Samuel Dearnally
ID# 11741, b. March 1747

Samuel Dearnally was born in March 1747 at Lancashire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Samuel Dearnally was the son of Peter Dearnely and Ellen (?)

Samuel Dearnally was baptised on 20 April 1747 at St. Michael's Church, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire, England

Samuel Dearneley
ID# 11742, b. 1730, d. November 1816
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Beware - 2 marriages of Samuel D. to Mary Newton. One in 1754 & another in 1776.
see Samuel Dearnaley
There is also another Sanuel son of Samuel D around the same birth date in the Sandal Magna records.
see Samuel Dearnerley.
see Samuel Dearnaley
There is also another Sanuel son of Samuel D around the same birth date in the Sandal Magna records.
see Samuel Dearnerley.

Samuel Dearneley was born in 1730 at England
Assumed from age stated on M.I.
Samuel Dearneley was the son of Samuel Dearneley and Unknown (?)

in 1753 Samuel Dearneley was a Butcher.

in 1753 Samuel Dearneley lived at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Samuel Dearneley married Mary Newton, daughter of John Newton and Unknown (?), on 20 August 1754 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
'Samuel Dornoly of Glossop, Butcher & Mary Newton of Glossop, Spinster. Banns: [?] & 7th & 14th July 1754. (signed Samuel Dearneley)'
Witnesses: Henry Hague, John Bowers
FamilySearch has this as Samuel Dornely & Mary Bowden.
Samuel Dearneley witnessed the Marriage of John Bower and Betty Newton on 2 November 1760 at Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,

in 1790 Samuel Dearneley lived at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Samuel Dearneley married Deborah Whitworth, daughter of John Whitworth and Unknown (?), on 26 September 1790 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
'Samuel Dearneley of Glossop & Deborah Garside of Glossop, by Licence.'
Witnesses: Henry Bray & Charles Winterbottom
Marriage Licence application shows:
Samuel dearneley aged 59, Widower
Deborah Garside aged 40, Widow.

Samuel Dearneley left a will on 17 November 1814.
Samuel Dearneley, Yeoman of Crosscliffe Glossop.
In the Name of God Amen I Samuel Dearnaley of Crosscliffe
in the Parish of Glossop in the County of Derby Yeoman being weak in body but
of sound mind memory and understanding thanks be to God for the same Do
make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following First
it is my Will that all my just debts funeral and Testamentary expenses be paid
and discharged as soon as conveniently can be after my decease And as for all
those Freehold Messuages Lands and Buildings with the Appurtenances
thereunto bellonging situate standing lying and being at Crosscliffe aforesaid
I Give and Bequeath to my loving wife Deborah Dearnaley and my brother
Joseph Dearnaley in the following way and manner First it is my Will and
Mind that Deborah my loving wife shall occupy enjoy and live in the house in
which I now reside and shall have the use and privilege of all my Household
Goods and Furniture together with my Cow keeping and the Outhousing occupied
therewith and the Rents Issues and Profits arising from the Dwelling House now in
the occupation of Jonathan Hadfield and also the Rents Issues and Profits arising
from the Dwelling House Outhousing and two Cow keepings now in the occupation of
John Beeley during the term of her natural life. And I Give and Bequeath
the Rents Issues and Profits arising from the Dwelling House Outhousing and
Cowkeeping now in the occupation of Richard Lee And the Rents Issues and
Profits arising from the Dwelling House Outhousing and Cowkeeping now in the
occupation of Henry Sheppard And also the Rents Issues and Profits arising from
the Dwelling House Outhousing and Cowkeeping now in the occupation of
William Shipley unto my said brother Joseph Dearnaley during the term of
his natural life. But if my said wife should happen to die before my said
Brother Joseph Then the House in which I live it is my Mind shall be
occupied and enjoyed together with the outhousing and Cowkeeping by Sarah the
wife of Robert Robinson of Crosscliffe aforesaid during the term of my said Brother
Joseph's life And the use and Privilege of all my Household Goods and Furni-
ture after the death of my said Wife I give to my said Brother Joseph but not to
remove them or any part thereof from Crosscliffe aforesaid And also the Rents Issues
and Profits arising from the aforesaid Premises now in the several occupations of
the said Jonathan Hadfield and John Beeley during the term of his natural life
But if my said Brother Joseph should happen to die before my said Wife Then
all the Rents Issues and Profits arising from the aforesaid Premises now in the sev-
ral occupations of the said Richard Lee Henry Sheppard and William Shepley
I Give to my said Wife during her natural life And that they and each of
them so long as they live shall severally receive their respective Rents Issues and
Profits arising from the Premise saforesaid as they become due and payable
And the small plot or parcel of Land which was a part of the upper
Kiln Croft previous to a Road being made through the same which said
plot or parcel of Land lies situate on the South East side of the said Road lead-
ing to Crosscliffe aforesaid measuring about eight Hundred superficial square
yards I Give the Privilige Enjoyment and Occupation thereof to the said Robert
Robinson and Sarah his Wife or to the longer survivor of them And when they
are both dead Then I Give and Bequeath all the Right Title and In-
terest of the said plot or parcel of Land to the Eldest Son of the said Robert
Robinson and Sarah his Wife who may then be living his Heirs and Assigns
forever And for want of a Son then to the Eldest Daughter then living her
Heirs and Assigns forever But if both his or her Father and Mother should
happen to die before he or she should attain the full age of Twentyone Years
Then the benefit and Interest arising or which may or ought to arise from the
said Plot or Parcel of Land shall be received by my Executors gerein after named
And it is my Mind the same is applied towards his or her maintenance and Edu-
cation And after the death both of my said Wife and my said Brother Joseph
I Then Give Devise and Bequeath my aforesaid Estate both Real and Personal
upon Trust unto Samuel Dearnaley son of my said Brother Joseph Dearnaley John
Dearnaley Schoolmaster and James Sheppard my Neighbour and I do authorize
them or the survivors or survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such sur-
vivor to sell and dispose of all my said Estate and Effects both Real and Personal
and not before disposed of either together or in parts as they may see proper so
that the most Money is made thereof as can be reasonably obtained And I
do authorize my said Trustees or the Survivors or Survivor of them or the
Executors or Administrators of such survivor to assign transfer and convey
and execute any Deed or Deeds Conveyance or Conveyances to any Purchaser of
all or any part of my said estate And after the receipt of the Purchase Money
after defraying all expenses incurred by any sale thereof I Give and Bequeath
in manner following First I order and direct my said Trustees or the survivors
or survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such survivor to put
out upon some good and sufficient security or securities the sum of one Hundred
and fifty pounds and the Interest arising there from when due shall from time
to time be received by my said Trustees or the survivors or survivor of them or the
Executors or Administrators of such survivor and then paid to Sarah Wife of
the said Robert Robinson during the term of her natural life And after her
death I order and direct my said Trustees or the survivors or survivor of them or
the Executors or Administrators of such survivor to call in the said sum of one
hundred and fifty pounds and divide the same to and amongst all the Children
then living or their lawful representatives share and share alike when and
as they shall severally attain their respective ages of twentyone years And I
Give & Bequeath to my Niece Ellen Dearnaley the Daughter of my said Brother
Joseph the sum of one hundred pounds To Debora Robinson the Daughter of
the said Robert Robinson I Give the sum of one hundred pounds To Joseph Moss
the son of Martha Moss Nineteen Guineas To Mary the wife of John Livesley
Nineteen Guineas To Betty the wife of John Rolly Nineteen Guineas To Martha
the wife of Samuel Knott Nineteen Guineas To all the Children of the late James
Robinson and Mary his wife both deceased I Give five pounds each To Betty Wood
Daughter of William Wood five pounds To Hannah Wife of John Knott ten
pounds To Mary the wife of John Robinson ten pounds And to Jane the
wife of John Bowzer ten pounds And I also Give and Bequeath to the Trustees
of Little Moor Chapel for the time being the full sum of Forty pounds exclu-
sive of the Legacy Stamp duty and it is my Mind and Will that the same Sum
of Forty pounds be put out to Interest by the Trustees of the same Chapel for the
time being upon some good and sufficient security or securities and the Interest
arising therefrom shall from time to time be received by such Trustees for the
time being and paid by them or some one of them to the Calvinist or Independ-
ent Minister officiating at the said Chapel for the time being so long as the
Tenets of the Calvinist's Religion or the Gospel called Free-grace is taught
and preached therein But if those Tenets or Gospel should cease to be preached
in the said Chapel and no fixed Minister being there preaching that Doctrine for the
space of three full years Then it is my Will and Mind that the Trustees of the said
Chapel for the time being shall immediately call in the said Sum of Forty
Pounds and shall pay the same into the hands of the Vicar and Churchwardens
of Glossop aforesaid for the time being And then it is my Mind that such Vicar
and Churchwardens do put out the said Sum of Forty pounds upon some good and
sufficient security or securities and the Interest arising therefrom I Give to be
distributed in the same way and manner as Captain Garlick's Charity is dis-
tributed But if the Trustees of the said Chapel for the time being should neglect
calling in the said Sum of Forty Pounds and paying the same agreeable to this my
Will aforesaid In that case it is my Mind that the Vicar and Churchwardens of Glossop
aforesaid for the time being shall take such means for the recovery of the
said Sum of Forty Pounds as their Counsel in the Law may advise And I also
Give to my said Trustees for their extra care and trouble which they or any of them
their or any of their Executors or Administrators may be put unto in and about the
the [sic] Execution of this my Will Five Pounds each And all the Rest Residue and
Remainder of all my Estate and Effects whatsover and wheresoever and of what
nature or kind the same may be and not herein before disposed of, I Give and Be-
queath to all my said brother Joseph's children share and share alike But if
any of them should happen to be dead leaving a Child lawfully begotten that such
Child shall have his or her Father or Mother's share but if more than one Child born
as aforesaid then such share to be equally divided amongst all the children of any
such parent so dead And it is my Mind that all the before mentioned legacies and
Bequests are put out and discharged by my said Trustees or the Survivors or Survivor
of them or the Executors or Administrators of such Survivor as soon as they con-
veniently can be And if any of my said Legatees (before the receipt of his or her
Legacy) should find any fault with this my Will or with what I have given him
her them or any of them Then it is my Mind that such Legatee or Legatees
so finding fault shall have nothing And the Legacy or Legacies so forfeited
shall be equally divided to and amongst all my other Legatees (but no part thereof
to go to the different sums of Money I have before ordered to be put out on Interest)
And do hereby charge my said Estate both Real and Personal to and with the
payment of all my just debts Funeral and Testamentary expenses And Lastly
I do nominate constitute and appoint the said Samuel Dearnaley John Dearnaley
and James Sheppard Trustees and Executors of this my last will and Testament
hereby revoking and making void any Will I have heretofore made In Witness
whereof I have unto this my last Will and Testament set my hand and seal this
seventeenth day of November One Thousand eight Hundred and fourteen
Signed Sealed Published and Declared to be the last Will
and Testament of me Samuel Dearnaley of Crosscliffe
aforesaid in the presence of us who at his request and Samuel Dearneley
in his presence and in the presence of each other have
subscribed our names as Witnesses First, them, being
[interlined] -------------------------------------
John Beeley Richard Lee Henry Sheppard
my loving wife Deborah Dearnaley
my brother Joseph Dearnaley
Robert Robinson and Sarah his wife my Niece Ellen Dearnaley (dau of brother Joseph )
Debora Robinson the Daughter of Robert Robinson
Joseph Moss the son of Martha Moss (nephew of Samuel's first wife )
Mary the wife of John Livesley (niece of Samuel's first wife )
Betty the wife of John Rolly (niece of Samuel's first wife )
Martha the wife of Samuel Knott
The Children of the late James Robinson and Mary his wife both deceased
Betty Wood Daughter of William Wood
Hannah Wife of John Knott (assumed to be a relative of Samuel's 2nd wife Deborah Whitworth)
Mary the wife of John Robinson (assumed to be a relative of Samuel's 2nd wife Deborah Whitworth)
Jane the wife of John Bowzer (assumed to be a relative of Samuel's 2nd wife Deborah Whitworth)
Samuel Dearnaley son of my said brother (Joseph) see Samuel Dearnley
John Dearnaley - (second cousin, one time removed) see John Dearnaley
James Sheppard my neighbour.
In the Name of God Amen I Samuel Dearnaley of Crosscliffe
in the Parish of Glossop in the County of Derby Yeoman being weak in body but
of sound mind memory and understanding thanks be to God for the same Do
make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following First
it is my Will that all my just debts funeral and Testamentary expenses be paid
and discharged as soon as conveniently can be after my decease And as for all
those Freehold Messuages Lands and Buildings with the Appurtenances
thereunto bellonging situate standing lying and being at Crosscliffe aforesaid
I Give and Bequeath to my loving wife Deborah Dearnaley and my brother
Joseph Dearnaley in the following way and manner First it is my Will and
Mind that Deborah my loving wife shall occupy enjoy and live in the house in
which I now reside and shall have the use and privilege of all my Household
Goods and Furniture together with my Cow keeping and the Outhousing occupied
therewith and the Rents Issues and Profits arising from the Dwelling House now in
the occupation of Jonathan Hadfield and also the Rents Issues and Profits arising
from the Dwelling House Outhousing and two Cow keepings now in the occupation of
John Beeley during the term of her natural life. And I Give and Bequeath
the Rents Issues and Profits arising from the Dwelling House Outhousing and
Cowkeeping now in the occupation of Richard Lee And the Rents Issues and
Profits arising from the Dwelling House Outhousing and Cowkeeping now in the
occupation of Henry Sheppard And also the Rents Issues and Profits arising from
the Dwelling House Outhousing and Cowkeeping now in the occupation of
William Shipley unto my said brother Joseph Dearnaley during the term of
his natural life. But if my said wife should happen to die before my said
Brother Joseph Then the House in which I live it is my Mind shall be
occupied and enjoyed together with the outhousing and Cowkeeping by Sarah the
wife of Robert Robinson of Crosscliffe aforesaid during the term of my said Brother
Joseph's life And the use and Privilege of all my Household Goods and Furni-
ture after the death of my said Wife I give to my said Brother Joseph but not to
remove them or any part thereof from Crosscliffe aforesaid And also the Rents Issues
and Profits arising from the aforesaid Premises now in the several occupations of
the said Jonathan Hadfield and John Beeley during the term of his natural life
But if my said Brother Joseph should happen to die before my said Wife Then
all the Rents Issues and Profits arising from the aforesaid Premises now in the sev-
ral occupations of the said Richard Lee Henry Sheppard and William Shepley
I Give to my said Wife during her natural life And that they and each of
them so long as they live shall severally receive their respective Rents Issues and
Profits arising from the Premise saforesaid as they become due and payable
And the small plot or parcel of Land which was a part of the upper
Kiln Croft previous to a Road being made through the same which said
plot or parcel of Land lies situate on the South East side of the said Road lead-
ing to Crosscliffe aforesaid measuring about eight Hundred superficial square
yards I Give the Privilige Enjoyment and Occupation thereof to the said Robert
Robinson and Sarah his Wife or to the longer survivor of them And when they
are both dead Then I Give and Bequeath all the Right Title and In-
terest of the said plot or parcel of Land to the Eldest Son of the said Robert
Robinson and Sarah his Wife who may then be living his Heirs and Assigns
forever And for want of a Son then to the Eldest Daughter then living her
Heirs and Assigns forever But if both his or her Father and Mother should
happen to die before he or she should attain the full age of Twentyone Years
Then the benefit and Interest arising or which may or ought to arise from the
said Plot or Parcel of Land shall be received by my Executors gerein after named
And it is my Mind the same is applied towards his or her maintenance and Edu-
cation And after the death both of my said Wife and my said Brother Joseph
I Then Give Devise and Bequeath my aforesaid Estate both Real and Personal
upon Trust unto Samuel Dearnaley son of my said Brother Joseph Dearnaley John
Dearnaley Schoolmaster and James Sheppard my Neighbour and I do authorize
them or the survivors or survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such sur-
vivor to sell and dispose of all my said Estate and Effects both Real and Personal
and not before disposed of either together or in parts as they may see proper so
that the most Money is made thereof as can be reasonably obtained And I
do authorize my said Trustees or the Survivors or Survivor of them or the
Executors or Administrators of such survivor to assign transfer and convey
and execute any Deed or Deeds Conveyance or Conveyances to any Purchaser of
all or any part of my said estate And after the receipt of the Purchase Money
after defraying all expenses incurred by any sale thereof I Give and Bequeath
in manner following First I order and direct my said Trustees or the survivors
or survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such survivor to put
out upon some good and sufficient security or securities the sum of one Hundred
and fifty pounds and the Interest arising there from when due shall from time
to time be received by my said Trustees or the survivors or survivor of them or the
Executors or Administrators of such survivor and then paid to Sarah Wife of
the said Robert Robinson during the term of her natural life And after her
death I order and direct my said Trustees or the survivors or survivor of them or
the Executors or Administrators of such survivor to call in the said sum of one
hundred and fifty pounds and divide the same to and amongst all the Children
then living or their lawful representatives share and share alike when and
as they shall severally attain their respective ages of twentyone years And I
Give & Bequeath to my Niece Ellen Dearnaley the Daughter of my said Brother
Joseph the sum of one hundred pounds To Debora Robinson the Daughter of
the said Robert Robinson I Give the sum of one hundred pounds To Joseph Moss
the son of Martha Moss Nineteen Guineas To Mary the wife of John Livesley
Nineteen Guineas To Betty the wife of John Rolly Nineteen Guineas To Martha
the wife of Samuel Knott Nineteen Guineas To all the Children of the late James
Robinson and Mary his wife both deceased I Give five pounds each To Betty Wood
Daughter of William Wood five pounds To Hannah Wife of John Knott ten
pounds To Mary the wife of John Robinson ten pounds And to Jane the
wife of John Bowzer ten pounds And I also Give and Bequeath to the Trustees
of Little Moor Chapel for the time being the full sum of Forty pounds exclu-
sive of the Legacy Stamp duty and it is my Mind and Will that the same Sum
of Forty pounds be put out to Interest by the Trustees of the same Chapel for the
time being upon some good and sufficient security or securities and the Interest
arising therefrom shall from time to time be received by such Trustees for the
time being and paid by them or some one of them to the Calvinist or Independ-
ent Minister officiating at the said Chapel for the time being so long as the
Tenets of the Calvinist's Religion or the Gospel called Free-grace is taught
and preached therein But if those Tenets or Gospel should cease to be preached
in the said Chapel and no fixed Minister being there preaching that Doctrine for the
space of three full years Then it is my Will and Mind that the Trustees of the said
Chapel for the time being shall immediately call in the said Sum of Forty
Pounds and shall pay the same into the hands of the Vicar and Churchwardens
of Glossop aforesaid for the time being And then it is my Mind that such Vicar
and Churchwardens do put out the said Sum of Forty pounds upon some good and
sufficient security or securities and the Interest arising therefrom I Give to be
distributed in the same way and manner as Captain Garlick's Charity is dis-
tributed But if the Trustees of the said Chapel for the time being should neglect
calling in the said Sum of Forty Pounds and paying the same agreeable to this my
Will aforesaid In that case it is my Mind that the Vicar and Churchwardens of Glossop
aforesaid for the time being shall take such means for the recovery of the
said Sum of Forty Pounds as their Counsel in the Law may advise And I also
Give to my said Trustees for their extra care and trouble which they or any of them
their or any of their Executors or Administrators may be put unto in and about the
the [sic] Execution of this my Will Five Pounds each And all the Rest Residue and
Remainder of all my Estate and Effects whatsover and wheresoever and of what
nature or kind the same may be and not herein before disposed of, I Give and Be-
queath to all my said brother Joseph's children share and share alike But if
any of them should happen to be dead leaving a Child lawfully begotten that such
Child shall have his or her Father or Mother's share but if more than one Child born
as aforesaid then such share to be equally divided amongst all the children of any
such parent so dead And it is my Mind that all the before mentioned legacies and
Bequests are put out and discharged by my said Trustees or the Survivors or Survivor
of them or the Executors or Administrators of such Survivor as soon as they con-
veniently can be And if any of my said Legatees (before the receipt of his or her
Legacy) should find any fault with this my Will or with what I have given him
her them or any of them Then it is my Mind that such Legatee or Legatees
so finding fault shall have nothing And the Legacy or Legacies so forfeited
shall be equally divided to and amongst all my other Legatees (but no part thereof
to go to the different sums of Money I have before ordered to be put out on Interest)
And do hereby charge my said Estate both Real and Personal to and with the
payment of all my just debts Funeral and Testamentary expenses And Lastly
I do nominate constitute and appoint the said Samuel Dearnaley John Dearnaley
and James Sheppard Trustees and Executors of this my last will and Testament
hereby revoking and making void any Will I have heretofore made In Witness
whereof I have unto this my last Will and Testament set my hand and seal this
seventeenth day of November One Thousand eight Hundred and fourteen
Signed Sealed Published and Declared to be the last Will
and Testament of me Samuel Dearnaley of Crosscliffe
aforesaid in the presence of us who at his request and Samuel Dearneley
in his presence and in the presence of each other have
subscribed our names as Witnesses First, them, being
[interlined] -------------------------------------
John Beeley Richard Lee Henry Sheppard
my loving wife Deborah Dearnaley
my brother Joseph Dearnaley
Robert Robinson and Sarah his wife my Niece Ellen Dearnaley (dau of brother Joseph )
Debora Robinson the Daughter of Robert Robinson
Joseph Moss the son of Martha Moss (nephew of Samuel's first wife )
Mary the wife of John Livesley (niece of Samuel's first wife )
Betty the wife of John Rolly (niece of Samuel's first wife )
Martha the wife of Samuel Knott
The Children of the late James Robinson and Mary his wife both deceased
Betty Wood Daughter of William Wood
Hannah Wife of John Knott (assumed to be a relative of Samuel's 2nd wife Deborah Whitworth)
Mary the wife of John Robinson (assumed to be a relative of Samuel's 2nd wife Deborah Whitworth)
Jane the wife of John Bowzer (assumed to be a relative of Samuel's 2nd wife Deborah Whitworth)
Samuel Dearnaley son of my said brother (Joseph) see Samuel Dearnley
John Dearnaley - (second cousin, one time removed) see John Dearnaley
James Sheppard my neighbour.

Samuel Dearneley died in November 1816 at Cross Cliffe, Glossop, Derbyshire, England, at age 86 years

Samuel Dearneley was buried on 10 November 1816 at Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,
Memorial Inscription
35 Interred th / - Mary the wife of / SAMUEL DEARNELEY of -/
- who departed this -/ December 25th 1785 in the / - year
of her age / Also the abovesaid SAMUEL/DEARNELEY who
died - / ?th 1816 Aged 86 years / Also DEBORAH his wife
who died Jan 4th 1811* aged / 69 years. Also JOSEPH / his
brother who died / February - / years.
* 1811 is clearly incorrect as Deborah was alive at the time of the writing of husband Sanmuel's will (Nov 1814).
'69' on the memorial should probably read '60' which would better with age at marriage.
Source: a page from the transcript of Glossop All Saints MIs (copy at Society of Genealogists)
Many thanks to Harriet Garfitt for digging this out.
35 Interred th / - Mary the wife of / SAMUEL DEARNELEY of -/
- who departed this -/ December 25th 1785 in the / - year
of her age / Also the abovesaid SAMUEL/DEARNELEY who
died - / ?th 1816 Aged 86 years / Also DEBORAH his wife
who died Jan 4th 1811* aged / 69 years. Also JOSEPH / his
brother who died / February - / years.
* 1811 is clearly incorrect as Deborah was alive at the time of the writing of husband Sanmuel's will (Nov 1814).
'69' on the memorial should probably read '60' which would better with age at marriage.
Source: a page from the transcript of Glossop All Saints MIs (copy at Society of Genealogists)
Many thanks to Harriet Garfitt for digging this out.

Probate was granted on his estate on 19 April 1817
Probate Affadavit
Samuel Dearneley of Hodge, Cheshire - Dyer see Samuel Dearnley
John Dearneley of Whitfield, Derbyshire - School Master see John Dearnaley
James Sheppard of Whitfield, Derbyshire - Clothier
Date of final settlement of payable duty: 1829.
Samuel Dearneley of Hodge, Cheshire - Dyer see Samuel Dearnley
John Dearneley of Whitfield, Derbyshire - School Master see John Dearnaley
James Sheppard of Whitfield, Derbyshire - Clothier
Date of final settlement of payable duty: 1829.
Mary Newton
ID# 11743, b. November 1732, d. 25 December 1785
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Mary Newton was born in November 1732 at Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Mary Newton was the daughter of John Newton and Unknown (?)

Mary Newton was baptised on 10 December 1732 at Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,

in 1753 Mary Newton lived at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Mary Newton married Samuel Dearneley, son of Samuel Dearneley and Unknown (?), on 20 August 1754 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
'Samuel Dornoly of Glossop, Butcher & Mary Newton of Glossop, Spinster. Banns: [?] & 7th & 14th July 1754. (signed Samuel Dearneley)'
Witnesses: Henry Hague, John Bowers
FamilySearch has this as Samuel Dornely & Mary Bowden.

Mary Newton died on 25 December 1785 at age 53 years and 1 month
Memorial Inscription
35 Interred th / - Mary the wife of / SAMUEL DEARNELEY of -/
- who departed this -/ December 25th 1785 in the / - year
of her age / Also the abovesaid SAMUEL/DEARNELEY who
died - / ?th 1816 Aged 86 years / Also DEBORAH his wife
who died Jan 4th 1811* aged / 69 years. Also JOSEPH / his
brother who died / February - / years.
* 1811 is clearly incorrect as Deborah was alive at the time of the writing of husband Sanmuel's will (Nov 1814).
'69' on the memorial should probably read '60' which would better with age at marriage.
Source: a page from the transcript of Glossop All Saints MIs (copy at Society of Genealogists)
Many thanks to Harriet Garfitt for digging this out.
35 Interred th / - Mary the wife of / SAMUEL DEARNELEY of -/
- who departed this -/ December 25th 1785 in the / - year
of her age / Also the abovesaid SAMUEL/DEARNELEY who
died - / ?th 1816 Aged 86 years / Also DEBORAH his wife
who died Jan 4th 1811* aged / 69 years. Also JOSEPH / his
brother who died / February - / years.
* 1811 is clearly incorrect as Deborah was alive at the time of the writing of husband Sanmuel's will (Nov 1814).
'69' on the memorial should probably read '60' which would better with age at marriage.
Source: a page from the transcript of Glossop All Saints MIs (copy at Society of Genealogists)
Many thanks to Harriet Garfitt for digging this out.

Mary Newton was buried on 28 December 1785 at All Saints, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Recorded as Mary Dearnely of Hadfield, aged 53 & wife of Samuel, died 25 Dec 1785, buried at All Saints, Glossop - 28 Dec 1785.
Samuel Dernaley
ID# 11744, b. about 1735

Perhaps Samuel D, the son of Jonathan, who may have raised a family in Simmondley/Glossop.
see Samuel Dearnaley.
see Samuel Dearnaley.

Samuel Dernaley was born about 1735

in 1764 Samuel Dernaley was a Clothier.

in 1764 Samuel Dernaley lived at Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England,
'Samuel Dernaley of [Saddleworth], Clothier & Dorothy Buckley. Banns: 12th, 19th & 26th August 1764.'
'Samuel Dernaley of [Saddleworth], Clothier & Dorothy Buckley. Banns: 12th, 19th & 26th August 1764.'

Samuel Dernaley married Dorothy Buckley on 23 September 1764 at Parish Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Samuel Dernaley of [Saddleworth], Clothier & Dorothy Buckley, spinster. Banns: 12th, 19th & 26th August 1764.
Witnesses: Jno Bray; Jas Goddard.
Dorothy Buckley
ID# 11745, b. about 1735

Dorothy Buckley was born about 1735

Dorothy Buckley married Samuel Dernaley on 23 September 1764 at Parish Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
Samuel Dernaley of [Saddleworth], Clothier & Dorothy Buckley, spinster. Banns: 12th, 19th & 26th August 1764.
Witnesses: Jno Bray; Jas Goddard.
Samuel Dernally
ID# 11746, b. May 1767, d. before October 1834
- Charts
- Peter Dernally (1742-)

FamilySearch shows the children (John, Fanny & James) as being baptised in Dec 1823.
Fanny was baptized as Fanny Dennerly although she was by then Fanny Columbine.
Fanny was baptized as Fanny Dennerly although she was by then Fanny Columbine.

The link between Samuel son of Peter & Jemimah, & Samuel husband of Betty Pownall is based on time & place only.

Samuel Dernally was born in May 1767 at Stockport, Cheshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Samuel Dernally was the son of Peter Dernally and Jemimah Etchells.

Samuel Dernally was baptised on 13 June 1767 at St. Mary's Church, Stockport, Cheshire, England,

in 1789 Samuel Dernally was a Hatter.

Samuel Dernally married Betty Pownall on 3 December 1789 at St. Mary's Church, Stockport, Cheshire, England,
Samuel Dernally of this Parish Hatter & Betty Pownall of the s'd Par. Spinster
witness: James Clarkson.

in 1790 Samuel Dernally lived at Stockport, Cheshire, England,

Samuel Dernally died before October 1834
Children of Samuel Dernally and Betty Pownall
- John Dennerley+ b. Oct 1790, d. Jan 1837
- Fanny Dennerly b. 27 Sep 1799
- James Dennerly b. 30 Apr 1803
Betty Pownall
ID# 11747, b. about 1767, d. 2 April 1835
- Charts
- Peter Dernally (1742-)

Betty Pownall was born about 1767
In Elizabeth's will she refers to an inheritance she has received from William Downall.
Downall=Pownall? - JAD.
Downall=Pownall? - JAD.

Betty Pownall married Samuel Dernally, son of Peter Dernally and Jemimah Etchells, on 3 December 1789 at St. Mary's Church, Stockport, Cheshire, England,
Samuel Dernally of this Parish Hatter & Betty Pownall of the s'd Par. Spinster
witness: James Clarkson.

Betty Pownall left a will on 7 October 1834 at Stockport, Cheshire, England.
The Will of Elizabeth Dennerley, Stockport
This is the Last Will and Testament
of Me Elizabeth Dennerley of Stockport in the County
of Chester Widow made and published this Seventh
day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and thirty four in manner and form
following / that is to say / I will and direct that all my
just debts funeral expenses and the Charges of the Probate
of this my Will be in the first place paid off and discharged
by my Executrix and Executors hereinafter named out of my
personal estate I Give and bequeath unto my daughter Fanny
Columbine all my household goods, and furniture and
all my clothes, and wearing apparel for her own use
and benefit absolutely I Give and Devise unto my three
Children namely John Dennerly, Fanny Columbine, and
James Dennerly, their heirs and assigns All these my
two several Messuages or Dwellinghouses and premises
situate in Union Street in Stockport aforesaid and also
All and singular other my real Estate whatsoever and
wheresoever To Hold the same unto them my said
three children John, Fanny, and James, their heirs and
assigns for ever as Tenants in common and not as
joint Tenants I Give and bequeath unto them my
said three children John, Fanny, and James their
executors and administrators All my ready money, Money
out at Interest, Money to be received under the Will of the
late William Downall, and the residue and remainder
of my personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and
wheresoever to be equally divided between them my said three
children John, Fanny, and James, for their own use and
benefit share and share alike Provided Always and it
is my Will and Mind That if any of my said three
children John, Fanny, and James should happen to Die
in my life time Then and in such case I do hereby
declare that the part or share of him or her so dying
of and in my said Real Estate, Money, and personal
page 2
Estate shall go to and I do hereby Give devise and bequeath
the same according unto All and every the Child and
Children of him my said son John share and share alike
To hold so far as regards my said Real Estate unto them their
heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in common and not as joint
tenants. And I do hereby order and direct my Executrix
and Executors hereinafter named to reimburse and pay
themselves all expenses which they shall be put unto in
the execution of this my Will and that they shall not be
answerable or accountable for more monies than shall come to
their hands respectively nor for any involuntary loss or
misfortune which may happen thereto nor shall the one
of them be answerable or accountable for the acts receipts
neglects or defaults of the other of them but each of them
for his and her own respective acts receipts neglects and
Defaults only. And Lastly I do hereby nominate
constitute and appoint my said three children John, Fanny
and James Executrix and executors of this my Will and
hereby revoking and making void all former and other
Will and Wills by me at any time hereunto made I
declare this alone to be my last Will and Testament
In Witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Dennerley the
Testatrix have hereunto set my hand and seal the
Day and Year first before written #
Signed sealed published and |
declared by the within named |
Elizabeth Dennerley the Testatrix |
as and for her last Will and | her mark
Testament in the presence of us who | Elizabeth X Dennerley
at her request in her presence and | and Seal
in the presence of each other have |
hereunto subscribed our names as |
Witness to attest the same |
J Chetham
William Turner
Wm Smith
The eighteenth day of August
John Dennerly, Fanny
Columbine, and James
Dennerley the Executors and
Executrix in the Will
named, were sworn in
common form, and they
further made oath that
the personal Estate and
Effects of the Testatrix
within the Diocese of Chester
were under the value of
£ 300.00
before me
Thomas Middleton
The Testatrix died the
second day of April 1835
Probate issued
Dated 18th Augt 1835
transcribed by Mark Dearnley
January 2012.
This is the Last Will and Testament
of Me Elizabeth Dennerley of Stockport in the County
of Chester Widow made and published this Seventh
day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and thirty four in manner and form
following / that is to say / I will and direct that all my
just debts funeral expenses and the Charges of the Probate
of this my Will be in the first place paid off and discharged
by my Executrix and Executors hereinafter named out of my
personal estate I Give and bequeath unto my daughter Fanny
Columbine all my household goods, and furniture and
all my clothes, and wearing apparel for her own use
and benefit absolutely I Give and Devise unto my three
Children namely John Dennerly, Fanny Columbine, and
James Dennerly, their heirs and assigns All these my
two several Messuages or Dwellinghouses and premises
situate in Union Street in Stockport aforesaid and also
All and singular other my real Estate whatsoever and
wheresoever To Hold the same unto them my said
three children John, Fanny, and James, their heirs and
assigns for ever as Tenants in common and not as
joint Tenants I Give and bequeath unto them my
said three children John, Fanny, and James their
executors and administrators All my ready money, Money
out at Interest, Money to be received under the Will of the
late William Downall, and the residue and remainder
of my personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and
wheresoever to be equally divided between them my said three
children John, Fanny, and James, for their own use and
benefit share and share alike Provided Always and it
is my Will and Mind That if any of my said three
children John, Fanny, and James should happen to Die
in my life time Then and in such case I do hereby
declare that the part or share of him or her so dying
of and in my said Real Estate, Money, and personal
page 2
Estate shall go to and I do hereby Give devise and bequeath
the same according unto All and every the Child and
Children of him my said son John share and share alike
To hold so far as regards my said Real Estate unto them their
heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in common and not as joint
tenants. And I do hereby order and direct my Executrix
and Executors hereinafter named to reimburse and pay
themselves all expenses which they shall be put unto in
the execution of this my Will and that they shall not be
answerable or accountable for more monies than shall come to
their hands respectively nor for any involuntary loss or
misfortune which may happen thereto nor shall the one
of them be answerable or accountable for the acts receipts
neglects or defaults of the other of them but each of them
for his and her own respective acts receipts neglects and
Defaults only. And Lastly I do hereby nominate
constitute and appoint my said three children John, Fanny
and James Executrix and executors of this my Will and
hereby revoking and making void all former and other
Will and Wills by me at any time hereunto made I
declare this alone to be my last Will and Testament
In Witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Dennerley the
Testatrix have hereunto set my hand and seal the
Day and Year first before written #
Signed sealed published and |
declared by the within named |
Elizabeth Dennerley the Testatrix |
as and for her last Will and | her mark
Testament in the presence of us who | Elizabeth X Dennerley
at her request in her presence and | and Seal
in the presence of each other have |
hereunto subscribed our names as |
Witness to attest the same |
J Chetham
William Turner
Wm Smith
The eighteenth day of August
John Dennerly, Fanny
Columbine, and James
Dennerley the Executors and
Executrix in the Will
named, were sworn in
common form, and they
further made oath that
the personal Estate and
Effects of the Testatrix
within the Diocese of Chester
were under the value of
£ 300.00
before me
Thomas Middleton
The Testatrix died the
second day of April 1835
Probate issued
Dated 18th Augt 1835
transcribed by Mark Dearnley
January 2012.

Betty Pownall died on 2 April 1835 at Stockport, Cheshire, England,

Probate was granted on her estate on 18 August 1835
Children of Betty Pownall and Samuel Dernally
- John Dennerley+ b. Oct 1790, d. Jan 1837
- Fanny Dennerly b. 27 Sep 1799
- James Dennerly b. 30 Apr 1803
Deborah Whitworth
ID# 11749, b. June 1749, d. 4 January 1815
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Deborah Whitworth was born in June 1749 at Armfield, Derbyshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Deborah Whitworth was the daughter of John Whitworth and Unknown (?)

Deborah Whitworth was baptised on 23 July 1749 at Mottram in Longdendale Parish, Cheshire, England,
'Deborah D ofJohn Whitworth of Armfield'.

Deborah Whitworth married Thomas Garside on 31 December 1771 at Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, England,

in 1790 Deborah Whitworth lived at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Deborah Whitworth married Samuel Dearneley, son of Samuel Dearneley and Unknown (?), on 26 September 1790 at All Saints Church, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
'Samuel Dearneley of Glossop & Deborah Garside of Glossop, by Licence.'
Witnesses: Henry Bray & Charles Winterbottom
Marriage Licence application shows:
Samuel dearneley aged 59, Widower
Deborah Garside aged 40, Widow.

Deborah Whitworth died on 4 January 1815 at Cross Cliffe, Glossop, Derbyshire, England, at age 65 years and 7 months

Deborah Whitworth was buried on 7 January 1815 at Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,
Recorded as Deborah Dearneley; age 69; buried 7 Jan 1815.
Probably died 4 Jan 1815 (see below).
Memorial Inscription
35 Interred th / - Mary the wife of / SAMUEL DEARNELEY of -/
- who departed this -/ December 25th 1785 in the / - year
of her age / Also the abovesaid SAMUEL/DEARNELEY who
died - / ?th 1816 Aged 86 years / Also DEBORAH his wife
who died Jan 4th 1811* aged / 69 years. Also JOSEPH / his
brother who died / February - / years.
* 1811 is clearly incorrect as Deborah was alive at the time of the writing of husband Sanmuel's will (Nov 1814).
'69' on the memorial should probably read '60' which would better with age at marriage.
Source: a page from the transcript of Glossop All Saints MIs (copy at Society of Genealogists)
Many thanks to Harriet Garfitt for digging this out.
Probably died 4 Jan 1815 (see below).
Memorial Inscription
35 Interred th / - Mary the wife of / SAMUEL DEARNELEY of -/
- who departed this -/ December 25th 1785 in the / - year
of her age / Also the abovesaid SAMUEL/DEARNELEY who
died - / ?th 1816 Aged 86 years / Also DEBORAH his wife
who died Jan 4th 1811* aged / 69 years. Also JOSEPH / his
brother who died / February - / years.
* 1811 is clearly incorrect as Deborah was alive at the time of the writing of husband Sanmuel's will (Nov 1814).
'69' on the memorial should probably read '60' which would better with age at marriage.
Source: a page from the transcript of Glossop All Saints MIs (copy at Society of Genealogists)
Many thanks to Harriet Garfitt for digging this out.
Child of Deborah Whitworth and Thomas Garside
- Sally Garside b. Nov 1772, d. Feb 1774
Samuel Dearnelly
ID# 11750, b. 1800

Samuel Dearnelly was born in 1800 at Lancashire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Samuel Dearnelly was the son of Joseph Dearnelly and (?) (?)

Samuel Dearnelly was baptised on 16 March 1800 at St. James' Church, Didsbury, Lancashire, England,