- Terry
Ann b. 1837, d. 1918Frances b. 1783, d. 1855Herbert H b. about 1910Jonas b. about 1781, d. 1850Nellie b. about 1912Susannah Ellen b. 1827, d. about 1914
- Terwilliger
Carl b. 1914Elva Grace b. 1916, d. 2005
- Tessier
Simone M b. 1915
- Thacker
Lily Irene b. about 1912, d. 2008
- Thackeray
Dorothy Maud b. 1921, d. 2011John b. about 1919
- Thackerley
Frances b. about 1772William b. about 1779, d. 1804
- Thackrah
Hannah b. 1835, d. 1928William b. 1837, d. 1900
- Thackray
Alice b. 1839Charles b. 1851Ellen b. 1839, d. about 1903Frederic b. 1836Hannah b. about 1831Hannah b. 1835, d. 1928James b. 1830, d. about 1903John b. 1815Mary b. 1816Thomas b. 1845Wallice b. 1843William b. 1837, d. 1900
- Thawley
Ada b. 1889George b. about 1852, d. before 1915John b. 1880
- the Blessed
- Thewlis
Betty b. 1927Charles b. 1819Elizabeth b. 1845, d. about 1880Emma b. 1842Harold b. 1918Harriet Emma b. 1895, d. about 1975Joan b. 1925Norman b. 1893Roy b. 1921
- Thickett
Dorothy E b. 1913
- Thomas
Allan Gordon b. about 1899Anne b. about 1899Annette Maureen b. 1951, d. 2005Catherine b. 1859Eliza b. 1861, d. about 1938Elizabeth b. about 1864Ellen b. 1888Geneva b. about 1912Lillian b. about 1864Lillie b. about 1864Magnolia b. about 1915May b. 1919, d. 1985Nancy b. about 1883Nancy b. 1926, d. 2006
Ruby b. 1900
William b. about 1918 - Thompson
Agnes b. 1889Agnes Isabella b. 1910Alice b. 1880
Amelia A b. 1885, d. 1964
Anne b. 1827Annie b. 1891
Betty b. 1922, d. 1995Clarice b. 1920, d. 2001Doris b. about 1894Doris Elizabeth b. 1922, d. 1995Dorothy Ethel M b. 1898, d. about 1976Edgar William b. 1921, d. 1992Eliza b. 1821Eliza Ann b. 1889Elizabeth b. about 1793Elizabeth b. 1821Elizabeth b. 1844, d. about 1885Ellyne b. 1609Ethel b. 1888, d. about 1934Florence Mabel b. 1909, d. 1981Florence Zara b. 1870, d. 1950Frederick Archer b. 1922, d. 1985
George b. 1850Hannah b. 1879Harold b. 1886 - Thompson (cont.)
Harold b. about 1899, d. about 1910Harold John Charles b. 1914, d. 2002Henry James b. 1885, d. 1959Irene M b. 1919, d. 1999Isaac b. 1802Isabella E b. 1875Ivan b. 1917James b. 1832James b. 1838James b. 1845James b. 1865Jane b. 1854Janet b. 1877, d. about 1931John b. about 1858, d. before 1909John b. 1859John b. 1881John Harold Charles b. 1914, d. 2002John Stephen b. about 1878, d. about 1929John Stephen b. 1909, d. about 1972Joseph b. 1857Joseph E b. 1883Joseph Henry b. 1890Joyce Pauline b. 1928, d. about 1993Kezia b. 1886, d. about 1966Lillias Bell b. about 1878
- Thompson (cont.)
Maria b. about 1840Mary b. 1900Mary Ann b. 1829Mary Jane b. 1865Peter b. 1881Peter Jnr b. 1911Raymond James b. 1916, d. 1989Reuben b. about 1869Robert b. about 1608Robert b. about 1849Samuel b. about 1868Sarah b. 1815Selina Emma b. 1842, d. about 1901Silvana b. 1842, d. about 1896Silvanues b. 1842, d. about 1896Silvanus b. 1842, d. about 1896Silvenas b. 1842, d. about 1896Sydney b. about 1894Sylvana b. 1842, d. about 1896Sylvanus b. 1842, d. about 1896Thomas b. 1876Thomas W b. about 1899Vera b. 1908Violet b. 1884, d. about 1968William b. about 1793
- Thompson (cont.)
William Edward b. 1853William Gordon b. about 1908William Morrison b. about 1883
- Thomson
Elizabeth b. 1844, d. about 1885Helen b. about 1826James b. 1845John b. 1881Margaret b. about 1700Robert b. about 1608Robert b. about 1825Selina Emma b. 1842, d. about 1901William b. about 1883
- Thomspon
John H b. 1881
- Thope
Elizabeth A b. 1878Maria b. 1855, d. 1914
- Thorburn
Annie Spiers b. about 1841Mary Robertson b. about 1815, d. 1893Mary Spiers b. 1844, d. 1918William Lang b. about 1815
- Thorne
Anna b. 1740Dorothy Kate b. 1902, d. about 1979Eleanor b. about 1714Ellenn b. 1737Hannah b. 1746Hester b. 1745Jeanette D b. 1933John b. 1717John F b. 1938Kate Eliza b. 1874, d. 1920Mary b. 1736Maurice E b. 1926Maurice William b. 1901Philip E b. 1930
- Thorneley
John b. about 1785Samuel b. about 1813Sarah b. 1825
- Thornell
Anne b. 1650Unknown b. about 1649
- Thornely
Ann b. 1819Thomas b. 1818William b. about 1790
- Thornes
Eliza b. 1825, d. about 1882
- Thornhill
Anne b. 1650Unknown b. about 1649
- Thorniley
Hannah b. about 1699
- Thornley
Alice b. 1860Alice b. 1863Anne b. 1890Dorothy Muriel b. 1914, d. 2001Elizabeth b. 1834Elizabeth b. 1870Ellen b. 1857George Taylor b. 1892, d. 1971Hannah b. about 1865James b. 1894, d. 1970John b. 1860John Hill b. 1908, d. 1994Lemuel b. 1835Luke b. 1835, d. 1910Margaret b. 1859, d. 1938Margaret b. about 1905Mary b. about 1806Mary b. 1834Roland b. about 1914Rowland b. about 1914Samuel b. about 1806Samuel b. 1835Sarah Ellener b. 1891, d. 1943Tom b. 1862Wilbraham b. 1868
- Thorns
Eliza b. 1825, d. about 1882John b. about 1798
- Thornton
Emanuel b. about 1652Frances b. 1852, d. about 1909Ignatius Brook b. about 1797Jane b. 1826John b. 1822John b. about 1825
- Thorp
Amelia b. 1868Ann b. about 1815Ann b. 1844, d. about 1914Betty b. 1817, d. about 1839Charles b. about 1816Connie b. about 1915Eleinor b. about 1787Ellen b. about 1875Evelyn b. 1908Frank b. 1907, d. 1918Frederick Henry b. 1898, d. about 1996Grace Booth b. about 1842Harold b. 1906, d. about 1988Hilda b. 1906Jack b. 1904, d. about 1971Joe Dearnley b. about 1878, d. about 1950John b. 1870Jonathan b. 1815, d. 1870Joseph b. about 1787Kathleen b. about 1912Martha b. about 1882Mary Ann b. about 1879Mary Matilda b. about 1872Nellie b. about 1875Nellie b. about 1911
- Thorp (cont.)
Ruth Agusta b. about 1868Sarah b. 1866Sarah Ann b. 1843, d. 1895Thomas Henry b. 1845, d. about 1894William b. 1880
- Thorpe
Amelia b. 1868Ann b. 1812Ann b. about 1815Ann b. 1844, d. about 1914Betty b. 1817, d. about 1839Donald b. about 1923Edith b. 1897Eliza b. 1839, d. 1915Ellen b. about 1875Frederick Henry b. 1898, d. about 1996Henry b. about 1812Joe b. about 1878, d. about 1950Joe Dearnley b. about 1878, d. about 1950John b. about 1852Jonathan b. 1815, d. 1870Martha b. about 1882Martha Ann b. 1861Mary M b. about 1872Nora b. 1924, d. about 1971Ruth A b. about 1868Sarah b. 1866Thomas Henry b. 1845, d. about 1894William b. 1880
- Threlfall
Ann b. 1800, d. 1867Anne b. 1800, d. 1867Margaret b. about 1772Richard b. about 1772
- Thrift
Elspeth b. about 1688, d. before 1721
- Thrush
Elsie Lucy b. 1895, d. about 1975
- Thulfall
Ann b. 1800, d. 1867
- Thuringians
Basina b. 398
- Thurley
Abraham b. 1691Alice b. 1686Alice b. 1775Ann b. 1701, d. after 1733Ann b. 1730, d. after 1767Ann b. 1732Anne b. 1632Anne b. about 1650, d. after 1707Elizabeth b. about 1623Elizabeth b. 1638Isabel b. 1603Isabel b. 1640John b. 1623John b. 1645Joseph b. 1706Joseph b. 1730Margaret b. 1630Richard b. 1688, d. about 1696Richard b. 1696Thomas b. 1636Thomas b. 1650Thomas b. 1700Thomas b. 1733William b. about 1600William b. 1648
- Thursbee
Emma b. about 1838, d. 1872James b. 1842
- Thurshee
Emma b. about 1838, d. 1872James b. 1842William b. about 1814, d. before 1964
- Thursu
James b. 1842
- Tibbert
George William b. between 1848 and 1853, d. 1903Hannah Dearnley b. 1842John b. 1803
- Tickelpenny
Mary Jane b. about 1846
- Ticklepenny
Elizabeth b. 1817Mary Jane b. about 1846Unknown b. about 1815, d. before 1891
- Tickner
Kathleen Florence b. 1899, d. 1977
- Tiddle
Norah b. 1923, d. about 2002
- Tighe
Winifred b. 1905, d. about 1973Winifred Ellen b. 1905, d. about 1973
- Till
Alice Maud b. 1869Alice Maude b. 1869John b. about 1806Mary b. 1806
- Timbrell
Vera Margaret b. 1913, d. 1994
- Timmins
Nellie b. 1912Patricia Ann b. 1934Walter b. 1911
- Timperley
Bridget b. about 1831Ella F b. 1859, d. 1933Harriet b. 1899, d. about 1975Joseph b. about 1831
- Timplee
Elizabeth b. about 1602, d. 1634
- Tindell
Elizabeth Susan b. 1833, d. 1874
- Tiner
Delila b. 1846Melvina b. 1873, d. 1955Melviney S b. 1873, d. 1955Melvinia b. 1873, d. 1955Sara Melvina b. 1873, d. 1955William J b. 1843
- Tinkelhoy
Eva b. about 1873, d. 1946Shira b. about 1873, d. 1946
- Tinker
Alice b. about 1900, d. 1976Amy E b. 1894, d. 1948Ann b. 1829Arnold b. 1895, d. 1980Edith b. 1896, d. 1977Elizabeth b. 1796Elizabeth b. 1832Elizabeth Ann b. about 1868Ellen b. about 1867, d. 1905Ernest b. 1897, d. 1952Frances b. about 1763Frank b. 1880Fred b. 1873, d. 1940Fred b. 1903, d. 1965George b. about 1763George b. 1825George Henry b. 1866, d. 1935George Henry b. about 1909Gladys b. 1912, d. 1996Gwendolen Mary b. about 1905Gwendoline b. 1926, d. about 1970Hannah b. 1789, d. about 1871Hannah b. 1880, d. 1952Harriet b. 1821Ivy Rosie b. 1909, d. 1992
- Tinker (cont.)
James b. 1793James b. 1844, d. about 1880James Edward b. 1906, d. 1907Jane b. 1826Jane A b. 1905Jean E b. 1924Jinnie b. about 1897John b. 1788John b. 1835John Delve b. 1926John Edward b. 1868John Edward b. 1914, d. 1977Kathleen b. 1916, d. 1955Lena b. 1908Lydia b. about 1755, d. 1783Mabel b. 1911, d. 1954Margaret R M b. about 1914Maria b. about 1832, d. about 1856Maria b. 1870, d. 1935Mary Elizabeth b. 1876, d. 1949Mary Hannah Beatrice b. about 1880Phillis Margaret b. 1907, d. 1985Phyllis b. 1844, d. 1911Phyllis Margaret b. 1907, d. 1985Sally b. 1818, d. 1887
- Tinker (cont.)
Sarah b. 1739, d. 1781Sarah b. 1868Wilfred b. about 1905William b. 1823, d. 1891