Henry Walters
ID# 18831, b. about 1537, d. about 1600

Henry Walters was born about 1537

Henry Walters married Alice (?) about 1558

Henry Walters left a will on 12 February 1599.
Will of Henry Walters
Testamentum Henry Walters of Rushden
In the name of god Amen the twelfe
day of February in the yeare of our lord god 1599 I Henry Walters
of Rushden in the countie of North[amp]ton husbandman beinge sicke in
body by the visitacion of god but yet in good and p[er]fect memory god be
praysed therefore doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament
in manner and forme followinge. First I give and bequeath my soule into
the handes of allmighte god etc. Item I give and bequeath to the church
of Rushden ij s to be payd immediately after my decease. Item I give and
bequeath unto Alice my wyfe halfe a coppie hold land for tearme of
her lyfe to be redy dressed yearely followed sirred and sowne at the
cost and charges of my sonne Richard and the croppe yearly thereof
carried home by the sayd Richard and laid in such place or places as my
wyfe shall appoint and after my wives decease the same land shall returne
to my sonne Richard and his heyres forever accordinge to the custome of
the manner further my will is that my wyfe shall have all my household
stuffe and all my sheepe and one cowe soe that the same cowe and sheepe
or two bease if she have them shalbe kept at the cost and charges of my
sonne Richard as he doth his owne with the helpe of the stuff that shall
come of my wyves lande, my will is also that my wyfe shall have her
dwellinge and abidinge here with my sonne Richard so longe as she live
and shall have a convenient place to ay her graine in uringe her naturall
lyfe. Item I give and bequeath unto Ellen Walters my daughter five pounds
of lawfull English money, half a quarter of barley to be payd and delivered
unto her by my sonne Richard within one yeare after my decease. Item
I give and bequeath unto the children of Raphaell Darnelly two ewe
sheepe to be p[ar]ted equally betwixt them to be payd them within three years
after my decease. Item all the rest of my goods and chattels unbequeathed
I give and bequeath unto Richard my sonne whom I make my
whole executor t see my debts payd and all other expenses discharged and
my will is that this will shall stand and none other nor otherwise
Witnesses to the same Oliver Latimer Isaac Latimer.
Proved 6th July 1600
see Rushden Heritage.
Testamentum Henry Walters of Rushden
In the name of god Amen the twelfe
day of February in the yeare of our lord god 1599 I Henry Walters
of Rushden in the countie of North[amp]ton husbandman beinge sicke in
body by the visitacion of god but yet in good and p[er]fect memory god be
praysed therefore doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament
in manner and forme followinge. First I give and bequeath my soule into
the handes of allmighte god etc. Item I give and bequeath to the church
of Rushden ij s to be payd immediately after my decease. Item I give and
bequeath unto Alice my wyfe halfe a coppie hold land for tearme of
her lyfe to be redy dressed yearely followed sirred and sowne at the
cost and charges of my sonne Richard and the croppe yearly thereof
carried home by the sayd Richard and laid in such place or places as my
wyfe shall appoint and after my wives decease the same land shall returne
to my sonne Richard and his heyres forever accordinge to the custome of
the manner further my will is that my wyfe shall have all my household
stuffe and all my sheepe and one cowe soe that the same cowe and sheepe
or two bease if she have them shalbe kept at the cost and charges of my
sonne Richard as he doth his owne with the helpe of the stuff that shall
come of my wyves lande, my will is also that my wyfe shall have her
dwellinge and abidinge here with my sonne Richard so longe as she live
and shall have a convenient place to ay her graine in uringe her naturall
lyfe. Item I give and bequeath unto Ellen Walters my daughter five pounds
of lawfull English money, half a quarter of barley to be payd and delivered
unto her by my sonne Richard within one yeare after my decease. Item
I give and bequeath unto the children of Raphaell Darnelly two ewe
sheepe to be p[ar]ted equally betwixt them to be payd them within three years
after my decease. Item all the rest of my goods and chattels unbequeathed
I give and bequeath unto Richard my sonne whom I make my
whole executor t see my debts payd and all other expenses discharged and
my will is that this will shall stand and none other nor otherwise
Witnesses to the same Oliver Latimer Isaac Latimer.
Proved 6th July 1600
see Rushden Heritage.

Henry Walters died about 1600
Children of Henry Walters and Alice (?)
- Richard Walters b. abt 1560
- Ellen Walters b. abt 1562
- Susan Walters+ b. abt 1565
Alice (?)
ID# 18832, b. about 1537

Alice (?) was born about 1537

Alice (?) married Henry Walters about 1558
Children of Alice (?) and Henry Walters
- Richard Walters b. abt 1560
- Ellen Walters b. abt 1562
- Susan Walters+ b. abt 1565
Richard Walters
ID# 18833, b. about 1560

Richard Walters was born about 1560
Richard Walters was the son of Henry Walters and Alice (?)
Ellen Walters
ID# 18834, b. about 1562

Ellen Walters was born about 1562
Ellen Walters was the daughter of Henry Walters and Alice (?)

Ellen Walters married Thomas Dewbery on 11 October 1600 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Thomas Dewbery
ID# 18835, b. about 1562

Thomas Dewbery was born about 1562

Thomas Dewbery married Ellen Walters, daughter of Henry Walters and Alice (?), on 11 October 1600 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Elizabeth (?)
ID# 18836, b. about 1544, d. January 1576

Elizabeth (?) was born about 1544

Elizabeth (?) married William Darnelly, son of Geoffrey Darnaley and Unknown (?), about 1566

Elizabeth (?) died in January 1576 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Elizabeth (?) was buried on 8 January 1576 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Isabel Darnely
ID# 18837, b. about 1579, d. June 1579

Isabel Darnely was born about 1579
Isabel Darnely was the daughter of John Darnaley and Elizabeth Hall.

Isabel Darnely died in June 1579 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Gilbert Wiles
ID# 18838, b. about 1633, d. July 1703

Gilbert Wiles was born about 1633

Gilbert Wiles married Unknown (?) about 1655

Gilbert Wiles left a will on 13 June 1703.
Will of Gilbert Wiles
June the 13th 1703
In the name of God Amen I Gilbert Wiles of Rushden in the county of Northampton senr being weak of
body but of perfect sense and Remembrance do make and ordaine this my Last will and Testament in
name and form folowing first I commit my soull into the hands of almighty God my Maker hopeing
through the meritourous death and passion of the Lord Jesus Christ my Saviour to receive free pardon
and Remition of all my sins and my body to be buried in Christian buriall according to the descresion of
my Executour hereafter named and as for that portion of worldy goods I give as foloweth
Item first I do give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Darnelie or to her heirs the summe of fourty
pounds of Lawfull money of England Item I do give and bequeath to my daughter Elner Stevens the
summe of fourty pounds to her or to her heires of Lawfull money of England Item I do give and
bequeath to my granson John Darnelie son of my daughter Alse deceased the summe [of] five pounds
the said Legacies above named to be paid within one year after my decease with good and Lawfull
money of England by my Executor hearafter named
Item all the household goods and Chattls within my now dweling house I do give and bequeath to my
daughters Mary Darnelie and Elner Stevens to be Equally devided between them Item All the rest of my
Moveable goods and Chattls whatsoever unbequeathed with all bonds bils summe or summes of money
I do give and bequeath to my son Gilbert Wiles whom I make sole Executor of this my Last will and
Testament do ordaine hime to performe this my will to pay my debts & funerall expenses & I do make
void all former wills and testaments by me at any time made hearetofor & do ordaine this my Last will &
testament in witness whereof I do heare unto set my hand & seal the day & year first above written
Sined sealed and declared
in presence of
Robert Sanders Gilbert Wiles Senr
Tho Bletso his mark X
Gilbert Lantoff
see The Rushden Heritage.
June the 13th 1703
In the name of God Amen I Gilbert Wiles of Rushden in the county of Northampton senr being weak of
body but of perfect sense and Remembrance do make and ordaine this my Last will and Testament in
name and form folowing first I commit my soull into the hands of almighty God my Maker hopeing
through the meritourous death and passion of the Lord Jesus Christ my Saviour to receive free pardon
and Remition of all my sins and my body to be buried in Christian buriall according to the descresion of
my Executour hereafter named and as for that portion of worldy goods I give as foloweth
Item first I do give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Darnelie or to her heirs the summe of fourty
pounds of Lawfull money of England Item I do give and bequeath to my daughter Elner Stevens the
summe of fourty pounds to her or to her heires of Lawfull money of England Item I do give and
bequeath to my granson John Darnelie son of my daughter Alse deceased the summe [of] five pounds
the said Legacies above named to be paid within one year after my decease with good and Lawfull
money of England by my Executor hearafter named
Item all the household goods and Chattls within my now dweling house I do give and bequeath to my
daughters Mary Darnelie and Elner Stevens to be Equally devided between them Item All the rest of my
Moveable goods and Chattls whatsoever unbequeathed with all bonds bils summe or summes of money
I do give and bequeath to my son Gilbert Wiles whom I make sole Executor of this my Last will and
Testament do ordaine hime to performe this my will to pay my debts & funerall expenses & I do make
void all former wills and testaments by me at any time made hearetofor & do ordaine this my Last will &
testament in witness whereof I do heare unto set my hand & seal the day & year first above written
Sined sealed and declared
in presence of
Robert Sanders Gilbert Wiles Senr
Tho Bletso his mark X
Gilbert Lantoff
see The Rushden Heritage.

Gilbert Wiles died in July 1703 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Gilbert Wiles was buried on 25 July 1703 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
'Gilbert Wiles senior.'
Children of Gilbert Wiles and Unknown (?)
- Mary Wiles b. Apr 1657
- Alice Wiles+ b. abt 1661, d. b 1703
Unknown (?)
ID# 18839, b. about 1633

Unknown (?) was born about 1633

Unknown (?) married Gilbert Wiles about 1655
Children of Unknown (?) and Gilbert Wiles
- Mary Wiles b. Apr 1657
- Alice Wiles+ b. abt 1661, d. b 1703
Mary Wiles
ID# 18840, b. April 1657

Mary Wiles was born in April 1657 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Mary Wiles was the daughter of Gilbert Wiles and Unknown (?)

Mary Wiles was baptised on 10 May 1657 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Mary Wiles married (?) Darnelie before 1703
We know that Mary married a D. from Gilbert Wiles' will of 1703.
see Gilbert Wiles
The only Darnaley I can find of the right age who married a Mary is Henry Darnelly (c.1663-) - JAD
see Henry Darnelly.