John Darneley
ID# 14901, b. December 1613, d. about 1665

John Darneley was born in December 1613 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
John Darneley was the son of William Darnelly and Ellen Clever.

John Darneley was baptised on 31 January 1614 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

John Darneley married Susan Quicke on 16 April 1645 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

John Darneley left a will on 17 January 1658 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England.
Will of John Darnelly
In the Name of god Amen &c I John Darnelly of
Rushden beinge sicke in body but of perfect memory
praysed be god doe make and ordaine this my last will
and Testament in manner and forme followeinge &c
First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almightie
God And my body to be buried in the church yard of
Rushden aforesaid Item I give unto Suzan Darneley
note 3 lines struckthrough
daughter my best Bedsted with Curtaines and vallance and
one ffether Bed & boulster one greene Rugg One Red blanket
two ffether pillowes belonginge to the same One paire of
fflaxen sheets One of them beinge three breadthes Item one
Holland sheete Item two paire of Hempen sheetes and Six
pillowbeers two of them being holland two fflaxen and
two Teare of hempen Item One duzen of Napkins One
Cupbord standing in the same chamber, foure Chaires. Item
one greene Cubbord cloth and one linen Cubbord cloth
three of the Chaires aforesaid beinge Covered with greene
Item foure Cushions
^ and two stooles of the same Item two Chests Item one paire
of Andirons with brazen topps Item One longe table in the hall
and six stooles Item the biggest brass pott and the biggest
brewinge Cettell Item one lesser cettle Item 6 six pewter dishes One
pewter fflaggon & one pewter pinte Item I give unto her
& one brase chaffing dish & one morter
two barrells ^ All which goods before menconed the said Suzan my
daughter is to receave when she shall attaine the Age afore
menconed All the rest of my goods moveable & unmoveable
I give unto Suzan Darnelley my wife whom I make my
Sole Executrix of This my last will and Testament In
witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale
this 17th day of January in the yeare of our Lord One
thowsand six hundred ffifty & eight
John Darnelly [SEAL]
Item I will that my Sonn John shall give
unto my said daughter Suzan the sume of
Twenty pounds when she shall come
to the age of ffoure & twenty yeares
sealed & subscribed in ye
presence of
Willm X Gurrey
his marke
Richard X Bunch
his marke
Sollomon May
NRO ref: Nth Will 4th Series Book 8 Fol
Transcribed by Alan & Juliet Pack
In the Name of god Amen &c I John Darnelly of
Rushden beinge sicke in body but of perfect memory
praysed be god doe make and ordaine this my last will
and Testament in manner and forme followeinge &c
First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almightie
God And my body to be buried in the church yard of
Rushden aforesaid Item I give unto Suzan Darneley
note 3 lines struckthrough
daughter my best Bedsted with Curtaines and vallance and
one ffether Bed & boulster one greene Rugg One Red blanket
two ffether pillowes belonginge to the same One paire of
fflaxen sheets One of them beinge three breadthes Item one
Holland sheete Item two paire of Hempen sheetes and Six
pillowbeers two of them being holland two fflaxen and
two Teare of hempen Item One duzen of Napkins One
Cupbord standing in the same chamber, foure Chaires. Item
one greene Cubbord cloth and one linen Cubbord cloth
three of the Chaires aforesaid beinge Covered with greene
Item foure Cushions
^ and two stooles of the same Item two Chests Item one paire
of Andirons with brazen topps Item One longe table in the hall
and six stooles Item the biggest brass pott and the biggest
brewinge Cettell Item one lesser cettle Item 6 six pewter dishes One
pewter fflaggon & one pewter pinte Item I give unto her
& one brase chaffing dish & one morter
two barrells ^ All which goods before menconed the said Suzan my
daughter is to receave when she shall attaine the Age afore
menconed All the rest of my goods moveable & unmoveable
I give unto Suzan Darnelley my wife whom I make my
Sole Executrix of This my last will and Testament In
witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale
this 17th day of January in the yeare of our Lord One
thowsand six hundred ffifty & eight
John Darnelly [SEAL]
Item I will that my Sonn John shall give
unto my said daughter Suzan the sume of
Twenty pounds when she shall come
to the age of ffoure & twenty yeares
sealed & subscribed in ye
presence of
Willm X Gurrey
his marke
Richard X Bunch
his marke
Sollomon May
NRO ref: Nth Will 4th Series Book 8 Fol
Transcribed by Alan & Juliet Pack

John Darneley died about 1665 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Probate was granted on his estate in 1666 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Children of John Darneley and Susan Quicke
- Susan Darnellie b. Oct 1646, d. b 1648
- John Darneley+ b. Sep 1647
- Susan Darnelly b. Sep 1648
- William Darnelley b. May 1654, d. Mar 1655
- William Darnelye b. Apr 1655
Henry Darnelly
ID# 14902, b. about 1663, d. June 1711

Henry Darnelly was a Yeoman
from Probate entry.

Henry Darnelly was born about 1663

Henry Darnelly married Mary (?) about 1684
This is possibly Mary Wiles (1657-) daughter of Gilbert.
see Mary Wiles.

Henry Darnelly left a will on 4 June 1711 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England.
Will of Henry Darnelly
This is the last will and testament of me Henry Darnelly of
Rushden in the County of North’ton yeoman and I doe hereby revoke
all former Wills by me heretofore made and touching the …
of my personall Estate I dipose thereof as followeth I give and bequeath
unto my son Henry Darnelly the Bedd and bedding [whereon I ]
use to ly and the Clock and Clock Case and the ... …
and a Chest and Cubbord & the great hogshead
Table ^ All the Rest of my household goods I give and bequeath
to my loveing wife Mary to be at her owne disposeing Item all
the rest and residue of my personall Estate viz. cowes …
sheep hoggs carts plows harrows geares graine hay and all other
my personall Estate whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my said
sonn Henry Darnelly who I make full and sole Executor of
this my will In witness whereof I have to this my last will
and testament set my hand and seale the fourth day of
June in the yeare of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and eleven.
Signed sealed published the mark of Henry Darnelly
declared to be the last will &
testament of ye above named
Henry Darnelly sen in the presence
of the (the words Chest & Cubbord & the Great Hogshead
being first Interlined)
Jo Underwood
Thomas Mallery
Note: Probate granted 12th Oct 1714
Transcribed by Kay Collins, 2010
This is the last will and testament of me Henry Darnelly of
Rushden in the County of North’ton yeoman and I doe hereby revoke
all former Wills by me heretofore made and touching the …
of my personall Estate I dipose thereof as followeth I give and bequeath
unto my son Henry Darnelly the Bedd and bedding [whereon I ]
use to ly and the Clock and Clock Case and the ... …
and a Chest and Cubbord & the great hogshead
Table ^ All the Rest of my household goods I give and bequeath
to my loveing wife Mary to be at her owne disposeing Item all
the rest and residue of my personall Estate viz. cowes …
sheep hoggs carts plows harrows geares graine hay and all other
my personall Estate whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my said
sonn Henry Darnelly who I make full and sole Executor of
this my will In witness whereof I have to this my last will
and testament set my hand and seale the fourth day of
June in the yeare of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and eleven.
Signed sealed published the mark of Henry Darnelly
declared to be the last will &
testament of ye above named
Henry Darnelly sen in the presence
of the (the words Chest & Cubbord & the Great Hogshead
being first Interlined)
Jo Underwood
Thomas Mallery
Note: Probate granted 12th Oct 1714
Transcribed by Kay Collins, 2010

Henry Darnelly died in June 1711 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Henry Darnelly was buried on 10 June 1711 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
as "Henry Darnelly senior."

Probate was granted on his estate on 12 October 1714 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Children of Henry Darnelly and Mary (?)
- Henry Darnelly b. abt 1685
- Sarah Darnelly b. abt 1690, d. Jan 1710
Eli Dearnally
ID# 14909, b. May 1809, d. June 1809
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Eli Dearnally was born in May 1809 at Yorkshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
Eli Dearnally was the son of John Dearnally and Mary Middleton.

Eli Dearnally was baptised on 3 June 1809 at Kirkburton, Yorkshire, England,
'Eli son of John & Ann Dearnaley; abode: Jackson Bridge'
from FMP transcription only.
from FMP transcription only.

Eli Dearnally died in June 1809 at Totties, Wooldale, Yorkshire, England, at age 1 month

Eli Dearnally was buried on 12 June 1809 at Kirkburton Parish, Yorkshire, England,
Eli son of John Dearnally of Totties.