Estella Huntley

Estella Huntley was born in 1899

Estella Huntley married Alfred Cox Toll, son of Rosa Emily Toll, on 19 November 1947 at Maricopa county, Arizona, USA,
Marriage License, Maricopa County, Arizona
Alfred C Toll 49 res: Richmond, Virginia
Estella Huntley 48 res: Seattle, Washington
Book 100, Page 426.
Nicholas Bramhall

Nicholas Bramhall was born about 1532
Nicholas Bramhall was the son of Unknown Bramhall.

Nicholas Bramhall married Elizabeth (?) about 1554

on 28 October 1599 Nicholas Bramhall lived at Deepclough, Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,

Nicholas Bramhall left a will on 28 October 1599.
In the name of god amen the xxviijth daye of October in the yeare of o(ur) lord god 1599 I Nicholas Bramhall of the Deepclough
within the p(ar)ishe of Glossope in the countye of Darby husbandman being sicke in bodye (and) in good (and) perfect
memory prayse be god for it dreedinge the unc(er)ten houre of natural death doe constitute ordayne (and)
make this my p(re)sent testament contaynynge hearin my last will in manner (and) forme folowinge that is to witt
firest (and) principally I offer (and) bequeath my soule unto almyghte god my onelye maker savyour (and) sanctifier
trustinge by the meritte of his bloode sheedinge in whose faithe I doe believe (and) soe I will die to be one in the number of
those (who) shalbe saved (and) for my bodye I commit it to christen buryall It(em) I give (and) assigne my good will
of my house (and) tenement unto W(illia)m Bramhall (who) I have now in my house at my keeping by or with the licence
of my lorde saving (that) I will (that) Elizabethe Bramhall my wife shall have the moitye in one halfe of the
same durynge her natural lyfe (that) she keepe her sole (and) unmaryed (and) if she mary to avoyde from
my said tenement immediately after marriage It(em) it is my will (and) mynde (that) after my forthe brynginge
funeral expenses legacyes (and) all after debts (and) dutyes discharged of my sole goodes all the rest of my goods moveable (and)
immoveable c(h)atells (and) tarkes of grounde leases (and) debts (and) dutyes whatsoever owinge to me shalbe devyded into two equal p(ar)tes (that) is to witt thene
halfe to my afersaid wife (and) thoth(er) halfe to thaforsaid W(illia)m Bramhall whom I geve my assignement of my
farme unto condityonallye (that) the said W(illia)m do prove dutifull to my aforesaid wife (and) if he will not chershe (and)
be dutifull to my said wife as he ought to be (and) so lawfullye proved upon hym at the discretion of my overseers heareaf(er) named then it is my will (and) mynde
(that) all my holle goodes whatsoever aforsaid shall remayne to my aforsaid wife paying hym the said W(illia)m Bramhall out of (the) same the ---
of xxti of goode English money (with) thone halfe of all my arkes bords bedstockes (and) husbandry grayse (and) fusth at the
discretyone of my overseers It(em) I geve (and) bequeathe unto John Foloe tenne poundes over (and) besides his owne goodes It(em) I
geve to Agnes (and) Alyce Bramhall iijti --- to either of them xxxs (and) to Elizabeth Dernelye thyre sister xxs It(em) I geve to
Charles Bramhall viij --- sheepe (that) are in his granfathers keeping It(em) to Godfray Bramhall his brother one ewe lambe
It(em) I geve (and) bequeath to John Bramhall the sonne of Jone one cow –irke (and) to Thomas Bramhall his brother ij ewe lambe
It(em) I geve to Olyv(er) Dernelye the sheepe in his fathers keeping It(em) to W(illia)m Didsbery j lambe It(em) Richard Hasscope j
hogge It(em) to W(illia)m Beeley j lambe It(em) to Nicholas Hadfielde j lambe It(em) I geve (and) bequeathe of the sheepe at John Hall his
It(em) to myr Halswoth vjs It(em) to Jone his sister vjs 8d (and) Margarete his sister vjs 8d (this line appears to have been squeezed in as an afterthought.)
keepinge to any one of his children one of them (and) the rest I geve to Jane his daughter w(hic)he is in my house It(em)
(words lost in crease in page) ij stone of woll It(em) I geve (and) bequeathe unto
eny chylde (that) I am godfather unto w(hic)h I have not geven any lambe xijd It(em) I geve (and) bequeathe to John Bramhall j lambe
It(em) to Katheryn Hollyworth j lambe It(em) to Elizabeth Howard j lambe It(em) I constitute (and) make Elizabeth Bramhall my wife
(and) W(illia)m Bramhall whom I leave in my --- my ful (and) lawfull executors of this my last will (and) testament and
lykewyse I make Charles Bramhall (and) Robert Bramhall my overseers desyrynge them to see this my will performed
(and) kept as my trust is in them witnes of this my said will Roger C--- James Charleworthe Rycherd Godderd
It(em) to Thomas Godard j lambe to --- Bouthe j lambe to Nicholas Bramhall
Debts owinge to me
(long list of debtors)
Inventory available but not yet transcribed
2017 editted 2020
Mentioned in Will
William Bramhall
Elizabethe Bramhall - Nicholas' wife
John Foloe
Agnes Bramhall, Alyce Bramhall & Elizabeth Dernelye - sisters to each other
Charles Bramhall & his brother Godfray Bramhall
John Bramhall the son of Jone & his brother Thomas Bramhall
Olyv(er) Dernelye
W(illia)m Didsbery
Richard Hasscope
W(illia)m Beeley
Nicholas Hadfielde
John Hall
myr Halswoth, his sisters Jone & Margarete
John Bramhall
Katheryn Hollyworth
Elizabeth Howard
Thomas Godard
--- Bouthe
Nicholas Bramhall
Charles Bramhall (and) Robert Bramhall
Roger C---, James Charleworthe, Rycherd Godderd.

Nicholas Bramhall died on 13 October 1660 at Derbyshire, England,
Unknown (?)

Unknown (?) was born about 1533

Unknown (?) married Unknown Bramhall, son of Unknown Bramhall, about 1555
Children of Unknown (?) and Unknown Bramhall
- Elizabeth Bramhall+ b. abt 1560, d. Oct 1623
- Agnes Bramhall b. abt 1562
- Alicia Bramhall b. abt 1564
Nicholas Butterworth

see Alexander Butterworth.

Nicholas Butterworth was born about 1460

TNA catalogue: Short title: Dernely v [Unknown]. Plaintiffs: Roger Dernely. Defendants: Nichola[s] ......
Reference: |
C 1/304/66 |
Description: |
Short title: Dernely v [Unknown]. Plaintiffs: Roger Dernely. Defendants: Nichola[s] ... and ... Boverworth. Subject: Detention of deeds relating to lands in Dearnley, Lancashire |
Note: |
Mutilated. |
Date: |
1504-1515 |
Held by: |
Legal status: |
Public Record(s) |
Closure status: |
Open Document, Open Description |
From AALT Chancery Proceedings website: C1/304 image number 102
Direct link:
The following summary is my current interpretation of the document.
Summary: The court document of 1504-1515 is a petition from Roger Dernely to the Chancellor of England, regarding land and tenements in Dearnley, Lancashire. He requests a subpoena to be issued to Nicholas Boterworth (Butterworth) requiring Nicholas?s attendance ?before the king in his chancery?. The document is not dated and the right hand side is damaged.
DRAFT 3 blue = easier-to-read version red = some uncertainty re transcription
Petition re property in Dearnley archived in Chancery Proceedings 1504-1515
To the most Rev?end fader in god William Archbisshop
To the most reverend father in god William Archbishop
of Canterbury and Channceller of England
of Canterbury and Chancellor of England
Mekely be behyth (your) good lordship (your) pour Orato(r) Roger Dernely that wer as he is seasyd of (and) in a mess(uag)e ---
Meekly beseech your good lordship your poor orator Roger Dernely that whereas he is seized of and in a messuage---
landes (and) te(neme)nts in Dernely w(ithi)n the Contey of Lancashir in his do(mai)ne as of fee and (-) being seasyd --- ---
lands and tenements in Dearnley within the County of Lancashire in his domain as of fee and --- being seized --- ---
oheqters (and) munymentes concernyng the said lande becomyn to the hende (and) possession of a-ne Nicholas
charters and muniments concerning the said land becoming to the hand and possession of --- Nicholas
bo ter worth So it is y-- --- lord th(--) --- said oratir hath dy(--)is (and) meny tymes rognoryd the --- ---
Boterworth So it is your --- lord th(at) (the) said orator hath diverse and many times required the --- ---
to delyn hym the said Bindenes for the conservacion of his ryzth (and) title ofis in the p(re)misses and --- ---
to deliver him the said bindings for the conservation of his right and title --- in the premises and --- ---
att ?ece have refusyd (and) yet doo wherso y- seid orato(r) hath no remedy by the comyn laew by --- ---
--- --- have refused and yet do whereso your said orator hath no remedy by the common law by --- ---
nott the contente of the deid Bindenes nor wferm(-)the be obtenye please hn therefore your good lordship ---
not the content of the deed bindings nor --- be obtained please him therefore your good lordship the
p(re)misses cenderly considerd to g(-)nnt a writte of sub pena to be direcnd to the seid Nycholas ---
premises tenderly considered to grant a writ of subpoena to be directed to the said Nicholas (Boterworth)
comanndyng them by the same to appere before the kyng in his chancery there to ans(--)re to the p(re)misses
commanding him by the same to appear before the king in his chancery there to answer to the premises
for the love of god and in the wey of char-e and he shall daily p(-)y to god for your --- lordship
for the love of god and in the way of charity and he shall daily pray to god for your --- lordship
editte toke de London ---
rohed Dnry de --- ---
JAD 2019
This petition is assumed to refer to the property mentioned in 1444 - see Geoffrey Dearnley 1377-.
See also Roger Dernely (VI).

Johes Dernellee

Johes Dernellee was born between 1540 and 1624
see John Dernelee.

Johes Dernellee died in January 1624 at Glossop, Derbyshire, England,

Johes Dernellee was buried on 2 February 1624 at All Saints, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
2 Feb 1623/4
All Saints Church Glossop Burials
1620 - 1696 Transcription only
see Glossop Burials.
Unknown (?)

Unknown (?) was born about 1664

Unknown (?) married Joshua Beardsell (I), son of Thomas Beardsell (I) and Mary Armitage, about 1685