William Darnely
ID# 17351, b. January 1601

William Darnely was born in January 1601 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
William Darnely was the son of Thomas Darnaley and Joan (?)

William Darnely was baptised on 22 February 1601 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
'William Darnely s of Tho.'
Richard Darniley
ID# 17352, b. about 1603

Richard Darniley was born about 1603
Richard Darniley was the son of Thomas Darnaley and Joan (?)

Possibly the "Richard Darnallye bachelor" who was buried 10 Jun 1625 at St Mary's Rushden.
perhaps the Richard D. who had a family in Rushden.
see .
perhaps the Richard D. who had a family in Rushden.
see .
Elizabeth Darniley
ID# 17353, b. about 1607

Elizabeth Darniley was born about 1607
Elizabeth Darniley was the daughter of Thomas Darnaley and Joan (?)
William Darnelly
ID# 17354, b. about 1554, d. 12 September 1615

Rushden is about 3 miles south of Irthlingborough , and the family seem to share names with the Irthlingborough family. Maybe William D of Irthlingborough is a cousin?
see William Darnellie.
see William Darnellie.

William Darnelly was born about 1554
William Darnelly was the son of Geoffrey Darnaley and Unknown (?)

William Darnelly married Elizabeth (?) about 1566

William Darnelly married Jane Clarke on 19 August 1577 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

William Darnelly left a will on 11 September 1615 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England.
Will of William Darnelly 1615
In the name of god amen the xi daye of September in the yeare of our lord god 1615
I Willm Darnelly of Rushden in the countie of Northampt husbandman wthin the dyoces of peterboro
doe ordaine and make this my Last will & testament in mannour & forme following that ys to
saye first I give and bequeath my Soule to almightie my redemer and my body to bee
buryed in the church or church yard of Rushden afforesaide Item I give & bequeath unto
the church iis Item I give and bequeath unto Frauncys Watfords children Twentye
poundes to bee payde in manner & forme followeing That ys to saye I give and bequeath
to John Watford the sonne of Frauncys Watford foure poundes to bee payde Three yeares
after my decease Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Watford the daughter of Frauncis
Watford ffoure pounds to bee payde when shee cometh to xxj yeares of age Item I give
and bequeath to Ane Watford the daughter of the afforesaide Francis Watford Foure
poundes to bee payde eyther at her daye of Mariage or when she cometh to xxj yeares of age
Item I give and bequeath to Thomas Watford the sonne of Frauncys Watford foure poundes
to bee payed when he cometh to xvj yeares of age Item I give and bequeath to Rychard
Watford the sonne of Frauncys Watford Foure poundes to bee payde when hee cometh
to xvi yeares of age Item my will and mynde ys that yf any of theyse childeren
shall departe out of this worlde before his legacye bee payde that then it shall equally
bee devyded amonngest those that then are livinge Item I give and bequeath my free
hold closse with all the woode, underwood and with all & singuller the appurtenances
therto bellongeinge or apptaineinge to my sonne Willm Darnelley to have and to
hold to him his heyres & assignes for ever and for want of Issue to return to the
righte heyre Item my will ys that whearas before this time Frauncys Watford did make
a deede of guift of one house or tennament with thappurtenances beinge in Rushden unto mee I doe
give and bequeath the sayde tennament with thappurtenances to Marye Watford the wyfe
of the sayde Frauncys duringe her naturall lyfe and after her deceasse to the sayde
John Watford the sonne of Frauncys Watford to have and to hold to him and
his heyres for ever Item I give unto Robert May jd Item I give unto Thomas Darnelleye
vjd Item I give to John Tappe vjd whome I make overseeres of this my last will & testament
Item all the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give unto Jane my wyfe and Willm my sonne
whome I make my Executors of this my last will & testament In wytnes whearof I
have sett to my hand the daye and yeare first above wrytten
Wytnesse to this testament Wylliam Darnelly
Frauncis Watfforde
Thomas Darnellie
John Tapp
Danyell Clarke
Probate granted 11 Aug 1616 Estate valued £73 8s
NRO Ref: N Will 2nd Series Book P23
Transcribed by Jacky Lawrence
see http://www.rushdenheritage.co.uk.
In the name of god amen the xi daye of September in the yeare of our lord god 1615
I Willm Darnelly of Rushden in the countie of Northampt husbandman wthin the dyoces of peterboro
doe ordaine and make this my Last will & testament in mannour & forme following that ys to
saye first I give and bequeath my Soule to almightie my redemer and my body to bee
buryed in the church or church yard of Rushden afforesaide Item I give & bequeath unto
the church iis Item I give and bequeath unto Frauncys Watfords children Twentye
poundes to bee payde in manner & forme followeing That ys to saye I give and bequeath
to John Watford the sonne of Frauncys Watford foure poundes to bee payde Three yeares
after my decease Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Watford the daughter of Frauncis
Watford ffoure pounds to bee payde when shee cometh to xxj yeares of age Item I give
and bequeath to Ane Watford the daughter of the afforesaide Francis Watford Foure
poundes to bee payde eyther at her daye of Mariage or when she cometh to xxj yeares of age
Item I give and bequeath to Thomas Watford the sonne of Frauncys Watford foure poundes
to bee payed when he cometh to xvj yeares of age Item I give and bequeath to Rychard
Watford the sonne of Frauncys Watford Foure poundes to bee payde when hee cometh
to xvi yeares of age Item my will and mynde ys that yf any of theyse childeren
shall departe out of this worlde before his legacye bee payde that then it shall equally
bee devyded amonngest those that then are livinge Item I give and bequeath my free
hold closse with all the woode, underwood and with all & singuller the appurtenances
therto bellongeinge or apptaineinge to my sonne Willm Darnelley to have and to
hold to him his heyres & assignes for ever and for want of Issue to return to the
righte heyre Item my will ys that whearas before this time Frauncys Watford did make
a deede of guift of one house or tennament with thappurtenances beinge in Rushden unto mee I doe
give and bequeath the sayde tennament with thappurtenances to Marye Watford the wyfe
of the sayde Frauncys duringe her naturall lyfe and after her deceasse to the sayde
John Watford the sonne of Frauncys Watford to have and to hold to him and
his heyres for ever Item I give unto Robert May jd Item I give unto Thomas Darnelleye
vjd Item I give to John Tappe vjd whome I make overseeres of this my last will & testament
Item all the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give unto Jane my wyfe and Willm my sonne
whome I make my Executors of this my last will & testament In wytnes whearof I
have sett to my hand the daye and yeare first above wrytten
Wytnesse to this testament Wylliam Darnelly
Frauncis Watfforde
Thomas Darnellie
John Tapp
Danyell Clarke
Probate granted 11 Aug 1616 Estate valued £73 8s
NRO Ref: N Will 2nd Series Book P23
Transcribed by Jacky Lawrence
see http://www.rushdenheritage.co.uk.

William Darnelly died on 12 September 1615 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
date assumed.

William Darnelly was buried on 13 September 1615 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Children of William Darnelly and Jane Clarke
- Mary Darnelly+ b. abt 1578, d. Feb 1628
- William Darnelly+ b. Mar 1584
Jane Clarke
ID# 17355, b. about 1556, d. October 1623

Jane Clarke was born about 1556

Jane Clarke married William Darnelly, son of Geoffrey Darnaley and Unknown (?), on 19 August 1577 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Jane Clarke died in October 1623 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Jane Clarke was buried in November 1623 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
Jane Darnaly widow.
Children of Jane Clarke and William Darnelly
- Mary Darnelly+ b. abt 1578, d. Feb 1628
- William Darnelly+ b. Mar 1584
William Darnelly
ID# 17356, b. March 1584

William Darnelly was born in March 1584 at Bedfordshire, England,
Birth date is an estimate.
William Darnelly was the son of William Darnelly and Jane Clarke.

William Darnelly was baptised on 1 May 1584 at Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England,

William Darnelly married Ellen Clever on 14 January 1613 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,
William Darnelly witnessed the Will of Mary Darnelly on 12 January 1628; Will of Mary Watforde
In the name of the Father and of the sone and of the holy ghoast amen Anno Dom 1628 the Twelth day
of January I Mary Watford of Rushden in the county of Northtn Widdow Doe ordaine & make my Last will
& Testament in manner and forme ffolloweing first I give & bequeath my Soule into the hands of
allmightye God my Creatour and my redeemer and my body to bee buryed in the Churchyard of Rushden
and my goods to the world as followeth Item I give to my sonne John Watford Twelve pence Item I give
unto my sonne Thomas Watford Twenty shillings to be payde him when he cometh to xxj yeares of age
Item I give To my Sonne Rychard Watford my yearling Bollocke and that my executrix shall keepe yt for
him until Whitsunday next after my discease and Then yt to be Delyverd into the hands of Robt
Sanderson to the use my Sonne Rychard I give him also on[e] payre of teare a hemp sheets to be
delivered imedyately after my deyceasse All the Rest of my good & Chattels & moveable or unmoveable
Unbequeathed my debts beinge dyscharged and Funerall Dyschard I give to my daughter An Watford
whome I make my Sole executryx of this my last will and testament
Witnesses to the same The marke of
James Peake Mary Watforde
Lewes Tapp
William Darnelley
Probate granted 02 Mar 1628
Transcribed by Alan & Juliet Pack NRO Ref: N Will 2nd Series Book P 260 folio 38
see Rushden Heritage website.
Children of William Darnelly and Ellen Clever
- John Darneley+ b. Dec 1613, d. abt 1665
- Elizabeth Darnelie b. Feb 1617
- Mary Darnaly b. Oct 1620
- William Darnaly b. Apr 1621, d. May 1621
- Francis Darnaly b. abt 1622, d. Dec 1622
Mary Darnelly
ID# 17359, b. about 1578, d. February 1628

Mary Darnelly was born about 1578
Mary Darnelly was the daughter of William Darnelly and Jane Clarke.

Mary Darnelly married Francis Watford on 27 November 1598 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Mary Darnelly left a will on 12 January 1628.
Will of Mary Watforde
In the name of the Father and of the sone and of the holy ghoast amen Anno Dom 1628 the Twelth day
of January I Mary Watford of Rushden in the county of Northtn Widdow Doe ordaine & make my Last will
& Testament in manner and forme ffolloweing first I give & bequeath my Soule into the hands of
allmightye God my Creatour and my redeemer and my body to bee buryed in the Churchyard of Rushden
and my goods to the world as followeth Item I give to my sonne John Watford Twelve pence Item I give
unto my sonne Thomas Watford Twenty shillings to be payde him when he cometh to xxj yeares of age
Item I give To my Sonne Rychard Watford my yearling Bollocke and that my executrix shall keepe yt for
him until Whitsunday next after my discease and Then yt to be Delyverd into the hands of Robt
Sanderson to the use my Sonne Rychard I give him also on[e] payre of teare a hemp sheets to be
delivered imedyately after my deyceasse All the Rest of my good & Chattels & moveable or unmoveable
Unbequeathed my debts beinge dyscharged and Funerall Dyschard I give to my daughter An Watford
whome I make my Sole executryx of this my last will and testament
Witnesses to the same The marke of
James Peake Mary Watforde
Lewes Tapp
William Darnelley
Probate granted 02 Mar 1628
Transcribed by Alan & Juliet Pack NRO Ref: N Will 2nd Series Book P 260 folio 38
see Rushden Heritage website.
In the name of the Father and of the sone and of the holy ghoast amen Anno Dom 1628 the Twelth day
of January I Mary Watford of Rushden in the county of Northtn Widdow Doe ordaine & make my Last will
& Testament in manner and forme ffolloweing first I give & bequeath my Soule into the hands of
allmightye God my Creatour and my redeemer and my body to bee buryed in the Churchyard of Rushden
and my goods to the world as followeth Item I give to my sonne John Watford Twelve pence Item I give
unto my sonne Thomas Watford Twenty shillings to be payde him when he cometh to xxj yeares of age
Item I give To my Sonne Rychard Watford my yearling Bollocke and that my executrix shall keepe yt for
him until Whitsunday next after my discease and Then yt to be Delyverd into the hands of Robt
Sanderson to the use my Sonne Rychard I give him also on[e] payre of teare a hemp sheets to be
delivered imedyately after my deyceasse All the Rest of my good & Chattels & moveable or unmoveable
Unbequeathed my debts beinge dyscharged and Funerall Dyschard I give to my daughter An Watford
whome I make my Sole executryx of this my last will and testament
Witnesses to the same The marke of
James Peake Mary Watforde
Lewes Tapp
William Darnelley
Probate granted 02 Mar 1628
Transcribed by Alan & Juliet Pack NRO Ref: N Will 2nd Series Book P 260 folio 38
see Rushden Heritage website.

Mary Darnelly died in February 1628 at Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Probate was granted on her estate on 2 March 1628
Children of Mary Darnelly and Francis Watford
- Elizabeth Watford b. Oct 1600
- John Watford b. Apr 1603
- Anne Watforde b. Sep 1606
- Thomas Watford b. abt 1608
- Richard Watford b. Oct 1614
Francis Watford
ID# 17360, b. about 1577, d. before January 1628

Francis Watford was born about 1577

Francis Watford married Mary Darnelly, daughter of William Darnelly and Jane Clarke, on 27 November 1598 at St. Mary's Church, Rushden, Northamptonshire, England,

Francis Watford died before January 1628
Children of Francis Watford and Mary Darnelly
- Elizabeth Watford b. Oct 1600
- John Watford b. Apr 1603
- Anne Watforde b. Sep 1606
- Thomas Watford b. abt 1608
- Richard Watford b. Oct 1614