Thomas Margets
ID# 18791, b. about 1552

Thomas Margets was born about 1552

Thomas Margets married Mary Darnaley, daughter of Geoffrey Darnaley and Unknown (?), on 31 January 1569 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Thomas Margets left a will on 17 February 1586.
Thomas Margetts - Will 1586/7
In the Name of God Amen the xvij th Day of february in Anno Domini 1586. I Thomas Margetts Senior of Rushden in the county of Northton husbandman being sicke in body by the visitation of god but wholle & in perfect memory god be praysed theirfore do make & ordeyne this my testament wherein is contayned my last will in maner & forme followinge first I give & bequeath my soule unto almighty god by whom I trust to be saved & to have forgivenes of all my synnes & my body to be buryed in the church of Rushden aforesayd first I give unto the church of Rushden iij s. iiij d. to be payed immediately after my decesse by my sonne George Item I give unto Thomas Margetts my eldest sonne one howse called Cowpers howse with a yard thereunto adioyning as farr as the howse on the South side with five leyes in the cloasse above the lane & five lands abuttinge uppon the same leyes with xviij akers of land lying in severall places in the fields of Rushden aforesayd. First one acre in the Redland one acre lying at Puttocks Crosse the longe land with the roode at the end of the same one acre in the Deanes going from slade to slade one halfe acre going upp to Mr Pemberton his hedland beyond Deanes & one halfe acre next the baulke going to Knuston meare on[e] acre beyonde Deanes shooting up to Mr Pemberton his hedland. one long land contayning one acre lying at Burres bushe one half acre Shooting to Mr Pemberton his shipcoate & one half aker at the lone willowe shooting Downe to the medow side one acre lying of longden furlonge next the baulke on[e] half acre of the same furlonge on[e] from the baulke one half acre on the same furlong next to Alice Darnely on[e] acre in broade corner shootinge uppon the parke leyes one acre at the end of the same on[e] other halfe acre lying by the way to Newton one halfe acre at [Clargranes?] bushe ij acres and j roode lying in foxtors iij other roodes lyinge on [buske?] of [benlow?] next unto a baulke on[e] Acre beyond blackefen above broadegreene ij [notterall?] roodes uppon short wolsow one Roode next to Mr Pemberton his land which Thomas Miler hath in occupation an other short hedland shooting to the church way one halfe acre lying at Richard Dobb his Cloase & one halfe acre on the myddle furlong shooting into litle dale. Item one swath of medow lying at the high withein the medow of Rushden aforesaid next to Mr Pemberton on both sides one other swath next unto Thomas Bates on the west & the heires of James Peake on the east. & two droughts more at ladypitt next unto Thomas Woodward on the west & William Sannderson on the east. Item my will is that my sonne Thomas shall pay yearely rent due for the same unto the Queenes Maiesty vij s. iiij d. And further my will is that my eldest sonne Thomas shall pay unto Thomas Margetts my second sonne iiij d. of lawfull money of England within one yeare after my dep[ar]ture. Item I give unto Thomas Margetts my second sonne xij akers & a halfe of land lying in the fields of Rushden aforesayd Nine acres of the same one Olyver Latymer hath now in occupation one half acre lying on Wimmington meare furlong next onto George Achurch his lande one half acre lying at [Coanes?] his bushe next unto William Margetts land one half acre lying in Tippell Deanes next unto William Bulles land one halfe acre lying uppon the furlonge butting into Longden William Curry on the south & Thomas Mey on the north one half acre lying on [Anther?] Swell William Curry on the North Mr Pemberton on the south one halfe acre lying on harland next unto the parsonage land on the one side & John Richards land on the other one Roode moore lying at Wraggs bridge next unto the highe way on the one side and Richard Mey on the other. Item on[e] Roode lying at [settle?] hedge next unto the land of George Sannderson with one peece of medowe in the medow of Rushden aforsaid lying in a place called Called [Cany?]. Item I give unto the same Thomas two swathes of medowe in the medow aforesayd one of them lying at the medow gapp William Margetts on the west the other swath lying in the full hundred William Drewell on the west and the heires of Chrystopher Curry on the East. Item I give unto the same Thomas one heyfor of the age of three yeares to be given him within one halfe yeare after my departure. Item I give unto my eldest daughter Sibbell Money all hir children xx s. Item I give unto Agnes Bradly my second Daughter xl s. and also unto hir children xx s. to be devided equally betwixt them My will is that all this shalbe payed by my sonne George within two yeares after my wyves departure and myne. Item I give unto Elizabeth Butler hir children xx s. Item I give unto Jone Dobbes my daughter hir children xx s. Item I give unto Thomas Margetts my second sonne his children xx s. my will is that all these three pounds shalbe payed by my sonne George within foure yeares after my wives departure & myne. Item I give unto George Margetts my sonne whom I make my wholle executour my cubbord my folden table my best brass potte and all the rest of my howses & lands both free hold and coppy hold unbequeathed to see my debts payed & other expenses discharged. Item all the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give unto Agnes my wyfe and also two bease & one [breader?] and further my will that Agnes my wyfe shall have hir habitation and dwellinge in my howses quietly with my sonne George during hir naturall lyfe Also I make my brother William Margetts my supervisor of this last will & testament & I give him for his paynes to be taken therein v s. and all other wills I utterly revoke & will that this shall stand and non other nore otherwise witnesses to ye same Mr Peake person their William Margetts George Saunderson John Campion
Proved the 14th April 1586
Marie Ball
25 Apr 2018.
In the Name of God Amen the xvij th Day of february in Anno Domini 1586. I Thomas Margetts Senior of Rushden in the county of Northton husbandman being sicke in body by the visitation of god but wholle & in perfect memory god be praysed theirfore do make & ordeyne this my testament wherein is contayned my last will in maner & forme followinge first I give & bequeath my soule unto almighty god by whom I trust to be saved & to have forgivenes of all my synnes & my body to be buryed in the church of Rushden aforesayd first I give unto the church of Rushden iij s. iiij d. to be payed immediately after my decesse by my sonne George Item I give unto Thomas Margetts my eldest sonne one howse called Cowpers howse with a yard thereunto adioyning as farr as the howse on the South side with five leyes in the cloasse above the lane & five lands abuttinge uppon the same leyes with xviij akers of land lying in severall places in the fields of Rushden aforesayd. First one acre in the Redland one acre lying at Puttocks Crosse the longe land with the roode at the end of the same one acre in the Deanes going from slade to slade one halfe acre going upp to Mr Pemberton his hedland beyond Deanes & one halfe acre next the baulke going to Knuston meare on[e] acre beyonde Deanes shooting up to Mr Pemberton his hedland. one long land contayning one acre lying at Burres bushe one half acre Shooting to Mr Pemberton his shipcoate & one half aker at the lone willowe shooting Downe to the medow side one acre lying of longden furlonge next the baulke on[e] half acre of the same furlonge on[e] from the baulke one half acre on the same furlong next to Alice Darnely on[e] acre in broade corner shootinge uppon the parke leyes one acre at the end of the same on[e] other halfe acre lying by the way to Newton one halfe acre at [Clargranes?] bushe ij acres and j roode lying in foxtors iij other roodes lyinge on [buske?] of [benlow?] next unto a baulke on[e] Acre beyond blackefen above broadegreene ij [notterall?] roodes uppon short wolsow one Roode next to Mr Pemberton his land which Thomas Miler hath in occupation an other short hedland shooting to the church way one halfe acre lying at Richard Dobb his Cloase & one halfe acre on the myddle furlong shooting into litle dale. Item one swath of medow lying at the high withein the medow of Rushden aforesaid next to Mr Pemberton on both sides one other swath next unto Thomas Bates on the west & the heires of James Peake on the east. & two droughts more at ladypitt next unto Thomas Woodward on the west & William Sannderson on the east. Item my will is that my sonne Thomas shall pay yearely rent due for the same unto the Queenes Maiesty vij s. iiij d. And further my will is that my eldest sonne Thomas shall pay unto Thomas Margetts my second sonne iiij d. of lawfull money of England within one yeare after my dep[ar]ture. Item I give unto Thomas Margetts my second sonne xij akers & a halfe of land lying in the fields of Rushden aforesayd Nine acres of the same one Olyver Latymer hath now in occupation one half acre lying on Wimmington meare furlong next onto George Achurch his lande one half acre lying at [Coanes?] his bushe next unto William Margetts land one half acre lying in Tippell Deanes next unto William Bulles land one halfe acre lying uppon the furlonge butting into Longden William Curry on the south & Thomas Mey on the north one half acre lying on [Anther?] Swell William Curry on the North Mr Pemberton on the south one halfe acre lying on harland next unto the parsonage land on the one side & John Richards land on the other one Roode moore lying at Wraggs bridge next unto the highe way on the one side and Richard Mey on the other. Item on[e] Roode lying at [settle?] hedge next unto the land of George Sannderson with one peece of medowe in the medow of Rushden aforsaid lying in a place called Called [Cany?]. Item I give unto the same Thomas two swathes of medowe in the medow aforesayd one of them lying at the medow gapp William Margetts on the west the other swath lying in the full hundred William Drewell on the west and the heires of Chrystopher Curry on the East. Item I give unto the same Thomas one heyfor of the age of three yeares to be given him within one halfe yeare after my departure. Item I give unto my eldest daughter Sibbell Money all hir children xx s. Item I give unto Agnes Bradly my second Daughter xl s. and also unto hir children xx s. to be devided equally betwixt them My will is that all this shalbe payed by my sonne George within two yeares after my wyves departure and myne. Item I give unto Elizabeth Butler hir children xx s. Item I give unto Jone Dobbes my daughter hir children xx s. Item I give unto Thomas Margetts my second sonne his children xx s. my will is that all these three pounds shalbe payed by my sonne George within foure yeares after my wives departure & myne. Item I give unto George Margetts my sonne whom I make my wholle executour my cubbord my folden table my best brass potte and all the rest of my howses & lands both free hold and coppy hold unbequeathed to see my debts payed & other expenses discharged. Item all the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give unto Agnes my wyfe and also two bease & one [breader?] and further my will that Agnes my wyfe shall have hir habitation and dwellinge in my howses quietly with my sonne George during hir naturall lyfe Also I make my brother William Margetts my supervisor of this last will & testament & I give him for his paynes to be taken therein v s. and all other wills I utterly revoke & will that this shall stand and non other nore otherwise witnesses to ye same Mr Peake person their William Margetts George Saunderson John Campion
Proved the 14th April 1586
Marie Ball
25 Apr 2018.
Thomas Coe
ID# 18792, b. about 1565

Thomas Coe was born about 1565

Thomas Coe married Susan Walters, daughter of Henry Walters and Alice (?), on 11 June 1608 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Thomas Darnely
ID# 18793, b. about 1598, d. July 1598

Thomas Darnely was born about 1598
Thomas Darnely was the son of Raphael Darnaley and Susan Walters.

Thomas Darnely died in July 1598 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Thomas Darnely was buried on 15 July 1598 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
"s of Raphell."
George Newsom
ID# 18794, b. 1837
- Charts
- John Dearnaly (c.1770-)

George Newsom was born in 1837 at Yorkshire, England,
George Newsom was the son of William Newsome and Mary Darnelly.
Francis Inman
ID# 18795, b. about 1550

Francis Inman was born about 1550

Francis Inman married Joan Darnely, daughter of Geoffrey Darnaley and Unknown (?), on 10 July 1570 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Mary Darnally
ID# 18796, b. May 1623, d. 26 May 1623

Mary Darnally was born in May 1623 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Mary Darnally was the daughter of Geoffrey Darniley and Alice Saunderson.

Mary Darnally was baptised on 25 May 1623 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Mary Darnally died on 26 May 1623 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
date assumed.

Mary Darnally was buried on 27 May 1623 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
"Mary Darnally d of Jef."
(?) Darnely
ID# 18797, b. about 1550

May not have existed (see daughter Alice's notes)
Possibly Hugh or Francis D.
see Hugh Darnaley
see Fraunces Darnaley
perhaps Jeffery.
Possibly Hugh or Francis D.
see Hugh Darnaley
see Fraunces Darnaley
perhaps Jeffery.

(?) Darnely was born about 1550
(?) Darnely was the son of Geoffrey Darnaley and Unknown (?)

(?) Darnely married Unknown (?) about 1572
Child of (?) Darnely and Unknown (?)
- Alice Darnely b. abt 1575, d. Apr 1596
Alice Darnely
ID# 18798, b. about 1575, d. April 1596

Alice Darnely was born about 1575
(assumed to be adult at burial.)
Alice Darnely was the daughter of (?) Darnely and Unknown (?)

Am currently supecting that this Alice is in the wrong place.
An Alice Darnely is referred to in the 1586 will of Thomas Margetts of Rushden :- "... on the same furlong next to Alice Darnely ..."
From this, I suspect that Alice may have been a widow & probably born well before 1570.
Perhaps the wife of Geoffrey Darnaley (1510-1566).?
see Geoffrey Darnaley.
An Alice Darnely is referred to in the 1586 will of Thomas Margetts of Rushden :- "... on the same furlong next to Alice Darnely ..."
From this, I suspect that Alice may have been a widow & probably born well before 1570.
Perhaps the wife of Geoffrey Darnaley (1510-1566).?
see Geoffrey Darnaley.

Alice Darnely died in April 1596 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Alice Darnely was buried on 25 April 1596 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Unknown (?)
ID# 18799, b. about 1550

Unknown (?) was born about 1550

Unknown (?) married (?) Darnely, son of Geoffrey Darnaley and Unknown (?), about 1572
Child of Unknown (?) and (?) Darnely
- Alice Darnely b. abt 1575, d. Apr 1596
Raphael Darnaley
ID# 18800, b. about 1544, d. March 1604

Raphael Darnaley was born about 1544
Raphael Darnaley was the son of Geoffrey Darnaley and Unknown (?)

Raphael Darnaley married Susan Walters, daughter of Henry Walters and Alice (?), on 3 November 1586 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Brothers Raphael & Thomas appear to have had very late marriages.

Raphael Darnaley died in March 1604 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Raphael Darnaley was buried on 19 March 1604 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Children of Raphael Darnaley and Susan Walters
- Thomas Darnely b. abt 1598, d. Jul 1598
- Susan Darnalye b. abt 1600
- Francis Darnally+ b. Mar 1601