- Tinkleroit
Eva b. about 1873, d. 1946
- Tinner
John b. about 1863Mary Eliza b. 1890, d. about 1969
- Titley
Emily b. about 1857
Emily b. 1877
- Tittley
(?) b. about 1874Matilda Caroline b. 1874, d. about 1962
- Todd
David b. 1900Elizabeth b. about 1501Harold b. 1932Janet Luetta b. 1901, d. 1981Jhon b. about 1473Jhon b. about 1508Joan b. about 1526, d. about 1604Johan b. about 1473John b. about 1473John b. about 1508Sylvester b. about 1501William b. about 1505
- Toennies
Mildred Adrian d. 1955
- Toledo
Adelaide b. 1901John Toledo b. about 1873Mercades Monte b. about 1874
- Toll
Alfred Cox b. 1893, d. 1979Alfred Coxe b. 1893, d. 1979Estella b. 1899Kathryn Anna b. 1928, d. 1999Rosa Emily b. about 1873
- Tolmie
Alexander b. 1815Alexander b. 1845Ann b. 1851, d. 1919Bella b. 1842, d. 1911Eliza b. 1816, d. between 1861 and 1871Isabella b. 1842, d. 1911James b. 1854Jane b. 1840, d. before 1847Jane b. 1847, d. 1895Janet b. 1859, d. 1922Jean b. 1847, d. 1895Jessie b. 1859, d. 1922Margaret b. about 1845Thomas b. 1856, d. 1925
- Tomkins
Sarah A b. 1898, d. about 1960
- Tomlinson
Annie Violet b. 1913, d. 1995Eileen b. 1939, d. 1943Harold b. 1907, d. 1982Jennifer Mary b. 1947, d. 1949John A b. 1881Lillian b. 1875Linnian b. 1875Madaline b. 1876, d. 1944Madeline Kate Dearnaley b. 1876, d. 1944Mary b. 1815Mary b. 1856, d. about 1901Norman Roger b. 1940, d. 2003Phyllis b. 1914, d. 2012Sarah J b. 1852Shirley b. 1936, d. 1939William b. about 1815William b. 1855, d. before 1888
- Tonantius
Ferreolus b. about 403Miss b. about 405Miss b. about 429
- Tonks
Jane b. 1816Noah b. 1836
- Toole
Mary b. 1887
- Tooley
Arthur William John b. 1886Louisa M b. 1887Mary Ann b. 1856, d. about 1934William Robert b. 1850, d. 1931
- Toon
Elsie May b. 1894, d. 1977Leonard b. 1896Lizzie b. 1872Samuel b. 1866
- Tordoff
Ada Helena b. about 1877Elizabeth b. about 1846John b. 1874Uriah b. about 1846
- Torkington
Eliza b. 1860, d. about 1861Elizabeth b. 1836Ellen b. about 1838, d. about 1863Irene b. 1925, d. about 1999Ralph b. about 1925Richard b. 1834
- Tosh
May b. about 1881
- Touboulic
Annie b. about 1924, d. about 1948John b. about 1944, d. about 1948John L b. about 1922
- Tovey
Enoch b. about 1856Florence b. about 1884, d. about 1924
- Towers
Jane b. about 1905
- Towndrow
Joseph b. about 1827Mary b. 1828
- Towne
Harry b. about 1895Libby b. 1956, d. 2011Margaret Darnley b. 1923, d. 2013Maurice Makey b. 1923, d. 1992Morris b. 1923, d. 1992O Elizabeth b. 1956, d. 2011Olive b. about 1895
- Townend
Alfred b. 1904Elizabeth Charlesworth b. about 1898Ethel b. 1901Frank b. about 1862Hannah b. 1845Hannah Jackson b. 1869, d. about 1943Henry b. 1813, d. before 1864Jane b. 1848Mary b. 1819Mary Ellen b. 1874Ruth b. 1850Sarah b. 1843William b. 1875
- Townley
Charles b. 1848Elizabeth b. 1810Elizabeth b. 1834Emma b. 1836John b. 1790Napolean b. 1846, d. about 1869Napoleon b. 1846, d. about 1869Sarah b. 1840
- Townsend
George b. about 1908Marjorie May b. about 1909
- Tozier
Cecile Mildred b. 1919, d. 2002George David b. 1919, d. 2005
- Tracey
Catherine b. 1883, d. about 1971
- Tracy
Catherine b. 1883, d. about 1971
- Trail
Mary b. about 1852
- Tranter
Alma b. 1936, d. about 1985
- Travess
Alice b. 1640Elizabeth b. about 1670, d. about 1730Ellen b. about 1620, d. about 1669Jonathan b. about 1620, d. after 1651Jonathan b. about 1650, d. about 1681Jonathan b. 1675Mary b. about 1650, d. after 1676
- Travis
Ada b. 1888, d. about 1940
Albert b. 1885, d. about 1959Albert b. 1913David b. about 1715, d. about 1771Eleanor b. about 1758Elizabeth b. about 1600, d. after 1629Elizabeth b. 1623Isaac b. about 1605Jack b. 1918Jane b. 1628Jonathan b. 1606Marie b. about 1607Mary b. about 1575, d. after 1608Mary b. 1620Rafe b. between 1575 and 1585Sarah b. about 1715, d. about 1744Sarah b. 1739, d. about 1808Thomas b. between 1595 and 1600Unknown b. about 1886 - Treble
Emily Ellen b. 1894
- Tree
Ann b. 1807Anne Maria b. about 1771, d. 1861Cornelius b. 1764, d. 1829
Eleanora b. 1805, d. 1880
Ellen b. 1805, d. 1880
Martha b. 1795 - Treharne
Gwilym b. about 1885Sarah b. 1890
- Treitt
Susannah b. about 1716Thomas b. about 1720
- Tribbeck
Lillian May b. 1913, d. 1996
- Trick
Michael b. 1916
- Trickey
Anne Elizabeth b. 1847, d. about 1892Bessie Annie b. 1871Joseph William b. 1842, d. 1872
- Trimby
Roselyn b. 1916Roslyn May b. 1916
- Trumbull
Jane b. 1877William b. about 1875
- Trussler
Annie Lilian b. 1890, d. about 1961Hilary Grace b. 1923Joan M b. about 1920Joseph b. about 1889, d. before 1939Ronald J b. 1921, d. about 1987
- Trustram
Ann b. 1732
- Tuck
Michael b. 1916
- Tucker
Edith Florence b. 1887, d. 1971Edna b. 1920, d. about 1973Estelle b. 1918, d. 1975Frederick W b. about 1920George b. about 1887Kathleen Elaine b. 1924, d. 1975Robert Carson b. 1914Shirley b. 1950, d. 1980William Kirby b. 1923, d. 2007
- Tulip
Doreen Betty b. 1929, d. 2008
- Tulley
Alfred b. 1899Anna b. 1861Annie b. 1908Charles Alfred b. about 1907, d. about 1985Ernest Harmon b. 1883, d. about 1960Ernie b. 1883, d. about 1960Evelyn b. 1902Grace Hilda b. 1885Grace Nellie b. 1914Leonora Eva b. 1908, d. 1991Nellie b. 1914Reginald Ernest Harman b. 1905, d. 1974Robert Powell b. 1936, d. 2002William Thomas b. 1859
- Tunks
Noah b. 1836
- Tunnah
Alice Lilian b. 1904, d. 1984Frank O b. about 1902
- Tunstall
Annie Elizabeth b. about 1900Arthur b. about 1904Louisa b. about 1868, d. about 1933Roger b. 1868, d. about 1937Roger b. about 1908
- Turley
Albert b. 1854Ann b. 1808Ann b. about 1836Eliza Jane b. 1836Elizabeth b. 1840, d. 1923Emma b. 1847Jeremiah b. 1807
- Turnbull
Adam b. 1813Isabella b. about 1793, d. before 1833Jane b. 1877William b. about 1875
- Turner
Alfred b. 1842Ann b. about 1754Annie Dorcas b. 1904Arthur Dearnley b. 1896Charles Joseph b. 1898Clara Emmeline b. 1888, d. about 1962Dick b. 1853Edith b. 1907Elizabeth b. 1813Elizabeth b. 1879Elizabeth A b. 1900Elizabeth Harriet b. 1893, d. about 1970Elsie b. 1900Emily b. 1878Ethel Elizabeth b. 1904Florence b. 1904Florence Annie b. 1870Frank b. 1849George b. 1862John Frederick b. 1877Jonas b. 1839Joseph b. about 1787Joseph b. about 1856Joseph b. 1860Joseph b. 1898
- Turner (cont.)
Joshua b. about 1860Lydia A b. 1876Marian b. 1874Martha A b. 1844Martha Agnes b. 1891, d. about 1976Mary b. 1816, d. 1867Mary b. 1833Nicholson b. 1848Phoebe b. 1875Richard b. 1813Richard b. about 1863, d. before 1916Robert b. about 1787Robert b. about 1831, d. before 1881Rosina b. 1884, d. 1962Ruth E b. 1846Samuel b. 1841Sarah b. about 1787Sarah b. about 1822Sarah b. between 1836 and 1840, d. 1889Sarah b. 1875Susannah b. 1856Thomas b. about 1785Thomas Henry b. 1837, d. 1839Walter J b. 1901, d. about 1942
- Turpin
Alfred Andrew b. about 1867, d. 1905Dick b. 1897, d. 1977Flora b. 1888, d. 1954Heather Sarah b. 1935, d. 2007Lucy b. 1867, d. 1952Lucy b. about 1900Richard Robert b. 1897, d. 1977Sal b. 1935, d. 2007Sarah Ann b. about 1900, d. about 1929
- Turton
Ellen b. 1881, d. 1955Herbert b. about 1850Joyce A b. 1938Marion b. about 1903Muriel Louie b. 1907Nellie b. 1893Stanley b. 1904Walter b. 1878, d. 1956
- Turver
Anna b. 1792, d. 1868Charles Albert b. 1860Charlotte b. 1822, d. 1880Charlotte Ann b. about 1849Elizabeth b. 1805Elizabeth b. 1847, d. about 1909George b. 1775George b. 1855Hannah b. about 1766, d. 1832Hannah b. 1792, d. 1868Hannah b. 1842James b. 1768James b. 1783, d. between 1861 and 1871James b. 1815, d. 1887James b. 1858Jane b. 1845John b. 1744John b. 1766, d. 1843Mary b. 1742Mary b. 1783, d. between 1851 and 1861Mary b. 1818Sabina b. 1813, d. 1815Sabina b. 1853Timothy b. 1770
- Tusker
Hannah b. 1823
- Tuson
Alice b. 1905Enoch b. 1863, d. about 1940Hannah b. 1888Mary Alice b. 1866, d. about 1942May b. 1899Walter b. 1892
- Tute
Joyce Patricia b. 1932, d. 2020
- Tutt
Gwendoline Florence b. 1913, d. about 1978Herbert Edward John b. 1912, d. about 1975
- Tuxford
Daisy Annie b. 1892, d. about 1982John b. about 1864, d. before 1915
- Twelftree
Elizabeth b. 1717
- Twibell
Carrie b. 1908, d. 2003
- Twigg
Alfred S b. 1894Ann b. about 1767Edna Margaret b. 1920Elizabeth Maria b. 1899
- Twinn
Sarah b. 1872, d. 1936
- Twitt
Hazel Amelia b. 1908, d. 2002William John b. 1904, d. 1982
- Tyas
Emma b. 1900, d. about 1978
- Tyldsley
Horace b. 1892Sadie b. 1896
- Tynan
Ada b. about 1892, d. about 1923Ellen b. 1865, d. between 1911 and 1945Ernest b. 1900Fred b. about 1895Frederick b. about 1895Harold b. about 1888, d. about 1889Harry b. 1894Michael Henry b. about 1836Michael Henry b. 1866, d. about 1907Nellie b. about 1902Thomas b. about 1890, d. about 1891William b. about 1898, d. about 1918
- Tyne
Madge b. 1903Martha Annie b. 1880William Henry b. 1881
- Tyrie
Sheila M b. about 1940, d. 2016
- Tyrpyn
Alice b. about 1540John b. about 1520, d. 1545John b. about 1542Jone b. about 1520Thomas b. about 1538
- Tyson
Henry b. about 1837Phoebe b. 1833, d. about 1884
- Udy
Hetty b. 1874
- Umpleby
Annie b. 1857
- Underhill
Agnes Susannah b. 1840, d. 1916
- Underwood
Joanna Catherine b. about 1805, d. 1842Margaret Rebecca b. 1917, d. 2014Susannah b. about 1804, d. 1900Thomas b. about 1804William b. about 1799
- Unknown
(?) b. about 1825(?) b. about 1830(?) b. about 1831(?) b. about 1836(?) b. about 1838(?) b. about 1863(?) b. about 1882(?) b. about 1904(?) b. about 1909Barbara b. about 1940, d. about 2000Dorothea b. about 1650Dorothy b. about 1650Dorothy May b. 1904Ena b. about 1920, d. before 2014Evelyn Myrtle b. 1923, d. 2011Grace b. about 1813Jane b. between 1786 and 1791Jean b. about 1933, d. before 2009Julia May b. about 1919Mary Jane b. about 1862Sarah b. about 1765Unknown b. about 1596Unknown b. about 1792Unknown b. about 1808Unknown b. about 1820
- Unknown (cont.)
Unknown b. about 1822Unknown b. about 1822Unknown b. about 1824Unknown b. about 1830Unknown b. about 1845