Mary (?)
ID# 6351, b. 1775, d. 30 March 1839
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Mary (?) was born in 1775 at Tintwistle, Cheshire, England,

Mary (?) married Joseph Dearnaley, son of John Dearnaley and Elizabeth Judson, about 1800
We currently have only one pair of candidates for this marriage, but it does require both parties to be resident in Almondbury parish in 1801.
see Mary Roebuck.

Mary (?) died on 30 March 1839 at Tintwistle, Cheshire, England, at age 64 years
from gravestone
Tintwistle Independent Chapel
Old Chapel Yard, Tintwistle, Cheshire
Memorial Inscription:
In memory of Joseph DEARNALEY late of Tintwistle departed this life October 16th 1834 aged 66 years. (b 1768) Also of Mary relict of aforesaid Joseph DEARNALEY who departed this life March 30th 1839 aged 63 years. Also of John their son who departed this life June 25th 1818 aged 17 years. Also of James DEARNALEY their son who departed this life January 22nd 1840 in the 37th year of his age.
see Churchyard Inscriptions page.
Tintwistle Independent Chapel
Old Chapel Yard, Tintwistle, Cheshire
Memorial Inscription:
In memory of Joseph DEARNALEY late of Tintwistle departed this life October 16th 1834 aged 66 years. (b 1768) Also of Mary relict of aforesaid Joseph DEARNALEY who departed this life March 30th 1839 aged 63 years. Also of John their son who departed this life June 25th 1818 aged 17 years. Also of James DEARNALEY their son who departed this life January 22nd 1840 in the 37th year of his age.
see Churchyard Inscriptions page.
Children of Mary (?) and Joseph Dearnaley
- John Dearnalley b. 11 Nov 1801, d. 25 Jun 1818
- James Dearnaley+ b. 8 Mar 1804, d. 22 Jan 1840
- Thomas Dearnaley+ b. 13 Jun 1806, d. 31 Mar 1866
- William Dearnaley+ b. 11 Sep 1808, d. 30 Oct 1878
- Joseph Dearnaley+ b. 24 Feb 1811, d. 16 Sep 1870
- Ann Dearnaley+ b. 3 Jan 1815, d. Dec 1891
- Ralph Dearnaley+ b. 1 Feb 1817, d. 1894
Elizabeth Sophia Lister
ID# 6353, b. 30 March 1892
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Elizabeth Sophia Lister was born on 30 March 1892 at Charters Towers, Queensland, Australia,

Elizabeth Sophia Lister married Ralph Taylor Dearnaley, son of Ralph Dearnaley and Margaret Loague, on 22 November 1937 at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia,

in 1949 Elizabeth Sophia Lister lived at Newcastle street, Fairfield, Queensland, Australia,
996 Dearnaley, Elizabeth Sophia home duties
997 Dearnaley, Ralph
Place Of Living: Newcastle st., Fairfield
Sub Division: Stephens Division: Griffith
Queensland, Australia, Electoral Roll 1949.
997 Dearnaley, Ralph
Place Of Living: Newcastle st., Fairfield
Sub Division: Stephens Division: Griffith
Queensland, Australia, Electoral Roll 1949.
Ralph Dearnaley
ID# 6354, b. about April 1840, d. 12 June 1883
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Ralph Dearnaley was born about April 1840 at Ashton-under-Lyne R.D., Cheshire, England,
Ralph Dearnaley was the son of William Dearnaley and Elizabeth Taylor.

Ralph Dearnaley emigrated between March 1863 and July 1863 to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia,
Ralph Dearnley; age 22; Single; Cotton operative
Departure date: 2 Mar 1863 Ship's departure port: London
Arrival date: 6 Jul 1863 Arrival port: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Ship name: Beejapore Ship's master:Edward B Drenning
Comments: The Beejapore sailed from London (2 Mar) via Queenstown (21 Mar) to Brisbane and Keppel Bay; passenger from London; entry crossed out.
from transcription only
....The four young men, of which " New Chum" formed one, received a free passage as operatives, on the application of the Rev. Mr. Slater, of Hadfield, near Manchester, who applied to my oflice for them....
---The names of the four young men were -- Jonas Booth, William Hampoon, Ralph Dearnley, and Eli Oldham....
Friday 29 January 1864 The Courier (Brisbane, Qld) p.3.

Ralph Dearnaley married Margaret Loague on 11 May 1868
DEARNALEY-LOAGUE-- On the 11 May, at the residence of Mr. A. S. Orr, Wharf-street, by the Rev. B. G. Wilson, B.M., Mr. Ralph Dearnley, of Clermont, late of Tintwistle, Cheshire, England, to Miss Margaret, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Robert Loague, of Brisbane.
Wednesday 13 May 1868 The Brisbane Courier (Qld.)

in 1876 at Maryborough, Queensland, Australia, Ralph Dearnaley was a Storekeeper.

EMBEZZLEMENT.-Joseph Flatman pleaded not guilty to a charge of embezzling money and goods, the property of R. Dearnaley. Mr. Melbourne appeared for the prosecution, Mr. O'Reilly (from the office of Messrs. R. R. Jones and Brown) for the prisoner.-Detective Barry deposed to the arrest of prisoner, by virtue of a warrant produced ; in company with Mr. Dearnaley, witness went to prisoner's lodgings, and searched his portmanteau, in which he found some papers ; on prisoner's person found £3 10s. in money ; then went to the A.S.N. Co.'s store, and seized five cases of goods which were claimed by Mr. Dearnaly and prisoner ; then brought prisoner to the lockup. - Ralph Dearnaley, storekeeper at Maryborough, deposed that about twelve months ago be first met prisoner, who brought to him a letter of introduction from Mr. Friend, of Gladstone ; soon after that prisoner entered witness' service as bookkeeper and assistant in the store ; about October 27, 1875, had a conversation with prisoner in reference to his leaving for Rockhampton ; told prisoner he wanted him to take surplus stock there, to engage a small store, open out the stock then being shipped, and sell it in his own name, for cash ; to bank the proceeds, less his expenses of board, lodging, and advertising, at the Bank of New South Wales ; prisoner said he would do his best for witness, and felt much obliged for having such trust put in him; then gave prisoner a cheque for about £8 to pay his fare to Rockhampton, and told prisoner if be wanted more money before he commenced to sell, he might call upon Mr. Friend at Gladstone and ask him to give a cheque on witness' account ; gave prisoner a letter of introduction to Mr. Jaggard, Rockhampton ; prisoner saw the letter written, and heard it read subsequently by witness ; also gave prisoner a letter to the Bank of New South Wales, Rockhampton ; invoices of goods then on the steamer were made out by prisoner and taken away with bim ; believed prisoner had no property, as he said so himself, and that he could not afford to stay in Maryborough ; he was a married man, and bis wife resided in that town ; the letter produced was received by witness from prisoner after he got to Rockhampton (letters from witness to prisoner were put in and read) ; sent prisoner about £500 worth of goods after the first lot ; received in all £209 from the prisoner ; also a number of telegrams ; on Sunday last witness arrived in Rockhampton, and saw prisoner the following day; had not seen him during the time between the day on which he left Maryborough and Monday last ; during prisoner's absence from that town witness paid £10 to bis wife on his account ; the last payment made to the bank by prisoner on witness' account was on 3rd January of the present year ; when witness saw prisoner on Monday last demanded the goods, money, an account, and books, to which prisoner replied that he was not prepared inst then, as there were some accounts he had to pay or see about ; asked for them as they were, but prisoner refused, and said he would give them at Maryborough ; endeavoured to get the goods from the A.S.N. Co.'s store ; there identified five cases as bis property, and they were taken possession of subsequently by Detective Barry ; on the 29th, previous to the seizure of the goods, saw prisoner in presence of the detective at Osborne House ; again demanded the goods, &c, but prisoner would not give them ; on let instant saw prisoner again and asked him if he would swear he purchased the goods from witness, to which prisoner replied, " I'll swear anything if you push me ;" subsequently laid an information ; had not received the balance of money due on the goods from prisoner ; be was never a partner with witness ; never gave him permission to act for anyone else whilst in witness's employment, or to sell on commission apart from witness.-Mr. O'Reilly said he was not in a position to cross-examine the witness, as all prisoner's books and papers were taken from his possession, and he (Mr. O'Reilly) required an adjournment for the I purpose of receiving instructions from bis client-The case was then adjourned until the following (this) morning; bail allowed prisoner in £100, and two sureties of £60.
Friday 3 March 1876 Rockhampton Bulletin (Qld.)
Friday 3 March 1876 Rockhampton Bulletin (Qld.)

Ralph Dearnaley, of Maryborough and Mount Perry, was adjudicated insolvent on his own petition ; first meeting, April 22 ; statement,
Tuesday 4 April 1876 The Brisbane Courier (Qld)
Insolvency Examination.
An examination m the insolvent estate of Ralph Dearnaley, of Maryborough, storekeeper, was held before his Honor Mr Justice Lilley, yesterday Mr Garrick appeared for the trustee, and Mr Beor, instructed by Mr Macpherson, for the insolvent The examination of the insolvent was not finished when his Honor rose at 3 o clock in the afternoon From the evidence it appeared that the insolvent commenced business as a grocer with a capital of £300 or £400, in the year 1871 , that at the end of tho first year he had a surplus of £640, and at the end of the second £1200 After that he entered also into the drapery business, but had made no balance for the years 1S73 or 1874, but a rough balance was made in 1875; also took stock in February, 1876, but made no balance , the profits of the drapery business varied from 20 to 50 per cent. in addition to the cost of the goods landed in Maryborough , the profits of the grocery business varied according to the state of the markets; his banking account was opened with the Bank of New South Wales, but he subsequently had an account with the Queensland National Bank in February, 1875 but the second account was closed and another opened in February, 1876 the last mentioned account was for the receipt of trust money, but on one or two occasions other than trust money was paid into that account. He was also examined at some length regarding his transactions with a Mr Joseph Flatmann, who was commissioned by him to take a quantity of goods to Rockhampton for sale in October last. The insolvent was further interrogated concerning some goods which he sold to a Mr Hounsell, of Rockhampton on March 9, 1876; he stated that be had dishonored bills on March 4; was about that time arranging to meet his creditors; shipped goods to Hounsell to the amount of £118 13s 1d on March 9, and £57 15s 7d worth on March 11 , that was all , drew upon Hounsell to the full amount for those goods; could not tell the state of his current account on March 9; gave the drafts to the bank for acceptance and return , did not know whether they were accepted ; was not advised by any one to that effect; they were never returned to insolvent; did not know whether either of these drafts was ever paid; got an advance of £100 on some furniture, about February 20, 1876, from a man named Ransley, this arrangement was made at
Maryborough; the furniture was valued by insolvent at £1S6 10s. att that time; it was removed to Ransley's, some of it in the evening after dark ; Mr A. S. Orr married insolvents wife's sister, received a cheque for £100 from Ransley; paid it to his brother through Mr Orr on account of his salary; he was at Mount Perry; kept a press letter-book in his business; thought he sent a letter to Mr Orr, in which the cheque was enclosed , had no press copy of that letter; there were pages cut out of the letter-book; in some instances he knew who cut them out; some he gave to the trustee; some might have been cut out without insolvent 's knowledge; had often given blank leaves out of it; had cut some out; the pages between pages 64 and 74 were cut out; the letter preceding page 64 was dated February, 1S76; and that on page 74 was April 27, 1876 the cheque was drawn on the Bank of New South Wales; the proceeds of it were received by insolvent's brother, and he had given credit for it.
The examination was then adjourned until Monday, September l8, it half past ten o clock.
Saturday 2 September 1876 The Brisbane Courier (Qld)
continued: Wednesday 8 November 1876 The Brisbane Courier (Qld) see
In the Supreme Court, in Insolvency, yesterday, before his Honor Sir James Cockle, Chief Justice, in the estate of Ralph Dearnaley, of Maryborough, storekeeper, on the application of Mr. Macpherson, a certificate of discharge was granted to the insolvent. The application was made under subsection 2 of section 167, being based upon a resolution of creditors recommending the granting of the certificate, on the ground that the insolvency had arisen from circumstances for which the insolvent could not justly be held responsible.
Tuesday 30 April 1878 The Brisbane Courier (Qld.)
Tuesday 4 April 1876 The Brisbane Courier (Qld)
Insolvency Examination.
An examination m the insolvent estate of Ralph Dearnaley, of Maryborough, storekeeper, was held before his Honor Mr Justice Lilley, yesterday Mr Garrick appeared for the trustee, and Mr Beor, instructed by Mr Macpherson, for the insolvent The examination of the insolvent was not finished when his Honor rose at 3 o clock in the afternoon From the evidence it appeared that the insolvent commenced business as a grocer with a capital of £300 or £400, in the year 1871 , that at the end of tho first year he had a surplus of £640, and at the end of the second £1200 After that he entered also into the drapery business, but had made no balance for the years 1S73 or 1874, but a rough balance was made in 1875; also took stock in February, 1876, but made no balance , the profits of the drapery business varied from 20 to 50 per cent. in addition to the cost of the goods landed in Maryborough , the profits of the grocery business varied according to the state of the markets; his banking account was opened with the Bank of New South Wales, but he subsequently had an account with the Queensland National Bank in February, 1875 but the second account was closed and another opened in February, 1876 the last mentioned account was for the receipt of trust money, but on one or two occasions other than trust money was paid into that account. He was also examined at some length regarding his transactions with a Mr Joseph Flatmann, who was commissioned by him to take a quantity of goods to Rockhampton for sale in October last. The insolvent was further interrogated concerning some goods which he sold to a Mr Hounsell, of Rockhampton on March 9, 1876; he stated that be had dishonored bills on March 4; was about that time arranging to meet his creditors; shipped goods to Hounsell to the amount of £118 13s 1d on March 9, and £57 15s 7d worth on March 11 , that was all , drew upon Hounsell to the full amount for those goods; could not tell the state of his current account on March 9; gave the drafts to the bank for acceptance and return , did not know whether they were accepted ; was not advised by any one to that effect; they were never returned to insolvent; did not know whether either of these drafts was ever paid; got an advance of £100 on some furniture, about February 20, 1876, from a man named Ransley, this arrangement was made at
Maryborough; the furniture was valued by insolvent at £1S6 10s. att that time; it was removed to Ransley's, some of it in the evening after dark ; Mr A. S. Orr married insolvents wife's sister, received a cheque for £100 from Ransley; paid it to his brother through Mr Orr on account of his salary; he was at Mount Perry; kept a press letter-book in his business; thought he sent a letter to Mr Orr, in which the cheque was enclosed , had no press copy of that letter; there were pages cut out of the letter-book; in some instances he knew who cut them out; some he gave to the trustee; some might have been cut out without insolvent 's knowledge; had often given blank leaves out of it; had cut some out; the pages between pages 64 and 74 were cut out; the letter preceding page 64 was dated February, 1S76; and that on page 74 was April 27, 1876 the cheque was drawn on the Bank of New South Wales; the proceeds of it were received by insolvent's brother, and he had given credit for it.
The examination was then adjourned until Monday, September l8, it half past ten o clock.
Saturday 2 September 1876 The Brisbane Courier (Qld)
continued: Wednesday 8 November 1876 The Brisbane Courier (Qld) see
In the Supreme Court, in Insolvency, yesterday, before his Honor Sir James Cockle, Chief Justice, in the estate of Ralph Dearnaley, of Maryborough, storekeeper, on the application of Mr. Macpherson, a certificate of discharge was granted to the insolvent. The application was made under subsection 2 of section 167, being based upon a resolution of creditors recommending the granting of the certificate, on the ground that the insolvency had arisen from circumstances for which the insolvent could not justly be held responsible.
Tuesday 30 April 1878 The Brisbane Courier (Qld.)

in August 1881 Ralph Dearnaley was a Ralph Dearnaley was an accountant in the employ of Messrs. Box and Son.

Ralph Dearnaley died on 12 June 1883 at Breakfast Creek, Queensland, Australia,
DEARNALEY.-On the 12th June, at his residence, Breakfast Creek, Ralph Dearnaley, aged 43 years.
Saturday 16 June 1883 The Brisbane Courier (Qld.)
Saturday 16 June 1883 The Brisbane Courier (Qld.)

Probate was granted on his estate on 30 June 1883
First Name: Ralph
Last Name: Dearnaley
Residence: Brisbane
Country Of Residence: Queensland, Australia
Notes: Insurance agent
Type: Will
Court: Brisbane
Date: 30 June 1883
Page: 1715
Country: Australia
State: Queensland
Category: Vital Records (Birth, Marriage, Death)
Record collection: Wills & probate.
Last Name: Dearnaley
Residence: Brisbane
Country Of Residence: Queensland, Australia
Notes: Insurance agent
Type: Will
Court: Brisbane
Date: 30 June 1883
Page: 1715
Country: Australia
State: Queensland
Category: Vital Records (Birth, Marriage, Death)
Record collection: Wills & probate.
Children of Ralph Dearnaley and Margaret Loague
- William Robert Dearnaley+ b. 28 Oct 1870, d. 6 Dec 1909
- Arthur Frederick Dearnaley b. 1874, d. 8 Nov 1918
- Edgar Samuel Dearnaley+ b. 9 Jan 1876, d. 5 Jan 1945
- Ralph Taylor Dearnaley b. 26 Nov 1878, d. 18 Sep 1963
- Margaret Etheline Dearnaley b. 19 Mar 1880
- Katherine Mary Elizabeth Dearnaley b. 29 Oct 1881, d. Apr 1968
- Annie Adair Dearnaley b. 27 Nov 1883, d. 1951
Mary Dearnaley
ID# 6355, b. 29 May 1837, d. 27 March 1914
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Mary Dearnaley was born on 29 May 1837 at Tintwistle, Cheshire, England,
Mary Dearnaley was the daughter of William Dearnaley and Elizabeth Taylor.

Mary Dearnaley was baptised on 25 June 1837 at Wesleyan Methodist, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
'Mary The Daughter of Wm & Elizth Dearnaley of Tintwistle in the Parish of Mottram was born May 29. 1837 and baptized June 25. 1837 by me Thos Armson(?)'

Mary Dearnaley left a will on 12 November 1908 at 117 Cocker Hill, Tintwistle, Cheshire, England.
Will of Mary Dearnaley Tintwistle
daughter of William Dearnaley (1808-1878) & Elizabeth Taylor
This is the last will and testament of Mary Dearnaley of No 117
Cocker Hill Tintwistle in the county of Chester Spinster I hereby revoke all wills and
testamentary instruments heretofore by me made I give and bequeath my framed
photograph of myself to Nancy Pogson wife of Augustus Pogson I give and bequeath my
framed photograph of my mother to Sarah Jane Wildgoose wife of James Wildgoose I give
and bequeath my framed photograph of my father to Ellen Dearnley of 96 Old Road
Tintwistle Spinster I give and bequeath to James Wildgoose and Augustus Pogson a
pecuniary legacy of Two pounds ten shillings each free of legacy duty on condition that
they prove this my Will And after payment of my just debts funeral and testamentary
expenses I give devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my estate
and effects whatsoever and wherever and of what nature or kind soever unto
and equally between and amongst the children (who shall be living at the time
of my death) of my late Brothers Ralph and Timothy formerley of Australia And
I appoint the said James Wildgoose (of Tintwistle) and Augustus Pogson (of Hadfield)
Executors of this my will As witness my hand this twelth day of November one
thousand nine hundred and eight _____ Mary Dearnaley ___ Signed by
the said Mary Dearnaley the Testator as and for her last Will in the presence
of us both present at the same time who in her presence at her request and in the
presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses ________
Mr Osbaldeston 115 Manchester Road Tintwistle Assistant Overseer _________
Emma Moorhouse 36 Woodhead Road Tintwistle ______________________
On the 7th May 1914 Probate of this will was granted at Chester to
James Wildgoose and Augustus Pogson the Executors_________________
transcribed by Mark E Dearnley
Nancy Pogson wife of Augustus Pogson
Sarah Jane Wildgoose wife of James Wildgoose (born Sarah Jane Bramhall)
Ellen Dearnley spinster 6384 - daughter of Wright Dearnley & Mary’s first cousin (1 time removed)
my late Brothers Ralph and Timothy formerley of Australia.
daughter of William Dearnaley (1808-1878) & Elizabeth Taylor
This is the last will and testament of Mary Dearnaley of No 117
Cocker Hill Tintwistle in the county of Chester Spinster I hereby revoke all wills and
testamentary instruments heretofore by me made I give and bequeath my framed
photograph of myself to Nancy Pogson wife of Augustus Pogson I give and bequeath my
framed photograph of my mother to Sarah Jane Wildgoose wife of James Wildgoose I give
and bequeath my framed photograph of my father to Ellen Dearnley of 96 Old Road
Tintwistle Spinster I give and bequeath to James Wildgoose and Augustus Pogson a
pecuniary legacy of Two pounds ten shillings each free of legacy duty on condition that
they prove this my Will And after payment of my just debts funeral and testamentary
expenses I give devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my estate
and effects whatsoever and wherever and of what nature or kind soever unto
and equally between and amongst the children (who shall be living at the time
of my death) of my late Brothers Ralph and Timothy formerley of Australia And
I appoint the said James Wildgoose (of Tintwistle) and Augustus Pogson (of Hadfield)
Executors of this my will As witness my hand this twelth day of November one
thousand nine hundred and eight _____ Mary Dearnaley ___ Signed by
the said Mary Dearnaley the Testator as and for her last Will in the presence
of us both present at the same time who in her presence at her request and in the
presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses ________
Mr Osbaldeston 115 Manchester Road Tintwistle Assistant Overseer _________
Emma Moorhouse 36 Woodhead Road Tintwistle ______________________
On the 7th May 1914 Probate of this will was granted at Chester to
James Wildgoose and Augustus Pogson the Executors_________________
transcribed by Mark E Dearnley
Nancy Pogson wife of Augustus Pogson
Sarah Jane Wildgoose wife of James Wildgoose (born Sarah Jane Bramhall)
Ellen Dearnley spinster 6384 - daughter of Wright Dearnley & Mary’s first cousin (1 time removed)
my late Brothers Ralph and Timothy formerley of Australia.

Mary Dearnaley died on 27 March 1914 at 117 Cocker Hill, Tintwistle, Ashton-under-Lyne R.D., Cheshire, England, at age 76 years, 9 months and 27 days
recorded as age 76.

Probate was granted on her estate on 7 May 1914 at Chester, Cheshire, England,
DEARNALEY Mary of 117 Cocker-hill Tintwistle Cheshire spinster.
Probate to James Wildgoose caretaker and Augustus Pogson cotton operative.
Effects £110 8s.
England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966.
Probate to James Wildgoose caretaker and Augustus Pogson cotton operative.
Effects £110 8s.
England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966.
Child of Mary Dearnaley
- Mary Dearnaly b. 1868
James Dearnaley
ID# 6356, b. 9 December 1833, d. about November 1885

Daughter Sarah's dates do not fit with marriage. Believe Sarah may be adopted daughter.

James Dearnaley was born on 9 December 1833 at Tintwistle, Cheshire, England,
James Dearnaley was the son of William Dearnaley and Elizabeth Taylor.

James Dearnaley was baptised on 2 February 1834 at Hadfield Chapel (Wesleyan), Hadfield, Glossop Parish, Derbyshire, England,
'James The son of William and Elizabeth Dernaley of Tintwistle in the Parish of Mottram, was born Decr 9th 1833 and Baptized Feby 2nd 1834 - By Jos. Jackson.'

in 1866 James Dearnaley lived at Stayley, Cheshire, England,

in 1866 James Dearnaley was a Spinner.

James Dearnaley married Susan Dearnaley, daughter of Aaron Dearnerley and Mary Cheetham, on 11 March 1866 at St. Paul's Church, Stayley, Cheshire, England,
James Dearnaley full age Bachelor, Spinner res: Stayley fa: William Dearnaley, Collector
Susan Dearnaley full Age Spinster, Twister res: Stayley fa: Aaron Dearnaley, Twister
James signed and Susan made her mark
Witnesses: Frank Ives & Charlotte Dearnaley
No known relationship of James & Susan prior to marriage.
James Dearnaley became the adoptive father of Sarah Dearnaley; about 1867

William Dearnaley late of Tintwistle in the Parish of Mottram in Longdendale
The Will was proved by James Dearnaley of Tintwistle Cotton Spinner the Son and Martha Dearnaley of 94 Butler-street in the City of Manchester Spinster the Daughter the Executors.
Effects under £450
England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966.
The Will was proved by James Dearnaley of Tintwistle Cotton Spinner the Son and Martha Dearnaley of 94 Butler-street in the City of Manchester Spinster the Daughter the Executors.
Effects under £450
England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966.

James Dearnaley died about November 1885 at Mottram in Longdendale, Ashton-under-Lyne R.D., Cheshire, England,
recorded as James Dearnaley, age 52, Ashton R.D.
Child of James Dearnaley and Susan Dearnaley
- Mary Dearnaley b. 1867
John Dearnaley
ID# 6357, b. 6 February 1836
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Initially thought that this might be the John D who married Betty Broadbent & emigrated to Australia.
see John Dearnley
However his age is slightly off from marriage & death information & father William's occupation do not fit.
This John's siblings settled in Queensland, Australia - the other John in Victoria.
see John Dearnley
However his age is slightly off from marriage & death information & father William's occupation do not fit.
This John's siblings settled in Queensland, Australia - the other John in Victoria.

John Dearnaley was born on 6 February 1836 at Tintwistle, Mottram in Longdendale Parish, Cheshire, England,
John Dearnaley was the son of William Dearnaley and Elizabeth Taylor.

John Dearnaley was baptised on 25 February 1836 at Wesleyan Methodist, Glossop, Derbyshire, England,
'John the son of William & Betty Dernally of Tintwistle in the Parish of Mottram, Cotton Spinner, born Febry 6th 1836, & baptized Febry 25th 1836 by me Thos Armson(?)'.
Margaret Loague
ID# 6358, b. about 1850
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Margaret Loague was born about 1850

Margaret Loague married Ralph Dearnaley, son of William Dearnaley and Elizabeth Taylor, on 11 May 1868
DEARNALEY-LOAGUE-- On the 11 May, at the residence of Mr. A. S. Orr, Wharf-street, by the Rev. B. G. Wilson, B.M., Mr. Ralph Dearnley, of Clermont, late of Tintwistle, Cheshire, England, to Miss Margaret, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Robert Loague, of Brisbane.
Wednesday 13 May 1868 The Brisbane Courier (Qld.)

in 1903 Margaret Loague lived at Barrakee, Hamilton, Queensland, Australia,
Queensland, Australia, Electoral Roll 1903
326 Dearnaley, Arthur Frederick clerk
327 Dearnaley, Edgar Samuel commercial traveller
328 Dearnaley, Kathleen Mary Elizabeth domestic duties
329 Dearnaley, Margaret domestic duties
330 Dearnaley, Margaret Eveline domestic duties
331 Dearnaley, Ralph Taylor civil servant
Place Of Living: Barrakee, Hamilton
Polling Place: Clayfield
Division: Brisbane
State: Queensland, Australia.
326 Dearnaley, Arthur Frederick clerk
327 Dearnaley, Edgar Samuel commercial traveller
328 Dearnaley, Kathleen Mary Elizabeth domestic duties
329 Dearnaley, Margaret domestic duties
330 Dearnaley, Margaret Eveline domestic duties
331 Dearnaley, Ralph Taylor civil servant
Place Of Living: Barrakee, Hamilton
Polling Place: Clayfield
Division: Brisbane
State: Queensland, Australia.

1461 Dearnaley, Annie Adair public servant
1462 Dearnaley, Arthur Frederick public servant
1463 Dearnaley, Katherine Mary Elizabeth home duties
1464 Dearnaley, Margaret home duties
1465 Dearnaley, Margaret Etheline
Place Of Living: Barrakee, Tower Hill, Hamilton
Sub Division: Toombul
Division: Lilley
State: Queensland
Country: Australia
Queensland, Australia, Electoral Roll 1913.
1462 Dearnaley, Arthur Frederick public servant
1463 Dearnaley, Katherine Mary Elizabeth home duties
1464 Dearnaley, Margaret home duties
1465 Dearnaley, Margaret Etheline
Place Of Living: Barrakee, Tower Hill, Hamilton
Sub Division: Toombul
Division: Lilley
State: Queensland
Country: Australia
Queensland, Australia, Electoral Roll 1913.
Children of Margaret Loague and Ralph Dearnaley
- William Robert Dearnaley+ b. 28 Oct 1870, d. 6 Dec 1909
- Arthur Frederick Dearnaley b. 1874, d. 8 Nov 1918
- Edgar Samuel Dearnaley+ b. 9 Jan 1876, d. 5 Jan 1945
- Ralph Taylor Dearnaley b. 26 Nov 1878, d. 18 Sep 1963
- Margaret Etheline Dearnaley b. 19 Mar 1880
- Katherine Mary Elizabeth Dearnaley b. 29 Oct 1881, d. Apr 1968
- Annie Adair Dearnaley b. 27 Nov 1883, d. 1951
Margaret Etheline Dearnaley
ID# 6359, b. 19 March 1880
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

Margaret Etheline Dearnaley was born on 19 March 1880 at Queensland, Australia,
Margaret Etheline Dearnaley was the daughter of Ralph Dearnaley and Margaret Loague.

in 1903 Margaret Etheline Dearnaley lived at Barrakee, Hamilton, Queensland, Australia,
Queensland, Australia, Electoral Roll 1903
326 Dearnaley, Arthur Frederick clerk
327 Dearnaley, Edgar Samuel commercial traveller
328 Dearnaley, Kathleen Mary Elizabeth domestic duties
329 Dearnaley, Margaret domestic duties
330 Dearnaley, Margaret Eveline domestic duties
331 Dearnaley, Ralph Taylor civil servant
Place Of Living: Barrakee, Hamilton
Polling Place: Clayfield
Division: Brisbane
State: Queensland, Australia
also found here:
Queensland, Australia, Electoral Roll 1913
Number: 76
Last Name: Dearnaley
First Name: Margaret Etheline
Place Of Living: Coreena Station
Occupation: governess
Gender: F
Sub Division: Barcaldine North
Division: Maranoa
Date: 1913
State: Queensland
Country: Australia.
326 Dearnaley, Arthur Frederick clerk
327 Dearnaley, Edgar Samuel commercial traveller
328 Dearnaley, Kathleen Mary Elizabeth domestic duties
329 Dearnaley, Margaret domestic duties
330 Dearnaley, Margaret Eveline domestic duties
331 Dearnaley, Ralph Taylor civil servant
Place Of Living: Barrakee, Hamilton
Polling Place: Clayfield
Division: Brisbane
State: Queensland, Australia
also found here:
Queensland, Australia, Electoral Roll 1913
Number: 76
Last Name: Dearnaley
First Name: Margaret Etheline
Place Of Living: Coreena Station
Occupation: governess
Gender: F
Sub Division: Barcaldine North
Division: Maranoa
Date: 1913
State: Queensland
Country: Australia.

1461 Dearnaley, Annie Adair public servant
1462 Dearnaley, Arthur Frederick public servant
1463 Dearnaley, Katherine Mary Elizabeth home duties
1464 Dearnaley, Margaret home duties
1465 Dearnaley, Margaret Etheline
Place Of Living: Barrakee, Tower Hill, Hamilton
Sub Division: Toombul
Division: Lilley
State: Queensland
Country: Australia
Queensland, Australia, Electoral Roll 1913.
1462 Dearnaley, Arthur Frederick public servant
1463 Dearnaley, Katherine Mary Elizabeth home duties
1464 Dearnaley, Margaret home duties
1465 Dearnaley, Margaret Etheline
Place Of Living: Barrakee, Tower Hill, Hamilton
Sub Division: Toombul
Division: Lilley
State: Queensland
Country: Australia
Queensland, Australia, Electoral Roll 1913.

Margaret Etheline Dearnaley married Peter Nally in 1922 at Queensland, Australia,
William Robert Dearnaley
ID# 6360, b. 28 October 1870, d. 6 December 1909
- Charts
- Willym Dernely (c.1516-)

William Robert Dearnaley was born on 28 October 1870 at Maryborough, Queensland, Australia,
William Robert Dearnaley was the son of Ralph Dearnaley and Margaret Loague.

A very enjoyable picnic was (says our Redcliffe correspondent) given by Mr. W. R. Dearnaley on Thursday. Eighteen ladies and gentlemen drove from Clayfield to Humpybong in a drag drawn by four horses. Lunch was provided by Mr. Tubbs at Orient House, Redcliffe. After spending about five hours on the beach the party started for home.
Monday 24 October 1892 The Brisbane Courier (Qld.)
Monday 24 October 1892 The Brisbane Courier (Qld.)

William Robert Dearnaley married Charlotte Maria Hartill Butler, daughter of Joseph Harwick Butler and Mary Ann Hartill, on 1 August 1895 at Queensland, Australia,

Thomas Phelan, Stanley street; Harry Phillips, East-street; Lee Sang, East street; John Benstead, Denham-street; William Robert Dearnaley, manager for Messrs. McCord and Co., Denham-street; Frank Langston, East-street; Abdul Aziz, a Cingalee, Bridge-street, North Rockhampton; Frank Power, Bridge-street, North Rockhampton; Alfred Hoggett, East-street; Margaret Constantine, Denham-street; John Ahearn, Central Hotel, Lake's Creek; Annie Byan, William-street; Henry White, manager of the Queensland Agency Company; and A. W Palmer, Quay-street, were all charged with selling tobacco without a license, and each pleaded forgetfulness.
Wednesday 11 August 1897 Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld.)
Thomas Phelan, Stanley street; Harry Phillips, East-street; Lee Sang, East street; John Benstead, Denham-street; William Robert Dearnaley, manager for Messrs. McCord and Co., Denham-street; Frank Langston, East-street; Abdul Aziz, a Cingalee, Bridge-street, North Rockhampton; Frank Power, Bridge-street, North Rockhampton; Alfred Hoggett, East-street; Margaret Constantine, Denham-street; John Ahearn, Central Hotel, Lake's Creek; Annie Byan, William-street; Henry White, manager of the Queensland Agency Company; and A. W Palmer, Quay-street, were all charged with selling tobacco without a license, and each pleaded forgetfulness.
Wednesday 11 August 1897 Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld.)

What might have proved a serious fire occurred at the Golden Cob Store, at the corner of Abbott and Shields Streets, on Tuesday night last. The proprietor. Mr W. R. Dearnley, was putting out a hanging Rochester lamp, when it fell to the floor, the flaming oil fell all over the stock below and the calico screens in front and everything was soon in a blaze. Mr Dearnley at once seized some bags and beat out the flames, but not before about ten pounds worth of, stock had been destroyed. Mr C. S. Aplin, the local agent for the Lancashire Fire Insurance Coy, visited the shop this morning for the purpose of assessing the damages and, with a promptness that will commend itself to intending insurers, he handed over a cheque for the amount of the damage before nine o'clock this morning, A notification to this effect is pasted up in the window of the Golden Cob.
Thursday 22 December 1898 Morning Post (Cairns, Qld.)
Thursday 22 December 1898 Morning Post (Cairns, Qld.)

We direct special attention to the price list issued by the Golden Cob Kash Store. Mr W. R. Dearnley, the enterprising proprietor, is extending his business week by week, and belore long his present premises will be too small to hold him. We make this prediction in the full confidence that it will be shortly realised.
Wednesday 4 January 1899 Morning Post (Cairns, Qld)
Yesterday forenoon a Chinaman was caught red-handed stealing goods from the front of the Golden Cob Cash Store. Mr Dearnley swore himself in on the spot as a special constable, and arrested John Chinaman in the act of carrying a sack containing drapery, boots, etc. The interest taken iii the proceedings was such as to make, one of the crowd wonder if the Gatton murderer had been arrested.
Wednesday 8 February 1899 Morning Post (Cairns, Qld)
Petitions have been filed in the following estates:-William Robert Dearnaley, trading as the " Cob Cash Grocery Store," of Cairns, storekeeper; liabilities, £922.
Thursday 21 December 1899 The Brisbane Courier (Qld.)
Wednesday 4 January 1899 Morning Post (Cairns, Qld)
Yesterday forenoon a Chinaman was caught red-handed stealing goods from the front of the Golden Cob Cash Store. Mr Dearnley swore himself in on the spot as a special constable, and arrested John Chinaman in the act of carrying a sack containing drapery, boots, etc. The interest taken iii the proceedings was such as to make, one of the crowd wonder if the Gatton murderer had been arrested.
Wednesday 8 February 1899 Morning Post (Cairns, Qld)
Petitions have been filed in the following estates:-William Robert Dearnaley, trading as the " Cob Cash Grocery Store," of Cairns, storekeeper; liabilities, £922.
Thursday 21 December 1899 The Brisbane Courier (Qld.)

in 1900 William Robert Dearnaley lived at Esplanade, Cairns, Queensland, Australia,
Queensland State Electoral Roll 1900
age: 28 occupation: merchant.
age: 28 occupation: merchant.

in 1903 William Robert Dearnaley lived at Stannary Hills, Queensland, Australia,
#36 Dearnaley, Charlotte Marion Martel domestic duties
#37 Dearnaley, William Robert clerk
Place Of Living: Stannary Hills
Polling Place: Stannary Hills
Division: Herbert
State: Queensland, Australia
Queensland, Australia, Electoral Roll 1903.
#37 Dearnaley, William Robert clerk
Place Of Living: Stannary Hills
Polling Place: Stannary Hills
Division: Herbert
State: Queensland, Australia
Queensland, Australia, Electoral Roll 1903.

in 1905 William Robert Dearnaley lived at Stannary Hills, Queensland, Australia,
occupation: clerk
Queensland State Electoral Roll 1905.
Queensland State Electoral Roll 1905.

William Robert Dearnaley died on 6 December 1909 at Spence Street, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, at age 39 years, 1 month and 8 days
Rather sudden and unexpected came to the townspeople yesterday mourning the sad news of the death of Mr. W. R. Dearnley, draper, of Spence Street. The deceased gentleman had been ailing for some time past. and on Sunday was conveyed from his residence to the hospital, where he passed away yesterday morning, his death being due to failure of the heart's action due to malaria from which the deceased had then suffering for some time.
The late Mr. Dearnley was well known throughout the district, having been in business at Mount Molloy during the good times at that centre. He leaves a wife and two young children. The funeral takes place this forenoon.
Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909-1954) Tuesday 7 December 1909.
Rather sudden and unexpected came to the townspeople yesterday mourning the sad news of the death of Mr. W. R. Dearnley, draper, of Spence Street. The deceased gentleman had been ailing for some time past. and on Sunday was conveyed from his residence to the hospital, where he passed away yesterday morning, his death being due to failure of the heart's action due to malaria from which the deceased had then suffering for some time.
The late Mr. Dearnley was well known throughout the district, having been in business at Mount Molloy during the good times at that centre. He leaves a wife and two young children. The funeral takes place this forenoon.
Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909-1954) Tuesday 7 December 1909.

William Robert Dearnaley was buried on 7 December 1909 at Cairns Cemetery, Cairns, Queensland, Australia,
Children of William Robert Dearnaley and Charlotte Maria Hartill Butler
- Margaret Winifred Dearnaley b. 28 Oct 1902
- Dorothy Gladys Dearnaley b. 6 Jun 1909, d. 1 Jan 2003