- Gatward (cont.)
William b. 1843, d. 1888William b. about 1853, d. 1863William b. 1863, d. 1940William b. 1865William b. 1868, d. 1940William b. 1873William b. about 1904William b. 1911William Charles b. about 1888William Charles b. 1892William Francis b. 1879, d. 1918William George b. 1895, d. 1895William Hector b. 1900William Hector b. 1910William Henry b. 1855, d. about 1934William Henry b. 1861William Henry b. 1870, d. about 1937William Henry b. about 1872William Herbert b. 1900William James b. 1873, d. 1876William James b. 1876, d. about 1958William James b. 1919, d. 1998William Jones b. about 1863Willie b. about 1900, d. about 1902Willie b. 1912, d. about 1949
- Gatward (cont.)
Winifred M b. about 1894Winnie Annie b. about 1916
- Gatwarde
George b. about 1845, d. 1896Mary Ann b. about 1848
- Gatwood
Frederick b. 1898
- Gauld
Alexander b. 1880, d. 1963Elizabeth b. 1889, d. 1961Emily Halley Robertson b. 1925, d. 1999
- Gawen
Hannah b. 1854, d. 1940
- Gawthorne
(?) b. about 1803, d. before 1850Ann b. 1815, d. 1878Unknown b. about 1803, d. before 1850
- Gawthorp
Emily Ann b. 1841Sarah Ann b. 1815, d. about 1843William b. 1814
- Gawthorpe
Eliza Morris b. about 1858Florence Elizabeth b. about 1860Frances b. 1828Frances Mary Louisa b. about 1854Margaret Maria b. about 1856Sarah Ann b. 1815, d. about 1843Thomas b. about 1786William b. 1814
- Gearing
Peter Brian b. about 1935, d. 2008Theresa b. 1922, d. about 2001
- Gearman
Frances b. 1783, d. 1855
- Geddes
Mary b. 1854
- Gee
Benjamin b. about 1725Betty b. about 1720, d. 1749Cyril b. 1895, d. about 1960Daniel b. about 1857Doris b. 1924Eliza b. 1853Elizabeth b. 1845Elizabeth b. about 1855Elsie b. 1896, d. 1972Esther b. 1855Hannah b. 1817Hannah b. 1859James b. 1851Joel b. about 1822, d. between 1871 and 1881Lilian Alice b. 1920, d. about 1986Lucy b. 1844Margaret b. 1823Margaret b. 1862Mary b. 1857Nathaniel b. 1827Philip b. 1932Sarah b. about 1725Susannah b. 1825William b. 1849
- Gell
Ellen Irene b. 1919, d. 1984
- Gent
Edward J b. 1921George S b. 1924Israel b. 1892, d. about 1972Sarah Elizabeth Alice b. 1890, d. 1945
- Gentle
Benjamin Harper b. 1862, d. about 1911Emma b. 1812Fanny b. about 1865Frank b. about 1892Fred b. about 1894Frederick William b. about 1894Harry b. about 1898Jack b. 1895John b. about 1813John b. 1895Mary Ann b. 1821William b. 1811
- George
Charlotte b. 1821Ethel Jane b. about 1891, d. 1975Robert b. about 1974, d. 2004Sarah b. about 1710, d. before 1744
- German
Sarah b. 1799, d. about 1883
- Gerrard
Alice b. about 1915Alice Victoria b. about 1887Ann b. 1821Ann b. 1850, d. before 1861Audrey b. about 1915Bertha Pasque b. 1889Elizabeth b. 1817, d. before 1871George Harold b. 1885Harriet b. about 1850James b. 1826John b. 1850, d. before 1913John Frederick b. about 1882, d. 1915John Frederick b. 1916, d. about 1966Joseph b. 1826Mary b. 1852Nellie b. about 1915William b. 1786, d. after 1849William b. 1815William b. 1854William J b. about 1879William Thomas b. about 1879
- Getliffe
Robert b. about 1830Sarah Jane b. 1858, d. about 1944
- Gharamohammadi
Tania Louise b. 1965, d. 1990
- Gibbons
Ann b. about 1833Minnie b. 1895, d. 1972
- Gibbs
Phyllis Winifred b. 1901, d. after 1950
- Gibson
Alexander Bone b. about 1840Alice b. 1903, d. about 1979Annie Spiers b. about 1841Dorothea b. 1895Ellen b. 1924, d. 2009
Irene Madeline b. 1907, d. 1997
John b. about 1839Kate b. 1873Kenneth Duncan b. about 1907Mary Jane b. 1867, d. 1949
Nora May b. 1906Thomas William b. 1879William b. 1902 - Giddings
Frances b. 1614Mary b. about 1826Thomas b. about 1622
- Giffard
Agnes b. about 1045Rohese b. about 1035, d. after 1113Walter b. about 1045, d. after 1102
- Giggle
Alfred b. 1835Edwin b. 1832Esther b. about 1840, d. about 1915Isaac b. 1831Mary b. 1812Mary A b. 1875, d. about 1900Mary Hannah b. 1875, d. about 1900Robert b. about 1810, d. before 1861Saville b. 1839, d. about 1916
- Gilbert
Andrew b. 1838Eliza b. 1873James b. 1876Margaret b. 1870Mark b. 1868Mary Ann b. 1865Sylvana b. 1842, d. about 1896
- Gilbey
Eliza b. 1821
- Gill
Alice b. 1893Amy b. 1884, d. about 1949Amy Georgina b. 1869, d. about 1943Ann Alice b. 1855, d. 1936Charles b. 1860Fred b. 1862George b. 1845Jane Elizabeth b. 1854John b. 1832John Thomas b. 1858Maria b. 1843Mary Ann b. 1852Sarah b. 1825Sarah b. 1856Sarah Webster b. 1854Thomas b. about 1875William b. 1824, d. before 1889William b. about 1856
- Gillespie
Bithiah Elizabeth May b. about 1893, d. 1983Evelyn Marie b. 1928, d. 1994Theodore b. 1921, d. 2000
- Gillete
Maria b. 1846, d. about 1894
- Gillett
Joseph Edwin b. about 1922, d. 1991Maria b. 1846, d. about 1894Venitta Joyce b. 1922, d. 2002
- Gillman
Hilda Maria b. 1884, d. about 1961Joseph b. about 1744Sarah b. about 1745, d. 1813
- Gillott
Charles b. 1838Hannah b. 1855William b. about 1810, d. before 1896
- Gilmore
Charles b. about 1874Estella Maud b. 1902, d. 1985Estelle M b. 1902, d. 1985Esther b. about 1874
- Gilpin
Martha Lee b. 1930, d. 2005Marvin E b. about 1930
- Gilson
Charlotte b. 1843George b. 1859John b. 1845Margaret b. 1830Margaret b. 1848Mary b. 1820, d. about 1857Mary b. 1853Moses b. 1856Peter b. 1860Sarah Ann b. 1847Thomas b. 1844William b. about 1821William Dennerley b. 1850, d. about 1861
- Ginger
Charles b. 1824, d. about 1877Daisy b. about 1885David b. about 1857, d. about 1914David b. about 1857, d. about 1914Elizabeth Daisy b. about 1885Emma b. 1858, d. about 1904Fanny b. 1825Fanny b. about 1865Frances Emma b. about 1877Harriet b. 1866Lettie b. 1874Maggie b. about 1889Margaret b. about 1889Rose b. about 1880Rosey b. about 1859Rosina b. about 1880Rosiner b. about 1880Rosini b. about 1859Sarah Ann b. about 1878Unknown b. about 1855
- Glanfield
Maria b. 1819, d. about 1864
- Glannan
Ada Jane b. 1868Anthony Maurice b. 1907, d. 1907Eileen Clare b. 1893Eva Mary b. 1899John Leo b. 1907, d. 1907Lillian Ellen b. 1904Otto James b. 1901, d. 1968Patrick b. about 1865Patrick John b. 1892, d. 1964Veronica Agnes b. 1897
- Glaspool
Sarah b. between 1806 and 1811
- Glasspool
Sarah b. between 1806 and 1811
- Glazer
David b. about 1910Sophie b. 1912, d. 1994
- Gledhill
Arthur b. 1902Hannah b. about 1794James b. 1858Jane b. between 1816 and 1821John b. about 1794Joseph b. 1854Samuel b. about 1874Sarah b. 1902, d. about 1994Thomas b. 1856William b. about 1816
- Glen
Jane b. about 1860
- Gloag
Henry Alexander b. 1996, d. 2003
- Gloster
Frederick James b. 1891, d. 1962Mary Ellen b. 1891, d. 1978
- Glover
Annie b. 1881, d. 1954Ethel b. 1886Florence Lilian b. 1916George H b. about 1916Jessie b. 1909, d. 1993Mathew Ward b. 1854Sarah Miranda b. 1857William b. about 1920
- Godard
Alice b. about 1531Charles b. about 1529, d. before 1591Edward b. about 1535Elzabeth b. about 1537Henry b. about 1525, d. before 1591John b. about 1500, d. between 1559 and 1560John b. about 1527Mary b. 1822, d. about 1899Nicholas b. about 1539Roger b. about 1533
- Godart
Alice b. about 1531Alyce b. about 1531Charles b. about 1529, d. before 1591Dorothe b. about 1556Edward b. about 1535Edwarde b. about 1535Elizabeth b. about 1554, d. 1634Elyn b. about 1550Elzabeth b. about 1537Henre b. about 1525, d. before 1591Henry b. about 1525, d. before 1591John b. about 1500, d. between 1559 and 1560Nicholas b. about 1539Nycholas b. about 1539Roger b. about 1533Unknown b. about 1500
- Godber
Ethel May b. 1899, d. 1993
- Godbye
Amy Gertrude b. 1876, d. 1947
- Goddard
(?) b. about 1574Ada b. 1909Agnes b. 1898Alice b. about 1531Ann b. about 1560Ann b. about 1772Ben b. 1858Benjamin b. between 1823 and 1826Benjamin b. 1848Charles b. about 1529, d. before 1591Dorothy b. about 1556Edward b. about 1535Eliza b. 1830Eliza b. about 1871Elizabeth b. about 1554, d. 1634Elizabeth b. about 1600Ella M b. 1904Elsbeth b. about 1554, d. 1634Elsie b. 1901Elyn b. about 1550Elzabeth b. about 1537Eunice E b. 1843, d. about 1881Fanny b. 1783, d. 1857Florence b. 1906Florence May b. 1900
- Goddard (cont.)
George b. 1850George b. about 1919Gertrude b. 1903Hannah b. about 1801Harry b. 1855Henry b. about 1525, d. before 1591Henry b. 1822Hilda b. about 1913James b. about 1781, d. 1805James b. about 1794James William b. 1902Joane b. about 1602, d. 1657John b. about 1500, d. between 1559 and 1560John b. about 1527John b. about 1772John b. between 1791 and 1796John b. 1828John b. 1846John William b. 1874Joseph b. 1836Margaret b. about 1525Martha b. about 1690Martha b. about 1793, d. before 1841Mary b. 1822, d. about 1899Mary Ann b. about 1876
- Goddard (cont.)
May b. 1919, d. about 1989Nellie b. 1894Nicholas b. about 1539Roger b. about 1533Ronald b. about 1912Sally b. 1805, d. 1805Sarah b. 1844Sarah Ann b. 1859, d. about 1943Sarah Elizabeth b. 1842, d. 1924Spencer b. 1831Susannah b. 1820Unknown b. about 1574Unknown b. about 1574Walter b. about 1896William b. about 1662William b. about 1910Winifred Louisa b. about 1907Winifred Louise b. about 1907
- Goddarde
Elizabeth b. about 1600
- Godden
Hannah b. 1862
- Goddert
Ann b. about 1560John b. about 1527Margaret b. about 1525
- Godebye
Amy Gertrude b. 1876, d. 1947
- Godfrey
Elizabeth b. about 1584Elizabeth b. 1881, d. 1971Ernest b. 1884Ethel May b. 1909Evelyn E b. 1911Hilda M b. 1914
- Godfry
Elizabeth b. about 1584
- Godley
David b. 1884Florence b. 1883George b. 1916Joseph b. about 1856Lillie b. 1911Lily b. 1911Margaret b. about 1856