John B Smith
ID# 30071, b. 1889

John B Smith was born in 1889 at Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England,
John B Smith was the son of John B Smith and Elizabeth Ann Halstead.
John Watson
ID# 30075, b. 12 October 1865, d. about November 1957
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

John Watson was born on 12 October 1865

John Watson and Florence Dearnley were in a long-term relationship from about 1915.

John Watson died about November 1957 at Bradford R.D., Yorkshire, England,
Recorded as John Watson, aged 91.
Children of John Watson and Florence Dearnley
- Ivy Watson Sanderson b. 23 Sep 1916
- Muriel Watson Sanderson b. abt May 1919, d. abt Aug 1919
- John Watson Sanderson b. abt Aug 1924
Edward Hammond
ID# 30076, b. 1874
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Edward Hammond was born in 1874 at Sheffield, Yorkshire, England,

Edward Hammond and Florence Dearnley were in a long-term relationship from about 1907.
Children of Edward Hammond and Florence Dearnley
- Alan Hammond Sanderson b. abt Nov 1908
- Cecil Hammond Sanderson b. abt Feb 1910
Roger Newton
ID# 30077, b. about 1530, d. about September 1590

This family is currently not linked to any D trees.
However, FTDNA test results suggest that a descendant of Amos Dearnaley and a current Newton have a common ancestor.
The known connected line (through DNA only) can be found here: see Roger Newton and also here: see Amos Newton
This Newton family is currently the closest branch to the known location of the Dearnleys and is entered here in case the link is found.
Roger Newton was a contemporary of Rodger Dearnilie (also of Dinting) see Rodger Dearnilie (VIII)
See also: The Hamlet of Dinting.
However, FTDNA test results suggest that a descendant of Amos Dearnaley and a current Newton have a common ancestor.
The known connected line (through DNA only) can be found here: see Roger Newton and also here: see Amos Newton
This Newton family is currently the closest branch to the known location of the Dearnleys and is entered here in case the link is found.
Roger Newton was a contemporary of Rodger Dearnilie (also of Dinting) see Rodger Dearnilie (VIII)
See also: The Hamlet of Dinting.

Roger Newton was born about 1530

Roger Newton married Unknown Dewsnap, daughter of William Dewysnoppe and Emote (?), about 1550

Roger Newton left a will on 27 April 1589.
Notes: (i) Newto written instead of Newton in the original. (ii) A line of words is half lost in a crease of the paper.
(iii) hard to decipher words in italics.
In the name of god amen the xxvij day of Aprill in the yeare of our lord god 1589 I Rogger Newton
of Dintinge in the parishe of Glossoppe and count of Derbie husbandman in good mynd and
perfect memory dreading the uncertaine houre of death doe ordaine constitute and make this my
laste will and testament in manner and forme folowinge ffirst I offer and bequeathe my soule unto
Allmightie god my only maker saviour and redeemer and my body to be buried in the parishe church of Glossop
and for my mortuarye and other duties of the church to be payd according to use and custome It(em) I will
that William Newton my sonne shall have and enjoye allsuch housing messuage farme and ten(amen)t with the
appurtenances wich I have taken by lease or indenture of the right honourable Lady Anne Talbott dowager
scituat lyinge and beinge in Dintinge aforesyde according to covenate made at hys first marriage (and) wich
I will to be performed according to the true meaning therof And the sayd William to enter uppo the farme
with the lysence of the L at the annunciation of Marye next enseuing after my descease excepted that
Margrett Newton my daughter shall have one little house wich the sed William douth now dwell in And
one kowe keept winter and sommer of the copes and charges of the sed William as hys owne kine are
keept for and duringe for lyfe natureall if shee keeps her sole and unmarried except shee be better
prefered (and) that the otherwayse byedd And the sed Margrett to einoye all that pt of the sed messuage wich
I nowe nowe have and enjoye from and after my decease until the annunciation of Marie next after my deathe
except the otherwayes agree Item I will that the sed William Newton my sonne shall repaye of the syme wich
I payde unto the sayde Lady Anne Talbott dowager unto Rogger Newton also my sonne iiij ti and unto
Thomas Newton also my sonne xl s of good Englishe money and that the shall not claime the tytle any
further of my goods for ther filiall (and) childe p(ar)te And the same to be payd within one yeare after the sed
William doeth enter of the sed messuage Item I geve and bequeathe unto Nicholas Newton my sonne x s It(em)
to Charles Hadfield (and) Elen hys wife my daughter vj s viij d Allso I will that Robert Blond
and Em my daughter shall have xij s viij d Allso I will that Raphe Bower and Elizabeth his wife
my daughter shall have vj s viij d the wich I will shalbe payd and discharged of my whole goods
and that the shall not claime the tytle any further of my goods for ther filiall porsion or childe p(ar)te It(em)
------------ I bequeath unto William Newton my sonne all my husbandrie ------------------------------
one bord (and) one forme wich doe stand alonge the house It(em) I give and bequeathe all my aparell unto
Nicholas Newton unto whom I am grandfather It(em) I give unto the same Nicholas one callfey It(em) to
Esther Newton to whom I am grandfather one ewe lamb And whe(n) my body is honestly brought forth
all funeral costs debts and bequests discharged and payd of the whole of my goods the residue of all
my goods herin not bequested both movable and unmovable I geve and bequesthe unto Margrett New-
ton my daughter And I make my treue and lawfull executor William Newton my sonne trusting
that he will accomplishe p(er)forme fullfill (and) keepe this my p(re)sent testament coteyninge herin my last will
by the advyse and oversight of Thomas Dewsnap Robert Dewsnapp my brothers (and) Nicholas Newton
my sonne whome I make my sup(er)visors these beinge witness (and) recoed James Charsworth Will Dewsnap
my brother (and) Thomas Bramall eld(er)
There is than a list of debts owing and owed.
The inventory is also available – totalling £32 10s.
Family members named in the will (in order of appearance)
William Newton son (eldest)
Margrett Newton daughter (unmarried so may be youngest)
Rogger Newton son
Thomas Newton son
Nicholas Newton son
Elen (Newton) daughter married to Charles Hadfield
Em (Newton) daughter married to Robert Blond
Elizabeth (Newton) daughter married to Raphe Bower
Nicholas Newton grandson
Esther Newton grandchild
Thomas Dewsnap brother (-in-law)
Robert Dewsnapp brother (-in-law)
Will Dewsnap brother (-in-law)
Will transcribed by Janet Davies
Will dated 27 Apr 1589
Documents filed 11 Dec 1590.
(iii) hard to decipher words in italics.
In the name of god amen the xxvij day of Aprill in the yeare of our lord god 1589 I Rogger Newton
of Dintinge in the parishe of Glossoppe and count of Derbie husbandman in good mynd and
perfect memory dreading the uncertaine houre of death doe ordaine constitute and make this my
laste will and testament in manner and forme folowinge ffirst I offer and bequeathe my soule unto
Allmightie god my only maker saviour and redeemer and my body to be buried in the parishe church of Glossop
and for my mortuarye and other duties of the church to be payd according to use and custome It(em) I will
that William Newton my sonne shall have and enjoye allsuch housing messuage farme and ten(amen)t with the
appurtenances wich I have taken by lease or indenture of the right honourable Lady Anne Talbott dowager
scituat lyinge and beinge in Dintinge aforesyde according to covenate made at hys first marriage (and) wich
I will to be performed according to the true meaning therof And the sayd William to enter uppo the farme
with the lysence of the L at the annunciation of Marye next enseuing after my descease excepted that
Margrett Newton my daughter shall have one little house wich the sed William douth now dwell in And
one kowe keept winter and sommer of the copes and charges of the sed William as hys owne kine are
keept for and duringe for lyfe natureall if shee keeps her sole and unmarried except shee be better
prefered (and) that the otherwayse byedd And the sed Margrett to einoye all that pt of the sed messuage wich
I nowe nowe have and enjoye from and after my decease until the annunciation of Marie next after my deathe
except the otherwayes agree Item I will that the sed William Newton my sonne shall repaye of the syme wich
I payde unto the sayde Lady Anne Talbott dowager unto Rogger Newton also my sonne iiij ti and unto
Thomas Newton also my sonne xl s of good Englishe money and that the shall not claime the tytle any
further of my goods for ther filiall (and) childe p(ar)te And the same to be payd within one yeare after the sed
William doeth enter of the sed messuage Item I geve and bequeathe unto Nicholas Newton my sonne x s It(em)
to Charles Hadfield (and) Elen hys wife my daughter vj s viij d Allso I will that Robert Blond
and Em my daughter shall have xij s viij d Allso I will that Raphe Bower and Elizabeth his wife
my daughter shall have vj s viij d the wich I will shalbe payd and discharged of my whole goods
and that the shall not claime the tytle any further of my goods for ther filiall porsion or childe p(ar)te It(em)
------------ I bequeath unto William Newton my sonne all my husbandrie ------------------------------
one bord (and) one forme wich doe stand alonge the house It(em) I give and bequeathe all my aparell unto
Nicholas Newton unto whom I am grandfather It(em) I give unto the same Nicholas one callfey It(em) to
Esther Newton to whom I am grandfather one ewe lamb And whe(n) my body is honestly brought forth
all funeral costs debts and bequests discharged and payd of the whole of my goods the residue of all
my goods herin not bequested both movable and unmovable I geve and bequesthe unto Margrett New-
ton my daughter And I make my treue and lawfull executor William Newton my sonne trusting
that he will accomplishe p(er)forme fullfill (and) keepe this my p(re)sent testament coteyninge herin my last will
by the advyse and oversight of Thomas Dewsnap Robert Dewsnapp my brothers (and) Nicholas Newton
my sonne whome I make my sup(er)visors these beinge witness (and) recoed James Charsworth Will Dewsnap
my brother (and) Thomas Bramall eld(er)
There is than a list of debts owing and owed.
The inventory is also available – totalling £32 10s.
Family members named in the will (in order of appearance)
William Newton son (eldest)
Margrett Newton daughter (unmarried so may be youngest)
Rogger Newton son
Thomas Newton son
Nicholas Newton son
Elen (Newton) daughter married to Charles Hadfield
Em (Newton) daughter married to Robert Blond
Elizabeth (Newton) daughter married to Raphe Bower
Nicholas Newton grandson
Esther Newton grandchild
Thomas Dewsnap brother (-in-law)
Robert Dewsnapp brother (-in-law)
Will Dewsnap brother (-in-law)
Will transcribed by Janet Davies
Will dated 27 Apr 1589
Documents filed 11 Dec 1590.

Roger Newton died about September 1590 at Dinting, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Children of Roger Newton and Unknown Dewsnap
- William Newton+ b. abt 1555, d. 1610
- Roger Newton b. abt 1557, d. Jul 1623
- Elen Newton b. abt 1559
- Thomas Newton b. abt 1561
- Em Newton b. abt 1563
- Nicholas Newton b. abt 1565
- Elizabeth Newton b. abt 1567
- Margrett Newton b. abt 1569
Unknown Dewsnap
ID# 30078, b. about 1530, d. before April 1589

Unknown Dewsnap was born about 1530
Roger names 3 Dewsnap brothers-in-law in his will.
Unknown Dewsnap was the daughter of William Dewysnoppe and Emote (?)

Unknown Dewsnap married Roger Newton about 1550

Unknown Dewsnap died before April 1589
Children of Unknown Dewsnap and Roger Newton
- William Newton+ b. abt 1555, d. 1610
- Roger Newton b. abt 1557, d. Jul 1623
- Elen Newton b. abt 1559
- Thomas Newton b. abt 1561
- Em Newton b. abt 1563
- Nicholas Newton b. abt 1565
- Elizabeth Newton b. abt 1567
- Margrett Newton b. abt 1569
William Newton
ID# 30079, b. about 1555, d. 1610

William Newton was born about 1555 at Derbyshire, England,
William Newton was the son of Roger Newton and Unknown Dewsnap.

William Newton married Elizabeth (?) about 1577
Wife Elizabeth is assumed from her burial record.

William Newton left a will in January 1608.
'William Newton of Dintinge'
"Roger Newton my sonne'
"Nicholas Newton my brother"
"Charles Hadfield of Padfield my brother-in-law."
"Roger Newton my sonne'
"Nicholas Newton my brother"
"Charles Hadfield of Padfield my brother-in-law."

William Newton died in 1610 at Dinting, Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,

Probate was granted on his estate on 28 February 1611
Will year: 1608
Dioceses Of Lichfield and Coventry Wills and Probate 1521-1860
Place: Glossop, Derbyshire.
Dioceses Of Lichfield and Coventry Wills and Probate 1521-1860
Place: Glossop, Derbyshire.
Child of William Newton and Elizabeth (?)
- Roger Newton b. abt 1580
Roger Newton
ID# 30080, b. about 1557, d. July 1623

Roger Newton was born about 1557 at Derbyshire, England,
Roger Newton was the son of Roger Newton and Unknown Dewsnap.

Roger Newton married Elizabeth (?) about 1579
Wife Elizabeth is assumed from her burial record.

Roger Newton died in July 1623 at Dinting, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Roger Newton was buried on 11 July 1623 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Roger Newton of Dintinge.
Glossop Burials 1620-1696.
Glossop Burials 1620-1696.