] the wyche wyeth Xij oncces : and I wyll y+
14 my wyve Elsabeth have the kepyng of and occupatyon of the sayd gobblett unto suche tyme as my sonne John be and come
15 to lawfull age : and I wyll y+ yff my sonne John dep[ar]ts to god be fore he be XXty yeres off age y+ hys keper shal have X
16 pounds of [the] fore sayd XXty pounds and [the] other Xti I wyll ytt be geyvon to his kynffolwk that have moste nede and
17 this to helpe accordyng after goode conscyence. Also yff my sonne John dep[ar]te to god before he be XXty yeres off age
18 then I wyll y+ hys naturall mother shal have halfe the plotte. And other halfe of [the] plotte I wyll my sonne John do
19 gyve ytt to hys best frendes att h---d dyscretyon. Also I gyve [and] bequeth to Wyllam Bancroft my father in law
20 my best gowne lyned wyth sayn[t ]thomas wolssted. And I wyll y+ after my dysseyce Wyllam Bancroft my
21 father in law shal have my sonne John Dernelly and hys portyon of XXti sterlynge and my best dosen off sylv[er] spons
22 aforesaid : and lyke wyse he to have [the] ordre and govnance of hym and [the] sayd portions unto syche tyme as the sayd
23 John be of lawfull age [and] have dyscretyon to gov[er]ne and occupye the forsayd portyons. Also I gyve [and] bequeth to
24 Willam Bancroft my father in law my best sleveless jakett. And I gyve and bequeth my judenturs and all
25 my tack to Elsabeth my wyve And I wyll y+ as sone as my wyve Elsabeth dothe mary y+ then she to gyve to
26 my sonne John forthe of the tack duryng the h---moste yeres yerly vjs viijd Also I gyve and bequeth to
27 my brother John Dernelly my violett gowne lyned wyth saten of sypyrs : And I gyve and bequeth to Rychard
28 Sellars of Bognell XXs in money defyryng hym to the good to my wyve : Also I gyve and bequeth to ev[er]y
29 god chylde I have Xijd and godes blessing [and] myne : And I gyve and bequeth M[ar]garett
30 Shepparde wyche was the daughter off Jane Shepparde XLs when she cometh to maryage or afore yff my
31 wyve and o[ver]ssears shall thynk ytt necessary : And I gyve and bequeth to John Bancroft my brother in law
32 hondreth weyght of new brass pottys : Also I gyve and bequeth to eny man sarvantt in my hause y+ dueth me
33 servys whan I departe iijs iiijd. And I gyve [and] bequeth to my brother John Dernelly vijs vjd Also I gyve
34 to Elsabeth Dernelly my s[er]vantt vjs viijd Also I wyll y+ Elsabeth my wyve do kepe Wyllam Dernelly
35 thre yeres imedyatly next after my dyssece bothe meate drynke [and] in raynment. And than I wyll y+
36 she do putt hym forthe to a good mast[e]r well apparelled and yff ytt be my wyves mynde to put the chylde
37 forthe to a good master wythyn [the] sayd thre yers than I wyll that Elsabeth my wyve be at no ffarther costes or
38 charges w[ith] hym : Also I wyll that my wyve Elsabeth do beyr all man[ner] of costes [and] charges off my sonne John
39 for [the] span of thre yerys next immedyately after my dyssece : Also I gyve [and] bequeth to Elsabeth Dernelly
40 my tawney gowne wythowt lynyng : and I wyll y+ yff my other wyll or testament be founde herafter [and]
41 showed besydes thys my trew testament and laste wyll that ytt shall stand in none effecte nor
42 stenght but thys all onlye to be my very trew and lawfull testament [and] last wyll accordyng to the
43 tenor heroff : The rest of all my other goodes moveable [and] not moveable not before bequeyeth here in the
44 wyll I gyve and bequeth them to Elsabeth my wyve whom I constitute ordayn and make my true [and]
45 lawfull sole exectryxe : And Wyllam Bancroft my father in law and John Botham sup[er]vis--s and …
46 off thys my last wyll [and] testament to se all thynges p[er]formed and done for [the] mooste helth of my
47 soule desyryng them to be good to my wyve and to helpe and consell hyr in all thynges
48 concernyng thys my wyll as my truste ys in them. And I wyll that eyther of my sayd ov[er]sears
49 shalhave XXs for ther peynes and labour : thes being wyttnes off the same Wyllam Bancroft
50 John Dernelly : Thomas Holynworth : Roger Huchesson : John Stevenson : Charles Morden ;
51 Robert Johnson : Hew Abbott : Wyllam Greve : p[--]st wyth other.
(There is a lot of guesswork in the following inventory.)
Thys inventory off goods made the XXth day of [this] moneeth off
november in the yer off the Regne of our mooste soverayn
lorde kynge henry [the] viijth by the grace of god kynge off england
and of france defender of [the] fayth lord of yreland prince of wayles: and in earth the
suppreme head off the churche of england: the thre and
thryttyeth: wytnesseth of all the goodes off Thomas
Dernelly brasyer lately departed in the parych of Saynt
Werburs in Derby: the wyche goodes wayr truely prayssed by
these honest men whose names be under wrytton:
John Bruckhausse: Heyles Cowper: Thomas Bladshawe: Robert
Smyth: Richard Whytteramone: Thomas Holynworth: Roger
transcribed & noted by Janet A Davies.
The lines have been numbered to assist comparison with the original. The colons in the text below are in the original.
Square brackets are used where an abbreviation has been expanded.
The abbreviation y+ (in the will, a y with a plus sign above) has been left, as it seems to have more than one meaning.
Italics are used for guesses. Dashes are used for single characters that cannot be read.
Numbers in the text are in a version of Roman numerals eg Xij = 12, XL = 40.
Money is given in £sd: ti = li with a stroke through it = libre (pound); s = solidus (shilling); d = denarius (penny).
See page 4 for a list of people in the will and for notes on some of the words/items.
1 In the name of god amen the year of our lorde god MDXL the ffyrst day of marche I Thomas Dernelly of the paryche off
2 Saynt Werburs in Derby syke in body of whole mynde and good memorye make my last wyll [and] testament as ffoloeth ffyrst
3 I comend my soul to almyghty god my maker and saviour the gloryous virgyn [and] mother Mary and to all Sayntes in
4 heyvon and my bodye to be buryed in my paryche churche of Saynt Werburs aforesaid in the myddest of the sayd churche be
5 ffore the Rode : also I wyll the prestes and mynisters off my paryche churche [and] the two p[rie]sts off Saint Jamys Chapel wyth other
6 two p[rie]sts shall say or syng placebo dyrig and masse of Requiem on the day off my buryall for my soule and faythfull crysten
7 soules and I wyll on [the] day of my buryall a Trentall off masses to be said for my soule and all goode crysten soules and the
8 resyde to be said [the] day of my buriall to be said on my vijth day : and I wyll have ffyve tapers to burne aboute my bodye and all
9 thyngs done lyke wyse on my vijth day the value [and] cost off iiijti on boothe [the] forsaid days : and I wyll y+ XXs be dystributed
10 and bestowed ffor my soule [and] all crysten soules on my yers day : also I wyll that assone as my bodye ys broughte to [the] grounde and
11 all funeral costes and charges dyscharged y+ then my debtys ffyrst to be payd : and I gyve and bequeth to John Dernelly my
12 sonne XXti sterlyng and a dosen of [the] besste sylver spones wyth lyons on the ends off them and goddes blessing and
13 myne also I gyve and bequeth to [the] sayd John Dernelly my sonne a gobblett off sylv[er] the wyche wyeth Xij oncces : and I wyll y+
14 my wyve Elsabeth have the kepyng of and occupatyon of the sayd gobblett unto suche tyme as my sonne John be and come
15 to lawfull age : and I wyll y+ yff my sonne John dep[ar]ts to god be fore he be XXty yeres off age y+ hys keper shal have X
16 pounds of [the] fore sayd XXty pounds and [the] other Xti I wyll ytt be geyvon to his kynffolwk that have moste nede and
17 this to helpe accordyng after goode conscyence. Also yff my sonne John dep[ar]te to god before he be XXty yeres off age
18 then I wyll y+ hys naturall mother shal have halfe the plotte. And other halfe of [the] plotte I wyll my sonne John do
19 gyve ytt to hys best frendes att h---d dyscretyon. Also I gyve [and] bequeth to Wyllam Bancroft my father in law
20 my best gowne lyned wyth sayn[t ]thomas wolssted. And I wyll y+ after my dysseyce Wyllam Bancroft my
21 father in law shal have my sonne John Dernelly and hys portyon of XXti sterlynge and my best dosen off sylv[er] spons
22 aforesaid : and lyke wyse he to have [the] ordre and govnance of hym and [the] sayd portions unto syche tyme as the sayd
23 John be of lawfull age [and] have dyscretyon to gov[er]ne and occupye the forsayd portyons. Also I gyve [and] bequeth to
24 Willam Bancroft my father in law my best sleveless jakett. And I gyve and bequeth my judenturs and all
25 my tack to Elsabeth my wyve And I wyll y+ as sone as my wyve Elsabeth dothe mary y+ then she to gyve to
26 my sonne John forthe of the tack duryng the h---moste yeres yerly vjs viijd Also I gyve and bequeth to
27 my brother John Dernelly my violett gowne lyned wyth saten of sypyrs : And I gyve and bequeth to Rychard
28 Sellars of Bognell XXs in money defyryng hym to the good to my wyve : Also I gyve and bequeth to ev[er]y
29 god chylde I have Xijd and godes blessing [and] myne : And I gyve and bequeth M[ar]garett
30 Shepparde wyche was the daughter off Jane Shepparde XLs when she cometh to maryage or afore yff my
31 wyve and o[ver]ssears shall thynk ytt necessary : And I gyve and bequeth to John Bancroft my brother in law
32 hondreth weyght of new brass pottys : Also I gyve and bequeth to eny man sarvantt in my hause y+ dueth me
33 servys whan I departe iijs iiijd. And I gyve [and] bequeth to my brother John Dernelly vijs vjd Also I gyve
34 to Elsabeth Dernelly my s[er]vantt vjs viijd Also I wyll y+ Elsabeth my wyve do kepe Wyllam Dernelly
35 thre yeres imedyatly next after my dyssece bothe meate drynke [and] in raynment. And than I wyll y+
36 she do putt hym forthe to a good mast[e]r well apparelled and yff ytt be my wyves mynde to put the chylde
37 forthe to a good master wythyn [the] sayd thre yers than I wyll that Elsabeth my wyve be at no ffarther costes or
38 charges w[ith] hym : Also I wyll that my wyve Elsabeth do beyr all man[ner] of costes [and] charges off my sonne John
39 for [the] span of thre yerys next immedyately after my dyssece : Also I gyve [and] bequeth to Elsabeth Dernelly
40 my tawney gowne wythowt lynyng : and I wyll y+ yff my other wyll or testament be founde herafter [and]
41 showed besydes thys my trew testament and laste wyll that ytt shall stand in none effecte nor
42 stenght but thys all onlye to be my very trew and lawfull testament [and] last wyll accordyng to the
43 tenor heroff : The rest of all my other goodes moveable [and] not moveable not before bequeyeth here in the
44 wyll I gyve and bequeth them to Elsabeth my wyve whom I constitute ordayn and make my true [and]
45 lawfull sole exectryxe : And Wyllam Bancroft my father in law and John Botham sup[er]vis--s and …
46 off thys my last wyll [and] testament to se all thynges p[er]formed and done for [the] mooste helth of my
47 soule desyryng them to be good to my wyve and to helpe and consell hyr in all thynges
48 concernyng thys my wyll as my truste ys in them. And I wyll that eyther of my sayd ov[er]sears
49 shalhave XXs for ther peynes and labour : thes being wyttnes off the same Wyllam Bancroft
50 John Dernelly : Thomas Holynworth : Roger Huchesson : John Stevenson : Charles Morden ;
51 Robert Johnson : Hew Abbott : Wyllam Greve : p[--]st wyth other.
(There is a lot of guesswork in the following inventory.)
Thys inventory off goods made the XXth day of [this] moneeth off
november in the yer off the Regne of our mooste soverayn
lorde kynge henry [the] viijth by the grace of god kynge off england
and of france defender of [the] fayth lord of yreland prince of wayles: and in earth the
suppreme head off the churche of england: the thre and
thryttyeth: wytnesseth of all the goodes off Thomas
Dernelly brasyer lately departed in the parych of Saynt
Werburs in Derby: the wyche goodes wayr truely prayssed by
these honest men whose names be under wrytton:
John Bruckhausse: Heyles Cowper: Thomas Bladshawe: Robert
Smyth: Richard Whytteramone: Thomas Holynworth: Roger
£ s d columns added for ease of reading | ||
On primis Xvij hondreth weyght off new brasse pottes the | £ s d | |
pryce | XXti | 20 0 0 |
Itim ffoure hondred weyght off aulde brasse [the] pryce | iijti | 3 0 0 |
Itim ffoure hondreth weyght of batter ware the pryce | iXti vjs viijd | 9 6 8 |
Itim the latyn ware the pryce | XXs | 1 0 0 |
Itim halfe a hondreth weyght of new puter [the] pryce | XXs | 1 0 0 |
Itim ten hondreth of moldys the pryce | vti | 5 0 0 |
Itim the ballose and all hys other tooles belonging to hys | ||
occupayon the pryce | XXvjs viijd | 1 6 8 |
Itim a ffornace [and] thre leydes and brasse [and] puter y+ ys occupyed | ||
in the hause daylye [the] pryce | XLs | 2 0 0 |
Itim ten hondreth of olde broken leade the pryce | XXs | 1 0 0 |
Itim the woode and tooles [the] pryce of them | iiijti | 4 0 0 |
Item syxe beddys and that belongeth to them [and] hys rayment the | ||
pryce of [the] sayd stuffe | iiijti | 4 0 0 |
Itim shetes and borde clothes [and] towellys [the] pryce foure markes | 2 13 4 | |
Itim the cofforrs [and] bordes formes [and] trestlese carpeyts | ||
hangyngys bankkers and costhens [the] pryce of them foure markes | 2 13 4 | |
Itim ffor hempe [the] pryce | vjs viijd | 6 8 |
Itim two quarter of barlye the pryce | Xiijs iiijd | 13 4 |
Itim the yrne ware in the hause and the kechen that ys | ||
to say cauberdys croches rarckes pothokys [and] tongys fyreshole | ||
and the fyre yrne the pryce of [the]said stuffe | vjs viijd | 6 8 |
Itim thre packe hursses and ther saddlese and a cowe the pryce | ||
off them foure markes | 2 13 4 | |
Itim foure swyns the pryce of them | vjs viijd | 6 8 |
Itim hennes and capons the pryce | ijs | 2 0 |
Itim a sylver salte the pryce | XLs | 2 0 0 |
Itim a gaublett of sylver [the] pryce | XLs | 2 0 0 |
Itim a doosseyn [and] a halfe of sylver spones [the] pryce | iiijti | 4 0 0 |
The hole sume off the forsaid goodes cometh to thre score | ||
pounds of money [and] | iXti viijs viijd | £69 8 8 |
People in the will of Thomas Dernelly of Derby 1541 | |
Elsabeth (Bancroft) | his wife |
John Dernelly | his son, a minor |
John Dernelly | his brother |
Wyllam Bancroft | his father in law |
John Bancroft | his brother in law |
M[ar]garett Shepparde | a beneficiary - might be his niece? |
Jane Shepparde | mother of M[ar]garett - might be his sister? |
Elsabeth Dernelly | his servant |
Wyllam Dernelly | a child living in his household - son of the above? |
Rychard Sellars | a beneficiary |
John Botham | a friend asked to supervise the will |
And seven witnesses | listed at the end of the will |
Glossary and notes | ||
spelling in the will | alternative spelling(s) | comments |
Saynt Werburs | St Werburgs or St Werburghs | a parish in the town of Derby |
placebo | office for the dead " "Placebo Domino... ?" | |
dyrig | dirige | morning service for the dead " "Dirige, Domine, Deus... ?" |
trentall of masses | trental of masses | an office of 30 masses |
saynthomas wolssted | St Thomas worsted | a type of woollen cloth |
saten of sypyrs | satin of Cyprus | a fabric used for linings, usually a silk/linen mixture |
brasyer | Thomas's occupation " working with brass | |
Marche MDXL | March 1540 | In the 1540s the year ended with the month of March, so the following month would have been April 1541 |
XX ? november ? yer ? regne ? henry viii ? the thre and thryttyeth | 20 ? November ? year ? reign ? Henry VIII ? the three and thirtieth | The date in regnal years. This converts to 20 Nov 1541, meaning that the inventory was written eight months after the will. |
ti s d | li s d £ s d | libre (pound); s = solidus (shilling); d = denarius (penny) |
foure markes | four marks | one mark = 160 (old) pence ie 13s 4d (two-thirds of a pound) |
hondred weyght hondreth weyght |
hundredweight or cwt | 1 cwt = 112 lbs |
transcribed & noted by Janet A Davies.

Thomas Dernelly died about 1542
Child of Thomas Dernelly and Elizabeth Bancroft
- John Dernelly b. abt 1523
Elizabeth Bancroft
ID# 14916, b. about 1500

Elizabeth Bancroft was born about 1500
Elizabeth Bancroft was the daughter of William Bancroft and (?) (?)

Elizabeth Bancroft married Thomas Dernelly, son of (?) Dernelly and (?) (?), about 1522
Child of Elizabeth Bancroft and Thomas Dernelly
- John Dernelly b. abt 1523
John Dernelly
ID# 14917, b. about 1523

John Dernelly was born about 1523
John Dernelly was the son of Thomas Dernelly and Elizabeth Bancroft.

possibly the John Derneley of Darby whose inventory was published in 1601.
(?) Dernelly
ID# 14918, b. about 1472

(?) Dernelly was born about 1472

(?) Dernelly married (?) (?) about 1493
Children of (?) Dernelly and (?) (?)
- Thomas Dernelly+ b. abt 1500, d. abt 1542
- John Dernelly b. abt 1505
(?) (?)
ID# 14919, b. about 1472
Children of (?) (?) and (?) Dernelly
- Thomas Dernelly+ b. abt 1500, d. abt 1542
- John Dernelly b. abt 1505
John Dernelly
ID# 14920, b. about 1505

John Dernelly was born about 1505
John Dernelly was the son of (?) Dernelly and (?) (?)