- Godward
Alberta b. about 1889
Marie M b. 1916, d. 1962
Myrtle Marie b. 1916, d. 1962
Raymond b. about 1889 - Goldsby
Annie b. 1898Arthur b. 1877Emily b. 1878James b. 1900
- Goldsmith
Charles Henry T b. 1929, d. about 1969Mary Emma b. about 1796, d. about 1845Shirley Anne b. 1933, d. about 1994
- Goldstraw
Elizabeth Ann b. 1878, d. about 1937George b. about 1849Thomas b. about 1877
- Goldthorp
Amelia b. 1838Ann M b. 1874Anna M b. 1874Beatrice b. 1887, d. about 1911Emily D b. 1860Hannah M b. 1874John b. 1839, d. between 1881 and 1891John b. about 1859Louisa b. 1877
- Gollan
Alexander b. 1769, d. 1856Alexander b. 1812Alexander b. 1834, d. 1908Ann b. about 1780Cristina b. 1823, d. 1895Donald b. 1803Donald b. 1812Eliza b. 1816, d. between 1861 and 1871Elizabeth b. 1816, d. between 1861 and 1871Isabella b. about 1745Isabella b. about 1790, d. 1871Isabella b. 1812, d. 1892Isobel b. about 1801John b. 1775Margaret b. about 1799Roderick b. about 1780, d. 1860Roderick b. 1799, d. 1878Thomas b. about 1745Thomas b. 1797Thomas b. 1822, d. 1882
- Goodall
Hannah b. about 1775Helen Ruth b. 1906, d. 1970Sarah b. about 1772
- Goodchild
Albert Edward b. 1891Annis b. about 1891Mary Jane b. 1898Roy b. 1929, d. about 2000
- Gooding
Dorothy b. about 1750, d. about 1803
- Goodison
Elizabeth b. about 1777
- Goodman
John b. 1886Mary b. 1862Unknown b. about 1861, d. before 1891
- Goodram
Elizabeth Ann b. 1855Lionel b. about 1827
- Goodrun
Elizabeth Ann b. 1855
- Goodwin
Edith Leah b. about 1875, d. about 1951James b. 1854Joseph Richard b. 1872, d. about 1931Mary b. about 1852
- Gordge
Jane Squire b. 1864, d. 1914Jane Squires b. 1864, d. 1914
- Gordon
Alfred b. about 1886
Craig Muir b. 1957, d. 2013
Mabel Rachel b. 1888Sarah b. about 1859 - Gore
Carry b. 1870, d. about 1926Cassy b. 1870, d. about 1926Ella A b. 1848, d. 1917Eva Maud b. 1890, d. 1961Mary A b. 1841William b. 1840
- Gorton
Elizabeth Ann b. 1905, d. 1984
- Goshert
Florence May b. 1917, d. 2005Gilbert V b. 1908
- Gosling
Anne b. 1886Annie b. 1886Ernest b. 1894Frederick b. 1862George b. about 1919, d. about 2000Hannah b. 1857Irene b. 1924, d. about 1984Lillie b. 1896Mary b. 1889May b. 1889
- Gott
Eliza b. 1854, d. 1936Emmeline Louisa b. 1892, d. 1920Robert b. 1860, d. 1906
- Goucher
Harry Bateson b. about 1891John b. 1852, d. about 1906Leonard b. about 1898Mary Lupton b. 1869, d. about 1942
- Gould
Alfred b. 1878Alice b. 1906Amos b. about 1882, d. about 1942Amos b. 1910, d. 2003Annie b. 1875Bertha Elizabeth b. about 1881Charlotte b. 1849, d. about 1905George b. about 1853, d. about 1886George b. 1876Gladys Rosina b. 1916, d. about 1995Harold b. 1911Henry b. 1885, d. 1927Jean b. 1936, d. 2016Jessie b. 1913Joseph William b. 1875Maree Irene b. 1920, d. 2010Marie Irene b. 1920, d. 2010Marjorie b. 1923Mary b. 1857Mary Elizabeth b. 1883Mary Elizabeth b. 1905Miriam b. 1914, d. 1996Nancy b. about 1780Nancy b. about 1780Nancy b. 1815
- Gould (cont.)
Sarah Ann b. 1880Sharlott b. 1849, d. about 1905
- Gouldbourne
Frank b. about 1911
- Goulding
Lilian b. about 1913
- Gowen
Annie Hannah b. 1854, d. 1940George b. about 1826Hannah b. 1854, d. 1940
- Graham
Alice b. 1852Alice b. 1892Daniel Thomas b. 1874, d. about 1931Edward Fowler b. about 1850, d. 1876Joan Dearnaley b. 1921, d. 2002John b. 1829Lillian b. 1889Marjorie Johnstone b. 1924, d. about 1973Mary b. 1834Robert b. about 1861
- Grail
- Grainge
William b. 1837
- Grainger
Annie Elizabeth b. 1877, d. 1963Joseph b. 1865
- Grammitt
Michelle L b. 1976, d. 2019
- Grange
Elizabeth b. 1829James b. about 1805Mary b. 1834Nancy b. 1806, d. before 1850Phoebe b. 1827William b. 1837
- Grant
Annabella b. between 1837 and 1840Bella b. between 1837 and 1840Eva Maude b. about 1893Florence May b. 1928, d. about 2001Heather Sarah b. 1935, d. 2007Isabella b. between 1837 and 1840James Alexander b. about 1918Jean Cruickshank b. 1922, d. 2008Jessie Elizabeth b. 1920, d. 1989Jock b. about 1920John Gair b. about 1920Margaret b. about 1850Mary L b. 1907Sarah b. 1868Unknown b. about 1822
- Grashion
Arthur b. about 1873Charlotte b. 1835, d. about 1917Elizabeth Ann b. about 1861Harriet b. about 1858Joseph b. about 1856Thomas b. about 1867William b. 1831, d. about 1864
- Gratten
Sarah b. 1809, d. about 1872
- Gratton
Ann b. about 1843, d. about 1902Fred b. about 1874Jane b. between 1781 and 1786John b. between 1766 and 1771, d. between 1841 and 1861John b. 1811Martha b. about 1881Mary b. 1791Mary Anne b. about 1871Mary Annie b. about 1871Robert b. 1843, d. about 1909Sarah b. 1809, d. about 1872Sarah Jane b. about 1878Thomas b. between 1816 and 1821
- Gray
Ann b. 1819Arthur G b. 1896, d. 1972Elizabeth b. 1795Elizabeth b. 1824Ellen b. about 1829Elsie b. 1906, d. 1971Emma b. about 1833George b. 1838Georgianna b. about 1831John b. about 1793Maria b. 1826, d. about 1883Mary b. about 1814Mary Finney b. 1849Sarah b. about 1817Susan b. about 1836Thomas b. about 1822
- Grayshaw
Elizabeth Ann b. about 1861John b. about 1870Thomas b. about 1867
- Grayshon
Charlotte b. 1835, d. about 1917Elizabeth Ann b. about 1861Harriet b. 1794Harriet b. about 1858John b. about 1870Joseph b. about 1856Robert b. about 1795William b. 1831, d. about 1864
- Grayshun
Issachar b. about 1877
- Grayson
Ann b. 1838, d. 1909Arthur b. about 1871Benjamin b. 1826Benjamin b. about 1866Clara Annie b. about 1874Elizabeth b. about 1864Ezra b. 1806, d. about 1846Francis Henry b. about 1869Frederick William b. about 1858George b. 1828George Herbert b. about 1876Hannah b. 1807John b. 1830Mary b. about 1782Mary b. 1835Mary Alice b. about 1861William Arthur b. about 1871
- Greasel
Bill b. about 1934Jane K b. 1936, d. 2012William b. about 1934
- Greathead
Gladys Ruth Vera b. 1919, d. 2004Thomas Harold b. about 1918William b. 1725
- Greaves
Alfred b. 1854Alice A b. 1862Annie Elizabeth b. 1867Arthur b. 1862Bella b. 1883, d. about 1961Benjamin b. about 1815Clara b. 1891, d. about 1918Emma b. about 1870, d. about 1932Ernest b. 1888George b. 1812Isabella b. 1883, d. about 1961James b. 1859Leah b. 1890Mary b. about 1854Phebe b. about 1743Phoebe b. about 1743Ruth b. 1864, d. 1933Sarah Jane b. 1843, d. 1914
- Green
(?) d. before 1727Ann b. 1851Benjamin b. 1785Benjamin Junr b. 1810Betty b. 1783, d. between 1841 and 1851Dennis b. about 1924Doris J b. 1925Elizabeth b. 1848Ellen Elizabeth b. 1862, d. 1922Flora Delta b. 1887, d. 1974Florence b. 1917, d. 1967Grace Ellen b. 1855Hannah b. 1844, d. about 1916Hannah b. 1848Hannah b. 1864Isabella b. 1841John b. 1812John b. 1852John Nelson b. 1823, d. about 1890Lindley Edward b. 1911Lindley Ellsworth b. 1911Margaret Alice b. 1923, d. 2003Martha b. about 1697Martha b. 1817, d. about 1865Mary b. 1859
- Green (cont.)
Mary Jane b. 1859, d. 1887Nelson b. 1823, d. about 1890Nelson b. about 1854, d. about 1924Ruth b. about 1787Samuel Barnaby b. about 1861, d. 1909Samuel Dearnaley b. about 1861, d. 1909Samuel Dearnley b. about 1861, d. 1909Thomas b. 1857Unknown d. before 1727William b. about 1815
- Greene
Jo b. about 1608
- Greengrass
Thomas b. 1838
- Greengros
Arthur b. 1874Catherine b. 1878Frances Charlotte b. 1854Fred b. 1880Thomas b. 1838William b. 1875
- Greenhalgh
(?) b. about 1817, d. before 1859Alice b. 1836David b. 1860, d. 1869James b. about 1788Unknown b. about 1817, d. before 1859William b. 1816
- Greenough
Jane b. 1917, d. 1941
- Greenway
Lilian Agnes Margaret b. 1901, d. about 1945
- Greenwell
Jane Elizabeth b. 1844Lizzie b. 1844
- Greenwood
Beatrice b. 1856Bertha b. 1908, d. about 1983Elizabeth b. 1824Elizabeth b. 1860Gertrude Mary b. 1903Grace b. about 1813Grace b. about 1813Malcolm E b. about 1903Margaret b. about 1859, d. 1913Mary b. 1827, d. about 1889Mary b. 1832Mary b. 1851Richard b. 1833Sarah b. 1833Sarah b. about 1848Simon b. about 1805Thomas b. about 1797Thomas b. about 1799Unknown b. about 1799William b. about 1785William b. about 1825William b. 1851
- Greer
Elizabeth b. 1877, d. 1966
- Greethead
Martha b. 1725William b. 1725
- Gregg
Catherine b. about 1907Ellen b. about 1913George b. about 1909Maggie b. 1875, d. 1957Margaret b. about 1905Sheila b. about 1915William b. 1880, d. about 1922William b. 1911
- Gregory
Elizabeth b. about 1591Ellen b. 1832
Ethel Freda Ellen b. 1888, d. about 1972
James b. 1839Joseph b. about 1811, d. about 1850Joseph b. 1845Miriam b. 1914, d. 1996Nancy Alice b. 1850Philomena b. 1933, d. 1997Reuben b. 1833Rich b. about 1591Robert b. 1835Samuel b. 1837Sarah b. 1813Sarah b. 1841Sarah Jane b. 1844William Henry b. 1846 - Grendrod
Hannah b. 1829, d. after 1900
- Gretton
Mary b. about 1794, d. before 1841
- Grieve
Agnes b. about 1846Christina b. 1882, d. 1924Walter b. about 1845
- Grievs
Christina b. 1882, d. 1924
- Griffin
Gertrude b. about 1890, d. after 1940Penelope A b. about 1916
- Griffiths
Abraham b. 1869Annie b. 1882Blanche b. 1888Catherine b. 1858Dorothy b. 1863, d. 1935Ernest b. 1908Frank Ernest b. 1884, d. before 1976Frank Ernest b. 1908George b. 1877George b. 1886Georgina b. 1889Gertie b. 1895Herbert b. about 1913Joe b. 1892John Thomas b. 1862Joseph George b. 1886Katherine b. 1911Kathleen b. 1911Leonard b. about 1914Lilian M G b. 1903, d. about 1963Lillian M G b. 1903, d. about 1963Lucy Ann b. 1882Mary b. 1882, d. 1976Mary Jane b. 1861, d. 1960Mina b. 1911
- Griffiths (cont.)
Robert b. 1897Robert E b. 1871Sarah b. 1845Sarah Jane b. 1874, d. about 1942Thomas Henry b. about 1862, d. about 1905Thomas William b. 1880William b. 1840William b. 1854, d. before 1901William b. 1880